Substance Painter: Baking High to Low Poly
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Steve's Tutorials
Views: 75,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap, contrast, rgb, UE4, unreal, engine, four, materials, texturing, textures, texture, material, UV, advanved, basic, Unreal, Unreal Engine (Video Game Engine Family), Shooter Game (Media Genre), item, props, assets, level, design, graphics, awesome, Animation, Demo, Reel, how to, making, creating, game, CrazyBump, crazy, bump, UDK, advanced, advance, expert, tutorial, two, sides, grass, leaves, wind, foliage, elements, lamberts, timelapse, time, lapse, Substance, High, Low, Poly
Id: Ij6Oh2IItGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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