Blender: Hide/Unhide/Hide all but selected

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then we're going to be looking at how to hide unhide and then also hide everything but the object you've got selected let's say I wanted to work in this building back here and I wanted like the tiles which is a separate mesh to be hidden I can select those and then press h and that will hide those roof tiles if I want these roof tiles to come back let's see I've hit a couple of things and let's say I want all those objects to come back I can press alt H and that will bring those back if I want to hide everything but the object I've got selected I can select that object and press shift H and it will hide everything but the object I've got selected
Channel: Steve's Tutorials
Views: 863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap, contrast, rgb, UE4, unreal, engine, four, materials, texturing, textures, texture, material, UV, advanved, basic, Unreal, Unreal Engine (Video Game Engine Family), Shooter Game (Media Genre), item, props, assets, level, design, graphics, awesome, Animation, Demo, Reel, how to, making, creating, game, CrazyBump, crazy, bump, UDK, advanced, advance, expert, tutorial, two, sides, grass, leaves, wind, foliage, elements, lamberts, timelapse, time, lapse, blender, gamedev, tip, hint, tips, hints
Id: uLj8prKckS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 36sec (36 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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