Blender: Randomize Transforms

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today I'm going to show you how to turn this so stack of books into stack of books like this now you can go about doing it manually so you can start like moving them placing them stuff like that however if you just select the entire stack go object go transform and then go randomized transform we get this little menu that appears here we turn that up it will start moving a think in complete Randomness and if we go down to rotation here we can rotate them a bit too and if we go scale I'll slightly scale it as well so they change a little bit in shape there we go
Channel: Steve's Tutorials
Views: 4,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap, contrast, rgb, UE4, unreal, engine, four, materials, texturing, textures, texture, material, UV, advanved, basic, Unreal, Unreal Engine (Video Game Engine Family), Shooter Game (Media Genre), item, props, assets, level, design, graphics, awesome, Animation, Demo, Reel, how to, making, creating, game, CrazyBump, crazy, bump, UDK, advanced, advance, expert, tutorial, two, sides, grass, leaves, wind, foliage, elements, lamberts, timelapse, time, lapse, blender, gamedev, tip, hint, tips, hints
Id: 0_Ev7iPvAc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 41sec (41 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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