Substance 3D Livestream 2021

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thank you [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um [Music] it's [Music] good [Music] outer morning all this movement that we brought up [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right here we are for this uh uh live uh live stream so uh welcome everyone uh i hope you enjoyed that video i i did for um for a fact it's amazing to see uh the usage of uh the substance line of tools um in in so many areas like video games obviously visual effects but also uh fashion also architecture also industrial design at large uh it's it's amazing to see um uh the the the law how how much the large spectrum it is um in in the use cases of of substance uh overall so i want to extend a big thank to uh the the industries and the users and the community and um that's who for their usage of our tools so it's always good to be here so it's been quite some time where i haven't been talking to you directly so i'm very happy um today to be uh to be uh here again i think last last one was uh in january i i i in fact and so it's good to be to be back here um so i will say only a few words uh about the fact that uh um i want to mainly thank the community uh for two reasons one is um it's as i was saying it's amazing to see the the great uh art and the great work that everybody's doing using the tools that we produce and this is this is the best for us i mean as as tool makers are main like joy comes from the fact that uh we see so many uh incredible stuff being created with what we what we create ourselves so it's a it's a it's a great thing and then during the whole uh live stream you will see more of that and that's uh that's amazing uh also the second thing is i want to thank every uh customers of our customer of ours uh to to have been doing the transition from uh algorithmic so i'm talking about the texturing tools here but from algorithmic to to adobe uh when we joined uh the group obviously we we had to do some uh format of transition and and we're very very happy to see that uh all the all the i mean a lot last super large number of our users before still our users today and are following us in this new journey and so it's it's wonderful and we want to extend a big thank you here and again like um today we will go through a lot of uh uh features a lot of uh new um announcements that we would like to make uh and uh and hopefully you see that uh uh it's it's very alive we're very proud of what we're doing and very excited about the future also very excited about the past like this year this year only we released so many interesting new features like the the 3d warp in uh substance painter for instance uh the new gpu uh accelerated renderer and stager and all these new um staging functions and functionalities in stager as well uh sampler went through a full redesign and you will you will see more today and of course the parametric assets and parametric meshes uh building in designer is is amazing and all the content that you've seen in the video as well and has been produced we've never been so uh actually active uh even though the circumstances are such that we all work from home again and uh we're we have to go through all this but so i want to extend also a big thank you to the to the team and uh and um and now i guess it's time to to get into the the meat of it so i just wanted to say uh say thank you welcome and uh you will uh be in the in good hands now with the the amazing panel that we that we've gathered to to show you uh uh all the interesting stuff that that are coming thank you so wes i guess it's uh it's you now great thank you seb and hello everyone we are so glad to have you here with us today we have the product teams and the art and development team on the live stream we have vincent marie casimir vladimir are in the chat so feel free to ask questions we're also going to have a live q a session after the show so our speakers today will be uh well of course sebastian and we're going to have jeremy who will be giving general updates kelly will be highlighting art from the community valeria will provide updates around the latest painter release and jeanette will provide updates around the latest stage release and lydia will provide updates to the substance modeler private beta and as this tradition we're going to kick things off with stunning artwork from our community so take it away kelly when you're ready hi everyone i'm super happy to be here with you today to showcase some of the incredible work from our community as seb said this really drives us as product developers so we're always excited to see what you're creating um and some of these creations were produced in partnership with my team art development so let's take a look and um i'm not seeing the slides yet so there they are there they are all right we got it um all right so first we have the pro-x spacecraft by guessing um and i always love to see a good ship concept um especially um you know the details that show how this ship could actually function if it were real um like the engine thrusters on the back which um i think is a nice detail gives you a quick understanding of how this thing would work um and next we have nico by steva um we always love eugene's work he's been a partner of ours for many years and we actually just use some of his stuff for a fashion event um excuse me and i really love the fabric folds on his work uh and especially the poses that he makes with his humans i think that this is a very fashion forward type of work um yeah and of course the the transition from kind of a marble to a real world fabric texture is incredible um and next we have the guitar pedal by daniel santos and i love this too it's like something you know that would be real i love the rubber texture the wear and tear you just really want to reach out and stomp on it with your with your foot um it's a gorgeous it's a gorgeous texture dab by daniel and next we have ruinous opulence by stefan de quinoa um and what i love the most about this one is the real luminous skin that we have here and the kind of contrast between like light and dark it actually reminds me a lot of the uh ophelia painting i'm forgetting the name of the artist but but i just love this it's a real moody feel with a lot of emotion behind it and next we have alfred hitchcock's rear window scene this is by thomas rupaul kobayashi um he recreated the the set of rear window um the amazing movie by alfred hitchcock if you haven't seen it you should watch it um i love seeing this it actually uh he produced this on unreal i just want to get a man walk around love it makes me want to re-watch the movie um and next we have rudu city by chiang il uh i love the dark atmosphere here and the kind of smoggy sky and the snoggy atmosphere here um and next we have keyboard for space communication by neil hawari um i can't get enough of these kind of like retro uh electronics that have lots of wear and tear um this one in particular um just i just love the numbers every time i look at it there's something you know more interesting to see um next we have boat diorama by ali mashacha the concept is by mike azavedo i can't get enough of these dioramas like these kind of like subtle animated things that people are doing bright colorful you want to reach in and grab it um i know i keep saying that but those are the textures and materials that appeal the most to me where i just want to jump in and be in that scene um this one's called fishing at the old chapel by victoria zav haradnia and the concept is by lorenzo la franconi um another gorgeous bright beautiful land um this feels very fantasy almost like a game a game island that i would that i would journey to um and this is an unreal using painter and designer um and this one i absolutely love this is a collaboration that we did with stephanie creek it's called mother and calf um the incredible pose that we have here with the trunk wrapping around the baby and it's just hyper realistic and we don't see a lot of that a lot of things we see are a lot more fantasy driven which is absolutely great but it was just a nice breath of fresh air to see these kind of dark you know realistic textures in a piece and next we have the queen and her pet by glaucolonki this is another collaboration we did um i absolutely love this queen i think she's amazing i love her slug pet draped around her neck like a scarf with lots of drool and and uh energy hair i love this woman um and next we have the paris street by silke vander smithson this is gorgeous lighting mood and i'm loving these renders that we're seeing everywhere where it looks like a still picture but there's a really subtle animation or effects or effects inside the scene with these leaves falling i just think this is absolutely stunning and finally we have the water temple scene by sergey penin and the concept is by eddie mendoza um this is a totally insane moody scene i love it i love the warmth inside the building and how it transitions to the crazy stormy cold outside during the cinematic um gorgeous gorgeous work by sergey and that is it for me and it's always like i said always super incredibly inspiring to see what you guys are creating with our tools um can't wait to collaborate with more of you and you keep us going with our tool development so thanks again and uh back to you thank you so much kelly that was awesome i mean the artwork is just so inspiring that's that always has to be the best part of the show is just seeing all of the work from the community and just you know all of the creativity that that's out there it's it's like i said it's quite inspiring uh also kelly's so great to have you here on the live stream i have to say it's a great honor to be able to work with you on a daily basis as well so with that said uh jeremy let's uh let's hear from you i think you have some really cool general updates for us take it away man zoom let me unmute myself i can actually talk hi guys um i have updates for you and uh first we'll start with um just if you want to see more content um we we saw this amazing artwork that was showing um and we have that um amazing team uh at fruity and i adobe that really uh goes out of their way to find really cool articles and uh very cool user stories to to bring to you guys and so we have this magazine on the website i have tons and tons of these very inspiring articles about game movies product design all kind of footy work i already invite you to go take a look at those as well also a quick reminder that adobe max took place last month and you can still access the labs and sessions that were around 3d uh for free on the max website there's about 16 of them uh you can go go look at some really cool workshops and sessions from people from the team and also from uh customers another thing to uh just call so is that we're switching our newsletter we used to have a kind of a great newsletter i was switching to adobe newsletter with a new format and a few new changes um it's coming soon you can't yet register for it but just keep a look keep a lookout you'll be able soon to reach that new newsletter to be able to uh stay up to date with all the stuff that's coming to substance free all right though uh let's dive into the thick of it uh first let's talk about steam uh steam kind of holds a special place for us not only because a lot of us are gamers and have you know and this close number of games we have yet to play in our backlogs but also because that's where the substance community really started um it started you know back in uh 2013 uh where were these uh designer and then painter um in in 2014 on the platform and uh it was very bourbon then but the excitement around the ways of painter uh was one of the best pairs of algorithmic from for me and i'm sure for others uh we're already that community kind of built up around around these two apps so uh fast forward eight years and uh seventh version of painters on steam um and community is thriving and we're very happy with how things are going on steam so we figured um you know the more the merrier let's bring everybody on steam where it all started so starting november 24th in two days from now uh substance free sampler which is alchemist before and substance free stager will also be available on steam as perpetual licenses along painter and designers on november 24th you'll be able to purchase the 2022 versions of painter designer sampler and stager uh giving you access again to perpetual license with free updates until the end of 2022. also the four apps will be on sale and like previous years we'll have actual loyalty discount to upgrade to the new painter and designer for those of you who already have the previous version so um that's it for our big first announcement uh i can't see the chat right now but i'm i'm assuming uh people are happy to hear about this um i don't know wes if you can if you can see what's happening in the chat but we're super super excited uh to bring all those absence team yeah it's quite awesome jeremy yeah and like you said like it's just something we've wanted to do for so long and i think i saw some some um of the chat coming in was like oh they're gonna get rid of steam they're gonna get rid of steam and then all of a sudden people like wait what what what did he say you know so yes all of the apps all of the apps on steam that is awesome man really cool we're super happy about it cool um now we're actually going to look into the product updates we have as we said the 2022 versions of all these apps coming in um and so we have some some really cool stuff to show and the first thing we want to start with is the content so before going into the app let's start with the content and uh so we have some uh really really cool content coming up to the assets the assets platform and we have a few videos kind of show you some of the stuff that's coming to the platform so the first one here uh is a really really cool it's called bell islands i was created by the 3d asset team in the under the artistic direction of pier antoine mueller um and it's a collection of 150 new silent asset models and materials and are really really cool the second video is showcase some of the assets also that we have as more of a packaging a packaging collection coming up with again some really cool models and materials overall on the substance for the asset platform uh we now have more than ten thousand assets most of them parametric creating millions of potential variations since june we added thousands of 3d models with consistent poly count and pixel ratio unique uvs and clean quad-based sub-division-friendly topology something that you can really find um nowhere else all these assets can be used as is or modified to use in any kind of project commercial or personal project we also added environment stages so these are package lighting environments that have an ibl and those ipls are parametric which means that each light source in that ideal can be modified independently as well as um and so you can change the color and the intensity of each light separately and also these come with a set of high resolution backplates for each of these elements you can create very high quality realistic renderings we also have between now and the end of the year we'll add 1500 new 3d models and 250 new parametric materials to wrap up this asset section uh let's have a look at a brand new collaboration between the assets team and roland mahon showcasing some of the 800 now automotive assets materials and models we know how available on the platform and i will show that using a revamped version of our very own car design dx sound let's look at the video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was awesome um really amazing work on that on that um on that video with the new um remodeled car with the new inside the new interior uh looks really great so now let's switch to uh the community assets so uh last year we also launched uh a new version of our uh what was called shared before called community asset now and um as growing it's growing we have about 350 materials now 140 smart materials and since a couple of weeks we now support 3d models you can actually bring in uh your fbx gltf files you can upload them and uh share with the community as well as models and as well can also include textures if they come as a gltf so next up let's talk about substance redesigner the designer this year adds a huge update of course in june with the introduction of the 3d model graph creation um we have a new update coming up again on the 24 in two days from now 11.3 and there's a few cool features we want to call out uh you can now maximize any of the views um so if you just want to see your graph or just your 3d view you can quickly repress a button maximize or revert that uh you also have a shortcut to close all the packages at once that was something that was a little annoying before um the new graph window has seen some improvements with bigger better ux and more informations and of course we have improvements to the model graph itself uh you can actually preview a node while visualizing another one in the 3d view um and there's also new contents new nodes using uh the particle workflow shell projection uh some of the style we're going to show you uh in a few seconds and improve interrupt as well you can now send your parametric models from designer directly into stager which is amazing and you can also receive sbs nsbser from centers you can send those from sampler to um to designer and to show you a little bit more about about this version of designer um i think wes and the team uh prepared a little video so go ahead wes yeah thank you very much jeremy so the examples and workflows that you're about to see uh they were created by luke and celine from our team i just helped out with the voice over so i wanted to give a very special thanks to them for their work on this content we have added several new nodes in this update to substance 3d models let's dive in and take a look at some of these nodes starting with the addition of particles particles provide an easy way to visualize a point cloud as well as create distribution rules you can now generate a point cloud using the particle node you can create a single particle or generate a grid once you have generated the particles you can then instance geometry based on the point cloud here you can see that i am using the geometry instancing node with the particle node to scatter a primitive of course you can still generate a point cloud by extracting points from a surface or a curve we now have a node called particle pruning which allows you to remove particles using a volume in this example some of the roof tiles are removed using a sphere in this example of an led display volumes are used to separate the particles into on and off states these states are represented by two different materials we also added the generative transform node here i am supplying particles from the particle node as input each time we are generating a new particle the position of the new particle is based on the position of the previous particle so here you can see that 50 particles are created and they are being moved 10 units away from each other in addition every time a new particle is created it is being rotated which creates this curly line and now if i rotate on two different axes at the same time we get this spiral with this kind of transformation you can easily create some complex distribution rules to create some interesting and abstract designs here we have a more fractal based example with the organic pattern node you can distribute your particles using sequences such as fibonacci with this node you can easily create foliage in this example you can see various organic patterns combined and by playing with random rotation and scale you can get lots of variation since we are working procedurally simply adjusting the random seed allows you to get quick variation to your plants here you can see the new shell node in action to add thickness to your meshes this can be beneficial if you're creating meshes from scratch you can now send your substance 3d models directly to stager here i have this procedural wall frame and i'm going to send this asset over to my stager scene where i can continue to work with it procedurally all the assets and the stager scene were created internally by the art and development team you can see the asset was sent right to my open stager scene where i can now stage the prop also all the exposed parameters from the substance 3d model are available in stager for me to adjust now that the prop is set i can jump to my camera view and enable ray tracing with this release we are able to easily move from model creation to rendering with the push of a button all right thank you western team for the video uh it's always amazing to see all the cool stuff you can create that mode grab i actually wish i had more time to play with it um we also wanted to give a shout out some of our users who participated in in november for the past few weeks create new note based artwork every day uh so first we have this delicious cannibal from anastasia or chinca and uh we also have next up we have um it's really cool kind of chandelier cup uh from nuclear attention after a great use of displacement here just creating a simple texture on the silent and the cylinder and being able to extrude it to create an actual for the object uh we also love this little cute ladybug by emma savari from friends and uh since we're talking about notes we always love a good a good layout and a good graph so that graph is actually very neat for the complexity of the final result so again uh great job by emma savari and finally we have some amazing material work for by joe taylor with this kind of fields of strawberries and of wood logs again very realistic material ends and rendering so um again great job to all of you guys and hundreds of other people who've built this is participating in november on this past few weeks uh so next up we're going to go and look into what's in substance free sampler so uh sampler had an update uh back in september uh pretty big update actually where we introduced a new color picker that will be something that will come to all our apps it's already in temporary and painted and we'll come to the other apps later on um as well as uh svg support and also be able to edit in illustrator so you can send your pattern from sampler to illustrator and back very quickly which is very very useful especially for creating that kind of artwork you see on the right here uh you can also export the asm shader parameters values in this bscr which means you can create very complex materials with and translucency and subspace scattering and have those translate into your spscr when you bring it to other apps and also um we also added a way to change the normal format between opengl and directories which is something that was that was missing uh was having a small update allows you to send sbser to designer as we said earlier you can now send your material to designer and what's really exciting is we have another update coming uh later and that would be 3.2 we just wanted to to show you a quick preview of what's coming and especially uh the physical size which is a pretty big deal actually let's let's kind of roll the video so what happens here the physical side is when you create your material uh you can actually set a very actual physical sense you can measure the material you bring in whether it's a photo or a set of photos uh you can precisely measure and put that value in centimeters here so that sampler knows through your workflow what actual size that material is so which means that now if you um if we kind of it is a material and for the whole crop it as we crop that material to the right size the physical size will also be readjusted so you keep that um very real size um as you as you work on the material so now we're gonna do a few adjustments here gonna get rid of some of the artifacts we see from the scan uh we have uh the tiding here and again the tightening as we crop the material to tighten it a little bit the physical size will also update so it's always up to date and it's always the right size um and here we can make sure it looks good on our object then we can change the height scale so we'll change displacement when we're happy with it we can click on here to generate the actual depth now we have the width height and depth of the material all ready to go and all these informations will be stored in the sbs cr when you export it which means that if you bring that sbs cr into an app that actually supports the physical size um and in this case available chloe if you imported spssr and chloe the tiling of your material will automatically be adjusted to make sure it fits the actual real size of the object you apply onto so it's a huge tie saver because you don't have to manually tile and make sure everything looks right it will just look right by default uh that's it for assembler and uh back to west now thanks jeremy that was uh some awesome updates uh the model graph uh updates are actually quite awesome i did get to play with those some so that was really cool uh the physical size for sampler is is huge uh that's been a pretty big ask and it's pretty awesome how sampler is becoming just you know like a tool for just sampling the world around us uh i wonder where that's gonna go in the future you know if you think about it but uh with now we are going to uh toss it over to valeria who is going to be uh giving us some updates on substance painter to get away valeria well hello everyone and thank you wes my name is indeed valeria likewise said that hasn't changed since and i'm a product manager and a tech artist on the substance painter team so uh we've got quite a few cool things to show in this live stream so i'm just gonna jump right in and um you might probably know that we've released the 7.3 version of painter not that long ago uh in october actually and with the 7.4 coming out quite shortly it will mark two major releases in two weeks actually and uh why i mentioned this it's not just for bragging rights is because i really would like to commend and congratulate the team because as you might imagine it's been a lot of hard work uh to make this happen and a 7.3 is a rather recent release what i'll be do doing in my demo is demonstrating a couple of features from 7.3 as well as for the 7.4 now drumroll the main feature is color management via fix artists rejoice finally and since we're speaking of the elephant in the room and it's likely a very precisely pink color managed elephant let me show you where color management lives in painter so imagine if i'm creating a new project so control n will bring up my new project window and you'll see that we've got a new section here for color management and if i open it up right now i'm in color management legacy mode which means if i create my project nothing will change but if i actually open this menu i can switch to open color i o and it will give me the substance configuration or i can choose from the several aces configurations or custom and it will let me choose the configuration file if it's a custom configuration file now if you're using an environment viable that is set up by your td you don't really need to worry about it but otherwise you can actually fiddle with the other settings over here i'm not going to be creating a new project so i'm going to close that and what i've got here is a project called rt and rt was created well designed specifically by wes sculpted by geo and textured by jeffrey so there are our dev team and it well rt turned out pretty cute but don't tell me matt or they'll be jealous involved i'd say so right now rt is not a color managed project but i can turn him into one and how can i do this is by going to edit project configuration and there's a little hidden bit here which is color management and lo and behold it's pretty much the same menu that you saw in the new project settings so you can switch to whichever um legacy or output open color io setup that you'd like and you don't even need to restart your project just one important thing that i'd like to highlight before we move on is that in painter we store color management settings per project that way if you're juggling between two computers like especially these days home office and just regular office you won't lose what you worked on and your project will always remain with the same settings so let us close that down um i'll stop there for color management um i think that you if you would like to get more details on what's changed where to find things please uh keep a lookout for documentation it's going to be much more well much more and better explained than i just did now because i'm not a color management expert surprise um what i would like to talk about right now is one of the features of the 7.3 which is the warp projection and to help me do that i'm just going to find a resource here which is called the spray paint tag and what i'll do with this resource let us zoom on arty's head here i'm just going to grab it as it's a decal material and maintaining alt drag and drop it onto arty's head here so it is upside down and it is a text tag and i don't want it to be upside down so i'm gonna change two things i'm gonna go into presets and select crown and i do not want my crown to be upside down i am not dr seuss but there we go it rhymes so now our crown is turned the correct way so i'm just gonna bring it a little bit closer and you might have noticed that although it is a decal right now it has a slightly different mode so before decals were in planner projection mode and you can still make it so by going to the projection setting here and changing it to planner but we've decided to change with the release uh the decals to be in the warp projection mode just because it's a little bit more practical uh we thought that you can drag around the full projection but also you can edit separate points from it and how can i do that is by going to shift and v and it will let me toggle between two separate uh modes so right now i'm in vertus editing mode and right now i am in the global editing mode so it just makes the workflow a bit more fluid and you can do the same thing if you go to this menu over here and these are the two modes basically so now that i've got the vertices mode enabled i will just move my vertices into place as you can see they kind of stick to the surface of the mesh so no problem here and now i don't have a very complex uh surface here but if i so wished if i had like a more um complex decal to place i could actually add subdivisions only where i wanted uh to see those subdivisions i don't have to subdivide the entire grid so to do so i'll go back to my warp menu and i'll select just as an example this horizontal split here and as you can see i can place my split wherever i want so if i place it here i can change my crown to be a little bit more distorted and go a little bit more down so i like it as it is for now for demonstration purposes that's completely suitable and one last thing that i'd like to change with the crown is its color so arty has a little bit of yellow here already so i just like to go to that color so if i scroll down i can call up the color picker right there the color picker is another big improvement that we made in the 7.3 release so we've based it on the old functionalities but we did add a couple of cool things well you still have the gradient here and you still have the picker which i'll just grab here and drag onto the yellow over here and uh what is pretty cool is that in the slider section if i'm in rgb i can go and switch it to the integer editing mode so now you're able to edit rgb with the 255 values and we've got the swatches section as well where you can add a swatch just like that easy so you can kind of keep on working with this color in your project and the swatches are saved in your next session as well so you can keep on working with it even if you close paint so uh let us move on to the other 7.4 features um we still added a couple of new things although color management as you can imagine was a pretty big one and the first thing that i would like to mention is a bunch of content that we added to the asset panel to the default library so to say we've got some materials and tools which were made by an external artist k vrind so thank you kay for your work there is pretty cool stuff so one thing that we've added is this scar decal material which i'm not going to drag on to arty because i feel like it's not really his aesthetic and we've got the pocket decal material here which or first regard might look simple but actually if you fiddle around with it you can really match it to the background of the fabric you're working with so it can turn out pretty cool and now if we go into the brushes and i type in tools we got a couple of cool things here as well and notably some glitter glitter is always pretty cool so i'm just going to select this glitter party here and we're going to go to town on arty so we've got some glitter which looks pretty cool and since tools are actually based on materials in the shelf you can actually go into the materials and make your own glitter presets if you so wish okay so apart from glitter we've got a couple of apparel utilitarian things over here we've got the tightening cord we've got some zipper parts which you can use either as a brush or just as a decal if you so wish that you can drag and drop from the materials section and apart from these materials and tools by k we've also added a bunch of new grunge maps so if i go into the textures here and i type grunge well it's 11 to be precise 11 grunge maps which were made by emil's leaguers so thank you emil as well uh wonderful work i'm not going to go through all of those crunch maps but i will let you discover them yourself they're useful for masks and such things just variations of texture we've got one here grunge brushed dust which is pretty cool and since i'm already on grunges what i'm going to do is show you another cool thing that we've added for the 7.3 release is that now we can not only drag the materials as decals but we can also drag bitmaps into the viewport and i don't even need to maintain any shortcut to do so i can just grab my bitmap and drag it onto the surface and once i release it it asks me where i would like to place it i'm just going to say mask here as you can see it's created this bitmap decal and how i would use it myself is that if i want to set up my fill layer uh not just as a decal but just fill everything i'm just going to go into the right click menu sorry clicking too much and select the projection as try planar projection and as you can see it's applied to the entire surface well just wanted to share this tips and tricks so to say um in case you don't want to add the layer itself by by hand and then add a mask by hand etc this could be quite a knit trick so to say and before i leave this is the i've saved the last four for well the best for last so to say no that's just my personal opinion a pretty cool feature that we've added has to do with the 3d viewport well 3d and 2d viewport and if i go into the viewport options right here this menu over here you'll see the two new options live right here i'm going to press open 2d in window and when i do as you can see it opens my 2d window in a separate window which is pretty cool and what's even cooler i can actually drag it onto my second screen you're gonna have to take my word for it because you cannot see my second screen obviously but you can do so and another additionally cool thing is that i can switch between the two so i can even put my 3d view in this separate window and it will function exactly like your regular 3d window i can turn around i can paint and i can edit my layer properties if i click on the well right click button and call up this menu here and you can see i can just edit it here so if you're using for instance a tablet that could be quite practical because you can really make use of your screen space and the whole brush functionalities that way so well i think that is it for me thank you for enduring a couple of my dead jokes hope it wasn't too painful i hope you enjoyed the demo and enjoy trying out these new features well jeremy the floor is yours and i hope you have more dad jokes prepared thank you very i don't think i have any dad tricks but yours are always welcome thank you um cool so just a quick quick recap uh as valia showed we had that the warp projection new color picker in 7.3 um and actually i just wanted to say that it was really heartwarming for the for the team uh to see the kind of outpouring of of uh great feedback for this release um they worked very hard on it and it was you know we're very happy with the with the reception uh 7.4 is coming on the 24 in two days from now and uh as we saw there will be color management which was also a big deal it's been in the work for a very long time um get under kabul 2d and 3d view the grunge maps um the auto and rap also we have a small small improvement in on the auto unwrap um workflow especially when dealing with very elongated islands like if you have a cable or something that you need to unwrap this works much better than before um and for the people interested in in the pipeline side of things uh you can now call any of the javascript api functions from a python plugin so that should give you a lot more a lot more um leeway in the things you can do with the with when creating a python plugin uh that is it for painter and i'll send it back to us thank you so much jeremy and uh valeria that was awesome uh i can't take credit uh for artie that's actually coming from the wizards of the art and development team i just want to shout out to those guys i love that team and also the uh being able to take the 2d view and separate it that just blew my mind because i don't know how but i completely missed that during all of the betas and everything that we've been running internally i just figured found that out for the first time like right now so i don't know how i missed it but that that was quite awesome so with that said we are now going to move over to janette who is going to showcase uh some new information about what's coming with stager so take it away jeanette thanks wes and so excited to be here i just wanted to start by saying uh stagers new to the substance 3d family and the last couple of months has been so inspiring seeing what people are creating from different types of backgrounds from the game and film character artists it's been really cool seeing all of that awesome work so really excited to be part of the group and let's dive into what's new with stager so uh we have a couple of things i wanted to show today and since stage is a newer application i thought i'd show a couple of the basics as well so what is stager stager is our new stage design so it's pristine design layout and rendering so here i have my viewport and this is my ray tracing mode so it's gpu powered i'm on an nvidia rtx 3080 and you can see i have interactive ray tracing at 60 frames a second and this scene has about a million polygons 35 materials over 133 textures in the scene and i'm getting beautiful buttery performance and really gorgeous results this scene was made by our art and dev team uh joffrey rossan focused on making most of the scene and then we have our artie bot artemis and he's going on a road show like valeria said he's going to be our new mascot number two uh he was made by wes geo and joffrey so here in stager i can go ahead and lay out my different scenes and i can work in either ray tracing or in real time up here at the top of the viewport i'm going to turn ray tracing off for a second so we can see the comparison so here's my real time engine and again also everything buttery and smooth and i can instantly jump over to ray tracing with one configuration all of my materials all of my lightings i don't have to change any settings it just works for me either way so when you're staging a scene there's a lot of things that you're going to do but the most important thing is arranging all of your objects getting your actual layout of your scene ready so stager has a universal transform tool my select tool allows me to move objects rotate them and scale them all with one tool and in our last release we also added planar translations so you can now move on two axes at once which makes this much more efficient for doing almost all your transformations on one tool without switching around now for more complex transforms sometimes you'll want really precise spacing and alignment here we have a couple of different cubes you know kind of i forget what those are called but you know when you're in a parking spot they put that piece of cement like a bumper for your car so you don't accidentally hit walls i don't know if there's a more formal name for it but those things so i'm just going to select on these i'm hitting uh just shift and i'm just selecting all four of these i'm gonna hit my d key and that's gonna bring up the distribute tool and now i can actually go ahead and change let me just get a better angle there we go i could actually change the distribution between these in real time or i could double click on them to get equal distribution so i can zero space that out so i have a ton of control over my different spacing and it's really easy for me to nudge things around now when it comes to more complex things i'm working in a pretty big scene here i have this pile of lights and i want it to look like they're all kind of collapsed down but you know looking at different angles there's a lot of space between them it's hard to get that kind of alignment manually so we also have a really awesome collision alignment now even just making a selection in the scene could be really complicated so with our select tool it has that powerful feature where i can just click and drag and kind of push something around but in this case i'm pushing and dragging the whole room which can actually be really distracting so now we have a new tool i'm going to come over here my toolbar i'm going to right click and this is going to open all of the different sub tools here you can see the new marquee select tool so i'm going to activate that and the marquee select tool allows me to start a marquee selection anywhere in the scene so i can select all my objects without accidentally pushing something so really really efficient now all of my objects here you can see in the scene panel they have collision enabled on them but one of the things that we found from feedback was a little challenging to know whether collision was on as an overall system so you'll always also notice that up here at the top of the tool uh sorry at the top of the interface we added some new trans tool options so it's more similar to painter photoshop you can now see some of your common tool settings at the top of the viewport so here you can see whether i'm in a world or local transform space and whether i'm using snapping or in this case i want to turn on collision so now that my collision is on i'm just going to click and drag that and you can see those all kind of settle down into place there we go i can go crazy with this i just rotate these around bloop collision is really fun to play with and gives me really nice natural results in real time all right that's looking pretty good let's talk a little bit about the next step of staging once you've got all of your elements in place next thing we're going to work on is lighting so i'm going to zoom out a little bit just so we can see the whole scene here and i'm going to select my environment so by default stager uses hdr lighting and if i come here to my environment lighting tab you can see which environment is in place i can turn on this viewer so that we can get a good view of it we've got an hdr light and then i have it colorized just give it a blue tone i can also come here to the background tab and i'm actually turn on my background opacity and turn down the blur so i can see that hdri in the background and one of the nice things about working with our suite of tools is familiar shortcuts so just like our other applications if i hold down shift and right click i can rotate that environment a light around in the background and kind of see how that lighting is starting to look so let me zoom back in here and just kind of clean that up shift right click that a little bit and then i'm going to turn on ray tracing so i can start to see how my lighting is coming together all right shift right click and just adjust my lighting a little bit alright now we also have 3d lights and one of the nice enhancements with this release is that when i drag and drop a 3d light into the scene it's actually going to orient at the surface that it's slowly pointing at so here i want to add a little bit of a rim light on the side of his head i'm just going to drag an area light point it right there and you'll notice that it's oriented directly to the surface normals that i pointed at and it's offset a little bit so that i can immediately see the results this puts me in a great position to start my lighting for this light i'm going to change the exposure intensity make it a little bit brighter and then i can come over here into my temperature tab and i'm going to change the color temperature of this to something a little on the cooler spectrum or i could jump into full rgb mode and pick out any color i want i have a ton of control over that all right i think that's pretty good probably happy with that 3d light there so one of the new things that we can also do is use some shortcuts to navigate some of our objects so here i have this artibot and i want to just and change the intensity of the face um you know the emission there make that a little bit brighter and i could come in here and like try to find where he is in the scene panel okay maybe click on this one and maybe open that up one of the nice things is i can actually just hit command and click on the object and that's going to direct select it for me and we have some new shortcuts you can now use the bracket key so bracket up to select a parent or bracket down to select children which makes it really easy for me to find pieces again so now that i have this selected i'm just going to switch over to the material tab and then i can come down here to the emission settings and i could just pump that emission up just a little bit all right the last part of working with my scene for my overall staging workflow is adding a camera so for this i'm going to hit the alt and tilt the button and that's going to create a new camera object for me and my camera i can set this to any kind of framing that i'd like so i can make that smaller could make it a square aspect ratio maybe like 1500 by 1500 and here i can move ahead move my camera in this viewport i can change things like the camera lens make it wider angle a little bit more narrow tons of control over here now when i'm happy with this i'm going to hop over to render mode where i can do my final rendering and one of the really nice updates in this latest release is that now you have gpu support for render layers so i'm going to hop over here to photoshop where you can see i have the rendered output from my scene and now i have all of these render layers including material selection object selection and depth layers all when i'm rendering from gpu so i don't have to switch between gpu and cpu to get these awesome render layers and that's going to give me the control to make selections inside of photoshop so i can make edits like changing the color of artie all in post so now he's a fabulous pink so one of the other things that is a really big update it's a little harder to show but maybe you felt it is we made some significant performance improvements in this release about five to six times speed up for loading files loading objects and loading materials huge effort on the team for all of these uh improvements so thanks that goes out to them and that's about that i think jeremy if you want to bring up the slides we can take a look at the overall list and thank you again thank you janet you need to stop sharing your screen you think and we'll be able to get it back there we go awesome so i wanted to show a couple of pieces of art from the community that really showcases the range of what you can do with stager so we're going to start with a couple of environmental pieces so i love this concept piece on the left by emanuel shue it's really rusted broken down kind of looking textured plain and this really desert landscape has so much atmosphere and personality beautiful piece um on the right we have a piece by jerry's dean gannon sorry down and got dionne and ghana sorry and uh this is a really fabulous piece i love his work you know really blending african design into his environmental 3d work really gorgeous love those details in that and really pushing what you can do a stager to the photorealistic aspect of an environment here we have a couple of character pieces uh on the left that's designed by stacy tangs one of my favorite i love those like kind of butterfly organic elements on the ears and the shoulders uh it's really really inspirational such a cool concept and the texture blending from you know the more realistic skin into this like kind of white stone really awesome piece uh on the right we have a collaboration by gareth jensen geo knockpill and eric lettard this piece really showcases subsurface scattering that skin on the orc is cool and really um fun to play with i've opened the scene in stager and playing with some of the settings which is really awesome looking and a little bit of a mission on the front of that spacesuit really brings it up and finally we have a couple of pieces that showcase a little bit more of like a you know single asset so this piece by zaylon zoo um he really draws i mean i love his work his entire art station gallery is gorgeous but like draws so much inspiration from you know chinese mythology and bringing them to life in these amazing virtual sculptures uh and finally another piece by wes mcdermott vladimir pekkovic and giovanni nachtpill that showcased a coffee piece for our adobe max keynote and really showcases what you can do in terms of product design graphic design and branding so you can see a huge range of what you can do staging is just showcasing your ideas and you can use that in a ton of different ways so to remind everyone yeah new new application and we're so excited about the response that we've gotten from everybody so far please keep the feedback coming with our 1.0 release we launch with a real-time gpu path tracer you can send your projects directly from painter to stager and now also from designer to stager with your 3d models we have lots of different staging tools including planar and box snapping collision transformation and environment stages which is a combined asset including backgrounds and cameras and lighting so you can get staging your content really quickly and lots of different lighting tools it didn't show at all but our environmental lighting system includes layers we have 3d lights and we also have feature called match image which allows you to bring in a background photo and automatically composite a 3d scene using that background information and new in this release which is coming out november 24th you can also import models without uv so that you can quickly bring in high polygon concept work without having to do any uv generation or manual uving we saw some of the overall improvements to the ui making those transform tools more visible easier to access the new marquee selection tool and other selection improvements improvements to the area lights visualization and that they auto align the surfaces and the new layered psd output for gpu renders and again not really demoed but we also now are supported on m1 devices you can use stager on your new mac devices and all of those beautiful performance improvements so again huge thanks to the team and back to us thank you so much jeanette great presentation so next up we are going to talk about the substance modeler beta this is super exciting and so we have lydia is here with us today and she's going to give us more details about the substance modeler private beta take it away lydia hello thank you wes this is very exciting so i'm lydia and i'm the product manager for modeler and so jeremy will be managing the slides and i'll be sharing some of our awesome art from our private beta program while i ramble on about modeler so um this first slide our creation is made in modeler by our lead designer joshua eaton and it just kind of shows off the range of things that you can make i would first love to thank the both the private beta participants and also the modeler team your feedback and conversations with the team have been so invaluable as we iterate and honestly it was really hard to limit the number of slides for this because i wanted to show as much as possible so jeremy if you go to the next slide and so these are a couple of paintings from max schiller so if you aren't familiar with modeler yet uh it's basically a modeling app that lets you sculpt both objects and scenes and has both a desktop interface and a vr interface that you can switch seamlessly in between and if you don't have a vr headset you can still use modeler in desktop only mode and we hope that the uh there are strengths on both sides that um that you will want and so uh if you are familiar with medium it was modeler's predecessor which is still available for vr only and available for free and we're basically building modeler upon the same sculpting tech as medium which is a voxel-based sdf engine and so uh medium was really good at sculpting like individual objects and using very like sort of gestural emotions and stuff especially in vr in modelling we want to take carry that over bring that power to desktop and also add assembly features so that it will be easy to construct complex scenes and objects with a lot of repeating features so next slide please jeremy so these are some really quick sketches by tyus jacobson uh i didn't want to show just like final pieces i also wanted to show just like really quick sketches that people have been doing in the beta just to show off its power like some of these took only like an hour or something like that so our initial goal for 1.0 modeler is to make it easy for designers and concept artists to translate ideas from their head to a 3d scene and so we want things to feel as fast as like sketching a pen with a pen in 3d um that now only means like we want a ui that is like very fluid but also uh an engine that is is extremely performant it can can handle a lot of like heavy geometry and so a lot of the beta testers are concept artists who use modeler to iterate and then so they'll generate 3d concepts and scene layouts and then they'll export to other tools and often the process is to gen uh generate final production assets or renders or paint overs for concepting and the main idea is to basically start blurring the line between what a concept is and a final product is so like as we uh you know build this thing hopefully more and more you won't see like this amazing concept art and then suddenly you know like the final product is like oh it kind of got there but but uh you know maybe like 50 75 or something like that hopefully more and more that that gap will be narrowed next slide please jeremy so this is a great example uh created by geo nakafil from the art and development team he sculpted one of these bugs and then he quickly copied like two more of these and then started to create variations on his design so with the assembly features you can you can link uh various parts of your design and then so when you change it it will change across like all of them or you can break the link and it will and then you can just like you know create different variations it's like super super fast and it's like one of the most powerful features that we've added jeremy next slide so the left the ships are created by sterling osmond and then the right is created by uh christopher klein and this is these are just like great examples of this tool that we used to call move tool in medium but now it's called work tool and it's it's basically a really powerful tool which lets you you know warp shapes and stuff and you can see that it's not only like really useful for organic shapes but even for hard surface objects it's great for like you know designing the curvature of like various like hard surfaces and stuff and also i wanted to note that for example in medium we've greatly we we had a voxel resolution for each clay layer of about 20 48 voxels cubed and recently we've added uh some changes so that now each layer is 10 24 times 10 24 uh voxels uh in each axis so now so now the voxel the the resolution for a layer is about a million cubed so essentially like assuming you're gonna manage your computer memory well you have like pretty much infinite resolution resolution per layer so uh next slide jeremy so these sculpts on the left are by vlad petkovic and then on the right uh there's a yan hao at the top and then at the bottom is martin mcgee so a lot of the beta of artists have also been testing our desktop ux and a lot of the feedback we've been getting is that uh they really love doing the more precise work especially for like hard surface objects or like um vehicles and stuff like that on on the desktop side and then they'll switch they'll put their heads on and then switch to vr when they're doing like more organic things like even for a hard surface object something like you know the the curvature of a wire or a cord or something like that is super easy to do in vr next slide but we've also seen other you know workflows as well so like for organic uh modelers sometimes they like to do the block out stage in vr where they're doing you know the large organic forms and then the and you know like primary and secondary forms as jio likes to put it and then they'll switch the desktop when they start to do more tertiary forms and like surface details and oh yeah these are by uh danny mcgrath on the left and uh jiri ulacco on the right so next slide please so i just wanted to include this one because i really love like uh cute highly stylized art the one on the left is by jasmine johnson and then a couple more on the right by joshua eaton and so we have a large number of folks testing the beta right now but we're actually looking for more people so right now we have mostly like film concept art people game film animation um we have some fine artists and we also have some product designers but i'm also looking for people who are more 2d backgrounds who are kind of like dipping their toes into 3d for the first time so you know if you have a graphic design background or a motion design background please sign up for the beta and we'll try to get you in okay so this next thing um i wanted to show off a video by art and development so mike if you don't mind starting the video and i'll start talking over it thank you so this credit goes to the art and development team specifically geo nakpil jaffee rosen and eric lottard while this is playing i wanted to highlight some of the notable features in modeler so on desktop you can see that there's a gizmo based ui that should give you the type of precision that you're familiar with in other desktop tools and we'll also give you interactions that aim to make the gizm even the gizmo ux more gestural and flowy and you can also see that we've added you know non-uniform shape primitives for quick blocking out of primary forms and here geo is switching to vr to block out the more organic shapes uh of like this weird alien on the back of this truck i think his inspiration was like the tokyo fish market i don't know this this thing might make like really bizarre tasting sushi or something um so so you can see like the a lot of the strength is you know primary secondary and tertiary forms in modeler and then here um geo sends it to painter where joffrey adds more surface detail uh materials and paint on the alien and then and then you can oh and also i think eric also worked on surfacing this truck here and so we want the export to be from painter uh like to painter from modeler to be as smooth as possible and then at the very end here see eric will send it to and he'll set up the lighting environment and then produce the final render okay and if we could go back to the slide deck please i just wanted to reiterate right now the beta the beta of modeler is windows only and we officially uh support oculus headsets although i've seen i've heard that people have used others if you don't have a vr headset you can still use desktop on its own so please follow this link to sign up for the beta and especially if you have like 2d backgrounds or even like architectural backgrounds and uh and if you don't get to the private private beta don't worry we are working on an open beta date and it should be sometime early next year so stay tuned for that and i'll give it back to jeremy thank you so much thank you so much yeah it's it yeah mother is super super fun we've all been toying with it internally and it's really shaping up to be something very special and very very different from what it is out there but um really really fun to play with all right so um we kind of went around the substance 3d tools um but you know not a were part of adobe that that ecosystem is bigger than just than just the apps themselves and so uh one of the things that um we can leverage is creative cloud desktop and uh you probably know creative cloud desktop just as a launcher for for your apps but uh there's actually a lot more to um to create cloud desktop and you now have access to um the assets platform right into the launch like the same way you could have access to it from the substance launcher before if you go in the stock and marketplace tab and you go in the 3d tab you'll have access to all the materials of the asset library and like on the website or in the launcher you can search for the material you want you'll be able to see a preview of that material you'll have access to a 3d player where you can actually tweak the material to make sure that actually you can you know get the results you want from it and once you're happy with it you can actually send it directly to center or to the painter paint your asset library uh also in the future you'll be able to send it directly to uh designer and stager right now only the materials available but we're working on also making models and the other formats available as well another part of the ecosystem is adobe bridge and we talked a little bit about adobe bridge in june when we when we launched the adobe offer but bridge is basically a media management system and so you can manage your your photos your images your vector graphics your float your videos but also usb series substance materials uh so if you have large libraries of materials it's a really great way to be able to browse and search through those with actual thumbnails if your steps and materials have sunil they will show up here if they don't bridge will automatically generate the nulls for all your materials so it's really really helpful you also have access you can see on the right here you also have access to ultimate the data in that in that sbscr and you can actually modify that metadata without having to edit the svscr by hand uh which also is a huge time server if you just want to add a few tags or just fix uh a type for a description of the name of the of the substance file another part of the ecosystem is adobe capture adobe capture is a mobile app and um you're actually able today using capture it's a free app you can actually use capture to capture material just take a picture it will use bitmap to material to generate a sbacr for your full material uh starting next year will actually integrate the um ai based image material that you can find in sampler today directly inside of capture so you'll be able to leverage that really powerful material creation tool uh on the go on your phone just take a picture and get a material out of it uh right now we have a closed beta are running and the release is expected next year in 2022 we're also trying to see how substance can um add to the other of the apps and especially the flagship app like illustrator and photoshop and it was trader released a few weeks ago a new version that actually has 3d support where you can take any of your vector graphics in illustrator you can extrude it create a 3d models from it you can use the same package trace renderer that we have in stager directly in illustrator to create very nice shadows and lighting and you can also load any substance material that you have onto this model so you can create very very nice and very complex 3d shapes and free graphics directly illustrator by using the power um of the the substance tool so uh it's really cool also working on an integration in photoshop it's not quite ready yet but it's coming so we're working with all these different other teams and adobe to um try to spread the the substance love as much as we can across across adobe um that's it for our update today a few things i want to remind people of on november 30th a week from now um the um automatic monthly renewal on the substance free 3d subscription will stop and so you'll have to transfer your subscription to uh so we'll be publishing a guide these are just a few steps here but we'll be publishing a guide allows you to easily transfer to that new adobe subscription uh you'll just basically have to create another account if you don't have one uh choose your plan if you have the the you know the substance legacy plan you can basically get the substance free texturing plan which is the same same plan same price uh but on the on the adobe side um if you have a link if you have an annual subscription you'll be able to get a parade uh refunds uh for your for your subscription i also be able to transfer all your asset credits from um the asset platform that you may not have spent uh on to um onto your new account as well um you can also yeah you can try the texturing clone you can also try the collection plan and right now it's actually 50 percent off so you get painter designer sampler stager um the 3d models material lighting on the on the assets platform um a lot of contents uh for basically twenty five dollars a month so basically five dollars more than the benefiting plan for a year uh so if you go on substance free the discount uh you'll be able to get that offer uh if you have any question if you have issues while transferring your accounts please don't edit to contact us at contact substance free dot com and uh we'll help you out another reminder as well is uh we launched a week ago the great showcase contest which is a painter and stager contest for designing a shoe and there's some really cool stuff already that we're seeing on different uh on the social networks about people creating really amazing kind of design we created a cool video to introduce the introduce the contest so let's roll the video [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] [Music] again the goal is basically we give you the model of a shoe and it's up to you to create an amazing design create the renders in stager and we have some amazing price from our from prices from our former partners um again and lastly just a reminder for black friday the whole collection is at 50 off and you can get that through um on and also uh it's also on sale on steam starting uh starting on the 24th um and now back to you west and i think we're going to switch to q a yes thank you so much jeremy and thank you so much to the team awesome presentations and so now we can just move right into our q a so we had lots of team members that were in the chat collecting questions so i'm just going to drag over here this document and let's just start running through so we have our panel up and i'll start just running through some questions for everybody here i guess i could just take it from the top okay so right off the top here uh i love how they they they have some nice categories for us this is great thank you guys so uh the 3d space so one of the questions here was um i'd like to hear how adobe sees itself moving forward in the 3d space uh vis-a-vis uh like i guess talking about autodesk max on blender question mark i'm not sure who wants to take that one maybe jeremy sub do you want to go ahead yeah i can i can take that one thank you um so well we we first we love that space it's our space right we love that and we we come from from uh that space we want to we want to really empower all artists and uh it's um when you think about it it's it's a it's the very mission of adobe at large like not only 3d space without love like empowering uh creatives right and so our team here the 3d immersive team inside of adobe our mission is really empowering all creatives with 3d and with 3d means like the tools can be used to produce um 3d content that help like 2d or 3d or whatever whatever output you can think of so really it's about empowering artists with uh this with this space like it's not necessarily the end space for for all these creatives but it's a it's a space that can be super useful when you create like of course all these images that we've seen before and also all these products that will end up being produced like in in real life so it's really our our objective here and when you think about like how do we want to empower all these these creatives there is no real limit there right so we don't impose any limits on ourselves and what we want to provide is the best set of tools with a set of uh content of the set of services all connected in any any any ecosystem or system of of tools and products that help like all creatives out there that can make a living and and and be creative and and and that's that's that's just the whole goal so like the the short answer is there is no limit we really want to make sure that adobe is uh um uh like empowering old creatives including with 3d tools and this is our very mission here and we're very excited we've seen like new functionalities new tools uh stager is one new functionalities like parametric modeling and designer uh you will see more in sampler soon um also mother obviously is here to like uh like let people sculpt and go um crazy in their in their ideas and uh so we have more in the works and we cannot wait to show everything but yes we're here excited no limits uh yourselves and uh yeah i guess that was a long answer in fact sorry thanks that was a great answer uh okay so the next one will substance still support uh or have support for linux yeah i mean like it's it's it's it's a space where same thing like we we see it's it's an arrow of course it's a narrow community but it's a very um uh very uh important one to us like not only is it is it like the one of the most uh um like used uh system in the vfx world uh but also we realized like it's uh it's one of these spaces when you when you use linux that means you you're you're tech savvy and you want to you want to control what you're doing and so um usually the users we have on this on this platform are the ones who are pushing the envelope and so for us it's it's important to to support that that community and and this space of the effect the vfx other high-end vfx houses usually uh use uh use linux so yes absolutely it's a it's a system that we want to keep supporting and we had to we had to find ways to distribute like linux uh tools using the adobe distribution tools that were not ready i mean like some some thought was um was available but we had to where to find ways and um so i'm happy to say that we we found some ways it's not perfect by any means but like it's uh definitely something we want to fight for yeah thank you sam uh so moving over to uh let's see here new features tech any chance of seeing animation options or versions for usdz you can say like animation is an important part of our vision like none of our applications support animation directly today but it's something we've talked about both in context of painter like bringing in an animated asset being able to scrub through and paint on certain things and see how that's impacting it um animation is obviously a huge part of the stage your vision so no updates today but animation i think will be something we're moving forward with for sure um for usd versions i don't know jeremy yeah i mean usd that's linked to it but um usd in general uh is is something we're really pushing towards in the in the coming year and you'll see a lot more a lot more uh support and a lot more progress on that front coming from us um in the next few months and years awesome so with the painter will painter have nodes similar to mari perhaps having a mode in painter that instances a session of designer do you have any plans for something like that there is no plans for that uh but you know i it's something we thought about many many times and um the the conclusion was the conclusion was always that you know it was not gonna be as great as it looks in our head when we think about it um and so we we never did it i can't say it's never going to happen but there's no there's no concrete plans today designer is is so powerful on its own um trying to embed that node graph into another app would um surely come at the cost of some of that power and so that's why right now it's still this its own app i would say with that too like i think maybe more of a focus on the in or out or improving the interrupt between designer and painters so like yeah yeah we want to make progress sure awesome awesome uh this is a great question can we have a pen tool in substance painter a pen tool yeah like uh curves you know can we i'm sure that's what it is yeah it [Laughter] yeah maybe working on something yes wait for it okay uh yeah i guess this is another painter question here uh any updates on the anchor points uh rework any ideas on how we could streamline that definitely something that we've thought about so it's not like a new topic that comes out of nowhere but since it's quite a complex feature it has to be really well thought through so hopefully at one point we will get to making it more user friendly okay and uh this is another painter question i i think like it's asking what happened to the the oculus rift uh prototype around 2018 i think we showed like painter vr can anyone comment on that it's it's still a prototype uh we uh to be honest it hasn't been a lot of work going going on on making painter work on vr on vr until now um that's something that we may revive or you know bring back in the future especially now that we have um the model the team has like amazing knowledge and you know and and amazing skill sets in terms of uh vr rendering for vr and vr ux and things like that so um i think something that we're very interested in it's just that it hasn't been um we've been able to work on the past you know a couple years okay and um yeah i have a a lot of different software categories so let me try to mix this up a little bit so uh there's lots more of pager we can get back to but uh lydia let me jump into some other questions for you um it says where will modler be available when it's released steam subscriptions do we do we know that yet uh we don't know that yet but we are listening to the community and um we we would like to release in all the places that people want us to release but um i don't want to give any like final decisions right now but we are listening that's all i can say okay and uh this is a this is a pretty cool question says uh what what have uh what has been the most valuable feedback on modeler so far oh yeah um yeah i touched on this briefly in the chat thread but um really it's about uh knowing what is most important so like the most important thing is that sense of like kind of losing yourself while you're like sculpting something like kind of like when you're drawing or doing any sort of art where you have like this really uh deep focus we don't want to lose that while we add more and more features especially for like assembly or export or whatever like basically if something is not part of that core interaction loop we make it slower and we don't compromise on that core loop okay thank you and uh yeah i'm gonna keep you guys on your toes so i'm gonna switch gears really quick uh jeanette stager uh so um let's see uh does stager allow you to get an ao pass is this if not is this something that could could be there in the future we don't do an ao pass today we support ao maps on the import side but not as a render pass which i'm assuming is what the the impact was for definitely possible um right now we output a depth pass a material pass and an object pass adding more is very feasible so definitely let me know what you want on the discord on the chat or on our forums always listening for requests like that pretty easy to do in fact great thank you uh how heavy uh or dense geometry can stager handle in real time oh well it's funny i was actually going to demo another part which was importing the uv list model and that was a 10 million polygon model it still ran at 60 fps so at least as of today i've tested a 10 million polygon it's really dependent on hardware though you know obviously more powerful computer you're going to have a better experience at better run times to a larger degree of polygons and materials we've tested up to about like 50 million polygons on you know a upper end 30 80 30 70 uh style gpu so uh roughly there you know but depends on your hardware and then jeannette also with like displacement like i've had where i've i've brought in like a displaced like plane uh where it's just subdivided and then added like a substance material and then did the the displacement man i was i think it was like 100 million polygons or something crazy like so i mean you also have that range as well right i mean it's it's from what i've seen too it's been quite dense yeah as long as you're you've got the the machine capable of handling it you can go pretty far and the the speed stays interactive again depending on your hardware up to yeah 50 100 million polygons easily okay awesome all right so switching up again this one's for you jeremy specifically will substance painters support 3d mice or mouse the 3d mouse let's say that i don't know if you say nice or mouse um what can i say it will i can say it will i can't say exactly when but for the first time you know in the five years that people have been asking for it i can say it will i commit to it it's a big change yeah it's a big commitment revealing all our secrets jeremy yeah wow okay whoa that's bold statement there coming 2028 yeah okay here's another one for for either jeremy or valeria uh will uh will we have the ability to merge texture sets that gets asked a lot so i wanted to put that in there are you afraid right here or should i um well uh again not a new topic that we haven't talked about but um it's not yet on the near horizon let's see hey thank you um let's see let's switch it up to uh let's go back to modler lydia uh let's see here um oh this is a good one uh can i make watertight models for 3d printing and modeler yeah so with the uh signed distance field tech mesh tech that we have it's really trivial to make watertight meshes and that's that's actually one of the uh the main things that we've always wanted to enable for for people okay great and there was kind of a second part to this as well i was asking can modler create manifold and hollow meshes for 3d printing with resin yeah so uh one of the awesome things about sign distance fields is that it's really easy to create shells uh we don't have that exposed yet in the tool but uh if you want to create like kind of like a hollow print and stuff that is totally that will be possible but not yet okay awesome awesome okay so stager jeannette um this one is praying for udem's support for stager to come soon um comments on that i don't have any comments for that i'm also praying for it it would be nice to be able to send all of my painters scenes over to stager so i'm praying to myself it seems inevitable it's gonna happen at some point no matter when yeah and this one here is there a z depth pass available yes the render path does include a z-depth pass and that's on both cpu and gpu as well yep cpu and gpu both have identical render passes now so woohoo no more switching back to cpu just to do a render pass layer okay so uh let's let's do this one yet uh let's jump back to painter does substance uh painter of course uh let you import multiple udems uh at a time multiple udems at a time from one model yet um multiple using the time for you can import you can import a collection of union basically if you have like you know a set of udem like with like 56 different different tiles you can import it as as one asset and that will bring everything everything in um i don't know if you can import a model that would have ud applied uh if i don't think it would bring them automatically and apply them automatically i don't think we have that because i know the only way we import textures automatically is for gltf i don't think that supports you yet um so i think you would you would still have to import them separately and then apply them in painter uh this is a painter question as well is there any eta on a shortcut or macro recording system for painter there is no eta it's a good idea of a feature but uh that's not something that's planned today okay great great uh let's see here uh will substance painter eventually support displacement baking valeria these are these are for you as well like any of you guys i understand i'm just very shy sorry i didn't mean to put you on the spot i'm kidding it's not that it's just jeremy answers so eloquently i don't don't want to take it away from him but um indeed we've talked about it and it uh is it is something that we're interested in doing uh at some point soon okay awesome awesome uh let's go back to uh modeler uh can modeler export as stl file uh no but it easily stl easily translates from obj so that's what most people have been using for 3d printing okay um is there is there someone particular that you can bribe to be on the panel to get access to beta so are any of you guys taking bribes for x beta access i'm always open for a good bribe but i have no control over that beta sorry so please send all bribes to jeannette we'll see what happens but yeah feel free to reach out to me um we are we just just reached out to our communities we have a discord and um uh there's also like the old uh medium facebook group as well medium by adobe artists i believe okay uh this one was asking if we could export height information from modeler uh so it can be used in designer or even any other application um that would be really useful uh it's pr it would probably be it depends on if that height information uh requires like uvs or uh just like what form of that high information but um uh yeah not not currently but that's good feedback okay uh let's see let's just i'm going to switch this one to some designer questions here uh it's oh i guess this is talking about the model graph specifically just asking will this work in unreal engine and modified if if they're like the spsr files so i guess this question is we have this new procedural model format are we going to be able to use this in other applications beyond stager at some point good definitely i mean stager is just the first step uh we want like the you know the substance engine for material is pretty much everywhere now uh our goal is to do the same with the the geometry engine it was built for that uh it's just a matter of you know a matter of timing resources but definitely uh we want to bring you know that kind of um functionality to unreal to unity to other game engines and apps out there okay awesome uh this one was like a 3d assets question so it's kind of open to just whoever would like to to answer just asking are these 3d models again the ones from the 3d acid site base meshes to use or fully complete models they are kind of what i would call kit bashing models so they are uh really well topologized uh really well uv but they don't come with materials or textures pre-assigned so that they can be easily you could just drag a material on and assign it a look to them so they're kind of like kit bash you can combine mix and match apply textures really quickly but they don't come pre-textured if that was the question uh adobe stock does have pre-textured models as well so you can have both have your cake and eat it too okay awesome yeah and uh one of the things about the models as well like you said jeanette is that the the topology is well done they're uv'd uh but the way that i they were described to me before by by nico was that um they're also you're also able to like like if you take them into maya or another application you can you know they can you can you know use them with subd they can be displaced pretty easily um so yeah they're pretty flexible okay um let's see here let's there's a lot of painter questions so i'm going to jump back over to to painter um this is a great question so is is is there a hotkey for color p excuse me color picking can we assign a hotkey to the color picker as well not yet but um i don't know if it fits the workflow of the person asking but the material picker has a hotkey which is p okay i think that that was one where they specifically said don't don't have the answer be p the material picker well not yet then you can stop my answer at that point yeah i love the uh the option in photoshop where you hit the i key you know and it brings up the little eyedropper and you can sample right in the canvas and pick a color i love that that's my vote um so let's see here another one is can we finally set the material views separately in the 3d and 2d views i guess they're still linked right yes again not yet yet i should just like have a sign that says not yet okay sorry guys uh okay let me look for another question here uh okay this is a good one uh any plans for storing the color themes swatches that you make in painter perhaps via you know the creative cloud libraries or anything like that uh well again uh we have talked about it then the version of the color picker that you see now is meant to be like the first improvement so to say but there are other improvements that will be forthcoming in the future okay and uh this one here is asking will we have control over the display transform so i guess this is about the the new uh the color management system the answer to that is yes you can control the display transform and you can control it separately if you uh de-dock your one of your viewports as well so you can have your one viewport be one color management and the other one the other one okay um let's see i'm gonna jump back over to stager uh so jeanette uh does stager have a render to web option like if you wanted to make a 3d presentation on the web yeah actually if you are inside of stage or up in the top right corner there's a little publish icon you just click on that and you can publish any scene as a glb file it'll go to your cc assets folder and then it will generate a public shareable link so you can share that with colleagues it has an embedded commenting system so people can leave comments for review or you can also get an embed code and then embed that 3d viewer into other websites like your behance portfolio or art station portfolio things like that i'm definitely looking for feedback on the publish to web workflow as well something we're really interested in oh okay awesome that's that's that's great um so uh lydia here's another modler question um this one's i guess kind of more open it's it's saying tell us some of the best experiences when using modeler that help artists think differently uh really it comes down to kind of like the gestural workflows i'll say like because even on desktop uh we have a gizmo so i think people are familiar with that type of workflow but we also have kind of extended the gizmo so that you can make um so it can kind of feel more like you know like clay sculpting like you're laying down strokes you're all you're also cutting and like carving and all that stuff um on in vr of course like this the sixth degree of freedoms that you have is like just super powerful and you can just like pretty much like hold something in your hand and like sculpt it exactly like clay but you know with undo and all that so so um really really it's all about just like we want it to feel as playful as possible so you're not like you know messing with like sort of the technical constraints of a mesh okay awesome thank you lydia um let's see here uh another question just this one's near the top of the sheet here was just asking about new improvements coming with the blender integration um i know that we do have some coming uh that's still developed on i don't know if maybe jeremy or anyone wants to comment anymore yeah i mean yeah there's work on going on the on the blender integration um i'm not sure the exact road map and the priorities uh but team is just listening to you know the request from the from the community um and there's a uh beta group ongoing where we constantly get feedback and refine it so uh work is definitely ongoing and there'll be there'll be new feature added yeah i can i can definitely say uh they're hard at work on it um i actually used one of the latest versions like a week and a half ago like that they put out and uh yeah the main thing is that they're just really tightening up the the the workflow it's it's becoming a lot more smooth a lot a lot well i guess better integrated you could say but uh yeah i was really impressed of how um how nice it's becoming it's it's actually a pretty solid integration okay uh let's see here uh still some more painter so coming back to you valeria um this one was any plans to optimize the painter auto save feature we didn't have any plans for that as of yet but if you could be a bit more precise as to what you would like optimize just you know so we take that into account if we discuss that in the future that would be great awesome and then um it's this one was asking will there be any documentation or breakdown of making um ocio work in different dcc's with painter so so i guess it's looking for like we'll have documentation on how color management works but will there be any like little guides on like you know um ocio with um you know painter going to blender or maya or something like that do you know i'm not sure if fabrice is working on that or not he's definitely working on some documentation but i'm not sure how in detail it will go for for you know like plug-in works i guess you can always try and take that into account if there is a quest for it okay yeah that's that's a that's a pretty good feedback there um and so this is another painter question just asking about a lasso tool in painter that's a good one it's been a long time we don't have a lasso tool jeremy you want to take that one yeah so i don't repeat myself sure not yet um no not yet but but um we do we're we're doing some work i think that you know that will solve multiple problems uh in the future uh around you know i think the pen the pen tool is kind of linked as well uh you could use same things in the back end so we're working on things that will you know make that easier in the future that's all i can see right yeah i would love to see the like the polygon fill tool get some get some love i mean because i mean there's there's a lot of great uses use cases for it but could use a little tweak here and there um let's see here uh well okay uh this one's asking if substance painter will eventually support displacement baking i think we've already gone over that question for something like that yeah with something similar yeah okay guys there's no eta but yeah we know we know something that we would like to look into okay all right sorry about that one guys um is there uh any plan for improving stencil painting uh non-uniform scale uh easier usage yeah these are these are some of the things that you know we'd like to get to at some point um stencil has you know hasn't been touched in a long time uh just a matter of priorities and um so if you want these improvements please go to you know uh pester us on the forums on discord and on um user voice and wherever you can we can hear your voice and because that's really part of how we build that roadmap is you know depending on what people ask so um the more you ask for it the the more chances will actually do it okay great well guys i think uh um that's that's the last question we had time for we went over quite a bit um so one of the things i do want to mention is um the the team in the chat they i think they've been posting a q a let's see uh let's see yeah they've been posting a survey link in the chat so uh if you guys could please just uh just share your feedback just like jeremy was just saying that's that's kind of our our lifeblood so to speak just getting your feedback so we know what you guys are wanting to do uh so that we can act on it and uh i believe that link was already shared in the chat and with that guys uh we're going to go ahead and start closing out the live stream so if anybody has any closing messages or anything insert meaningful statement about life and happy holidays okay okay well i'll say i'll say i want to get i i would love to give a special thanks uh and a shout out to everyone uh on the team met 3d and i uh our speakers that we've had here today uh it's just a small sample of the team you know we have so many passionate team members that are that are that are back home hard at work they're maybe even watching the stream and none of this is possible without them so thank you to all of them also just a thank you to everyone watching uh we greatly appreciate your support uh again none of us would be here if it wasn't for you guys either uh so we look forward to your feedbacks and we just really can't wait to see what you create uh we will be at gdc next year and hopefully we will be there in person which would be which would be awesome uh to see everybody in person uh that is on march 21st through the 25th uh we're going to host a substance event at gdc so that will be like a day full of session with industry experts and so with that said we'll close things out i just want to say take care everyone be safe thank you for joining us and we'll see you next time
Channel: Adobe Substance 3D
Views: 24,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: substance source, environment artist, materials, procedural, PBR, Physically based rendering, environment art, 3D design, 3D painting, 3D texturing, realistic, hyper-realistic, texturing, 3D material, substance designer, substance painter, game art, gamedev, digital art, game development, free, allegorithmic, 3d, substance painter tutorial, devlog, substance designer tutorial, art, game devlog, substance painter stylized, substance painter tutorial beginner
Id: bvBjYmYofFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 5sec (6785 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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