What if Minecraft Had A HUGE Makeover?

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[Music] yo guys what is that many mr. Crofton today we're gonna be doing something very different we are gonna find out what it would be like to give minecraft a huge makeover as you all know minecraft has gone through a ton of updates and changes over time but deep down I've always wanted to know what if they created a Minecraft 2.0 oh if Mojang just decided to simply go for a huge updates that will completely change the face of minecraft forever so I put together a list with a couple of ideas just bear in mind this is really down to my preference so some of you guys may agree or disagree with some of the changes on this list so without further ado let's just get straight into it so starting off at number one on this list I would love to see a version of Minecraft where all randomly generated landscape would just get a huge transformation most of you might prefer minecraft simplicity so don't panic I don't expect most of you to agree when it comes to this kind of change but would love to see a version of Minecraft with just generally better mountains maybe a much larger variety of trees or even better a more elaborate cave system honestly I think this would provide an all new experience when it comes to survival and exploration so let me know what you guys think in the comments below so next on the list we have randomly generated structures some of these creations seriously haven't seen a change in well over six years so it would be nice if they actually gave the old content a bit more of an upgrade they don't necessarily have to get carried away here they can still keep things simple and that's fine by me but initially I would love to see a bit more sense of adventure implemented into the game so apart from maybe upgrading the temple designs it would be nice if you could actually explore through a maze of different rooms and corridors apart from that why not add all sorts of traps puzzles new mobs maybe even find some decent treasure you actually have to work for so for example for the desert temple we could have some mummified zombies falling inside or even a selection of different mobs with possibly some special abilities that would actually make them harder to kill so next up at number three we have villagers also part of the randomly generated structures except for the fact we have villagers that we can trade with again it would be nice to see a fresh design and maybe even throw in the chance of a small castle spawning alongside the village but most importantly I would love to see an update where the villagers are a lot more lively I actually did a bit of research and came across a youtuber called tango Tech who created a mod that does just that not only do the villagers look absolutely incredible they actually cut down trees farm and even go mining so I'll leave a link in the description if you guys want to check it out so moving on to number four on this list we have minecraft smacks build height this is more of a personal grudge because I absolutely hate the 264 block max height always finding myself restricted as a builder when it comes to some of these crazy minecart projects now I know there's a mod that might just fix this but I kind of like to keep my minecraft as mod free as possible I'm not really too sure if this will even cause a performance issue but if I could I totally make mine cross max Heights at least 500 blocks now this brings us over to the nether as much as I like the idea of having a nether portal transporting you to another world I would actually much prefer the nether generates below ground making it seem like you can just about reach the Earth's core again this is really just down to preference and it would probably cause some serious loading issues and some of you just won't agree when it comes to this kind of change but this doesn't mean we can just kiss goodbye the idea of having nether portals I just think we may just have a better use for them so this brings us over to number six instead of having just one nether portal why not add a selection of different portals each can have their own colors and can teleport you to a completely different world I think this is just a great way to generally expand on the game so let's just say a white portal could teleport you to a sky world or we could have a green portal transporting you to a world completely covered in slime now I don't know if I'm getting really carried away here but the whole idea is to generally increase the sense of exploration and adventure which is literally what grabbed my attention when I first discovered the game now apart from the stuff I've mentioned on this list it would be nice to see some other minor changes to like being able to place a block in the sky without having to build straight up and having to literally remove all the blocks you just placed we could even have new weapons included such as the crossbow or simply allow the placing of signs across the ceiling either way I think Mojang is still doing a good job at keeping Minecraft interesting such as with the new aquatic update and with the new apparent game called minecraft dungeons no idea what to expect from that but we'll just have to wait and see so let me know in the comments what you guys would change to Minecraft if you could and if you enjoyed this video like subscribe and I'll catch you in the next one this is Jarek raft over and out you [Music]
Channel: Jeracraft
Views: 5,392,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Jeracraft, Minecraft 2, minecraft dungeons, New Minecraft Update, Minecraft 2.0, Minecraft Makeover, Better Landscape Minecraft, Improved Villagers, Minecraft adventure, Explorations, Caves, Dungeons, Desert Temple, Jungle Temple, Better Mobs, Nether Portals, Mummified Zombies, Pocket Edition, Xbox, PC, Playstation, Minecon 2018, Minecraft News, yt:quality=high, Aquatic Update, Survival, Treasure, Adventure, Minecraft Castle, Villagers, Minecraft Earth, Core, Slime World
Id: u8KG8rdGNg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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