Subnautica - IT ALL CAME CRASHING DOWN.. Secrets Inside Aurora - Subnautica Full Release Gameplay

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Oh what freakin mesmeric give me silver i'll take silver oh my god I think was close yeah see this is the part where we probably need the propulsion cannon would need if we weren't IG [ __ ] P are you kidding me or how are you still alive you come here I'm gonna bash you I guess the oh my god I'm getting swarmed holy crap what am I supposed to do against that kind of power Oh [Music] what is up people MIG P and welcome back to subnautica continuing where we left off we built this beautiful piece of machinery let me get out and show you my babes look at this this here is called the seamoth it's the moth of the seat and we're going to use this to now travel around this Sun can plant it and hopefully not die oh wow look at that light that's bright anyway as I said in the last episode these videos are pre-recorded so I do apologize if you guys left me some tips and suggestions in the last episodes that I'm not able to follow through in this one because I can't tell the future nor can I read your comments ahead of time which is basically the same thing regardless if you're still enjoying the series and you want to see some more let me know in the comment section below you can hit the like button too whatever you want to do let's get started I think my first goal I'm going to check out this uh yeah this this thing over here I'm gonna check this out and then I think we're going to get some resources and head over to the aurora to fix it because I mean maybe I don't know we'll see how the episode or where the episode takes us we're gonna head over here for right now we got unlimited oxygen I can get some food pretty much anywhere and we got some water so we're good to go well hello guys I can move fat I'm always faster than you but how does it feel to be uh outclassed entirely okay so I can't go past 200 meters it tells me in the top in the tip of the top I can't go past it all so I'm sorry about the last two episodes we're acting kind of funny I forgot I kind of redid a lot of aspects of my computer and I deleted some settings in my Nvidia controller which caused I have this weird thing where my monitors are 144 Hertz right but I set them 120 if I V sit what was that see this is why I should focus on the game right all right all that crap aside basically it wasn't a very smooth 60 frames a second there were too many frames being sent over to OBS when OBS can only record 60 so there were some that were skipped or dropped it looked kind of stuttery you may not notice it but I do and it really upset me but I fixed it so now it should look super smooth No Oh God okay we're almost at the edge we're almost at the edge I'm just going over here dude you sound like you're over there off to the oh yeah you sound like you're off in the distance oh okay oh we got a safe oh we got a safe uh-huh yeah no we're good we're good oh it's an EMP oh that's cute oh oh it's a frickin on okay what are you repulsive cannon let's go are we have a lot of logs to listen to it oh Jesus Christ that scared me come on you don't have to play the sound we know all right all right I'm stuck here is there anything else around here wait Oh what [ __ ] Mesmer's give me silver I'll take silver oh my god I think was close all right I'm not I'm not prepared for where's my okay oh boy you know I can't imagine this game in VR I died I would literally literally die I know that that word is overused but I would very much die there's a wreck I want to get into the wreck all right let's do the record there's a data box oh my goodness what is with the random propulsion of enemies in this game dude stay away stay away oh it's already opened dang it where's my scanner okay alright I gotta make I got a really pay attention to my oh boy this is not good I really got to pay attention scanner room already have what are you nothing okay my oxygen is dropping oh it's dropping really low but we got an exterior grow bed that is good we can grow our own kelp I just start building a base that should be something at at some point it looks like that's it outside of here so we got another message all right well I got to get back into my seemeth for some oxygen it's okay so at a certain point inside of this we will start losing oxygen crazy fast so let's be quick huh floodlight we already got holy crap hello what are you swivel-chair okay I guess that's important in secreting new oh wait nevermind no that was the wrong thing okay that's closed off no that's fine gonna be fine we still got about probably 40 seconds left stasis rifle let's go dude we need all these things hurry up hurry up one of the two that's it stays there I vote yes we have all the cool things man interior grobet do this is crazy modification oh no I'm gonna die though I'm gonna die more than likely oh he's a box what is it reinforce dive suit okay ah now I'm really going to die oh oh wait wait wait wait how do I get out oh no where's the exit where did it come from I'm dead it's over it's over dude are you kidding me where was the exit no can you imagine right now if I was playing on hardcore well if I was playing on hardcore what did I lose the actual things I just don't like blueprints right it's like I have my Walther flashlight still there okay I don't know what else I picked up that was important I don't think it was anything oh but my seamoth is all the way over there so that sucks where in the world I think I had trouble with that exact same wreck before to figuring out where in the world the exit was all right well I'll be right back once I get my simin alright here we are what up I think I got everything in here though I don't think I need to go back down oh wait no I couldn't go back down one to figure out where in the world the eggs it was but also I think I could pick up my stuff right oh it was on the crap yep whoa that is a big did you see how big dad titanium was silver okay I'll use the silver all right perfect I did not realize it was on the bottom that would have I'm an idiot all right we just head back what is your purpose who's your purpose in life are we got a message probably from Avery nope it's not oh hey the captain is gone I have assumed command oh you assuming the captain did was give me coordinates for trial and we regroup and a half kilometers southwest of the crash site this message will now repeated Oh transmission origin coordinates downloaded location uploaded to PDA Oh what could I do I was gonna make a stasis rifle but I need a magnetite where magnetite is in the deposit and Jewish rim caves is it oh no I mean it's not only there I'm sure I can find it elsewhere but it honestly isn't that important right now what is important is what's important what are we doing right now we certainly got to fix the aurora anything else like a make I feel like I need to make stuff but I guess not habit a builder might come in handy yeah it's not needed right now let's go fix the aurora we got to take care of all the outside things first before we can even think about doing anything else I don't have enough I need to make I need to get stuff hold on there we go we're all filled up uh I think I collected too much stuff boy I need a base soon huh there we go two batteries should do it and I think we're ready uh well actually no wait like I don't like how it doesn't tell me my charge let me scare myself to complete foreign bacteria count has reached statistically significant levels whoa no adverse effects detected be vigilant efficient dose I will do that thank you charge two percent and zero get rid of those keep them there will charge them later all right now we're ready to go wish me luck because we're probably gonna die and let's see it's important to the keep lights on lights off lights on Oh oh my god this ship is so big I actually really liked the color over here it looks good sounds reef back protect me please oh we got another message I can't deal right now oh it's a high five that's right this one hangs up and sat down for some reason no all right creature decoy and first-aid kit I will take it thank you hello oh there you are okay get back in wait is there stuff is there a thing it's too dark over here potential water batteries things we might need even Power Cells now that I have a seem off the reef back okay I know you're over here I know it's over here Chris I especially don't want it to destroy well that's not good good thing I'm over here right now okay I'm just gonna get through this like we made it believe you saves a minute guys nothing to worry about why were you guys freaking out you just you just startled me for no real goodness suppression equipment and laser cutters may be required no it's fine dude you just pretty much advised me that I need to fit our then I need to fix this oh my god I'm gone I'm gone okay that I need to fix this and then you're telling me hey you should probably be careful about what oh boy oh no I needed the propulsion cannon didn't I I think I could make it without it oh my goodness oh well that's fantastic you're talking about the the other thing right I sure hope you're not talking about these little crawly things oh my goodness it's infected get out of my sight you're a freak I should have made a propulsion cannon I should have done it oh oh fire extinguisher I'm gonna need you I forgot to give myself one holy crap oh we don't have to put these out it's not in our way hello wait what is this an exiting sleep mode loading voice recognition engineer Berkeley and chief technology officer you identified drone give me a propulsion cannon hey back me install that circuit box with that repulsion cannon and you'll punch a hole in the cargo bay damn it drone I said propulsion not repulsion recalibrate senses senses recalibrated sensors aren't the problem I tweaked the program it's like you now it doesn't like being told what to do drone I know his name's Albert thank you now go away entering hibernation mode boss this hobby of yours isn't making my job any easier or safer maybe so but it's all that's stopping me from being so bored I take a spacewalk and let's give you the interaction between those two is just amazing commune that battery data terminal yeah I'll Terra launches the aurora phase getting announced for the Ariadne arm Altair launches the aurora okay so that's some stuff that we can get into at a different time right now it's kind of urgent man in PDA notes to self so here we are finally in open space we cross the galaxy to install a phase gate to send ships to mind resources to build more expensive ships to install fancier phase gates are we trying to exhaust a galaxy or just ourselves use birthday alright we have a code cargo bay is 1 4 5 4 yeah see this is the part where we probably need the propulsion cannon would need if we weren't IG [ __ ] P and can parkour his way up oh so good dude I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get blocked at some point where I need it I should do this legitimately but you know what I'm not wasting anyone's time no you know what you know what I'm gonna go do it I'm gonna go make the propulsion cannon I think it's important I'm sorry to leave you guys hang in but I'm gonna go I'm gonna go do this right is it safe to jump in this water is it it I'm probably gonna die ok it's good I'm gone hello no no no no no I did not see it right there holy crap what is it doing is it stuck ok let's hope and pray it's stuck then we can just get out of here right above it right hello okay I am going to run goodbye dude if that thing was there the whole time and I drove past that I am going to flip all right he's stuck he's very much stuck and I'm happy about that we're good back home good lord okay now the problem is oh yeah we got some big old fish oh it's just a wiring kit a wiring kit and a battery wiring kit is to silver or I'm pretty sure I have that right there we go perfect propulsion cannon that was easy enough now now now we can go back to the Aurora okay so oh it is stuck for real I thought it would like undie spawn and oh my goodness I had no idea was so close to it that is so creepy all right well I'm glad he's stuck I'm sure if I reload the game he'll he'll be back but it's alright ah let's get out of here and do what we came to do now oh please don't eat my seamoth oh now that you're close to it I know you're hungry and you like to mess with people's stuff let's just knock all right but just a good use what we were supposed to do is be like right oh wait actually no we weren't supposed to be like that supposed to be like oh yeah moved in mmm oh yeah moved in mmm good and we're free yay all right so the code was hold on I'm not gonna check yes I remember open up I thought you would do it automatically man it's gotta be dramatic give me the water nutrient Block C I did not need to make any food at the Aurora's pretty much gone it is gone oh let's go hello hello hello Oh box new trim block dang it I mean it's just as good it's fine oh my goodness look at that the smoke is just building up and leaking out - that's crazy were there there's bleeders down here so I need to make sure I keep my knife on me what do we got nutrient block I will take the I can hear the Reaper I think I can hear it from here dude it's so scary oh so I can yeah let me get my repair tool out alright cool got that open it up perfect and this should be oh it's a sight it's sooo much pregnant right yeah I don't need that what are you vr suite log loading program desert island drama size three players normal spawning players on beach player one has been washed away by an unusual height unusually high tide players who's traded a coconut with player three for ten credits has planted a coconut players are getting hungry is growing a coconut tree blah blah still hungry building its Hannah sleeping inside her tans it's cold night falls passing ship is offering trading trade through the crest for a musket has been shot twice it oh man what happened let you winds played you die from cold surface what in the world oh yes oh my goodness my see what is it already done oh my goodness I'm so happy right now dude nobody can go a little bit deeper oh he always need to go deeper hello another battery dude there's tons of batteries that's the drive room we don't need to go there just yet I mean that's the objective but there's so much more to see like getting the prong suit we don't even have the Cyclops ready dude love to get that ready - I'm actually I'm think I'm realizing that as I'm playing this cam I'm doing it all out of order because I know what I'm supposed to oh my goodness hey buddy get off no stop it stop it okay I know what I'm supposed to do so I kind of skip over things but the game pretty much does guide you if you play it yourself it does guide you and kind of give you hints on what you're supposed to do like getting that PDA talking about the propulsion Canon would lead you to believe you should probably get it and bring it because it will be useful hello axillary mission orders the kind of stuff that we can read later on sweet offer wait this is important isn't it yeah 1869 1869 I'll try to remember that first aid kit another freaking bet can you give me like a Power Cell or something like way more useful another battery another disinfected water alright so we're going up to the pran Bay which behind the pran Bay will be oh I gotta prepare this will be the living quarters let's go baby can't fight fire without five things dude this is how we do it I'd open door oh yes heck yes so those things the prawn suit of the hull breach in this room oh right we should go there okay so I should scan these things would be important which we can't make just yet we have a lot of things that we need to get first in order to make this work but that's one out of four so 50% now stores module dude wait wasn't there one there was one hidden there was one hidden I remember oh they might have put it up there though Oh excellent Oh excellent good scan Z's 75% done yes okay so we got the prawn suit blueprint we are nowhere near building that thing I will say that though we are nowhere near building that thing legitimately all right let me put this dang pro scanning on get on the way you get on the way you get out my way get on the way I'm gonna try to hit this prawn hold on hold on dang I missed all right living quarters okay so it was 1869 let me get my fire extinguisher out Oh oh my goodness the nutrient blacks there's so much blacks I can scan the filtered water wait do I do I really not oh wait a second is that to see if it's like infective anything move any machine I'll scan that I'm out of fire extinguisher so I can't put out the rest this fire so I'm just gonna have to Bernadette sounds lovely I like how they made the wall shelf to look like a barn that's how I would have done it today's menu space bear space bear I wonder what that lot least a lot of the times game devs reference things like from their old games so I'm not very familiar with natural selection at all or anything else that they've done so if there's references to it like a space bear maybe oh I'm fool you've got to be kidding me alright let me just eat a block it's fine drink of water take a health kit dude you might as well I are so many ok cabin one might be the 1869 yes perfect oh we got a blue cap band in PDA double bed right there's no voice I do like let's listen to a voice while we're doing this let's listen to 17 Isaac's log the crash I don't know what the heck is happening I'm scared and I'm not going outside there are shadows in the water under the hatch but I can't tell if they're rocks or aliens and there's weird-looking caves nearby the aurora was carrying everything needed to build the phase gate mobile vehicle bays bioreactors propulsion cannons it had a cinema though there was a zero-g gym my cafe I don't understand how we here now I don't know why no one's coming for me it's actually kind of sad holy crap okay so I got the the Gorga toy the Goya I think it's called the gorg this is definitely a reference to natural selection to do there are so many things to scan it's ridiculous Kevin to can't go into captain's quarters oh right we're gonna have to go back here at some point oh here we go cool listen I know I don't have the right to make demands of you but I need you to understand that I want to change our arrangement I hear what you're saying and I will try to respect it how would you like to change it I would like to reduce our contact hours how much further can we do that to zero you're dumping me I'm changing the terms of our relationship how is it still a relationship if we don't see each other it's a relationship of a kind you've so many expectations I feel you just want to spend more time with that dumb guy and his dumb robot see that's not a feeling it's a judgment and I feel hostility in what you're saying perhaps your jealousy is a sign that you need to be listening to business model why can't you just be happy for me I am happy for you and I'm happy for all the guys in the prom Bay I'm just not happy for me wow dude Wow she called you out yeah dummy well what was that see I don't know you can find drama things okay so I know there's a sickroom secret secret secret room back here I think I can't get past the fire because I don't have any uh you know fire extinguisher so pretty much at a loss here oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I remember hello black box data terminal and Captain's Quarters oh wait rescue solution received at t as a nurse to hyper I returned with the happens quarters oh okay so that's how it ties in okay so I don't want to I don't want to spoil anything but now I finally understand how that ties in I wasn't really it wasn't too sure about how that would oh yeah oh wait what was in here I don't remember oh wait it's probably in here though hold on hold on this tells me the code right lab access 643 I'm the best you're gonna make me die hurry up thank you oh lab equipment I would love that right now what are you will girl learn from the hive mind of strict what which make up the hive mind to be categorized oh whoa whoa whoa we're gonna have to read that in a second cuz I'm gonna tie up ssin was detected on your PDA your technology blueprints have been updated wait what I'm gonna die I'm gonna die hey hey hey surface yes oh I was actually not certain if there was a surface over here okay cool uh but what did that mean let me go back to that what it's a databank corruption was a technically your repulsion can't blueprint has been resynchronized dude that's we what does that mean is that actually gameplay like does that actually affect gameplay you know what I don't know and I'm not questioning it alright we got it back that's all that matters now I'm coming in after I recorded this video because I realized by the end I didn't even bring it up again because I completely got sidetracked but here it is the data Bank entry of what can we learn from the hive mind of straighter six how are the individuals which make up a hive mind to be categorized they are merely dumb components of the larger intelligent organism or is the larger mind merely a product of the independent organisms can it be both we define organisms by their traits but find invariably that these traits depend on those of the environment the concept of a tadpole is meaningless without the concept of the Frog it will develop into the idea of a predator is empty without an understanding of its prey this begs the question if we define everything by reference to everything else what have we actually explained an illustrative experiment was recently performed on the hive mind colony discovered on straighter 6 a device was placed outside the nest which would electrocute individuals approaching it an ant colony would have lost many individuals before a basic danger signal was successfully communicated between them resulting in learned avoidance of the device successful but costly the straighter six colony quickly formed into two factions one attempted to move the device by brute force sacrificing individuals as they did so the second attempted to cover the device in sand these two goals being a mutually exclusive a fight ensued the first faction was beaten in virtue of their reduced numbers the device safely buried and the survivors called a truce from the perspective of the individuals this experience must have been horrific from the perspective of the hive mind a nagging problem had been overcome with the most effective solution which perspective is the correct one we suggest that it is neither by attempting to fit such entities into our rigid set of concepts we are painting on to the world a false impression of concreteness and meaning which is a reflection of our concepts of ourselves we describe straighter six individuals as attacking one another just as we describe microbes in the human body yet the straighter colony like the body cannot be healthy as a whole without the aggressions of its components we described neurons in the brain as being dumb but brains as a whole as intelligence but when an idea takes hold in the brain and forces out inferior ones do we describe this as an act of aggression do we mourn dead neurons when a philosophy or a technology takes hold in human society when wars are fought over them and people die is that rightly seen as being good or evil this is not to undermine the meaning of our existence from where we stand our existence is very serious indeed but is our civilization and our universe really any different on the colony on straighter six is intelligence something limited to things of flesh and blood or is the universe truly one giant intelligent system and we but amoeba blowing self-important potholes in its surface we would do well as scientists to remember that our goal is not to paint the world as we see it but to see it as it truly is and that my friends is one beautiful piece of Scripture so honestly I was thinking that this was going to be something a little bit more hardcore as far as like you know backstory and whatnot the hive mind but I it makes more sense now and again it is kind of backstory and it does kind of paint a good picture it's not exactly as I thought that does not take away the beauty of it anyway I wanted to cut this in because I'm an idiot when I was playing and I totally forgot to show it to you guys so enjoy the rest of the video oh no see there's a freakin there's a freaking mmm there's a thing over here I can't seem to get up though there we go okay so we could just run through this and I'm gonna do it oh yay okay see this is my problem last time I didn't have the propulsion cannon to be able to do this I could just get over it why don't I've literally have no idea why I was doing that Wow my goodness hang on a second I need to try it OOP okay leave me alone oh my god you jumped up here you crazy fool that's kind of nice I actually forgot this is here uh so we didn't do the drive core thing I'd actually need to do that so and the run through into the wata alright so that was in the secret room which I can now leave I guess so we are gonna eventually have to come back here for the captain's quarters but for now let's head back to the drive room I really do and you guys if you don't know exploring the Aurora you saw how big this ship was we can't actually explore that much unfortunately I wish we could I really wish it was a thing but there isn't unfortunately I mean most of it got destroyed and that makes sense okay I'm gonna have to yeah yes yes okay no we got it well let's get our repair tool out we're at 80% we should be good to go and fix and this is what we do sit around here and we fix stuff we've repair with our repair tool and the whole ship just goes hmm I'll behave wait I can scan this I can scan the breach your auras Drive core is shielded by a thick metal shell which breached in multiple locations shortly after the crash once breached it will continue to leak radiation into the surrounding environment until the breaches are sealed after that point the radiation in the environment will dis nope get them get off me dude after that point the radiation in the environment will dissipate over time this procedure should only be attempted with appropriate radiation protection and a fully charged repair tool oh my goodness are you kidding me how are you still alive you come here I'm gonna bash you against the oh my god I'm getting swarmed stop it holy crap what am I supposed to do against that I'm supposed to do against that kind of power oh my god I got it okay geez Oh an achievement let's go oh yeah yeah let's go the Aurora's fixed now no more radiation no more mutated creatures or whatever adverse effects would have happened to these beautiful things around this Aurora of course they are disgusting things that will eat me in a second if I let them so you know I'm kind of indifferent but I feel good about it all right well I feel good about that and oh god dang it holy crap I got a lot of stuff Cyclops engine okay this we don't have the Cyclops unlocked at all we need a lot of stuff anyway but now I can put these upgrades like the storage module which is gonna be nice because now I can have some extra space with me when I take my nice little seamoth with me I went the long way I could have went the short way and it's dark outside of course no it needs to be it absolutely needs to be all right so I know better than to dive down into the water reapers just sitting right there are you still stuck down there good sir yes you are okay well while you're sitting there I'm going to uh I'm gonna put these upgrades and my sympathy Oh Jesus pay my life dude okay put it in wait that's not right no I dropped it Oh what am i stupid put it on yes 300 meters let's go dude let's freakin go yeah you stay down there all right well I think I'm at a good point where I'm gonna pause it so I want to say thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed the video if you did be sure to hit the like button let me know the comments section below all your tips and suggestions and what you liked about the episode of course I can't immediately you know react to them as in the next episode I may not do what you suggest because again once again these videos are pre-recorded due to me wanting to spend time with the babies anyway I still need to comment I love talking up and I will be replying to comments in general so I will be around if you guys want to talk so thank you for watching I love you all and see you guys [Music]
Channel: IGP
Views: 830,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Subnautica, Subnautica gameplay, let's play Subnautica, igp, igp Subnautica, Subnautica aurora, Subnautica inside the aurora, Subnautica 1.0, Subnautica full release, Subnautica 1.0 gameplay, Subnautica full release gameplay, Subnautica full game, Subnautica ending, Subnautica release, Subnautica full, Subnautica updates, Subnautica new, Subnautica full gameplay, Subnautica 1.0 playthrough, Subnautica full playthrough, Subnautica secrets
Id: udJNzpGbso4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 1sec (2101 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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