Ranking Subnautica Leviathans from WORST to FIRST!

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I have made videos covering every single Leviathan living or dead in the world of subnautica and after diving deep into 45 46 BCS I'm going to give you my ultimate worst to First Leviathan tier list not including any fossils or dead ones that doesn't really seem fair as they're not here to defend themselves now I'm not going to be using stats or statistics or even how many teeth they have to decide each leviathan's place on this list I'm just going to rank them based on how much I personally like them so obviously your list might be different to mind so be sure to let me know your order down below coming in as first loser we have the glow whale now I don't have anything particularly against this creature's design I just think it's a poor man's reefback it feels a little too like something we'd see here on Earth and against everything else on this list I just find it the least exciting you do get to pet it so bonus points for that and I do like how they jump out of the water with some great acrobatics but if one Leviathan has to go for me this one has to be it a the vent Garden this one was hard to place it has a cool design and some interesting LW with the creatures anchoring themselves over thermal vents but as the adults don't actually move in game they're more like giant plants than what I would call a true Leviathan it was a tough choice between this and the glow whale but the reason I gave the vent Garden The Edge is simply its size and alien-like nature when first encountering the vent Garden you get a whoo what is that thing kind of moment and I don't think you get that with the glow whale the vent Garden gets bonus points for being a unique creature in that it has a mini selfcontained ecosystem inside its Bell which is a really cool concept but it inability to move in game really brings it down on on this list now as we dip our toes in the Frozen Waters of sector zero we might have reached our first controversial ranking on this list my third least favorite Leviathan is the iceworm now I hear you say altho what did the iceworm do to you to end up so far down on this list and I think the main problem is that it's only a land-based creature I like the ice worm's design and I actually think the creature looks really cool the general idea of something borrowing through the ice with a super heated horn is terrifying as it is epic but in gameplay terms I find the ice to just be outright annoying I don't think anyone would say that below Zero's land sections were the game specialty and I always find myself wanting to get back into the water as soon as possible ice worms just aren't particularly fun to encounter and I find the thrill of an ambush wears off quite quickly once you've ran into them more than a few times and this one's a YouTuber problem but because they're only above the ground for a small amount of time they're a real pain to record I just wish they could swim like it was hinted at in the below zero promotional art or we had another water bound Leviathan in below zero as I think the ice swm takes up one of the game's Leviathan slots but you don't really see it that often and when you do you don't really want to anyway and from the Frozen Seas to the fiery depths next on my list I have what is probably going to be my most controversial ranking the Sea Dragon the Sea Dragon has always been my least like Leviathan from the original subnotica compared to the reaper and the ghost Leviathan it just never seemed as cool I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with the Sea Dragon I just don't like it as much as everything else on this list it's not every day that you say the fire breathing tentacle monster isn't the coolest creature in the game but in this case I just don't think it is from a law perspective I like how they hunt Reapers and spew molten rock and they are definitely the most dangerous creature in the game with their ability to snipe you from far away if there was a neutral rating for this creature that's what I'd give it I don't particularly like it but I don't dislike it either it's just kind of there I think it does its job as a late game Boss quite well but as they normally attack you from range you don't get that Primal Fear like when a Reaper grabs the front of your sea moth this is another one of those creatures that's really annoying to record from a YouTuber's perspective because the lava zone is so dark so that might have swayed my opinion against it or maybe I've just become desensitized to the creature over time overall the Sea Dragon Gets A meh from me from the bottom of the crature to the bottom of sector zero the next creature on my list is the shadow Leviathan now this one I actually rank pretty similarly to the Sea Dragon I like the creature's design and having a glowing acid dripping mouth that sucks you straight into its stomach definitely gives the creature an air of Awesomeness that most of creatures on this list fail to match what I like most about the shadow Leviathan is how unique the creature looks and it really feels like something you would find in the deep dark depths of the ocean where no lights or no one would dare to go the creatur's reinforced arrow-like head and Long Claws definitely give it an intimidating look and there's no candidate like it when it comes to deciding who to give the horrifying space alien award to on this list my main issue with the shadow of Ethan is that you don't really ever get to see it it's locked away in the last few areas of below zero so you don't really get to play with it for very long before the game ends maybe that's kept it exotic and that's why I've ranked it above the Sea Dragon for me I just wish it had a bigger role in the game and didn't get stuck on the environment so much as that really brings down the Fear Factor stomping its way onto this list next up we have the sea Treader and despite being the smallest creature on this list at around 20 M tall I think the sea Treader punches way above its weight on the ranking of subnotica leviathans the sea Treader makes 45 46b feel like a real world it's the only Leviathan to walk on the seaf Flor and I think that really makes it stand out from all the other creatures on this list it feels like a creature that could really exist on some far off planet and proves that being the biggest doesn't necessarily make you the best if you miss the sea Treader path you will never even encounter this creature in game and that was me on my first playthrough and discovering it later on felt like a Hidden Gem of World building that I really appreciate knowing these majestic creatures are migrating around the seaf Flor and living their lives regardless of whatever you're up to really helps to bring the game to life and proves just like here on Earth just because a creature is Big it doesn't necessarily want to eat eat you and for that reason I really like the sea Treader I'd love to see more creatures that walk or scule along the seaf Flor introduce in the future maybe a giant crab or Lobster and if all of that doesn't have you convinced the sea Treader is also the only creature to poop next on my list is the Kiser and this one is actually a bit of a comeback King when I first played through below zero I didn't like the kisat too much I felt like it was everywhere and the game lacked many other hostile of Ethans which took away from the overall experience which I still think is true but I've come to like this red boy more and more as time has gone on I think the creature's bright color really helps it stand out and I like the way it looks as a standalone creature I really like the kisra and I think the void version is pretty cool too I think my main issue is that it's a little bit overused in below zero but that's more of a critique of below zero itself rather than the creature I was honestly quite surprised that the Kiser has ended up so high on this list but after thinking hard about the other leviathans I think it's fair to give it the fifth spot as much as I like the sea Treader I think the Kiser offers more in gameplay terms and if someone was to show me a picture of the two creatures without any prior knowledge I'd be picking the kicera as we head back closer to the surface and the safe shallows of 45 46 BCS we encounter the Leviathan that's just missed out on a medal the reefback always reminds me of Home its familiar calls Mark a return to safety and brings a strange level of comfort to a weary diver the reefback is one of those creatures that when you first see it you recoil in horror at how big it is and wonder if it might eat you but as you spend more time getting to know them you realize that they're actually gentle Giants protect life with the plants on their back and they can even carry you when on the surface these submerged Islands have to be one of my favorite creatures in the game they're alien and Majestic in equal measure and while they may not have a huge amount of interactivity or direct gameplay I just really like them and I think they have truly earned their place on this list for the third place medal we find ourselves at Journey's End the sea Emperor is subnautica's Ultimate creature a lifegiver and preserver that sustains everything in the crater a telepathic Behemoth that holds the fate of a planet in its hands I've struggled to find a good place for the sea Emperor on this list the creature is unique due to its position in subnautica's plot but it also shares a lot of the same Design Elements as the sea dragon the sea Emperor ultimately makes the story of subnautica possible but I think I prefer the design of the reefback I just don't think the sea Emperor looks as good the thing that gives the sea Emperor its Edge is its personal story of tragedy loss and ultimately victory in spite of the odds stacked against it once the baby sea Emperors are released into the world and grown to juveniles I think they're a little underwhelming as they don't really do anything which is the same for the mother sea Emperor who's only ever stuck in an aquarium and swimming around in circles but everything about the mother sea Emperor story gives the species its place on this list even if from a gameplay or visual perspective the species isn't my favorite the next Leviathan might be keeping you up at night or at least might feature in a late night horror flick and that's because our silver medal Goes To None other than the ghost Leviathan this creature has always been one of my favorites and I still remember encountering one for the first time when diving in the Lost River in my Cyclops back then I was terrified of getting too close but after spending some time together me and ghosty are now the best of friends its bioluminescent design and giant body make the ghost Leviathan one of the planet's most standout creatures and nothing can make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up quite like the scream of a ghost Leviathan L wise the ghost Leviathan is one of the creatures we know the most about from laying its eggs in the giant Cove tree to outgrowing the crater and being forced to live in the void the ghost Leviathan always was and Still Remains one of my favorite creatures on 4546b and is worthy of the runner-up medal on this list and now the king ascends his throne as if there could ever have been any doubt as who was going to be number one on this list my ultimate subnautica Leviathan is the reaper the game's most iconic creature and credited by the developers themselves as being one of the main reasons the game succeeded financially whether that's terrifying firsttime streamers or creeping up on grizzled subnautica Veterans the Roar of a Reaper is unmatched when instilling fear in subnautica players the Reaper's design is perfectly alien and it's the creature to send you scurrying home to the safe shallows with your tail between your legs when you try to get too close to the Aurora the reaper being the first truly huge dangerous creature that you encounter gives it a unique place in the memory of everyone who plays subnautica and for some who find the game just too scary it might be the only hostile Leviathan they ever see it's tough mandibles razor sharp teeth and super speed make this subnautica's ultimate danger Noodle and there's nothing else quite like it it might not do as much damage as a sea dragon or be as long as a Leviathan but the classic Reaper takes the crown of subnautica's ultimate Leviathan for me wait I think all the leviathans are angry at me because I didn't give them the number one spot on my list and the reaper just joining in for fun you'll need to click right here to check out all the videos I've made on them if you don't want to end up as fish food as once they're done with me they'll be coming for you next and special thanks to my patrons as modius matus Graham deoy Baron Wy and Xander Cola for making this video possible
Channel: Aletho
Views: 274,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aletho, subnautica leviathans, subnautica leviathan reaction, subnautica leviathan tier list, subnautica worst to first, subnautica below zero leviathan, below zero 2024, subnautica 2024, subnautica lore, subnautica story, subnautica tier list, aletho leviathans, reaper leviathan, below zero leviathan tier list, Leviathan, below zero lore, subnautica best leviathan, The Ultimate Subnautica Worst to First Leviathan Tier List, Subnuatica, subnautica 3, below zero subnautica, mods
Id: 6GplLfe2-WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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