SUBNAUTICA but on Mars | Planet Crafter

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top morning ladies my name is Ja and welcome to the planet crafter a game described to me as subnautica but on Mars oh straight it emergency correct your trajectory iment impact oh my God this is exactly subnotica weird oh oh I'm straight in whoa wow good God this sure is red how many bloody planets are around me or moons okay oh my Oxygen's going down does this save me yes okay open storage Lura seeds space food oxygen capsule good to know what can I make oxygen capsules water bottles microchip con struction equip this chip to be able to build structures okay so I need that silicone silicone magnesium magnesium two silicone two magnesium got it torch backpack two iron all right let's just go out and get some materials they're everywhere wow titanium this weirdly does feel like the first time I played subotica and that's magnesium ice what the hell is that everything's getting all spooky whoa whoa whoa oh whoa waa what the [ __ ] oxygen level low I don't care I almost got hit by space Jesus get back inside ah it's blocked what do I do go away it's blocked I can't get in I need oxygen oh I'm passed out dude I now I can't get out tianium woo hey there kid I saw you browsing saw you looking for stuff there you want some of this I know you do I see that look in your eye that everybody has stop right there criminal scum no the hero of n here to save the day no don't hit [Music] me hey there everyone I am the hero known as the hero of Nord nordvpn are you going out there and browsing the internet unsafe because pesky guys like that guy that I hit was looking for your information and your IP address and you were unprotected don't do that what you want to do is use nordvpn to keep yourself safe on the internet not only does Nord keep you safe on the internet but also it has other uses like they have an encryption service that can keep all of your files safe they have a password manager to keep all of your passwords safe Nord can also help you search for things that you can't find in your own place like just the other day I wanted to watch my favorite superhero cartoon Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood but I couldn't find it in the United England no no they don't have it here anymore so I had to use nordvpn to show that I was in America and with that handy dandy one click to show that I was in America I was watching full metal Brotherhood as much as I wanted so if you want to get this super exclusive Nord deal and and 4 months extra free go to the link on the screen right now it's risk-free with nord's 30-day money back guarantee is he gone no I am not gone you foul fiend thanks again Nord you helped save the day and a lot of people a lot of headaches and money with your super fast licky split service thank you Nord wait the thing went way can I can I make anything can I make a deconstructor get rid of that oh it disappeared oh thank God I feel like foresight is needed for that Jesus Christ is this going to happen often that is nuts really cool though wow I think it stopped oh I can hear again that was wild that's like throwing a baby into the deep end of the pool and being like okay survive swim now inventory full let me drop some ice cuz I think I needed that for water and I don't really need that yet oh my God okay craft a T1 backpack equip It Craft oxygen tank equip it backpack cool okay oxygen tank equip it cool craft a microchip construction uh equip it craft a living compartment but I didn't make the thing yet okay I need silicone and magnesium what do they look like magnesium is the tall guy this guy right yes H uh are you silicone yep okay making progress I will survive this planet give me enough time and I'll impregnate this Honker dust who there's a station over there can you see it oh I got to go there I don't have enough oxygen to survive that Journey right now though I had I do have more oxygen than I did uh what did I need to make this construction deconstruction I just need one magnesium for that get in my belly nice okay how do I equip these boom boom how I is that like 1 2 3 4 whoa what is happening whoa whoa stop that what did I do I just pressed the number stop Jesus how do I build it's not telling me how I build oh q a weird button okay living compartment I put you here can you just go on the ground whoa oh I should have built you the other way oh wait there's no opening okay oh craft a living compartment door got it got it I need silicone silicone silicone you're silicone nice man it does feel like playing subnotica again this is cool welcome aboard Captain I do miss that I miss being a captain okay I need to make a drill and a wind turbine a wind turbine is just iron do I just put this anywhere I guess so look at me a Titan of Industry bow and break before me you desolate Planet full of scum even though clearly people have been here before and crashed here before so it's not that special I'm not the first same with subnotica I thought I would be the first in that one but no a whole bunch of lads that landing on that one is this game going to have monsters in it or like creatures oh I just pick that one up maybe I should make some water I did have some in my pod my little Henry excellent excellent do I have enough to make a drill now yep do I just put you I don't know what that does ah oxygen what does this do generates pressure by releasing gases trapped in the ground2 pressure per second I don't know what that means craft screen terraformation okay I need silicone silicone you're iron silicone where are you I'm [ __ ] iron around here silone it's less scary than subnotica which for now I like I don't have enough room to search that okay terraformation screen can I put you on oh my God press accessibility key control to rotate quickly ah thank you very much ooh okay O2 oxygen zero parts per quadrillion I don't know heat zero potassiums pressure okay so I'm building up pressure in the top right of my screen as well 16 TI what does that do reach a blue sky 175,000 TI I'm at 17 oh my God craft screen blueprints [ __ ] Sil that's all I'm going to need all the time what's in you ooh Lots space food don't mind if I yes oh beautiful silicone okay I need to come back to this one W look at my little base going to look cool already I'm doing so well uh blueprints why can't you go on the wall what on the floor wait would you go on the floor wait is there oh I can make a desktop can you go on that oh thank God if you were going on the floor I would have driven myself nuts oh sweet Jesus okay oh so my terraformation I need 70 for that NPA I need 30000 TI for a new backpack okay hold on is that what these things are improve crafting station to better tools I should make one of those hell yeah a veg tube insert a seed into this device to generate O2 ah now it's starting to make sense oh you fit there and I had a seed it's in a little Henry pod Lura seed a germa seed yeah you're generating oxygen though I already had oxygen and now craft a heater iridium iron and silicone the [ __ ] do I get iridium ooh an exoskeleton silicone and titanium ooh what does that do can I jump really far then are you idium no you look like aridium nice wait that didn't disappear can I deconstructed ah God I'm so smartly wait why did you stop you stop too I run out of energy does just planting a bunch of these down solve the energy crisis it sure do and you can go through each other beautiful not aesthetically pleasing but it kind of is the energy crisis is solved Al Gore be praised um what was I making oh I used up the [ __ ] silicone no I didn't even get silicone iron you don't use silicone for the other things iron iron a silicone a silicone there's a knife in my home and a shaped like a watermelone god creases equip capacity okay can I what oh oh I take off on slot to add a slot gotcha gotcha gotcha I need some storage ooh iron nice I need another storage I just put the iron in it's weird that they look smaller until you build them and then it's like oh wait you're the same size okay excellent progress pat on the back 10 minutes in feeling frisky um what else do I need to make craft screen progress is that you oh you're energy levels okay at 66 TI is that going up faster 6070 I an indoor ladder at one part per trillion maybe a tier 2 heater oxygen tank food grower oh screen progress displays your progress on the different inter terraformation stages T2 V2 I need a heater though but for a heater I need iridium the [ __ ] do I get aridium I haven't found that anywhere oh I didn't make a torch not ready to go up there is that where it is wait if I build more of these oh okay I should build more of those so my stuff goes up faster what do we need titanium and iron and just [Music] iron okay now when I need iron there's [ __ ] none around seem to need silicone all the time so I'll take whatever I can get iron H where's a ridium maybe it's further a field I would like some build my heater it's oh so cold out here titanium no it's so cold out on this desert Planet oh I'm low on oxygen I just noticed my desert my AR Rus my Dune uh-oh I'm not going to make it ooh new oxygen tank I'm going to make it how's it getting dark there's no sun in the sky whoa cool um T2 oxygen tank Cobalt and magnesium did I have any of that Cobalt magnesium does it just replace the other one yeah nice that's what I'm talking about baby oh I do need titanium what am I doing oh I haven't been picking it up oh I'm stink that's just ice this is titanium cuz if I have more of the things then my ti will go up faster my 3080 TI what does TI stand for in those terms okay now I need titanium isn't that just the law of the land you'd never have what you need the most you got to you got to go search for it there's a lesson in that folks inventory full and the lesson is [ __ ] oh it's kind of scary at night time though I need a torch but I don't a waste pre pre pre resour SES uh let me make another drill right next to this bad boy low power let me make more power right next to these bad boys oh I [ __ ] it up though I wanted you guys in a line I guess this will do close enough doesn't make any [ __ ] sense but I'll take it oh my ti is rocketing up now you love to see it still no aridium I don't even know where I would get that uh I need water man it's a lot easier to make this stuff in this game than it was subnotica wait can I make food ooh I can't make food that is very concerning how do we get [Music] food guys maybe if I find a like one of those storage containers that I keep finding the little blue boxes maybe one of those will have aridium in it I don't know it's worth a try is it Lord knows I can't [ __ ] find any this is exciting though I like the starts of these games where you're like oh okay I just need a couple of titanium a couple of this a couple of that and it's like okay now I got my my little economy moving like my economy is going this looks cool and then by the end of it like when you play satisfactory or something like you just have a million billion things going on all at once [ __ ] yeah and that's enough power oh look at my ti go up now one per second woohoo I guess I guess I can build more then right cuz I can always just deconstruct them when I need to and I can make more like to build more of these things is really cheap one iron for a whole power subnotica could never subnotica is like sorry you're going to be in pain for most of your life I can make one more do need to still make that heater though can I have some aridium me move stuff over oh it's [ __ ] soaring up now hell yeah um I'll keep a water bottle and some oxygen I could make a break for that other place yeah why not my little farm will keep going oh I'm not going to have enough to get to that tier 2 backpack ooh I did see a a blue box over here though as long as it doesn't start raining rocks again we should be fine living compartment window nice no idium ooh a blueprint microchip use this in the blueprint screen to unlock a new blueprint you got it squash seeds space food I will definitely need okay I'm heading back man what a big Journey that was I got scared I got a lot of stuff I need to dump it oh this place has never seen life before and now I'm conquering it so quickly also how far away can I make these like if I put one here does that still go back to my place feels like it probably wouldn't um squash seeds can I put those in there space squash seeds insert in a food grower oh so I can't put them in there uh I need more storage can I fit another one oh dip can I put one on top oh dicks oh that sucks man that bothers me okay food will stay in one and then all of these will go in here food and other things I could make a bunch of waters it's the oxygen that I'm worried about oh wait didn't I get a new oh no a new backpack iron silicone and titanium uh silicone iron no titanium really no [ __ ] how do I not have any titanium again I'm used to playing subnautica where all you get is titanium let me just grab another one there's so many materials all over the place don't worry bux I'm coming back I'll get there wait can I deconstruct this box yep can I deconstruct this no um what what was I making oh tier 2 backpack oh yeah look at that storage you love to see it can I equip two of these like if I make another one of these I'll try it uh magnesium Cobalt this might be a waste if I NOP [Music] [ __ ] and I can't deconstruct [Music] it man am I just the happiest guy in the world that I just did that I was being sarcastic no I'm not I'm dying so I can make oxygen capsules if I just get more Cobalt then I can make the journey if I can just make a ton of water and a ton of oxygen tanks then I'm fine I'm fine then I can go there and Back Again a Hobbit's tail by Bilbo baggin so I don't think my food goes down that quick nice I have so much room now so much room for activities Ice Ice Baby okay let's turn these into goodies oxygen capsule I wish I could make multiples 7even have to do one by one like this oh my God that's one ice per water bottle make six okay I don't think I need that much and I'll take I'll take three [Music] food I I don't need this much water oxygen capsules maybe I don't know what I'll need okay we're making our way to this thing I don't know if we'll survive I might have well you're not really wasting that much materials there's materials everywhere onlyny I had like a portable crafter oh wait I should be using some of these already I should have eaten one of those and taken another one stupid okay I won't check that box yet I'll come back I need to head up there how do I get up there there tell me I need like uhoh oh no it's happening again the wind is kicking up the meteors are coming I'm afraid can I even get up here oh God please don't kill me oh God it's terrifying no aridium I'll leave that stuff in there cuz I need my my space to be able to go in here Jesus Christ Christ everything's explodens okay can't dismantle any of this I'm in like scan mode where I feel like I have to scan everything cuz you probably won't have oxygen in you will you oh that completely fills me up nice what have you got [ __ ] chair cool oh crap I needed a torch okay dismantle this o solar panels nice what are you are you a heater I got AUM nice let's go deconstruct storage crate where you're like [ __ ] pointing me at something that I can't see deconstruct debris okay what else shanga seed more aridium Fabric and a water bottle woo excellent I think that's kind of it oh more idium aluminium let's use one of those uh might as well just drink those iron I can get anywhere unless there's a finite amount of iron on this planet and then that would suck whoa oh bright sweet now I can make a heater I can be warm cool I don't think there's anything else here oh and it stopped raining chunks of Earth this is a stressful game I mean at least it's not underwater sorry that I keep comparing it to subnotica but you have to admit it's really similar to the point where I'm like you're probably inspired by it to make a different game and it's totally fine by me the more types of games I've I have the better they're in a very addicting Loop cuz survival games oh my God I'm really far away survival games are already pretty addicting but none of them hit that stride like subnotica did for me it was like the Intrigue of the planet sure but it was also there was something about the loop and subnotica that was better than other Survival Games To Me Maybe I just hadn't found the right ones but I really liked it and this one I I really like as well that like there's something about like so many games do this where you like build a little thing around you and then make it a bit bigger make it a bit bigger now you can go slightly further and get different materials ah made it back baby okay heater oh can I put you here oh please oh please oh please oh stink ah that would have been awesome if I could just put you there why won't you just go there oh where else can I put you [ __ ] nowhere [ __ ] let me just figure this out first God you guys are bigger looking now oh my God go away okay I need to dump some [ __ ] that and then need to reorient my [ __ ] I don't think that table's going to fit there fits like that this looks stupid guys need Cobalt wait no guys this looks stupid I don't want it to look stupid need a bigger oh can I just extend my living compartment does Oh wrong one oh whoops energy level silicone and magnesium I have those it would be nice to have everything that I'm able to make oh God consumption 6.85 production 7.20 available 35 oh this is a really nice screen like all the information is perfectly easy to read okay now all my things are going up what can I make a window a T2 drill yes yes we should make that a T2 two titanium okay time to start deconstructing these bad boys oh yeah look at these sons of [ __ ] uh ran out of power hold on damn these things consume a lot of power I thought getting rid of those would have helped really how much [ __ ] power that these things consume 10 Kow for two of them you guys better be [ __ ] worth it you probably are but Jesus it's a lot of wind turbines God oh wait I got solar panels as well oh I should have been making those iron Cobalt and silicone silicone uh God I need more storage already what did I need I already forgot silicone Cobalt and iron oh that looks cool can I put the solar panels on the roof yeah wait it showed that I could for a second nice it says that the wind turbines are 1.2 energy per second solar panels are 6.5 it's so much better wow okay I can start destroying some of these now cuz I don't like how how much room they're taking up that makes sense cuz I was like there's no way I need that many wind turbines just to use these no God damn it the wrong thing equipped yeah 6.15 left over now I should make more drills then um what else could I make I don't have a T2 heater a T2 craft station are you a T2 craft station I think that's a T1 craft station isn't it no cuz oh it would have replaced it the T1 is the one that was in here got it got it got it got it got it got it okay um guess I can make more of them just so I'm making progress faster I don't know what else is there to do now I can see how you get to 750k 175k never mind like we already at two and a half oh low power whoops uh solar panel two Cobalt and a silicone that's iron Cobalt Cobalt come on where be the silicone now I can't stop say anytime I hear the word silicone from now now on in the rest of my life I feel like I'm going to hear it that way oxygen silicone it's iron silicone I probably need some back of Base as well actually whenever I get Oh I thought I had two Cobalt whenever I get uh stairs and stuff made I'll fix what's on my roof I mean I can make stairs I they all kick in immediately it's very satisfying ooh that's [ __ ] nice I guess I can just make another place on top of this one uh let me deconstruct these I get all my stuff back right I think so it's not even that big a deal I just I need them to be a bit more normal looking they don't need to be perfect tier three backpack ooh two aluminium oh I didn't get a second aluminium uh let me check something out if I I guess I can't do it now with this in the way if I build another one on the back of this yes link but you can't oh is it cuz the ground is off [ __ ] that's why you need Foundation grids oh that sucks I put this in a terrible place then cuz I can't extend this way I guess I could extend that way right that actually kind of makes more sense I was going to say how do I get in then but I can just put a door here oh [ __ ] yeah ah this game rules it's simple [ __ ] but it's so satisfying okay now actually I should be able to fill this with three that is not so satisfying whatever I'm not even worried can I make another one of these ice magnesium and iron ice uh iron magnesium and I'll move you I'll build it here next to you cuz I got a second seed where' I put it didn't I just have a second seed not those I had what just happened oh Jesus it's a rough old day out there Lads I thought this was going to consume it and be gone forever but that's nice that it doesn't it's just Perpetual excellent I do have another iridium actually I could make another heater this is oh yeah that it's not perfect I'm going to rearrange all of this like every single thing eventually but right now it's good enough and I like anything I'm going to have absolutely no organization to any of this it's just going to be whatever the [ __ ] I want all right um I need to make that table and thing again down here need iron silicone iron silicone magnesium iron silicone iron silicone iron iron magnesium cool so what am I working towards tier 2 solar panels at unlocks at 17.5 and I'm at four so I have quite a ways to go with that uh oxygen I'm still working on God well I have two of those working now so it should be better but I need way more I don't have any more seeds though but once that kicks in 1.85 then I get more heater for this oh that's interesting the thing that makes more oxygen is in the Heat and the thing that makes more heat is in the oxygen so when that hits 500 PK I can make a tier 2 veg tube which might just be two seeds I don't know I'm kind of just waiting around now until that happens craft screen progress what did I need to get that screen unlocked I need 2.0 heat PK NK I'm so confused maybe this makes NK as well as PK oh [ __ ] know don't look at me the only concern anything now is food I do have seeds that I can insert into a grower but some of the earlier things that I was looking at I couldn't make a grower I think I just need to make a [ __ ] ton more solar panels and a [ __ ] ton more drills what do I need for the drills titanium and iron and just iron communication antenna wao how are all of these unlocking all at once feel like I didn't have anything and now I have everything just fill up before I go back nice I wonder if the communication antenna is like subnotica as well where it's going to show me where drops and stuff are who knows make another drill probably need more solar panels immediately yep low power I know I know I know ah I used up all my iron should be using up the ones I have instead of running off every time probably need more don't I oh wait I have more room over there now horribly inefficient way of doing this [Music] cool music all right we're a crusan can probably destroy these I don't think they're really yeah I still have enough power they're not really doing anything anymore um I hydration level low oh whoopsies I haven't been doing my sipps and food okay ooh veget tube tier two I just need one more ice can I do that this is probably going to be way bigger so I need to make some room not that much bigger now what do I put into you oh just one seed oh it just makes more [ __ ] yeah ah [ __ ] no hold on maybe I can reorient this a little bit maybe there is like a gap I put it as far in the corner yeah I can put another one there woohoo seed and Seed oh now we're going to be rocketing up our oxygen right yeah look at it go oh a Titan of Industry oh and terraformation is kti I'm making PPQ PK micro PA kti [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah that's what it's all about baby okay I need a transmission dish and a transmission antenna or dish uh display okay okay titanium silicone and aluminium I know a lot of you just say aluminum and that's how it's spelled but not here we don't say it that way whoa this is big you were able to go somewhere there saw you flash green for a sec I just [ __ ] put it on the ground on top of you you're [ __ ] useless to me oh Christ okay [Music] this is such an interesting game because it's not like okay my base is fine now now I go out and do things it's not like you hit a point of sustainability Suddenly It's like [ __ ] I'm just in an endless loop of like I got a new thing whoa that looks like a human made thing over there I never noticed that looks like a Coliseum or something I'm like okay I got new solar panels and then okay and now I make new power and now I got other new power and then okay now I make this I just keep like endlessly flying through it um and now I need this display I need more room for everything all the time this is annoying I guess I don't need an energy display all that much transmissions for sure message received from HST oh [ __ ] I clicked on it you have chosen to have your sentence commuted to an extradition to get all the charges against you dropped you must fully terraform this planet our sensors will periodically scan your progress and send you the required blueprints what so I'm a prisoner and I'm just commuting my sentence by terraforming an entire planet do not try to contact Sentinel core if your sensors do not detect any advancement in the terraformation process you will be considered missing and the charges will not be dropped you cannot claim ownership or value over anything on the planet you are only allowed to use the resources found on the planet to increase okay you're not allowed to leave the planet hello I finally managed to locate the system they sent you to I don't have much time but I'll try to give you some advice the success rate for Planet Crafters is very low because it is an almost impossible task I'm chilling right now food is my big problem but if I just keep starving and dying and respawning here then I'm golden you should find space food in your pod and maybe in space Rex you'll be able to grow food when you meet the correct requirements so try to find some vegetable seeds exploration and improvements are essential explore and improve your equipment to increase your chances of survival I hope this message reaches you it sure do okay I can't fit three screens on it you just got to stack them what am I working towards now damn the pressure one is the easiest one to get a nuclear reactor oh I have to get 10 times as much ore extractor more nuclear reactor God this goes for a while tier three ore extractor Jesus oh we're almost at one for this here we go oh no that's an indoor ladder I don't care about a ladder come on I want to see it happen in real time almost there unless this doesn't turn to one it does okay and 1.85 I'll be there in no time so indoor ladder Cobalt I don't think I have any should I eat some food water I'm fine taking cuz water I can continuously make this thing is kind of useless to me now well like right at this moment uh some Cobalt cuz I'm wondering if I just should I extend up and put myself solar panels up there that might be better I guess I can make a storage area that's not even connected to this one cuz it doesn't need power then it can just sit separate and I could just make a storage area that's kind of annoying though okay [ __ ] time to dump some some stuff time to dumpies uh okay uh one [Music] titanium I build up I should have built it over here actually [ __ ] oh should I do another one boom hit him with the boom except now I can't get up there um it's kind of awkward it's not great but it works oh right I only need one duh then put it over here then no actually it probably is better here cuz I don't really have to access these can I ah [ __ ] CLI the wrong thing I to climb I can't just build one to the roof can I cuz that would be handy I can oh that's really handy okay [Music] I guess I can stick these way closer together they don't have to be like real life back in business baby um R you I guess I'll just keep building them whenever I need to go back up I could make stairs like Foundation platforms and get up but you know what I have my ways of doing things some will say it's Madness I'll say it's Maybelline okay I'm just going to make more storage bins upstairs can I get new [ __ ] storage blueprints is that ever a thing a double bed I don't need a double bed I'm busy working here a biodome God okay we're almost at a T2 heater oh T3 oxygen tank that'll be really nice I like that I can move the menu across as well so I'm just looking at oh Locker storage that's what I need 50k man launch platform dude what the [ __ ] we launching a seed spreader rocket sure I'll spread my seed all all over the planet food grower I need that at 12 oh once I get the no I need more veggie tubes that's that's not happening anytime soon [Music] [Music] new message received from who my darling love identification unnamed Corporation ownership unclaimed null Planet unnamed located in the isal prime sector pre civilization sector crossed mostly by trade ships traveling between big space ports sector has 842 planets 1300 13,51 stars and 7,000 Parasect wide the planet has been identified as a possible candidate for for future colonization can I go to the Internet or something like look up some porn Okay I'm going to go head out and look at this I want to see this colonization place cuz I don't really have much else to do right now I can build more stuff but it's going to take me forever to get any of that done I want to go over and see what these rock formations are even if it kills me oh [ __ ] I should be at home oh man what do I need to build it two idium okay I need to explore anyway cuz I can't I can't readily get iridium it's not lying around like any of the other minerals at least not near my base over here that's where I'm going to find it this is freaking me out this sand makes me feel like sandworms are going to get me I am Paul mua Trad Duke of arus you sure are you're also Wonka you ever seen that Meme he's like I can't remember cuz I haven't seen Wonka yet but it's like come on come all I am Paul muad atres my name is Paul muad betres whoa this place is cool do I have a light no say I didn't make a light I really should [ __ ] dumb of me not to you showed me something that I can interact with oh oh No Just oxygen level low okay [ __ ] I forgot to make a light I guess I'm going to have to do that can I get anything out of any of this deconstruct something o container you might have aridium in you and there's a walkway across that interesting uranium ooh another aluminium what did I need that for I needed two aluminium for something I guess if you get the materials you can also make a base here and like a crafter and stuff like can't I just make a compartment here curious yeah you just get oxygen anyway you don't even need power attached to this thing H good to know I guess living compartment glass I don't want glass um what do I need to make a iron and silicone cuz can I make the flashlight here and then just go in instead of having to go all the way back that would be way handier H torch M oh I need to equip it h there we go that's much handier than going all the way back now I have like a stop off point that if I want to get here H so much nicer oh I could go around that's what I was seeing uhoh it's going to start raining [ __ ] again space food nice I'm going to take the things that I can't get elsewhere like this stuff I can get back where I am I need the space for other [ __ ] cool more seeds are really good cuz when I have more seeds then I can create more oxygen and get more upgrades o a heater tier 2 heater okay I need to dump some [ __ ] iron I don't need but I'll pick up this aridium what else is in here aluminium oh that's what I needed aluminium for right no confused a tiny canister blueprint microchip oh yeah I got one of those and I didn't use it egg PL [ __ ] now I need to crap I want all of this stuff uh oxygen and water fine whatever these are far more valuable to me I can come back I guess oh deconstruct that tier 2 solar panels woo I'm coming home baby cool that went really well could have gone better I could have had more space for stuff but what can you do but I did get some good stuff now I can make tier 2 heaters [Music] I wonder if the meteor showers can actually drop aridium for you as well that would be nice ooh that place looks different also I didn't even realize yeah I was so close to that and it's it's clearly some sort of structure that has something in the middle of it if it doesn't I'm going to be pissed it was the same with subnotica when you go down into the you find like a hole somewhere and then it's like oh am I inside a building and you realiz oh [ __ ] there was aliens here I hope that's the same in this game even if it's the exact same as subnotica I don't care I love that kind of stuff oh tier 2 solar panels are going to be [Music] lit let me deconstruct you uh no God damn it I hate that I hate that it's like left click to do everything [ __ ] with me uh put all you away and I'm actually going to make more veggie tubes over here ice and [Music] magnesium I love that I'm terraforming the planet it feels like a cool goal like you see so much progress happening all the time like I hope by the end of it I just have a massive Colony here uh oh I can make four like if I have the seeds I might as well be doing this silicone and iron still nice actually maybe I should have been building these upstairs I'll I'll put my heaters upstairs I think that'll be cool get them all out of the way I probably should have had my storage downstairs actually like the stuff that you need all the time is readily accessible oh and then the stuff you the stuff that's just generating like these should be upstairs ideally wait so find blueprint micr chips and decode them here oh that's where I put them T1 mining speed t want agility boots ooh two aluminium two fabric I do have aluminium but I need it for heaters I don't have any heaters working right now idium silicone titanium Jesus needs everything how do I want to orient these oh whoops okay silicone and Cobalt yeah this is uh and think about this this is going to start getting pretty [ __ ] hectic now can I just do that and then attach two stairs to each other ah nice how much space do I have cuz now I think I can just build one woohoo I love that I love when I destroy a bunch of them and then it's like one of these was enough to fill that Gap oh they're facing the other way new blueprint receives screen progress oh I've been needing that uh I don't think I can build another one I can I got magnesium this base is a [ __ ] mess right now that's what happens when you're building as you go rather than planning anything out what do you expect of me that's how I do everything and the annoying thing is is that you can't just pick stuff up and move it it's like now I probably have to destroy everything and take everything out and move it and then put it all together ooh new oxygen tank yes stuff's really ramping up now I need to make some [ __ ] water I ain't got time to drink oops shouldn't have done that I need a sustainable way of getting aluminum right now I'm just getting it out of ships all right what's my energy at I have 22 kilow wow awesome oh this is a big screen as well I put the other one behind oops I'm 15% of the way that doesn't seem right build this over here cool this is a [ __ ] neat game I'm really enjoying myself uh-oh it's time it's time for the meteors everybody get inside um you guys don't need to be down here if you're only holding a couple of things each Jesus [ __ ] crazy whoa how are you inside get out of here you don't belong in here [ __ ] hell you they can't it can't like destroy my base can it cuz that would be really [ __ ] annoying if that was possible no I did it again a b at least you get your [ __ ] back um can't put it there I guess don't really like anywhere that I put it that's I mean sure that works I guess um T3 backpack I don't have that right no T2 two aluminium titanium and silicone [ __ ] where do I get more aluminium and go back to the other place to get some I guess did you guys deposit nice materials for me oh is that supposed to be it happens so often because it needs to replenish the materials that you're taking off the world like if I destroy enough stuff out here the game's like well you need more materials so I'm just going to drop a whole bunch of [ __ ] on you all the time it's an interesting way of doing it T1 oxygen tank oh yeah I was supposed to put that back in a container cool actually I'll just make more water I'm going back do I have space yes I'm going to go back and see what was in this other place again I'd rather like clean the places out and then know that there's nothing left in there unless it's just regular materials like iron and titanium wow I wonder how big this is like there's more ship over there I don't think it doesn't seem like the map would be huge like that's probably the edge of it over there right all of that wonder if you can also get dropped down in random places or is it the same every time subnotica is always the same it's like off by a tiny bit you message received well they haven't been helpful yet so I don't care a beacon so I can find my way I need to find in my way I have the tracking of a Blood Hound okay all oxygen up ah God damn so I did leave some stuff in some of these it's all normal [ __ ] anything very useful that I forgot to get more aluminium or something nothing food seeds aluminium idium iron food seeds water I guess I could pick that stuff up wish I could destroy all this it's weird that there's not more guess I can destroy these so I know that I got them I guess I should come back to get that at some point but I need a better chip for deconstructing I'm not even close to getting something like that I don't think let's do they open oh there's another hallway ooh now we're talking space food num nom bean seeds microchips yes oxygen level low [ __ ] oh can I make it oh yeah I can oh close one uh-oh it's happening again I didn't realize when this happened at the start there would be such a regular occurrence I mean now it makes sense why but my God everything's exploding around me this is Jack Z the guy on the scene of the biggest storm this planet has ever seen don't go outside don't take unnecessary risk stay indoors save yourselves wait it says I have 36 kti and this is saying 175 TI so does that mean I can knock off a few zeros and I actually don't have to reach 175 like I thought yeah I'm already at 20% is that 20% of the game done that's kind of crazy if that's if it's like that okay I need iron titanium silicone did I to pick up loads of aridium maybe I have some here oops Yeah I see okay what blueprint did I get T2 mining speed wow isn't that [ __ ] epic what's happening why are my eyes covered in Piss who pissed on me oh I dropped aluminium nice that came from one of the meteors is it just like oh we're in an unstable period so the sun is killing us like the three body problem okay hopefully have enough power for this nice two aridium do I have that ah it's the downside of having it there yes I do Bo baby dude we're already up to 24% we're flying along I like that allow me some of that uh what's next T2 exoskeleton that would be great T3 drill I feel like by the time I get any of these things it's going to be at 100% maybe it's just like hey keep going have fun oh I need 50k for this we're very close to getting lockers okay well I think that's good for now I think this game is great I would love to play more let me know if you guys want to see more um leave a like comment whatever watch the video that's probably the best way of showing just watching but yeah very subnotica like oh a food grower oh I'm going to get me some grub with my pink sky next time anyway yes that does for now thank you so much for watching see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,620,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: 0LxcaS6IAP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 58sec (4438 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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