No Other Gospel - Pastor Joel Urshan

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come on let's ask him right now gods would you just open up four windows of heaven hallelujah rain only Jesus rain rain come on that Lord rain down to your love rain down your glory rain down your power rain down your presence hallelujah oh come on let's clap our hands unto Him again in the name of Jesus [Music] blessed be his holy name feels good to be in the house of the Lord tonight a man we thank God for His goodness today so good to see the Campbell family here god bless you friends of many years we love you so glad to see you tonight amen and we're just thankful for all that are here tonight we're gonna go directly into the word of the Lord turning your attention to Galatians chapter 1 Galatians chapter 1 and I thank all for what he did this morning Amen God moved among his people today and we're thankful for that Galatians chapter 1 and we're gonna begin at the 6th verse we're gonna just read a few verses of Scripture here the scripture says I marvel I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed as we said before so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that you have received let him be accursed and some strong language but we're gonna preach tonight on for a few moments on the subject no other gospel we lift our voices unto the Lord and ask his blessing upon the remainder of tonight's service Lord I thank you for any and every opportunity to open up the word of life and to share the whole counsel of God I pray tonight that you would bless this time we have together calls us I pray to sit in a heavenly place with you help us Lord I pray in Jesus name to receive greater understanding of your great name and power we love you we honor you and we magnify the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and everybody said in Jesus name everybody said amen and amen god bless you you may be seated in the name of the Lord it is important as the church that we take time to teach and to preach the doctrines of the Word of God the scripture is given by inspiration of God all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and it is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness and so we look to the scriptures to understand the things of God and we embrace God by faith in his name and in his power and he confirms his word with signs following but it is incumbent incumbent upon us to take time and to share the word of the Lord and to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ you've heard me say before that anytime we teach or preach we are teaching or preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ somebody said teaching is telling and preaching is yelling and maybe so but the reason that there's a difference is because a preaching is a declaration of the gospel and teaching is a a break down of the gospel and expounding upon the gospel and a help to us to understand how to apply the gospel to understand the gospel now we do know that our minds are limited and so we are living with this finite ability to understand things so when we talk of the divine we receive it by revelation and it is confirmed in the word of the Lord and then it is confirmed in life experience when you begin to apply the things you have received by revelation you find out they work they're not conjecture they're not something that were sounded like a good idea but they actually work the reason they work because God who created all things and put all things into existence and then tells you how to interact accordingly it works because he knows what is best for you and what is best for me and so we must understand that we have to take time and and expound upon the Word of God to expound the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ we must realize that we are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ why are we not ashamed of the gospel of Christ because it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes and so we understand that that is why the gospel works the gospel is the power of God unto salvation and it is to every one that believes and so so we we we hold to the gospel of Jesus Christ there is only one gospel there are not many Gospels there's only one gospel and some like to get a hold of that one gospel Paul said he said beware because there are some that would trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ he said I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel then he said which is not another but there would be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ see every heresy and every false doctrine tries to somehow pervert the gospel of Jesus Christ some go as far in their perversion as even to denounce Jesus Christ but they're still trying somehow to lay claim to the to the objectives and the realities associated with the gospel of Jesus Christ see when communism talks about utopia they're trying to lay claim to the place that God has prepared for us and when when some talk about at nirvana they're trying to lay claim to the heaven that Jesus has prepared for you and I his people but you can't get to a place of heavenly abode without the gospel of Jesus Christ I can hear the words of the Lord and saying I am the way and I am the truth and I am the life no man cometh unto the father but by me in one place he said I am the door to the sheepfold he said if one tries to climb up some of the way the same is a thief and a robber you must come by the way of the door and a lot of people trying to get into Nirvana or utopia or some kind of other description for a place of perfect peace and they're trying to do it without Jesus Christ you can't get there without Jesus Christ it's not another gospel it is a perversion of the gospel of Christ all heresy is a perversion of the gospel of Christ even Lucifer's heresy and his rebellion was based on the idea that you you don't have to go God's Way you can have what God wants you to have without going God's Way it's a lie and it's a perversion of the gospel of Christ and and so we need to understand that there is only one gospel and and the gospel doesn't work unless the gospel is preached as is don't tamper with it don't try to manipulate it don't try to get it to fit what you think it should be don't change scripture to match your beliefs change your beliefs to match Scripture the gospel of Jesus Christ is pure it is true it is holy it is powerful the power of God unto salvation you don't get the power of God unto salvation in any other way then through the gospel of Jesus Christ so I want to just I want to take a moment and and maybe refresh our thinking remind us of the gospel and I want to deliver it maybe to somebody who's never heard it before the first thing that that I want to say tonight about the gospel of Jesus Christ before we can say anything else we have to say this here o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord that's that's the very foundation of everything in the beginning God Oh hallelujah in the beginning God that's Genesis 1:1 but but but then you understand that not only in the beginning God but you understand that God is the beginning and he is the ending he is the Alpha and he is the Omega that means he's the a and he's the Z he is all things he is above all things and through all and in you all you hear what I'm telling you in the beginning God here o Israel the Lord our God is one he does not share his glory with another there is none beside him he doesn't need somebody beside him He is God and He is God all by himself now there have been kings and potentates and governors and leaders who we look at and we can see glimpses of authority and leadership but God is above all of that he does not rule like they rule he does not lead like they lead he is superior to all of that his ways are above our ways his thoughts are above our thoughts Oh hallelujah and there is his ways are passed finding out glory to God and so it is that that that we know God is one he is self-sufficient self-sustaining here that know that learn that understand that believe that he is self-sustaining he does not need a creator to create him he does not need a scientist to discover him he is self-sustaining he is all-mighty God Oh hallelujah Oh hallelujah hallelujah oh I feel something when I begin to praise him I feel it in my spirit when I begin to magnify him there's a witness in the Holy Ghost that's in me when I begin to magnify God it's in you too that's why you're clapping your hands that's not a memorized reaction you feel something when the Lord is magnified your your spirit feels something and not only that your conscience feels something there's something down deep on the inside even of your natural man that Pesta Faiz to the fact that God has created you louia glory to his name and so we trust him he is the sovereign God he does not need somebody to go to a ballot box and vote him in he is already God he doesn't need somebody to set a limit on his terms nobody can set a limit on his term there is no lame-duck session with God He is God all by himself he doesn't need somebody to sanction his directives to make them work he is God all by himself he he there is nobody that can veto his decree he is God all by himself when he said I am the great I am it that's that's the revelation of the name of Yahweh he was letting Moses know I simply am I don't I don't need a noun to to explain my existence I just simply am and Pharaoh better recognize that my endless don't Google that word you may not find it but I feel it my illness is enough hallelujah my self-sufficiency is enough glory to God bring my people out of bondage Oh hallelujah I better move on I better move on you know you don't want to know why preaching is yelling I told somebody I actually told you all last Sunday morning that when I first started preaching I was so stage fright that I didn't I'd never think thought I could preach but but I I didn't mind worshipping I broke through a barrier in worship and I love to praise God in the dance and to wave my arms and shout unto God for the victory and so I had a free flow of worship but I just could not translate it into preaching and so I'd get up to preach and I would folks it was bad I would I would cower down I would get quiet I'd go through five pages of notes in five minutes and took me five months to put them together you explain that I don't know and I was just terribly afraid to stand before people and declare the Word of God until one day I realized that that the anointing I was feeling in preaching was the same anointing I felt in worship and that all I had to do was worship the message I'll had to do was worship God to the people and and that that is how I preached that's how I've preached now for years is I don't I don't even know that I preach as much as I praise God in front of people and I worship Him and so so sometimes I get a little carried away with that so you you have to pardon the yelling and the screaming and the hollering and the stomp and I'm just praising God I'm just worshiping his holy name hallelujah I've gone through more suits than then you can imagine because it's just something when you begin to think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he has done for you and something down deep on the inside begins to cry out hallelujah hallelujah there's something down deep on the inside that begins to say thank you Jesus for saving me from the devil's hell thank you Jesus for saving me from a Devil's pit thank you Jesus hallelujah Lord I praise you I worship you hey let's don't ever get away from that let's don't get from the soul cry bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me that's the first tenant of the gospel our God is one and he is holy and he is mighty he is righteous and there is none like unto him and there is there is none before him and there is none above him and there is none beside him he has no superior and he has no equal hallelujah and that leads us to the next thing we understand about the gospel and that is this we are unworthy we are sinners plain and simple we cannot we cannot stand in his presence and don't ever forget that don't ever ever forget that you and I cannot stand in the presence of God and that is why when his presence comes into this place and we can feel the undeniable presence of the Lord our hearts should be filled with Thanksgiving because we take it for granted and this becomes so commonplace we can take it or leave it and we're checking the time on when skyline is going to close hey it's not skyline time it's Holy Ghost time God and you you got it you gotta let the Lord have his way and understand how grateful you ought to be that he even allows you to stand in his presence that he even allows you to walk into his into his throne room God forgive me for every time I have taken it for granted every time that I've been distracted every time that I've been critical of one of your children while you're moving on me how dare I feel that way lord thank you for bringing me into your presence thank you Jesus for all you have done for me you and I need to realize that we are not worthy to be in the presence of the Lord we are sinners I don't I don't care I don't care if you got your sunday-go-to-meeting clothes on you and I are sinners outside the grace of God outside the blood of Jesus we are sinners the only reason we can call ourselves a saint is because he sanctified us hallelujah the only reason we can call ourselves blood wash is because he washed us with his blood the only reason that we can call ourselves redeemed is because he redeemed us it's nothing we have done it's a human he's worthy oh god don't ever let that don't ever let that escape you don't let that escape you when you hear if something somebody's done that they shouldn't have done don't you look down at their nose at you there go you and I but other grace of God there go you and I but brother gray don't you don't you don't you cast judgment and cast stones and cast condemnation be humbly grateful that God has kept you because we are not worthy to stand in his presence he is one and he is holy and we are undone without him and every message you here on repentance you should give God praise for it don't sit back and think well the preachers being too hard do you know how hard the preacher could be if it weren't for the grace of God if you heard a message that didn't have the grace of God and you've never heard a message that didn't have the grace of God in there there's never been a message i mean i've you take the harshest most difficult most complex most most angry message that you've ever heard preach and because you live in a dispensation called grace there was some kind of grace mixed in there somewhere even the fact that you're sitting there breathing is evidence that the grace of god is somewhere in this mix you've never heard a message that that was with completely without the grace of god and so we are unworthy to stand in his presence that is the first thing you need understand we can't get to heaven without Jesus we can't be sanctified without Jesus we can't be holy without Jesus we can't live forever without Jesus everything we have is because of Jesus thirdly I want us to understand and remember that God has a plan for salvation God has a plan for salvation and before he created anything the Bible says that the lamb was slain from the foundation of the world so in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and God said let there be light and there was light and God proceeded to to demonstrate one of the most the most powerful demonstrations of of glory that the world had ever known and understood it it's it is amazing the creation of God is simply amazing and we breathe his air in and stand still don't take the time to praise Him this is why the Bible said let everything that hath breath praise ye the Lord because even the breath you are breathing the fact that there is an atmosphere compatible to your lungs is a miracle I mean do you understand there's not a planet outside of this one that can that can be said about it that there's an atmosphere compatible to your lungs if you've got breath you better be praising God he has a plan for salvation and before he created anything he had a plan for a lamb to redeem man Oh hallelujah I said God had a plan that a lamb would redeem man before he said let there be light he had a plan that a lamb would redeem man before he because the the flowers to blossom and the trees to grow before he called the Sun the moon and the stars to begin to shine to cut before before he created man of the dust of the ground before he filled the Seas with a with fishes and and before he'd filled the lands with the four-footed beasts he had a lamb man and God has a plan of salvation and it is a most majestic plan he encoded it in creation you can look around creation and see the life the death the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ everywhere you look whether it's day turning tonight and turning into morning again or whether it's seasons changing from summer to fall to winter to spring it is the life the death the burial and the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and because you couldn't hear the voice of God God put it all around you to where even with your natural eyes you could look upon the demonstration and the illustration of his gospel message so that when a preacher did get up before you and declare the gospel of Jesus Christ it made sense to you because you had lived it you had experienced it in nature your own body experiences it your body right now is experiencing the life of Jesus Christ but in a couple of hours that body's gonna begin to wax and wane and grow weary and you're gonna yawn and rub your eyes and go into bed and you're going to descend into a type of death to this body the day will die and your body will give into it and you will lay in a buried subconscious state upon that bed but then your eyes will come open again and you'll wake up from that bed and you'll put your feet on the floor and your resurrect into a new day with new mercies God put it in your very natural body the life the death the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ hallelujah oh he's got a plan and I want you to know something ladies and gentlemen his plan did not put him outside of the equation don't let anybody tell you that God picked some extra person to go do his bidding for him or to do his dirty work for him I want you to know that God him self halleluja came down into the form of man I want you to know that when I preached Jesus Christ to you I preached one who was fully God and one who was fully man when I preached to you Jesus Christ I preached to you one that that came from the virgin womb of Mary it was a miracle conception the Holy Ghost overshadowed Mary I said the Holy Ghost overshadowed Mary and that which was conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost and he was made of a woman made under the law he came into this world hallelujah to save sinners of whom I am chief he come o Shia Lama hyah you hear what I'm telling you God was manifest in the flesh of man and God was justified in the spirit God hallelujah was seen of angels and was preached under the Gentiles and was believed on in the world and was received up into glory not a second person but God Himself not Jehovah Junior but God himself [Applause] come on we're gonna preach the real gospel of Jesus Christ it's important that you know that it was God in Christ that reconciled the world unto himself lest the devil try to deceive you into thinking that somehow God didn't have a plan and that God was not committed or invested in that plan no no that was God ladies and gentlemen that was God who is both father and son God himself he is the everlasting father and he is the Prince of Peace all at the same time he is the king of kings and the Prince of Peace oh I wish I could preach it like I feel it God in Christ reconciling the world unto himself jesus said I and my father are one jesus said he that have seen me has seen the father how say us how then show us the father hallelujah Paul said in Jesus dwells all the fullness not just a little bit not a little here and a little there but all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in him bodily that means every ounce of father son Holy Ghost shepherd lamb door to the sheepfold the Zions righteous governor the great I am the all in all the altogether lovely the first and the last the Alpha and the Omega oh the fullness of the Godhead ah Jehovah Jireh jehovah's Canoe jehovah Mecca Desha jehova shamma jehova sholom jehova rohi jehova rapha o the fullness of the Godhead hallelujah hallelujah you need to know that you need to understand that hallelujah God did it who did it God did it hallelujah who redeemed me God redeemed me who shed his blood God shed his blood hallelujah who lay down his life God lay down his life Oh hallelujah now you gotta understand he was fully God so that you know God did it but you also need to know he was fully man because by man sin came into the world and death by sin came into the world so since sin and death came by man life and righteousness had to come by man folks there's no way out of this man got himself into this man's gotta get himself out of this that's the law that's the law it is the law and you say well why couldn't God just snap his fingers and reverse everything are you kidding me God is not a law breaker do you think this is some kind of a corrupt God you think this is just some kind of a corrupt God that just just sweeps things under the rug and act like it didn't happen that's not the kind of God we're talking about to see that's again that's that's human leadership you've seen that in the world so you think that's how God no no God obeys the law to the end hallelujah man had to get himself out of this situation but there was no man that could get himself out of the situation even man's righteousness was as filthy rags so God in His infinite wisdom God who is wisdom God who is counsel and might and the fear of the Lord God whose ways are above our ways and his thoughts are above our thoughts God said I I've got the plan I will become a man Oh hallelujah I will become a man and I will go through the obstacle course that no man can get through I'll jump through the hoops that no man is righteous enough to get through I will walk the walk that no man can walk and I'll talk to talk that no man can talk and I'll resist the temptation that no man can resist sin like no man can live above sin God didn't cheat God obeyed the law to the very end of the law he obeyed every dotting of the high and every crossing of the tee he did not pull strings for himself he died the death of the transgressor he tasted death for every man he subjected himself to the nerve endings of a human body and he lived above sin sin had no access into his body he did what none of us could do he was tempted in all points as we are tempted it's empty I'm preaching the gospel you've got to understand this about the gospel he didn't come down here with a Superman t-shirt on he was tempted in all points as we are tempted he didn't roll down in here in a Batmobile he didn't shoot some cobwebs out of his wrists and climbed from you know the Mount of Olives over to the to the you know whatever he was a man and he slept like a man and he ate like a man and he hungered like a man and he thirsted like a man and he felt hurt like a man and he was wounded like a man and he even wanted this cup to pass from him like a man he he had thirty three and a half years he got to kind of enjoying the life that he had on earth he had friends and didn't want to leave him he had people trying to pressure him into overtaking the Roman government and set up a a worldly kind of Kingdom but but he was he was here on a mission and you know why he didn't follow those temptations it's not we didn't follow those temptations simply because none of them had a lure and none of them had appeal he didn't fall to those temptations because he loved us that's why he didn't fall to those temptations he didn't follow those temptations because he knew that if he fell to those temptations that he could not go to the cross with spotless pure precious rare blood and in order to atone the sins of all mankind he had to go to the cross with pure spotless precious rare obedient victorious blood and he went to that cross ladies and gentlemen I want you to understand something about this man Christ Jesus hallelujah he said Lord can this cup pass from me and the Lord said he said he said not my will but thy will be done and he accepted the consequence for every sin that had ever been committed and for every sin that would ever be committed and it pleased the Lord to bruise this natural body of the Messiah the hope of Israel I need to remind somebody we can't ever get away from this kind of talk he was wounded for our transgressions halibel Shia he was bruised for our iniquities I'm gonna preach it in the name of Jesus I said I'm gonna preach it in the name of Jesus because you can't preach the gospel of Jesus Christ without preaching Christ crucified and I know some folks want to talk about prettier things and they want to talk about things that have to do with practical application and that's all fine and dandy but this is the most practical application that was ever practically applied who hath believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground he had no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him he is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not surely he had borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all he was oppressed he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her Shearer's is dumb so he opened not his mouth he was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare his generation for he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people was he stricken and he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he hath put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand the Lord laid on him the iniquity of us all you know that iniquity that's in you that's gonna take your soul to a devil's hell the Lord took that iniquity and put it on the man Christ Jesus and it pleased the Lord to bruise him you know you know that transgression that you've committed that that that if it's if you have to stand in judgment over that you'll go straight to the the lake of fire you know what I'm talking about that that transgression that the devil brings up every now and then the Lord took that transgression laid it upon him and it pleased the Lord to bruise him you know that disobedience and that rebellion that you that you don't think is consequential because the mercy of the Lord endureth forever but if you were ever held to account for it you you wouldn't stand in the court of eternal judgment and you would be cast into the lake that burneth with fire along with the devil and his angels and with the false prophet and the beast you know what I'm talking about that stuff that the devil tries to bring up against you I want you to know God took that off of you and laid it on the man Christ Jesus and it pleased the Lord to bruise him yeah so you'll pardon me you'll pardon me if I praise him for the rest of my days you may not like it and maybe somebody that's not even here may not like it but I'm gonna praise him for the rest of my days and don't even ask me to baptize in somebody else's name don't even ask me to baptize in some formula that Oh miss his name it was he that was oppressed it was he it was he who was wounded bruised to chastised it was the man Christ Jesus yeah so when I repent of my sins I'm repenting of my sins and I'm asking God to take the sins that are in my life and nail them to the same cross Jesus was nailed tell Lord I can't do anything about my sins I can't I can't do anything about them I did them I committed them they are a part of the history of my life I have no escape from them all I can do is say Lord forgive me I turn from the wickedness of my ways you see because he could have laughed at me when I said that he could have mocked me when I said that who do you think you are coming to me asking me to forgive you of your transgressions don't you know I'm a holy God don't you know I'm a righteous God he said bring every bit of sin and transgression that you have ever committed and lay it down at the foot of my cross for the mercy of the Lord endureth forever the mercy of the Lord endureth forever the mercy oh yeah and I can nail those things to his cross and I give you praise Jesus he was taken down from that cross after he was oppressed and after he was afflicted and after he was wounded to such a traumatic degree and he was laid down in a borrowed tomb this man who had done no violence neither was there any deceit in his mouth he was laid down in a burrow - can I preach the gospel of Jesus Christ is that Alright I preach the gospel of Jesus Christ because there is no other gospel this is the only thing we know and this is the only thing that saves and don't you think you can cure this world's ills and the Society's problems with any other formula this is our faith and this is the victory even our faith they laid him down in a borrowed tomb somebody said why was he a borrowed why was it a borrowed tomb why why did he borrow the tomb and not buy it he he didn't need to buy the to me is only gonna use it for three days you don't buy something you're only gonna use for three days Jesus had some business sense he knew I'm only gonna need this for three days I'm only gonna borrow this but the Bible says he bought you the price with the precious blood of the Lamb of God hallelujah I want you to know that he was laid down in that borrowed tomb hallelujah for three days and for three nights Oh glory to God but on that great getting up morning he rose up out of that grave by the miraculous power of God the stone was rolled away they came looking for him to bring spices to his grave to preserve his body but the angel of the Lord said why seek ye the living among the dead he is not here he is risen and is alive even forevermore hallelujah I want you to know that he rose up from the grave you want to know why he rose up from the grave because there was no sin in his body there was no sin in his body there was nothing that contaminated his bloodstream he was pure through and through there was no violence done by his body and there was no deceit in his mouth and there was no fornication in the members of his body and there was no pride or envy or lust or bitterness or rebellion there was nothing of the sort in his body in the only thing that gives sin death rather jurisdiction over our natural body is sin and because there was no sin in his body he rose from the dead triumphant over death over hell and over the grave now you know what my body is aging while I'm standing here my body is my body is on a rapid decline as we stand here my hairline is probably receded two inches since seem like it anyway since this sermon started folks it's it's getting it's getting difficult but you hear what I'm telling you on that great getting up morning when all the saints shall rise when the roll is called up yonder every evidence of aging will cease hallelujah he's gonna wipe every tear from your eye he's gonna restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten that the Palmer worm hath eaten that the cankerworm hath eaten he's gonna restore health to your body there'll be no more dying there'll be no more crying there'll be no more sign hallelujah there'll be no more sorrow there'll be no more sickness there'll be no more pain there'll be no more shame there'll be no more crime ha ha boho shots ah do you hear what I'm preaching to you God made away when there seemed to be no way and it won't be it won't be because of my righteousness but it will be because I turn from my wicked ways and I was buried him but baptism into his death and that's why I can rise to walk in newness of life hallelujah hallelujah it's only in Jesus Christ I don't get to go to heaven Jesus goes to heaven I go to heaven because I'm in him don't you know don't you know you're not going to handle about Jesus Jesus is who's going to heaven you know we went there we were in London England a few weeks ago you know what went to London I didn't go to London the plane went to London I got to London because I was in the plane Oh Oh hallelujah you better understand that's how that's what we're doing when we're baptizing you into Jesus Christ we're putting you on the play come on somebody you better get on the good old gospel ship I said you better get on the good old gospel ship this thing is going somewhere this fingers going somewhere and I can hear the master calling I can hear the king calling shame come unto me all ye that Labour come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden I will give you rest take my yoke upon you learn of me my dog is easy my burden is light of God hallelujah to the lamb of God thank you Jesus hallelujah and when God fills you with the Holy Spirit it is in you a quickening power and if that spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwell in you his Spirit will quicken your mortal body that's why the Bible says except a man be born of the water and of the spirit he cannot enter or see the kingdom of heaven because it is the Spirit of God in you that is a quickening power this mortal body is going to be quickened by the Holy Ghost quickened by the Holy Ghost this corruptible will put on incorruption I feel like preaching now and this mortal shall put on immortality hallelujah you feel it every now and then you feel it every now anybody ever had that little no there's not a draft that's not the air-conditioning vent somebody mentions his name and you feel though your body is reacting your body is responding it's the quickening power of the Holy Ghost inside of you if you like me if you like me you need help find in your car in the parking lot lord have mercy when I go into the mall and come out of the mall I don't know where I am I parked at Dillard's I'm walking out of Macy's looking for my car I don't know where it is or where I am I thank God somebody put in that key fob a panic button I just start walking around Kenwood Town Center pushing the panic button walking passing Nordstrom walking around Restoration Hardware pushing because I'm gonna get to it at some point I'm gonna get that panic button see see that the manufacturer of the automobile put a sensor in the automobile and he put a sensor in the key fob and when the sensor of the key fob communicates with the sensor that's in the automobile there is a reaction hallelujah look look the car reacts the horn starts honking and the lights start flashing to let me know it's time to open up and let me find you and get in you and drive you away can I tell you that when that trumpet sound I said when that trumpet sound there's a sensor in the trumpet that corresponds with the Holy Ghost in you and when that trumpet sounds there's a wireless connection and the Horde starts honking and the mortal starts changing the immortality and the corruptible starts changing to incorruption and you shall be you shall be change I want you to know that it is the Holy Ghost that does the work it is the Holy Ghost that leads and guides into all truth it is the Holy Ghost that comforts the afflicted it is the Holy Ghost that brings all things whatsoever he has said unto us to our remembrance leads us and causes us to walk in his path folks this is the gospel of Jesus Christ and this is the power of God unto salvation I want you to think about it like this this is a blood bank and those who come in to this blood bank have come in and they are bleeding out they are dying they are wounded beyond repair and they have to have healing in their spirit and we've got the blood bank ready and we've got the universal blood type you know they've gotten better about it now but way back in the day we remember the horror stories of those who had blood transfusions but the blood they received was contaminated blood blood that was infected blood that had disease in it and it affected them in an adverse way and nobody could have known what was happening let it not be said that in the church somebody received something that they thought was one thing but turned out to be another there is no other gospel the only thing we're gonna give people is the precious blood of Jesus Christ the pure blood of Jesus Christ let me tell you something how we will all put our shoulder to the plow well labor will work we'll do all we can for the kingdom of God but our blood sweat and tears will not do the job that's contaminated but when you put the precious blood when you put the pure gospel into somebody's spirit hear what I'm telling you it will fill up the empty places of this hole it will fill all the broken parts of their spirit and it will save them save them save them to the uttermost if you know what I'm talking about could you lift your hands to him right now thank God for that if you want if you want if you come into this place we're not gonna give you our opinion we're gonna give you one thing the blood of Jesus Christ hallelujah repentance from sin baptism in the name of Jesus Christ the infilling of the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues walking in the spirit walking after the spirit and not after the flesh no other gospel will do there is no other gospel and anybody who preaches another gospel let them be a curse there is no other gospel that can save there is no other gospel that can heal there is no other gospel that can deliver the gospel of Jesus Christ oh come on somebody lift up your praises under the Lord right now come on lift up your praises under the Lord glory to the lamb of God blessed be his holy name blessed be his holy name blessed be his holy man blessed be his holy name blessed be his holy name thank you Jesus Lord I don't want to be a cursed Lord I don't want to preach any other gospel than the gospel of Jesus Christ ha Abajo Shia I need somebody who's thankful for the gospel I need you to come forward right now with Thanksgiving hallelujah in your spirit Thanksgiving in your spirit hallelujah come on I want so come on that's it god bless you in Jesus name come on down whoo hallelujah come on down let the gospel touch you again let the blood of Jesus flow through you again hallelujah let the blood of Jesus Christ flow through your spirit again hallelujah let the Word of God undergirds you again and overshadow you again let the power let the power let the power of God touch you right now hallelujah I want you to bring your biggest need to God your greatest need bring it to God right now cuz he's gonna do a work in your life and he's gonna do it through the power of the gospel whoo hallelujah look at this God's getting ready to do something God's getting ready to do something God's getting ready to do something hallelujah I want you to know we can save to the uttermost he can save to the uttermost come on bring your praise to him right now bring your praise to him right now bring your praise bring your praise bring your praise come on somebody thank God for the blood of Jesus thank God for the blood of Jesus give him praise right now give Him praise [Music] oh it's the blood that gives me shrink from day from day to day it will ever [Music] [Music] heavy games mr. frog today [Music] [Applause] [Music] that gives me strength [Music] today [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank God thank God [Music] oh Jesus I want you to lift your hands right now whatever your need is whatever you need put your faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ put your faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ [Music] you need healing in your body today here's what I want everybody in this building myself included we're gonna repent to God for all of our sins that's what we're gonna do we're gonna repent to God and ask God to forgive us of all of our sins and we're gonna we're gonna turn we're gonna make commitment right now to turn from any wicked way that is not like the Lord can we do it right now across this building begin to pray a prayer of repentance in the name of [Music] forgiveness my righteousness is filthy rags created me a clean heart you know my you know my lord I pray that you will reach with your mighty hand and your stretched down into the places of my soul that I cannot reach and cleanse me Lord cleanse me Lord cleanse me purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow come on saints of God come on saints of God
Channel: Tree Of Life Church Cincinnati Ohio
Views: 1,776
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Id: Jz7Yzu87YuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 12sec (3792 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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