Be Strong in the Lord - Pastor Brian Duvall - 8.8.21

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i jumped up from the floor to the middle you think i want the credit cause the glory ain't made for [Music] know who sits me the throne who makes the stage and writes the songs and i know i couldn't do this on my own and as much as i complain i've seen more sunshine [Music] not the sky not a chance but truth is [Music] [Music] and i know it didn't happen [Music] [Music] my [Music] truth is [Music] from the very beginning was [Music] cause that's not where my blessings are nor they come from the father's heart not the sky not a chance but truth [Music] i'm not lucky [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes jesus [Music] [Music] lucky [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] tells me [Music] yes [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] the way that you love me [Music] cause that's not where my blessings are know they come from the father's heart not the sky not chance but truth is i'm not lucky i'm loved so what a friend we having jesus all our sins and [Music] griefs to carry yeah [Music] it's easy [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] because we do not care [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] it's all because we do not care everything [Music] is [Music] [Music] yeah take it to the lord in prayer take it to the lord [Music] say [Music] saying [Music] is [Music] you know [Music] take it to the [Music] until [Music] [Music] you yeah [Music] i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord is anybody glad to be in the house of the lord this morning i wonder if there are any redeemed folks in the room today is there anybody that has been redeemed by the blood of jesus christ if you've been redeemed why don't you lift your voice and lift your hands and give them praise paul said it this way such were some of you but you have been washed and you have been sanctified and you have been justified in the name of the lord if you've been justified by the blood of jesus would you just lift them up in the room hallelujah [Music] come on clap your hands to the lord here we go see [Music] what does it mean [Music] and what's our purpose [Music] jesus [Music] so what's your purpose [Music] here we go [Music] is [Music] i [Music] am [Music] is [Music] hurt let the redeemed of the lord rise up rise up [Music] now let's take a moment [Music] of jesus christ [Music] is [Music] just stand one more time just one more time [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] he is [Music] he is [Music] storms may collide but my soul is on fire with his word [Music] [Music] is he has never lost [Music] is [Music] he's never lost the battle come on [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] who are you great guys [Music] [Music] and he never will hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's never lost the battle and you are my champion [Music] and giants fall when you stand [Music] undefeated [Music] is oh [Music] i am who you say [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] he's never lost a battle [Music] [Music] [Music] come on are you glad that he is your great defender are you glad that in the middle of your circumstance he is your strong tower that you can look to the rock which is higher than you jesus christ come on would you just lift up the name of jesus one more time [Music] hallelujah come on somebody why don't you clap your hands to the lord one more time oh come on if he's your champion we serve a god who is undefeated today if you're glad that you serve a god who has never lost a battle why don't you shout amen amen amen turn to your neighbor and say i serve a god who's undefeated today and you can be seated in the name of the lord god bless you today welcome to the house of the lord we are so glad that you have decided to join us uh here at church it's grace point church it's tree of life church but it's church amen and i'm glad to be worship worshiping today with people of like precious faith hallelujah it's such an honor if you're a guest in the house today we're so glad that you're here thank you for joining us in worship if you're a first time guest we welcome you especially today we hope to get an opportunity to greet you we hope to get an opportunity to connect with you at some point before it's all said and done i do have a couple of announcements that i want to share with you today today is a very special day uh here in the house of the lord because later on in this service we are going to be anointing and praying over all of our school-aged kids amen hallelujah from pre-k all the way up through college we're going to be uh pleading the blood of jesus over them today and i'm letting you know that because parents if you have a child that is currently in children's ministry they're going to be joining us in the sanctuary after the message today and you can actually just pick your kids up right here in the sanctuary we'll release them to you today right here so that you don't have to go back to the other end of the building and all of that so i want to make you aware of that you can pick up your kids at the conclusion of today's service right here and all the parents said amen amen i want to tell you about midweek this week if you're a tree of life church your wednesday night is as always is happening at the annex at seven o'clock p.m and uh we're excited about that the word of the lord if you're from grace point today this week we are going to be joining tree of life uh on their midweek service i'm joining them in online or in person if you'd like to do that uh my family is going to be out of town but the craig is going to be out of town taking kids to college and doing different things this week so we're going to hook up with them for this week and then we'll have another plan for next week but we want to make sure that everybody understands that everybody say one service one service we're excited about our annual one service on sunday the 22nd that's just in two weeks amen we're gonna gather here from uh with all the apostolic churches in the area right here at grace point church at six pm that evening dr david k bernard is going to be with us he's going to be ministering the word of the lord and you will not want to miss what god is going to do in that service can you say amen it's going to be a great time now i do want to clarify that we will still be having our morning worship service that morning at 11 a.m right here but then we'll be coming back that evening at 6 00 p.m for a great time with all of our other brothers and sisters in the holy ghost and so we're looking forward to that if i could have our ushers to come today we want to give you an opportunity to give unto the lord of your tithe and your offering as god has blessed you to give how many is glad that god has provided for you all you you ought to be thankful for that today amen if you're in need of a tithing envelope our ushers have those uh whichever church you want to give specifically to they can help you with that today and if you give traditionally you can drop that in the offering pan as they pass that around if you'd like to give electronically you can do that today as well there is a debit card reader down at the media center they can help you with that or if you have your smartphone you can simply go out to the respective church websites and give online as well today but however you give jesus said you ought to give with a cheerful spirit you ought to give with a smile on your face not begrudgingly not withholding anything but give give sacrificially and it will be given back unto you in good measure pressed down shaken together and running over amen and i thank god for those kinds of blessings don't you amen amen and amen would you bow your head with me let's ask the lord to bless this offering today heavenly father we love you we thank you for who you are we thank you for the opportunity god to be in your house today to worship you in spirit and in truth god i pray right now that you would bless this offering that you would multiply it let it go to the furtherance of your kingdom that souls might be saved in jesus wonderful name we pray amen and amen if you're a part of the junior high group sixth seventh and eighth grade today you can be dismissed back to your class god bless you let's worship the lord together [Music] do [Music] do bless you and keep you and make his face shine be gracious [Music] [Music] be gracious [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] lord bless you [Music] gracious [Music] [Music] [Music] generations and your family and your children and their children and their children [Music] and your family hit your children and their children and their children may his presence [Music] he is [Music] for you is [Music] [Applause] [Music] generations [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] uh [Music] muscles [Music] let's go ahead and just worship the lord [Music] [Music] amen surely the presence of the lord is in this place today amen you may be seated may be seated at this time we are going to invite all of the students that are going to college whether you are traveling to college or you're staying local we want you to come up to the front and stand in front of the platform if you are going to college in any way freshman sophomore junior or senior we want you to come to the front of the room we're going to pray over our college students today they need our prayers there's a world out there that is trying to steal and kill and destroy our students and they need our prayers sophia go ahead and come all the way across we're gonna spread out so you guys have ample ample space in the front here and you guys can spread out over here all the way over there [Music] so what we're going to do is i'm going to give each of these students an opportunity and a chance to say their name say where they're going to college and what they're majoring in because i think it's important that we know as a congregation where these students are going so that we can pray for them so i'm gonna pass it off right here this is our drummer didn't he sound so good today this is ours so this kind of stinks that i lose him so i've got personal ties to this one i could go on and on about how well never mind i won't take my time but my name is jackson sizemore i'm going to urgent college and i'm majoring in general studies [Applause] hi hi my name is maddie and i'm going on a mission trip for nine months [Applause] my name is brooklyn deval i'm going to cincinnati state for a dms sonography program [Applause] hi my name is brecken bierma i'm going to university of cincinnati blue ash and i'm going into exploratory studies [Applause] hi my name is monica escobedo i'm going to the university of cincinnati at main campus now we'll be majoring in computer science and masters in business administration hi my name is brittany chapman i kind of forget what we were i totally blanked what is it oh yeah so i'm going to uc and i'm majoring in psychology my name is tilam chapman i'm her brother and i'm going to wright state university and i'm majoring in sociology [Applause] hi i'm zaire vonten i attend xavier university i'm double majoring in human resource management and finance hi i'm sophia erschen i'm going to uc urshan college and i'm majoring in organizational leadership hi my name is destiny i'm going to the ohio state university and i'm majoring in health sciences [Applause] i'm crystal i'm going to university of cincinnati and i'm studying marketing [Applause] hi i'm sammy i'm going to xavier university and i'm majoring in bachelor of liberal arts with business and entrepreneurship and this is my last semester [Applause] can we give these students a resounding round of applause we have some great students we're so excited for them pray for these uh precious young adults i just want to give them a little bit of courage something that they can take with them before they leave if i can have everybody turn around and look at me i just want to look you guys in your eyes when i tell you remember what you were taught remember the seed that was planted let the seed that was planted in you take root amen don't let any devil tell you you're not good enough don't let any devil tell you you're not gonna make it you are going to make it you have victory you have confidence in jesus christ you have the word of god in you you have the holy ghost amen you are precious in the sight of the lord you are fearfully and wonderfully made you can trust in the lord with all thy heart and lean not on thy own understanding acknowledge god in all thy ways and he shall direct thy path amen amen [Applause] well now we are going to take a moment and we're going to pray over these students students if you guys want to face the congregation parents ministers of grace point church and tree of large life church we are inviting you to come all the ministers of grace point tree of life church we are inviting you to come parents if you would like to come pray for your students we're going to take uh an extended time here about a three to five minute time to pray for these students because we think it's important to lay hands on every single one of these students congregation if you can stretch your hands forward right now to these students lift your voice and start praying for these students god we call upon your name today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah um [Music] hallelujah hallelujah somebody say it is so now let's give the lord a resounding applause glorify his name for fulfilling every promise for hearing every prayer for every word that has been received in the lives of our students springing up making them strong and fruitful hallelujah hallelujah we give you glory in this place god hallelujah i want to speak to our students students i know that you have just come through a time of prayer i feel compelled to call your attention to the parable of the sower i'm going to do it very quickly each of the synoptic gospels record the parable of the sower but luke 8 and 7 talks about the seed that fell among the thorns and in luke 8 and verse 7 it says and some fell among thorns and the thorns sprang up with it it reveals something about the seed that fell among the thorns the thorns couldn't have sprung up with it unless the seed itself had sprung up and this delineates the seed that fell among the thorns hear me college students between the seed that fell on the wayside and in the stony place because that seed did not spring up but the seed that fell among the thorns did spring up so if i could elaborate for just just one moment that seed was rooted and that seed was established [Music] but the scripture says when we look to the word of god again in verse 14 that that which fell among the thorns are they which they have heard when they have heard the word go forth and they are choked with the cares and the riches and the pleasures of this life i want every student under the sound of my voice to say this life we often preach that the stony ground and the wayside and the thorny ground that that's all just discard eligible we're always talking about the good ground but i want to i want to be a watchman here today for our college students and call your attention to the stony ground because you are in this place you have sprung up you are rooted and you are established but yes but cares of this life can wrap a stronghold around you it's it's a it's a specific kind of stronghold it's a chokehold that you would be not fruitful so brother brian what are you saying what's the admonishment this is the admonishment don't let the cares of this life guide you but let the cares of that life guide you there is a life that is coming hallelujah jesus shall return we have a hope of resurrection and what is down here will pass away but what is there will be forever so so liberally and receive the seed liberally and let the perpetuity be in you even the word of god and be blessed somebody say amen let's give the lord a handcuff [Applause] amen amen there is such a sweet presence of the lord that is in this place and we're going to transition to a time of ministering the word and i feel the presence of the lord so real and i'm humbled in this moment to stand before you if you don't feel it the old preachers used to say your wood's wet because the fire is here hallelujah of the holy ghost and i say it and it has a tone of jest but i grieve for you in the same time because the lord is doing a mighty work in our midst and i want to express gratitude to this great church grace point church brother and sister sizemore and this family and all of you that are part of this assembly you have blessed the tree of life in ways that only eternity will tell and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we thank god for you we thank god for you the apostle said he made mention of you in his prayers we make mention of you in our prayers and we pray that the lord god bless you real good amen and i want to honor my pastor and all of our pastoral team from tree of life and all of the ministry from grace point church i was thinking and i probably shouldn't have because i put a little quiver in me that i don't know that i've had to preach in front of these pillars before and so lord jesus be offense all around me i pray hallelujah may he establish his word in my mouth i want to i want to honor family a lot of a lot of people think that when ministers get up and start honoring everybody it's formality well i honor family not out of formality but because it is the first institution in this world and it's important to god and next next month i'll celebrate 25 years with my wife the wife of my youth hallelujah and i honor her and uh if y'all don't believe in miracles i just shared one with you hallelujah 25 years hallelujah and i honor my daughter brooklyn who's going to college my son kedrick who is away my baby girl braelyn who will join us here shortly my mother father in-laws and the family of christ and the family of christ i want to also call everyone's attention to pastor negron is with us here this morning from germany over here with the anuses they know a tour thing about germany a thing or two or a tour thing and um we appreciate them being with us here as we are celebrating at the tree of life church in arbol davida that's spanish for tree of life for those of you keeping score and we're celebrating our third anniversary god is doing amazing things uh pastor pagan has ministered we're just very thankful for what the lord is doing i'm aware that you've been standing and paul said stand therefore hallelujah i'd like to lift a portion of text from the book of mark the third division today this is an account recorded very similarly like like the parable of the sower in each of the synoptic gospels jesus has been accused of the scribes and pharisees here as we look at our text of casting out devils by the power of the devil so when you just have run out of things to say much like every commentator and voice and media today you just start speaking absurdities and so that's what scribes and the scribes and pharisees are doing they're saying this is a devil who cast out devils makes perfect sense okay he's a devil on our side i guess right so jesus responds to this charge with two very powerful truths and they are universal truths one we're very familiar with we reference it often that is a house or a kingdom divided it's against itself it cannot stand and so we talk about that with sports teams and in corporate america and we we apply this truth universally the second truth that we're going to look at is slightly less popular but it is nonetheless a universal truth so we're going to pick up in mark the third division at verse 27. the scripture says this jesus speaking no man can enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods now i'm just going to stop right there and i'm going to let the cat out of the bag we're going to talk about the spirit man this morning that's what we're here to do and if the spirit man is strong what the scripture is saying is nothing can spoil his house and then here comes the asterisk except he will first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house a moment ago i i mentioned stronghold and then i mentioned a choke hold as a form of a stronghold see when the when the strong man is bound when he's rendered helpless you can take whatever you want from him my god ephesians the sixth division i love the finales of paul's writings there's five different books that he has a final in i should write a book about the five finalies i need to do that and uh in ephesians 6 and verse 10 we find the ephesians finally you all know this one finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might hallelujah hallelujah paul will go on and he'll talk about the armor of god and it's fitting that he should because when we look at this text of jesus exchange with the scribes and pharisees as recorded in luke the scripture says when a strong man armed keepeth his palace his goods are in peace what kind of armor are we talking about jesus jesus said put a pen in it paul will tell you later he'll bring you a story about the armor of god and how you can stand against the wiles of the devil hallelujah hallelujah i feel the presence of the lord in this place this morning my lord and my god the last number of weeks we have laid to rest some powerful figures of pentecost and my grandmother-in-law sister sizemore and brother anthony trimble just about a week ago and as i reflected upon the lives that they lived there was a word that came to me and i just want to lift my title from a free ephesians this morning be strong in the lord be strong in the lord somebody turn to your neighbor and say be strong in the lord let's pray father we thank you for your presence that is in this place god we don't take it for granted lord we know that we're your children the ones that you love and we thank you god for all of your many blessings this word that you've given us is life and i pray today that it would be in my mouth unadulterated and pure that it would go forth that it would edify that it would increase faith lord i pray that you would animate me not by any human anti-god but by the anointing of jesus christ and give every hearer ears to hear i pray in the mighty name of jesus if you'll agree with me say amen amen you may be seated in the house of the lord someone say a strong man's house now let me just get it out there because it is 2021 when i say man i do mean mankind i do mean the species i do mean male i do mean female i i i do mean the aged and the middle aged and i do mean the coming of age hallelujah i'm talking about a multicultural word a multi-generational word today and this word is universal it is for you if you are under the sound of my voice the psalmist asserts except the lord build the house they labor in vain that build it except the lord keep the city the watchman walketh but in vain abraham abraham this hero of the faith the father of the faith even he went looking for a city which hath foundations whose builder and maker is god so we we see this theme and it's not loose it's very obvious if we'll if we'll pay attention that there is a builder and a maker of the city who lays foundations and who establishes the house of strong men and that is none other than our god but when we talk about abraham we could talk about so many strong in scripture we'll sideline sideline them for just a moment abraham's house bore the spoil of a strong man's house that is to say that his house was fruitful so much that we refer to him again as the father of the faith did he have hardship sure he had hardship was there reward absolutely there was reward so i want to i want to fly over drive by just a moment this this idea of a spiritual house how many will go with me will you go with me i want to just talk about a spiritual house because it's akin to a physical structure but the spiritual house is not confined like a physical structure is so i can be here or i can be at work or i can be at home or i can be in the marketplace and i don't ever have to leave the spiritual house well it's important that we understand this today because i'm building a foundation for just a moment we're going to talk about being strong in the lord and the spiritual house plays a key role in this so walk with me a spiritual house much like a physical house it has rooms in it somebody say there's rooms in it see there's there's a living room in the spiritual house and in the living room of my house it's a place of pastime and it's a place of conversation and it's a place of entertainment and and i want to submit to you today that in our spiritual house the pastime and the entertainment and the and the conversation if you will will either be established by provided by and flowing from god or it will come from some other fallen source and and in the spiritual house there's a spiritual kitchen i don't know about your kitchen but my wife she can throw down i'm telling you my kitchen is where sustenance is found there's an aroma that fills the kitchen in my house and you know what needful provision is found in the in the kitchen of my home and and here's the thing about the spiritual kitchen it's where sustenance is found and there's a certain aroma that will my god there's a certain presence of the lord that will fill that kitchen there's a certain water for thirst and bread for hunger that you'll find in the spiritual kitchen and and it's either going to come from god or your sustenance is going to come from some other carnal source now there's a bedroom in my house and and this is where rest and revival and restoration come from and we'll just adult for a minute and we'll say this is also where intimacy and and where where procreation are realized and these are either going to be established by my god provided by flowing from our lord and our god or they will be tainted by some other sort it's important that we just let the word settle here for a minute because if we're going to be strong men and women and students our house cannot be spoiled our house cannot be spoiled you see the strong man's house is blessed it's blessed because to be strong in the lord is to live a life that is animated by the spirit of god hallelujah see the strong man's house is a reflection of the truth that in him we live and in him we move and in him we have our being see he is the strong man's dwelling you say brian that's a little that's a little abstract well well let me let me push on just for a moment it's a house where the children the scripture says rise up and they call mama blessed that that's the strong man's house it's a it's a house where the husband praises his wife and it's a house where the wife honors and blesses the husband i'm talking about a strong man's house i'm talking about a house that is a picture of ephesians 5. it's the mystery of the church and jesus christ the husband men and proverbs 5 that says with fountains dispersed abroad and rivers of waters in the street see that's how things flow in a proverbs 5 house this is a house where the children are like olive shoots around the table now that's abstract i don't know about olive shoots around my table i remember i remember back in the day there was some movie about a little boy who grew leaves or something timothy green i think it was what are we talking about i'm talking about in the strong man's house there is blessings blessings blessings at the table manifestations and perpetuity of anointing in the father the mother and unto the children i'm describing a strong man's house now now we're in a hot market right now for real estate do you all know that making mortgage brokers rich i'm talking about a hot market how many want this house i'm telling you right now i will i will sell my goods to live in this house i said i will consecrate some things to live in this house i i it may take a relocation but i want to live in a strong man's house i don't want anything to be spoiled i don't want anything to be tainted i want the favor and the blessing of god upon my life hallelujah i'm talking about a house filled with peace and with provision and with prosperity not just materially but spiritually hallelujah prosperity and power of the holy ghost prosperity and patience and in godliness mental physical and emotional health when your living room and your kitchen and your bedroom are in him you're living in a strong man's house hallelujah hallelujah this is not a house built on the sand this is not a house that'll topple when the winds of some crazy doctrine comes no no no no this is a house that is built on the rock this is a man that is hidden in the cleft of the same inside the dwelling place of god that name of jesus the righteous run into and are saved a strong tower and don't make me testify to you about where my help comes from my help cometh from the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah my help cometh from the lord he is my light and my salvation hallelujah whom shall i fear he is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid he is a shield round about me he is my glory he is the lifter up in my head he is my hiding place he provides me shelter and strength he encompasses me round about with songs of deliverance you want to know what music is playing in the strong man's house it's the music of an almighty god compassing him about with testimonies of deliverance and a provision and a protection hallelujah it's a strong man's house hallelujah my lord hallelujah my god let me say this don't you know the world wants some of that the bible reveals that there are those that oppose themselves they don't know what's good for them our little boston terrier's got an ear infection mom is trying to hold her down and flush that ear out squirming kicking hey you know what i'm saying this is what we do when the truth confronts us oh i don't i don't know about that i don't know i want the strong man's house but don't the world opposes itself but but i'm here to tell you they want the fruit that is born by the church of the living god the spoil of a strong man's house is every man's desire every man's desire and if you are the enemy of god a strong man's house is worth spoiling now think about it you get out in front you can guarantee there's a crosshair on your back johnny do nothing is probably gonna make it okay yeah but if you're strong in the lord and in the power of his might that strength did not come without battle and it will not be preserved without battle and so there is a spoiler somebody say the spoiler look at your neighbor get your eyebrows up and say spoiler alert yeah so so the lion he roars he walks about seeking whom he may devour what can he bind where is a strong man with a in his arm or so to speak what can i spoil the bible says that the devil is a liar the truth is not in him he is the father of lies i mean i don't know how much more clear the scripture can get it's like if you hear something and it's from him you are hearing a lie you say but it sounded good then it was a good sounding lie here's the thing he's a sly old fox when i was a kid we used to sing if i could catch him i'd put him in a box i don't want to catch him i don't want to be near him i don't want to have nothing to do with him i want to be so buried in jesus name that the devil can't touch me and live in a strong man's house hallelujah my lord but the devil will levy the stronghold on a strong man if he can this is why we're charged to be sober and to be diligent to be strong in the lord and in the power of his might that we will stand fast in the liberty wherewith christ hath made us free and not be entangled or can i say bound again with the yoke of bondage amen but here's the thing as i survey the landscape today i'm just going to be honest i think the preacher probably should i see strong men bound i see strong men bound samson strong anointed of the lord he's got a creed he's got promise on his life brother galbraith i mean people elbowing each other when he walks into the marketplace there's a countenance that he has that just fills every every corner of the room he was animated by the spirit of the lord but here comes a voice y'all heard this voice sammy yeah you know and the next thing you know here goes samson hey mom dad yo i met this girl you know and uh she volunteers in the valley of solac you know and uh she's really she's really sweet she's going to college get a degree and stuff you know political relations i think yeah spoiler alert spoiler alert where did you say she volunteers that son oh down in uh the valley you know isn't that isn't that a philistine village you're talking about yeah but dad you know don't be old school because you know the new philistines they're not like the old philistines you know the they're way more chill they're open spoiler alert see oh i feel the holy ghost somebody needs to heed the word of god today for just a moment don't be unequally yoked come on don't be unequally yoked it'll spoil your house it will spoil your house don't fraternize with the enemy don't go on long strolls with the enemy of your soul that same old devil was a liar in the garden he's a liar right now you need to walk uprightly before god and men because you are strong in the lord and in the power of his might my lord i'm looking at the time some somebody must have changed it y'all fast forward the time on me what what is going on hallelujah hallelujah i'm gonna treat you for just a second proverbs the 18th division this is a subtle one why are you going to go with a subtle spoiled alert brian well because uh solomon said and he was pretty wise from what i hear that it's the little foxes that spoil the vine it's the it's the little thing see and in in proverbs the 18th division we find in verse 20 this this little truth that says a man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled now now that's a lot that's kind of king james-ish and it's it's intense so i'm going to break it down my belly and my being is going to be filled with the fruit of my mouth that is whatever i say is what i'm going to be filled with i'm going to ingest whatever the words and declarations are on my lips this could be a problematic if you're trying to walk in victory because there's a lot of people talking a lot of smack that ain't life it's not goodness it's not testimony it's destruction and it's death and i'm telling you i don't want my being filled with that but i want my being filled with life and that more abundantly whoo so the the writer of proverbs goes on to say death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof they that love what they that love to yak they that love it the tongue they love to tell you something something my wife's looking at me like you're talking all the time well i'm going to talk life baby they're going to eat the fruit thereof see some houses are spoiled today my god because the fruit of our language is rotten it's rotten and so we're prophesying to our children and we're telling them they're not going to make it and that they're no good and guess what our bellies are filled with the results of that prophecy we tell our co-workers what fauci said in the cdc and all of the economic woe and the turmoil and the racism and the hatred and we're yakking about it and it's poison in our belly and it's ruined in the strong man's house somebody needs to open their mouth and speak life and say you want to know what diversity looks like look around you want to know what holiness looks like declare the wonders of god i am holding my body he vitalizes me he quickens my mortal body and gives me strength we've got to be strong in the lord and the power of his might hallelujah somebody say strong in the lord i know i know i've got to hasten on but i'm gonna i'm gonna talk about i'm gonna i'm gonna point out a few spoilers here you know what the watchman did in old town he stood up on the wall and he said spoiler yeah that's what he did they said are we safe he said no i see an enemy he's on his way they're armed to the teeth man yourselves for battle come on so so so whether i evangelize or prophesy or whatever we're gonna i'm gonna be the watchman for just a quick moment here just a quick moment we've got to be careful about our patterns careful about our habits careful about our cycle see sampson had a habit he just couldn't stay away from delilah israel had a habit they couldn't stay away from idols constantly engage in idolatry go from victory to well she's pretty all come on in and bring your gods with you to bondage god sends a deliverer all the idols out the house things are looking pretty good hey what's this over here let's worship that for a minute right it was a pattern it was a cycle hear me today patterns and habits and cycles will either erode or establish god's plan in your life they're either eroding it or they're establishing it one or the other everything that we do is either eroding god's plan or it's establishing god's plan we're either rolling rocks in front of god saying lord use me but i'm still going to be who i'm going to be or we're saying lord use me find me on the altar consume me because i know you're a consuming fire and i'm not i'm not esteeming a work a doctrine of works today please don't get me wrong but i am compelled to remind us that whatsoever we sow that shall we reap if we sow to the flesh spoiler will reap corruption but if we sow to the spirit hallelujah will reap life and that life everlasting i don't think it means life everlasting of future tense i think it means life right now and guess what then too life everlasting hallelujah but but but but here's the thing the american church has become seriously numb to the sin of idolatry i'm talking about numb to the sin of adultery now now this ain't gonna sit well with you but it's the truth anyhow we're so numb to the sin of idolatry that a secular media rife with every antichrist spirit can produce a hit program in primetime tv and call it idolatry and we'll still revel in it moving right along okay somebody say the love of mammon the love of mammon that spirit that loves mammon it will bind the strong man see the love of mammon is a spirit of possessions and greed of brand name and it's propagated through the genius of marketing don't you know what a brand is church let me tell you what a brand is a brand is a symbol of bondage and of ownership it's designated for slaves and it's designated for livestock and somehow the genius of our society has turned it into something that american culture makes their goal and that they clamber after i what what i see i lost some of you at the turn but this is what's happening it is a spirit that comes from the love of mammon and it causes us to take the very provision brother jordan that god gave us and exchange it to put a name on our lives that eclipses the name of jesus and robs him of glory and i'm here to tell the church it will bind the strong man you say brian you get really harsh like what organization you with no no no hear me today don't lose the vision and the testimony of the strong man's house because i just don't want to see it spoiled that's all i want i want grace point to be a place that is established by the strong man's house see because here's what's happening in the strong man's house the spirit of the lord will come into the strong man's house and it will hewn out lively stones and it will take from that house and it will build up a house that the lord dwells in see i didn't get to it before but this is the way this works i feel the holy ghost here's the way this works when i build my house in him he builds his house in me this is the essence of abide in me and i will abide in you so if you're strong in the lord then he will be strong in you my lord and my god my lord the spirit of baal my god is in the earth the spirit of power and a pride and of self-reliance and my career and my schedules and my degrees are somehow tied to my worth you got it all backwards it's all for his glory that's the only reason you've got it i hear the disciple groan in the spirit and say i must decrease he must increase my lord the spirit behind pleasure in the earth it's born it's that same old spirit ashrae ashtaroth of the old testament same old spirit of sensuality and i hear the apostle pleading with the church please please abstain from the very appearance of evil don't even put it in your sight run from it i want you to be strong i want you to be strong don't let the enemy start lassoing you up and binding you putting you in a chokehold but be strong in the lord so we've come here this morning 12 20 20. time is gone what's new i've got the mic hallelujah and it's back to school sunday some of you feel like your houses have been spoiled some of you do others of you that you feel the pressure you know that you've got something going on that's worth spoiling and you're feeling the pressure i stopped by to tell you be strong in the lord be strong in the lord be strong in the power of his might and let me let me go further and say you can let me even prophesy and say you are strong in the lord you are stronger than you believed hey the battle ain't over the battle ain't over just cause you got hit it ain't over till you quit hitting back come on and here's the way this battle works it's a tag team match all you've got to do is reach over and touch the savior who has all power in his arm glory to god and he will save you he will rescue you he will endure you with power of the holy ghost now i want to provoke you in love to good works today now peter peter comes up to the lame man at the gate called beautiful i'm slinging water bottles hallelujah and and he says i don't have any silver i don't have any gold what do you mean i thought you were a strong man moving right along and he says here's what i got in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise and walk now i want you to pay attention to what the scripture says the scripture says as peter is defending this miracle he says his name that is jesus name through faith in his name hath made this man strong now this is just one example because you know time is gone but the formula has not changed church if you're gonna be strong in the lord it's gonna be by his name through faith in his name it's gonna be by his name in the waters of baptism it's going to be his name written upon your life it's going to be his name in everything that you do being glorified that's what makes us strong in the lord we talked about patterns and cycles and you know i asked is jeff here jeff and aisha y'all here jeff and i wave a hand jeff aisha nope nope god bless jeff and aisha he was at men's prayer so whether he's here or not he was at men's prayer and and here's the thing jeff's a dude like he's strong he's strong and i asked jeff i said jeff whoo he dropped some truth bombs on me and he didn't even know he was doing it i said jeff man you you don't look like me i got spongebob arms and you got like some serious stuff going on here and i said look when you do your arm workout i'm just curious i just want to know like an arm workout how many reps do you do and and he was like well i'm not really working out like i used to he was like you know i noticed he said i noticed when i was at the gym i was getting i was getting kind of big and it wasn't really healthy spiritually for me i'm not going to elaborate on what he said but young people headed to college you put that on simmer hallelujah he's trying to he's trying to live in a strong man's house that's that's what he's doing and so jeff said well during warm-ups i do about a hundred reps and then about six to eight hundred after i said no jeff i mean like i'm talking about like just your arms i'm not i don't mean like for the month of may you know and he's like and he said yeah yeah that's that's just just arms will you be my friend you know what am i saying i'm saying there's power in your repetition you got to make it to the house of god you've got to spend time in prayer you've got to open up the word and receive your daily bread hallelujah we're talking about a strong man's house you want to pour a footer that you can build a house on you've got to spend time with jesus hallelujah look look look i i see a lot of people's houses spoiled i know i know brother brother sizemore i ain't coming back i know but here's the thing a lot of people's houses get spoiled because they're hung up on things they're hung up on what they heard on the news they're hung up on what their co-workers said they're hung up on that little piece of scripture that they don't understand like all of a sudden they should have all the wisdom and knowledge of god let me tell you something oh johnny james you all remember him he said he was hung up for your hang up don't be hung up don't be hung up concentrate on whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are lovely oh if there's anything that's of a good report if there's anything virtuous if i can find something praiseworthy that's where my mind's gonna be i ain't coming in giving my spouse to stink i know i'm living in a strong man's house and i have faith that god is working in her just like he's working in me be strong in the lord and in the power of his might and in the power of his might y'all know david was strong david was a strong man he had mighty men he was stronger than the mighty man and you know what david had a six-pack and you all i'm about to get capital corn but i'm telling you right here he had a six-pack you know what a six-pack was the law of the lord the testimony of the lord the statutes of the lord the commandment of the lord the fear of the lord the judgments of the lord i'm talking about he knew what it was like to be strong because he just went back to that place right at the top the law of the lord is perfect converting the soul what's his law brother brian he lo the law is this hear o israel the lord our god is one lord and him only him only him only shalt thou serve you know i was thinking about this whole debate between oneness and trinity all it is is a distraction that's all it is if you can get wrapped up in the nuances of this scripture and that scripture and they can trap you then you'll forget this that there's only one lord that means this that means this i don't have to be worried about whoever else is assailing me because there's only one lord that means this if i've got glory to give it only goes one place because there's only one lord that means this that in him i live and move and have my being i dwell in him he animates me there's only one lord my god so musicians save me somebody come up here hallelujah my lord my god david would go on to say david would go on to say um he would go on to say and it's recorded in second samuel a song of deliverance in songs he teacheth my hands to war strong man knows about battle he says that a bow of steel is broken in mine arms a bow of steel how you breaking steel david he's like look i never seen a bow of steel i never met an enemy with a bow of steel but i can say a bow of steel because no weapon formed against me shall prosper he can say i'm a strong man it doesn't really matter he has already anointed me he has made my hands for war and he's given me the shield of his salvation and his right hand holds me up and his gentleness hath made me great be strong in the lord be strong enough somebody tell your neighbor be strong in the lord come on say be strong in college be strong in the marketplace my lord and my god be strong in your habits and your patterns and your cycles be strong in the lord hallelujah hallelujah and you know what church we gotta we gotta get to a place where we're where we're okay calling out the spoiler man i am so sick and tired of the spoiler being off limits what is that garbage about if there's things that are gonna wreck your home please let me please let me come in love and say bro god wants you to be a strong man please let me tell you the truth please let me save you hallelujah [Music] i i know we've got an agenda we've got primary students that that are waiting in the wings we're going to pray over them but i'm to tell you what they need as much as our prayers they need to see a church that'll stand on their feet and begin to worship god in this house right now somebody stand in this place and let's receive the word they need a church that is strong in the lord and in the power of his might that's what they need that's what they need here's the truth of the matter i said it from the very onset the spiritual house is everywhere i don't want to diminish the consecration that happens at this physical altar but i can promise you brother jamie am i telling the truth it's the consecration that happens tomorrow that matters as much if not more it's the consecration on tuesday and wednesday hallelujah come on we've got to seek and save that which is lost and we can't do it in this edifice alone the spirit of the lord must animate his church hallelujah hallelujah let's go ahead and have our students come i wonder as we get into a time of prayer if you would just raise your hands across this building and receive this word in your heart father i know what you desire that i be strong in the lord and in the power of your might god we see a world that is spoiled god a world that is in such desperate need of you and we know it's not your desire for the church god so i pray give us understanding and empower us to stand i plead the blood over every spouse every wife and every husband every mother every father every sibling every boy every girl over our shut-ins and the singles lord and god i pray right now the strength and power of the holy ghost upon your children in jesus name look at this church look at this [Laughter] are these souls worth preserving i need somebody to i need somebody to declare it [Music] we're sending our children into a world that opposes their own science [Music] they don't even believe in their own biology anymore you say all now here comes the part where the preacher trashes the education system they're doing a fine job i don't have to say a word here's the thing guys the church has to cover these children in prayer [Music] that promise that we sang that his mercy go before amen we're going to pray it here together i need parents i want your parents to come in you say it's going to get crowded yes it is just like heaven hallelujah come on let's gather up around our children ministers i want you to come lay hands on these children as close as you can we're gonna plead the bloodshed at calvary over their minds over their imaginations hallelujah over every distraction i need someone to pray in the holy ghost with me as we begin to intercede over our children hallelujah this is a precious time of consecration parent if you dedicated your child to the lord when they were an infant i want you to raise your voice in the next few moments and remind god tell him you're bringing them back to him and that they are consecrated to him and they are his let's pray in the name of jesus let's raise our voices right now father god i pray over every child in the name of jesus christ i pray father god that they would grow in wisdom lord even as they grow in stature that they would grow in the favor of god if your angels round about these children in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in [Music] in the name of jesus we pray a hedge of protection over them lord protect their souls lord protect their spirits protect their physical bodies [Music] and every spirit of the enemy and deception and other lies to be cut off and they would be made [Music] every elementary school that's represented here [Music] the lord's filling you right now go ahead young person response [Music] not alone [Music] he's my comfort always is [Music] am [Music] he always [Music] [Music] and goodness [Music] you
Channel: Tree Of Life Church Cincinnati Ohio
Views: 417
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -5E_v0VTh6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 19sec (6379 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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