Submarines vs Boats Survival Challenge! (Trailmakers Multiplayer Gameplay)

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we're gonna play boats versus submarine submarines boats boats boats alright so the rules are welcome ladies and gentlemen back to trail makers multiplayer and today we're doing subs versus bubbles get rekt son get rekt so it's going to be a 2v1 there's going to be two subs that have to try to sink a single boat and this is going to be the standard boat that everyone uses and we have to build our own battle sub that can use up to four small cannons or tiny cannons yeah and the goal is whoever lasts longest as the boat before they get sunk is going to be the winner i'm really sub self-conscious of building a brick subconscious okay all right is all righty guys are you ready are you ready i'm i'm i'm pretty ready do you guys throw your subs i built a stub that doesn't look like a sub to me cosmo it's uh it's well well yeah i don't have anything clever to say i was gonna say if i remove fire move all the buoyancy that now it's a sub no then it's just a second ship all right well i'm going to show you guys my stuff but it's not really just an underwater missile wow what what wait that's very compact it's it just it's just it's a missile it can steer it can yaw it can jump it's got guns it can go boom boom boom you know if a sub could be a brick okay that's pretty close no here's the thing here's the thing i don't know i don't know scrapbook i made two i made two okay so i'm gonna show you guys my first one now i saw the spaceship cockpit and thought you know what that looks like that's actually pretty cool it looks like this but the problem is it's so offset the drag makes it just constantly spin in the one and like i was like terrible man this is so hard to counter so like it has like there's wings and controls underneath but i was like it's so hard to cataract yeah so i just said the point it was like was it the millennium falcon that was no no but copyright we're calling this the century eagle it's the century of the century eagles you could have made it work if you put the cockpit down to center so well yeah the century eagle you know i don't want to get sued by disney i can't afford that anyway i'm not using it country eagle sounds like a company name it really does all right i don't want to go anymore i can't see what what oh my goodness it looks like a piranha a pro what a piranha piranha piranha i don't know man how fast do you go very nice like 115 or something you seem faster very nice i don't know you seem pretty fast too yeah i was only doing like 120 all right cosmo um is it a sub oh my god it's a brick oh he built his socks how fast do you go how fast uh i go like 110 why does it always look so much faster even though it's the same speed that's great that thing's so massive so cool yeah dude he's just gonna be able to wait where are you up front oh there you go okay yeah he's gonna be able to just ram the boat like no question i have like no side to side stability there we go here we go sub battle oh no oh oh oh i just got a knife you're still alive you have like so much going still going oh my goodness that's crazy who wants to be the boat first oh that's con all right so we're all just gonna start here and uh on the boat so the boat will get a 10 second head start and then you guys can come after the boat um and the boat the boat's pretty slow so it's not going to be right that's good so the boat can go anywhere anywhere they can go yeah anywhere and just try to survive as long as you can yeah pretty much all right and i guess uh so the disqualifi when you lose it is when you start sinking and you are no longer floating yeah your cockpit starts sinking yeah all right three two one go all right oh it's so slow it's so slow four five six come on vote eight come on vote ten go after one oh my god i made it nowhere i did not go very far at all let's go more time come on steer steer boat steering right now it's just a matter of controlling myself wow think about stick oh you shot me oh oh no he took up the whole part of the upside down already are you serious let me back cosmo i can't even see you guys you just come out of the water i'm just flopping in the background don't worry about it all right come on created way too many controls for you no no no no go go away i got him i got him cause i'll come get him than i expected yeah oh let's catch up with my stuff let's go yeah well just repair you can just repair i thought there was gonna be rocks over here i could hide behind as much as they want gotcha there's nothing here guys i'm like listing to the one side for some reason i'm surprised you even have your uh your fins still at the top let's go that was crazy i somehow dodged cosmo's big ramp too yeah right oh man that was crazy all right all right this is a good spot where is this oh where are you going oh i can't turn very well oh yeah you don't have your front uh fins anymore no i got him trapped i got him trapped coz well i can go in reverse drop in all right perfect uh ow i just killed myself oh he went the other way just trying to maneuver here oh there we go oh no man this is a tough spot to get him in yeah yeah he just hit himself though yeah yeah don't worry about that that's fine all right we're going this way oh come on keep going the wrong way i got to fix my boat this is the actually if i go in reverse i can turn i got it in the beginning i thought you were going to be out super quick and i am so surprised you're still in i feel like i'm closer to rocks i'm like safe almost but yeah hard for me to like get lined up oh no cosmos like i don't know what he did i don't know what he did either man okay i need to fix my boat after this all right let's just oh oh screw i have one engine left i have literally one propeller left and i'm flipped over so i can't even use it we gotta sink him oh no i'm gonna try to just like shoot his seat out here oh no i literally have one propeller left so even if i try to flip it back there we go come on here we go there we go give me traction come on come on come on it's so much harder to stinky than i thought oh here we go oh no oh no man i still have my propellers let's go take so many hits let's go let's go we're still floating we're still floating 16 kilometers an hour let's i have one propeller dude and two rudders it's amazing i can't believe oh cosmo just oh oh my sinking is like is he sinking no no he's just don't float all right this is it this is it this is it oh no oh that was a lot of part i'm still floating though i'm just a buoy now i have no propulsion no rudders no wait what i just got three podiums left come back to me come back to me it's spawning submarine from me stop it oh no here comes cosmo looks good that looks good come on still got two pontoons still floating oh he's wow he's still floating three pot twos actually yeah all right all right this is it here this is it all right this is this is it this is no no i missed i can't all right you just gotta line up oh just oh yeah i do i just gotta line up we're taking too long here yeah just line up and shoot it you know oh no oh you shot me oh i'm sorry i'm just going over them i'm actually just floating and not not maneuverable enough they're miserable situations you guys did so much more damage when i was moving are you floating still no and uh i don't nope yeah you actually pushed me into a really good spot defensively hey come on come on float to the surface boat i literally can't do it oh he shot oh oh no oh no no now it's sinking all right in 22 seconds that feels like a really long time too well all right scrambling you ready yep all right count us in and then i'll i'll count off 10 seconds on my phone here all right three two one taking off all right one two three go go go four go faster seven eight nine ten all right let's get him let's go let's get him oh boy oh man connor's so fast i'm not that fast i mean you look fast from here you're just slow get a faster boat oh i missed i missed i thought all right it's fine oh it's fine it's fine oh man it's so nerve-wracking seeing one of you just like dive underneath oh nice hit dude nice hit oh no i'm perfectly upside down nice nice nice let's just flip over let's just flip over line up on them oh i can't do anything upside down am i just giving me a little bit of a nudge just like a nut no like like more of like a nudge no i'm just gonna try a little bit of like just kind of like a nudge would be nice because i i think i think collisions do more damage than uh than the bullets you might want to just you might want to go oh my goodness oh nice come on over yes yes yes yes yes oh no oh okay okay it's fine okay do i have oh no i'm missing one of my rudders oh it's so hard to turn i can't turn ghetto oh dude the behind the seat camera is so good for like lining up on him i'm so slow like all of my followers oh it's very bad for benedict oh so slow now this is not looking good i feel like this is gonna take this is i'm gonna be done oh man oh wow i'm not very agile oh no stop it stop it i'm trying i'm literally trying to use the behind the seat camera okay i'm gonna go first person it's like so nauseating but it gives you good accuracy with your guns i'm just gonna miss this this is my sharpest turning right now i am turning all the way to the left i'm going as fast i'm going 28 kilometers oh boy oh nice cosmo's just like a whale man he just comes in he is he just come on oh wow you destroyed yourself that's okay cosmo just comes in like you know just blast one propeller left guys that's good it's good i can go 13 kilometers now and i can hardly turn i feel like i'm doing so much worse than khan oh i shot him oh nice yeah i still got my propeller still floating okay okay not anymore is doing all the damage oh he's brutal he is like a whale oh man i am just i am just not you're you're just like i'm not lining it up i'm gonna go back to first person here i'm just gonna do it oh boy there he is first person's great you actually just go out around and then like loop around it's a little bit nauseating but once you line up you can aim the gun so well it's amazing god i don't feel so good i don't feel so good here no oh my goodness i'm still up oh the damage is real i still have my i have no turning but i have my one propeller all right where is he there he is oh no you got him no no uh no no i did not i need to go out for a wider wider angle here man he's going for he's 3 30 now 3 30 on the time it feels so much like more devastating just shoot him just sit here and shoot him i don't yeah okay i need to go under regular order oh no did you take oh okay you didn't go because i have this propeller i have some control over my face come on i'm just trying to get into the rocks i can't tell which way's up right now hold on here we go towards the surface and away from the no i mean my creations up it's symmetrical all right oh my journey is horrible here we go all right just get into the safety area no oh no you turned to me you turned me in a direction i don't want to go shoot him just shoot him oh you guys are doing good with the aim no no not my propeller oh my propeller's gone i have nothing yeah i have no no you're shooting me i'm sorry you're like right there all right i'm still floating it's just a waiting game now oh oh my goodness that was devastating that was bad come on come on i'm still floating though did you just backwards land on me yeah you got to go backwards sometimes you know just oh i just said i'm stupid i just all eat over you with my submarine all right i'm still alive you you having fun there khan you're like a dolphin yeah i'm just trying to i'm not getting away from a wide angle you got to just go for wide angles here trying to maneuver too close isn't it weird how like when i'm when you're like it was the same with uconn you were stationary and couldn't move and it was so much harder to do damage yeah because you're it's like you can't track oh i just got to obliterate my car annihilation just wreck him raccoons is he sinking he's sick all right no way no way what is it what was my time what's my time do you remember what my time was i do i have it written down what would you write it down as no what's my time no i'm not telling you what'd you write it down as all right you got five minutes and 22 seconds you had 522.04 i didn't write down the decimals wait wait i might have it still up on my oh you had 522's .74 not joking so cod wins with that one you're at 522.04 oh by phone but i hit stop right what cosmos i can't believe that i thought it was the same time like there's no way and it's like that is insane literally less than a second difference you know you know someone's gonna time exactly in the videos perfectly and then they're gonna be like listen well actually you know all right cosmo you're up the time to beat is 522. let's do it 0.74 right yeah 0.74 i can't believe it's literally 0.02 man that's crazy yeah let me know when you're going to start and i'll start the timer alrighty three two one go all right one oh he's going into the heart two three four five six seven eight nine ten all right go you went into the harbor dude yeah this is an interesting interesting choice interesting strategy here a new one is it gonna help or hurt oh he's just changing directions now man cosmo's going for like just crazy maneuvers it's working it's working in his favor so far he's having a stronger start than both of us oh come on come on no no no oh man man these the pillars oh nice somebody got me the pillars make it hard to oh i think i hit him while he's flying through the air hit me sorry yeah you hit him you hit him yeah you got the ball fellaini is a good hit good good every time i hit a vote it's like a missile like the the first time you get wrecked he is maneuvering so well yeah he's going for a whole different strat rather than just run away he's just oh for the big maneuver awesome stuff there yeah i lost something all right oh man i'm literally just break checking you guys the whole time you might he might be on to something first person yeah i think i might have to do that too but the brake checks man nice dude oh i hit something you hit yeah oh no that was bad okay what am i doing where am i oh i'm on the rocks all right where is it nice oh there he is nice this is not my round as a sub no me either this is tough it's a lot tougher to hit him when he break checks like that oh wow oh wow i don't even know if i got you oh oh no oh no i can't repair here there's not enough space there we go that's a good strat if he wants to be a boat i'll oh i can't be a boat thank you oh man i don't like these rocks oh man this is so tough did you see that that was a cool yeah that was feeling a backwards jump that was pretty sweet pretty epic there we go hey hey dude we just got to shoot him if he's going to just do this break checking stuff you know hey go go away go away oh i just got like the top of his thing good good good oh no no he's dragging me down man those spikes really work in your favor you like yeah they protect my seat when i hit you well dad and they like hook on to me and they just drag me drag me with you ah okay no no stop the shooting i got i got my sights like zeroed on dude for a second there oh then you break he's definitely slowed down which is good yeah man i'm just i'm just missing all over the place now get away get away all right here we go here we go wow all right oh geez oh no it's so slow all right no i think i don't have any power i don't need steering left you have a phone you do know you do have a one oh yeah yeah i'm just trying to like very slowly line up he keeps the stupid brake check stuff man yeah whatever he reverses direction it's the worst hey man i learned to drive from best back in ukraine we brain check and then call insurance insurance scam yeah oh i can't see oh guys it's not the gliding challenge i know all right oh no no the shoe sting come on get away oh my goodness it's so hard to hit him oh man it is it's like oh you just shot me while i was in the air my bad oh my goodness oh no you know what i'm going to go i'm going further away and then i'm going to come back in it's probably a good idea man yeah just he's too uh he's so slow yeah i should have put reverse on this thing i don't have any slow well i have to do that as well why don't you do that right now quickly just control select all your good i'm good i honestly wasn't trying to make you waste time i just don't know i'm going i'm going out i'm coming back not much he's going out and you're coming back in oh my god i can't i can't you know i can't he's so slow he's just two sides he's at five minutes already i don't think this is i don't think we're gonna get him i know i i think he had the strat with the harbor you know guys i don't have any like i don't i have barely any movement left it doesn't matter that's what he takes the longest oh gotta gotta thrust her off but he's just he's the brake checker man he's just good oh man well i thought five minutes was like a lot yeah yeah a lot but well still can't hit him yeah this is we're not doing good no wow you're gonna land on the dock that would have been so cool all right you know what it's the strat of staying near the harbor and constantly reversing direction that like really it really takes it oh mobile all right 607. wow that was really good that was a smart strategy though yeah like i can't get mad at that that was just that was smart thinking you know everyone else tried to just run an open ocean cause was like now i'm gonna go where it's hard to maneuver as a submarine yeah if if somebody did this to me i would have been livid because i have zero maneuverability they get in your way more than you'd think and then and then you're break checking for like those ukrainian insurance scandals just yeah you know that took the cake oh jeez all right well that was the subs versus boats challenge let us know what kind of multiplayer video you'd like to see in trail makers next week leave those in the comments below and uh congratulations cosmo on your win yeah he's smart that's good this big brain all right we'll see you guys in the next video bye bye
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 200,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, trailmakers, trailmakers boat, trailmakers sub, trailmakers submarine, trailmakers vs
Id: c4gmMg2AeqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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