I Built a Bridge of DOOM Obstacle Course to Destroy my NOOB Friends! (Scrap Mechanic Gameplay)

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what's up guys my name is khan and we're back today with more newbie pro scrap mechanic except uh there's who are you excuse me sorry everybody i'm dr nick what's up dude dr cosmo what's going on guys um so a lot of you guys have been requesting i do a newbie pro uh where i bring cosmo back and have a cosmo face off against dapper and um so i built the bridge of doom pressure is on the bridge i lose today probably against my channel yeah yeah that's right the winner gets the other person's channel we play for pink slips um so i'm not gonna do anything this challenge this is great i can sit back relax and just torture you both um so the only rule is you can't use thrusters you have to build a vehicle and this is the fastest you can go you have to use an electric engine set to half um so this is your this is the speed you get i'm gonna i'm gonna let you guys experience the bridge without the vehicle we'll we'll leave this here um you can just walk across i'm gonna go show you what i control so i've got traps if i knock you off the bridge with the trap if i do it twice um then i'm not going to use that same trap again so i'm not going to just keep killing you over and over again and whenever you fall off i'll pause the timer when you get back to the beginning and start the timer up again fastest person across the bridge wins uh this is the ever famous ball trap which just spawns balls in your way i don't think it's really gonna do much but you know maybe that'll maybe that'll screw you up uh afterwards we go into the of course the plunging floor trap oh my goodness now what makes this difficult is each button is on its own button and i don't have a seat so i can only press one button at a time so that's kind of you know that's sort of the the way that goes all right and then of course we've got the infamous giant concrete brick pendulum trap oh god so you know good luck i don't know what you're gonna do to get through that and then of course we've got the piston vibrating plunger floor which doesn't really to be honest do much except might screw you up and then follow that by the shifty floor i like this one this is like the cheese grater okay i don't again i don't know how effective any of these are gonna be i just sort of tried to make them all unique and then finally we've got the rotating floor of of craziness man you get kudos for building this chorus this is awesome so this is cool i don't know i don't know how well it's going to go that's it and it's we're just going to do it already but yeah it's gonna be a time trial event between you two guys uh to decide which of you is more pro than the other the other pro and uh yeah no thrusters you can build like you know piston mechanisms whatever no explosives obviously you can't blow up the please don't blow up the bridge i'll try not to and yeah so just just build something that has that so no thrusters no thrusters just that speed limiting and if you want to build like pistons bulldozers whatever that's why i showed you the course you can see what you're up against all right you guys ready it's ready all right 15 minutes on the clock press your button when you're ready three two one go let's do it go [Music] [Music] [Music] how did i see you running how did i get behind me [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] is you were pushing me away [Music] how did again [Music] is [Music] oh hey look who finally decided to join us what's up what's up yup in the typical cosmo fashion it took like half an hour to paint and uh do my connections so here we are who's going first uh you were on the left side there bud oh it's right that's how this works it's been so long you get to go first let's see your thingy majumner i had some questions when i saw okay what are your questions you have pistons on the on the feet so obviously you can jump right you have a jump yes so okay so you could jump okay and then the yellow things are stabilizers of sorts the yellow things are to this probably won't work but hopefully to clamp me on the platform when that big thing's trying to get me off of it you mean and then you're gonna like clamp yourself from the pendulum yep until the until the controller uh basically goes through its cycle and hopefully i can unclamp and keep going wait no but i mean it might work it dude that's all i had like lamp like the sides of the planet rotates it down oh my gosh and then he's gonna and then he clamps it yeah no way that's crazy that might work so we'll see it just in case i do flip over because i flip over a lot um i have like a flipper deal here so oh my gosh okay he's got pretty much everything he's got everything what the heck oh i also don't know if this works because i didn't have time to test it but wait what oh it's it's like lowers okay oh it doesn't really work yeah it's always good to push forward i was trying to like i was trying to jump jump myself forward but it probably to be honest though the one advantage you have cosmo which i noticed is your length might let you get over some of the the gap sections a little bit easier ooh true true all right dapper uh all right here we go check it out uh i like the paint job this is basically you guys both made jumpers and i didn't want to say anything about it but how the heck do you think you're going to land on the bridge successfully molly that's far uh you know just drop by driving straight you're gonna jump and drive straight and land on like a super narrow bridge and not bounce off it that's your plan yeah that was the plan yeah crazy i was hoping to actually like approach the balls buddy i got you i don't know if that's gonna work all right which one do you which one of you gentlemen wants to go first i mean this is gonna be embarrassing for me now if i can't knock either of you off at least once like that's just the worst you know i built this whole course and it might not actually do anything i hope cosplay goes first that's all i gotta do you want me to go first okay first i can go first that's fine all right cosmo goes first let's see how this goes all right so it's really simple stand behind the line uh if you fall off the bridge i will uh stop the clock until you're behind the line again then we'll restart and go like you know three two one again whatever come on i'm eager you ready yeah i'm ready all right three two one go give me the balls give me all the balls bring on the back i just gotta just gotta just put oh got a little i don't even got a little stuck there right there's a ball perfect perfect all righty all right you ready one go wait wait hold up hold on i gotta hit the timer all right three two one go go resuming your time all right i'm just putting you're just wasting time i got all day i got i'm wasting time oh oh he glitched into it he glitched it i'm glitched in it wait he made it out he beat it i made it out no wait oh come on come on come on hold up he's like pinched in there yeah i'm i dude i'm hecka pinching the thing oh can you free him with the bottom button there dapper just yeah press that one there you go perfect oh boy i'm already getting hit by the thing oh no jeez okay grabbers let's go let's see if this stupid thing works okay okay okay yeah yeah look i'm just building momentum don't worry about it oh no it's not it's not tall enough don't worry about it we're just building the momentum up here just just oh no don't make it through don't get through get out of here get out of here it smoked if we didn't do enough all right hold on hold on we got about on the shifty plates get out of here oh no no no no no no gotta get about that gotta get him on the spitty spinny jumper [Laughter] i am still in fact a noob dude you got 157.89 i thought i was going to hold you up more oh no dude the pendulum didn't do anything to you no it really didn't stop it hit him and just stopped i thought it was going to smoke you and it was just like oh geez all right dapper are you ready i am ready time to beat is uh like basically just under two minutes uh three two one i i thought i was gonna be able to kill you more often to be honest the balls are like my biggest is oh no no no go balls go balls get a ball get him get him with the ball no no it might not it might not oh that's the balls he's passed oh he's on a ball oh no god let me just remove the floor for you oh geez i've got to get some speed and you got to eat it bro bro yeah i gotta gotta do this i'm gonna line up come on bro come at me bro no he's gonna do it too do it oh i did it you did it look at me dude look at him go oh yeah you got him redemption round all right diaper yeah 46 seconds already on your time you still could do this you just gotta you just gotta go fast you ready yeah i'm ready all right three two one go i'm just gonna get get a lot of balls the ball is actually kind of stupid balls work on them so they kind of they kind of did a little bit so we're going to oh he's smarter underneath him oh no maybe no no he did it come here come here dapper come here what are you gonna do what are you doing i don't even know if i'm rooting for but go go [Laughter] oh my god all right so that's twice down with the pendulum so i'm not allowed to use the pendulum anymore as a trap so i just have to i'll just leave it there all right dapper minute 15 you ready yep real pendulum three two one go i'm just gonna i'm gonna put more balls down the balls are dappers worse never there's weakness okay well he's through the balls okay well that's good i could do the the platforms the platforms are his oh no he eated himself off did he yeah he did [Laughter] okay so what's wrong with my time at right now your time's at 143 oh so if you can make it across in 14 seconds then you know you're good to go you're right yeah i'm going for it all right three two one go let's get more balls in the mix oh my god he just jumped over very nice all right all right okay yes is that yes second of all okay that makes it okay please don't take your time take your time oh my god what is he oh wait no i forgot to turn this one on there we go [Laughter] and then i turn it off sorry dabber i'm so sorry dapper's going to reach with the series after this episode oh i might all right dapper you're at 208 on the clock 208 uh we're playing for bragging rights now we're playing for bragging rights you want to get that sub five minute time you know that's like that's like the left i'm just trying to make it through at this point i'm sorry i did it all right here we go in three two one go all right okay okay just gotta put more balls in why did you do that don't do that [Laughter] one of those things that only works once and never again look at it look at him look at him look at him look at him there look at all the balls just just streaming down oh my goodness they're actually all right get out of here please all right okay here we go here we go i was trying to figure out how to move the pendulum for him but oh uh going to get in the seat and hold w and s on the oh i i i don't think i need to i don't think you need to all right i'm going to coach dapper from the side here you know i'm just oh yeah you're going to give him motivational speeches gonna give you motivational speeches from from the from the track side view yeah that's right all right dapper you're at 247 247. uh the good news is the floor trap and the pendulum are now both out of play so you you know you don't you don't need to jump are you ready i'm ready for this all right three two one go go uh balls though everybody's powerful balls power through the balls fifth time's the truck balls are not there the balls aren't real the balls can't hurt you you got this by i think he just made it through the balls i i think he's making it through the balls man yeah okay remember you don't have to jump don't worry about it don't jump all right pendulum track uh you might want to worry about that ball though you know what oh okay now 30 30-point turn 30-point turn okay out of the way a little bit there there right out of the way a bit perfect okay oh he's going to eat oh no he did the no he didn't probably didn't need to jump there yeah well you got to eat yourself again you know you can put yourself on your lift there that's fine just put your lips down if you can fit yourself uh somewhere there i'm just gonna there you go you might want to turn yourself in the direction of the course 334 dapper you got time you don't know don't drive off the course right i'm not there to coach him what am i doing yeah you help him with your lift there coach cosbo you got to get the you got to get that yeah okay dapper hold up hold up hold up you got it hold on no no we got to move it a bit okay yeah just there all right we might be moving we got to move the pendulum a bit beautiful okay there we go there we go okay here we go all right all right oh boy yeah oh no all right dap dapper gonna stop is dapper gonna make it i have to they might be a little bouncy for them they might it might be a little a little [Laughter] all right all right that's twice that's twice you've gotten killed by all this we'll just turn them off dapper so now you can just drive over the normally they flipped you over twice careful careful take your time you might need it you might need to use your lift there back up cosmo and use your get the yeah get that okay here i'm gonna i'm gonna move the pendulum by the way cause well you just put your lip down and just uh block the pencil so it doesn't swing back into the oh true good call good quality there you go there perfect perfect done problem solved excellent all right all right so these are off now you died twice on it so now you only got well i can't switch the position to be honest so that's just you just have to deal with it boys here's the shifty shifty platforms nauseating kill can these kill dapper is the question this character character's not having a good time at all oh no i missed the button hold on we gotta get back [Laughter] i think my vehicle's too light i'm getting heated by everything [Laughter] 5 16 on the clock uh you got this we only have like a few obstacles left to conquer so uh three two one let's go luckily we still got the balls we still got the ball balls we still get out of here we still dapper's learning about those balls oh man he just blew right through the balls all right pendulum is oh he's again hold on let me just move it you can block it with your lift there cosmo perfect he's got remember the blue ones are the blue ones are yeah they're off you can just you just do whatever they're not gonna they're not gonna they're not gonna turn on they're not gonna bite me they aren't gonna they are i mean they might if you just keep doing that i didn't have time to prop up the pendulum it's not okay he's far from okay all right here prop prop her up prop her up properly let's go there we go all right perfect all right tapper yeah no you can't you can't see you used your lift that was the prop lip okay here here he goes okay here we go onto the cheese grit onto the cheese dapper this obstacle is not meant to be this difficult what's happening i want to go home oh no grab grab grab put on my lips i got him i got him all right put him up put him up yeah you set him up yeah there we go perfect it's like it never happened don't worry it never happened never happened out of the cheese grater oh no i can't put them down one second to the cheese grater here we go dapper on to the cheese here we go the cheese the cheese grater oh no i missed the bun the cheese grater grate the cheese all right he made it he made it he made it onto the circular saw of doom doom oh no okay here we go we're just gonna hold on we oh he's jamming the circular saw and you see oh okay he's on it oh now he's on it oh so uh fast minutes and 18 seconds total 7 18. whoa good job dapper i made it that was amazing well you know i'm glad this worked out i honestly thought the course was gonna be too easy and i'm glad it was kind of difficult oh my god let us know what you guys think in the comments down below make sure of course you check out dapper and cosmo links in the description and uh you know any final parting semi-pro i guess you're a pro now cozmo look at that you've been that was fun thank you for having me back that was a blast yeah it was good yeah i'll have to we'll have to see if we come up with other ideas like that i'm trying to try to look at that bye bye anyway we'll see y'all next [Music] you
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 87,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic noob vs pro, scrap mechanic noob, scrap mechanic bridge of doom, scrap mechanic bridge, scrap mechanic run, scrap mechanic challenge, scrap mechanic multiplayer
Id: RfXB_fyd9cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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