Submarine Dive • U.S. Navy

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[Music] [Music] Engineering out for this trip in I want to taste it [Music] ship is operating water assigned to us for summers operation biopsy at four eight tech one eight verified by the Navin myself sounding is one three eight five fathoms beneath the keel and checks with chart I have verified that my watch team is ready to submerge the ship I intend to submerge the ship to one five five feet here well after deck solution girl I serve snores ship I serve pilot submerge the ship make your depth oh that's open bay card getting out me too dive dive you
Channel: Gung Ho Vids
Views: 117,036
Rating: 4.8578291 out of 5
Keywords: United States Navy, military, military video, military training, Military Exercise, armed forces, Military Operation, United States Armed Forces, Military Film, USS South Dakota (SSN-790)
Id: E_LJ3sFwGzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 17sec (197 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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