The US Built A New Submarine The World Is Afraid Of

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while nuclear power seems for many to be a fairly modern innovation research on nuclear marine propulsion started way back in the 1940s in fact the first nuclear-powered submarine took its maiden voyage in 1955. since then the tech range power and capabilities of these nuclear vessels have improved exponentially so what is the latest in the world of nuclear-powered marine vessels and what can we predict on the horizon in this episode we are going to learn all about the latest generation of nuclear-powered ships and take a guess on what leaps will make in the future so let's get into it the nuclear age in 1951 the us began construction on the world's first ever nuclear-propelled naval craft the uss nautilus was fitted with a submarine thermal reactor str later renamed the s2w reactor and on the morning of 17th january 1955 the nautilus set sail upon their departure commander eugene p wilkinson famously signaled the memorable and historic message underway on nuclear power onboard nuclear reactors immediately solved a massive number of challenges that naval operations faced it provided an almost endless supply of power when compared to diesel combustion allowing naval craft to spend longer on missions before needing to refuel in the case of submarines it meant nuclear subs could travel further distances and be submerged for longer periods of time submarines also enjoyed another added benefit from nuclear propulsion a zero emission process that consumes no air despite nuclear's bad publicity it is a surprisingly safe power source as well the u.s navy has accumulated over 6 200 reactor years of accident-free experience involving 526 nuclear reactor cores over the course of 240 million kilometers without a single radiological incident likewise other world navies have had similarly impressive and safe histories of using nuclear-powered vessels in times of both war and peace the science of nuclear propulsion has come a long way since the 1950s and each class of craft are better equipped and feature new innovations that extend their lives for decades let's take a look at some of the latest nuclear vessels being commissioned around the world uss delaware virginia-class submarine the uss south dakota is the newest and most advanced addition to the u.s navy's virginia-class fleet of nuclear-powered fast attack submarines it was in development for four years finally being commissioned on the 4th of april 2020. it's the navy's 18th virginia class submarine part of an ambitious plan to have 66 virginia class subs by 2048. the uss delaware is 370 feet long with a 34 foot beam displacing 7 800 tons in weight inside the sub is powered by a s9g nuclear reactor that will provide all the fuel the boat will need during its projected service life of 33 years it's able to dive to depths greater than 800 feet and operate at speeds in excess of 25 knots underwater it's considered the stealthiest virginia-class submarine yet the latest in the navy's acoustic superiority program like other virginia class submarines the uss delaware is equipped with four mk-48 launch tubes mk60 captor mines advanced mobile mines and uvs additionally the delaware also has two 87-inch virginia payload tubes capable of firing up to 12 tomahawk cruise missiles varanes and vladivostok yes an m-class submarine russia have continued the development of the yasan m-class nuclear-powered submarines by laying down the keels of the voronins and the vladivostok the 8th and 9th submarines of that class respectively building a submarine of this size isn't quick and the two sister subs aren't expected to be completed until 2027 the s m class are adept out fighting and maneuvering in icy arctic waters and have developed a whole range of innovative and necessary tools to help them operate better they will most likely serve in the northern fleet and pacific fleet respectively both vessels will be equipped with caliber m cruise missiles as well as the circon hypersonic missile it is the first russian submarine class to be equipped with a spherical sonar whose size means the torpedo tubes are slanted when compared to the previous akula class subs but that's not the only difference between the yas and m and previous submarine classes while the akula and previous classes has a double hole the majority of yes and m-class submarines have a single-layer hull constructed from low magnetic steel the s m-class has a crew of between 64 and 85 a huge reduction from the u.s virginia class which has a standing crew of 134 this suggests as the russian navy boasts they have done exceptionally well at automating a lot of their key functions this specific class of submarines are also the first to be equipped with a 4th generation nuclear reactor with a core life of around 25 to 30 years this stealthy attack submarine will never require refueling before its decommission new generation ktpc reactors significantly reduce the submarine's noise level incorporating the normal frigid water circulation into its cooling systems cooling and water circulation are key noise factors on a nuclear submarine and this new reactor solves two birds with one stone the only other submarine classes in service with such reactor design are the ohio and virginia class submarines fitted with s8g and s9g reactors while the yes and m class is far quieter than previous russian ssns capable of 20 knots while running quiet it's still outpaced by its american cousin the virginia class at 25 knots type 094a gin class nuclear submarine while the chinese haven't been developing nuclear-powered naval vessels for long they have quickly caught up to the other world superpowers information is scarce as the chinese navy isn't known for their openness towards military strategy but we do know they have developed a second generation ssbn or nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine it's known as the type 094 or gin class and it's been developed to perform strategic patrols with the ability to strike intercontinental targets according to open source naval military reports the type 094 nuclear powered submarine is approximately 450 feet long it is equipped with 12 missile tubes each capable of firing the jl-2 slbm submarine-launched ballistic missile which carries between one to three nuclear warheads to an estimated range of 7200 kilometers the jl-2 is a chinese generation intercontinental range submarine launched ballistic missile deployed on the people's liberation army navy's type 094 submarines according to the u.s department of defense's 2019 annual report on chinese military capabilities china has built 6 type 094 or gin class nuclear ballistic missile submarines with 4 operational and 2 undergoing final outfitting at hulu dao shipyard the type 094a is a new variant that we know even less about from pictures taken it appears to have a larger modified sail that is thought to carry up to 16 launch tubes the secretive 094a also features a retractable towed array sonar mounted on the top of its upper tail fan which would make it easier for the craft to listen for threats and avoid them while it's pure speculation the type 094a version could also be equipped with new experimental ballistic missiles named yulang 2a which has a greater theoretical range than the jl-2 this new missile could potentially strike anywhere on the united states mainland from the ula naval base in hainan island s5 arihant class submarine another nuclear sub in development the way in which the world found out about the secret s5 was quite hilarious during a guided tour of the indian naval science and technology laboratory indian vice president then kaya naidu accidentally revealed many of the details of the top secret project here's what we do know the s5 class submarine is the successor to the ins are at haman an enlarged version of the ins arihant weighing in at about 13 500 tons at a cost of approximately us 1.2 billion dollars it's the most expensive defense project to date and construction isn't expected to be completed until 2030. it will come equipped with 12 to 16 k6 mirv submarine launched ballistic missiles that have 326 warheads that can be navigated independently over a range of 8 000 kilometers leaked images from twitter show the hump behind the sail where they are to be stored also on board earth two to three tons of explosive payload submarine launch ballistic missiles cruise missiles and torpedoes bob ha atomic research center will be building the nuclear power plants for the s5 subs most likely an upgraded version of the 83 megawatt pressurized water nuclear reactor used in the arihants they're hoping for an output of 190 megawatts so a twin reactor configuration isn't out of the question the submarine will most likely be propelled by duct pump jet propulsion which emits less noise and is thus more difficult to detect via sonar on the same token an innovative new material is apparently being developed for the whole by specialized metal alloy manufacturer mishra datsu nigam and its unique properties is reportedly able to both withstand tremendous amounts of pressure and hide from sonar the s5 is reported to be similar to the american ohio-class ballistic missile submarines able to travel at around 25 knots submerged and 15 knots when surfaced it can submerge at two nautical miles from land and can achieve diving depth after sailing another 80 nautical miles the indian navy hopes to build four s-5s to ensure a presence in both the bay of bengal and the indian ocean especially amidst rising tensions in asia an underground pen will house the subs when not in operation forming a brand new base called the ins varsha located at rambilli 50 kilometers south of visha kapatnam the ins varsha will be home to all nuclear submarines ballistic and attack and nuclear powered ships with phase one construction due to be completed in 2021 project 545 leica husky class russia has been busy when it comes to nuclear-powered vessels and thanks to their tendency to boast about feats of engineering we know a little about the secretive project 545 leica code named husky class the new generation nuclear sub will be smaller than the current yasen m-class ssgn of project 885-m increasing the maneuverability and stealth of the already deadly attack subs reports describe the husky as being developed in two distinct variants an anti-submarine model and a ballistic sub armed with circon hypersonic missiles to destroy large surface craft such as warships aircraft carriers cruisers and destroyers constructed out of composite hall husky submarines will be less noisy than 4th generation u-boats the same composites will be used to make the bow and stern rudders stabilizers mast housing propellers and shaft lines similar to the s5 this material is designed to confuse sonar detection systems the husky will have a single integrated combat information system with artificial intellect some reports said the fifth generation submarines will have a completely new reactor instead of the typically water cooled and moderated reactor vver however evidence suggests that the engine will likely be an upgrade of the liquid metal reactor installed in lyric class ssn of project 705 in testing submarines with a liquid metal plant exceeded second generation vv er submarines by 200 percent in maneuverability and up to 250 percent in power weight ratio however liquid metal plant reactors require the steam unit to be perpetually in a hot state requiring additional power consumption another downside to the new generation reactors special operations need to be undertaken to prevent alloy oxidation and to keep the physical chemical stability of the liquid crystal heat exchange but these are all specular two problems based on theoretical specs many believe the husky will instead be designed around a single shaft single reactor unit with a steam turbine and increased steam parameters could russian be developing a secret reactor that puts their range speed and service life well under the range of current capabilities only time will tell and that's all the time we have for today's video we hope you enjoyed taking a look at the latest in nuclear-powered marine vessels please give this video a like if you learned something new and make sure you subscribe so you never miss another amazing video from insane reality see you next time you
Channel: Insane Reality
Views: 1,089,422
Rating: 4.5113192 out of 5
Keywords: submarine, submarines, navy, us, us navy, nuclear, stealth, military, deadliest, Submarines, 5 Submarines, submarines at sea, us navy submarines, us naval submarines, russian submarines, russian giant submarine, russia, launch, missiles, american patriot, afraid of, ships, boats, fleet, insane reality
Id: buJqzLd9HSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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