Learn english conversation English Subtitle Part 7 -Học Tiếng Anh Qua Hội Thoại Có Phụ Đề

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this is my house it's not big and it's not small but I like it three people live here this is Matt hi I'm Matt this is David hello my name is David and that's me hi Helen pleased to meet you so there are three people but there are four bedrooms so today is interview day what's your job I'm a jazz musician really what do you play the drums but he's very quiet and friendly no dogs sorry 150 pounds a month great no 150 pounds a week sorry where are you from Edinburgh but my jobs in Oxford good this is a nice house Thanks we're happy here okay okay Ann tickle him I don't smoke we don't smoke do we uh no we don't smoke oh sorry this is terrible who's next her name's Jane she's number eight she's the last sir Jane tell us about yourself tell you what anything I'm from Brighton I'm a drama teacher I don't smoke I like films good food good food yeah Italian French Chinese do you cook yes I'm a very good cook do you have a dog no cat no no animals do you play the drums no the trombone violin saxophone nothing that's great Jane it's your room fantastic when can you move in next week this week tomorrow sure welcome to 53 Blackwood Road thank you thanks a lot so now there are four of us there are four people in the house now and I'm very happy and Jane well we all like her morning everybody what's this it's a video film about my new house and my new housemates it's for my sister Allison oh right is it okay yeah sure okay Allie this is the kitchen and who is this say something see what top US seven in the morning talk to my sister introduce yourself go on David hello I'm David I come from Manchester I'm a lawyer I work in Oxford's that's it what things do you like I like my job I like football swimming I like a quiet breakfast and I don't like video cameras and I start work at 8 o'clock so bye bye David's nights really ready just a minute ready hello my name is Helen I come from London but I live in Oxford what else what do you do I'm a marketing assistant for a publishing company I work in Oxford but I sometimes go to the London office I usually go to work at 8 o'clock and I get home at half-past six is it a good job it's a very good job I really like it what else do I like I also like good food films I go to the gym at the weekend oh and I like travel I love France and Spain I speak a little French and Spanish what things don't you like well I don't like noise oh and I don't like cigarettes great you're welcome where's Matt I think Matthew still in bed hmm it's Jane can I come in Matt hmm do you want to be in a film for my sister just say something where are you from Matt where are you from Birmingham he's from Birmingham what about your job shop manager he's a shop manager he works in a computer game store he likes computer games mad do you like computer games and he likes rock music and he loves his bed Oh Matt what time do you usually get up half past seven it's 8 o'clock it's Wednesday I start work at 1 o'clock on Wednesdays Matt oh it's Tuesday a perfect start to a perfect day for Matthew my room it's big it's comfortable but I don't know the walls this chair everything move the bed where how about under the window put the hi-fi on the chest of drawers put the chair in the corner I don't know why don't you paint it paint what paint the room I don't know I'm not very practical I don't like painting I'm always too busy I don't really have time today I have a lunch appointment at one o'clock it's impossible can we do it for you really yes yeah are you sure cause we sure what about the color oh I don't know something nice now don't worry you go out enjoy your lunch and leave it with us thank you okay let's go and buy some paint Matt do you want to come yeah do you want to get dressed oh right there is a DIY store you wear that's on this road Oh someone hang on excuse me is there a DIY store near here yes go straight on to left at the roundabout go down the road and it's on the right next to the supermarket thank you how about this black there are some really nice colors here oh look this is lovely how much is it 16 pounds 49 gosh that's expensive hey Matt this is the same color as your t-shirt it's gorgeous what do you think yeah I like it how much is it 11 pounds 99 how many do we want - that's 2398 24 pounds it's okay now are there any rollers there is some over them you what do you think it looks great I love it hmm looks interesting but good I like it finished yep thanks I really like this color me too the room looks great oh hi Helen can I go in yep welcome to your new bedroom Oh Matt your t-shirt what the colour it's horrible next time Helen don't ask for help do it yourself this is how it started another exciting evening and 53 Blackwood Road hi Julia how are you yeah sure when's your birthday the 4th of August that's Leo you're a lion what's wrong nothing what about you my birthday is the 16th of March I'm a Pisces a fish so what's the horoscope sign for this month May the first part is Taurus the Bull so James bull is James birthday this month when the 13 the 13th of May it's the 11th of May today that's in two days are you sure that's what she said did you hear what it's Jane's birthday on Saturday why don't we have a party in two days yeah a surprise party good idea right how many people just the four of us Mele the cake sign to drink presents okay let's make a shopping list I got it that's it that looks great where did you get to no I bought it at Pascal's you know next to the bank how much was it was fifteen pounds did you get the candles you didn't get candles I did thank you when does Jane get home usually at half past six after her game of tennis and about 20 minutes oh no he's a famous help Matt don't let her come into the kitchen Oh talk to her two minutes what do you want me to talk about anything hi Jane I'm at it let me Thanks did you have a nice day huh yes what did you do I went shopping what did you buy I bought a t-shirt and some shoes and I bought some food Matt are you okay what else did you do I played tennis we're at the Sports Center I had a good day did you I got up at about oh there's 11 o'clock and then I had breakfast I had cornflakes and I had toast and coffee an orange juice and then I watched television and then Matt please move now it's not your birthday Matthew but you said it was the 13th of May the 30th of May Matt not the 13th then what do we do with all this food and drink we can still have a party then what about the 30th we can have a party then - sure right two parties but only one present yeah David what really you so that was the surprise party a real surprise for everyone are you free this evening for Amelia you are that's fantastic it's David's new friend and personal I think you really likes her brilliant it sounds a very exciting see you 7:30 bye David has a date when tonight what's her name Julia Julia when did you meet her two weeks ago do you mind what is it tonight then cinema theater opera a burger a restaurant which one Hong Kong house it's Chinese it's very good very cheap it's very good well I hope you and Julia Julia have a great time I'll come with you have a nice evening by then this is it Oh Chinese um I had a Chinese meal yesterday can we go somewhere else where would you like to go I love Italian food is there an Italian restaurant near here I don't know yes there is Marco's it's about five minutes away Marco's oh yes but that's what's the problem nothing it's really lovely here thanks David don't mention it you know I can speak Italian just a little can you I can't speak any languages say something - good evening sir madam go on buona sera Patera abbiamo el menú / favori Muto venison you're a volver a la lista Divini sorry can you speak more slowly please would you like to see the wine astern yes please what would you like to start the suit looks nice I think I'd like the truffles okay the truffles and can I have the suit please sir truffles and for the main course I'd like the lobster and I'd like the roast chicken what you drink how about a bottle of champagne sir shopping yes a bottle of champagne it's hard work but I like my job it's very interesting and I like playing sports at weekends for all tennis and I like reading books magazines really this is delicious can we have the bill please certainly sir much sir what time's your train Oh past 10:00 I was 10 it's helped us there now oh dear can you ring for a taxi a taxi thanks for a wonderful evening don't mention it good night night how much is it so far 19 pounds per person but I only have 20 pounds us do you take credit cards these are American Express a check sorry I only take cash thank you very much indeed sir good night thanks very much so that was David's date with Julia he got home in time for breakfast we're all cleaning the house today we don't clean it every Saturday but today is different Jane's sister is coming to visit what is your sister do she's a student well she's studying film studies gosh that sounds interesting they're finished actually there's a what time is she arriving 2:30 I'm going to my yoga class and then I'm meeting her at the station hello can you turn it off what what did you say young man hello hello can I speak to Jane please certainly who's calling it's Allyson her sister just a moment Jane it's your sister why she call you now it's only 12 o'clock hello Ali where are you hi Jane I'm at the station but you're two-and-a-half hours early I know I got the first train Ali I can't meet you I have a yoga class at half past twelve that's okay I can come to your house by bus no it's too difficult hold on can anybody meet my sister my yoga class starts in 20 minutes I can I can I can please I hate cleaning okay hello Ali Matt can meet you there's a cafe near the station the Rose cafe why don't you wait there can you meet Ali at the Rose cafe sure what does she look like hold on Ali she's quite tall and she has long dark brown hair what's she wearing hello Ali what are you wearing I'm wearing a cream coat and a black sweater she's wearing a cream coat and a black sweater sorry hold on how long about 15 minutes about 15 minutes blooms call me on my mobile okay see you later bye you sorry sorry hello Jane it's Allison where is he isn't he there what's he look like he has dark hair and a beard hang on is he wearing a black leather jacket and black jeans it's okay he's here see you later bye I'll just go away sorry I think there's some mistake Matt I'm Alison West tiny oh I'm so sorry hi I thought so okay um let's go sorry about that sorry I was late I got a flat tire no problem the cars just around the corner what's the matter why are you carrying that bag it's your bag isn't it No then who he's wearing black jeans and a black leather jacket yes and he's carrying my bag we met Alison that afternoon oh sorry and that evening after Matt's conversation with the police
Channel: Learn English Conversation
Views: 3,623,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conversation, conversation in english, conversations in english, daily conversation in english, english, english pronunciation, games to learn english
Id: eZYI0DxEFzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2015
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