[SUB] 어느날 머리에서 쥐뿔이 자랐다✨ [차린건 쥐뿔도 없지만] EP.01 #이영지 #수빈 (ENG/JPN/SPA)

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soobin's inner anime fan decided to peak out a little, so adorable

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/spirityun 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

English title source: txt_book

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/sobilala 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

Noooo this was too short, I love listening to Soobin talk

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/StrangeOperation0 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

I wish it was longer, I hope he can go on more things like this in the future

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Sunshine_of_your_Lov 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2022 🗫︎ replies

So cute...and you are doing well Soobin ah

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/hipployta 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2022 🗫︎ replies
Who will say this kind of this, other than you? -No one else, So Bang Si Hyuk chairman will kill me -Soobin, do you want to fight? You really are a rogue -Yeah [Although there is nothing much prepared] [Before filming] - I need to be drunk. I can't do it like this -I'm so nervous Youngji, tequila will make you drunk unnoticed You really need to be careful - I am stronger - I'll briefly introduce today's guest [Drunk] -To prepare for today's guest, I went a bar in Itaewon and asked for all the drinks -After trying each of them -I thought that Kahlua would be a good fit for today's guest -Then which one is Kahlua~? [This one] -With Kahlua, I'll pour as much as my right-hand wants to -This is Seoul milk -Since I didn't go there, it's not a PPL -Please cover the logo -I'll close the shaker -I learned the basics of being a bartender through youtube -Stand upright and stretch your arms -Flex your forearms and just like how you let your baby sleep -Why do I feel like puking when doing this? - Wait a moment [Anyways it's done] -Look at the bubbles, it's a milkshake -I'll give the honor to drink the first Kahlua to one person -Please come forward, who wants to take this -Sisters? [Twitter ID: DokgodieInsaeng] -he is here -Wait a moment -Hey director, you should be the one to open the door instead of filming He wore cute clothes -It makes me awake. Why am I being awake? -Wait should I be mixing Kahlua? Why did it suddenly become so busy -Sorry wait a moment -I'm really sorry. Wait a moment -I'm sorry x2. Who is it? [Open the door] -Wait a moment -Hello Hello x3 -Hello x2 Hello x4 -When did you debut? Me? 2019 -2019? Which month? March -Which day? I am March too -Which day? I'm nervous. I hope I am the junior -No x2 Which day? -March 4th. -Oh? Sunbaenim (Senior) No! -Hello x3 Hello -You need to raise your head first Please raise your head already -Hello. Please take a seat Hello ['Choi born in 2000' TXT Soobin] [With a baby face, but not a baby body] [Thank you for being born] -Can you please hold this? No problem -This is the ice box for my freezer Why did you throw it away then? [She broke it a while ago] Why can't you place this in? -Please do it for me [Round of applause] [No wonder he is a Sunbaenim] -I'm sorry but this is the first episode of our program -We originally drank alcohol -So if you want you can drink. If not, we have a coffee milk [Got you] -Take a seat there -Have you eaten? Not yet -Not yet? I heard that you like white things Hayaden(?) -White ones [White ones = white meat fish] Oh yeah I do like white ones -That's why.. here is the chopstick. Chopstick -Chopstick -This is the white meat -Please eat a lot -Do I look drunk? No x2 I know your usual tension -You know me? Yeah x2 -Who am I? Youngji -My surname? Lee Youngji -When was I born? 2002 -2002? Which month? October -Oh~ No. Why did you say Oh? [Change of the atmosphere] -I'll pour you one Thank you -You like sweet one? Yeah -Try it and see if you like it -[How is it?] It's very delicious -It is right? Yeah -Dri... -I'm sorry I am normally not like this -I'll be awake from now on. Promise? You are normally like this [Excuse on] -Yesterday, to make Kahlua for you -I drank 10 shots of Kahlua at a bar in Itaewon It's not for me. It's just that you wanted to drink -Soobin, do you want to fight? You really are a rogue -Yeah - Calm down guys. I can manage this [Worked as planned] -How long do you expect this filming to last? I actually want to film this for a long time -Why? I really wanted to talk with you -Let's talk casually then I really have a hard time talking casually -Why is that so? To be honest, although it's gone now, we often call it strict culture -You were planning to apply strict culture to me? No x5 Please listen to the end When I first entered Bighit, although it's not Bighit anymore We really had a strict culture of respecting elders even if we have 1 year old difference -But I don't look older than you right? [You have to listen until the end] You really look younger than me Is this really your house? -Yeah -Do you live in a dorm? Yeah -Bumkyu, Yeonjun, Soobin, Taehyun, Hueningkai. -6? 5? 5. You just said five people -5 people are living together and using the bathroom together -From what I heard, you have 2 bathrooms, and take a long time to take a shower That's right -How long do you take to take shower? When I take shower, I want to reflect back on the day If it's a normal day it takes 10 minutes for me If it's a difficult day -Then you take 1 hour? Yeah, sometimes I really take 1 hour Since I am very frustrated, I need to keep reflecting on it, so that I can sleep -I was curious about one thing -For example, on a very tiring day, sleeping less than 2 hours -you might have to do an online fan meeting -If you seem to look tired in front of them, fans will feel unhappy -To prevent those things from happening, do you have your own way to control yourself? -This is a different case for me because I really love fan meeting Oh really Because there is not much in a day for me to listen to compliments -I need to reflect back on myself [You guys are just awesome] -I heard that you were born in 2000 Yeah -I heard that you were born in December Yeah -I heard that you were IS.. What? -ISFP Yeah -It is? How do you know it? -Of course, I know it. This show has to earn money -I heard that you don't like to drink How did you know? -It's all on the internet Honestly, I like it but I am not good at it I feel like puking after drinking half bottle [Drink coffee milk from now on] [Non-alcohol] [Hard alcohol] -Why don't we start some conversation? Sounds good x2 -You and I are both 20s -I'm curious of what you think of the idol industry -Also, some of the concerns that you have right now I don't think you can relate to this, but tomorrow is my comeback and.. -As in tomorrow? Yeah -Oh really? [The film was taken on May 8th] This will be the darkest and strongest concept we did so far Something like the good side of me died and I'll be a bad person -Why do you kill the good side? -You can't be a good person? In the previous album, it was something The breakup with my first love who I thought will last forever Makes me feel betrayed and want to break everything -Why do you want to break everything? -You were doing a concept like <Run Away>, which is a bit quiet -Why do you suddenly change to a bad guy concept? [Teaching her concept of the TXT world] Having different horns is our debut song -Why are the horns growing? Growing horn implies growth pain -Then one day a horn grew in your head and what's the next song? Next song is <Run Away>, which means that I am waiting for you at the station -So you are waiting for her with a grown horn? What after that? There is something like a night when the world burned blah blah blah.. -I've never seen someone who explains his song blah blah blah [We understand] Stop x2 This time, the title is short. It's good boy gone bad. It's weird for me to say it but I look kind and innocent right? -It's weird for you to say it but you look kind and innocent? -You are really objective about yourself Of course I was never mad or shouted at someone during my entire life so far -Why? x2 My personality is like Although I am very mad, after 5 seconds, I am like "hmm I just need work harder" -You have a really good mindset So it was really hard for me When they asked me to punch the glass, I couldn't shout. So I just did like Something like this -I wonder who will get scared of it I was never mad at someone -When were you most mad during your entire life? When my Nintendo broke? [My precious nintendo. mp4] -I really wanted to talk about this What x2? -You are known for not replying How did you know? -Me too -But I am curious about why. I personally have a reason for this. -Instead of making an awkward vibe with my last reply, it's better for that person to end the conversation It's similar for me too -Right? When you look at the phone, there is an alarm on top When something like "hey soobin, I saw you during lunch time" pops up I already know the content. So I am not curious anymore -Exactly Since I am watching something right now, I plan to reply after this but after watching several videos, a day passed and it feels bad to reply that lat -I agree -It ends up with you not reading the message at all. -Your social life must be a disaster right now just like me Yeah that's true You must have no friends then? I don't have many friends -You don't have friends? Yeah -I don't have friends too During vacation, I felt like going out for a long time So I contacted my friend and he said "I have a class so I can't" So I don't have anyone else to go with -Exactly. No one -What did you do instead? I just watched animation in my house -Which animation? Do you watch one? -No I don't [He is truly sad] -But still, tell me about it I recently became crazy about animation Recently I watched a cinema version of Jujutsu Kaisen You must watch it I was about to cry while watching this -The funny thing is that he seems to be unaware that this is a show The funny thing about this program is that It makes me off-guard I can't control myself It feels like I have been friends with the writer and director here for more than 10 years -Do you feel comfortable? Yeah I can't be more comfortable talking about myself -That's the important thing I heard that you like to stay home also -How did you know? -I'm sorry but how do you know so much about me? Why are you thinking that I am a stalker, you know more about me -I'm curious why you know so much about me You pop up a lot of times in Youtube -Me? -Usually, the algorithm works in a way that it shows what you often search Yeah x2 -It seems like you searched a lot about me My algorithm was full of that -Which one? You and Seunghun. It was full of both you guys [That combination seems understandable] I am scrolling down youtube and just by looking at the thumbnail it's already noisy -You like noisy stuffs? Yeah -Oh really? Because my personality isn't like that -Do you want to follow my crazy side? I respect it but I don't want to follow it personally [I understand..] -So you are not a noisy type? I'm like... -Depends on the person? I tend to synchronize If I am with a quiet person, I am also quiet. If I am with a person like you, I am also noisy. -When I meets E, they force themselves to be social Yeah x2 -Those moments where they try to fit the situation -I felt that from you After my debut, I often felt that My personality is not a good fit for a celebrity -Why? You know those alphabets that babies match according to the letter like L and R? It seems like, for me, even if the letter says A, I am forcing myself to match it with B -Why did you think it that way? After my debut, for a few years, I've been thinking in a way that I am less shining than other members and receiving less attention than other members I started to think that instead of standing out, getting along with others is a better role for me -What made you think that way? Lack of skills made me unconfident I wanted to practice more as I was not ready yet, but they made me debut The position as a leader was a big pressure for me too -You are doing very good -I am serious -I was really touched when I saw you -When you see a video of the person, you often notice his/her feeling or want he/she wants to express -Looking at your video, I felt that you are trying your best -So I was very touched -I have seen a lot of videos of people and I can tell you that you are doing a really good job -I don't want you to think it that way -I'm sure you felt a lot of pressure as people call you juniors of BTS -Despite those pressures, I really think you guys are cool -However, even if fans tell you that you are doing good, if you don't think of yourself like that, people won't think like that too You are right x2 Listening to you, I was about to cry I didn't know but what you told me was what I wanted to hear You are really good at this -Don't cry -Anyways, TXT's <Good girl gone bad> -<Good boy gone bad> Now we are done. Let's let him go -Oh really? -Oh no.. my prince -Soobin has to go to next schedule so.. -Let's end here -The writer is asking how long are you planning to take a shower today Reflecting on this, I think 2 hours? I honestly think that among the programs I joined since my debut this program showed my real side -Really? I'm not sure how much of it will actually be shown for the final video but -I don't think it can be shown in the final video Who will say this kind of this, other than you? -No one else, So Bang Si Hyuk chairman will kill me -Anyways, take a lot of bread with you, stay healthy, and do a healthy performance -You don't need to be a bad guy. Just be healthy -Bad guy? You can just see it by self gaslighting -But if you are not healthy? That is the saddest thing -Staying healthy is the most important thing -Have a safe way back Bread [LOL] Do I just go like this? -Yeah -I'm just doing this because it's comfortable Thank you -It's comfortable for me -Have a safe way back Thank you Youngji see you next time Bye~ [Collapse] [2nd guest will be revealed on July 1st]
Channel: 차린건 쥐뿔도 없지만
Views: 10,978,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 이영지, 수빈, 차린건쥐뿔도없지만, txt, 투바투, 영지, 차린건없지만, 차뿔없, 차쥐없, GOOD BOY GONE BAD, 굿보이건배드, 투모로우바이투게더, 두밧두, 먹방, 최수빈, 수빈직캠, 투바투 직캠, SUBIN, CHOI SUBIN, KPOP, KOREAN, KPOP IDOL, KPOP INTERVIEW, ENGSUB, KOREAN POP, KOREAN SHOW, youngji soobin
Id: iQjEehs6-dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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