[GOING SEVENTEEN] EP.24 부족오락관 #2 (Tribal Games #2)

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♪ Have you been well, everyone? ♪ ♪ We missed you too ♪ ♪ GOING will be always GOING GOING to you ♪ Everyone, are you having fun? Yes! The next game is... I haven't said it, but they seem to know already. (Very confidential headphones) They told us to sit like this. I guess we're not playing right away. (Yes, you're playing right away) It's 'Shouting in Silence'! [Shouting in Silence] Sounds like fun! Wearing headphones that play loud music, you just have to pass on the word to the person in front of you. The time limit is 200 seconds. [Each question is 30 points/ time limit of 200 secs] This time, Camel Team will go first. (Obviously) Wow, I don't hear anything. (He's an opportunist) DK's a dummy. Dino. [Mute] I guess he doesn't hear it. Start! [The guess word 'Duck waddle'] Deo. (Correct) Deo. (Review) Deo. (Incorrect) Heo. (Repetition) Deo. (Incorrect) Heo. (Forced march) -ck. Deo-gi. -ck. Duck. Waddle. Duck... Giant. Waddle. Giant! Waddle. Big mouth! Waddle. Big mouth! W-a-d-d-l-e! [An even showdown] Big mouth! His pronunciation is bad. (Mind control) Duck waddle. Duck waddle! [His sincerity is transmitted] Okay! [Goes off] Deo-. What? Deo-. Deo-. -ck. Cucumbers! (Crunch) Cucumbers are good. Waddle. Pickled cucumbers. Duck waddle. Pickled cucumbers! [The symbol of miscommunication] Pic-. Pic.kled Pic.kled.cu. Pic.kled.cu.cumbers. [An exact pronunciation slapping his pupils] Pickled. Pickled cucumbers. Pickled cucumbers. [Very salty, well-pickled cucumbers] Pickled cucumbers! Pic-. kled. Cu-. cumbers. Pickled cucumbers. [Wrong] Pickled cucumbers is incorrect! Look back x5 That's not it WOOZI. [The word is 'Sketchbook'] - Seu. - Teu. Seu. Seu. (Localization) sì! Yī' èr sān sì! Seu. Ke. Chi. Book. - Yeah! - Sketchbook! That's it! He doesn't know what sketchbook is. - Seu. - Seu. (4th tone, 3rd tone) Seu-ke. Seu-te. Chi-book. Sketchbook. He's speaking Chinese. (Wants the prize) Steak. (A round sketchbook) Sketchbook. Stapo? Sketchbook. Seu. Te. Ee. Po. Seu-te-ee-po. Ji-dae-ee-bok. [Word creator] [Question in Silence] Ji-dae-ee-bok. Blessing on beds. (Assured a good sleep) There's blessings on the bed? - Blessing on beds? - Yeah. (A magician of words) Blessing in misfortune? Wow. WOOZI is good at this! Wrong, fail. The next one, next. [The guess word 'S.Coups'] - Eh. - Eh. - Seu. - Seu. - Coup. - Coup. - Seu. - S.Coups! S.Coups. S.Coups. Whoa! He caught on right away! Eh. Seu. Coup. Seu. [Using his forehead at full power] Eh. Seu. Coup. Seu. (Quickly!) Pass it on! Pass it on! (A surprise hint) Asparagus. Eh-si-cavity. (Just what I wanted ♥) [An extreme name change] [Previously Camel Tribe, now Cavity Tribe] Look at S.Coups's face. Just getting one right is big deal in this game. Yeah. Hamster Coups. [A unit of Hoshi and S.Coups] (A confusing hybrid) Hamster Coups? Isn't it 'S.Coups'? (Detective Jihoon Lee) [A game of mysteries] Choose one! Hamster Coups? [Turning the tables that were already turned] Wrong. (Changed his name several times) [Previously Cavity Tribe, now Hamster Tribe] (It tasted bitter) WOOZI ate it and then spat it out. [Time's up] 3 minutes and 20 seconds is up. It's over guys. (Three plates) You messed it all up. S.Coups. (Too much gukbap) You said 'Eh' 'Ee'. [A pill for digestion] (In his own world) Hey, leave WOOZI like this. I'll give you a hug~♪ [Respecting his alone time] Dino, just wake up Vernon. It's over. (Clingy) Vernon, don't wake up WOOZI. [SEVENTEEN's friendly as always] - Ay. - Ay. - WOOZI. - Yeah? You should've just said it. He said 'Hamster Coups'... 'Hamster Coups'. [Camel Tribe got 0 right] You guys didn't even get one right. Really? We got all of them wrong? We're in trouble. Ah ah. Wow, I can't even hear my own voice. (Strategy meeting) Jun, wait. Keep telling me... until I get it, okay? Ready. Did we start already? (They start now) Start. (The word is 'S.Coups') (Re-using the question) S.Coups. S.Coups. S.Coups? S.Coups. S.Coups? S.Coups. S... S.Coups. [The cry of the lion] S.Coups. Yeah! I think he can hear it. S.Coups. [His finger doesn't fit the word] S.Coups. S.Coups. (Clingy) S.Coups! S.Coups! S.Coups. Wow. [The guess word 'Diet'] Diet. Diet. (His future goal) Mountain man? Diet. Diet! Diet! Diet. [Easy and quick communication] Diet. (Cheating controversy) He can hear it! Diet. Lion... Lion Heart! [The cheating controversy ends] Lion Heart... (Begging) Diet. Lion Heart. [A stubborn boy] Lion Heart. (Worrying for nothing) You can't use body gestures! Lion Heart. Lion Heart? Dynamite? [Incorrect as foreseen in the stars tonight] Dynamite. Ugh. It's a great song though. Wrong. (Two letters as a gift) There are 4 letters, but how did he get 'dynamite'? (To encourage him) Ugh. [A solitary game] Ugh! (A passionate man) We're not playing yet. He thought they started. [The guess word 'Apple mango'] Apple mango. [Ace] Apple mango. Apple mango. [The first time confused] What? Apple mango. - I don't get it. - Apple. Ap. Ple. Epic. (Guessing) Pie. Epik High! [A creative interpretation] Epik High! Epik High! Epik High! Epik High! [Happy Ending] (Look who's talking) That's so funny that he's so sure. [The guess word 'Milk bread'] Milk bread. (An outgoing boy) Outside my house? Milk. Bread. - Fat. - Bread. Milk fat. Milk. Bread. Bread? Milk bre... Milk. Bread. Bread. Milk. Refueling. Milk. (At least he got the vowels right) Nursing. (Suddenly hungry) Boiled meat. Milk. (Cheering with his whole body) - Milk. - Bread. Milk bread? Yeah! Milk. Bread. Milk. (???) Bread. Milk bread. Milk. Bread? Milk bread. Correct! [Blind love in comparison] They're so good. [The guess word 'Wi-Fi'] Wi-Fi. Jun's so adorable. Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi. (He got off the lane) Wine party. Wine party. Wi-Fi. (Pioneer) Wine party. [Strong encouragement] Agh!! The shape of his mouth is different from mine. [The steering wheel broke] Wine party. Wine party. [And the brake broke too] Wine party. Wi-Fi. 'Wi-Fi' is correct! (The best mechanic) [The miraculous repair shop] [Say it with your body 22] How did he get that right? Time's up, game's over. [Time's up] (The worst of all) They're good. The shape of the mouth becomes different starting with Hoshi. If I say 'Wi-Fi'... (Now gets it) Oh, it's 'Wi-Fi'? [Dino of the Tiger Tribe] Hoshi, you are the ace. But Shua got it right. Wow, well done. The Tiger Tribe team... [Tiger Tribe got 3 right] - This is fun! - got three questions right! Wow. Which ones did we get right? What did we get right? Was 'milk bread' right? Milk bread. We got 'milk bread' right? (Short-term memory loss) The Lion Heart one... Diet. I said, "Diet," but you went, "Oh!" [Looks like he wanted to dance] "Lion Heart!" But at the end, Shua said, "Dynamite." Dynamite. (Suddenly their area of expertise) It became a K-Pop segment. I think we got a shot at winning! (The score is 20 points apart) I think we made a comeback. (Without using the microphone) We'll end the 'Shouting in Silence' game here. [Actually the mic was part of his body] We'll wrap up the 'Shouting in Silence' game here. [End of Shouting in Silence] This is fun. While we rest a bit, we'll play a bonus game of 'Shouting in Silence'. Sounds good! This time, we'll do it 1-on-1 with me. 1-on-1 sounds good! If this was the original version from the olden days, Do you know how they do it nowadays? Oh, where you explain it? [What they played in 'New Journey to the West'] Do it 1-on-1 standing a bit apart. They will both have their headphones on when they explain it. This time... [To explain the word and guess it with headphones on] you have to explain the word instead of just saying it. If the word is 'Wi-Fi' instead of saying 'Wi-Fi'... (Like 'Dynamite') 'The thing that your phone connects to' 'Something you connect to!' Oh! [Each question is 30 points / Time limit is 200 secs] The time limit for this game is 200 seconds. And each team has to choose one representative. (It will be an intense conversation) Hoshi, do you want to do it with Seungkwan? Should I? (The one who explains) [Challenge accepted] Everyone, I'll shout, "Start!" Ready! Let's do it! Star... (Provoking a wide area) Oh, I'm on this team. Start! [Tiger Tribe begins] ['Wet wipes'] You know that toilet paper Toilet paper got soaked in water! - "Toilet paper got soaked in water." - Yeah! Wet wipes? [Got it right away] (Buffering) Oh! The carved stone grandpa in Jeju Island! ['Dol hareubang'] [A perfect explanation] The grandpa made of stone! Grandpa? (A senior citizen from his hometown) Pi Cheolin. The thing in Jeju Island. Dol hareubang! ['Pi Cheolin'] [Speak of the devil] Hey! Dino, Dino! ['Pi Cheolin'] [The best output of 2021] Dino! Pi Cheolin! Yeah! (Alternate character >>> main character) He just said my name. How did he guess it right? ['Wireless charger'] Phone! Your phone is hungry! Food delivery app! [Food delivery app is used to charge the cell phone] Baedal Minjok! Your phone is hungry, - but... - Charger! Charger! Yeah! That's right, but the answer doesn't have a wire! No wire? Wireless charge! Wow! Is the answer 'wireless charge'? [Unexpected chemistry] Whoa, they're good. ['King Arthur'] DK, DK! DK, the musical! Xcalibur! Arthur! Or... [Instantly downs the question] The kimbap is! Sexy! Nude kimbap, nude kimbap. ['Nude kimbap'] [He did not turn the paper] [Kimbap Dormammu] The kimbap took off its clothes! - Kimbap! - Took off its clothes. Kimbap! The kimbap! "The kimbap took off its clothes!" The kimbap is sexy! [Kimbap with corrupt public morals] Sexy? The kimbap, yes. What are you talking about? [Miscommunication amid communication] The kimbap took it all off. (A sexy scene) It's sexy! The kimbap is sexy. Sexy. Isn't it 'nude kimbap'? That's right! I said 'nude kimbap' just now! [No more words] - There's no more. - You're done. Wow, how many seconds was that? 1 minute 48 seconds. [Tiger Tribe cleared all the words in 108 seconds] Wait, but didn't he say nude kimbap earlier? I said nude kimbap. [He is from the same team and is so sorry] Oh really? Good job. Still, you guys did really well. The allotted time should shave off 10 seconds. (Expert in negotiations) Let's make it 1 minute and 40 seconds then?? [Tiger Tribe's final result is 100 seconds] Who's next? Minghao will do it. It's already funny. [They thoroughly considered the laughs] Wow, Minghao. (In charge of explanation) Let's begin. [Camel Tribe starts] Ready, go. [Silent amid silence] You have to speak. It's an exercise you like. Hotteok. (A morning person) You do this every day alone at dawn. Something that I like... (He has a huge appetite at dawn) Bread? Exercise. Wondong... Exercise. Exercise! Pilates! Exercise! Badminton! [He does a lot of things at dawn] Volleyball. Volleyball. Volleyball. x3 ['Telepathy'] [Learning the word] He doesn't know what that is. Hey, you know it, right? ('Television') TV, TV, TV. [minus the 'vision' and add 'pathy'] Where its head comes out. Huh? Wi-Fi? It's not 'Wi-Fi', but it's similar. TV head comes out? - They're in trouble. - Frequency! This is almost like a nonsense quiz. [He's serious] What should I do? - Pass! - Tell me more. I can do it. (Difficulty rises) ['Ratatouille'] No, he doesn't know. He doesn't know that one either. Oh, it's so hard. That's too difficult. I'll get the right answer, so just tell me anything. (Gives him a special privilege) Just say the word. Do, re, mi, fa, sol~♪ La~♪ [His spirit of fair play is incredible] Hey, why did you say you were going to do this? [The path of asceticism he chose] It's too difficult. La... Lasik! - Just say that word. - What is it? Jeonghan, he can't hear what you're saying either. Something, something, and run. Ra, something, something, run... Rajogi... What...? [A spicy quiz] I'll pass. Pass. ['Carnival'] The car we ride! Carnival. Oh! That's correct. Again. ['Haw-haw'] (* kkeolkkeol) (Amazing penetration) Huh? [Why is 'Haw-haw' here...?] (Forbidden to be ambitious) Don't try to make a buzzword. What are you doing there? "What are you doing?" The opposite of that. (Self-mockery question) "What are you doing?" Man! Opposite of man! Oh, opposite of man. Woman! (Global interpretation) 'Girl, girl'. [He's a genius] But in English. Eng... - English. - English? (Very fluent in English) - Woman! - No. Female. Girl! Repeat it. Girl, girl! Hahahahaha. (From now on, let's laugh, "Girl, girl") Hahahahaha. Hey, let's just give it to him. We'll give it to him. He got it right. x4 ['Americano'] He got it right x4 It's something you like... It's something you like! It's the coffee you like. Coffee? Americano! Iced Americano. 2 minutes 30 seconds. [Camel Tribe got it in 150 seconds] How could you not explain that right! Seungkwan, 'girl, girl' was 'haw-haw'. - Haw-haw...! - Haw-haw Oh, wasn't 'haw-haw' right? Hey, you did a good job. Well, that's all for 'Shouting in Silence'. Did you all have fun? Yes! Did you enjoy it? - Yes. - Girl-girl. Let's move on to the last game! The 'Tribe Entertainment' with top-grade Hanwoo beef set on the line. We're finally facing the last game. Wow. Whoo. The long-awaited last game is '99 Seconds on Standby, Cue'. [Standby, cue!!] (MC wannabe) '99 Seconds on Standby, Cue'. Wow. You just have to succeed the given missions within 99 seconds. Okay! Both teams will carry out the same missions. If you fail, the opposing team will be given a chance to try. Wow. If you fail to complete the missions in 99 seconds, you can start all over again, except for the last mission. If you don't complete the last mission, the game's over. [Even if all other missions are successful if the last mission is a fail, it's over] It'll be a game that allows a chance to flip the score around. The last game '99 Seconds on Standby, Cue' is worth 150 points. [It's possible to turn the tables at the last minute] That's a high score. It's a decisive match. What's this all about? Now, let me tell you what the missions are first. The first mission. After carrying the MC on your back, sit and stand up 5 times. Oh, okay. The second mission, eat half a lemon and whistle. Third one, thread the needle. The 4th mission, two guys pinch their noses and spin 10 times, then touch each other's finger like in E.T. Fifth one, stand the water bottle. Sixth, 6 members jump rope 5 times. And lastly, play rock-paper-scissors and lose to the MC. If I, the MC, throws it out earlier, you have to take a momentary break and take a loss. - A draw is not allowed, is it? - No. Rock, paper, scissors. Ta-da. You lost. Then, you succeeded. Mingyu has just failed. Now, let's pick which team goes first. Let's play rock-paper-scissors. Okay, let's play it to decide tiger or camel. Rock, paper, scissors. (Scissors) (Rock) [Tiger Tribe wins] Oh, I won. (Providence of nature) A camel can't beat a tiger. Camel first. Then, Camel Tribe will go first. [Planning a strategy] We'll plan our strategy. - Who's the best whistler? - What did he say we were going to do? Let's come up with our strategy. I'll do making the water bottle stand up. Are you guys ready? [Camel Tribe goes first] Yes. Let's go! You shouldn't do it at the speed of how you work out. Oh... Can't I feel the muscle soreness? [Stop pumping your thighs] No, you can't. (Bouncing allowed) You need to cheat. You have to get up quickly. (Hates muscle loss) But bouncing is not my thing. Should we shout 'fighting' together? Yes, please do. [Young vibe] Camel Tribe will win! 1, 2, 3! 'Fighting'! [Self-control Salivary Tribe] Whoo, ptui! Whoo, ptui! Neigh! Isn't 99 seconds plenty of time to complete those missions? I don't know. We'll have to move quickly. Okay. Ready, [Camel Tribe starts the missions!] start! Sorry. [Working out his lower body while filming] Sorry. Hurry up. x4 - But you can't do it faster. - Right. Four, five. Hurry and eat! Just swallow it! Don't chew it! WOOZI, he must be heavy, right? No, if I just lift him, he's not. But I habitually, (Side effects of working out) try to use my quadriceps to lift. Just swallow it. x3 It's done! Minghao. They're fast. Wow, Minghao. That look really suits him. My grandma, my shirt is ripped. [This grandma likes to dance in rice fields] You have to grab the thread and pull it out. I did that for my grandma often. Take your time, it's okay. [She still has a good eyesight] One, two. Oh, be careful. Three, four. I'm dizzy. Five. Be careful. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. The E.T. greeting. [Magnetic finger] You succeeded! Okay. Where is it? Hang on a second. (Duck step Challenge) Calm down. Wait a minute. [Vernon advancing like a comet] How far are you going to go? Hey, harder, harder. (He's trying to leave work) How far do I have to go? Vernon, where are you going? Do you have to go forward that much? Throw it harder! [U-turn] He's coming back now. Vernon, where are you going? Calm down. (Mopping +1) - Please. - Vernon! Calm down, Vernon. You've still got a lot of time. You're going too fast. It's okay. (So close) Vernon, go at your own pace. [A lost pace] - You're good, right? - Oh, he's impatient now. You're too impatient and fast. [Countdown begins] Nine. (Can't even start jumping rope) Oh no, we're stuck here. Next team, get ready. No! 6, - No. - 5, - Wow! - 4, 3. Camel Team failed. Gosh. Wow, sorry. Why am I so bad at this? [Camel Tribe failed the first attempt] No, it's okay. Hey, this is hard. Should we have drained more water? I don't know. Was there too much water? [A word of comfort] Do you have to be this serious? Camel Team, please go back to your seats. Ah! That was so close. [Tiger Tribe's try] Let us start! As expected, Jun picks the lemon. (A regular customer) He's gonna come through. You don't have to go all the way down here, right? Never. [Knee exercise] Then, it's exercise. [using this human dumbbell] Everyone... Tiger Team will try it now. This team will also fail at least once. Ready. - Do you want to piggyback me first? - Yes, get on my back. Start. I think it's going to be too difficult. One. Sorry. Two. Wow~ (Masseter muscle exercise) Whoa, Shua. - Four. - I'm sorry. x3 Wow. [SEVENTEEN's happy today as always] [Lemmelier] "Lemon is not sour at all." You have to eat it all. You have to swallow it. Swallow it. x2 [Blowing a fresh breath] Okay. - I trust Hoshi. - You think Hoshi's going to succeed? No, Hoshi wouldn't do well because his tiger's claws get in the way. It's okay, Hoshi. (Burden) If you don't succeed, we'll just lose. I'm not saying this because I'm looking down on him. I know what he's like since we've known each other for a long time. I'm looking down on him. [True friends] The more you look down on him, the more terrifying he becomes. Hoshi. (Used up all the time alone) Hey, isn't one minute up yet? (The original) You're stuck there? Not bad. - Okay. - Success! Start. One, two, three, four, five, six, (Protects his joints) seven... Without doing the elephant nose pose? Wonwoo's pose is funny. [A clever uncle elephant ] 8, 9, 10. They made it. Start. Okay. [One shot, one kill] Okay, get ready right away. They have to enter one by one. Straighten it out. Start. One by one. We count up to 5 when everyone has entered. (Hello there) The microphone! [Everyone's in] One, two, three, four... [So close] (Expressing his sorrow) Ahhh. They failed, they failed. Please continue. You can do it! Again, again. One, two, three. (In a hurry) How many seconds are left? x2 It's over. You failed. (Touchdown) [A painful alarm telling the end of time] [Tiger Tribe fails on its 1st try] - Was it over? - Did we fail? Oh, they failed! Okay, good. Let's go. [The Camel Tribe's 2nd attempt] We can do it! x2 If they fail the jump rope, you'll do it 5 times on the spot. [New rule: Skip entering on the retry] (A life throwing bottles only) Hey, Vernon, you gotta throw it right. Vernon, do it slowly this time. [The result of the effort] That's it! Let's finish it quickly. Get ready. So when I go up, they'll start right away. [Camel Tribe begins the missions] - Start! - One. Two. Don't feel the soreness. x3 It's okay. x4 He'll feel too weighed down... Four. doing that with someone on top of you. Five. Sorry. x3 No, I'm fine. x3 [One week lower body workout routine] WOOZI won't need to do leg exercises again. (Devouring) You can do it! (Jealousy) Dino's loading up on mega-doses of vitamin C today. I'll stand behind you, DK. (Luckily no fire comes out of his bum) It'd be funny if he puts his face in DK's bum. [Threshing lemon seeds] [A very fertile lemon] Why does it have so many seeds? What are you, an otter? Swallow it. Okay. Oh! He succeeded right away! No, he didn't. (He saw it wrong) Oh, I was wrong. (How considerate) Ah! MC. Ah, it was so close. Wait a minute. It's okay. x3 Take your time. It's okay. Slowly. (Tip) It's a good way to wet the thread. (He had already done it) - I did that. - Oh, did you? Go. He made it. - Go. - He made it. two, three... Go. He made it. One, two, three, [Automatically fast forwarding] four, five, six... Whoa, look at DK. - He's about to fly! - eight, nine, ten. - Do it right away! - Where are you? They made it! [The traveler with the bottle] Vernon! - He's going forward again. - There he goes again. Okay. Let's go. - He's going forward again. - There he goes again. Okay. Let's go. - Well, one by one. - Put the water bottle away. x2 Take your time! - I'm coming. - It's too short. x2 (How stingy it is) [Very narrow map for skipping rope] A little longer! What are you doing? Just come in. They botched it up. x2 The rope got tangled and it's too short. Sorry, it's too short! - There's more space in the front. - Go forward. One, two... Don't go. Do it right away! Right away! [They don't need to enter again] - The 8, go inside! - You can jump there! Everyone start again right away. [In the opposite direction] You guys have to swing it in the opposite direction. [Arms not listening] (Doer) Go inside! x4 It's the other way around! [His arm won't listen to his head] Go inside. They are fools? - Go, go, go! - Just go. [Camel Tribe fails on 2nd try] They failed! Why did you swing it the wrong way? You can jump again on the spot. You can do it again on the spot. Why did you go out? [He does not like to be still] You'd go out unconsciously. After finishing that, you have to do rock-paper-scissors too. Does anybody wanna spin like an elephant for me? Should we switch? If you're dizzy. Yes, can you do the spinning instead of me? (Deal) Okay, then eat the lemon. I can't eat lemons. Minyu, show them your cycling legs. Get ready. Ready! Start! [Tiger Tribe's second attempt] [It falls...] Hey, hey! [Looks like his bum is heavy] What are you doing? Hahahaha. Mingyu, you are doing great. Hey, wait. One. Right. Like that. Two. Do this as much as possible. So Shua is really strong. He is heavy. - He's heavy. - Oh, this... (Squat is impossible) Can I lift him like this with my arms? No. Alright, it's done. It's not sour at all! (= God of the salivary glands) He's the lemon god. The Lemon Master in SEVENTEEN. He is always glued to the lemon. "Mr. It's Not Sour at All." Okay. x3 [Got better in such a short time] Success! One, two, three, [An elephant that has just been born] four, five, six... [And an elephant that is still smart] seven, eight... Wonwoo's elephant looks very conservative. nine, ten. Get ready to jump rope. x3 Success! [The ground pulls him by the neck] Get ready to jump rope! x2 Success! Okay. Turn it. Whoa, I'm very dizzy. One. Go inside. Two. One. - We had to turn it like that. - Two. One. [Start counting] One, two, three, four, five! Five! It's over! Do rock-paper-scissors. [The last mission] Rock, paper, scissors. Ahh!! Rock, paper, scissors. [They lost] [The most valuable loss in the world] [Tiger Tribe did it in 99 seconds] Good job. x3 (Clingy) Shouldn't we try it too? (Clean cut) 1 minute 22 seconds. We succeeded it, right? Yes. Wow, 82 seconds. That's so close. So, the winner of '99 Seconds Standby, Cue' is Tiger Tribe! [Tiger Tribe wins the 99 Seconds Standby, Cue] Yes, Tiger! Well, we have finished our final game. Good job, everyone. [All games ended] Why don't you tell us how you feel? Please say a few words. (Homage as respect) "Why don't you tell us how you feel?" Let's ask the leader. First off, I'm very happy to play fun games during Chuseok. And the MC handled most of the heavy work well, so I think we were able to make good content. I think it bothered Hoshi that he said my emceeing skill... (Not to be forgotten) was sloppy. (Softie inside) So he kept on trying to encourage me. He cares about you. Well, what did you think? THE 8. [Great MC who knows what the weak point is] - He's flustered. x2 - He was so surprised. x2 [Studying acting] The games were so much fun. How elegant. And seeing Seungkwan trying hard made me feel very proud. [SEVENTEEN friendly as always] You don't have to say that. Why not? I can say what I feel. What about you, Dino? I may have looked like I've been doing things for the show, but I observed the members. (Didn't realize) You observed us? [Humble version of Pi Cheolin for Chuseok] I thought... that it was amazing, and there's a lot to learn from them. Viewers, did you enjoy 'Tribe Entertainment'? [An emceeing that transcends time] Yes. Do you think this year will be the last? Haha. But you never know when we'll be back again with the throwback entertainment show season 2. Can we wait for season 3? If you want us, It should be 'Boo heart'. 'Boo Heart' sounds good. How about 'Boos-Man'? Wow, great. Or 'Boo-mily Outing'. 'Boo-mily Outing'. I like it. (We will be back with one of those) Oh. Hang on. I want Seungkwan to tell us how he felt too. Come to think of it... You're right. Not only what we feel. He has hosted the show twice. I am very grateful. Anyway, if you love this show a lot, I can come back. Now, should we check the final score? Yes. What was the score of 'Tribe Entertainment'? Whoa! [Camel Tribe 570 : 850 Tiger Tribe] Camel Team, 570 Points. Tiger Team, 850 Points. So Tiger Tribe... wins! [Tiger Tribe is the final winner] Congratulations! We will give you the set of hanwoo beef. (Gets protein-) Whoa! (They eat a lot at that age) Does each person get one set? Please divide it up on your own. [Practicing a life of sharing] Alright. Well, Thanks. [A perfect ending] Seungkwan, say 'thank you' and wrap it up by tossing it up. This has been Seungkwan. - Tribe... - Entertainment! Seungkwan, pick them up again. [A Letter from GOING] Hey, what is this? How are you guys? Did you receive the gift we sent in June? Uh... well... On October 22, we're going to send you another gift, so I hope you get that too. We miss you. I hope you receive it well. I hope you are well. I miss you~ Bye~ Gosh, I feel shy. How embarrassing. ♪ See you again next time ♪ ♪ Let's not be sad ♪ ♪ We'll be looking forward to the next GOING SEVENTEEN ♪ Well, we'll rehearse the game then. There is something in front of each team. In front of the Camel Team, there are chicken skewers. We have chicken skewers. In front of the Tiger Team... It's coffee. Out of Camel Team's chicken skewers, there is one with buldak spicy sauce. It sounds delicious. You just need to find the member who is eating the spicy chicken skewer. Let's start. This is a regular chicken skewer, but I can smell how spicy it is. There are 20 points in the practice game. Okay. Take a bite of the skewer. Dino don't hide it with your hand. Wow...! Hahaha. Anyone can tell that Dino is acting. You're free to pretend or act. I need water. "I need water." It's really spicy. Dino's seems to be really spicy. It's Choi Seungcheol. He's a bad actor. Can't you just trust me once? Okay. Do it. One, two, three. S.Coups. S.Coups is eating the spicy one? But it's something that Kim Mingyu only thought of. S.Coups. You're wrong. It's so delicious. Do we only get one chance to answer? Yes, it's only once. Oh, then it's over? You guys are so good at acting. It's Vernon. It's WOOZI. Is it WOOZI? Is it you? I thought it was WOOZI since earlier. Why didn't you say it then? WOOZI, how was it? In fact, I didn't know if mine was spicy or if the skewer itself was spicy... Oh~ But having said that, it was still quite spicy. With Kkanali fish sauce, you can tell instantly, but with something spicy... If Jun had the spicy one, this guy would've endured it. But when WOOZI had it... We will continue with the Tiger Team. There are 5 glasses of normal Americano. with black coffee, but one of them is a kkanali-cano. Wow, is it kkanali fish sauce? Alright, let's go. If you drink kkanali, the reaction is so obvious. Jeonghan, wait. You spat it out right now. He spat it out on purpose. It's not Jeonghan. How about Jun? Shua neither. Shua is happy now. He's happy because he didn't pick it. I think it's Mingyu, guys. - Mingyu? - It seems to me that it is Mingyu. Okay, let's go with him. These members drank it without knowing which one's kkanali fish sauce. Just like WOOZI. I think it's either Jun or Wonwoo. Should we choose Wonwoo? Let's go with Wonwoo. I think it's Mingyu. It's probably not Wonwoo. Well, the answer is... One, two, three! We'll choose Mingyu. Mingyu! Wrong! Who was it? It was Hoshi. Whoa~ Good job! Well done, Hoshi. You held it in well. Hoshi likes to drink fish sauce at home. Hey, my mouth smells like fish. When Hoshi opened his mouth, it felt like I was at Noryangjin Fish Market. So, you got the hang of it, right? Well so, in the practice game both teams have failed. That's unfortunate. ♪ In the bus GOING ♪ ♪ In the blanket GOING ♪ ♪ GOING will be always GOING GOING to you ♪
Views: 5,606,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 에스쿱스, 정한, 조슈아, 호시, 원우, 우지, 디에잇, 민규, 도겸, 승관, 버논, 디노, SCOUPS, JEONGHAN, JOSHUA, JUN, HOSHI, WONWOO, WOOZI, THE 8, MINGYU, DK, SEUNGKWAN, VERNON, DINO, 세븐틴, SEVENTEEN, セブチ
Id: PN7rJrGo9a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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