Su-57 Felon Vs F-16C Viper DOGFIGHT | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS |

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good deal good deal hey guys welcome back to another video today we're here in the F-16 Viper I've uh missed kind of flying this thing having flown it in what to me feels like a long time and I saw a couple of comments of people being like oh you should fly the F-16 again as I was thinking I was like what would be a challenge for the F-16 to fight against and I thought well the Sukhoi 57 and I'm not gonna get into the details here but there's a probability that this fight might actually happen in real life in the future if you know you know what I'm talking about I'm probably never going to become a dogfight but let's just see what the dogfight scenario would play out between these two uh into the merge here and I'm gonna split out some here now in terms of bvr capability the subway 57 is Superior in terms of one Circle fighting the sequoi 57 is Superior in terms of AOA nose Authority Superior the Fallon if there's one thing where I think the F-16 can maybe create issues it's that two Circle fight to the F-16 loves the Felon just by looking at it you can tell it's like a tennis court it's like a piece of paper it's flat High lifting surface and that's going to allow it to do really well in one Circle fights so I need to really try to push for that two circle look at that wow that was crazy whoa again it's often difficult to fight the Felon because it doesn't move the way other aircraft move so it's hard to predict its movements and right now he's got my six and I'm very defensive here we'll put now chaff and flare and I got air brakes on and we're at idle nose countering trying to bring them in closer maybe we can get an overshoot going here oh there he goes all right we got the overshoot see if we can point the nose oh how is he alive that had to be really close swerkey flew right through the funnel there had to be really really close I wish I had tracers on the F-16 so we could see how close I really was um but we are oh look at that taking in some rounds here I was gonna make it a vertical fight and I'm trying not to get super slow in the F-16 against the Felon speed is definitely a part of life in this kind of in this fight we're taking them to the two Circle this is the one place where I think the F-16 might actually do better than the Felon the Felon is a modern fighter modern Fighters designed for high AOA Fox 2 you know high off bore side foxy capabilities but they're not really designed to raid fight like this anymore so in the raid fight like this I definitely have a bit of an advantage look at this he sees me coming around he tightens down that turn his very large lifting body also acts as a massive speed brake the vertical oh see if we can drop down on top of his head and kill him look at how he moves he just Jinx my nose like that oh wow I don't oh wait that's okay I thought he was gonna Point his nose at me there all right we're gonna stay with him here because I I think we actually have something here I think he's really slow and I think there's a probability that I can get him to cross my nose but I have to not cross his nose at the same time which is easier said than done is he leading me here is that lead that's lead that's lead oh oh time to go look good all right that was lead it turns out that was lead all right good kill good kill to the phone foreign [Music] [Music] Here We Go Round Two uh difficult fight for the F-16 but also at the same time the F-16 put up in my opinion a pretty good fight there against what is a far superior aircraft to the F-16 again keep in mind the F-16 is designed to be a fantastic gunfighter the Sukhoi 57 not really designed to gunfight although it does have a gun these modern aircraft are designed they're designed to go to the merge uh do a high AOA pole hygiene maneuver you know like uh Point their nose and shoot off a high off foresight Fox 2 and that's it they're not really designed to do what we're doing here into the two Circle most certainly what I'm saying is not that they're incapable of it I'm just saying they're designed to do something else dog fighting has changed a lot in the modern environment to when the F-16 was built where gunfighting was Superior this felon seems like he's not climbing with me he wants to get me to go down low with him and as I go down he tightens down that turn and tries to reverse it is he going to reverse here now he's going he's going to stay in the vertical kind of dropping his nose down on me and that's a little bit concerning because he actually can point his nose from here careful just have to climb up avoid that nose I saw what he was trying to do there denied it to him and now we're going to try to pull him into maybe a two circle from oh fatality [Music] oh honestly I didn't see that coming I thought I'd dodged the nose the first time I don't know why I assumed he couldn't then point the nose at me the second time and he just blew my head off uh that's cool we're gonna try it again I think I'm learning what I can possibly do against him here so we'll see what we can do with this round uh I'm gonna go probably for a split s this time see what we can do from there I have 16's favorite move all right and and he's going to try to point the nose I'm gonna try to keep my speed up 450 knots I'm going to climb away climb those High six I really try hard to keep my speed up and also to keep that two Circle fight going with him dumping the nose here 350 knots don't want to be too much slower than that if possible the problem with the Felon is when you get into that slow speed fight with this thing that's where it shines you know that's where you allow him to use his thrust factoring and point his nose basically wherever he wants so you got to be super careful with him here and so far so good we got him in a two Circle fight on the deck I've actually done a really good job here of of keeping him stuck in this two circles stiff arming him into this two-circle fight so I'm really happy with this so far walked for once things are going well let's pull him into the HUD he sees it coming is it gonna be enough I think we can kill him right here yes laughs all right Sodom in half there very good Splash one felon finally got him back [Music] [Music] all right guys one last fight here if I can win this one it's even it's 2-2 that's really good for F-16 versus the Felon a big thank you to everyone who subscribed by the way I always like to try to remember to thank you guys for that in a video I appreciate all your guys's support we're gonna be opening up a little bit turning room here on the Felon hopefully he doesn't deny it and then maybe that's why I can force a two-circle fight turn across his tail or something he does appear to be denying it the players as he goes by just a little hello it gives me some as well let's split us again workable for me last time where'd he go I kind of lost some of the clouds there he is there he is comes out of the clouds I don't have a lot of air speed here 300 knots just trying to pull above his nose Jacob last second drink there that was close I'm too slow that's it I think we're dead of the airspeed to keep this fight going my point is when I was here we gotta drink that 480 knots and he's gonna try to take my six I'm gonna pull him into the two Circle fight from here getting a little fast here at 560 knots but that's just life he's got my six though I really jacked up this fight not gonna lie didn't manage the speed well let's see if we can get an overshoot kind anywhere he's in the vertical here maybe we can point the nose at him oh yes oh my God can we win oh he saw it and he slipped under well played [Music] oh oh look at this move oh wow very nice moves by the Felon here wow went from 550 knots bled it all off got somewhat of an overshoot and he did that and got back on like six so it's a little bit annoying and concerning a lot of rounds coming in nose counter drop flares overshoot is what we can do from here never mind oh time to go I'm out let's leave oh good kill yeah once he's got your six like that there's not a whole lot you can do all right well we tried 3-1 against the Felon it's not the worst thing ever foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 190,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world war 2, ww2, DCS, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, air combat, war thunder, navy, us military, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, f14, viper, mirage, warthunder, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, mi-24, funny, Eurofighter, ef2000, virtual reality, vr, 3080, world war ii, battle of britain, USA, battlefield 2042, ah64 apache, dcs apache, wwii, f35
Id: B7R8WYmMV7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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