Lockheed CL-1201 Aircraft Carrier Vs The North Korean Air Force Mig-29 Fulcrum V F-22 Raptor | DCS |

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good deal good kill hey [Music] good hey guys welcome back to another video we're in the F22 today and in front of me is the massive luy CL 12 one this was a giant 6,000 ton nuclear powered Transport Aircraft intended to be almost an aircraft carrier of sorts a flying aircraft carrier if you will uh this thing's got an amazing 340 M wingspan that's uh 1,00 ft for you Americans out there this thing is absolutely massive and uh today we're going to be taking on uh a swarm of North Korean m [Music] [Applause] 9 so there is a massive swarmm of North Korean MC 29's coming over here way too much for me to deal with look at the size of the Sentry by the way next to uh this CL 121 like that thing is an E3 sentury like that's not aart aircraft and next to that thing it doesn't look that big at all uh really puts into perspective the size of this giant Behemoth and what it would have been um so there anyway there's way too many MC 29s coming over here North Korean MC 29s for me to handle even in my F22 uh so that thing is going to drop some x47 drones that are going to help me out at least that's the plan now I know this thing kind of looks like it's out of Ace Combat and in a lot of ways it kind of is but this was like a real concept that they actually looked at making uh and from my understanding this thing can stay airborne for a very long time uh I think even up to 41 days 41 days of this thing just Airborne flying around you know basically a flying aircraft carrier you know just dropping f-22s out of the back and like drones and f35s and whatever whatever this thing could deploy just the thought of that is is wild okay let's let's turn off here and find these MC 29's and get this show on the road I imagine they've seen that giant thing on radar and are coming over here anytime [Music] now all right well hopefully he starts dropping some drones to come help me out cuz I can't do this all by myself I'm definitely going to need some help [Music] all right these North Korean guys are off the nose oh the boys are here look at that those are the x47 drones we did a video with these not long ago uh autonomous drones that will assist me in air-to-air combat so that'll be pretty cool uh looks like there is four four more over there so maybe like a total of eight of these guys uh that should be good that should be [Music] enough all right and so you know what I'll actually do is once we get a little closer to these uh Bandits coming in I'll get some separation and I'll let these guys take the lead and they can sling their am Rams and then I will uh I'll come in from behind and clean up whatever survives this volley of am Rams that these guys are going to unleash all right these guys basically are like they saw something off the nose here so they're kind of just doing their own thing now uh taking off splitting into formations and whatever this is all autonomous action I don't have any control over what these guys are going to do but when they start launching their amam volley into the swarm of MC 29's coming over here it's kind of going to look like uh like those medieval armies when like two armies would come and like one of them would launch arrows like hundreds of arrows and the arrows would just start smoking guys before they even Clash you know and then there will be a clash and I think in The Clash and the merge that's going to be my job that's where I'm going to have to come in with the F22 and clean up um but you know maybe we'll lose a couple drones but no big deal it's just a few million bucks right don't worry about the national debt it's only a few million bucks guys nothing uh that the taxpayer can't cover better than a dead pilot I think right right right you got to look at it like that Silver Linings you know in terms of the development cost of these x47 BS I think they're up to like 1.5 to $2 billion now that's not per unit cost of course that's research development and everything um but the unit cost is probably not nothing you know this is not a $20,000 drone um so if it gets shot down you know it is kind of a hit to the budget but nothing crazy um but I don't suspect that'll a problem here today looks like we're slowly getting into range here I think maybe pretty [Music] soon look at that there's at least two guys here that have taken the lead and there we go we got the rest of them so they've kind of spread themselves out looks like they've done uh some sort of tactical formation uh broke up into two different elements of four and there we go we got am Rams I see am Rams flying there we go it's going to be a rough day to be on the other side of that there's a lot of am Rams coming out right now even if they do nothing other than just launch a volley of am Rams that's pretty wild that's still pretty devastating see the funny thing is that those make 29s in the distance there you can just sort of make them out they have no idea there's anything even over here they they probably can't see anything on radar they can't see me for sure they can't see the drones they're also stealth look at them they're defending right now so the am Rams have gone pit ble on that they're all breaking away out of formation look at this just wait those ARS are just going to start seeing these guys pop as amram start making contact wait for it wait for it there we go there's the first one oh that guy got hit twice there we go there we go oh boy a rough day to be those guys huh oh yeah there we go it's like fireworks just massive fireworks look at that so many guys are getting splashed over there oh my God [Music] [Music] I would assume that a large amount of those guys got splashed although I did see a formation off to my left here who seems like they didn't hit get hit by anything uh um so anyway we'll focus on the guys who went to my right first cuz I saw a group of three go to my right okay here we go got him locked up uh Fox three for me all right turning around now Splash those three guys one guy got away uh he'll get into a merge I'm sure those drones will make quick work of him uh off in front we're being locked by something I see a bunch of guys flying around here we go hostile Bandit 8 Miles he's a little cold so I don't want to shoot at him yet there we go that's a friendly when you see the box with the X that's a friendly another friendly these are the drones there we go there's a hostile 6 miles off the nose once again because he's cold I don't want to just instantly shoot uh looks like up high that's a drone okay got this guy locked fox 3 so fox 3 on that Bandit on the left and let me get this guy right here here we go another one four miles Fox three on this guy as well okay third bandit in front of me he's still cold I can't can't shoot him there's another one behind me too so I got to kill this guy quickly and turn around before the guy behind me sees me and shoots me uh this guy turning into me at four miles so that's perfect um fox 3 for me and looks like he fired a missile so we'll flare and there we go and splash one there we go okay that's another drone up high all right where's that other guy behind me somewhere [Music] all right uh he should be oh there's some contrails up here that looks like a furball isn't it that guy's merged with a bunch of drones yeah there we go got him locked that's him for sure and you can see three contrails converging on him oh are they shooting him oh they are those drones have guns oh my God imagine being that guy and just looking back and seeing like Terminator drones just shooting at you I obviously can't shoot him cuz he's in the Sun so I can't give him a NX there we go look at that the drones look like they messed him up pretty good he's smoking they identified him as dead so they're not attacking him anymore but he's still flying too and splash one that's it for me that's everybody let's get out of here that's a solid day's work [Music] [Music]
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 132,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world war 2, ww2, DCS, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, air combat, war thunder, navy, us military, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, f14, viper, mirage, warthunder, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, mi-24, funny, Eurofighter, ef2000, virtual reality, vr, 3080, world war ii, battle of britain, USA, battlefield 2042, ah64 apache, dcs apache, wwii, f35
Id: mJuVE8z2tp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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