Stylized Paint-Like Shader in Blender Eevee (read description)

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greetings I'm just either bin and in this video I'm going to walk you through a Shader that I made using EV in blender that gives out this painterly look you can download this Shader for free using the link in the description [Music] firstly to be able to use the Shader all you need to do is to unzip the file and then click and drag the blender file into your blender session [Music] select append go to node tree and just select all of the pseudo painter files click append now to actually apply it into an object create a new material delete the principle psdf and put in sudo painter pattern and sudo painter Shader now to set the Shader up all you need to do is just connect the color output to each of the color input sockets the vector output to the vector input [Music] a normal map into the object normal [Music] and typical mapping setup into the mapping and finally connect the two surface to surface and now all you need is color input [Music] and as you can see instantly we get that painterly look right away [Music] now let's go through some of the settings that we can play around with firstly in the sudo painter pattern we have parent scale which defines the size of the pattern we have brush smoothness which defines smoothness of the brush Strokes [Music] we have transition roughness which defines the roughness of the transition between highlights and shadows [Music] and for now we're just gonna skip on texture displacement textured blur and blur resolution paper scale and paper opacity is to create a paper-like effect on top of the paint like texture [Music] [Music] the paper mapping setting is used to switch the mapping of the paper texture into a screen based mapping for example if we move around the sphere you can see the paper texture is also actually glued onto the sphere [Music] but if we turn paper mapping to one the paper texture is now gone independent of the sphere [Music] so even if you move the sphere around the paper texture doesn't move with the spear [Music] now on to the pseudo painted Shader node specular will give us an extra highlight [Music] the roughness just like in PBR defines the glossiness of the material Metals just like in PPR defines the metalness of the material [Music] each of the Highlight mid tone and Shadow has a three different settings which is color variation gamma and contrast color variation basically just means Hue shifts [Music] alternatively you can also change the highlight and Shadow color individually by adding a hue saturation value node or curve note or any other node that modifies the color [Music] [Music] you can also use an image texture as a base color for the Shader simply connect an image texture into the color input and one odd thing about this Shader is that you would actually connect the texture displacement mapping into the vector input of the image texture which somewhat create a feedback loop but in this specific case it will actually work now to give this image texture a more painterly look we're gonna look back at the settings that we skipped earlier which is texture displacement blur and blur resolution texture blur simply blurs the image texture that you use as an input the maximum value here is one but you can actually type in a bigger value [Music] foreign texture displacement actually displaces the image texture according to the pattern that is defined by this Shader [Music] if you change the pattern scale for example the displacement will change accordingly [Music] there is actually another type of Shader called pseudo-reflection Shader which is used when you actually want to use screen space reflection on your painterly look but keep in mind that this Shader is much more simple and really only to be used if you want to use the screen space reflection simply connect the vector output to the vector input and the color that you want [Music] and in the EV settings Turn on screen space reflection [Music] there's a roughness setting and a medalist settings just like in the painter Shader [Music] and remember you can still change the settings in the pattern node and the reflection Shader will change accordingly foreign [Music] [Music] I want to show you how you can make a paint like brush stroke around the object [Music] first open the modifier tab and add solidify add some negative thickness [Music] deselect fill [Music] under normals select flip and materials set material offset to one now under material add a new material slot [Music] use the same material that you use for the painter Shader and then create a copy [Music] in the Shader editor if you press n and go to options select backface culling change blend mode to Alpha clip and Shadow to none and now if you go to the sudo painter Shader and go down to brush effect you can increase or decrease the value to make a paint like brush stroke effect [Music] foreign [Music] thing to know is that they're not very elegant thing about having this brush stroke effect is that you would have to change the color of the material individually so if you want to change the color to Green for example [Music] you also need to change the brush stroke effect to Green [Music] here's what I got after playing around with the settings a little bit more foreign [Music] chips you can actually use the brush effect directly onto the object material itself to get this kind of effect [Music] using the UV texture coordinate and putting the texture displacement mapping into the vector of a blank texture you can also paint your own texture [Music] and let the texture displacement setting to make it look more painterly [Music] once again you can download the Shader for free using the link in the description but that's all I have for now see you soon
Channel: barely art
Views: 76,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, animation, cgi, 3d, eevee
Id: wXtaMS8vGNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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