Stylized Fire in Blender : Procedural textures tutorial

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hello and welcome to my channel in this video we're going to make this fire effect in blender so let's get started take the default Cube and convert it into a ball for that we have to create a subsurface modifier with two or three levels and then apply now go to edit mode and turn on proportional edit and select inverse square or smooth select the top Vortex and grab on the Z AIS by pressing G and then Z change it to Sharp and move [Music] again delete the principal bstf and for the start we're going to add a noise texture connect the color of the noise texture to the material output if you have no Wrangler addon press shift d on the noise texture to create mapping and texture coordinates connect the object information to the vector input of the mapping mode we need a color ramp to create a contrast in the nice texture and for the noise values we're going to have a six for scale 15 for detail zero roughness and a slight Distortion value maybe about [Music] 1.2 let's give some color to the color amp some bright red and yellow uh contrast can give a fire flame kind of look you can also experiment with the colors and Sliders to make your own style of Fire [Music] I'm going to add another color ramp and give it some blue shading this is for the color of the bottom of the flame okay so first we're going to mix these two color ramps which gives us this reddish pinkish kind of color what we need is a node setup that creates the blue color on the bottom and the yellowish on the top part of the flame right now it's just mixing these two colors by a factor of 0.5 for that we need a gradient texture which gives this small black color on the side we also need a mapping node with object information from the texture coordinates so on the mapping node we have to rotate the texture by 90° on the Y [Music] AIS on the location values change the x value to 0.3 now this black and white color value will serve as a factor for those blue and yellowish colors from the noise texture so the a socket will have the black value and the B socket will have the white value so just exchange the A and B sockets we need a more yellowish part on the top for that we're going to add another mix node and connect the result of the previous mix node with the B input of the new mix node just like the last time this is going to mix the colors together and we're going to need a node setup that controls the factor we're going to make the same gradient texture setup but this time the black part is going to be on the top for that we're going to just rotate the gradient texture by a 90° so that it flips the black and white values we can change these values or these colors anytime you can change the color of a socket to a high saturation yellowish or reddish color so now that we have our desired colors we have to choose a Shader that best suits of our material so for the fire we need an emission Shader because it emits light just like fire does take the emission value to a higher number like five or 10 to see the effect of emission we need to go to the render Tab and turn on Bloom now we need transparency on the parts where there is no color like these dark Parts here so add a transparent bstf and mix it with emission for the transparent bstf to work we need to go to the material properties and change the blend mode from opaque to Alpha blend okay now we need the color information from the noise texture and color ramp and we're going to add it to another color ramp and this black and white color amp output is going to the factor input of the mix Shader this is uh going to determine that which part is going to be transparent and which gives us the emission change the sliders of the color ramp and change the values of gradient texture to map the look that you like we need one more node here to control the factor of the transparency animation and that's frenel so add a layer weight and connect the frenel output with a color ramp and this gives more uh transparency to the edges of the flame so mix these two color amps now and we'll fix this node set up in a moment but first we need a mechanism to deform the mesh into a proper flame so in layout mode go to the modifiers Tab and add a displace modifier click on new and go to the textures Tab and choose clouds now go back to modifiers and lower the strength to [Music] 0.8 take the weight value to about 0.1 and press assign okay so this will assign the weight of modifier to all the vertices but only an increment of 0.1 now go to the weight painting mode over here and pick the gradient curer we have to add the vertex group in the displace modifier with with the gradient tool make the gradient fade from top to bottom the red color indicates full weight like an increment of about one and the blue has an increment of zero in the displace modifier change the coordinates from local to object go to object mode shift a and choose an empty object and and grab it to the side take the Color Picker and choose this empty now this empty can control the coordinates of the display modifier which means if you move rotate or scale the empty it's going to do the same to the displace modifier this effect is too small so you need a subsurface modifier to add more geometry to the mesh after tweaking the values and colors this is what the flame looks like add a separate XYZ and connect the Z socket to the to the location input of the mapping node now add a value node in the value node input type uh # frame divided by a number uh now when we play the animation we can see that the texture is moving but in the wrong direction so we're going to add an invert node after the value node you can also use drivers to the empty but I'm going to add some key frames here add a location key frame at the at frame one and then at frame 100 move the empty the drop and add another location key frame also you may want to make the interpretation mode to linear [Music] also if you want to have um a smooth effect on these edges then you can also add a subsurface modifier after this um sub after this displace modifier but this can be taxing to your [Music] computer if you put an INT node in the factor input of the mix Shader it's going to flip the transparency animation and shows a different kind of stylized fire I created different results by changing the type of textures from clouds for example wood gives this kind of results in its let's duplicate this mesh by pressing shift D and S to scale it up delete the bottom vertices and scale by pressing s and then shift Z to scale on coordinates other than Z AIS for this material we don't need this gradient textures nodes here so delete all these gradient textures and the mapping nodes and color ramps plug this uh redish color ramp directly into the emission input and delete these mix nodes and this as well this blue color ramp as well and connect this color ramp right into the factor of the mix [Music] Shader delete one slider from this color ramp and the other as well and adjust the contrast [Music] you can see the effect that looks like the flame of a fire if you you look at the whole setup this looks much like a stylized [Music] Flame [Music] [Music] a little tip for rendering is to make the world background color more dark and and increase the strength of a mission node okay so that's almost all the node setup and modifiers and stuff used in this tutorial you can change the colors and values to have different results okay so that's all for today's video and I hope you learned something from this video and if you have any questions do let me know in the comments I'll see you next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: Azi
Views: 9,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azi, blender, animation, fire, stylized, blender tutorial, avatar fire, shading, blender beginner tutorial, blender stylized art, Blender stylized shader, how to make fire in blender, campfire, fire simulation, blender texture, magic blender, anime, anime shader blender, solo leveling, cartoon, blendertips, stylized fire, Azi, VFX tutorial, CG, Blender 4.0, Blender nodes, Flame, blender flame animation, fire bending tutorial, 3d animation
Id: Mhel6nWxPLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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