A CRAZY* Blender Stylized Painting Shader!

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so the clip that you've just seen is made using an update of a Shader that I made which you can download for free using the link in the descript description and now I'm going to show you how you can use it so now really quickly to set it up after you downloaded the file you can just go to file append double click on the blend file go to no tree and just select everything and click append and that's it so I'm going to start with a simple setup first of all I'm going to delete the principal bsdf and I'm going to add a pseudo painter and then I'm also going to add a pseudo Shader EV and then I'm going to connect the P color to the P color and P data to the P data and I'm going to add a texture coordinate for the mapping and I'm going to use UV because the Shader is actually made only to work with two dimensional coordinates meaning only the x and y coordinate and as you can see we already have something going on all right now I'm going to set this up so it's easier to see pin color obviously to change the color of the uh Shader of the material and then brush size for changing the brush size the brush shape to blend between a square brush and a round brush zero for round one for square the hair size determines the thickness of the brush hair the hair Clump somewhat simulates the clumping of the brush hair the stroke direction to change the direction of the stroke stroke length to change the length of the stroke the stroke roughness to change the roughness at the tip of the stroke and the stroke pressure simulates doing the stroke while putting a pressure in the paintbrush and it's basically just a roughness settings for the sides here the stroke speed will make the tip of the stroke sharper more Point here and the wobble will make the line less straight and add wobbliness into the stroke I can also change the size or the frequency of the wobble the position random when set to zero will make the paint stroke more in a grid-like fashion it is basically to randomize the position of The Strokes random seed is just a random seed the pigment intensity brings variation in the values of each of the stroke I can also increase the size and the paint wetness simulates a wet paint now the paper intensity is a setting to somewhat emboss a paper texture or like a canvas texture into the brush stroke so I'm going to import a canvas texture into here and I'm also going to add a mapping because from testing I know this canvas will be to too big so I'm going to set it to whoops I'm going to set it to 7 77 and then I'm just going to plug in the color into the paper texture and if I zoom in and then increase the paper intensity settings you can see it sort of embossed the texture of the canvas into the paint stroke next we have the Shader settings the transition roughness determines the roughness of the transition between the highlights and the Shadows the roughness and metalness works similarly to a principal bsdf the Highlight balance control the balance between the highlight and the midtone so if I increase the intensity a little bit here and then I try to play around with the balance as you can see as I increase the value the Highlight dominates more and as I decrease it the opposite happen and the contrast just control the sharpness of the transition between the highlights and the midtone and it's the same case with the shadow there's also a color variation setting for each of the highlight midtone and sh Shadow which is basically just a hue shift in both Direction randomly put on The Strokes but of course you can also use the highlight and Shadow tint to colorize the highlight and Shadow the color influence is the amount of color influence taken from the environment so in order to show that I'm going to turn on another light and I'm going to change the first light into a red light and the second light into the green light and as you can see you can't really see a red or green in the sphere but as you turn the color influence up you can start to see that environment influence fluence on the sphere and this will also work with hdris and also baked indirect lighting you also have a hue setting for the color influence and a saturation setting and the alpha is basically just the transparency of the Shader and right now it doesn't really work because we didn't change the blend mode from opaque to Alpha something that you can also do is not to just use a straight RGB color but use an image texture instead so I'm just going to open this image and I'm going to connect the P displacement to the vector input and the color to the P color and as you can see the image is instantly get converted into a paint like Shader I'm just going to change this to closest and then if I change the brush size to be really small you can actually start to see the image if you want to move the image you would put a mapping note in between the image texture and the pseudo painter that way as you move the image the brush stroke won't actually move with the image now we're going to add a new node called called pseudo layer this node is basically used to layer two different pseudo painters so if I just duplicate this and maybe change some of its settings and then I'm going to connect the first pseudo painter into the a layer notice that there's no pmap input for the a layer but there is one for B and as I increase the stroke amount you can see that it starts to put the B layer on top of the a layer you also have settings like contrast so you would have some something that's not fully 100% opacity and some that does you also have a stroke fade settings for a fading effect and of course a random seat and you got two different mask so you can use a texture to manually mask where you want the stroke to be next I'm going to show you pseudo scatter which is basically a way to put bit Maps into the Shader so I'm just going to put a mapping into the mapping first of all and then I'm going to duplicate the layer the pseudo layer and then I'm going to connect the first pseudo layer into the a layer of the second one and the pseudo scatter into the B layer notice that it doesn't have a p color because the color will be sourced from the bit map or the image texture so all you need to do is import an image texture something black and white with a black background like this one and then I'm just going to connect the vector to vector and the color to P color and one of the mask and then I'm just going to connect the pseudo layer into the Shader and I'm also going to change the settings on the image texture from repeat to clip and also from linear to closest and now as I increase the stroke amount we should see that the image texture starts to show up we can also go to the sudo scatter and increase the scatter amount to see more of it show up there is also some settings like size size random rotation rotation random for each of the image texture that's scattered and you also have Edge roughness to roughen up these straight lines straight edges here and then if you want to colorize it you can put in a color ramp in between the P color connection and then you can just change the white color into something else next I'm going to show you the pseudo SSR node which is basically a Shader that you use if you want to have a screen space reflection effect for this you need to go to the render settings and turn on screen space reflection with refraction turned off and then go to the Shader editor press n again go to options and turn on screen space refraction and I'm just going to connect the surface to the surface and now if I introduce a sphere that has an emission it should now reflect the sphere as you can see here the settings are similar you have transition roughness roughness metalness and a color variation so for this new update there's also a Cy version of the Shader which has similar settings to the EV one and next I'm going to show you the more specialized use case kind of notes first of all there's a pseudo bump now if I increase the paint wetness a little bit and then connect the P data to P data and displacement to displacement actually I'm going to increase the intensity to 0.1 first and you can see it sort of make this look a very dried thick paint so it's basically just the generator next we have the pseudo Edge effect and it has an alpha output so you would need to turn on Alpha I'm just going to use clip for now and it's basically make this kind of edge effect it's based on a Fel so it works really well on a sphere but it might not work as well for some other objects that has more like a flat surface and now I'm going to show you the pseudo Boke which is actually the node that I use to get that effect on the clip in the beginning of the video it's really meant to be put on a plane so I have created a new material for this plane here so I'm just going to add a pseudo Boke and for this to work you would need to turn on screen space Reflections on the render settings and turn on refraction and two things to to make sure is one on the Shader settings of the plane the object that you want to have the pseudo Boke you have to turn on screen space refraction on the options here and the one that does not have PSE sudo Boke should have the screen space refraction turned off so now I'm just going to connect the P data to the P data and connect this to the surface and nothing seem to happen but you can sort of see a little bit happening but as I increase the roughness you would see that it creates this kind of distortion effect can also increase or decrease the blur here so this is the effect that I use for the clip in the beginning of the video and something even weirder is the uh pseudo focus and for this you would need to have a camera I have a camera setup right here so I'm just going to go to the camera view and I'm just going to connect the P data to the P data and for the camera coordinate I'm going to extract a texture coordinate camera output so as you can see it's actually has an alpha output [Music] so I'm just going to connect the alpha to the alpha of course I need to turn on the alpha clip or Alpha hash mode and now what it's actually doing is sort of gradually erasing the object depending on the focus point so if I were to set the focus Point like here here and then I move the [Music] camera you can see it starts to erase itself as I get closer or as I get further you can also change the aperture settings so the effect is more drastic the stroke amount and of course there's also a contrast and random seat and if you wanted to lock focus on a certain object you can just use the texture coordinate choose the object you wanted to focus on for example this sphere here and then you would want to have a vector math set to distance and just connect the camera and the object into the vector math and then just connect the value to the focus point and and now the focus point will always be wherever the sphere is that's why the effect is invisible now there's also a simple geometry note that you can use in combination with the focus note that's called a pseudo camera so you can just select the sphere go to the modifiers at the geometry node and add a pseudo camera not the pseudo camera settings and then if we go to the geometry editor we can set the camera to camera and what this basically would do is it will set the size of the sphere based on the distance from the camera so as the camera goes closer the sphere grows bigger and as it goes further the sphere would also go bigger so if we try to see it from the point of view of the camera and we move the camera back and forth we can see as it goes closer the sphere grows bigger but also erase itself at the same time and that's about it for this video check the link in the description to download this Shader for free bye
Channel: barely art
Views: 48,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 3d, animation, stylized blender, cgi, 3d, painting, blender painting, blender paint, eevee
Id: J7m2AXP2_pY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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