Blender Hand Drawn Shader Tutorial!

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so i am not the best drawer if i'm being honest but like with most things in blender we get to fake it using some trickery with the shading and other such tools which is really great so that's what we're going to be covering in this video so the process for you to actually make this shader is really pretty easy it all just begins with uh with just grabbing a a crosshatch texture you can get one of google or whatever you want just download it doesn't even have to be seamless you'll see why later but just get an object and drag that in there once you've got it just pop it in as an image texture and you're good to go now we're gonna get rid of our principal bsdf and grab a diffuse bsdf instead take that and just plug that into a shader to rgb node and then we're just gonna grab a mix rgb node you have to search for this you can't uh actually get one by dragging it off the shader to rgb you might be able to but i i if you type in mix it doesn't actually come up for some reason don't know why now just go ahead and plug both of those into the various color inputs here just the image texture and the shader to rgb and then if you plug that into the surface you'll get something that looks a little bit like this it will just be completely covered in the the cross hatching just all over it so now we need to actually make it so the light is going to affect it so the way we do that is with a handy dandy color ramp node coming straight off the mix uh the mix shader makes rgb sorry and then just plug that into the surface and then as you drag the black and white up it will gradually make that the light the light affected so it'll be mixing them based on wherever your your lamp is or your sun or whatever whatever angle it is um if i just go ahead and bring in this light a little bit closer you'll see it a little bit better there you go that's much easier to see so what's cool about this is you're not actually limited to just black and white or whatever color your your image texture is you can actually make this any color you want to you can set it to constant to get it just um completely black and white just two colors if you want or if you leave it on linear then it will sort of blend them a little bit a little bit nicer but if you leave them quite close together then yeah but you can you can set this to be any color that you want to so if you just change the colors on the color amp node here you can see that it actually changes to whatever you uh whatever you set it to which is really cool but it doesn't stop there we can customize this some more so if we take a look at our image texture here our crosshatch um if you get a add-on called the nodewrangler add-on you may have this it's pretty standard add-on you can just hit ctrl t and you get this mapping node and texture coordinate node here and that means you can mess around with the scale of it or the location rotation you can do a whole bunch of different things uh but the scale is the one we're interested in you can get some different effects you can make it really detailed or quite like thick and heavy lined sort of is that even a term heavy lined i don't know but you can essentially play around with that then but because i said earlier on it doesn't actually have to be seamless there's a add-on made by blender guru called the uber mapping node and it essentially means you can replace this mapping node at something else i'll have a link to that um to a video at least where you can get that off decks i don't know if i can share the link i don't know how it works but i'll link to the video where you can get that from and if you just drop that in so here you can see polygon group it's called mosaic if you just drop that in and plug in into the same things that the mapping node is plugged into so vector into uv or uv into uv and then the uv into vector got that all back front this will then sort of twist rather than tiling it perfectly it kind of like randomly rotates them so it's not as easy to notice like the patterns which is a really great thing he's got a great video sort of showing this off i won't go into too much detail on how it works because as i said i'll link it below it's it's a really great uh it's really great tool so yeah once you've done that what i recommend you do is you can actually save this into a material library if you've got a certain add-on turned on so here there's the material library vx i made a little short about this a while ago i don't if you might have seen it but essentially if you go into the add-on tab you can look up for material library vx and then you can just save materials that you've made it's super handy and then you can load them in in any other blend file super cool really great i'm not going to save this one because i've already got this one saved uh here annoyingly i don't know what happened i did have more materials in here but for some reason they they were deleted i don't know why bug with blender or something but it's it's super it's super useful so you can see as you hit apply there blender crashes apparently oh man i i don't know why but yeah you can save that and it's it's useful it's handy saves time anyway at this point you're going to want to add in an outline so for the purposes of this video i will be using the grease pencil to do this as i did in my last video but you can you can do this with any number of different ways to get outlines like i've got another video which i'll again have linked or in a little card here to get a an outline essentially using like a mission and backface culling it's it's a it's a whole process but it gives a slightly different effect it's a bit cleaner i quite like it um but you can you can use either of these they're both really good so the way you do the the grease pencil one just real quick and simple is essentially you just want to make a new collection where your outlined things are going to go into then add in a grease pencil blank and then add a line art modifier in the modifiers tab selecting the grease pencil set the collection to the relevant one the layer to the gp layer and the material to black and then you've got an outline and then you can edit it however you have you see you can change the color do whatever you want i've got again another video just showing you how to make that sort of like a pencil sketch outline so you can go and check that out but there you go you've got an outline and that will follow the camera around so as you move the camera around the line art will follow it with you and what you can do here is you can again start changing up the the color so if you want to have say the the shadows be light because i actually quite like the way this looks i think it looks pretty cool it's almost like the um the negative of the image it's just i think it's pretty cool you can change it up into all sorts of different colors and get any sort of effect you want you could put like a sort of paper filter over the top of this and get it looking more flat uh you can if you don't set it to linear and you've got it set to constant here then it will just be the two distinct colors so you can match it to the background color and get the exact same thing so it looks like it just blends into the background it's really customizable it's a really great uh shader i like this a lot i've studied using it in a number of different things so anyway yeah hope you found this useful hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like and i will see you in the next video see you around you
Channel: Littlerolz
Views: 74,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YDHGm1W0A-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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