Stylar AI: COMPLETE AI Art & Image editor (Full Tutorial)

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the world of AI art is shifting from basic image generators through to full AI image editing sweets and today we're going to cover style art AI which is an AI editing Suite which has a ton of tools and features I'm going to run through and show you exactly how it works to access Styler AI there is a link in the description as are sponsoring this video of course when you first log into the website you can get started free by clicking this button here or up here but I've already got an account so I'm going to log in and go from there when you first land you can start by adding a new project or you can go down here and explore some of the Styles they use for their AI generation for any of the images or elements you'll be generating but for now we're going to get into it and just hit new project so when you first get in there there's going to be a little window like this where you can give your project a name set an aspect ratio if you click away it kind of just closes down but we're going to give it a title so I've called it experimentations with styler and I can choose an aspect ratio to work with I'm going to choose four to three so it fills up a little of the screen while we still have enough space for the UI either side uh and you can see we got Dimensions here I can change that if I want to but I'm just going to leave that the way it is for now and click apply and we have our project now I can use my mouse wheel to go up and down or I can use this hand tool here to move things around and what I can also do is zoom in so get 50% you can also just hold on control and zoom in and out with your mouse wheel so that's actually pretty handy as well we can also see how many crits we have up here so you get 200 credits a week and we'll basically see how how many credits we're using as we go but uh first of all we're just going to start nice and simple by generating an image using text to image so you here see here we got a very simple little image generator box which I think is pretty self-explanatory but if I want to choose a style I have styles here I can go through and pick certain sort of like categories we going go to scene design and see if we find something that matches what we're looking for retro sci-fi I might go with retro sci-fi and I can type in a prompt of something I want to generate so what we're going to start with start with is a simple subject I have a futuristic robot playing in an open field and of course I can describe the scene a bit further with a comma bright and sunny surrounded by nature and I can change the style intensity here bring it up or down and we also have some Advanced options I can give it a negative prompt if there's anything I don't want to see I'll close that down and we have our prompt I click stye now you can see we have four options to choose from as we hover over them we get a nice little preview which uh is actually pretty nice compared to what we're what we're used to but essentially this is where things start to get a little bit different than usual is that when we select the image we want I'm going to go with this last one I select place on canvas and it places that image on the canvas and I can resize edit it and move it around if I want to but you'll also notice we have some options up here some selection options we can remove objects so if I click on this remove object and I just Trace over this car on the left over here and it's shadow I click remove and has removed that object and also of my selection tools here use my lassu tool to select over here and by clicking subtract I can now deselect some of that selection or with Union I can add to that selection and of course instead of the lassu we can also just choose Auto we'll come to that in a minute but for now I can just hit delete and it will delete that from the image but I do want to keep that in there so I'm going to come up the top here to undo now again if we go back to our selection tool and choose Auto I can actually just click on this robot and it auto selects that robot and I can duplicate it and now I have a second robot I can add to the scene I can resize it move it around I can click on it hit delete and again if I go back to my selection tools choose Auto can remove it from the scene and just use AI to remove what was selected it didn't quite select the feet but to get the idea so you some basic tools with that image straight away but we can also just straight up remove the background so if I click on this image and click remove background we now have our background removed and I can place that move it around as I see fit and as usual sort of image editing fashion I can use these handles to resize or I can grab the sides if I want to actually change the proportion a bit so I have a few options there and at any point we can go into text to image I've got retro SciFi but this time I'm just going to say bright and sunny surrounded by Nature I'm going to change the style to story book charm and Styer eyesee you notice I have my other images here I can always come back to them and every time we generate we've been using some of our tokens but we just got to wait a moment for that next image to generate and now we can pick an open field to pop our robot into I really like uh this one here but I'm going to place this on the canvas and we have it on our canvas now here's where things do get interesting with style RI over here you'll notice we have layers much like any image editor like Photoshop you really want to be able to control the order of the the object so by dragging this down I've now been able to pop the background there and sit my robot here above where the shadow is and he's now in the scene I can also hit the little ey section here turn off certain layers see what it looks like but now we can actually start to edit our image and go from there and this is where things start to get interesting we can generate more over here on the left but I do want to cover some of these tools quickly which is we can also add things like text so I can draw a text box here and give it a bit of text such as I'll go HT versus nature so I can select all of this text so I come here to this little a symbol I can change it to black or red I'm going to stick with black so it stands out and we can then change our font and choose from a variety of fonts here for something we think is going to look pretty good we stick with passion one simply because it's nice and thick although I don't really like that font the bass new and we change the size Center it we can even go bold metalics so now we're starting to get into the realm of editing and as I resize this the text gets bigger so that means I can actually just that means I can make it narrower enlarge it change the color and we're starting to get a little bit more advanced whereas with a lot of the other AI image generators out there we have to bring this into a separate program style R AI allows us to do this right within their editor and again we have it all in layers here I can right click I can change the way these lay out so I can duplicate this layer bring it down give it say a year change the color again and even resize it into place so you can see how it's pretty easy to be able to create images and make some basic edits I can click on this robot here right click on the layer flip horizontal and I have him facing the other way which is also pretty handy but I'm going to flip him back and go from there another thing to is if I select this layer here or even the robot where says over here it says layer one I double click on the layer I can rename it to robot and then use that same double click method for the other layers and rename them all as well so I can also name the layers and reorder things and that's the power of this editor already but let's start working with some more of these AI tools to see what else we can do I'm going to go down from so if I'm going from text to image I'm going to go to image to image and you'll notice what this does is it takes what we currently have on the screen and transforms it so I'm going to go to no style and choose something else we go rubber hose classic character and again I'm going to say a robot in nature and the structure match means it's going to go nice and close to the image I'll bring that up the style intensity we do want that to be high as well and as before we have our Advanced options I'm not going to worry about that and I'm going to hit sty eyesee and now we have our images but one thing you're going to notice now is this image has a higher sort of adherence to what we've done some of the other ones have but the text has changed on some of these images so what we need to do is actually if we want to keep the text the way it is I'm going to actually exit this and I'm going to turn off these two layers and now we can use this as a basis for an image and then reintroduce the text afterwards so again we go to image to image this time I'm going to try a different style just to sort of like see what else we can come up with let's go q3d I'm going to bring the structure match down a little bit to give sty styi a little bit more Freedom bring that style intensity up hit styze you can see we got our images again now very sort of close although we don't have the Open Sky we had in the last image so I can bring that structure match up a little bit I'm going to comma because what we put into our prompt really does matter and I'm going to hit sty again and after a few attempts and adjusting our prompt we've got something we really like so I'm going to actually introduce this image onto the canvas and I think that's really cool another thing I want to touch on also is we're going to introdu reintroduce our text layers I'm going to move this layer below and you can see we now have our text back in the image I can also grab this brush and I can draw into a blank canvas but I'm going to draw into the current canvas I can choose my color here which I'm going to go with say yellow and try and keep it nice and somewhat smooth and while I'm in Brush mode I can also go to eraser mode and sort of like erase a little bit off that as well so you can quite easily draw and add bit and pieces to your canvas and that can be powerful for trying to work on a base image to use for image to image and don't forget if you hit done it creates a layer I can move that layer down but here's where it gets interesting it goes in front of the robot and I want the robot to go in front of the line so instead I can click on my layer I'm going to right click on my layer five over here and I'm going to duplicate that layer to the top and align it and now I'm actually going to remove the background and we've been able to place the robot over the top of that line so I'm actually going to turn that layer off now move some items around that are at the top so maybe I move this down I move this text down one tip is it's worth turning layers on and off if they sit over certain objects so you can actually select them and now my robot's sitting in front of this text and the line so that's a nice little effect you can use with this editor as well but before we move on from image to image let's try some something else what I'm going to do over here is come over to import images so I have this image from pixels of a guy doing like a Kung Fu style pose I'm going to import that keep in mind you can import transparent pgs and sort of move them around on the canvas for now I'm going to cover the whole canvas with him doing this pose so this means I can actually upload my own images or artwork and do image to image with that I don't have to generate something to get started I can just use my own images I'm going to go over here to image to image now we can try another style but for now I'm going to keep it the way it is cuz I want to integrate it into the scene so I'm going to type in Kung F Warrior QD 3D leave these settings the same hit stye I'm going to import this character and turn off my original image so now I have this character here so I can now come up remove that background and I have a character I can now add in the scene but now I can move on to generative fill what I need to do is actually just mask an area of the image so I'm going to grab my I can choose to Auto so tap Auto and actually select something we choose lassu I'm going to choose brush and just sort of color in an area over here I click done and now I enter a prompt a small retro futuristic robot I can come back and remark and change this if I want to and the control method I can use is the prompt or I can balance between the image and the prompt so if I want to actually refer to the background image a little bit I can do that or I can refer entirely to the image but for now I want to focus entirely on the prompt or the although I will go with balance just to see what we get hit stye we can see at the top here it's added a robot so I click that place on canvas and it has produced a full image so it's been able to add that in pretty effectively but there's one thing also down here and here there's not really any Shadow underneath these characters so I'm going to go back to generative fill go to image remove that and I'm going to grab my brush tool just brush around the feet I click done I'll say add Shadow and I've got image selected I click stye I hover over to find the one I like the best this one here seems to have the best Shadows now we've got some nice Shadows underneath the feet so we can use that even just to sort of like blend in some of the current information and now we basically have this of kind of cartoony image so now if I don't like this text and I want to remove it I can because I've been generating so much over here I can just go to my selection tool draw a lasso around the text area hit delete and it removes it from the layer revealing what's underneath so keep in mind now if I turn this layer off it does show what's underneath so you do still need to have some of these layers intact and I can bring that up behind to really show that and I can also move the robot right up the Top If I want to do that as well so we've been able to add and subtract things and we still have our text layers down here if we want to add them in at a later date and move them around what I recommend doing is actually getting the image the way you want it first and then adding the text after but for the sake of explaining the tools I think this works pretty well also now a bit of a s side step but I want to show you the face SK but before we do what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to before we do any enhancing I'm actually going to go back home and you'll notice my project is here I can come back to it anytime I want but for now I'm going to click on new project now for this project I'm going to stick with 4 to3 and hit apply we're going to go through a few more settings but you will notice one thing I've added this segment in later and there's actually now a new option which we're also going to touch on that as well but first of all we're going to look at face kit I'm going to head up here to import some images I have this image of a family standing in front of their home and click open just going to put it into position here and you can see it's not a bad photo however once I enlarge it you can see we have some issues here with the faces so what I'm actually going to do is head over to face kit and instead of swap I'm going to go to repair I'm going to mark an area click done and then I can give it a description because I've got a few artifacts here I'm going to dial preserve the original face back a little bit and hit stye and you can see in the preview on the right over here we get a few options like this one here looks the best place on canvas now her face actually looks like a face and I can go through and do the exact same thing for the other faces in this image so you can see they all have actual human looking faces and if I go back to the original you can see how bad they were and how far we've come with that face repair option which is pretty powerful also like to mention that image was not generated with sty AI done with another AI art program I simply imported it you see I was also able to take this really old mid Journey image here and apply the same process and and this is not a typical face so this is a pretty difficult thing to fix cuz of all the elements and you come up and you can see how it's able to still blend that face in nicely so it's a pretty powerful feature if it's something that you you need with your imagery to sort of fix up a few faces especially in smaller areas but also works well in larger areas but what about the face swap so I've got another fresh canvas and I'm going to import an image which I can actually just click and drag which is also pretty handy and I've got this image of a guy in front of some surfboards I'm going to swap his face with someone else's I head over to face kit Swap and I need to upload an image I've got this face here so now I have a reference face I hit Styler eyes again I have a few options so I'm going to choose this one you see how we've gone from one face to another pretty effectively but let's just click that one off for a sec and we've got our original photo there's actually another cool little face feature I want to show you before we move on if I head over here to image to image and I say I want to create a vector sticker of a man I pick a style so Lively sticker rism I can also turn on face match and what it'll do is actually match that face when it creates that new image so I'm going to click face match sty eyesee you see how it's been able to maintain the features of the face so I click on this one place on canvas I'm actually going to remove the background and you can see when I move the sticker next to him it has maintained his faal facial features pretty closely so that's a pretty cool tool the face match a great way to change the style of some of your images while maintaining the facial features of the person that you're actually using in the image but while we're here let's check out this other new feature generative expand I'm going to going to turn off this layer and again come back to our original I come over and hit generative expand and get a cool little menu like this I can drag this up and out and essentially add to this image describe the content of the image which is a man standing in front of some surfboards DSLR photo I click sty eyesee and again we have some options I'm going to go with this one and again you can see how we've expanded even though he's moved down a little bit we've expanded that image left and right and it's even sort of copied some of the pattern of the boards so it's actually done a really good job job of expanding that background so that we can take images and enlarge them or sort of like enlarge the background behind them pretty effectively with generative expand so now we're going to walk through how to use enhance so essentially I've got this image here which is just a little bit fuzzy uh and I want to try and use enhance to bring it up to resolution if I zoom in you can see it's not great resolution it's made with a different AI generator I'm going to head over to enhance to improve some of those details now enhance strength if I bring it to low it'll keep it more or less same and try and smooth out and improve the resolution high will mean it'll get very creative and change the image more dramatically I'm going to head to about halfway and we're going to see what results we get I'm going to click enhance and now this is our result you can see how it's added a lot of detail to that image and even some of the added some hair and it's done a great job of improving what we done especially if you look at the quality of the hair it got some very wispy low detail you can see every Strand and the detail on the lips the sunglasses it has done a great job even the trophy if you look at the trophy bottom right very highly reflective even down to detail on the clothing and sort of the bookshelf in the background so just goes to show you how powerful this feature is if you want if you need to improve the quality of certain images whether they were made with sty AI or not this one wasn't made with Styler AI it was just enhanced with it but uh it's a very powerful feature to have a play with so I tried this out on a second image and again got some some pretty impressive results the detail that has been added is pretty crazy and just it just brings that image to a whole different level now keep in mind at any point you can come in and download these images directly or even place them onto the canvas so you can continue to edit them with style AI but for now we're going to actually head on back to our original image we were working on to go through a few more features so we have our image here first of all before I go any further one thing we can do is also change the style of the image a little bit by going to image to image choosing a completely different style and we can start to work and switch so I get illustration design psychedelic illustration hit Auto prompt and we can use face match if we want to preserve some of these faces but for this case what we're doing here not really applicable I'm going to bring the structure match up just a little bit style intensity up a bit as well hit sty eyes and this one here I think looks the closest I placed it on the canvas and so now have two different styles and we can continue to add more styles using the exact same method American story now I have this cool comic book style that we can add to our image as well another element of this is I can turn these off and at any point I can click export at the top right here choose my file type such as a JPEG now if I want to remove this sty Watermark I go for premium but for now I'm going to just leave I'm not going to worry about upscaling it's going to hit download place it there now if I actually go to this layer and turn it on I can right click and save as image and save that there as well and I can actually go through and do the same for each individual layer for now I've turned those layers off and I'm going to actually upscale that first image and download it so we can check it out so you can see here we have jpeg selected but under upscale I've now selected 2x which should double the resolution of that file so we have here our upscale download it is 3072 by 2304 pixels so it has upscaled it by too and that's a pretty decent resolution image for AI so that's sort of a bit of a walk through the features and the workflow that you can use with Styler the fact that it has the layers and all these tools it's really like a nice simple image editor powered heavily by AI I highly recommend heading back out to your main page explore some of these Styles if you find something that matches exactly what you're looking for you can probably save a lot of time and get something very very direct by simply going through and being familiarized yourself with these Styles it's a pretty powerful platform and everything I've done today has been on the free tier so I head up the top here and had to upgrade I've used half of my points and I get 200 points a week on the free plan but if you like it you can also upgrade check out some of their paid plans they're pretty affordable and also you get access to some of those premium features like the larger upscales and things like that so really unique AI image editor check I recommend checking it out there's a link in the description but otherwise that's a video video for today guys thanks for watching if you like the video please consider giving it a like and uh hope to see you again next time have a great day
Channel: Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
Views: 7,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stylar ai, stylar ai tutorial, stylar ai image generator,, free ai images generator, image to image ai, tutorial stylar ai, stylar ai photo editing, how to use stylar ai, ai image generator, stylar ai how to use, free ai image generator, text-to-image generator
Id: x9qJi5kkGWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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