The AI Music Situation is Insane

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the drama around AI song generation is crazy just listen to this you been walking now for Miles put your head down on my shoulder car let me drive I mean that's very good that's very emotional God that was 100% generated by AI from nothing no in struments no singer nothing so these models have been coming out in the last few weeks and changed everything and the future of music and musicians is so unclear now it's kind of frightening and a lot of drama is happening around it artists are getting involved I'm going to break it all down for you and in between we're going to be listening to some AI music clips so you guys can see what this is capable of right now and as things progress over the next few months 6 months a year this will definitely get IND distinguished able from real music from music or music by humans I should say cuz who is to say that this is not real music it's just made out of ones and zeros so the first AI model that started making a splash around song generation this is not the same as the voices by the way like I used in this video where I sang with different famous singer voices or whatever this is generating an entire song instruments at all lyrics from scratch sunno version 3 there have been previous models but that was the one where people were like oh this is actually going to be indistinguishable eventually sunno meaning listen in Hindi is a generative artificial intelligence Music Creation program designed to generate realistic songs that combine vocals and instrumentation what's interesting though is that they don't disclose what they trained their model on which quite obviously if you ask me and a lot of people are going to get to is all the famous music you can think of they've all put it into this model so everything kind of comes down to will this AI be legal and there's a lot of drama around this let's generate a song in sunno version 3 and we'll also get to udio which came out yesterday as of me filming this which is possibly even better than sunno but let's start with suo since it's the most famous one and the most simple one to use this is the interface over on you have custom mode where you can write in your own lyrics which a lot of the best generated things right now use but you can also just let it create whatever based on your song description so let's do a happy 70s disco song with female vocals seren nating a big dog and let's create it and then you see you have two things generating right here it generates two versions of each prompt that you put in so it's decided on the title dance with the big dog so this is very funny and also very frightening at the same time it's already done that took like 10 seconds let's have a listen no musician could make a song this [Music] fast [Music] okay [Music] insane that's so crazy okay let's have listen to the other one too well I like this one better to move your feet we're going to have a part that can't be there's a big dog in my house he's got the so yeah that is pretty freaking amazing and again I would say that almost the weakest part of this is the lyrics chip which this uses when you do the auto lyricss doesn't do a great job with lyrics so I could do custom mode here we're not going to do that right now though I'm going to show you some examples of people doing that in a sec but let's continue you just exploring sunno for a second this is a tech radar article right here they write sunno is ridiculously easy to use as you just saw perhaps worryingly so if you currently make your money from music and I definitely feel this as well as some of you may know I have been thinking a lot about getting back into making more music I felt like I went into more music commentary for a while I really missed making music I love doing it but seeing these models and how fast they move I'm kind of unsure if it's a wise business business decision to start investing more time into making music at least the classic way you know with like recording all the instruments and all that stuff cuz this stuff will be extremely good very soon and it's not that I think that it necessarily will be much better than music made by musicians but it just it's going to flood the market to the point where I think that it's going to be a lot harder to make money from music on Spotify or anywhere else okay here we have a song called I love my small little cat when I wake up in the morning who that by my side a small little cat with I so [Applause] [Music] why best kind of sounds like nickel backck or something Insanity there's a lot of Ming going around with obviously uh these AI songs too cuz anyone can make him now one apparently the the funny ones get really popular which I get tick radar also says is training an AI model on someone else's content infringing on its copyright that is the big unanswered question if you're unaware there's something called fair use in America and these companies generally are based in America right now it comes down to will the courts decide that this is fair use that this is transformative or is it derivative I think there's good Arguments for and against it seems like they're using all kinds of copyrighted music to train these however it's quite transformative right it doesn't just spit out the same songs necessarily it's very much a tool that you can be quite Innovative with but should there be licensing deals happening all these things basically we don't know we'll see you in court tick radar also says though and this is kind of the thing that makes me feel a little bit better about stuff right now is sunu is currently more a fun way to create an original birthday song for your friend rather than a fully blown robot musician however I don't think this is going to last for long this stage again this is moving super super fast and it's hard to imagine a future where this type of model doesn't generate really good indistinguishable AI based songs uh World hello pop [Music] hello oh [Music] interesting that's [Music] cool okay that was not that God dag that's that's not how you say that but um it was close H God okay Rolling Stone also wrote an article about sunno that kind of blew this whole thing up they also made a viral blue song with sunno they wrote sunno wants everyone to be able to produce their own Pro level songs but what does that mean for artists so they generated this blue song called soul of the machine Let's have just a little bit of a listen let's jump into all the pain inside me it's hard to speak oh want to [Music] [Applause] he so I'm finding that a lot of this retro stuff sounds better right now because the nature of these models right now at least is that it sounds a little bit compressed a little bit like a bad MP3 so the more high-fi music doesn't work as well but the old sounding stuff that sounds like it was you know recorded with not as good technology as we have right now sounds a lot more convincing so Rolling Stone continues to write sunno appears to be cracking the codes to AI music and its Founders Ambitions are nearly Limitless they imagine a world of wildly democratized music making and here they're talking to Mikey Schulman they call him a boyishly Charming backpack toting 37-year-old with a Harvard PhD sounds a lot like bman freed anyway he says the fact that music listeners so vastly outnumber Music Makers at the moment is so lopsided he argues seeing sunno as poised to fix that perceived imbalance so what he thinks is that as many people should make music as are listening to it I guess you could apply that to anything that people listen to or buy then it's like building AI models for music generation it's very lopsided let's build an AI model to build AI models that was a little bit meta but I think you get what I'm coming from like any job could be replaced why isn't everyone making their own car if someone can make me an AI to help me build my own car that would be be kind of cool I guess but a lot of jobs will be lost just like with this they continue sunno uses the same general approach as large language models like chat GPT which break down human language into discrete segments known as tokens absorb its millions of usages styles and structures and then reconstruct It On Demand but audio particularly music is almost unfathomably more complex which is why this is really cool technical achievement and you know a taste of the future in a almost dystopian way I would say sunos says it's in communication with major labels and professes respect for artists and intellectual property well they they got to say that it reminds me a little bit of when Google professed their respect for news sites and we all know what happened there right if not look it up okay we have something called heavy [Music] duty a this look like more of a back in track for something this would work way great as a back in track on a YouTube video I feel like this generic type music is going to be the first to go for sure like the stuff that is in the production libraries I mean this sounds huge it's to one allow you to request any specific artists Styles in your prompts and doesn't use real artists voices we'll get to this in a minute but it's not entirely true or at least you can get pretty close one of Sun's earliest investors is Antonio Rodriguez Rodriguez sees sunno as a radically capable and easy to use musical instrument and believes it could bring music making to everyone much the way camera phones and Instagram democratized photography however with phones taking photos you're still taking the photo right it's kind of a weird analogy it's more I guess like mid journey and other image generators I find it ironic that that's not what he says instead of saying it's like camera phones cuz it's just different also camera phones don't look as good as normal cameras I guess this doesn't yet either but you know the way we think about this is we're try to get a billion people much more engaged with music than they are now Schulman says if people are much more into music much more focused on creating developing much more distinct tastes this is obviously good for artists that seems like a bit of a stretch cuz it seems like you're also replacing the product the artists are making the vision we have for the future of music is one where it's artist friendly we're not trying to replace artists but also they kind of are if that makes sense eventually it's awkward cuz you're kind of cutting the artists out unless you think of just writing a prompt whatever as being an artist then yeah sure then I you're a writer if you promp chat to write a book for you in the short term the segment of the market for human creators that seems most directly endangered is a lucrative one songs created for ads and even TV shows so yeah sync music that is usually called and yeah that'll be more easily replaced cuz it's more just something in the background or something just to set in mood in the absence of strict rules against AI created content there's also the prospect of a world where users of models like soo's flood streaming services where the robo Creations by the millions and that's seems quite likely to happen I don't know how you're going to be sure that something is AI generated or not and I think a lot of people are not going to look to their into their into their soul to be like no I will not try to make money off of my AI generated thing that just doesn't make any sense so yeah that was the article that kind of blew this whole thing up I got to say this example of the song isn't even the best I've seen not even close we played already a bunch of songs for you guys in this video maybe some of them are even better there's just so much good stuff we have a song called oh my love oh my love my you so pretty it doesn't really hold up as a song I think the main problem a lot of these have right now is just basic Melody writing and like syllables and they stress the words in weird ways and place words and weird parts of the Melodies a lot of the time but there's there's so much here like in many ways this is better than so much music so what have the reaction has been to this well obviously artists are infuriated here we have an open letter by the artist rights Alliance AR and there's a lot of big names that signed this letter Billy ish Pearl Jam Nicki Minaj Stevie Wonder Elvis Costello and the estate of Frank Sinatra in the letter the artists call on AI developers technology companies platforms and digital music services to stop using AI to infringe upon and devalue the rights of human artists this article by RS Technica though also makes a really good point later in the article that isn't entirely the same but it's quite close in considering ai's potential impact on music it's instructive to remember historical instances where Tech Innovations initially sparked concern among artists for example the introduction of synthesizers in the 1960s and70s and the Advent of digital sampling in the 1980s both faced scrutiny and fear from parts of the music Community but the music industry eventually adjusted the difference is though that those things are just ways to make music easier and to some and replace I guess drummers so I wanted to be a studio drummer when I was a kid and I thought that that was going to be a job that I could pursue but the more time went on and things like Easy Drummer if you're aware of that basically sample drums and Superior drummer all these drum programs made me realize that you know they will be a market for Studio drummers but it's a lot smaller than what I expected it just didn't seem like a viable career option and perhaps the same thing will now happen for musicians overall at least the musician middle class like I don't think that the biggest stars need to worry and maybe we'll get some new stars on and off but the amount of people who will earn money off of their music will be a lot lower I imagine especially those earning a full living they continue it's possible that AI tools will be integrated into the music production process like any other music Production Tool or technique that came before it's also possible that even if that kind of integration comes to pass some artists will still get hurt along the way I think that's very likely and the AR wants to speak out about it before the technology progresses further the thing is what are they asking here what no one's talking about is that this is a little bit of a cold war between America and the rest of the world America right now is very much in the Forefront of AI but if they can't do whatever it takes like use all this data of coor music and stuff to make the best music models then suddenly you know China or any other country that has more LAX IP laws will be able to generate music way better than what the US models can I think falling behind in any part of the AI race right now is not going to be good for any countries like economy or future if you want to be more dominant in whatever space you're in I know that music might seem insignificant but musical exports and American exports have been a huge part of what has made America a dominant cultural Force you know with their movies or anything else music has been huge for America and you know being influential on the world stage here we have dialectic actic by Yol kid oh yeah I sa this one down cuz it's like really cool like a cello Indie [Music] thing it's really like Arrangement is great so one thing that they keep hammering on in this letter is human creativity and they rightly point out here that it implies recognition that we've entered a new era where not all creative output is made by people we have come to a point where I can make stuff and it's real art and it's quite good like a lot of this music is definitely better than don't want to name any names but like some of my friends maybe like no no YouTubers no YouTubers don't start uh guessing no but like just I have some musician friends that you know like to make music but their music isn't better than this not a chance so it's pretty crazy the letter concludes with a call to action urging all AI developers technology companies platforms and digital music services to pledge not to develop or deploy AI music generation technology content or tools that undermine or replace human Artistry of songwriters and artists or deny them a fair compensation for their work which feels like that's just all AI models then so stop developing AI models that can generate music cuz then the old way of generating music will not earn as much money it's rough out there it's just really dark cuz there's no going back you can't put the rabbit back into the hat like it's out now if the US doesn't do it someone else will on threads frequent AI industry commentator Dar obano I think that's how you pronounce that wrote unfortunately this will be as effective as writing an open letter to stop the Sun from rising tomorrow that's about how I feel about it as well there there's no going back from this and it's really scary it's really dystopian and I genuinely hope that there will be a way for human musicians to differentiate somehow to innovate in a way that AI can't innovate but honestly I'm not sure if that's possible cuz I've already seen really kind of innovative uses of AI and it seems to be able to fuse genres really easily and fast you can experiment in totally different ways with genres than you can it's just a really fast way to come up with ideas and very soon those ideas will be practically fully fledged so RS Technic article so they say sunos output is not indistinguishable from High Fidelity human creative music yet but given the pace of progress we've seen that bridge could be crossed within the next year yeah that that sounds about right to me where the pace is going and again we're going to listen to yudo in a second and it's it's just been out for a day and it's already insane sunno is arguably a fun toy to experiment with and doubtless a milestone in generative AI music tools but it's also an achievement tainted by the unresolved ethical issues related to scraping musical work without the artist's permission then there's the issue of potentially replacing human musicians which has not been far from the minds of people sharing their own sooner results online on Monday AI influencer Ethan molck wrote I've had a song from sunno AI stuck in my head all day Grim Milestone or good one kind of both I think if you ask me what my stomach is telling me it's like mainly Grim here we have an article from music business worldwide which is really interesting this guy who's a bit of an AI expert tried to figure out if sunno was trained on copyrighted music and from his findings it kind of looks like yes so what he does is that he tries to make prompts that are very close to existing music to see how close he can get and of course there's blocks for saying that an artist sounds sounds like Eminem or is Eminem So he wrote The Prompt that was a rap song by an artist called bemm so let's have a listen so that rhs right there that sounds kind of like Eminem to me but the overall voice quality maybe not as much yeah yeah I spit fire make the crowd go wild a rap King Ain't No One In My Style I don't know if that sounds exactly like emm to me probably not but the style of RA I could see that it feels a little bit like that here we tried to make it sound more like Abba and honestly this sounds like it might be based off of Abba's vocals he also put in the entire lyrics to Dancing Queen which you know doesn't help but have a listen to like the vibr and how all the vocals are dubbed in that particular ABA way night and the lights are low looking out for a place to go when play the right music get in you come to look for aing that you come to look for a king sounds very suspicious to me listen to [Music] that that vibr and tone and everything sounds very Abba to me I don't want to listen to the actual song in the video but you guys can do some a yourselves I'll link the article in the description get with the other ones there were another few ones that I thought kind of showed how close you can get to copyrighted music here here he's trying to do blink 182s All the Small Things or or at least he ended up with something like that and the prompt was a song by a band named blank 184 honestly that prompt should not if they don't have a reference of Blink 182 blank 184 should tell the model nothing but this is instead what happens Tuesday night I'm listening to my favorite blank 84 the stageing inec energy racing [Music] [Applause] and according to him it has a drum beat which is essentially the same as in blink 1982's song All the Small Things which is a pretty generic drum beat I got to say feels a little bit like a stretch however the overall style based on just a band named blank 184 seems sus it does sound like their particular type of whatever you want to call it pop punk his conclusion here is that suo seems to generate output that resembles copyrighted music this includes many different as aspects of well-known songs Melodies chord progressions lyrics instrumental parts and styles you can check this out for yourself in more detail in the article if you have the time so the training material is important because there are many including himself who think that training a generative AI model on copyrighted work without permission constitutes copyright infringement and that's what we're kind of waiting for the courts to decide once again in the US generative AI companies often argue that training their AI models without right holders consent falls under the fair use exemption but lots of people disagree with this position and the courts are yet to rule definitively one way or the other another point that he makes here is that this will definitely impact the market of the things they used to create it like the copyrighted music might to some extent be replaced in people's playlists with AI music eventually which would argue against it being fair use cuz one of the pillars that you kind of look at fair use from is will this replace the original works in the marketplace anyway yesterday as I filming this video a new model came out and honestly I think it sounds even better than sunno it's just crazy and I say this in a really excited voice but I'm also really scared so this right here is their announcement trailer it all just sounds like Vaguely Familiar you know feel be my heart louder [Music] that sounds like John Legend to [Music] me I mean it's crazy right I wouldn't know where to start making something like this without AI had to hire so many musicians [Music] they going to make that M let's go okay straight James Brown never been more back than it is right now it was so [Music] over it's just so insane it shouldn't be this fast direct music that's my initial [Music] feeling crazy the idea that this is not copying anything is insane [Music] so freaking crazy so yeah that's the announcement trailer and having played around with it for a little bit those are not really cherick examples it really does sound amazing the vocals I would say still are like not entirely there and part of that might be that they're training off of vocals that are ripped from music mostly I think I don't think most of these models have access to you know the E capellas the isolated vocals so they have to use AI tools to take the acapella out which usually degrades the quality a little bit and then you train with that so yeah it's it's awkward here they have a few more vocal styles soaring gospel there is a house down and all that's generated from nothing and it's been the ruin of many a poor boy that's a sick voice if I didn't know that was a I just be like oh that's a sick singer you know here's grally [Music] Blues name see me choking in the heartbreaking pain you oh you were so sweet now you cut me down my broken hearts in the street drowning in the BL not sure if I would call this [Music] graly it's a good Blues voice but I mean it still sounds amazing better than I could sing blues for sure we have dreamy pop right here pulling me pulling you're pulling me close P me P me P me yeah indistinguishable and rest up we have silky [Music] [Music] WAP I mean it works yeah they have a lot more examples here in this thread over on the udio music page on Twitter I don't know man I love it and I hate it at the same time you know cuz it is really genuinely cool technology and it makes me feel awful at the same time again I I was looking for this year to be the year where I really dive into music more I was really excited about it and now I'm just like is it even worth it to do it by the way welcome to another video I'm roomie and yeah this is a weird one for me I'm usually quite uh cheery in my videos and celebrate music this video is more of a deep dive I guess so let's just continue and uh I want to make a joke but it feels weird it feels weird in this video let's continue so here we have another Rolling Stone article AI music arms race meet udio the other cat GPT for music the one that came out yesterday just last year many experts believed an AI model capable of generating complete High Fidelity songs from text prompts wouldn't arrive anytime soon but now an arms race is on between competing music making models that do just that okay so here here Rolling Stone have made a song [Music] [Music] am yep so these are a bunch of people from Google AI deep mind that created their own company and they're backed by Will I Am though neither company will directly confirm or deny it there is substantial reason to believe that both yudo and sunno were trained on copyrighted music with that permission yeah we kind of covered that already I get it we do have a filter in place to detect cases where the voice sounds too similar to some existing artists says coof funder ding of course this filter is not perfect it's also an AI system and we are going to continue iterating on it but it's definitely not intended oh yeah so apparently a lot of songs ended up sounding like Tom Petty originally with the udio pretty funny and and scary which means they definitely trained on Tom Petty's voice yudo also says we have been Guided by musical people from the outset and what that means is that we're making a product which is going to enable those folks to create great music and to be clear to make money off that music in the future so Guided by musical people a big part of that is that they tout that they Hab backers common and Will I Am Will I Am ironically is very well known for having allegedly stolen music from other artists in the past not only sampling but like straight up stolen let's see if I can find an article here here's an article called a timeline of will I am's thievery and it's pretty ridiculous uh if you ever have time to look into this it's just he's known in the industry to kind of having copied a lot of stuff basically so him backing it as like oh no I know AI is known for copying music or like using music in potentially not the best ways but fear not we have will I am on our side you [Music] know I won't ever call you sweee hard again even if you drove your car right off that over pass Rolling Stone continues sunno currently generates 2minute long music clips from its prompts udio is more customizable but also perhaps less intuitive to use I would agree with that starting with 30 second segments that can be extended to users specifications there are even more fine grain controls that the company's already privately offering to musicians and co-founder Sanchez says that any creators concerned about the company should reach out to them we're open for business he says maybe that's not what people upset about it want maybe they don't want business maybe they feel upset about you training on their stuff ring us up we would love to talk and get you in here and then you'll see oh wow this actually is cool and I'm less scared of it now because I feel like I'm a master of it that logic doesn't Che out for me that seems a little weird I feel like they need to work on their rhetoric a little bit cuz if you're scared of something but then you're good at it so you're like oh now I'm not scared of it I don't think Music Makers necessarily wanted this future of Music being like writing in a prompt that we're probably heading towards so we'll see we'll see what's up I wouldn't say I'm entirely against this I think a lot of things have gotten better with you know Tech getting better the most ideal situation that could happen from this and I don't know exactly how these AI models work but what I would like to happen is that it pushes real musicians to be more Innovative cuz I do think that there has been a stagnation I think a lot of people are making songs that sound exactly like other songs I talked about this in the past I think a lot of artists and producers make songs heavily inspired by a single other song I talked about that on the channel in the past so maybe this could push us into places where we're like okay AI would not be able to do something this Innovative and it will take the music industry into a more interesting direction that would be the best case scenario and I'm not even sure if that's feasible and I also feel like AI will eventually with enough data be able to innovate quite well on its own be like oh let's use C Shanty and EDM and also as and fuse it all together I don't think that's far away if it doesn't if it if it hasn't already happened you know and here at Toms they even say one of the most impressive things about the AI music models is the ability to match up multiple genres this could be used for demoing a track before going into the studio yeah sure or bypass the studio I've been talking to a lot of musician friends about this and I want to hear you guys' thoughts on this we're not done with the video I'm going to show you some really cool songs and how to use udio all kinds of things but I would like to see your comments down below about is music coming from a musician important to you I think this varies from person to person for me I think it's very interesting and it makes me relates to the music more if there's a human and I can dive into the lore and everything behind it at the same time I think a lot of songwriters nowadays just kind of write to get a hit or whatever or they work with whatever 10 15 songwriters Beyonce style no hate to Beyonce but she does work with a lot of writers like at that point is this much different I don't really know maybe what is the core reason for music to exist is it for people to express themselves for us to relate to other humans or is it just for us to feel emotions and have experiences to the music and you know whatever I hear a lot of musicians and artists say that you know oh once I release the song then it's not mine anymore and I can't tell people what it's about and blah blah blah and if that is how music really lives that once it comes out there it's really not about the artist anymore it's not about the intent of the music does it really matter if the original song was a die generated or human generated I don't know let me know what you think in the comments anyway here we are at yudo beta let's have a listen I'm going to write My Own lyrics today my song's so selfish so a song about an ex partner being selfish pop Funk powerful vocals maybe okay very cool and then I'll just write in some of my lyrics here okay that was it that took a little while to write um let's go let's create this song oh apparently there a moderation error maybe it's because my song's lyrics are already in some systems let's use GPT lyrics instead then I think this uses cat GPT for lyrics as well so we have two songs one's called gentle hold the other one is called glow Beyond Your Shadow almost done generating here I think it's making like AI artwork as well you can see some of the other people's AI artwork rating pretty crazy okay let's have a listen to Gentle hold and you should have [Music] seen just how you let me on the flo so cold love's not a ridle not for you to F honey I'm sure that I mean it's funky I feel like that actually messes up kind of the cords and stuff a little bit more than sunno does I feel like sunno is a little bit more aware of harmonic content in general let's see here glow Beyond Your [Music] Shadow [Music] now what was that drum that was weird I think the vocal sound better than yeah that's right strong okay so immediately we can remix it I guess mix up the prompt I kind of really hate Chachi lyric writing like glowing free glow Beyond Your Shadow it's so like not clever I feel like both comedy and songwriting kind of comes down to trying to say something in novel ways and that's probably what Chachi peti is the worst at in general like coming up with unique things okay so here's one I've been dying to play to you guys I think we might have to censor some swear words but this is by obscurist vinyl [Music] crazy nips and I'm rubbing them again see you in I don't a sh I'm just rubbing mys this guy is a genius and the sax solo come on man I think this is sunno it sounds like sunno to me just the way the vocals distorted just insane [Music] um do [Music] I yeah sorry about the immature obscene humor it's very funny to me though I find it very funny this guy's crazy another friend showed me this song which is very cool that's been going kind of viral wow I didn't know that and uh there's some pretty funny parts to [Music] this what you mean lonate the same as a Li and work don't begin at n didn't know that you're telling me now for the [Music] first I mean that's good good I mean it's so crazy come on that's that's unbelievable okay guys that was exciting but again back to reality this has serious implications for the music industry it's very fun we can all be excited about the tech and also be like what does this mean it's very similar to the AI stuff how will we ever know what's human again and what does it mean to be human like it's serious like it makes me philosophical and I don't really like to bring out philosophical stuff like what is art and if this can generate art that makes me feel like that song just made me feel stuff like I I love that like that's amazing is like where does that leave us in terms of making art like is it always going to be some kind of rat raise now to try to make something that the AI can't do and then you know eventually we'll always get there would you be happy listening to AI music let me know in the comments down below and if you want check out this video where I try out a studio which is a really cool AI software for gener generating vocals a lot more of a tool than this I would say while these are tools they're also sadly pretty close to replacing musics overall exciting times weird times scary times I'll see you later
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 346,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music, singing, lyrics, pop music, commentary, reaction, reacting, react
Id: XhbaXx_ao2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 10sec (2350 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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