Stuntmen React To Bad & Great Hollywood Stunts 14

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Look how big the drop is. I am the double for Nightcrawler. One of the most interesting parts about doubling nightcrawlers Thanks to today's sponsors Squarespace stay tuned to the end of the episode to learn how to get 10% off your first purchase of a Website or domain. Hey, welcome back to another episode of stutman react. We're here with Jesse La Flair. He's a parkour and freerunning Master. I've been referred to as the Tony Hawk of parkour. Yes Your shoes look at your shoes. So Jesse's actually been in a couple different videos that we've made in the past Besides that I've made a career in the stunt industry We're gonna take a look some clips here. And Jesse's gonna hopefully shed some light on the world of Dynamic movement, so I'm excited. So this is David Bell he is essentially the creator of parkour I like how he's not wearing a shirt so that you can tell he's never wearing wires because I'd kind of be like Totally against the whole thing he made right? Yeah. It's to be strong and be useful. Oh That right there is so classic So fast dude, that's so smoothy Catches like right at the base. It swings him in. I love that, like I want to do that like that looks so good He grabbed that ladder so fast It looks like he's like he's yeah believe that it's just like doing this and like it's actually really really sketchy. Yeah Cuz we had to climb down this super sketch ladder to get into this tunnel for the spooky short I would like it had the backing to it and I was still just like Yeah, just think about like locked in and locked in and locked in three points of contact at all times, what is this Yeah, he's going like this, dude So what's the secret to landing from a height drop like that So the the deep squat, but also letting your sort of quadrupedal movement Right, like using letting your arms anticipate some of that impact as well So you not just like trying to take it all you're like bottoming out and letting them so dispersing that force, huh? Yeah, really just dispersing it. There is something to be said about like the air flare like rolling down the windows It I think it's relatable to anyone like you know that feeling of like, whoa You have enough time to like flare a couple times It's like oh that was a drop. I think is it is it because like you jump and you start leaning? Backwards and you could do this - yeah. Yeah a little bit swimming. Yeah Yeah, like how parkour is already invented by this guy just so happens the two goons chasing him also do parkour Part of why this scene is so good is because they do tell the story of movement, right? Like if they don't have someone that understands where the danger is where the technicalities are They don't tell the story right and you miss like all the value in the movement that shot coming from the angle the roof It's sketchy you have this gate with spikes sticking out Yeah You have a death drop on the other side and he's literally jumping to a corner which if he overshoots He's gonna go past it without this angle. This shot would not look nearly as cool as it does Does it helped his landing him like thicker gravel. Oh, yeah that material like giving way breaking apart Like that's why the gap is like kind of doable is cuz it does absorb a lot of your impact Look how much of the rocks shoot out when his legs and feet hit I wouldn't be surprised they added a little bit more up there when they did it. So this gap is super famous It's called the manpower gap and it's been done now by hundreds of parkour athletes people have done gainers from flips There's now a fence they put up. Yeah, which didn't make a difference people still jump over it now the fence I mean most times I get to work on a chase scene They show me this or Casino Royale. We want something like this So when you saw this Jesse, you're like this is my calling. I mean this and matrix really watching major. It sounds like what? free So parkour is efficiency and Freerunning is the flips. Realistically It was just a different name used on a documentary and then it kind of took on a life of its own in the forums there was all these arguments about it all but parkour is you're Being fast and efficient getting from point A to point B by going over under or through any obstacle that's in your path Freerunning is more like the self-expression of movement. Can't be a free runner if you don't do parkour so all these foundational movements are needed in order to be a free runner in that space and Express yourself and learn tricks and flips and all that as well. These days Everybody's got subscriptions. You got your Netflix subscription. You got your Amazon Prime subscription You got your subscription to some weird internet service that you probably want to talk about But you know what subscribing to our channel is free. So why not hit the button? So now we're gonna jump into x-men apocalypse, whoo, and you are the Nightcrawler double flip I am the double for Nightcrawler man, you know, you can teleport it's called BAM fing One of the most interesting parts about doubling nightcrawlers the actor Kodi Smit-McPhee Incredible dude were really good friends. He has some back issues. It restricts him at certain times from doing somewhat basic movement So all of this is pretty much mean he actually did get dropped when they dumped him into the scene right away Well, what's crazy about this You're seeing puffs of smoke what you're actually seeing is 12 or 13 different marks. I'm in a wire I'm in a harness. You're on all these things. You're getting pulled into a line We have 250 background actors and then I do it again do it again do it again watch the movie I did not need to do any of those. You cannot tell that I physically hit those things This smoke is in the way right? It's just There's like hours we're talking about hours of me Just hang in there and just getting railed into the fans over and over again. You don't even get to see the meat or the Technicality or the flight or this thing in the movie. It's literally just puffs Again, does Jesse need to be there? They put me up there put me against the fence Pull me back and then had a front line where they pull me into the fence and then let a little small explosion go off As if I was being electrocuted so boom hit in the fence I mean the most interesting stunt in this whole thing is this wrap around the pole? So when I start there's a line pulling me under but there's also like a limiter that's not letting me drop Past a certain point. Dude, that is super cool So before doing Nightcrawler, I had no wire experience like besides like a couple like poles right but nothing like acrobatic because you're used to like if I'm gonna do a front flip on ground my upper body is Generating the rotation to get the flip, you know wire. It's like it's more of a balance point so if I want to do a front flip in a wire It's actually like pulling my knees up which then makes the up my arms heavier starts to drive down And then you have to counterbalance that It's almost as if knowing how to do a front flip is gonna make it harder for you learn how to front flip own crazy Okay, cuz you're so your muscle memory is telling you like this. If you do this on a line, you're not going anywhere You're literally just sitting there This was the last x-men film that just came out of Dark Phoenix That's a steep roof it's it felt even steeper up there to be honest and the idea was that we would hold each other and then try to control each other staying into that roll and Then drop off of the roof into a mat when we first got there what we had rehearsed The mat was actually only like maybe three feet away from the roof on the day. They go Let's make the draw up eight feet something like that They do a camera rehearsal and when we did it boom We rolled down bang we go into the mat and it was just like immediately she's like I broke my leg her leg got Essentially as she came off the roof her leg came past Her this way and we continued to go past it this way and it just boom Bones sticking out of the boot and for someone that likes specializes in parkour and freerunning and like lives to move You have these moments and stunts where you realize like this is real like this is my career is on the line every time I do something for a Film and kind of even worse you're like at the end of the day we have to do it again cuz that wasn't on camera She wasn't ready she's obviously going to the hospital her stunt career is now put on hold for however long it's gonna Potentially take her to get back from that if she's motivated enough to like fight through those injuries that next day They said I were doing the roof thing again We're just gonna put so and so in a wig and you'll do with him. Okay, get back up there and do it again If there are any incredible stunts that you would love to have us break down with a professional Please leave a comment below with your scene your TV show your movie doesn't matter. We'd love to take a look It's a great getting inspiration from the comments. All right back to the clips Guess you said you love slides so he figured we show you the longest slide on film Would you do this Jesse would you do this? This is a--. I remember that feeling like when I first saw this I was like what? Dude if you go head over and just start tumbling out of control You just clip in each one of those little ridges as it goes That's the part that's even crazier because he can't he can't control it with his hands In those parts nuts. Look how big the drop is Do you guys think he's not on the wire I don't know how you would get the The running piece that like that would not happen more than a step before you went straight to your face I feel like he's on a wire. I don't know. I guess there's no way to paint out the wire This isn't in that era. This is all what you see is what you get Well, there are pieces of it where I'm like, okay, it's a lot slower than I think it was Yeah, but then there's pieces like that. We're like he's flying So Jesse is professional how sketchy is this if there's no wire. It's like it's super sketchy That's just like yeah, it's just dead out of like weird sliding on things experience to like the more you do it the faster It's getting cuz you're wiping all that dust away. It's almost the opposite with the glass right like that. Filth. Almost slows you down That's a very unique thing that you know about sliding on glass What do you think about those people that go and do like the if I screw up Yeah, there's a dude Oleg cricket that's like literally doing rolls on a Skyscraper and barely catches his hands to like hang them and look cool as hell and you're like why you're doing this for views? Man when it's not about the death-defying Risk, and it's more about the pushing the limit of the control and mental barriers Like that's where the parkour side of it is really about like it's about control where the other thing is about Almost being out of control. Yeah, I'm not about that life Hey guys now, I know you might have seen my parkour stunt real and I gotta say I was impressed with that myself I thought I'd come out here and take a moment to work on my freerunning real freerunning is the creative manifestation of parkour and courtesy of today's sponsors Squarespace I'm gonna be showing you guys my best freerunning moves and while I'm at it I'm gonna show you how each move is representative of something that Squarespace can do for you this first move I call long Shante after Squarespace is Beautiful award-winning templates that give you traffic overviews allowing you to check your users page views and page trends over time this next move I call the double entendre Squarespace is Simultaneous posting feature. That's right Squarespace will allow you to authenticate your social media profiles like on Twitter and Facebook and make one post on your website Which simultaneously formats and posts on those other social media profiles. It's pretty incredible This next move I call a mountain to Squarespace is multiple contributors tool which allows you to give selective users Selective access via your website manager, you can have one guy over there working on the marketing You got one guy working over there on the stats. You got one guy working on the graphics all of them can have separate permissions and access Thanks for watching guys I hope you learn something if you're interested go to Slash corridor crew and get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Thanks for watching my real. Whoa If you want to follow Jesse's working and follow them on pretty much any social media platform, right Jesse Yeah, just Google Jesse La Flair I learned a thing or two from his videos. He's got beginner intermediate and advanced parkour moves Go check it out Instagram as well @ Jesse La Flair. Jesse, Thank you for being on the show. Yeah, it's been a pleasure I appreciate it. Go check out his stuff. Yeah, keep killing it. I love this series man. Thank you. It's been fun
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,970,701
Rating: 4.9393625 out of 5
Keywords: stunts, breakdown, analysis, behind the scenes, movies, vfx, vfx artists react, x-men, nightcrawler, stunt double, Jackie Chan, Parkour, Freerunning, dangerous
Id: 7_WjZsdtadk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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