Create Stunning Logos With These Prompts for Leonardo AI, Midjourney

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one of the most common questions I get asked are what sort of prompts you have to generate some eye capturing captivating logos today we're going to generate some amazing looking logos with these awesome prompts these range from anywhere between neon logos Vector type logos 3D rendering and many many more now there's a link in my description to where you'll be able to access all these prompts I'm sharing with you today it's going to take you to this webpage that you see behind me and make sure you scroll down because they're going to be prompts throughout this whole entire page now when you're using these prompts it's important to keep in mind that you want to replace whatever is in that bracketed text replace it with your own so for example on this prompt right here you can see here it has in bracketed text the word lion or Eagle you want to make sure that you replace everything within the bracket of text to create your own type of logo you're looking for people [Music] So today we're going to move relatively quickly because I want to cram in a ton of prompts to show you that really makes some eye capturing logos we're going to start off with this beautiful looking neon Majestic lion one right here now you can see all you have to do is specifically copy and paste this prompt exactly how it is right here and you can see that this prompt is going to be made for many apps so if you have mid-journey Leonardo AI Adobe Firefly Etc and you can also use it for a lot more across the board copy and paste this prompt exactly how it is now in order to find that prompt again the link in my description will bring you to this webpage right here and as you scroll down you can scroll down until you see prompts to generate logos so simply open up these drop boxes and then you can go ahead and copy and paste these same exact ones yourself okay so make sure you kind of scroll up and down because we'll have a few of these prompts scattered around this whole entire webpage and you can find a lot of helpful things that you can just copy and paste and use for yourself so once we have that copied the next thing we're going to do is go to Mid Journey or Leonardo AI or any other of your choice just like this you could see some of these varieties of these lines I made with this same exact prompt I mean this is pretty cool the way Leonardo AI made this and so you could see a few different variations I got one for an owl line Etc that I made with Leonardo AI now this specific image that you see right here was made with this prompt and this is the actual image it generated look at this awesome neon lion logo this is fantastic so I have this one right here in addition and then I have this one right here this might be one of my favorites that Leonardo AI has ever made for me Cutting Edge logo for a futuristic company exactly how the prompts stayed foreign now that's pretty impressive moving on let's see how mid-journey utilizes this prompt too now that mid Journey's done boom look at the ones that mid Journey made for us right here fantastic this did a very good job too with the Majestic neon logo lion from mid-journey now you have two great selections to go with you can use it in mid-journey and Leonardo Ai and see which one you like a lot better this one is a modern minimal design with clean lines for a sword not a bad job that midjirty did for us here now another style I like are like these Pixar style logos I'm going to show you exactly how to do this one right here but mid Journey specifically does a very good job with these Pixar style logos or images okay so now check this one out here is the one for the Pixar style image or logo that you can use this did a very good job and this prompt was very simple all you have to do is put in the animal in this case cat Pixar style white background it's really that simple to generate an image just like this this looks very good Pixar style Cat now moving back over to Leonardo AI let me show you two more prompts where Leonardo I did a very good job with these type of prompts now over here we have the first one I'm going to show you check out the one on top this is very cool an abstract flat Vector logo with a unique shape and a vibrant color scheme the colors mesh well has some good shadows and it looks very good but now one of my favorites the one right below that one a 3D logo of an owl with a bold eye-catching design rendered in a vibrant textured finish now this looks fantastic if I go ahead and open up this logo here look at this owl right here this looks phenomenal we have the Shadows it looks extremely realistic and then this one I could say the same thing I'll open this one up this logo looks phenomenal now this is going to be a specific logo with a 3D type render look okay so now let's go back to Mid journey and check out another one of my favorites I love these neon Majestic futuristic style logos in this case we're going to have mid-journey create a neon glowing Eagle for us in the form of a logo so back over here on Mid Journey you can see on the right hand side that it made for me something visually stunning now it is a very long prompt that I have highlighted right here and again like I said the link in my description will have all these prompts that you could use for yourself you can see it starts off with create a visually striking 3D render of a majestic neon Eagle now one thing to keep in mind where my mouse is hovering and highlighting you want to make sure you replace everything within the bracketed text in this case neon Eagle if you want to have something different of your own lion horse whatever you want make sure you replace it with neon owl or neon horse even if you don't want the color scheme to be neon you could also leave out the word neon and get something completely different but in this case we wanted to have a neon Eagle now check this out this looks awesome so I have four amazing images in the form of a neon glowing Eagle that mid Journey did for me it's so good in fact I'm going to go ahead right click and save this to my downloads right now this looks phenomenal four different variations but four with the same exact prompt all right now let's go back over to my prompts database and the next one I'm going to have mid-journey create for me right here is going to be underneath the same characteristic as neon okay we're gonna go back to a neon Lion now if I open this one up you could see what Leonardo AI made for me specifically utilizing this prompt this looks fantastic Leonardo diffusion was the fine-tune model design a sleek and captivating neon line this looks phenomenal right here so I haven't tried it in mid-journey yet so now let's take this same exact prompt and then try it in mid-journey now you can see the prompt over here on my screen design is Sleek and captivating the Online logo using AI techniques some of the keywords include 4K 8K or even 64k resolution neon color palettes highlights and then logos three-dimensional appearance so copy and paste this whole entire prompt now we're gonna head back over to Mid journey and then paste that prompt utilizing the Imagine command and see what mid Journey came up with let's take a look on the right hand side expand it and then see exactly what mid Journey made for us right here fantastic here is the mid Journey prompts very similar to the first one it gave us but again I know I use the lion reference again but it still did a very good job regardless of what you use so right here we have mid journey and then over here we have Leonardo AI so compared to which ones do you guys think did better mid Journey Leo mid Journey Leo mid Journey so what do you guys think you could see so far they both do a pretty good job but you could see which program you like the best so let me take you back over to my mid-journey page right now and just give you guys some different variations this one's very good it's a futuristic AI robot type logo so it says design and Innovative futuristic logo for an AI company and this one did a very good job but then one of my favorites on mid-journey is the way that mid-journey can create and generate logos with a specific letter so as I scroll down here check out this one right here here's the full prompt design and Innovative futuristic logo featuring the letter M the letters should be sleek and modern with design that suggests advancement and forward thinking so just like that here is the good looking mid-journey for a specific letter now I feel like when it comes to making a logo for a specific letter Leonardo AI doesn't do quite as good of a job as mid Journey does in fact Leonardo AI does do a good job however sometimes adds a little bit extra that might not be necessary and then utilizing the same prompt I also crafted this logo for the letter M right here very good job with me journey and then as I scroll down you can see a few more variations here's one with the letter N that's kind of burning and on fire and then here are some other neon Eagle ones that were made as well so this one right here is the same type of thing a captivating logo featuring a letter M surrounded by Fierce flames and then there we go single letter Fierce Flames mid Journey did a very good job here and then as I scroll down you can see a few more here's a few more with the M on the flaming fire I have one with the form of a rocket a different type of logo uh for Lions right here a flame by itself this one's going to be a specific logo that's going to be an emblem logo design symbolizing power and proudness of an Esports team so here's a pretty good logo right here again I just want to remind you guys I know I'm moving fast but all these prompts right here I wanted to show you guys as an example I'll have them on that webpage with that link in the description below click it and then you can just copy and paste all these prompts you see today and then use them for yourself we have no other logo that's going to be like a silhouette type sticker logo so as I scroll down you can see it's Viking Warrior silhouette sticker masking style illustration these did a very good job as well I like the way that these turned out and again replace whatever you see in the bracket with something that you want specifically for you and then over here with this logo this is going to be more of a vector type logo that I made with a donkey since the word mule didn't really work out so going back over to Leonardo AI I wanted to show you guys another one I made specifically for a vector type file now this is going to be a flat Vector logo in this case of a wave and this looks pretty good so check out the wave right here and then here's the prompt right here it's quite simple flat Vector logo of brackets a wave blue trending on dribble gradient color scheme 3D white background pretty good so the next prompt I want to show you guys is pretty cool it's going to be a 3D rendering of anything that you want in this case I did one of a pizza slice so if we go back over here you'll find this one underneath this drop down box right here it's called 3D rendering Pizza logo click it and all you have to do is just copy and paste it directly like you see on my screen right here so copy this whole entire prompt right here and then just simply paste it in the mid journey and then just like that you're going to get an image just like this look at this pizza this looks fantastic so if you had a pizza company or something like that and you wanted to have a logo that was 3D rendered here it is now this did a fantastic job in mid-journey creating just that a 3D rendering Pizza logo and so I really like these they're extremely easy to edit you can just remove this white background and then you could even have a transparent background PNG file to use this Pizza logo anywhere you want so pretty cool at Mid Journey did this now staying sorta on the same category I also did one for mid-journey to create another flat Vector logo which turned out pretty good so back on my screen right here you could see this is the one we made right here it's called Flat Vector logo copy and paste it directly how it is now I made a logo that's going to take on the characteristics of a wave so flat Vector logo of a wave blue trending on dribble gradient color scheme 3D white background so same thing copy and paste that directly how it is now go back over to journey and then here's what mid Journey made for us right here now these are the beautiful simple logos if you're looking for something that's just minimal simple and easy to use this is the type of prompt that you want to use now I can take any of these logos remove the background make it transparent and then I can utilize a multitude of wave type logos across any platform or app I want so that did a pretty good job in mid-journey so now the next prompt I chose to do was this one right here staying on the simple approach this turned out fantastic now you can see over here in the top right of my screen this one's going to be called line art logo of an eagle thin red color lines minimal white background now all you have to do if you want to make a logo just like this is you can change out in the bracket of text anything you want so instead of an eagle put something else and then you can even change out the color scheme so in this case it says thin red color lines you can make it red blue yellow orange whatever you want and get a specific logo of your choice for each color or item or characteristic so open this up and then here's what we get very good prompt to create something that's just going to be a minimal design with that Vector flat 3d effect this one did a good job making an eagle for me now let me show you guys one of my favorite logos I've had mid-journey make so far now the next one in mid-journey is this beautiful looking one right here check out this one in the top right of my screen a logo of an Xbox controller with a gradient of colors that gradually shift from one to the next now this logo was crafted specifically to give me a gradient type feel the whole gradient interaction of colors is a very popular thing now this prompt does a very good job creating me a gradient type logo and then again when it comes to the gradient logos I'll just show you this one but I have many more gradient type prompts that you could use where the colors are kind of intersecting within each other you can also find those on the webpage in the link in my description so last but not least here's a prompt to make a good silhouette type logo right here okay so you can see over here in Leonardo AI this did a very good job for us as well Viking Warrior silhouette sticker masking style illustration very good job here okay so now check out the one that mid Journey made for us with that same logo for the Viking silhouette here it is right here look at this one mid Journey made this for us right here this is pretty good as well so we get two different style looking prompts these right here on Leonardo AI very cool very good job the black background but then over here on Mid Journey we get these variations right here so very good prompts to utilize for both apps so one of the last ones I'm going to show for you guys is another favorite of mine right here now this prompt right here you can see on my screen it's very simple stunning logo for marketing agency using a fox face-to-face minimal style vibrant ux UI now again all you have to do is replace whatever you see right here in this case I'm going to add some bracketed text and then you can just change the word within the bracket of text in this case Fox to anything you want and generate the same sort of logo but with what you want instead so going back over here here is what this generated for us in Leonardo AI this looks fantastic great looking logo 3D it looks like it's looking right at me now taking the same prompt let's copy and paste it over here in mid journey and see what mid Journey made for us once I pasted it in the mid Journey boom look at this one right here four different logos with this same prompt right here and mid-journey did a fantastic job what I really like about this one in mid-journey is that I have different options I have the top left and bottom right are like that gradient type feel but then the bottom left hand corner over here is more simple with that black background nonetheless this one did a phenomenal job in mid-journey and so utilizing that same prompt you could get two different variations Leonardo AI or mid-journey Leo or mid-journey and then you can determine which one did it better so all in all I'm very happy with all these prompts now I'll include all these prompts you saw today with the link in my description in addition to many more I'll put on there for you guys as well hopefully you can find some that you like yourself the link in my description will contain all the ones we've been over today in addition to many more prompts that you might find useful and helpful for yourself thank you so much for watching this video but please make sure you hit that subscribe button because you'll be the first to know when all these types of videos come out but until then we'll see you next time [Music] thank you
Channel: metricsmule
Views: 5,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonardo ai, leonardo ai tutorial, midjourney, leonardo ai prompts, how to use leonardo ai, leonardoai, midjourney tutorial, midjourney ai, midjourney prompt, midjourney logos, leonardo ai prompt, midjourney prompts, midjourney prompts tutorial, midjourney logo design, prompt engineering, midjourney logo, midjourney ai logos, ai logo design, leonardo ai art, leonardo ai image to image, leonardo ai image prompt, midjourney alternative, leonardo ai tips
Id: T1yUFwt0FTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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