Elon Musk CONFIRMS ALL-NEW 4680 Battery Update for Use in New Tesla Models 2025!

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Tesla is facing a crucial decision at its gigafactory in Texas should they continue producing the 4680 battery cells or abandoned production and purchase from external suppliers this decision hinges not only on significantly cutting production cost for the 4680 cells projected to reduce by up to 30% but also other the potential to enhance charging performance currently the production rate is approximately 7 gwatt hours a year but whether these targets can be met by the end of the year remains uncertain so why are Tesla's Innovations in the 4680 battery cell pivotal for sustaining their leadership in electric vehicles what reasons LED Tesla to decide on a comprehensive Improvement of its 4680 battery the first generation of 4680 cells has faced challenges regarding charging efficiency and energy density Tesla has also encountered difficulties in producing cathodes using the dry electrode coating dbe method although this process reduces production time and cost it poses significant technical challenges the situation has gotten more complex since the key inventor of the dry electrode method left Tesla last year however there have been recent positive developments for instance Tesla's VP of vehicle engineering Lars morvi announced during the first quarter earnings call that the 4680 production is surpassing even cybertrucks production capable of supporting over a, trucks each week despite this good news if Tesla fails to address the core performance issues of the 46 680 cells mass production could still result in poor choice for future vehicle models in a previous investor conference Tesla's senior VP of Powertrain and Energy Engineering that's Drew bulino revealed that they are ready to introduce an improved version of the 46 city with a higher energy density by 10% compared to the first gen equivalent to about 18 to 20% or approximately 7 gaw a year this improved design achieves a 10% increase in energy density through optimization processes and mechanical design here in Texas Tesla is preparing to launch cybertruck with over 10% higher energy density fortunately Tesla's introduced a significant change to enhance 4680 cell in its second generation primarily by altering the chemical composition of materials a key Discovery includes increased energy density achieved primarily through a lower profile cell design increased available space for additional electrodes and the capability of a thinner outer cell his team have disclosed new details regarding changes in the cathode and anode chemistry of the 4680 Gen 2 cells according to Elon the new cells in the model y are manufactured at gigafactory in Austin Texas and are based on ncma chemistry with 82% nickel 11% Cobalt 5% manganese and 3% aluminum compared to gen 1 there's been a slight increase in nickel and aluminum content while Cobalt has decreased regarding the anode it's made of natural graphite and doped with a small amount of silicon similar to the Gen 1 positive electrode these adjustments are crucial in understanding how Gen 2 surpasses gen one testing of the first generation 4680 cells showed that they used nmc 811 cathode chemistry 80% nickel 10% manganese 10% Cobalt with an energy density of 2322 W hours per kilogram the first generation 4680 cells did not use silicon in the anode but musk's test on the new cells discovered a small amount around 4% silicon this is intriguing because Drew balino previously mentioned that the 4680 cells did not have silicon in the anode including the Silicon even in a small amount can enhance cell performance by increasing energy density and improving overall efficiency Tesla is also working to incorporate nmc 955 cathode chemistry into their 4680 cells replacing the nmc811 chemistry they are also experimenting with an a symmetric coating layer where one side of the material is thicker than the other to enhance the cell's winding ability in line with the 4680 cells it's noteworthy that Tesla is testing nmc 973 chemistry another potential advancement expected to debut late this year how will these changes enhance the performance of the model Y and other fature or Tesla vehicles now that we know all about the changes in the next generation of the 4680 cells compared to the previous one let's get into the next section and discuss another important question how will these changes enhance the performance of future Tesla vehicles Tesla is currently testing the nmc 973 chemistry another potential advancement expected to debut by late 2024 with all these changes in the new 4680 cells we can expect a significant Improvement in the performance of the model Y and other future Tesla vehicles the shift in battery chemistry is a strategic move adding aluminum to the negative electrode and reducing Cobalt content is a popular Str strategy cobal while improving battery lifespan and safety is expensive and raises ethical concerns the new chemistry could substantially reduce battery costs and consequently the costs of vehicles furthermore ncma cathode combining manganese and aluminum helps reduce Reliance on Cobalt addressing cost and sustainability concerns without compromising battery performance including aluminum also enhances cathode structural stability safety and Longevity with positive results from nmca cathodes Tesla may continue using them for their effectiveness in reducing Cobalt dependency it's believed that LG cm is supplying test with completed cathode rolls or cathode powders LG Kim's been a Pioneer in the ncma chemistry and recently started construction on the largest cathode material plants in North America in Clarksville Tennessee this $1.6 billion plant specializes in ncma cathode materials with an annual production capacity of 60,000 tons enough to supply energy energ for approximately 600,000 electric vehicles every year each with a range of over 300 M additionally Tesla is reportedly finalizing a large contract to purchase a significant amount of electrode materials from LG Energy Solution a subsidiary of LG km Tesla's purchasing team recently placed an order for Electro it's worth $6 trillion one from LG discussions are ongoing and a contract expected to be signed in the latter half of the Year Supply is set to commence next year and projected to last between 6 and 7 years the ordered electrodes from Tesla are estimated to be installed in 1.3 to 1.4 million electric vehicles accounting for approximately 70% of Tesla's total battery production last year manufacturers typically combine anode and cathode materials with conductive and binder materials to produce electrodes these electrodes are then assembled into battery cells and supplied to Automotive manufacturers Tesla's ordering of electrodes indicates that they are requiring these components ahead of the assembly phase while the article does specify whether these electrodes are cathodes anodes or both it's believed Tesla's primarily purchasing cathodes this seems reasonable as Teslas devised a method to produce anodes entirely through a dry process while cathodes pose the real challenge starting from August this year LG Energy Solution will assist Tesla in ramping up production of the 4680 cells according to CEO Kim dongyong mass production of these cells will commence at LG's plant in Korea from mid- August to September Kim also mentioned exploring various options for cylindrical cell production with a 4680 format at LG's facility in ning China additionally LG Energy Solution plans to start producing lithium iron phosphate lfp cells mainly sourced from Chinese manufacturers by the second half of next year LG's also in discussions with other automakers like BMW GM and stellantis regarding the adoption of the 4680 format due to its Superior characteristics an article from a Chinese newspaper outlines Tesla's ambitious to reduce the cost of the 4680 cells below what it pays to its suppliers the report suggests that if this cost reduction goal isn't achieved next year Tesla may consider abandoning the 4680 cell project however a recent research report from the China international Capital Corporation cicc indicates that as manufacturing processes get better and production lines stabilized the production yield of the 4680 cells is expected to steadily increase large format cylindrical cell designs are expected to gradually penetrate other automakers Beyond Tesla it's estimated that by 2025 the total installed capacity of 4680 and other large format cylindrical cells could exceed 180 gwatt hours accounting for about 12.2% of the total installed capacity of electric vehicle batteries some Engineers working on the 4680 cell Express confidence in achieving this goal believing that as long as Tesla does not insist on producing cathodes through the dry process and is willing to buy them externally focusing on improving production efficiency and costs the 4680 cell project is likely going to hit its cost reduction Target how do Tesla's achievements in their battery factories meet industry standards Tesla has achieved a remarkable Milestone of producing 50 million cells representing a significant advancement in manufacturing and capability and highlighting the efficiency of operations at the Texas Giga Factory the scale and speed at which Tesla is operating is unprecedented enabling the company to meet the increasing demand for EVs and continue innovating in Battery Technology The Continuous production and ramp up of 4680 cells are evident of Tesla's dedication and Innovation consistently pushing the boundaries of Battery Technology Tesla is focused on reducing production costs to make this type of battery cheaper than those of other manufacturers by the end of the year and that's crucial for making EVS more affordable and applicable to new models like the Tesla van the model 2 and recently the robo taxi while still expanding their applications around the world production efficiencies is getting better week by week rapidly driving down selling prices one of the most interesting aspects of the 4680 cell is its innovative design with entirely new cells supported by Advanced Technologies like tablet design developed by Tesla this new approach not only improves battery performance but also enhances manufacturing efficiency and reduces Reliance on expensive and scarce materials Tesla's applying a 100% dry electrode process to to the positive electrode of this battery increasing energy density and reducing overall weight contributing to improved vehicle efficiency while the fully dry electrode process for the negative electrode still underway it promises to further reduce production costs and increase Energy Efficiency Elon is leveraging and expanding their scale while adding more production lines expanding facilities a new factories under construction Nevada with an annual production capacity of 100 gaw for 4680 cells supporting Tesla's pickup in future models such as the newly announced Robo taxis the performance of the 4680 cells not only enhances current electric vehicles but also paves the way for future Innovations with an energy density of 204 wat hours a kg these cells out perform many others on the market Tesla is working to achieve even higher energy densities aiming for over 300 W hours a kilogram integrating 4680 cells as part of the structural pack is another significant advancement reducing overall weight and improving Energy Efficiency compared to byd's Blade battery with an energy density of 168 W hours a kilogram Tesla's 4680 cells clearly excel in both performance and cost Effectiveness Tesla's also focusing on improving the durability of the batteries with proper management these batteries can last anywhere from 300,000 to 500,000 miles while in proper handling can reduce the lifespan by about 30,000 Mi underscoring the importance of proper charging and maintenance practices one of the biggest challenges in producing these batteries is the scarcity of lithium currently countries like Chile the US and China possess large reserves of lithium but increasing demand is putting pressure on the supply chain Tesla is working to ensure stable lithium supply to sustain mass production of 4680 cells despite these challenges Tesla is determined to maintain its leadership in the EV Market continuously innovating to improve efficiency and reduce costs the company's also expanding internationally with physical infrastructure and strategic Partnerships to support Global growth Tesla's output in Texas has reached unprecedented levels with significant inventory buildup to ensure continuous Supply supporting the production of cybertruck and future models using 4680 cells the Cyber truck stands to benefit greatly from these new cells with a capacity of 123 kwatt hours and requiring 1360 cells a vehicle currently production is sufficient to manufacture nearly 2,800 trucks a month not only meeting current demand but also creating a strategic reserve for the future Tesla plans to introduce Robo taxis autonomous vehicles that'll utilize the next generation of batteries production of these batteries is progressing rapidly and is expected to launch in August this vehicle promises to revolutionize Urban Transportation with Energy Efficiency and additional cost savings Tesla continues to innovate in other areas to further enhance and expand its capabilities should Tesla intensify collaboration with Chinese companies to Exel accelerate development and Innovation and Battery Technology Under Pressure Tesla is also considering increasing its procurement of batteries from external suppliers particularly Chinese companies previously media revealed that starting from the second half of 2023 Tesla began purchasing positive electrode coils a component of battery cells from two second tier Chinese battery companies and shipping them to its Factory in Texas for 4680 battery production these companies were chosen by Tesla after evaluating cylindrical battery production lines of Chinese electric battery companies last year positive electrode coils account for about 35% of the total sell cost the practice of procuring positive electrode coils from China for this battery production may continue until the third quarter of this year a source close to Tesla indicated that Tesla's battery supplier Panasonic will only commence mass production of 4680 batteries in the third quarter of the year in March of this year a foreign media reported that Tesla is seeking material suppliers in China and South Korea to help produce cost and improve energy density for its latest 4680 battery type meanwhile the company's addressing efficiency and production issues related to the 4680 which previously delayed cybertruck's launch information suggests that Tesla has been exploring collaboration with Chinese companies such as Ningbo Ron new energy Technology Company Limited and shuo Donan Precision Manufacturing Company Limited to reduce material costs currently Tesla is ramping up production of 4680 batteries if Tesla can can resolve efficiency and process issues with the 4680 battery and achieve its ambitious production targets the 4680 battery could ultimately be the key to must dream of producing 20 million Vehicles a year by 2030 in summary many Chinese battery companies like cattle Bach battery EV energy calb and rept are involved in the development of the 4680 battery it's expected that more Chinese companies will appear on Tesla's battery supplier list in the future why is T Tesla prioritizing the upgrade to the 4680 battery at this time the comprehensive upgrade to the 4680 battery will bring Tesla's several key benefits Tesla's new 4680 battery features higher energy density and optimized design extending the range and overall performance of vehicles like model Y and future models specifically the energy density of the 4680 battery is improved by approximately 10% compared to previous generations this means Tesla's electric vehicles can travel farther per charge better meeting consumer demand for instance if a current model has a range of 300 mies with current batteries with a 4680 battery this range could increase to around 330 Mi this Improvement not only makes Tesla vehicles more appealing to Consumers but also enhances Tesla's Competitive Edge in a rapidly expanding electric vehicle Market the more efficient production process of the 4680 battery saves time and costs according to Tesla the production cost of the 4680 battery could be reduced by up to 56 % due to design improvements in manufacturing processes this cost reduction allows Tesla to lower vehicle prices making electric vehicles more accessible to a broader range of customers for example if the current production cost per kilowatt hours $100 with a 4680 this cost could potentially drop to around $44 a kilowatt hour this not only helps reduce the cost of current models but also opens up opportunities to develop new vehicle models at more affordable prices meeting diverse Market demands with Improvement in battery production components Tesla can produce a larger quantity of batteries in a shorter time frame currently Tesla's achieved the Milestone of producing 50, 4680 battery cells at its Texas Factory showcasing Superior manufacturing capabilities with this production speed and scale Tesla can meet increasing market demand and efficiently expand production capacity this is particularly crucial as Tesla plans to launch new models like cybertruck and future autonomous vehicles enhancement in the chemical composition of the battery contribute to increased durability and safety reducing the risks of explosions and extending the battery's life Teslas new 4680 batteries are designed with dry electrod technology and improved cell casing enhancing mechanical durability and safety battery life expectancy is projected to extend from 300,000 to 500,000 miles and that's an impressive figure compared to the current battery types this minimizes risks for users and builds trust and reliability for Tesla additionally using less Cobalt and Battery components helps reduce ethical and environmental concerns related to Cobalt mining with higher Energy Efficiency and sustainable production processes the 4680 battery helps reduce carbon emissions contributing to Environmental Protection Tesla has implemented a dry electrode manufacturing process for the 4680 battery reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions during production this aligns with Tesla's long-term goal of promoting renewable energy use and sustainability additionally Tesla's introduced the power wall 3 an energy storage system using the 4680 battery making it easier for consumers to manage their energy costs and transition to a more sustainable lifestyle we hope you'll experience the utmost relaxation after watching this video if you do please press the like button and join the Tesla carw World Community by subscribing to our Channel hit the notification Bell icon to stay tuned for any fantastic 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Keywords: Tesla Car world, 888999, 888999 tesla, 888999 evs, Elon Musk CONFIRMS ALL-NEW 4680 Battery Update for Use in New Tesla Models 2025!, Elon Musk CONFIRMS, 4680 Battery Update, 4680 Battery, Tesla Models 2025, ALL-NEW 4680 Battery Update, 4680 Battery Exclusive Tech, tesla 4680, tesla 4680 battery, tesla battery update, tesla 4680 production, 4680 battery tesla, elon musk 4680 battery, 4680 update, tesla battery, tesla model y, model y juniper
Id: QP_uOG38g2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2024
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