From Star Wars to Reality: The Future of Hover Tech is HERE!

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[Music] the future of Transportation isn't just around the corner it's hovering right above our heads Star Wars style hovertech is no longer confined to the realm of Science Fiction it's here it's real and it's about to revolutionize the way we think about travel let's start with a bit of backstory for years we've been watching movies where Vehicles effortlessly hover and Float around seemingly Defying Gravity no propellers no Jets just smooth Silent Flight it always kind of seemed like pure science fiction right well not anymore thanks to some brilliant engineers in Austria we're witnessing the dawn of a new era in aviation enter cycl Tech an Austrian company that's been quietly working on something extraordinary for over 15 years they've taken a maritime propulsion technology called cycloidal propellers and adapted it for use in the air the result cyc rotors a game-changing propulsion system that could revolutionize how we think about flight now what makes this so special well imagine a vehicle that can hover with Incredible stability move in any direction without tilting and transition seamlessly between vertical and horizontal flight that's what cyc roers promises to deliver the best part this isn't just theoretical as of May 2024 cycl Tech has successfully conducted numerous flight tests proving that their technology Works in real world conditions we're talking about a working prototype that's already taking to the skies how the cyc rotors work now let's get into the nitty-gritty of how these cyc rotors actually work don't worry we'll keep it simple and easy to understand imagine a barrel standing on its end now picture that Barrel spinning around its vertical axis got it great now on the outside of this spinning Barrel are a series of wing-like blades these blades aren't fixed in place they can tilt back and forth as the barrel spins this tilted action is controlled by a clever mechanism inside the barrel called a swash plate as the barrel spins and the blades tilt they create thrust but here's the cool part by changing how and when the blades tilt during each rotation you can control exactly where that thrust goes want to go up tilt the blades to push air downwards need to move forward adjust the blades to push air backwards this ability to Vector thrust so quickly and accurately is what gives cycor rotor equipped Vehicles their incredible agility they can hover with pinpoint Precision move sideways without tilting and even break in midair by reverse thrust it's a level of control that traditional propellers or even jet engines just can't match but there's more because the blades are always moving relative to the air around them they don't suffer from the same efficiency problems that regular propellers do at high speeds this means that cyc rotors could potentially be more efficient across a wider range of flight conditions so now now that we understand the basics of cyc rotor technology let's talk about what it could mean for the future of personal Transportation cycl Tech isn't just developing a new type of aircraft engine they're reimagining what personal air travel could look like which brings us to cruise up their concept for a personal flying vehicle that brings us one step closer to those Star Wars speeders we've always dreamed about a Sleek two-seater vehicle about 1 and a half times the size of a regular car it doesn't have wings or big scary rotors sticking out instead it has six cyc rotors four at the corners and two more along the body this design allows the cruise up to take off and land vertically hover with Incredible stability and zip around in any direction cycl Tech envisions the cruise up as something you could actually own and use in your daily life we're not talking about a fancy toy for the ultra rich or a specialized vehicle for emergency services only nope they're aiming for something much more ambitious a personal transport vehicle that regular people could buy and use of course we're not quite there yet the cruise up is still a concept and cycl Tech estimates it won't be ready for the market until at least 2035 but the fact that they're already thinking about these practical applications shows just how transformative this technology could be now you might be wondering about safety after all the idea of your neighbors zipping around in flying cars might seem a bit nerve-wracking but that's exactly where the cyll rotor technology really shines because the rotors are enclosed and the thrust can be so precisely controlled these vehicles could potentially be much safer than traditional helicopters or other VTO vertical takeoff and Landing aircraft Plus without large exposed rotors there's less risk of accidents during takeoff and landing in confined spaces and the ability to break and maneuver quickly in the air could be a huge safety advantage it's not hard to imagine future Air Traffic Systems where cyc rotor equipped Vehicles can navigate busy these guys with ease while the idea of personal flying cars is incredibly exciting the potential applications of cyc rotor technology go far beyond just getting us to work in style first up let's talk about cargo delivery we've all heard about companies like Amazon experimenting with drone deliveries right well cyc rotor technology could take this concept to a whole new level imagine delivery drones that can hover with Incredible stability even in windy conditions and maneuver precisely to drop off packages in tight spaces Japanese Logistics giant Yamato Transport is already collaborating with cyote on exactly this kind of application but it's not just about delivering your online shopping faster think about disaster relief operations where getting supplies to hard to reach areas quickly can be a matter of life and death cycl rotary equipped drones could navigate through debris filled areas or hover steadily to lower supplies with pinpoint accuracy next let's consider the potential for enhancing existing aircraft craft helicopters for example could benefit enormously from this technology cycl rotors could make them faster more maneuverable and significantly quieter this could revolutionize everything from medical evacuation services to news reporting and aerial film making speaking of quieter that's another big advantage of cyc roaders because they don't have the issue of different air speeds along the blade that traditional propellers do they're much quieter especially at high RPMs this could make them ideal for Urban Air Mobility Solutions where noise pollution is a major concern in a world of inspection and monitoring cyc rotor drones could be game changers imagine a drone that could hold perfectly still in strong winds while inspecting wind turbines Bridges or tall buildings the Precision and stability offered by cycor rotors could make these inspections safer faster and more accurate there's also potential in the energy sector while the details are still speculative some experts believe that the unique properties of cyc rotors could be applied to energy harvesting could we see wind turbines of the future using this technology to capture energy more efficiently it's an exciting possibility to consider and let's not forget about military and security applications the ability to hover silently move in any direction instantly and operate in confined spaces could make Cy rotor equipped Vehicles invaluable for reconnaissance search and rescue and other specialized operations as exciting as all of this is we need to keep in mind that we're still in the early stages of this technology while cycl Tech has made incredible progress there are still some challenges to overcome before we see cyc rotors becoming a common sight in our skies one of the biggest hurdles is energy storage like all electric aircraft cyc rotary equipped Vehicles will need powerful long- lasting batteries to be practical for everyday use the current prototype of the cruise up for example has a top speed of about 150 kmph 93 m pH and a range of about 100 km or 62 Mi that's pretty impressive for a prototype but it'll need to improve significantly for widespread adoption there's also the matter of regulatory approval flying cars and personal air vehicles represent a whole new category of transport and Aviation authorities around the world will need to develop new regulations to ensure their safe operation this process takes time which is why cyote isn't expecting to see widespread adoption until at least 2035 but despite these challenges the future looks bright for cycl Te and cyc rotor technology the company has just secured $22 million in a recent funding round and investors are starting to take notice of the potential here this is likely just the beginning of the investment we'll see pouring into this technology so what does all this mean for us well we might not be zipping around like Luke Skywalker just yet but we are closer than ever to making that sci-fi dream a reality the development of cyc ERS represents a fundamental shift in how we think about flight and air Mobility it's not just an incremental Improvement it's a whole new paradigm that could reshape our cities our transportation systems and our daily lives what do you think about this technology are you excited about the prospect of owning your own flying car or do you have your concerns we'd love to hear your thoughts so drop a comment down below if you enjoyed this glimpse into the future of Transportation don't forget to hit that subscribe button we're always on the lookout for the latest and greatest in Tech Innovations and trust me you won't want to miss what's coming next and hey while you're at it give that Bell icon a tap too that way you'll be the first to know when we upload new content about gamechanging Technologies like this one until next time keep the spark of curiosity alive
Channel: Quantum Spark
Views: 2,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, artificial intelligence, elon musk, chatgpt, Technology, tesla, space x, tech trends, elon musk tesla, elon musk news, quantum spark, tech trends 2024, Hover technology, Star Wars technology, CycloTech, CycloRotor, flying cars, eVTOL, personal air transport, futuristic transportation, tech innovations, aviation technology, hover vehicles, advanced propulsion systems, next-gen transport, tech advancements, drone technology, hover car revolution, Star Wars hover tech real-life
Id: kbXo_zGYvh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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