Stuffed Peppers Recipe

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hello everybody tonight we make a stuffed pepper now it's a timer for the pepper and I got over here eight pepper I boiled for two minutes like this it's a nice standing up yeah I got pecorino cheese I got one cup of the rice it's arborio rice oh boy yeah I got a punt and a half for pork its shoulder pork I got my Omega sauce I got a Majorana over here I got some fresh garlic up from my garden I got a one on you a fresh a parcel from my garden okay we got to start the chapter on you add the garlic it guy want to start the fry okay now we started the wood little audio think I want to saute the garlic in the onion I got a right over here okay like this he give a good taster for the stopped okay I got a make a mix it together with the rice it'll meet okay not mine it's ready can you know gotta be born I want a nice white like this and we could write over here together with a mate and not up to give a little make sense everybody like a lot of garlic era and your special of me I like a lot of garlic and now we gotta put all the rest of the stuff the mix together okay not this parsley I got so many parsley air cover every night at nighttime it's cold yeah I got an apostle all year long okay now we put the pass away I got over here the Majorana I got us the salt a poor one it 2 big spoon or little spoon okay black pepper I got my picker in oh cheese I got my rice over here and we start like this the rice it's a boil already okay now I gotta put my tomato sauce nah sow need more rice EFT I can put more rice it's an offer for now I wash my hands already yeah one mix behind this this in Italy we was a dual are pepper this in Italy collie Baba rule Eber all embodied concurrent okay I can put a little bit more rice okay and now we'd make a small knot it's a time of the taste everybody say Pasquale or not taste like this this is raw meat forget about I was it there so many meet in Italy when we was a killing the pig we were say like this Carla the pork scallop a a meaning guapa the pig you warm up a little bit we say a you eat clean a sort the baby yeah and it one spoon it's all good not a little mix you gotta taste the cereal taste after you cook and when you serve with the people you say no God no salt oh it's a too much of salt like this you gotta taste okay now I finish this okay now we start with this part yup order the sauce and a barrel making sure the sauce we go every place okay now I got a question of everybody the know what's of the mail and what's the female now this over here he got a full chick in this you got a tree chick now I want to know so somebody know what is it the Mel what is it a female that's a question ah I know but I want everybody to knock this now let's start the stuffed a make sure the clean up really good the look-see take all the seeds out a lot of time at the pepper you got some bugs or two inside okay make sure they clean up good okay now I want to finish this everything if I show you the last step okay now it's a time in the port of the Hat look up a look okay we started with this one a nice now I put this on the top like this he covered everything in a burn not this you gotta cook for one hour okay cut the meat its raw you gotta cook of one hour yeah I got a 400 degree okay good okay it's one hour and the pepper with the god oh oh it's really hot Wow okay look nice in look I want to take her out maybe wonder this one it look nice hmm whoo what's a really hot little sauce on top my wine you got a big ready to go now let's go look up beautiful it's really really good it tastes like in Italy when I was in Italy we was making this in the pepper a perfect cook I once said David berry salute each engine with a nice glass wine thank you very much everybody salute a ching ching a salute to to juan de salud
Channel: OrsaraRecipes
Views: 179,217
Rating: 4.9289021 out of 5
Keywords: Stuffed Peppers Recipe, stuffed peppers, stuffed bell peppers, stuffed bell peppers recipe, bell pepper recipe, how to make stuffed bell peppers, chef pasquale, orsara recipes, italian recipe
Id: Ria5jO9qXqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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