The Secret to Mouthwatering Stuffed Flank Steak Fajitas

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it is a great day to be a cowboy cook I'll tell you we're out here in Silverton Texas cooking for fall works on a ranch and oh my gosh it has been a blessed time it has and we have some very special guests tonight that are in Camp with us and what is it some Welsh Cowboys oh my gosh we are glad to see them and them boys can eat and we are going to fill them up tonight we are [Music] hey thank you all for stopping by camping oh what a lucky day it is because we're out here on a ranch near Silverton Texas cooking for their fall works and who it is a great day today it is but you should have been here yesterday when we set up camp my gosh come up one of them thunderstorms all of a sudden you know and you could hear that old Rumble back in there and then here come the water running through Camp about that deep but we never quit old Bertha was just fine and me and Shan was just saying thank you Lord because we've been praying for rain it was good to see it [Music] thank you foreign prayer I said Thank You Jesus we're going to take a bath tonight [Music] take me a trench to let the water out of that kitchen but this way you ain't got to mop the floor and I guarantee you the dirt won't blow into gravy tonight [Music] thank you speaking of suppertime and Cowboys have been the greatest experimentation people for me ever because I got them confined I got a well-trained audience I do so what are we talking about the new way to do fajitas so what does that well you know when you order fajitas it's already cut up and then them strips and then you got the bell peppers and you got the onions and you got the sour cream and you got to refried beans no we are gonna stuff this flank steak Plum full of all those great ingredients roll it up tie it up we're gonna put it on a smoker with some cherry wood and then we're going to finish it off with a hot fire and when you slice that thing it is a fajita all you got to do is have the flour tortilla but we have some very special guests in camp tonight too what some Welsh Cowboys yeah you heard me right they made the big commute to come over here and we're so honored to get them here in Camp and we're going to sit down tonight eat some food I'm going to teach them how to speak Okie and they're going to teach me how to speak Welsh it will be interesting now when you're talking about fajitas you know usually it's skirt or flank but I really like a flank steak and you can see the thickness of this now I would prefer one a little thicker than this because we can't just roll that up like this not everything is going to fit in it we need a marsupial this is what we need Shin a marsupial yes we need a pouch marsupial marsupial is an animal what carries its young in its pouch I need it to be able to be stuffed Plum full of all this stuff now folks this is a little tricky sometimes it works real good sometimes it don't but you can see right here we're going to try to just start right in the middle of this steak and go through because we want to leave so ideally you'd want a thicker cut yes you'd want a little thicker cut and you can get your butcher to do this so you don't have to do it at home and that way if he messes it up you can blame it on him but just keep slashing through there very gingerly try to keep to where you don't have any empty spots in there and what I mean by that cut a hole in the other side because that would let everything that we're stuffing in there ooze out you know like when you're driving down the road's hand and you'd be just driving bebopping along listen to some Lady Gaga I mean doing real good pow you know what that was as a blowout because you run over a nail let all the air out all you have to do with flank steak because if you poke a hole in this it's going to be the same thing it is people will understand uh that's not how I drive the analogy I think is what you would call it so just keep pedaling right along remember try not to cut through both sides when you're going along try to see the thickness of this meat that you're leaving and sort of use that as a guide as you go through there it don't hurt if the other side is a little thicker than that I'm just trying not to cut a hole and let everything out now when you get it to this point I've seen a lot of people that would come back I ain't seen a lot of people I'm the only one I've seen do this what am I talking about come back through here and you could Square all this up that way it would look maybe more presentable but them ends is like the end of the inner tube we're going to tie them up so we don't let the air out but hey we need to season this and I'm going to use our chili and taco seasoning both and I like to be pretty heavy with it go ahead and give it a good rub in there why do you use both because I I just like the way it's going to have the effect this here is more of a coarse ground chili powder so chili seasoning sorry it's going to really adhere to that meat well but this Taco has got a few more ingredients that that chili seasoning don't what do you always want with your fajitas chin a margarita well you're out of luck today but we do have sour cream people like sauerkraut now you can pick either side you want to layer this sour cream on there I'm just going to put it on this side and give it pretty heavy dose in there just try not to run too far out to the outside edge or something like that what else do you like on your plate let me guess do I like beans yes you do some refried beans and you can buy the canned variety oh when I've done this before Shan said I didn't put enough beans on there I was going to use half a can but the can fell out so we're going to use a whole can and remember when we roll This up some of this is going to try to jump out the other end but that's all right we got plenty in here now I'm thinking that would be pretty fine dining on its own but if y'all was watching there a while ago I didn't cut me up some bell peppers and some onions put them in that big old 20 over on Bertha with a little bit of butter and let them what saute that's a big old Skillet yes it is it's what we call the Hungry Man version now when you get one of them fajitas and they bring it out there on that sizzling plate remember I mean it's just sizzling hot and all this stuff is tender now sure we're going to cook this some more but I do like to saute them to let everything get a little more tenderness to it and then we're just going to layer them on there and if you have something left over Savor them you can put them on the side when we go back that's a meal yes now some of you might have seen when we was out there at the Hatch Green Chili Festival you don't think I come back empty-handed do you no I do not I have me some good roasted Hatch Green Chili here and it wouldn't be complete because there was nothing Green in here was there Shin we didn't have a green bell pepper so we're going to have a hatch green chili laid up in there I Like to Lay Them sideways like this if you can perpendicular upside down horizontal whatever floats your boat will are you feeling lucky yes I am now one thing you're going to need from this is some really big dental floss or take your wife's shoestrings out when she ain't watching because we're going to need something to tie this up now you can say well I'll roll this going this way I like to take the short side and bring it to it about halfway through like right here then we can try with great grace we can to just roll this side really tight around here pull it up and look what we got we have us a stuffing full we do now next thing we're going to do is what we're going to tie this Rascal up before he gets away and I like to tie really tight on the ends to try to keep things from squishing out so uh oh we'll start on this end that end's got a knot pull right up under here lift him up we're going to tie it really close to this end first one take a round once take a round twice that way that knot is going to stay now I'm going to tell you some of this is going to try to jump out this end don't you be worrying about that just keep cinching her down tight Tire one more time and then what let's rope this Beast before he gets away right here see this half hitch pull her back under here lift him up try to get him down here where he's pretty close [Music] well folks I'm going to tell you it's going to get all over you when you stuff that much stuff into one of them flank steaks but don't you be worrying about it anything go to hanging out the ends you can trim off or hey if you think you've done a bad job and you've got a lot of holes in here go to the refrigerator now and get you some biking and just slice it that's a great tip lace that Rascal up or you can use that fancy looking stuff called prosciutto prosciutto whatever that is and lay that over the top it'll seal it up pretty good but I think we're in pretty good shape so we're going to season the outside of this with our original seasoning guess what we're going to do now I'm gonna meet you all over to the smoker [Music] well we got her all fired up we do one over at Old Bertha and I got me two big heaping shovel fulls of Hot 100 percent Texas growed right out here in a panhandle Mesquite and got it to going now we're going to lay this right in the middle just like that shut the lid well to go with that Mesquite I really love to pair this up with some cherry and a little bit of Oak to give me a little more flavor to that smoke so we're going to let that temperature climb up at about 250 we'll regulate them vents watch for about 45 minutes we want to get that internal temperature to where it's about 120 to 125. [Music] foreign [Music] well we have reached that internal temperature of about 120 and before we go any further the thing I like about these little roughneck smokers is we're going to pull that smoke Shield heat deflector out of the word of that flame can get up there and do us some good open this lid to where we can get that fire to coming up here and we're going to give that some really good color and just flip it back and forth until we get that color that we desire then we'll take it over here let it rest slice it and eat up the goodies [Music] oh [Music] I seen a guy have one of them one time and he wanted to get the sizzle by the stove and he burned it up you know I want to introduce y'all to my new friends some of the dearest people I ever met pure-hearted and I mean just good folks so uh my name is Aaron Pugh and I'm from Wales okay yeah I'm will Evans um I'm what you call a Rancho I guess back home in Wales yeah I have beef and sheep beef and sheep beef and sheep so uh yeah it's been good to come over here and see how you do your beef we've been lifelong friends we're 43 years old and we had a lifelong dream to be Cowboys for a bit we're both Farmers back home and we've been traveling the world we've been to all kinds of different places to um to to experience a rural life in about the dream was to be to come over and be a Cowboys for a while and experience the real cowboy life not some dude Rancher what you see on on it on TV and the added bonus of having good food cooked in the yellow jack wagon like this y'all order out where did good food come from [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] we're looking we're in the house and when you're standing in the house and you look through this glass deal out there what's that glass deal called [Music] now Winder Winder yeah and when your clothes is dirty what do you do to them you wash them no wash gotta put r in it worse yes wash wash your clothes wash my clothes bad Cloud coming up back in the west thunder and lightning they tell you get in a Freddy hole you know what a Freddy hole is tell me the seller you know like you're going to go into like a tornadoes coming like the Nader is coming the Nader is coming yeah get in the Freddy hole get them afraid of all the Nader is coming I can see you through the window and when you get through you can wash clothes [Music] now you see me when we pulled that deflector out of there you want to get you a hot fire up there to which you get a really good sear on that roll it around to where you get the color that you want bring it over here and let it rest I mean until you can slice it really good I sliced a little early some of it sort of oozed out but hey it's going to be good eating it is and we're just going to unroll this piece to where you can look in here at these layers that gets up in here there's the onion the bell pepper the green chili so you can cut this you're supposed to eat how do you eat it you can cut this up put it on a tortilla and eat it you can slice it up chop it up whatever you want to do and eat it just like that anyway is good with me um the thing that shines through right off the bat is the refried bean and the Hatch Green Chili I mean it jumps out there and just tells you hey this is the best fajita that you have ever eaten in your life I'm gonna have one more bite mage and I want sand the pan down here a little Mage this is Major's first Ranch experience he got a little drowned in the other day but he is good mate this is some fine dining and make me want to do the fajita dance maybe even swing around the pole just a little bit I mean it is good this ain't got no pepper in it no nothing you have worked hard this has been a really hard deal on you to come out here no air conditioner no heater no dog bed in camp anywhere you have survived the elements so you get a piece of steak good job buddy what do you think Meiji well it's be good to be back out here on the ranch again sort of get back to my Heritage and my roots cooking for Cowboys and hey like I say they're great air experimentation so we're going to run this by them tonight and see what kind of reviews we get but folks it is a hit you can sell it as a stuffed flake steak you can sell it as a what a easy fajita it is something that is going to be so good when you set it on the table but it is with pride and honor and great privilege that I tip my hat to all our service men and women and all the veterans that have kept that old flag of flying over Camp it is a great deal and we commend you all the rest of you come on up in here close got a little smoky hug I want to give you because I've been in a lot of God bless you each and every one and I'll see you down the best way to do fajita Trail it sounds better in a well in the world everything does it started yeah congratulations [Music] [Music] [Music] without the waves because [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 192,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef fajitas, fajitas, beef fajitas recipe, beef fajitas marinade, beef fajitas grill, fajitas recipe, fajita veggies, fajita seasoning recipe, fajitas con carne, grilled fajitas, grilled fajita steak, smoked fajitas, smoking fajitas, flank steak fajitas, how to make fajitas, the best beef fajitas, smoked flank steak, grilled flank steak, grilled flank steak recipe, kent rollins steak, cowboy kent rollins steak, cowboy cooking, cowboy cooking steak
Id: 7cgVwjZre54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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