Stuffed Crust Garlic Knot meat lovers pizza

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[Music] hi guys so today I'm doing another cooking video for you guys I know it's been a while I know I know don't get mad at me don't hit dislike just give me a break here alright but I'm doing a stuffed crust garlic not pizza for you guys today actually made this for my daughter's birthday this video is about two months old so so sorry about that but if you guys wanna see how I created this pizza please keep on watching by the way you can follow my pizza crust recipe on the link listed down below on the top of the description box I'll have the full recipe on the pizza crust there because I accidentally deleted part of the pizza crust recipe on this video so please forgive me for that okay so as you guys could see I cut up an entire pack of bacon you can use turkey bacon you can use beef bacon you can use whatever it is that you like or prefer okay but this is gonna be a bacon sausage pepperoni pizza with lots of cheese so for the stuffed crust we're going to need cheese sticks these are mozzarella cheese sticks you can buy whichever brand it is that you like or whatever's on sale don't you know feel any type of way that you have to have the best just get whatever it is that you can afford and make it work okay so I'm cutting them in 1 inch sizes like 1 inch little I don't know what you call those cubes would it be cubes since they're sticks you're cutting them in cubes or squares whatever just 1 in sizes okay and I cut up enough because I didn't know how much I would need we actually had some leftover I also sliced up a small onion and I just sauteed it in the bacon grease and kind of caramelized it and added a bit of sugar to it and this is also gonna go on top of the pizza so this is optional if you don't like onions that's totally fine but I love caramelized onions on pizza ok so this is the pizza dough remember the link to the pizza crust recipe is down below in the description box or I'll put a link right here it should be in the top for you to click on you know when you're ready okay so once I have my pizza crust nice and mixed and ready I'm just gonna massage it you know knead it a little bit on my board this is a marbled board actually got this in TJ Max I really like it a lot it's really good for like pastries and baking and bread dough's and things like that it keeps the stuff from sticking to the board okay so once I form a nice ball with it I'm gonna rub it rub it with a bit of extra virgin olive oil and then cover it and let it rise for about 45 minutes okay you can definitely make this pizza dough ahead of time you can make it the night before and just put it in the fridge and then the next day just take it out while it cools it will rise and be ready for you to use okay so as you guys could see I put the olive oil on there and I rubbed it all over and I'm just gonna go in and cover it with my mixing bowl from my Kitchen Aid and it kind of like over rose is that the word over rose and that really fat and fluffy which is exactly what we're looking for all right and then once we have our pizza pan ready ignore my pizza pan it's used a lot and has stains now but I think the stains make the pan better I'm gonna go ahead and stretch out my dough and I'm also going to use a rolling pin to help you know spread it out a bit more one thing you want to make sure is that your pizza dough is not too stiff make sure you have enough water in there okay you want it soft enough to where you can handle it okay but you don't want it like super soft where it's breaking apart but you don't you don't want it hard where you can't pull it apart you know and stretch it out really nice so as you guys could see I'm rolling out the center part of the pizza dough very very thin and putting the thickest parts over the edge of the pizza pan we're going to use this to create our garlic knots that will be stuffed with cheese my daughter requested a special pizza for her birthday and this is what I made for her I made it before so you know she just wanted special pizza so I'm using this marinara this is organic marinara from Walmart you can use any brand that you like but I do like the taste of this you can add more salt to it if you like but I think it tastes fine on its own so I'm just gonna use a spoon to spread out a thin layer or sauce if you like extra sauce go ahead and add extra sauce but do remember jarred sauce has a lot of water in it so you got to be careful with that okay cuz what can happen is when you use the sauce from a jar it could make your pizza crust really watery and soft and soggy alright so just use it and I personally just like to use a small amount so this way I could prevent that or sometimes what I do is I reduce the marinara I put it in a pan maybe add up a tiny bit some more salt to it and then reduce it so this way I boil out or cook out most of the water that's in it and make it a bit more thicker and add just a tiny bit more sauce because she was right there she says you wanted more sauce so just a little bit nothing too crazy okay still needs to be thin though alright so this is the edge of the pizza crust so I'm gonna put a bit of flour on it so this is gonna help you know keep it from sticking to my fingers and I'm gonna show you guys exactly how I make stuffed crust garlic not pizza it's a mouthful I hope I you know put it in the order where it sounds normal and not crazy stuff crust garlic not pizza I like that I'm gonna use a small knife cut out a section and then I'm gonna make two more cuts okay the middle part we want it to be nice and wide and then the two outer parts you want it to be I guess um almost like the size of one of those little sugar stick things and I'm trying to describe you through this is a little tiny section it doesn't have to be super thick so take your piece of cheese roll it in there okay roll it into the pan you see sticking and then create an x over and press the corners down inward okay so I'm gonna do it again so you guys could see cut out the section make your two cuts leave the middle part nice and thick like that and then you could pull it stretch it out and then roll your cheese in there you can use a little bit of extra flour if you need to if it's sticking to your finger all right roll it inward and this is gonna keep the cheese in the garlic knot okay and create your X on the top so I hope you guys are understanding how I'm explaining this to you I think this will be such a fun cooking or pizza making idea for you and your children I think they would love it I think they were go crazy over the idea of stuffed garlic nuts if they're into garlic nuts okay I think they will enjoy it if you're an adult I think you will enjoy yourself too we really enjoy what we do is when the piece is done we rip it off and dip it rip off the garlic knots and dip it in marinara so delicious okay so here's a better view so I made my cuts two cuts on the side and then two more cuts to create those little stringy parts and then the middle part I roll the cheese in it like that once I have it rolled I create my X on the top once this bakes it looks absolutely amazing it looks crappy right now but wait till the end wait till end don't fast forward just wait have some patience okay you see how I do that you can also use the back of the knife to push down the X to keep it in place and by the way make sure your countertop is clean my countertop is very clean before I did this I absolutely hate the color of my countertop but I clean it a lot and especially for pizza baking I clean it a lot before I even let the dough touch the countertop all right so is how it should look pretty isn't it it looks like a crown of garlic knots so now we're gonna go in with our whole milk mozzarella cheese you can use whatever cheese it is that you like okay and I'm putting a lot of cheese if I'm making pizza we're putting a lot of cheese in it okay or on it in it and well in this case in and on alright guys so the kids wanted to help do the pizza so we decided to let them do the pepperoni because when it comes down to cheese I need to do the cheese I just feel like I do it better instead of getting it everywhere you know we'll probably have more cheese on the counter than on the pizza okay so the kids helped with the pepperoni with some guidance because I like my pepperoni to be a certain way you know in order so they had help and yeah we finished this part really quickly and then they went ahead and added sausages well I know I didn't have that part of the video in here frying up the sausage meat but I use the hot or mild Italian sausage meat it comes in the pack you can get in Walmart shop right most supermarkets sell the meat package package like that so that's what I use that fry it up and that was one of the toppings as well so once we had our pepperoni down I went in with the fried up sausage that we made well fried up it was already seasoned and everything I just added a little bit more seasoning to it and I'll amped it up a bit just a tiny bit put all of that on there all the deliciousness you know and if you're not into eating me you know this may not be the pizza video for you okay I know there's many options vegetarian and vegan options out there so this may not be the one for you okay so now we're gonna add our onions and yes everyone's hands are clean so if you're doing this with your kids make sure to clean your hands cuz kids can be gross you know I catch my kids doing gross things all the time so I made sure that they wash their hands before helping with the pizza because I got to eat this too alright so once we have that on we're gonna go in and add our bacon okay my kids love bacon on pizza they love bacon cheese pizzas it really doesn't matter they love bacon so we're gonna add all of that on there we drained all the fats so we're not adding all the extra bacon fat you see she took that piece she ate it she ate it she pretended to put it in there but she ate it it's okay what's for her birthday all right so once we have all of our bacon on and placed in a proper order every inch has the same amount of sausage pepperoni caramelized onions bacon okay now we're gonna go in with a bit more cheese cuz there's nothing like cheese on top of me there's nothing like it so I'm gonna add a bit more cheese I have my oven already preheated to 500 degrees this pizza only takes about 15 minutes 20 minutes the most to bake but you have to keep watching it so the crust doesn't burn okay before we put in the oven we're gonna do our garlic butter so I'm using a half a stick of butter you can use salted or unsalted butter but I'm using salted then I'm gonna go in with a bit of garlic powder about a teaspoons worth is good enough for me all right I do love the girl icky taste on the garlic nuts and then I'm gonna go in with some parsley flakes this is about a teaspoon and a half about you know depends on what you like so you know add as much as you like or don't add any at all if you just like butter so now I'm gonna brush some of this on to the pizza dough or the garlic knots while it's still uncooked so that when it cooks and it bakes it bakes into the knots you know I mean into the knots so I'm just lightly brushing it don't be too harsh or ice you're gonna mess up the garlic knots so take your time brush it on all righty guys so the oven should be nice and hot and ready so we're gonna go ahead put this in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes all right when it's done this is how it should look the knots should be golden brown perfectly golden brown that's how it should look so make sure you keep an eye on it even if you only bake it for 15 minutes or 20 minutes just you know open the oven every you know 10 minutes just to check not open all the way just take a peek if you can through the glass I'm gonna go back in with a bit more of the garlic butter mixture that we made and I'm just going to brush the garlic knots again this is gonna give that that extra boost of flavor and you will absolutely love these garlic knot crust pizza stuffed garlic knot Pizza cross concoction thing that I came up with so I really hope you guys like how this looks and how this turned out if you made it make sure you tag me on Instagram I have a cooking Instagram page now at cooking with Queenie so anything you create off my channel be sure to tag me I want to see your creations I want to see your food I love food so tag me okay let me see so this is how these slices look and I prefer to use a you know a knife to cut my slices the the pizza roll blade thing that I can't it makes too much of a mess and it just doesn't look neat so I like to just use you know a knife or whatever I have available to cut slices and I usually get a perfect slice so here I'm just cutting the slices for the kids and as you guys can see it's nice it has a nice dry crust but it's still moist but you know there's not water or liquids leaking all over so the crust came out really nice and thin and then these are the knots you break them open and there's cheese in there okay you could dip that into some marinara come on come on you know you like it you know you like it anyways I hope you enjoyed the video if you did give this video a thumbs up comment down below and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit the bell button so you don't miss any uploads whenever I do upload I love you guys so much and thank you for watching always bye guys Oh shared the video shared you bike [Music]
Channel: CookingWithQueenii
Views: 136,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make garlic knots, stuffed crust pizza, how to make pizza, cooking with queenii, stuffed garlic knots, italian food
Id: 7zNtj0yGGjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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