Studio Electives - The Link Between Babylon and Socialism in the Last Days with Michael Weis

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before you get started I'm going to be quoting from a book when a nation forgets God by who's read this as I might read this a couple of few of you have this is an excellent book he talks about Nazi Germany how Hitler took over education the church and much much more I'll be using that as an illustration we do have these down in the silver shekels shop so it's very reasonably priced I would encourage you to get this really really eye-opening it really is so I'll be mentioning this in the presentation here in just a few minutes so welcome to Zions hope studio electives my name is Michael Weiss for those who don't know me I'm a pastor husband a new father got a four month old cutest little boy in the world of course of course still learning how to interact with him and see when he's hungry when he needs changing when he just wants to be held all that stuff I'm still learning and middle age doesn't make it any easier so if I look a little bit tired that's why much of he's a blessing and kids are for sure I'm also the social media manager here at science hope so we are on Facebook Twitter YouTube if you do have social media access please check that out we have over 150 videos on our youtube channel now Zion's hope just go to youtube look up science hope you'll see the black logo with the white CH there and there's tons of stuff so if you can check those out share them with your family share them with your friends if you're on Facebook or Twitter you can tweet them too if you want but let's go ahead and open up in a word of Prayer and then we will get started today our gracious Lord God we do thank you for your word thank you for your grace thank you Lord for Jesus thank you also for dr. Kohan who spoke earlier and reminded us that you are providentially in control and that you provide for us Lord even sometimes in the strangest of ways so Lord we do pray for your provision for us for our families for our churches for the body of Christ around the world and pray Lord for your help pray for your strength pray for your wisdom as we talk about this subject today so Lord we commit all this to you and again we do pray for safety for those in the storm's path and that you would preserve life as well so we commit all this to you and the wonderful mighty name of Jesus amen today we're gonna talk about a subject I'm not going to say will happen but I do see it as a distinct possibility I do see a connection or a link between Babylon and socialism in the last days this of course is a very hot topic today around the world not just in America but around the world and when we look at the world when we look at the church and more we do see this push for socialism everywhere if you've been watching the news keeping up with the media you see this I mean I hope you see this correct I hope you do see this so today we are gonna look at the link between Babylon and socialism in the last days now we do need to start with some definitions first I think that's very important so the first one is what is socialism now I'm going to go to the Miriam Webster dictionary and kind of give a few definitions here first of all any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or government to ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods another one is this a system of society or group living in which there is no private property to be a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state and then number three a stage of society in Marxist theory we'll talk about him in a little bit transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to the work done now another quote here again from merriam-webster says this the differences between communism and socialism are still debated but generally English speakers use communism to refer to the political and economic ideologies that find their origin and Karl Marx theory of revolutionary socialism which advocates a proletariat overthrow of capitalists structures within society societal and communal ownership and governance of the means of production and the eventual establishment of a classless society the most well known expression of the Marx theories is the 21st or 20th century Bolshevism of the USSR and what does USSR by the way stand for United Soviet Socialist Republic most people forget that in history unfortunately in which the state through a single authoritarian party controls a society's economy and social activities with the goal of realizing Marx's theories so again I hope you see the importance of this today now there are differing forms and differing views of this in the organization the way that private property and this distribution of money does vary but I do again want to quote from again this is a dictionary definition merriam-webster says this in the modern area pure socialism has been seen only on rarely and usually briefly in a few communist regimes far more common are systems of social democracy now often refer to as democratic socialism in which extensive state regulation with limited state ownership has been employed by democratic elected governments in the belief that it produces a fair distribution of income without impairing economic growth now we could talk about this all day and the question comes this where did it come from what it is start where did all this begin well we go back to the 1800s socialistic concepts as we think of it began in France in the 1800's there were two forms the first was utopian and I'm a butcher these names so please forgive me but Comte de saint-simon and Charles Phooey then there was revolutionary socialism by Auguste Blanqui who also used the term come by the way and both came after the French Revolution and both were critical of capitalism then we have an individual entering the scene I've already mentioned his name his name is Karl Marx you guys ever heard of him because of her Karl Marx yeah yeah I'm sure you have he was a communist he hated capitalism with a passion he also thought that profit was theft so if you own a business and you make money he said you were stealing that was his idea now we'll talk a little bit more about him because it's actually quite hypocritical as to what he said and what he actually lived but he was also a writer a philosopher co-wrote the communist manifesto which should tell us something with Frederick Engels and was published in 1848 now his ideas were also key to what we think of as socialism today and he wrote within the communist ideology the socialist ideology that it could only be attained by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions now let me ask you this what were and what could be and what are some of these social conditions that would need to be overthrown what would some be the church what else education what else I'm sorry Constitution yeah so all of these things freedom how about personal possessions and more now of course if somebody comes to your home and says hey give me all your money you're not gonna give them our money you're gonna say no so there's gonna be a battle that takes place which is what Marx was talking about when it comes to this battle and we'll talk a little bit more about that here in just a second and people won't give over their freedom freely unless they're tricked into it and force is always necessary now there was one individual who is a socialist his name was William Morris he wrote in the common well when I first saw this I thought ok this should be Commonwealth no it's coming well as their common wheel I'm not sure how we pronounce that February 1885 pages 1 & 2 also called the manifesto of the socialist League he said this quote there are two classes of society now says it just you know about 40 or so years after the communist manifesto was written two classes of society the one possessing wealth and the instruments of production the other producing wealth by means of those instruments but only by the leave and for the use of the possessing class these two classes are necessarily in antagonism to one another so you see here's the battle that Marx is talking about the possessing class or non producers can only live as a class on the unpaid labor of the producers the more unpaid labor they can wring out of them the richer they will be therefore the producing class the workers are driven to strive to better themselves at the expense of the possessing class and the conflict between the two is ceaseless we need to understand and recognize something very important when it comes to socialism one of the foundational ideas or concepts of socialism is this idea of two classes what is that the oppressors and the oppressed the oppressors and the oppressed and this is what's going on in our world today now you may disagree with me and that's fine but the progressive and social justice movement mixed with environmentalism are a part of this just watch media you're either the oppressor or the oppressed there is no other option anymore now fast-forward to Lenin roughly you know early 1900s he was the first to esteemed socialism nationwide in Russia it failed 1917 and it's also important to understand that socialism has never been successfully implemented and survived it has always imploded look at Venezuela today sad as it is but I have a question for you why do politicians progressives music and movie stars and millionaires promote socialism everything's free yeah and and that's what you know a lot of the younger individuals think hey I want to get free education gonna get free health care gonna get free this gonna get free that well if somebody else will do it for me yeah because I'm a victim I'm the oppressed so you owe me that's the mentality in our world today and it's growing but here's the thing is something else again I think we need to consider people think they will get free stuff but again why do the elites like Marx who is actually born into a middle or upper middle class family and lived off of angles generosity while he was living comfortably in London it was a mooch why do they call for socialism one word power it's all about power Mao Zedong Pol Pot Lenin Hitler and more used socialism as a mechanism to gain power for themselves look at history that's what happened that's what took place now Hitler did have a different view of socialism than Marx and Lenin so we do want to be fair but one thing we also need to understand is this from 1849 to the death of Hitler and other individuals every socialist leader advocated genocide without exception it was okay why because that's how I establish my power my authority now I've got a quote here I want to see if you can figure out who said this quote National Socialism and religion I would say Christianity cannot exist together the heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child both are inventions of the Jew the deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity who said this Hitler you are absolutely correct Hitler and Hitler's Table Talk pages six and seven he mixed nationalism and socialism together so in one sense it was a little bit unique now I'm not an economist you know but I know this there ain't no free lunch somebody always has to pay the money has to come from somewhere and here's the thing who decides who gets what where it goes and how much goes to whom the state that's what Marx was advocating the government always he stated in the communist manifesto this that property inheritance would be abolished the credit communication transport and more would be controlled by the state or the government that's numbers five six and seven by the way in the Communist Manifesto say well why is socialism and its big brother communism so much part of history I want to get to the core issue very very quickly before we get to Babylon the core issue is this it is a substitute for and perversion of the kingdom of God why Jesus is the ruler in the kingdom when he comes when he sets up his kingdom he will rule he will reign he'll provide everything that we need and here we have a satanic impostor trying to do what only God Himself can do think about this everything in the Garden of Eden was good actually it was very good we lost that and guess what we tried to get back to that identic state through the state and it won't work it has never worked in it never will work this is a spiritual battle that began back in Babylon so now we come to be how is this connected to Babylon well for that we're going to turn to Genesis go ahead turn to Genesis chapter 10 or click on Genesis chapter 10 whichever you have there and if you don't have your Bibles that's fine I do have the text up here too and we're gonna first look at ancient Babylon ancient Babylon now I don't think that the ideas that socialism are promoting are that new I think some of this was borrowed from many many many many many many years ago Babylon and other places in a broad sense and I do think that some of this was actually begun or started in Babylon now the word Babylon is as mentioned another studio elective that Bob hunt did the king of babylon babylon is used as both a historic and a prophetic reference you see both of those in Scripture there was a geographical historical place called Babylon we'll look at that in just a little bit and as a prophetic reference it's used for a nation or a leader or a place that's against Israel and God and altogether it's mentioned about 250 times in the Bible so it's a very significant word that's used very significant idea and Genesis 10 gives us the first mention of Babylon just look at a few verses here verses 8 9 and 10 now cush became the father of Nimrod he became a mighty one on the earth he was a mighty hunter before the Lord therefore it is said like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the Lord the beginning of his kingdom was babel and erech or aruch and accad and calneh in the land of Shinar now we'll look at the land of Shinar here in just a moment but think about this nimrod began his kingdom his authority his rule in babel and more in the land of Shinar now this is the area of Babylon or Sumer in the ancient Near East is also what it's called modern-day Iraq modern-day Iraq and this individual became mighty he became valiant in the eyes of men and this hunter reference was actually common in the ancient Near East it referred to his conquests his conquests which I think is interesting compared to what the Antichrist is going to do - now Genesis 10 actually comes before chapter 11 and chapter 10 actually shows the result of God's judgment in chapter 11 where the nations spread out you can look at that on your own time now I think it is possible that the construction of the city and the Tower of Babel was Nimrods idea it's possible maybe maybe not you know we can't say for sure but think about this he was the most powerful man in the world at that time he was the leader he may have unified the people together to say hey let's do this religious excursion let's do this together as one big happy family maybe and that brings us to what actually occurred in Genesis 11 verses 1 through 9 now the whole earth used the same language in the same words it came about as they journeyed East they found the plain in the land of what's that land shine Irish in our and settled there they said to one another come let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly and they used brick for stone they used tar from order they said come let us build for ourselves a city and it's our whose top will reach into heaven and let us make a name for ourselves or for ourselves a name otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men and built the Lord said Behold they are one people and they all have the same language and this is what they begin to do and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them come let us go down and there confuse their language so that they will not understand one another speech so the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth and they stopped building the city therefore the name or its name was called Babel because there the Lord confused the language of the whole earth and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth now this is a very important thing not only did the languages go but that's where different nations began different groups different nation people groups that we think of and I have a map here this is of course isn't the Fertile Crescent also known as Mesopotamia in the ancient world you have a cod that's where Akkadian was Babylon down here a rook a that sounds kind of familiar yeah yeah and of course you see this is the main area of course go over and and by the way you'll see this word in some study Bibles Palestine when it comes to maps horrible horrible it's not Palestine that word did not exist until about 135 132 ad when Hadrian kicked the Jews out of Israel and renamed it Palestine just to let you know but you can see this is where everyone settled and this is where the the center of civilization was at this time in history this was about 2800 BC though conventional dating is about 3,500 to about 3100 and again this was the heart of technology scripture says it's very accurate archaeological records very clear and they actually did use baked bricks to construct religious temples religious building structures which we'll look at here in just a second they began building cities also at this time in history so you know what scripture says is completely hundred percent accurate and here we have humanity uniting to build a tower with a temple to reach up to heaven and they would do this to worship the Stars astrology astronomy was part of it too but this is pure paganism pure pure paganism but what happens that very ironic God comes down people are trying to reach up God comes down cuz he's already in heaven from heaven and saw what humanity was doing they were unified and of course he judged them by changing the languages so we have in Babylon one leader one language one religion and one goal build the city and this cigarette not cigarette but ziggurat cigarettes I want to make sure I'm clear on that and also historically the city was focused on this ziggurat and the temple that was on top similar to America many many many years ago you know the center that the town was what a church historically and then of course the the city was built up around that church historically in this time period the cigarette or other religious temples were the center of the city center of the focus of people because that's where they went in the area waiting for their God and the city focused on that temple and the religious extension was the city itself basically and it was also connected to a local deity most of the time now I've got a picture of a cigarette this is over in Iraq outsider and I've got this quote here from Bible archaeology the cigarette at our the best-preserved of the Mesopotamian ziggurats the interior is of sun-dried mud bricks while the exterior is of baked bricks that's exactly what the text said it had three stories the first accessible by three monumental staircases you can see those there with a temple probably to the moon God none on top that's where the temple was on top of these things this was built about 2100 BC this was around the time of Abraham he may have actually seen this being built he may have walked by it as he was going to the promised land and get this this was still in use until the time of Persia when they ruled 539 to 332 BC so over 1500 years this pagan temple was in use and only the Lord knows what they actually did at the site because sometimes human sacrifice was done sometimes animal sacrifice was done and other things too which we won't mention so this ziggurat was part of the culture of that day now these were not for common people by the way common people could not go these are only for the religious priests only they could go up there and do their religious circum as it were and this temple at the top was a portal for the God to come down so when scripture says God came down that also indicates that what they were building was a ziggurat so a little bit of historical information there for you and all this time at this time people all shared everything they shared a common goal a common culture a common economy hey let us build this together let us do this together they work together all controlled by the leader or I would say quote the government to build the city to build this pagan temple to make a name for themselves they were one community and of course it required a leader Nimrod who had ultimate power in that day and this is what the world is working towards today we can see it around us now we fast forward a few thousand years to the neo-babylonian empire this is a time of Daniel the time of Daniel the book of daniel takes place was written between about 6:05 530 BC in Babylon during the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar actually Nebuchadnezzar the second there was a ziggurat there and they worshipped pagan deities he was the ruler of the kingdom the ruler of the Empire and once again he was the most powerful man in history at that time absolute power whatever he said it was done this person give him a million dollars got a million dollars kill this person kill this family no questions asked it was done and this brings us to Daniel chapter one so I'll give you just a moment to turn there or click there but again I will have this up here on the on the screen Daniel chapter one verses one through five in the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon there it is again came to Jerusalem and besieged it the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand along with some of the vessels of the house of God so he brought them to the land of what's that land named Shinar hey we saw that just a little bit ago didn't we to the house of his God probably a cigarette of some kind and he brought the vessels into the treasury of his god then the king ordered ashpenaz the chief of his officials to bring in some of the sons of israel including some of the royal family and of the nobles and as it's probably true that daniel was in the royal lineage youths in whom was no defect who were good-looking showing intelligence in every branch of wisdom endowed with understanding and discerning knowledge and who had the ability for serving in the king's court and he ordered to this listen closely to teach them the literature and language of the Chaldeans the King appointed there's that authority there them a daily ration for the King's choice food from the wine which he drank and appointed that they should be educated three years at the end of which they were to enter the King's personal service now you say okay what's going on here listen closely he enrolled the best in Babylonian School basically all under the control of what the state the government nimród this ruler and why would he do that here's the thing indoctrinate children when they are young to get them where you want them to be when they are old this was government indoctrination within education this is what was going on in Babylon some things never change happens around the world happen in Germany happened in China it's taking place around the world today now I'm going to quote from when a nation forgets god this again is a good book details what happened in Nazi Germany when Hitler and how Hitler took over everything including education and the church I do recommend this book I'm just going to quote from a few pages here pages 103 to 105 because I want to give you a historical reference aside from Babylon that shows how this occurred listen closely the values children had derived from their parents needed to be replaced by the new values taught in the classroom children had to be indoctrinated and understand what groupthink was more important than the individual the educational system became more focused on setting effective not cognitive goals that his outcomes and go back here through psychological pressure any student who did not agree with the educational agenda stood out as an embarrassment this of course ensured compliance and the unified philosophy of national socialism which had freed itself from all absolutes and serious religious considerations the more enthusiastic they get the easier are the exams and the sooner they will get a job or a position the new generation has never had much use for education reading now nothing is in demand of them on the contrary knowledge is publicly condemned wrote Noakes and Pritam young people were instructed to encourage their parents to become good Nazis in Germany there was an emphasis on teaching right attitudes using the cult of experience unlike knowledge that involves the intellect experiences that involved feeling provided access to deep crews of Nazism which in where in essence are essentially based on ideological unity such an experience was regarded as an essential to character building what the child art was the parents responsibility what he believed and felt was the responsibility of the Reich in Germany as in America today authority figures would have to be discredited though the experience of what were called values classification many teachers explore the child's natural desire to be independent from parents and from the church it appealed to the desire of youth to be independent of the adult world and Exploited the conflict of generations and the typical tendency for young people to challenge authority figures were their parents or teachers parents who tried to contradict what their children were being taught were punished of course students values had to be confused before they could be clarified even in math classes the ideology of the Reich was promoted children were asked questions such as these if the construction of a lunatic asylum cost six million rme how many houses at fifteen thousand RM each could have been built for that amount the goal of course was to get students to share their natural inclination to sympathize with the needs of limit Ickx read anyone who didn't agree with the Reich and see the issues or such issues through pragmatic economic eyes Hitler understood that young people were the very conscious of what their peers believed how they dress and talk the slogan youth must be led by youth was ritually echoed and to some extent followed in practice but in spirit and in which was applied was very different these young leaders were not representing the autonomous youth culture but were functionaries of an official bureaucracy regimented by rules and regulations and following set patterns of training in other words they were pawns even as they were being indoctrinated young people were given the freedom quote-unquote to form their own clubs and peer groups just as long as they promoted rebellion against parents and church and as long as they advanced a larger grander cause of national socialism group peer pressure was used to silence if not changed the mind of any student who still believed in the values of home and Church teachers were expected to develop an optimistic atmosphere of victory of confidence and of the certainty of Germany's success all other values were submitted under this rubric through arts crafts multicultural experiences that children were indoctrinated the point of course was to condition students to compliance it was preferred that people should not have the will of their own and should be totally subordinate themselves right prettiman Noakes what makes Nazi Germany unique is the way in which facts were deliberately distorted to promote an agenda lies were taught lies about Jews lives of our Germany's history lies about Hitler's intentions Hitler knew as all of us do that feelings cannot be can be more powerful than reason and unless feelings are changed the mine will revert to its former patterns of thought centuries ago in the Garden of Eden Satan in effect said to Eve feel don't think thinking can change feelings but feelings can also change thinking the point of course is that a person should not pay attention to facts but give credence to how he or she feels talk about our world today and that's just a snippet that's why I encourage you to get this book with that said in chapter 2 of Daniel Nebuchadnezzar has a dream which the pagan mystics could not answer could not tell him and he was gonna kill everybody right what happens what does Daniel do is he panic no he and his friends pray they pray and of course God gives him the answer and that brings us to Daniel chapter 2 verses 37 and 38 you O king our King of Kings to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom the power power and strength and glory wherever the sons of men dwell beasts of the field birds of the sky he's given them into your hand and has caused you to rule over them all you are this head of gold absolute power absolute authority that is what the King had and then in Chapter three this head of gold gets to his head and what does he do he builds something what's he built I'm sorry a statue he builds an image a big huge statue of himself it was probably overlaid with gold it wasn't solid gold and what did he do he demanded that people worship this statue this image this creation of himself the government demanded the people worship at a specific time at a specific place in a specific way hmm the king controlled religion he required people to bow down this image he made of himself or what be cast into the fiery furnace and of course we know that Shadrach Meshach Abednego they said no and that you can read the whole story there but Nebuchadnezzar had political power he had financial power he had educational power and he had religious power and I think this is very important because this really brings us to this next question all of this how could it be connected to the last days well we're going to go over a lot of Scripture here going to make a few comments which won't be a complete exegetical study but then I'm going to give you some information about what's going on today I think it may be enlightening hopefully helpful so I do see a connection between Babylon socialism in the last days again how that's going to play out I don't know I'm I can't speak to that it may not be the main thing but in 2nd Thessalonians 2 if you want to turn there while I'm talking you're welcome to do so Paul talks about a man he talks about a man John called him the Antichrist he has other names too we'll see a few of those things though the spirit of Antichrist of course is at work in our world today and Paul wrote this and remember this is God wanting Paul and telling Paul what to write guiding by the Holy Spirit Paul to write this so while this is written by Paul this is from God himself verses 3 through 9 2nd Thessalonians 2 let no one in any way deceive you for it that is the day of the Lord will come will not come unless the apostasy comes first the falling away and the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of destruction who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship so that he takes his seat in the temple of God displaying himself as being God and I love this do you now remember that while I was still with you I was telling you these things he taught them this and you know what restrains him now so that in his time he will be revealed that was the Antichrist for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work even in the first century only he who now restrains will do so until he's taken out of the way then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of his mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of his coming amen to that that is the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan with all power and signs and false wonders now I do believe that the restrainer goes back to Daniel chapter 12 is Michael the Archangel for the nation of Israel you can study that on your own time but consider this and what we're studying here Babylon socialism this man who's going to come up all this power this authority do some of these false lying signs to deceive people hmm this is the Antichrist and this is what he will do but wait a second let's think about this for a second what's he gonna do he's gonna set up an image of himself to be worshipped just like Nebuchadnezzar and just like Antiochus Epiphanes did too by the way you can study that too he put a statue of zeus with his face carved on it in the temple and the man of the jews worship it this means the antichrist somehow someway is going to control the religious system partner with it or create a new one or a mixture of these don't know it's possible so interesting would think way to think about it's nuts go to the book of Revelation so we've gone from Genesis to Daniel now we're gonna go to the Thessalonians and now to Revelation chapter 13 verses to be through eight now verses 1 through 2 way talk about the Beast coming out of the sea and describes that and then to be says this and the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great Authority who's the dragon Satan I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain and his fatal wound was healed and the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast they worshipped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast and they worshipped the beast saying who is like the Beast who is able to wage war with him because there will be those who will try to do so there was given to him and this is an important phrase I want us to keep in mind given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies and authority there it is again to act for forty-two months was given to him and he opened his mouth and blasphemies against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle that is those who dwell in heaven it was also given to him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him all who dwell on the earth will worship Him that is everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain so put these texts together this beast or Antichrist has power given to him first by God everything happens under God's providence and God's sovereign control but even Satan in the nation's give this individual power and authority to do these things basically they say here we are we're here to serve you you can now control us you can do what you want scary stuff but this is what's going to happen and then we have something else take place another beast arises the false prophet defined in revelation 19:20 he also does signs and wonders and by the way this is paganism occultism involved in the last days and he says make an image to this beast revelation 13:14 and then we're going to read verses 15 through 17 about this image and it was given to him that false prophet to give breath to the image of the beast so that this image of the beast would even speak and cause many as do not worship the image of the Beast to be killed remember Babylon you don't worship you don't bowed down what happens you're dead and he causes all the small and the great the rich and the poor the free man the slaves to be given a mark on the right hand or on their forehead and he provides that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has the mark either the name of the beast or the number of his name and there's discussion debate whether six six six or six one six two you can look at the manuscripts and check on that for yourself now we're not told the specifics of this image so I'm not gonna get into that say what's the image gonna be I don't know what's the market if he's gonna be I don't know we're not there yet but I do think it's interesting the false prophet is they actually the one who wants people to get this mark now of course the Beast will be involved but we see here this one world economy controlled by the Beast controlled by we could say the state of government if you want to insert those words to it is state controlled because without this mark you can't do anything you can't buy food you can't sell anything you can't engage in commerce you're out you're up the creek without a paddle as they used to say you can't do anything so when it comes to real life think about what this means for people how you gonna provide for your kids how you gonna provide for your wife how you gonna provide for your grandkids what are you gonna do either you die you trust the Lord or you get the mark just to Lord that's what we need to do but this is I mean this is going to be this is a reality by the way in persecuted countries around the world over in Asia Africa this is a reality for many Christians they get the worst jobs available if they can even get a job so this is not something that's just coming this is a part of this is actually here right now so this state control socialism basically in one sense I also believe that there's a lot more to it that of course we don't have time to get to but I think that technology is going to be involved and I'll talk about that in just a few minutes revelation 17 verses 1 through 10 talk about a woman on a scarlet beast often referred to as the religious system of that day at the end of the age Mystery Babylon the Great and Dave Rosenthal has talked about that we won't get into that but this world is going to wonder at the Beast and there's also reference to 7 Alton's and seven kings now we come to revelation 17 11 through 18 the Beast and of course you can do your own study we just want to highlight a couple things here the beast which was and is not is himself also an eighth and is one of the seven and he goes into destruction the ten horns which you saw are ten Kings who have not received a kingdom but they receive authority as Kings with the Beast for one hour these have one purpose remember Babylon one purpose and they give their power and authority to the Beast verses 14 through 16 talk about the waters and the nations and how this beast and the ten horns or Kings are going to destroy the harlot there's gonna be this battle that does take place for God has put it in their hearts to execute his purpose by having a common purpose interesting huh by giving their Kingdom to the Beast until the words of God will be fulfilled the woman which you saw is the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth so we see a city here also involved within this we see a battle here this is a battle of purposes this is a battle of world view this is a spiritual battle that has been engaged in and will continue to be so for a very very long time God is in control over all things we see the nations joining with this beast to do what he wants we see this great city religious city there's discussion about what it is and where it is that gives power to the beast so religion and state in some way shape or form are also mixed once again even though there's going to be a battle in a separation they're still mixture there this is like Babylon God has a purpose in Revelation 18 tells us of the fall of Babylon the Great verse 3 for all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her and the merchants of the earth have become rich there's money there's finances by the wealth of her sensuality so let's put this together chapter 17 a worldwide religion 13 and 18 worldwide unity and economy with occultism with paganism I cannot under emphasize that or overemphasize that and all controlled by the Antichrist government state just like Babylon just like what socialist and communist countries have done for generations now we must understand what is taking place in our world but I think we also need to understand the impact of technology in our world I work with social media technology can be a wonderful thing if it's used properly but it can also be a very very very dangerous thing we've got an article here that I'm going to quote from here just a minute and you need to be aware artificial intelligence facial recognition software drone technology digital gathering of information you've seen it in the news you will continue to see it because it's happening right now whenever you install an app on your phone guess what you've got to click on that accept you ever read what you're accepting that they can basically take over your phone the camera the microphone they can track you and they do they do and it's usually for marketing purposes but I think there's also a bigger agenda at work here I'm gonna quote from this article from the New York Times is called inside China's dystopian dreams AI shame and lots of cameras from July 2018 I really hope this helps you understand one technology but another how it could possibly be used not just in the present but in the future and we'll finish up with this with millions of cameras and billions of lines of code China is building a high-tech authoritarian future Beijing is embracing technologies like facial recognition and artificial intelligence to identify and track 1.4 billion people that's pretty much the entire nation of China now before I go on I've been to China five times I love this country I love the body of Christ there I have friends who are over there right now and I know what's going on with these new regulations please pray for them but we need to understand what's going on this is a video still showing the Rifai shal recognition software in use at the headquarters of the artificial intelligence company in Beijing you can see the squares and the numbers that's how you are tracked children are also tracked to not just adults so this is not something that is you know a science fiction in the future this is happening right now it that is China wants to assemble a vast and unprecedent precedented national surveillance system with crucial help from its thriving technology industry China is reversing the commonly held vision of Technology is a great Democrat Iser bringing people more freedom and connecting them into the world in China it has brought control very important to understand that in some cities cameras can train stations for China's most wanted already China has an estimated 200 million surveillance cameras four times the amount or as many as the United States such efforts supplement are there systems that track internet use communications hotel stays train and plane trips and even car travel in some places they are tracking apps as well keywords things and that's where the body of Christ has to be very careful over in that country here's a picture Mao mausoleum in Beijing I've been to Beijing it's a huge place 11 cameras in that one location you can count 11 cameras different kinds of cameras surveillance why to track people to make sure you're not doing anything wrong now some places are further along and others that is some places are more surveillance heavy than other places at this time but invasive mass surveillance software has been been set up in the West there's a west side of China to track members of the ogor Muslim minority they live in a police state over in that area in case you don't know to map their relations with friends and family according to software viewed by the New York this is potentially a totally new way listen to this for the government to manage the economy and society this is a New York Times they said this said Martin arcore's EMPA fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics the goal is algorithmic governance there's a new phrase for you shame game is yin yang last summer the police put up cameras linked to facial recognition technology and a big outdoor screen photos of lawbreakers were displayed along there with their names and government ID numbers people were initially excited to see their faces on the board Hey look I'm famous say Guan Yi a spokeswoman until propaganda analysts told them that it was punishment if you don't know China and Asia and other Middle Eastern countries are honor shamed societies if you get shamed your whole family shamed so here is this intersection with that television right there and you can see a picture of somebody right there with the information so if you're just jaywalking your pictures up their names ID numbers the idea is to embarrass offenders into compliance and it worked it's working actually within that society Zhi Jing ping China's top leader has moved to solidify his power changes to Chinese law mean he could rule longer than any other leader since Mao and he has undertaken the broad corruption crackdown that could make him plenty of enemies for support he's turned to the Mao era beliefs in the importance of a cult of personality in the role of the Communist Party in everyday life technology gives him the power to make it happen just like Babylon you know we only think technology is going to be used in the future but guess what they use the cutting-edge technology back in Babylon cutting-edge technology during the time of Daniel 2 it's not going to be in a different in the future China has become the world's biggest market for security and surveillance technology with analysts estimating the country will have almost 300 million cameras installed by 2020 Chinese buyers will snap up more than three-quarters of all servers designed to scan vid footage for faces predicts IHS market a research firm China's police will spend an additional 30 billion in the coming years to tell like this on techno enabled snooping according to one expert quoted in the state media this is a picture a video still showing facial recognition software in this showroom in Beijing and if you actually go up here there's a word Skynet up there and if you know science fiction movies you can look at that yourself but you can see this names tracking cars people information welcome to the world judging public Chinese reaction can be difficult in a country where the news media is controlled by the government still listen to this so far the average Chinese citizen to show a little concern why is that well erratic enforcement of laws and that's true against everything from speeding to assault means the long arm of China's authoritarian government can feel remote from everyday life okay as a result many cheer on the new attempts to law-and-order interesting huh it's one of the biggest intersections in the city the one you just saw said weighing fou Kang a college student who volunteered as a guard of the crosswalk in yin yang it's important that it stays safe and orderly at a building complex in jangheung a facial recognition system is set up to let residents quickly through security gates and listen to this it adds to the police's collection of photos of local residents according to Chinese Communist Party officials you go through there they take a picture they add it to a database finishing this up the whole point is that people don't know if they're being monitored and that uncertainty makes people more obedient said mr. Cruz EMPA the Peterson Institute fellow so interesting stuff going on around the world and they're actually satellites being put into place to do this very thing worldwide so finishing this up now while there are still many uncertainties many unanswered questions the link between bad belong socialism in the last days in some ways I do think is there how it's gonna play out again I don't know I can't say for sure specifically but think about what God's Word says be aware of what's going on we are moving towards this worldwide socialistic surveillance society that means freedom is going to be limited along with everything else and by the way I did not even address Islam in this which many are now saying is connected to this too which by the way supports and promotes socialism and social justice why would they do that that should tell us something as well because it's also linked to a hatred of Israel in case you don't know though the ideas of socialism as we think began in the 1800s organized by Marx implemented by others of course to their own destruction these concepts I do believe began back in Babylon people were unified then also in the neo-babylonian empire under Nebuchadnezzar and as socialism grows around the world and it's call for this around the world I do believe it's going to be a part of the last days along with technology in some way now again much of this is used for marketing purposes but there is a greater agenda we need to be aware of so what do we do are we gonna meal cower in the corner no no but if someone does cower if someone is fearful enough guess what you believe anything anyone and any system that leads you to think you can be safe we just saw that what about us study the Word of God now I do hold to the pre-wrath position and contrary to what is popularly told I do not believe that we will escape the time of the Antichrist I do believe that we will be here to see this just as many Christians around the world today are seeing persecution we in America or in the West are not special in that sense God loves all of his children and we need to be ready for what is coming and we need to tell others what is coming too we need to be prepared also keep up keep up with what's going on around the world as best as you can I mean believe me I understand being busy but learn what's going on politically governmentally technologically persecution of Christians what's going on with Israel as well and don't be afraid don't be afraid this is the time to be bold for Jesus while we still have our freedom amen God is in control and get involved we still have a voice vote speak out warn others learn what your kids and grandkids are being taught in school and get involved and then tell everyone about Jesus while we still have the time now I know this was a lot to take in I do hope it's been impactful and interesting for you and eye-opening as well again I don't know how all this is gonna play out I'm not a prophet nor the son of a prophet I'm not gonna say this is what's gonna happen because I don't know but I do believe there is a connection of some kind that we do need to be aware of and be aware of in the world let's pray real quick here again our gracious God and father we thank you for your word thank you Lord that you are in control that we do not have to be afraid so protect us Lord and yes Lord protect the body of Christ around the world who are being persecuted this day we thank you and we love you and pray that you'll give us wisdom give us discernment give us understanding into what is taking place and where the battle really is give us a love for everyone give us a love for you a passion for you and help us Lord to piece these things together not to be sensationalistic not to hype things but to be realistic and to be prepared because you are the one we live for you are the one by your grace that we will die for - for your glory we ask in Jesus Holy wonderful name amen [Music] you go deeper in your understanding of God his people and his plan for planet Earth Zions fire magazine is an exceptional resource with powerful insights from Scripture that provide a clear understanding of God's ultimate plan for the last days and the return of Jesus Christ as a first-time subscriber you'll receive a free one-year subscription to Zions fire magazine with no strings attached request your free subscription by visiting our website or by calling our toll free number and we'll send you six free issues one every other month for a full year we depend on the generosity of viewers like you to support the ongoing production of these programs your donation whether large or small is greatly appreciated donations may be given online at you
Channel: Zion's Hope
Views: 3,967
Rating: 4.7916665 out of 5
Keywords: Socialism, Socialist, AOC, Bernie Sanders, Democratic Socialism, Bible, Antichirst, End Times, Prophecy, Babylon, Agenda, One World Government, 2nd Coming, Venezuela, Inflation, Marxism, Karl Marx, China, Communism, Soros, George Soros
Id: s4r7OUsW7FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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