Studio Electives - The Lord's Coming Wrath 5.0 - The Temple: Yesterday, and Tomorrow

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good morning good to have you all here again today I appreciate your faithful attendance to our open bible studio electives today for those of you that normally get out your bibles and are ready to write down bible verses and all that kind of stuff believe it or not I don't have any Bible references that I'm using today sacrilege right however we're gonna go through quite a lot of the Bible and I think that you'll know most of it and so I think it'll be a good study some good information for you as we go through our study today and our topic is a little different in that you know we're looking at the breath of history here in particular regarding the lord's coming wrath and this is our fifth session on this and one of the things that we need to understand though and we need to talk about as we deal with this is coming wrath is that the temple is involved during that end time scenario when it comes to the wrath but the temple was also involved early on in history as well and so today we're gonna be talking about the temple yesterday and tomorrow and you'll notice I don't have today because there is no temple today well I'll have to rephrase that there is but we're not going to talk about that just yet we will get to that temple in just a while so let's go ahead and go to the Lord in prayer and then we will begin this trek through history as we talk about this today and father God we're grateful for an opportunity to come together in the name of Jesus Christ to be able to study your word I pray Lord that you would give me the memory and that you would give me the right words as we step through history all the way from the very beginning of creation and all the way through the very end of history as we look at it down the road and so Lord we just dedicate this time to you ask your will to be done help us to be alert and attentive and to be able to grasp everything that'll be mentioned today so we thank you for this time in Jesus name Amen all right so as I look at this topic today we do have to go all the way back to the very beginning because ultimately if you think about it God wanted a relationship with man I mean after all that's part of why he created mankind was so that he would have a relationship with somebody in particular and we know that we were created in God's image of course we now on this side of history have the issue of sin that indwells us which is not a good thing however when everything first started out you know back when it was dark and back when there was nothing going on God said I'm going to make this creation and this creation included the world and the Sun and the stars and the water and the fish and all of that stuff but this creation also included Adam and Eve and Adam and Eve was the very first relationship that he had other than with himself okay does that make sense you know we're created in God's image God said let us create man in our image and we know that we have God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit triune God and we are created the same fashion in the same fashion if you will God the Father is the conscience of God okay God the Son is the physical manifestation of God and God the spirit is the spirit form of God just the same as you have a conscience just the same as you have a physical form and just the same as you have a spirit that is in you that keeps you in essence alive and so God in the garden created Adam and Eve after he created all of the rest of creation Adam and Eve were the greatest part of God's creation does that make sense absolutely everything was supposed to be underneath Adam and Eve all of creation was lesser than Adam and Eve the only thing greater than Adam and Eve was God himself and so we know scripture says that Adam and Eve walked in the garden and God walked with them that was if you will the temple the earth was in essence the temple they had a relationship with him they spoke with him they heard him they talked with him certainly we know that that's the truth because one of the things that they discussed was you can eat all of this fruit in this garden there's a whole bunch of it out there oh just for a simple number we'll say there's ninety nine different plants out there ninety nine different fruits out there and there's one that you can't eat that's the hundreds all right and so what is it that they did though they instead chose to not enjoy this relationship with God anymore and they chose to separate themselves from God didn't believe him and instead believed that a vile serpent that was crawling through and they ended up sinning against the Lord and that relationship was then violated and now there's a separation that's being formed however God still had a personal relationship with his people and we know even with Cain and Abel he had a personal relationship and we know that they knew that they were supposed to bring a sacrifice to the Lord right and that's part of where the big brouhaha in history starts beyond their parents sitting in the garden and now being cast out of that garden we know that God even comes to the brothers the children of Adam and Eve and he says sacrifice and we know that Abel brings an animal sacrifice which by the way that would have been if you will the second one because God is the one who did the first one you recall in the garden Adam and Eve they tried to cover themselves with what fig leaves with you know produce you know whose garden vegetables you know and that that wasn't sufficient to cover their sin from God and so what does God do God puts animal skin on them God has a blood sacrifice to cover over their sin and so that then goes into the life of Cain and Abel they would have known they would have heard god speaking as well because we know that at some point in time God goes to Cain and he says hey sin is crouching at your doorstep what will you do and we know unfortunately that Cain decided he was gonna slay his own brother Abel Abel is the one that brought the good sacrifice the animal sacrifice and Cain is the one that brought the plant sacrifice Cain is the one that had it in his mind to kill his brother who was favored by God and we know though that they did hear from God they did speak to God there was still a personal relationship with God but now things begin to get worse because those children of children of children of children we see in history you move forward in time it becomes worse and worse and worse to worry ventually one day God says oh this is so bad he says my I'm not gonna deal with mankind anymore I've got a hundred and twenty years from mankind and after that it's done and God was going to wipe out all of mankind except for one righteous man a righteous man's wife a righteous man's three children and wives of those three sons okay a total of eight people we know that then is where we move into this time of the boat the ark right Noah and the Great Flood God his relationship with mankind now is so severed that he says we've got to start this whole thing all over again and so he does and we know that there's the flood but what's the very first thing that Noah does as soon as he can set his foot down on dry ground he goes and makes a sacrifice doesn't he that's the very thing he sets up an altar he wants to reestablish his relationship with God and he sets up a sacrifice to the only one the only true God now how does he know that's the only one the only true he survived the rest of him didn't okay in other words his God was the great one that would prevail over any other that those other people considered God right if those other gods were God those people would have survived and they didn't so they were no God's at all were they and so he sets up his altar and he begins with God again to repopulate the earth he has favor he has a relationship with the one the true God time goes on the earth begins to repopulate again things are moving forward in time there's still the need for sacrifices there's still a need to shed blood to cover over the sin of mankind which we know that this has been the process from the beginning of time and now you end up with well this guy who's in a place called or of the Cal DS okay or how would you like to live in the town of Bor no that's the town next door lauralee Cal DS we know him as Abram and Abram here's God and out of all those pagan gods that where did they come from that shows you the heart of mankind pagan gods being brought back in again they started with the one right one on several occasions right in the garden and then here after the flood and now we have Satan deceiving and deceiving and deceiving and so here's this man Abram with his wife Sarai in nor of the Cowley's and he hears God and he says go where I send you and he packs up his family and they go what an amazing thing what an amazing statement of faith how did he know other than his relationship with his God was true and was verified was certified in his own heart that there is no other amongst all these pagan ones now here's the thing that's challenging though because at some point in time as he's raising his own children he ends up with his son well he wanted to have children it didn't quite work out the way he had originally planned right I mean he's getting to be an old man and he is told well sir I says look we're not gonna have children it's that simple going to my handmaid Hagar write and have your child with her and will in essence adopt him as our own and that would have been Ishmael but God told him no no no that's not what I said I will give you a child and sure enough don't you know it he's 99 years old and he has a son and this is his true son this is Isaac not that Ishmael wasn't blessed go back and look in Scripture and you'll see Ishmael had twelve tribes of his own okay but here we end up then with Abraham now his name has been changed he's the father of many people and he has a son named Isaac and as this child is growing he would have been about twelve thirteen fourteen something like that by now he's strong enough to carry wood and God says I want you to go to the place that I'm gonna show you and I want you to sacrifice your son there on an altar what that's the day that you want to stay in bed you don't want to get out of bed but yet God sends him and so he in faith goes because she see scripture shows that he knew that God had made promises to him and those promises were gonna come through this one son okay and so whatever God's gonna do if God has me take my son's life like it seems like he's going to then God has to bring him back to life though he may be dead as God is gonna have to bring it back to life because my god promised me and I believed him and so that's what they do they travel bring a couple servants with them he would have been a very wealthy man by the way Abraham and so his son says dad we've got the wood we've got the fire where's the sacrifice that's a real good question son that's a real good question but right now tag you're it now you know Isaac could have just gotten up and run away but Isaac apparently was a son of faith as well right I mean Isaac here his dad isn't a hundred and whatever years old by now right let's say that Isaac was twelve dad was ninety-nine when he was born when they conceived alright so we'll say a hundred and twelve years old this is after the flood so they're not living 900 years like they had been so I'm thinking that Isaac could have gotten away and yet he doesn't he allows himself to be bound and we know that he is put on an altar and well he was going to be the sacrifice and now back in those days the way that you would do the sacrifice you know we have the image of you know Abraham taking his knife and raising it and just shoving it into his son's chest you know that's not the way it would have been done it would have been done the way sacrifices are done which would have been to Nick the artery and let the animal bleed out and that's what he would have done for his son okay and yet God in his desire to have his relationship with man is now showing a picture of what's going to happen in building that relationship down the road yes there will be a sacrifice oh it would have been Isaac but no it's not him is a substitute and there will be a substitute for all of you if you will accept what I'm going to do Abraham a man and faith goes he's ready to put the knife into his son's neck and we know that there's an angel that stops him a messenger of the Lord and says stop I see that you're one of faith and so here I'm providing you a substitute and there in the thicket in the thorn bush in the bush that was there there was an animal caught by the horns being caught by the horns is very important because you don't bruise horns that animal sacrifice had to be without blemish that's why it was caught by the horns so that it wouldn't be bruised wouldn't be cut by being in that bush and that's the animal that would have been substituted I'm sure the Isaac was very grateful I'm sure that Abraham was very grateful by the way I love this picture because I'm very grateful as well okay and so we know then that things happen Abraham Isaac Jacob you know there's all these family line that happens promises made to Isaac promises made to Jacob we know that eventually jacob's name has changed to remember that jacob's name becomes Israel exactly in Israel he has some children one of the children though he ended up away from the family see what was that guy's name he was Joseph yeah he was the one that you guys think I don't know and I'm just trying to fish for an answer right yeah Joseph ended up down in Egypt didn't he because of the wiles of his brother the evil of his brother yet God preserves Joseph and we know then that that is something that eventually God uses Egypt to save his people and we see that a multitude of times in history where God uses Egypt to save his people from famine and those kinds of things and so Joseph ends up down there and Egypt has great favour he's like the number two guy right taken out of her prison and becomes the number two guy there in Egypt just behind Pharaoh he was as powerful as Pharaoh been there's famine in the land in Israel and we know that Israel takes his family I think it's I think the Bible says something like 72 people something like that and they ended up heading down to Egypt because guess who was there waiting for them guess who knew that they were coming because of his relationship that he was able to establish with his family again even though it was his own siblings that tried to do him in but this is all because God wanted to have a relationship with mankind he's going to preserve his people promises have been made promises have to be kept and if Israel is destroyed and wiped out God can't keep his promises and therefore he is no God at all is he and so we know then that the land of goshen is the area that's given to them the nation of Israel grows and grows and strength and all of a sudden now Pharaohs who don't know who Joseph is they start to go away in a minute we don't we're kind of confession we're concerned about these guys too many angry immigrants coming into our country and they're growing so fast and there's so many of them and they start to take them and make them slaves instead and it becomes really really bad for a while and then there's this guy his name is Moses he shows up out of Pharaoh's own house by accident because God is going to preserve the nation of Israel right and Pharaoh's daughter sees him floating down a river how convenient but this is the hand of God and we know though that through Moses we end up with the nation of Israel being preserved we know of course about the ten plagues rights being brought against Pharaoh and ultimately we know we've got the Passover time period that happens we're put the blood on the doorpost and your family will be saved everybody with me all right all right good and of course then Moses ends up leading all the people of Israel out God has favored upon the people of Israel and he leads them from this land of goshen in this land of slavery wherever they may have been and they all evacuate get in the way aren't they did was God with them did they know God was with them absolutely how because God showed up in a pill smoke during the day and a pillar of fire by night how encouraging was that and whenever they were moving along he would leave them as a pillar of smoke and at night a pillar of fire oh wait a minute here come the Egyptians y'all need to get across the little water bed over here and so he stands God stands between them and the Egyptian army Moses does his thing Open Sesame or whatever he says and we Miller the land are the water parts and and a million people however many people there were they walk across in essence what wouldn't have been water but now is dry land and they make it to the other side Moses gets the cross too and then God lets that water flood over and wipe out the entire Egyptian army that's there because God wants to preserve his relationship with the people of Israel and yet these people are sinners I mean it's almost as soon as they're out there saying hey we want to go back to Egypt what have you done you brought us out here to the desert Moses is gone no God brought you out into the desert have faith in Him and they're going no no no no but then all of a sudden it was Ya Ya Ya Ya because Moses now ends up there with them at Mount Sinai and the presence of God shows up on Mount Sinai remember Moses was saying show me who you are and God says if I do that you'll be destroyed I'll just let you see my hinder parts and he covers him over up there because the people of Israel had said o Moses wait a minute you go talk to him we're not gonna go talk to him and we know though that that mountain was a sacred area which it's very very likely that now Saudi Arabia is opening up again it has been closed for all these years which they are now opening up again for the first time for tourism okay very very amazing and it's not the one that most people have thought Mount Sinai where there's this monastery and all the other stuff that's going on it's not there but we know that Moses ends up going up there God wanting to continue to his build his relationship with the people Israel tells Moses hey I got a book for you well it's some tablet never been happy all right go ahead and carry these things down we know they end up well broken but he ends up with a good Xerox copy all right made by the hand of God and so we end up then with Moses bringing these tablets with the Ten Commandments down to the people of Israel and he says what will you do with what I'm bringing you will you have a relationship with God or not and they said oh yes we will we will and immediately they turned away from that but yes they said they would they would and so among the things that Moses brought down from the mountain was knowledge that God had given him and you know what this whole relationship thing just doesn't seem to be working with you people you're just not quite grasping God and the presence of God and so we're gonna change the rules a little bit certainly you're gonna be wandering in the wilderness for some time which we know events it was 40 years and the presence of God you will know exactly where the presence of God is and the way that you'll know that is Moses you've got to build a building but it's gonna be a portable building and so we know we have the wilderness Tabernacle that the people of Israel would have been assembling out of skins and posts and things of that nature and they would have built what we would might maybe call up a simple temple structure an outer wall to it only certain people were allowed at certain places it had an altar where they would sacrifice animals and then the presence of God was in this thing though this building that they had that they carry they disassembled any time they moved they had to take the thing apart and they had to move it had to put it back up again and then they had the camp around it in a certain way everybody knew where the presence of God was okay inside there was a runt a room in the front in that room in the front the holy place once you walked inside on the right hand side was a table that had loaves of bread on it you'll notice in the image that here that we have here the picture that we've got here over here you can see this gentleman right there he's got bread okay that would have been the table of showbread would have had a loaf of bread for each of the 12 tribes of Israel that was swapped out on a regular basis eventually though it wasn't swapped out on a regular basis as the priests of Israel started to say why are we even doing this anymore again they've got this structure they know where God's presence is gonna be later on down the line they just start rejecting even the very things that they know that they're supposed to do okay so the table of showbread would have been here okay would have been like we see here okay there was also an altar of incense right and hope I'm not blinding you over there altar of incense right here in the center that would have been in the center of the room back toward a veil or a curtain that would have been there and then over here you can see we've got an Ark of the Covenant or whether it's the menorah menorah is over there you see it seven bull menorah on that side okay that would have had seven Bowl menorah which is different than the one that you see used for Passover and all the other things all right this is the one that the temple would have had and then of course we've got this structure right here which is the Ark of the Covenant and on the top of that they've got these two angelic statues that are there and that would have been known as the mercy seat inside of this what was in there okay we've got okay the staff of Aaron and manna okay that mana would have been what God had made as they were eating in the wilderness so a reminder of what they were eating in the wilderness we're missing one thing okay that was what she said to staff yes the tablets exactly right okay so we got those three things that would have been inside those are the tablets that Moses came down from the mountain with and they would have been stored inside of here okay keep that keep that tablets part in mind okay so this is the first formal physical structure now that's required of them for worship we move forward in time the nation of Israel is becoming greater we have some separation between them ten northern tribes two southern tribes some fighting and quarreling and things like that and other nations that are coming against them and things like that it's it's a bruja and eventually though there's this little shepherd boy an amazing guy I love him okay and this little shepherd boy actually his brothers were out fighting a war and he goes out one day and his dad says hey go take him some food and so he goes out and while he's out delivering food you know they kind of Ratelle him like just stay back stay back and he hears though the taunts of the Philistines and the taunts included your God is no good your God is nothing why don't you guys just give up and one guy stands up there he's like nine feet tall this guy's huge right his name is Goliath and he says send out your best warrior every one of those people were cowards but David oh remember him David goes and he ends up defeating that Goliath right and David eventually becomes King David is an amazing man a man after God's own heart and yet he's also the very man that took another man's wife okay got her pregnant brought that man back from the battlefield tried to convince him to go and have a relationship with his wife so that he would think the David son was his son and that faithful husband to that wife was also faithful to the king and he said I will not go in to my wife because my comrades are fighting at war I will stay outside the house of the King with the servants and he sleeps there that night well David scheming keep in mind now this is the man who's after God's own heart he schemes and he brings that man and again Uriah the Hittite brings him into the house again and says your Isle let's party one more time and gets him drunk thinking that now you're I ha ha go and spend time with your wife and he will still won't do it so David writes a scroll seals it up and inside that scroll he tells him to go to Joab on the Battlefront these are my orders to Joab on the Battlefront and the order said put your eye where the battle is hottest back away from him and let him be killed by the enemy and that's exactly what happened this man who was supposed to be the man after God's own heart is also a sinner Wow I find myself not much different than him I perhaps haven't sent somebody to the battlefield like that but I know in my mind what I've thought right maybe I haven't committed adultery with another man's wife like that but maybe in my mind I know you know how men are oh she's hot it's not a good thing anyhow the David doll always comes back to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob always comes back never goes after false gods always comes back deals with a sin issue at some point in time and he is a man after God's own heart praise the Lord for David he's a great example for me okay if not for you he wants to build a temple though because all the gods around their area there had their own temples he wants to build his own temple and God says well actually the prophecies yes go ahead God would be pleased with that but then the Prophet comes by because there's no God told me no you can't because you're a man of war you've got blood on your hands certainly the blood of Uriah the Hittite on your hands if not blood from a war however your son Solomon is the one that's going to build that temple for me David gathered all the gold gathered all silver gathered all kinds of things including Cedars from Lebanon we know that Solomon ends up becoming the next guy who's going to rule very wise wise man I you know I kind of understand that statement he was a wise man so why is even that his reputation was heard in other nations around there was one particular gal that really took a liking to him okay the queen of the Queen of Sheba right and she heard about his wisdom and she came and learned from him it's believed that they may have probably had a relationship of some kind perhaps even with children we know though that because now Solomon's the king that he ends up being the one who gathers all the Cedars and all the other stuff and he ends up building the first solid structure that doesn't move and when the dedicate that temple the presence of God fills that holy of Holy's remember that Ark of the Covenant that was in the back room remember I told you that there was the table of showbread and there was the seven bull menorah and there was the altar of incense then beyond that curtain that would have been there there would have been the Holy of Holies and in there is where the Ark of the Covenant would have been with the tablets with the rat the rod of Aaron that budded and then also with the manna that was in that container there and that's where the presence of God would be when they dedicated the Temple of Solomon built God's presence filled that room they couldn't go in that room for five days the presence of God was so a word that we use to loosely nowadays awesome so awesome well time goes by and the presence of God is in that temple now solid structure which by the way that solid structure was built on the same hill where Abraham took Isaac to sacrifice Mount Moriah okay we see that he'll show up again and again and again that Hill is actually a ridge okay as a matter of fact when David began his rule and was pulling the twelve tribes of Israel together he attacked the city called Jeb use the Gebbie sites were in sight there and actually Joab one of his generals goes and finds a way to get into the city through a water tunnel that was there comes up inside opens the gates they come and they take over the city of Jeb use it becomes the City of David and guess what that's Mount Moriah and so David's Palace would have been on the southern end of where the temple would have been located Mount Moriah so all these things happen right there our Mount Moriah so all the way from the the shedding of the blood of the lamb or the RAM that Abraham would have sacrificed now moving forward the temple would have been built on that structure and now moving forward things get worse and worse the people begin to reject God more and more Ezekiel ends up prophesying against Israel and the presence of God in the Book of Ezekiel chapters 8 through 10 right in that vicinity the presence of God comes out of the holy of Holy's okay leaves his place if you could contain God leaves his place on the Ark of the Covenant right on the mercy seat comes out through the various gates we see it in chapters 8 through 10 of Ezekiel goes across the Kidron Valley over to the Mount of Olives and stopping stopping stopping almost as if to say does anybody even notice that I'm leaving with somebody please invite me to stay and yet gets over to the Mount of Olives in the presence of God departs and it's now we end up with these prophecies against the nation of Israel a period of about 40 years passes and we end up then with this terminology that we hear Ichabod okay now the glory of God has departed the glory of God has departed a very sad time in the nation of Israel's history I hate to say it but in essence the glory of God has never entered a temple again ever okay so we end up then with more Kings and things like that and a guy named Julia Kim a guy named Joe Hoya chin some prophecies made about you'll never have a son sit on the throne of David so you end up with the final King Zedekiah in poor Zedekiah right there is when the Babylonian empires now becoming the greatest Babylonian Empire they come in they take over Zedekiah they grab Zedekiah his two sons Zedekiah the last thing that he sees is his two sons being killed before him and then his eyes were put out okay that is the last king that Israel has ever had okay so we end up moving forward in time and that's right around the time that the ark vanishes okay 40 years somewhere in that window Babylonian Empire is about to begin here we know that the ark vanishes not sure where it went some people say it was actually given to the Queen of Sheba actually maybe her son who might have been Solomon's son you understand what I'm saying and it would have been brought down to that area of Sheba which would be like what many people think is today modern-day Aksum just like the coffee shop we have downstairs all right that it may be there and there are some people that say yes it's inside the building down there but nobody has ever been able to actually see it there are some priests who say it's in there but nobody's ever been able to see it so it was a very beautiful structure though very beautiful Ark is made out of gold and it's taken on more and more interest as we move forward in time but it vanished completely gone we don't know where it went exactly some people say that it was actually under the art of the temple mount's that we have today during a 1967 war there were a couple of rabbis that say that they saw it underneath there you know but because it was walled and stuff they couldn't get to it and then of course it the whole politics of the United Nations and everything and it just never worked out that they could get back under there again and things were blocked up they say that they saw it under there whether or not that's true I don't know but anyhow now we end up with the Babylonian Empire we end up with a guy named Jeremiah who begins to prophesy along with a guy named Farouk okay and in the prophecy he says that there will be 70 years that Israel will be captive seventy years because there were 490 years that they didn't celebrate the Jubilee year for the fields of Israel so every seventh year is the Jubilee and so there were going to be for 490 years divided by seven that's gonna be 70 70 years one year for each of the Jubilees that we're not celebrated they were going to end up in captivity and so Jeremiah writes that down and that scroll starts to go around amongst all the people who are bigwigs if you will and so you end up then with Daniel now in the Babylonian captivity becoming one of the major players in the Babylonian Empire and he's also studying Scripture that he's able to get his hands on and he reads this passage of Jeremiah and he understands whoa Babylonian captivity it's almost over then 70 years it's almost over then so that means that we will be freed very very soon and so that became Daniels understanding but Daniel had other prophecies and stuff that he was aware of as well you know and they he's the one actually if we call it the backbone of history in terms of end times prophecy we know that Daniel is the one who lays out the final scheme of things and that's also involving 490 years okay and he says that from a certain point in time that there's gonna be some stuff that happens and so we move forward and sure enough don't you know what the Babylonian Empire ends which by the way the Babylonian Empire was great for 73 years and 70 of those years it had power over Israel I'm thinking that God just invented the Babylonian Empire just long enough to be able to take and do what he needed to do and then they were able to be discarded does that make sense okay anyhow there's this guy named Cyrus Cyrus ends up getting some kind of a heart for Israel and he actually gives them back all of the implements that they would have used for the sacrificial system and so Israel's able to get all those things back and then there's another guy named artaxerxes artaxerxes is the one who makes the decree that says look you guys need to go back and you need to rebuild your city you need to rebuild your temple and so that's an amazing degree because this guy actually has nothing to do with Judaism at all he's a pagan Emperor a pagan King and so we know then that uh well Nehemiah he's the one who goes back he secretly now starts to investigate and starts to look at the city and starts to determine what needs to be done din order to be able to rebuild the walls oh boy this is gonna be bad though because they're gonna have conflict there are people that don't want those walls rebuilt and so they would have set up a plan what are we gonna do how are we gonna do it all at the same time you've got this guy named Ezra he's praying fervently Lord we need to rebuild this we need to rebuild the city we need to rebuild the temple and so they come up with this plan which by the way happens to coincide with exactly what Daniel said Daniel said that there were going to be seven sevens of years okay in other words forty-nine years that the city will be built in trouble sometimes that the temple will be built in troublesome times and that's exactly what happened it took him 49 years from the time that artaxerxes let them go back to Jerusalem Nehemiah did his thing Ezra was doing his things a rubber Bell remember him he doesn't get any respect sir rubber Bell who's the last time when was the last time you heard anybody named the rubber Bell okay he just doesn't get any credit that he's do all right but he's a good guy all right anyhow these these in essence these three are the major players that we see in Scripture who are pulling back now the city it took him 49 years to rebuild the city they had gone and built themselves houses first they've started to rebuild the walls ended up with conflicts they said well let's set that aside for a moment let's build ourselves from houses and then they start to realize wait a minute we build houses for ourselves what about for our God we're supposed to have a temple here and they finally started to rebuild and that's where they ended up building this new temple structure now the thing is there had been people old old people who had seen the temple in its heyday the one that Solomon built and they were hoping for the day one day maybe it'll be built again and they see now the temple that's been built by Ezra Nehemiah Ezra Bell and those guys and at the same time there were people that had never seen the first temple but they had been saying oh if we could just have a temple again just to have a temple again if we God could you please just give us a temple again wait a minute why are they doing all that because their relationship with God had been severed they knew it they wanted to let's rebuild this relationship with god we've been slaves for all this time maybe he can come to our rescue the thing that's interesting is that the ones that had seen the Solomonic temple they were crying they were mourning and how poor of a temple they actually had the ones that had never seen solomon's temple rejoicing there were tears for sadness and tears for joy you couldn't tell the difference between the two of them okay because the ones that had never seen a temple at least now finally had a temple so it was very conflicted time for these people back in those days anyway Ezra ends up reading they find some scriptures there and Ezra ends up reading these long lost scriptures and they started at the beginning and they read all the way as one of my friends used to say from cover to cover from cover to cover okay they started and they did not stop until they got done read all the scriptures how'd you like a church service like that today can we do that in 25 minutes past okay anyhow they read these long lost scriptures and they say yes we want this we want to do this we want to have a relationship with that God again they commit themselves to it around that time then a little bit later on we've got this guy named Ezekiel he has other prophecies and he's got the prophecy of the dry bones right that's the one where the valley of the dry bones where there's these bones and somehow a nation is going to come up out of nothing right there's just gonna be bones and suddenly they're gonna come back to life well guess what the nation of Israel was gone okay and here now they're coming back after the Babylonian captivity you know Persians right they end up coming back Jerusalem becomes populated again the nation of Israel starts to grow again but they have no king oh by the way in the temple that they built the presence of God never end well that temple it was just a building it was just a shell but those priests were going in every year and they were saying that they were offering a sacrifice and God had manifested himself in a in a cloud of smoke inside there and that God had accepted the atonement for their sins year after year after year those priests were lying to their people saying you've got the best relationship with God you've ever had and actually had no relationship at all I wonder how they were judged when they got to the gates anyhow the valley of dry bones well we ended up moving forward in time we know that Israel ends up with well a whole Roman thing you know they all come in we know that the presence of God shows up in the form of a man his name is Jesus interestingly he spends 33 US years amongst them does amazing miracles that nobody's ever been able to do starts to establish a relationship with some of the people but the the priesthood rejects him outright and we know that he ends up going to that temple structure and on one particular day he's finally had it and he says so Israel Israel Jerusalem Jerusalem I would have been like a mother hand to you guys would have taken you put you under my wing my presence could have been dwelt to the home that you've built for me and yet you've rejected me and we know that very similar to the way the presence of God in the days of Ezekiel's prophecy ends up coming out of in essence we'll say the Holy of Holies and then out the gates and out across the Kidron Valley and over to the Mount of Olives that's exactly what Jesus does walks over to the Mount of Olives and he says this is it now it's time for me to be crucified and the very presence of God is crucified on the cross there and can you imagine God dying and yeah this is interesting because if you think about it there has to be a separation in order for God to take the sin of mankind that he cannot dwell with there has to be a separation that he's willing to pay to complete the process the sin of all of mankind yours and mine every human being that's ever existed were put on to God in the physical form and he literally died my God my God why have you forsaken me you think about it what happens if you pull your spirit out of your body now you die right what happens if you pull your conscience and consciousness out of your body you're at least a vegetable right what happens if you kill your physical body you're certainly dead as well well here this is the first time that God the Father God the Son and God the spirit were being separated from each other completely separated from each other and he did that for you and me for anybody who would accept his sacrifice on that cross for anybody who would accept the substitution of that RAM like Abraham and Isaac had seen all those years ago where there was a substitutionary RAM he is the substitutionary Ram he is the Lamb of God away the sin of the world for anybody who accepts that but for the vast majority of the people in those days they rejected it but the temple changed that building had nothing in it but the temple changed at that point in time what happens Christ's dead on the cross now buried risen from the dead on the third day dwells amongst those people for another forty days and then he says I've got to go but wait for my comforter now the temple changes from a solid physical structure now to human form right here I am looking at the temple of God for those of you that have accepted Christ as your Savior His Spirit has indwelt you that never happened in history past only a king might have had the Spirit of God upon him only a prophet might have had the Spirit of God upon him but now for all believers the Spirit of God can end well them you become the temple almost the same as well when you were back in the time of Adam and Eve were they communicated with God that's how intense and how close he wants his relationship with you but now he is indwelling you he didn't do that with Adam and Eve now his Spirit indwells you well the temple Pentecost that's when that happens and things have changed Ezekiel talks about an N times temple though it's a physical structure chapters 40 to 46 go look that up for yourself Matthew talks about an end times temple in chapter 24 and book of Matthew okay we know that as now Jesus is ascended and we know that things are moving forward we know that these texts are being written we know that the Romans are there general Titus he sets up an army and they come against the city of Jerusalem they destroy the city of Jerusalem in AD 70 he says do not destroy the temple however the zealots that were there fighting against the Romans they go and they hide inside the temple some of those soldiers grabbed a hold of branches they start throwing them in any opening that they can find they light those things on fire everybody inside their parishes the temple is destroyed we know that the gold panel that were inside that temple melt and they just dripped down the walls inside and all that gold starts to fall into the crevices between all of this marble they literally disassembled that structure because it was not needed anymore anyway because the temple is not that building the temple is the people of faith and they disassemble that building stone by stone as Jesus had said when he was coming across that Kidron Valley he says see that not one stone will be left upon another and he was right he was right they ended up taking all of those goodies you know the gold the silver the marble and they also took fifty thousand slaves from that area of Jerusalem which would have been the very guys that built that temple and it just finished eight years before those craftsmen they took back with them to Rome and with that gold with that silver with those craftsmen they ended up building the Colosseum in Rome John talks about an end times temple that's where the book of Revelation comes into play now about 90 AD and we end up then Revelation chapter 11 talks about that they found a map 19 actually in 1884 this is a map that was made of what was the Temple Mount at that time okay keep in mind now the ottoman turk empire had already been through there and in the 1500s even though the romans had destroyed it the ottoman turk empire they end up rebuilding it putting the walls back up nowhere near like it was before they just kind of throw the stones wherever they could we know that to be a fact if you go to other and you visit but this you can see here the way that the structures are laid out here of course that's gonna be the Dome of the rock right right there over here is what's known as the al-aqsa mosque we'll get to this in a moment and then down here is the eastern gate and I'm gonna show you each of those right now ok so here we have the view this is from the Mount of Olives so you are in the east looking toward the west ok this is north up here south down that way West back there east this way ok standing on the Mount of Olives looking at this structure and so like I mentioned there are three different facilities up there so as we get in a little bit closer the first one that we're gonna look at is the al-aqsa mosque which is over here on the left-hand side that a Lhasa masa is is a mosque as a place of worship of a false god boy am I being politically incorrect Allah alright and so this is the building that they would do that worship in okay this is on top of the structure that would have been rebuilt or would have been built up by King Herod the Great right and so the Muslims ended up taking over the property they ended up building this place of worship there and so that's where the Muslims today will go when they go up to the Temple Mount for worship which by the way the Jewish people don't have control of this Temple Mount the Muslims do ok so again that's over on that left-hand side as we look again toward the center we end up with this building that's called the Dome of the rock right there in the center that is not a mosque it's supposed to be a memorial for where Muhammad supposedly from Saudi Arabia ends up being whisked away from there all the way over here to conveniently the third most religious site of the nation of the Muslims right and so supposedly here he was whisked then up into heaven on I think a white horse and he was told how that people should pray and then he was supposed to come down and he was supposed to tell his people how they were supposed to break when he came back to Saudi Arabia right in my humble opinion that's a lie ok that's a lie and if any of you believe that it's the truth and you don't believe the same God that I believe because there's only one God and that God would not do that with the people of the Muslim religion ok so that's that golden dome building very beautiful by the way ok very beautiful and again back that's in the center of the structure then down there on the bottom you know there's that gate that eastern gate which you can see over here on this right-hand side right over here and I'm gonna highlight that for you the eastern gate also known as the Golden Gate right as a double arched gate if you look at it and it's blocked when they were rebuilding this walled area back in the 1500s the there were a few Jewish people that were there and they said oh yeah go ahead and build that gate because there's Bible prophecy that the Messiah is gonna come through that gate and the Muslim said oh really we'll rebuild that gate we're gonna block it that way your Messiah can't come in now I got to tell you the Muslims aren't very confident in their own God are they I mean their guy can't keep the Jewish God out of here at least they're gonna block it right so they block it up not only that they also put a cemetery out here because they believe that the Messiah would not defile himself before walking up into the temple area so that's why we have what we have there today so the question is though where was the temple located there are a multitude of theories out there I'm going to give you one from logic and from history and I'm hoping that I'm right because it makes a lot of sense all right but I'm gonna again tell you speculation but I think you'll you'll be able to travel with me so the question is where was that temple located so we're going to go look not at the Bible but we're gonna look at traditional Jewish writings because there were things that were written back in those days that are good records for example in the Bible you've heard of the Apocrypha all right Catholic Bible has the Apocrypha in it these are texts that we know are historical and they are good reference material but we don't believe that they were inspired by God does that make sense we understand a lot about history because of the Apocrypha but as we keep moving forward then we're going to look at these traditional Jewish writings and one of those traditional writings is called the Talmud okay the Talmud is a Hebrew word meaning the learning or the instruction so these are the oral traditions consisting primarily of discussions and commentary on the Jewish history the law especially and this is important how it applied to life at those times okay in other words what they used to do during those times are carried written in the Talmud the customs and the culture the town would consist also of what's known as the Mishnah and the Gemara the Mishnah then again if you will a sub of the Talmud it consists of six divisions or what they are calling orders and then we are concerned in particular with the order that's called the collage team shame I am is plural so the coda or the Colossians plural which deals mostly with the religious service within the Temple in Jerusalem so I'm going now to text that were written about the religious service at the time that temple stood okay their understanding of what was done during the time that the temple stood and so we're going into that into a particular book called the meat dogs am i DDOT you can find this online yourself and it's composed in Israel now this particular text around 190 to 230 so it's not terribly long after the destruction of the nation of Israel basically a hundred years 120 years these priests though would have been passed down to generations by then so they would have still had the oral transition of information from one generation to the next in the priesthood in the in the rabbis and those kinds of things right so it contains details of though about the temple measurements and the temple procedures so specifically we're gonna look at the me dolt chapter two verse four and here's exactly what it says okay alright now now okay look I know you all or spirit-led right I know that you all are close to the Lord because you are the temple of God right and so I'm pretty confident if you will just stare at it for just a moment just look at it very carefully that I think you'll begin to have the revelation of what it actually says I think that you and your own spirits will be able to see that what it's really telling you is that all of the walls okay listen carefully now all the walls that were around the temple okay so now picture somewhere wherever that temple was all the walls that were around the temple were high except for the eastern wall now keep in mind the eastern wall is the one that faces the Mount of Olives so that's the one that we were looking at so that the coen that's the priest who would burn the red heifer could stand on top of the Mount of anointing in other words he could stand on the top of the Mount of Olives so imagine now you've got the wall there's a priest on the Mount of Olives and he's looking back at the eastern wall to see the opening of the vestibule so he's looking over the wall he's looking through the various gates which one of those is called the gate beautiful you remember that okay that led into the court of the women right and then there was the Nicanor gate or the Corinthian gate okay that leads into the court of the man and then there's the vestibule which is the entrance the holy place and what this is saying is that that priest could look and see the opening of the vestibule over that eastern wall at the time that he sprinkled the blood of the red heifer so he would actually be able to look into the Holy of Holies from the Mount of Olives if it was all the way opened all the way does that make sense so if today that gate that we're talking about here then again remember this eastern gate down here if that's the gate they're talking about and which by the way they have built that gate over the original gate okay so if this is the gate that they're talking about and the Mount of Olives is down here okay and again let's look at this real briefly the Mount of Olives is actually closest you see right here this is the Mount of Olives that's the closest point right there to that gate okay to that entrance actually to the whole area okay so if that's where they're standing up there somewhere in the Mount of Olives looking over that eastern gate then and we know that it's closest right there at that point and the other thing that we need to consider is what were they looking at so again we're going back to our map and here's what they were looking at okay I went up there I took this picture there's a flat area up there along half about halfway up the Mount of Olives then there's a large cliff right behind where I'm standing I can't go back any further a Palestinian village up there I'm standing with my back to this cliff if you will and I'm looking straight aligned with that gauge see how I'm aligned right here okay that's exactly what I'm looking at is I look over that gate the reason that I know that is I am perfectly aligned with these walls in other words I can't see that wall I can't see that wall I'm perfectly aligned with that gate makes sense everybody with me all right as I'm standing on this hill now notice where the Dome of the rock is is that at all lined up with this gate no it's not so just so you know if what I'm saying is true they don't have to move that building I've had people call me up on the phone literally here and say we need to blow up that building I'm going why so we can build the temple I'm going to no you don't need to build that temple first of all if you're a Christian you are the temple but second of all you don't have to get rid of that building if what I'm saying is true okay again this is you can see my Liman these are all my pictures I took these myself okay I'm standing perfectly aligned with this and again the arrow pointing now notice at the top of the arrow though see right up there once you notice carefully a little red dot shows up okay a little tiny insignificant thing and again I'm gonna go back to my pictures and I've zoomed in even further and you see here's that gate and what you see lined up with where that red dot would be it's a little cupula right here see that perfectly lined up directly in the center of that gate that's exactly right there that monument there is called the dome of the spirit dome of the spirit but it also has another name which I find very very interesting what did I tell you to remember a while ago I told you to remember the tablets didn't I okay where were the tablets they were inside the arc where was the Ark of the Covenant was located in the Holy of Holies all right interestingly that's the secondary name for that cupola done with the tablets all right so if what I'm saying is true then what we're looking at is this structure right here okay you'll notice the base you'll notice this whole area paver stones everywhere except for inside that cupola that's bedrock that has come all the way up so all those paver stones are built around that one high point of bedrock again is the dome of the tablets what would have been there if that's called the dome of the tablets and if that's where it literally was what would have been there would have been the Ark of the Covenant right there are gonna come in right there okay again you see that's bedrock that's not paper stones so here's the alignment then if what the Talmud says the method says okay here's the alignment let's put that temple structure in the proper size in its place okay and you can see you'd be looking over you'd be looking through you'd be lined up perfectly with that structure right there okay so this in essence would have been what the temple is going to look like in the future right now notice though there's a center structure and there's a sidewall area okay now first of all this is the center temple just design okay excuse the image I found it I don't know where I found that I found this a long long time ago I apologize for anybody that I stole it from okay all right but you'll notice though that that's the main temple structure okay but then also around the outside is a wall and biblically it's described as having more space to the right hand side than to the left hand side okay I'm gonna run this back again okay see how the difference is between those two see what I'm saying so there's more room on the right hand side the entrance is down here more room on the right-hand side if you were to take that structure and you look in Revelation chapter 11 verse one and two and says and there was given me a reed like a rod and the angel stood saying rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and them that worship therein but the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles so outside this wall is given to the Gentiles and the Holy City shall they trampled underfoot 42 months that's the second half of the final seven years of Scripture so here's in essence what we're talking about right there see that Dome of the rock you take exactly the measurements that you see in Scripture you build it you put it right over the top of that dome of the tablets where the Holy of Holies is and there's exactly a perfect alignment between this temple in that building with the wall between okay don't have to move anything don't have to move anything so this is in essence the size of it on that whole temple mount area again there are other theories there are other theories but I'm going by what was written in traditional history back to within 200 years well you got to go 70 AD 70 AD plus another 120 so within 120 years of the destruction of the temple and so I'm just trying to give you a possible location a possible alignment today though they go to the Western Wall the Wailing Wall that's the closest location they can get to what where the temple would have been which would have been up here but you know the Jewish people are down here praying today and of course they're very fervent you know do what they call Davin you know where they're doing the bowing they're trying to tremble before the Lord but they're also keeping their bodies physically involved and very very loyal people you'll notice in these walls that there's papers that are tucked there those are the prayers of people that have come and they put those there thinking that God will remember them by putting their prayers there and they've got the TEFL em they also go and they celebrate their bar mitzvahs there of course they've got all the various devices and it's a very celebratory time the men have two thirds of this structure on the left-hand side where they can worship but you see the wall there that divides off the one third for the women on the other side so it's a separation of men and women but they're celebrating a bar mitzvah for a young man they typically do those on Thursdays there now and they dance and things like that and they have him read some of the scripture this is where a young man a young boy now becomes a man of the scriptures okay and you can see the division between the women and the men they're women of course are very faithful as well they end up going there they pray they touch the walls they put their prayers in there as well and so there is going to be a temple though one day in the future they've even started building the implements for those temples seven bolt menorah gold okay gold and when you go to Jerusalem with us we take you there so you can see it it's for real this is the one that they're planning on putting inside the temple that will be built okay and you can see it's the golden menorah was recreated for the first time since the destruction of the simple Second Temple according to the research conducted by the temple Institute this is the temple Institute they have again rebuilt everything that's needed the only thing is they don't have a building yet and so perhaps one day the building will look something like this okay if that's the alignment so I know I've taken so much of your time I appreciate your faithfulness I appreciate you listening I think that it's important that we understand that there was a temple in the past you are the temple now there's not a temple needed in the future other than to fulfill prophecy okay so continue to be the temple yesterday and tomorrow you are the temple today and so thank you very much for being here for our current study on the lord's coming wrath that was version 5.0 [Music] you go deeper in your understanding of God his people and his plan for planet Earth Zions fire magazine is an exceptional resource with powerful insights from Scripture that provide a clear understanding of God's ultimate plan for the last days and the return of Jesus Christ as a first-time subscriber you'll receive a free one-year subscription to Zions fire magazine with no strings attached request your free subscription by visiting our website or by calling our toll free number and we'll send you six free issues one every other month for a full year we depend on the generosity of viewers like you to support the ongoing production of these programs your donation whether large or small is greatly appreciated donations may be given online at you
Channel: Zion's Hope
Views: 1,735
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: God's Wrath, Pre Wrath Rapture, What is God's Wrath, The Temple in Jerusalem, The Temple Then, Does God judge, The Temple today, Jerusalem Temple, Solomon's Temple, Herod's Temple, The Temple in Jesus day
Id: ZaZrQ33sq9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 41sec (3941 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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