Studio Electives - The Islamic Antichrist: The Book of Daniel with Bob Hunt

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this morning be a little bit different topic than David's and as I look at the Islamic Antichrist and I place down the Book of Daniel now obviously I'm not going to cover the whole Book of Daniel but I'm going to try and pull out some information that will I believe through Daniel's visions and his dreams that will help edify us teach us perhaps what the coming Antichrist the Empire of his reign will look like so that as believers we can be aware and we can use that information and not be caught off guard so their faith is not shaken but also to use it to teach others to not be alarmed that this is the end is coming there and therefore be ready so there's good reason to be looking at this information let's come to the Lord in prayer before we look at Daniel whether God we thank you for this morning we thank you for your word we thank you for the man of God Daniel that you used to relay this information and write it down and we thank you for who you are is God over the whole universe even today orchestrating the events of the end and we thank you most of all for Jesus Christ who died for our sins and made eternity possible we wish and pray that this morning would be a glory to you in an honor to your son as we look and see your plan for the end we pray these things through Christ Holy Name Amen all right we're going to begin with chapter 2 and I hope you're familiar with Daniel everybody familiar with Daniel at least some knowledge of it okay you either don't want to raise your hands or you truly don't know Daniel either way I will touch briefly about what each chapter is about but Daniel basically has these four visions that God has given to our dreams as the text may say chapter 2 is about a statue chapter 7 about four beasts chapter 8 is about a ram and a go at war with one another chapter 11 is about the king of the north all these visions as you will see are related to one another all of these visions will build upon the previous one and add more information about the coming Antichrist and his empire so as we look at these we can build and we can see the characteristics of what this end times empire will look like and ultimately its king or its leader who will be the Antichrist the Antichrist to come so let's begin and we'll dig in to chapter 2 and I hope you're there again we're not going to read all the verses but just to refresh our memory let's look at verse 1 now in the second year of Nebuchadnezzar's rain because Nebuchadnezzar is king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar had dreams in his spirit was so troubled that his sleep left him so he's very bothered by whatever this dream was that he was going to have and he would seek out people who would perhaps help him understand this dream and he comes and Daniel offers his explanation we'll go over to verse 32 verse 32 as he gives us some detail 32 and 33 explains this image that he sees and the images as I stated a statue and he starts to explain it this images head was of fine gold its chest and arms of silver its belly and thighs of bronze its legs of iron his feet partly of iron and partly of clay so he gives us a quick overview of what that is what he's seeing so that we as readers can get a picture do you have that picture your mind and of course we may have heard this picture before let's glance now down over to verse 38 and verse 39 and wherever the children of men dwell for the beasts of the field and the birds of the heaven he has given them into your hand and has made you ruler over them all and remembered David Daniel is addressing Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon you are this head of gold clearly now we know who the head is it's Babylon it's his kingdom it's his empire verse 39 but after you shall arise another Kingdom inferior to yours than another a third kingdom of bronze which shall rule over all the earth so again now we learn from these couple of verses here that we're talking about kingdoms so they statue with the gold and the silver and the bronze is now representing kingdoms we know that the first kingdom then is going to be Babylon and he will be the head so I kind of put this chart together now this chart is going to come with us through all of the different visions so we can see how Daniel is building upon this chart like I said God's Word says clearly the gold is the head is Babylon but he doesn't tell us what the chest the silver the thighs the bronze are or the black which is the iron to use for iron but he will as time goes on so I would like to suggest that the chest is media Persia which comes after Babylon the next is Greece which is the bronze which would come at the media Persia and then finally where Daniels attention is always drawn as to this last one which I've labeled the Antichrist empire so far most of the theologians who have studied this agree with this presentation I want to focus in on the legs and the feet the iron that he has so I want to and I've placed up here Daniel chapter 2 verse 40 now remember we're looking for characteristics of this final Empire or the final empires King so in verse 40 where he starts off in the fourth Kingdom the iron shall be strong as iron and as much as I embrace in pieces and shatters everything and like iron that crushes to hear the words and the kingdom will break in pieces and crush all the others so your impression of this kingdom that's about to rise or will rise is one that I have labeled as vicious it crushes it breaks it shatters it just doesn't come in and take over and take over reign it's one that's going to get the impression here going to eliminate everything in its sight so this is the first characteristic the first attribute I want a place before you and as you think of kingdoms around the world that exists today and have existed what Kingdom would come to mind that could possibly fit well war is ugly in all war has some element of viciousness and shattering to it and breaking but I think that as I consider Islam and their history and the Ottoman Empire and all the Turkish empires in the way they existed they did some things that other empires didn't they would come in and they would crush and they would replace the culture and enforce their own religion upon the people that they would come in and defeat probably like no other now we could argue that if this was the only point that I had we could maybe argue this one but it's not there are more points that Daniel is about to make let's go to the next verse which is 41 and 42 remember more characteristics of this final Empire whereas you saw the feet and toes so the tension now is going from legs down to the feet and the toes partly of potters clay partly of iron the kingdom shall be divided the kingdom shall be divided if the strength of the iron shall be in it just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay and as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile I've drawn a conclusion on those two verses and I've said well this will be a divided Kingdom so in some sense it'll be unified as toes are on a feet but in some sense there'll be division to it where the beasts part of the government will be strong and part of it will be weak my first thought went to the Republicans and the Democrats but I got that thought out of my mind quickly cuz it's not the United States but as I glanced around our world and I said well what Empire could rise up that's dead it would be divided and again my my thoughts went to Islam where we have the Sunnis and the Shiites and I've been doing battle ever since Muhammad died over who's gonna rule you know the Sunnis at a larger group the Shiites are the smaller but I could see them fitting very easily into that mold where they would be a dividing they would be unified in one sense but divided in another sense and I considered the toes there in verse 42 how many toes are there Ted we'll talk about that when we get into the next one which is right now so we're done with chapter 2 we've pulled out two characteristics one of them is this one here about a divided Kingdom and the other is the viciousness of the kingdom that will arise so now let's go into chapter 7 well look at the four beasts and again we're going to emphasize the final beast empire let's look at verse 1 of chapter 7 so we can get our bearings over where we are chapter 7 verse 1 1 through 3 in the first year of Belshazzar king of babylon daniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed then he wrote down the dream telling the main facts daniel spoke saying i saw in my vision by night and behold the four winds of heaven was stirring up the great sea and four great beasts came up from the sea each different from the other so you see the four beasts again this is related somehow in in concept to the statue so instead of four elements we have four beasts rising up and then we look over in verse 17 we are told those great beasts which are four are four kings which will arise out of the earth Kings in their Kingdom so again were Daniel's referencing and re referencing these four empires so again we'll go back to my chart but instead of gold and silver bronze and an iron black I'd like to insert the lion the bear is media Persia the leopard as Greece and the Beast whom he calls just the Beast as the Islamic or the Antichrist empire so again he's giving us basically the same information through a different dream but in this case he's going to start to elaborate but first he'll start off with the same characteristic the fourth beast which is where Daniels attention he doesn't spend much time wanting to know about the first three he wants to know about the fourth one okay fourth beast she'll be a fourth Kingdom on earth which shall be different from all the kingdoms and it shall devour the whole earth trample it and break it in pieces again this is the same characteristic we saw in Chapter two as applied to that final kingdom of iron but then as he goes on in this section and the next verse he the ten horns remember the ten toes now they're ten horns and horn very often and more likely than not is a king in the Old Testament in fact he says here the ten horns of ten Kings who shall arise from this kingdom so how did this final Empire whatever it may be there's going to arise ten kings and another shall rise after them and he shall be different from the first one and shall de subdue three kings we see here is we have these ten Kings rising up of this Empire so these are rulers and leaders of this Empire perhaps as a coalition ruling over this Empire which I got to thinking what kind of Empire would have a coalition trying to rule over it and my mind went directly to the Islamic caliphate which several are being tried to being developed where there are Islamic leaders coming together rulers and leaders they're trying to pull together a Caliphate which is being would be used to rule the world is what they want to see happen they haven't been successful thus far and I believe just within the last week anyway I read something that Isis's Caliphate fell it finally conquered now I'm not sure it'll be stayed conquered but it fell but that's not the only one that's being attempted to arise because in the Islamic religion it is thought that the final one of the final steps before their leader comes back is going to be a Caliphate will rise up to rule the world this verse here very likely could be pointing us to that and I tried to think of another Empire exist today that may fill that shoes and I can't think of one people say European Union well I don't see that as being very powerful in the world today very weak at this time besides it's not going to fit with the rest of our characteristics but here in this verse and another shall arise after them different from the first ones and that's your Antichrist he will come up you see the division where he subdues three kings a hint of division it's in Chapter seven also that daniel labels this guide the little horn the little horn so again another name for the Antichrist the next verse we see is a fascinating verse because it gives us a lot of characteristics about our Antichrist he Antichrist little horn whatever you want to call them he shall speak pompous words against the most high and the most high of course being God the Father pompous words being boastful blasphemous arrogance God denying so we're looking for an empire I figure that's going to be again tygon for any other word he's anti got it by anti God I mean anti God our God Yahweh in the Bible not any other God but so we're looking for a figure according to Daniel that's going to be anti Yahweh in this verse also we see that he'll persecute the Saints of the Most High the followers of God of the Bible now primarily Daniels talking about the Jewish people but we could also see from other parts of scripture this would Poland's Christians also so not only is he going to be anti God he's going to be anti Jewish anti Christian this Empire this King that is vicious that runs a divided Kingdom is going to be against Christians and Jews and against God and we see a very familiar passage of time at the end of this then the Saints shall be given it and for a time and times and half times we know that from Revelation and Daniel and other passages that's three and a half years as students of Scripture we understand and we know when that is that's the final three and a half years of Daniels 70th week the seven-year period this is the time where the Antichrist will rise up in the middle three and a half years and then for a three and a half years he will do uh persecute the Saints very familiar passage of time seen by this Antichrist but I want to show you one thing that's very interesting will we leave this verse and it's stuck right there in the middle and shall intend to change times and law that's very interesting because was we look at the different countries the different religions the different world empires of today which one would do you think would attempt to change times and change laws let's look at times first you can see I put up there twenty two or a job one four four zero right I know that's no surprise you knew that was today you knew that was today according to the Muslim calendar they don't abide by the Christian due date Judeo calendar that we use it is not the year 2019 it is 1440 in their account or they use lunar years to count time so wherever they are they go by their lunar calendar they based this calendar of course on Mohammed Mohammed this started when Muhammad went from Mecca to Medina and started the first Muslim colony and from there time began they reset the times they also have a different day of worship Friday they don't technically call it worship it's prayer time but a time of prayer so Sunday wouldn't be the first day of the week the attempt to change it and bla I think every one of us are gonna jump right to Sharia law right I read this week that up in Dearborn Michigan now you know Dearborn Michigan right I don't understand their thinking but they're actually voting or attempting the voter to bring it in Sharia law to rule their city in the United States I'm like how did this happen yeah this is something that the Islamic then the Muslims want to do is bring it in and in fact when they conquer a region they will bring in and enforce the Sharia law we saw that happen when Isis was going about Iraq they would conquer a city they would enforce Sharia law say well that will happen there that'll never happen here or anyplace no have you watch they will force it so again look at this first insidious album who out there as an empire is best going to fit the pompous attitude against God against his followers Jews and Christians for three and a half years they're going to persecute against who's going to try and change the times and the law what group is out there today again I want to point you down that at my opinion it is going to be the Islamic religion which means we're having an Islamic Antichrist we're not done let's keep going chapter 8 the RAM and the goat we have two animals here let's look at chapter 8 verse one in the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar a vision appeared to me to meet Daniel after the one that appeared to me the first time okay we know we've got another vision going on here but I want to bring you over to chapter 2 verse 20 so chapter 8 verse 20 we know that this is a war between a ram and a goat a ram and ago but he gives us some very clear information in these two verses the RAM which you saw having the two horns they are the kings of media and Persia okay remember I said that Daniel would tell us further on down the road who that second kingdom is here it is very clearly media and Persia verse 21 in a male goat is the kingdom of Greece so now we know the name for the third kingdom the large horn that is between its eyes is the first king we know from history that's Alexander the Great Alexander the Great so we have this picture and I want to put our chart up here again there's no need to talk about Babylon because now we're talking about the RAM and the goat but we're still within the same framework remember I said Daniels taking us down a road and giving us more information so now the silver chest bear is a ramp Paul's telling us the same story likewise the goat is now Greece let's look at verse 22 as for the broken horn that's Alexander the Great and the floor that stood up in its place for Kingdom shall arise out of that nation clearly from historical point of view we can see this in history this is easily what they call the diadochi which is the four kingdoms that arose out of Alexander's Kingdom after he died it's such detail as this that liberal scholars will look at the Book of Daniel and say there's no way a guy could come up with this information in 550 BC to this detail about something a couple hundred years ago and I would add unless he has given the vision by God again proof of what this book actually is the last Kingdom these are the cassandra' ptolemy Antigonus and the Salukis I put Seleucid because that's Kingdom this is a kingdom that is just north of Israel just north and that's important because many other passages of scripture say that the Antichrist will come from where out of the north today this would be what we would call Iraq Iran parts of Asia maybe even into Turkey what I would call the old heart of the Assyrian Empire and again this is why we pay so much attention to what's going on in the Middle East now as we continue looking at this verse look at 23 and 24 following a king Jenna's attention goes to this King verse 9 he calls him a little horn so again tying it with chapter 7 he says about this king having fierce features who understands sinister schemes his power shall be mighty interesting but not by his own power you catch that by his own power whose power then I made it easy for you down the bottom Satan Satan's power will be driving this Antichrist figure this final king he shall destroy fearfully and shall prosper and thrive he's just destroy the mighty and also the holy people I placed in there for you Antiochus Epiphanes have you heard of that name before Antiochus he's a historical figure who did in fact rule the Seleucid Empire as king and he were brought quite a lot of destruction to that empire he was very mighty but this Antiochus Epiphanes is a picture a portrayal of the coming Antichrist in many ways he will be fierce he will be sinister he will be mighty he will be satanic li led a picture of what's to come here we focus on the last part of that verse destroy the mighty and also the holy people the holy people are Israel if we go back to chapter 8 verse 9 we see that in verse 11 he'll stop sacrifice he'll destroy the sanctuary he'll fling truth meaning God's Word to the side again we can see his hatred for the Jewish people and ultimately against God's people all told he will actively attack and go after there will be extreme anti-semitic behavior here as he goes actively against the religion of Judaism again who in our world today what group of people has this kind of hatred built into their empire look at verse 25 he shall cause deceit that word deceit is very important because we hear that in Christ's cry look at matthew 24:5 I'm the Christ and I will deceive many he's talking about what the Antichrist was going to do deception is going to prosper it says here in verse 25 he should all exalt himself in his heart he shall even rise against the Prince of princes clearly that's Christ himself so now we're hearing that he's going to be against Jesus and he's gonna oppose him anti means opposed or in place of makes perfect sense but he shall be broken without human means God will ultimately take him out of the picture I placed in there in yellow and Islamic muddy Islamic muddy by the way the word Christ means anointed one anointed one it's not his last name the Mahdi is going to come he is considered the Islamic anointed one in fact he would be called properly an Islamic Christ and he will come and he will deceive many and say that Christianity is wrong and he will turn the tables and flip flip the world upside down if he could through deception and he will deceive many so we have a deceptive Antichrist king who will be coming characteristics of the Antichrist Daniel 11 our last chapter to look at called king of of the north I put chapter 11 up there but I want to begin our discussion in chapter 10 verse 4 because chapter 10 really is an introduction to chapter 11 the whole chapter basically introduces the facts of chapter 11 but let's look at just a couple verses in 10 to look at verse 4 first so if you're with me now on the 24th day of the first month as I was by the side of the Great River that is the Tigris I lifted my eyes and look to behold a certain man clothed in linen whose waist was girded with gold of UEFA's so Daniel now has a vision or a dream or some kind of Oracle that he can now see someone before him in verse 7 in I Daniel alone saw the vision but a man who were with me did not see the vision but a great terror fell upon them so that they fled to hide themselves I don't know what was going on in that area or what they saw but the terror that came upon them just made them all flee to the side scooti now over to 11 where Daniel starts to talk about some of the details with this messenger it's a rather lengthy chapter so I won't go through it but let me summarize the first 20 verses the first 20 verses they talk about the rise in the fall of Persia which is our third Kingdom talks about the different wars that occur the different kings that occur that rise up then he talks about the rise of Alexander the Great his reign has falled the rise of the four kingdoms right after that known as the diadochi it's going to bring us all the way up to verse 21 which is where I want to start in a moment because I want to talk about this king antiochus the fourth Epiphanes who is a portrayal I believe or a picture of the coming anti-christ out of the Seleucid Kingdom from the north as I said we look back at a chart we're now done with Babylon we're done with RAM from media Persia we're moving on to Greece we're focusing in on Antiochus Epiphanes leading into the little horn Antichrist Empire so as I said we'll go to verse 21 remember we're looking for characteristics and this guy Antiochus is giving us characteristics of what we will be looking for in the Antichrist and in his place shall arise and this is the rising of Antiochus a vile despicable in other words person to whom they will not give the honor of royalty listen to this but he shall come in peaceably come in peaceably and seize the kingdom by intrigue intrigue simply means by flattery or smooth words depending on your translation so he's going to come in using deception verse 23 says deceiving the people he will come in with some sort of peaceable type of plan and perhaps it's even what we were talking about earlier David was about a peace plan in the Middle East but he's coming in with the intent to seize it it says to grab it how by deceit by smooth words by flattery he will barter his way into a position of power so be alert deception is his main tool I placed down there a term called the Islamic takea takea that is a Islamic term that Muhammad himself came up with out of one of her hadith not the Quran which he says it is play it is fine to lie to other people to promote the religion of Islam or to propagate it or to protect yourself in the religion it's okay to lie you can deceive people all you want and that will be used perhaps by this Antichrist but you know as I looked even at our country did you notice and I don't want to pick on anybody but the rise of Muslim political leaders let me ask you one thing is that by chance or by accident or by plan they will deny it under the rules of takea it's okay to lie many will be deceived I have a an acquaintance or somebody I know who's an ex Muslim and was involved very strongly in the Islamic religion in Pakistan he's got a fascinating story I won't get into it but he told me that this takea is absolutely real and us Americans are being deceived at the political level we have our eyes closed while so just America it's worldwide because they portray themselves as a religion of peace come in peaceably and seize the kingdom remember Islam and I don't want to be called an Islamophobia I'm not afraid of Islamic people but I am concerned about the Islamic religion because it's so anti-jewish anti-christian but the religion of Islam is very much a spiritual religion and a military political religion and we need to not forget that continuing on I want to scoot over to 3031 again we're picking out things about this Antiochus who represents the Antichrist he shall be grieve return and rage against the holy Covenant that's the covenant of works of law that will be a reinstituted in Israel in Jerusalem he shall return show regard for those who forsake the holy Covenant and forces shall be mustered by him and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress then they shall take away the daily sacrifices and place there the abomination of desolation did you hear that we've heard that term before the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel this happened through Antiochus Epiphanes in about the year 168 BC but this term this act of gross defilement in the temple became so important to our end times philosophies through the person of Jesus Christ he quoted that in Matthew 24:15 you could connect these two verses if you like therefore when you see when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the Holy Place whoever reads this let him understand this statement by Christ is some two hundred years after the actual event by Antiochus Epiphanes two hundred years later Christ is saying when you see so does he mean the event that happened 200 years ago no what he's pointing us to is an event that will very much mirror the same event that this guy Antiochus who has all of the characteristics of the coming Antichrist when you see this and then he goes on to what will happen in Matthew 24 but it's an event that we will be looking for and are looking for in the in the Middle East continuing on now chapter xxxii 11 of Daniel 32 through 45 we're going to end here in this passage and but I think the Islamic nature of the Antichrist really comes out in this section turn if you would to 11 verse 32 I want to read just a few verses before we examine them up here beginning in verse 32 thirty two those who do wickedly against the Covenant he shall corrupt with flattery but the people who know their God again this is Jews and perhaps Christians know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits and those are the people who understand shall instruct many yet for many days they shall fall by the sword is the martyrdom that we hear in flame and by captivity and plundering so there's the hatred against Jews being enacted by this Antichrist now when they fall they shall be aided with a little help but many shall join with them by intrigued as a falling away going away from them they will join and some of those understanding shall fall to refine them purify them make them white until the time of the end because it is still for the appointed time then the king the Antichrist shall do according to his own will and she he'll exalt and magnify himself above every God shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods and shall prospect of a wrath has been accomplished but what he has been determined shall be done yet most of that information we've already brought out in the other passages but we can see the wickedness the viciousness of this Antichrist person where I want to bring you as to verse 37 fascinating two verses here because it gives us some insight into his characteristics he shall regard neither the god of his father's the God of his father's a lot of people have discussed that and debated it Regan doesn't regard that means he will reject the god of his father's what Empire what religion has a god of his father's that to be rejected if you think of the Islamic religion where did they draw their roots in their ancestry back to who Abraham who was Abraham worshiping Yahweh he is going to reject the god of his father's meaning he's going to reject to God himself the most high a characteristic of this Antichrist continuing on we have nor the desire of women as is thrown people into a tizzy nah he's homosexual wrong oh well he doesn't like women well you might say that about the Islamic religion in some ways but wrong I do want you to know as you look at this first paragraph up here nor the desire women that falls in between neither the god of his father's which is talking about a god and it falls into between nor regard any God do you see that it's falling in between two phrases talking about the god of his father's nor any God so why would he want to talk about women or homosexuals in the middle what would you expect him to say be talking about hey God hey God so what God could be represented by the phrase the desire of women there are two candidates and I gave them down to you at the bottom if you can see it the god Tammuz god Tammuz called the Queen of Heaven or Ishtar in some of it and we're going to celebrate Ishtar coming up how we I'm just kidding but Ezekiel spoke about them or about the women they were weeping over Ishtar OA Tammuz in Ezekiel 8:14 write it down go look because they were worshipping that God but also there's a Hebraic phrase with a titled Jesus Christ as the desire of women why because in chapter 3 of Genesis verse 15 it says the Messiah will be coming from the seed of a woman if you are a Jewish woman would you not want to have the Messiah could be the desire of the women so either what I lean more towards Christ and it flows very nicely the god of the father's God Jesus Christ nor any their God it all makes sense within that passage you exalt himself above them all won't regard any other God now but in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses very interesting a god of war some of your Bibles may say so what is what god of war comes to mind ha right away Allah through the method of jihad go to war to propagate to promote the religion of Islam if we must kill the end of infidels if they don't convert to Islam a God of War in direct contrast to our God of love that's why I can never believe people think that Allah and Yahweh are the same they're totally different in their makeup one is real when one is make-believe but anyway this characteristic of being a warlike God moving on a god which his father's did not know interesting because if we look at that the word Allah Sun God was around pre-islamic times before Islam was about but it was Muhammad that really popularized in Mesopotamia and around the world now the term the God Allah so his father's back in Israel may have heard about it but they did not know about the God Allah and he shall honor with gold and silver and precious stones and precious things again all of these things point us to I think in Islamic Antichrist now the rest of chapter 11 finishes with let's turn if you would look how it finishes verse 45 and he Antichrist shall plant the tents of his path of his palace between the Seas and the glorious holy mountain boy that sounds a lot a lot like you know the valley of Jezreel yet he shall come to his end and no one will help him we know the end well I want to summarize all of this so that you can look at I kind of put it into 13 different categories he will have a final crushing Empire a divided Kingdom a kingdom alliance in other words there'll be other Kings with a Caliphate around him he will be anti-god anti-fur of Yahweh he will alter the times and the laws of the planet he would be fierce sinister satanic anti-semitic he will attack Jews deception will reign amok he will be the fulfillment of the abomination of desolation he will have no regard for God no regard for Christ he will honor that God of War and honor a new God we look at our world today and I want to challenge you to think what Empire what world's system today best fits this list given to us by Daniel the prophet I watched a television show and I'll end with this I don't do it often I was scooting by on eschatology I don't do it because it drives me crazy these two guys will stand in the air or sitting there talking about eschatology so I said okay let me listen for a second and they were talking about how in end times when Christ comes back there will be a Russian invasion of Israel making way for a Roman Antichrist I looked at my list and I said okay Roman Antichrist I think I have a better solution it seems to me that one coming out of the Middle East from an Islamic nation with the hatred they have against the Jews and Christians rising up fits much better into Daniels portrayal and characteristics of an antichrist than any Roman European Union or whatever Antichrist would be I'll let you chew on that for a while but let's close in prayer wow the God we thank you for your word and the simplicity of what it is sometimes and Lord we thank you for the wisdom that we can in the words of Daniel now Lord give us that wisdom to look into our world to be able to just see your work your handiwork come as your plan of salvation your plan of of culmination is about to come upon the planet and let us not be quiet about it there's comfort Christians but inform those who do not know you about what is about to hit planet earth we thank you we praise you and it is again we give you glory and praise through Christ our Lord amen [Music] you go deeper in your understanding of God his people and his plan for planet Earth Zions fire magazine is an exceptional resource with 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Channel: Zion's Hope
Views: 4,723
Rating: 4.4468083 out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Antichrist, Islamic Antichrist, Bible, Prophecy, Prophetic, Daniel, Scripture, Character, Attributes, The Islamic Antichrist
Id: gLNoIuUlG5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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