Studio Electives - Earthquakes in the End Times with Michael Ufferman

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Zions hope is advocates for what's known as the pre-wrath rapture position which is different than the pre-trib mid-trib and post-trib positions that most churches in the United States adhere to however we do see that the pre-wrath position is becoming much more popular and we get a lot of phone calls that come in I tend to be the one who answers them some very very good and valid questions that people have about the timing and specifics and normally it boils down to definitions in order to be able to understand exactly what it is that's going on when it comes to the pre-wrath rapture position of the church I end up because of all these phone calls I end up hitting on topics that as I'm talking to them going yeah I wonder about that okay and so this topic today is going to be one of those topics that I wonder about that and so we're gonna be taking a look at earthquakes in the end times there are a number of them that are spoken of and the simplest place to look for what these earthquakes are about is going to be going into the end times book the one book is specifically dedicated to that purpose and that's going to be the book of Revelation and so when we look in the book of Revelation we see that there's a chunk of these in different places for different purposes and so we're going to go ahead and start out by taking a look at the book of Revelation in chapter 6 in chapter 6 is the area that tends to talk about the seals that are on the scroll that Jesus has taken out of the hand of God our Father and he's now starting to pop those seals open so we'll go through those really quickly we'll take a look at Matthew 24 as well to relate the the two passages together a little bit so that then we can get an idea of the timing of some of what we're talking about and we should be able to see some timing through most of what we're talking about as we go through these passages that we're looking at today but I'd like to start out with prayer first now that I've gotten that preface out of the way and so let's go ahead and ask the Lord for understanding and wisdom and so father we do come to you briefly and just ask that you would give us insight today into the things that we're getting ready to study that you'd help us to see some main words some thoughts that you have that are recurring throughout and how you use earthquakes in the Bible that we read today to lay out some timing as we move through the end times chronology and so be with us help us to have wisdom help us to have understanding and help this your feeble servant to be able to communicate properly and we pray this in Jesus name Amen okay so if you've got your Bible revelation chapter six and we'll be starting in verse 1 again this is the area where the seals start to be spoken of that are on this scroll that Jesus has if you don't have your Bible not to worry we have it up here on the screen and I'm going to kind of summarize and go through this kind of quickly since I don't have enough time for all of the material that I've got but that's why I'm kind of jumping you'll notice already I'm going from verse 1 to verse 3 I'm pulling out some stuff in the middle and it'll end up being verse 5 in verse 7 so I'm not reading through directly but I'm summarizing so as we look at verse 1 though we see that the Lamb that's Jesus now who has this scroll in his hands is opening up the first seal it says one of the seals in the King James Version whichever one that is it's the first one that he's opened up and it says behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow this is the arrival of the Antichrist based upon our pre-wrath understanding of how this all plays out in this end time scenario so the Antichrist shows up and of course many minions with him who are having the power if you will of Christ saying that they are Christ of course trying to deceive many as they go through that time period so we've got the first seal is popped open there's a white horse and rider and a false Christ Antichrist and then other minions that come with him and then in verse three it talks about the second seal was opened up and there was another horse that shows up there and a rider as well that horse and rider are able to take peace from the earth and this is as we understand it the area that talks about there are going to be wars and rumors of wars will come into Matthew and we'll take a look at that in just a moment but this is where now Antichrist is starting to gain more power he's starting to bring the battle to those who are against him and forcing people to join his side then in verse 5 it talks about opening up the third seal and that third seal we see that there's a black horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hands this is where famine begins this is where food becomes very expensive and again more control gained by Antichrist as we move forward through this time period chapter hour verse 7 excuse me it says opening the fourth seal then we have a pale horse and his name that sat on him was death and if you think about it that death comes from the wars and rumors of wars that death comes from the famine that death comes from the Antichrist and his minions that are exerting their power and strength against all of the people that are around and so we see that hell followed with him and so that's the first several verses there and then we continue in verse 7 it talks about power was given unto them over a fourth part of the earth now whether that's a geographical fourth like all of the Middle East you know is that a fourth part of the earth or is it worldwide I'm thinking it's eventually going to be worldwide at least as things start there in the Middle East and then ripple out to the rest of the world we do see verses that would indicate that the Jewish people are certainly persecuted in a terrible way and but also Gentile believers are persecuted in a terrible way as well so power was given unto them over a fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword that's the Wars rumors of wars with hunger that's the famine in the land and with death and with the beasts of the earth the beasts being Antichrist because you know we call the Antichrist the Beast you know the mark of the beast for example we talked about that okay so this is talking about the Antichrist and his minions having power and bringing death to people and then we end up with the fifth seal being opened up in verse 9 and we see under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and these are the souls of those in history passed up to that moment in time that had been slain for their faith in the Lord they're under the altar of God it's a place of privilege a place of holding for them because they gave their life in defense of the gospel whether it's the Old Testament good news or the New Testament good news they're there and then we know though that there's more that are going to come there in verse 9 and continues and it was said unto them that they should rest for a little season until their fellow-servants also and their brethren so these are the like kind of people who will also come and end up under the altar that they should be killed as they were so the people that are under the altar are those that were killed and those that are going to join them are joining them because they too will be killed and they're held in this place of privilege underneath the altar of God okay and then we jump down to verse 12 and it says there that I beheld and he opened the sixth seal and lo here we go there was a great earthquake okay so this is the first time that we really see in this end time scenario there's a great earthquake now just to lay this out for you we're gonna go into Matthew 24 in just a minute and I'm going to confirm what I'm getting ready to tell you but the horses and riders take up basically the first three and a half years of the last seven years many people call that last seven years the tribulation okay again the Bible does not call that seven years the tribulation anywhere that term does not exist we know that scripture does talk about the great tribulation which I'm gonna go to in just a moment but here up until the midpoint we've got those four horse and riders okay Antichrist shows up he gains power with wars and rumors of wars in other words threats against people to join him or else we also have famine because of the wars for one maybe controlling of food supplies for another famine in the land and then we also have then that death and famine pestilence those kinds of things are all culminating in the first three and a half years then we have the Great Tribulation that begins according to the Book of Daniel that clearly starts at the midpoint of that seven years so three and a half years into it we have the Great Tribulation that begins the persecution against the Jewish people and then rippling out eventually into Christianity as well okay so at the midpoint then we've got this Great Tribulation we don't know how long that Great Tribulation goes just to make it a simple mathematical number do not quote me do not go and say Mike is naming dates and times don't do that I'm just trying to make it simple okay so we've got three and a half years to the midpoint let's say just to make the math easy three and a half plus a year-and-a-half takes us five years that year and a half we'll a is the Great Tribulation okay so in other words there's persecution against Jewish people ramping up and then eventually against Christianity ramping up becoming very very intense so just for kicks will say that goes about a year and a half so a total of now five years into that seven year period of time and then we have this event here this sixth seal ok the sixth seal popped open then is where there's a great earthquake I want you to remember that great earthquake and the events surrounding this great earthquake we see that the Sun becomes black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood so what we actually have here are two events that we would see we have an earthquake and we have a cosmic event in the sky does that make sense okay so two events just for her a round number don't quote me on it did did anybody hear me just now saying don't quote me on this I'm just making sure my microphone is working okay don't quote me on this but just for a round number we'll say five years into that seven years then there's going to be this earthquake and there's gonna be this sign and the Sun the moon in the stars that sign in the Sun the moon and the stars according to the book of Joel comes before the dreadful day of the Lord so everything that's happened up until this point in time is not God's wrath we had to have the sign and the Sun the moon and the stars before the dreadful day of the Lord so if five years was approximately what we're talking about this has not been God's wrath that's been Antichrist it's been Antichrist minions it's been Antichrist armies it's been Antichrist controlling of food its death brought on by Antichrist all these things great persecution brought on by Antichrist in all of his minions those who are for him this is all Antichrist God's wrath has not yet begun everybody with me okay so we're like five years into it and then God says okay if I don't do something all of my people are gonna die and for the sake of the elect then he cuts it short everybody who is mine out of the pool the rest of you stay in and that's where we end up with the sign of the Sun the Moon and stars and we're gonna end up seeing the rapture shortly thereafter but we have this earthquake that goes along with this cosmic event typically in science hope talk about the cosmic we event we don't refer to the earthquake but there is definitely an earthquake here and when we talk about earthquake they're not little earthquakes you know it's not like there was one I think somebody mentioned to me this morning there was an earthquake up in Alaska just the other day okay it's not like oh yeah up there in Alaska no it's going to be an earthquake that is recognizable and noticeable and terrible that everybody will know whoa there has never been anything like that before buildings falling down cities falling down this kind of stuff okay so there's a cosmic event like has never happened before we've never seen the Sun go out we've never seen the moon go up we've never seen the scar the stars vanish we've never had a time where it's perfectly black all over the world this will be like that in that day totally black all over the world and then we can also assume that there will be an earthquake that will be felt all over the world okay so we have this earthquake and we have this cosmic event and it says here and the heaven departed as a scroll again cosmic event that we're talking about here when it's rolled together so what happens when you roll a scroll together can you see it anymore no you can't read it anymore can you okay and that's the whole point everything is going to vanish in the sky and every mountain and Island were moved out of their places now how many mountains and how many Islands every okay now is that only in the Middle East I mean when you ask I tell you so I grew up in Puerto Rico that's not the Middle East but I think it's included here in every ok every island all right so we're talking about a worldwide catastrophic in some sense earthquake that will be felt by everybody okay so we're talking about every mountain how many mountains are there not many in Florida so we're safe here right all right up in the northern part of Florida maybe but no every mountain not some of the mountains not just the middle eastern mountains not Mount Ararat alone okay every mountain and every island you're not gonna be able to get away from this earthquake and you're not gonna be able to get away from seeing the sky turning totally black the sky this cosmic event rolling up we continue to read here then in verse 15 and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bondman refree man how many is that that's like everybody isn't it everybody's gonna realize something serious is going on of course there's been this massive earthquake and there's also been this cataclysmic sky event this cut to this cosmic event they're gonna hide themselves in the dens and the rocks of the mountains why there's earthquakes that's why and what is it that they want to have happen they realize things are so bad what is it that they want to have happen they say to the mountains and rocks fall on us they know there are earthquakes they don't want to be around they go into those mountains and say fall on us they're hoping for those earthquakes to wipe them out because they know it's so cataclysmic hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne that's talking about God the Father and from the wrath of the Lamb so even these secular people know that the wrath of God has not yet begun and is going to begin now that's how cataclysmic it will be that even the non-religious actually I would venture to say that these people are extremely religious but they're anti God religious they're Antichrist religious they're Pro Antichrist religious if that makes sense okay for the great day of his wrath is come and it's always the wrath of the Lamb it's the wrath of the Son of God kind of a thing for the great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand I think that's an interesting comment you got earthquakes who shall be able to stand nobody there they're shaking I just that hit me like well that's kind of a funny line there lord thank you for your sense of humor but it's going to be that bad nobody's going to be able to stand nobody's going to be able to endure these earthquakes are going to be so fearful people are all thinking that they're going to die okay so that's the general context here in the book of Revelation regarding that earthquake that cataclysmic earthquake let's look at the same passage or the same idea the same time period in the book of Matthew so turn to Matthew chapter 24 and we'll pick it up there and for those of you that are ardent advocates of the pre-wrath position you know that Matthew 24 and revelation 6 basically dovetail very very closely they go hand in hand as far as the sequence of events Oh Matthew 24 we'll start in verse 3 and it says now this is talking about Jesus now and as he sat on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when shall these things be what shall be the sign of thy coming and the end of the world Jesus has just come from the temple mount's and he's just told his disciples who have been trying to put him at ease saying hey you know Lord the things are not as bad as you're thinking okay look look at this beautiful temple that's being built look at the bass of buildings and it was a construction project that was underway at the time that Jesus was walking the face of the earth that project did it took 82 years for that construction project to be finished okay and that project was finished in 62 AD it started in about 20 BC okay way back when all right so it's like 82 years for this thing to be done and so the disciples are looking at it they're saying Jesus look don't worry things are great you know it's not as bad as you're thinking look at the beautiful buildings and he tells them I'm here to tell you not one stones gonna stand upon another and we know that that did happened they had finished the construction in 62 AD and it was just eight years later that the whole temple was destroyed okay that was torn down by the Roman army okay a group of people that were in the tenth Legion and under general Titus and they disassembled the temple because gold had melted down the walls from fires that were so intense inside the temple the gold had melted down the walls inside the temple down the marble and it had crept into the crevices between all of these marble stones they disassembled it one by one and scraped out all that gold got all the loot all the silver all the jewelry everything that was in that temple all of the funds that were in the temple and they took twenty thousand slaves from Jerusalem who would have been the Masons and the people that built that temple because they would have still been in the area it took all that to Rome and they built the Coliseum with it okay that Coliseum that same time period okay so anyhow on the mount of olives they've now are they're asking them so you say it's gonna be torn down when will that be what's going to be the sign of your coming singular sign of your coming and the end of the world the end of the age is more appropriate translation of that so when we look in verse 4 here it says in jesus answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying I am the Christ that's that first seal that Jesus was going to be popping open that's the arrival of the Antichrist in all of his minions that's the white horse and rider in verse 6 he goes on and he says and ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars keep in mind now Jesus is summarizing here in Matthew 24 the book of Revelation is more detailed ok so here the summary you'll hear of wars and rumors of wars that's the second horse and rider that's the Red Horse and writer that we saw in Revelation chapter 6 then verse 7 it says and there shall be famines and that's the next one that we see in revelation 6 and the famines are the third seal and that's the black horse and rider and then we have as it continues there and pestilences this is where death is this is where the grave is continuing on the fourth seal and the pale horse and rider and then we see here in verse 7 that it goes on and it says and earthquakes in diverse places which is exactly what we saw over there isn't it so this is the same exact pattern Matthew 24 or summary revelation 6 in more detail but we see that they're quite and it says in diverse places so this is the world over ok that's not just a localized this is the world over all over the place and it says here that these are the beginning of Sorrows so this is not as bad as it's going to get this is just the beginning of it verse 9 it says then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you just the same as we saw the fifth seal opened up in Revelation here we see this is the fifth seal this is the martyrdom this is where the souls end up under the altar of God and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake and then verse 13 it says but he that shall endure to the end the same shall be saved and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations now let me back up the same shall be saved the same shall be saved that's a reference to the rapture okay that's a reference to the resurrection of the saints who are dead and the rapture of the living Saints to be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air it's after that raft that we end up in Revelation chapter 14 go look at it on your own and you'll see there that there are three gospel angels that grow across the face of the earth the first one says worship the true God not the false god of this world worship the true God the one who is the creator of all things don't worship the creation worship the Creator the second gospel angel goes around and says that Babylon that mystery religion has fallen has fallen stay out of her away from her do not be part of that religious structure worship the true God not the false God worship in the true religious structure not the false religious structure and then the third angel says don't take the mark of the beast if you do take part in that economic system if you buy into what Antichrist is doing you are doomed no help for you whatsoever okay so that's the three gospel angels and this is what it's referring to here this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations everybody after the rapture of the church everybody will hear these three messengers who's that speaking - it's speaking to an unsaved world that's been left behind there are no believers on the earth at that moment that these people are speaking with one caveat 144,000 Jewish people that have been sealed on their foreheads 144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel that we would see there in Revelation chapter 7 okay continuing on in verse 14 though and it says and then shall the end come the end that is speaking of here is the wrath of God coming back okay this is where that end of the era is going to begin because now God is going to start wiping out humanity because of their rebellion against him because of their rejection of him even after they've heard that gospel message even after they've been told come out of that religious system that after they've been told don't take the mark of the beast they've been given that warning and yet many many many will choose to not accept Christ everybody's gone that was a believer and they would still choose to reject okay then the end shall come and when therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet that's when at that midpoint that I mentioned three and a half years into that seven year period of time that's when Antichrist goes into the temple of the Jewish people it's a temple that now has been built he defiles that temple he puts a statue of himself in there and he says worship me I am your God okay now you can understand when he when the gospel angels go and they say don't worship the false God worship the true God the one that they're referring to is don't worship Antichrist okay so this is a forewarn by Daniel the prophet Daniel chapter nine if you want to look there 24 through 27 look at it on your own and so when you see the desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the Holy Place and again if you're gonna read this make sure that you understand verse 16 it goes on then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains remember that phrase flee into the mountains okay in particular Judea flee into the mountains flee flee flee into the mountains remember that phrase so we're remembering that there's a sign in the Sun the moon and the stars we're remembering there's an earthquake we're remembering to flee we're remembering to flee into the mountains and let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes and woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days breastfeeding but pray that your flight because you're fleeing be not in the winter neither on the Sabbath day for then shall be Great Tribulation this is where the Great Tribulation starts this is in verse 21 I'm not going there just yet but I will be in a moment verse 29 makes reference to God tribulation it's referring to this Great Tribulation that starts at the midpoint it's not referring to the full seven years and calling it the tribulation okay so anyhow we're talking about the Great Tribulation that starts at the midpoint so then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be this Great Tribulation again is Antichrist in doings this is not God bringing his wrath upon the earth yet okay this is that midpoint and I was saying that this Great Tribulation for round numbers and naming dates this is a year and a half let's say ok to take it out to about five years then finally in verse 22 it says and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened and this is where it's talking then about the rapture of the church jumping down now as I mentioned a moment ago to verse 29 it says immediately after the tribulation or the great tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven that's how sound familiar okay that's the sixth seal we're now seeing it here in the book of Matthew chapter 24 and it says in star shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken that's your cosmic event this is the rolling up that we read about in Revelation okay the rolling up of the sky so this is including though an earthquake in the book of Revelation isn't it okay we're not seeing that specifically right here but in revelation 6 it included an earthquake jumping down to verse 30 then it says and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven so the sky has become completely black and now what was it the disciples were asking what shall be the sign of your coming it's the Lord's glory okay all these other things are signs that are leading up to his coming but this is the sign of his coming it's when he appears in his glory and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory so it's totally pitch black the world over the Lord comes on to the scene of history and literally lights the sky everywhere because of his glory there will be no place on the earth where it's dark now okay there was no place in the earth where it was white or light earlier it was totally pitch black no Sun no moon no stars and now the Lord appears and it's totally light the world over it's like lightning you will know where it's coming from you will know that it's there okay verse 31 then it goes on and it says and he shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other this is the resurrection in the rapture of the Saints that are alive at that point in time okay so Luke talks about it in this particular way as we look at the reference in Luke chapter 21 same commentary basic same area and he starts out in verse 20 Luke chapter 21 verse 20 and when you shall see Jerusalem encompassed by armies now Jerusalem is surrounded by armies at this same time period that we've been referring to then know that the desolation thereof is 9 what desolation the temple has been built Antichrist is going to go into that temple and he's going to make it desolate by putting his statue in the temple and saying he is God so we've got a multitude of things that are coming there are gonna be armies around Jerusalem the Great Tribulation has not yet begun so I'm suggesting there could be something like a dedication ceremony of the temple of the Jewish people great festivities this is the most world-wide wonderful event let's just show you a peace and safety that's what Israel has been living in the last three and a half years because they made this great covenant and so we're going to now dedicate this temple go ahead and let's just to show the world what a great event this is let's bring army units from all the different armies of the world and let's post them here in Jerusalem let's post them in the valley of Megiddo and the Jezreel Valley okay and you're gonna have the country basically filled with celebrity again speculation on my part but I see some of it here so labratory Army's saying that this is a great thing but then we're gonna know that the desolation is near when those people are there and we know then that that's when the Antichrist goes in and he defiles the temple of the Jewish people then let them which are in Judea remember Judea flee to the mountains again remember that phrase lead to the mountains flee to the mountains and let them which are in the midst of it depart out and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto so once things start to go bad you better get out of Dodge if you're sitting there in Jerusalem and you've been in peace and safety and now you're gonna see maybe a dedication of this temple it's been three and a half years in life has been great for you in Jerusalem but all of a sudden you see all these armies starting to show up probably by invitation maybe you just need to get off your house and you need to get out of Dodge ok you need to head for the hill flee to the mountains came verse 22 goes on and says for these be the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled but woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck does this sound familiar we just read this over in Matthew 24 in those days for there shall be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people talking about the people of Israel and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations just the same has happened with the destruction of the temple in AD 70 where many of them were taken prisoner and taken captive as slaves the same kind of a thing is going to happen here let away captive into all nations and Jerusalem this is terrible shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled there's more to this we'll get into this in just a moment okay but needless to say Jerusalem will be overrun by the Gentiles the Jewish people will be taken away as slaves many of them will be taken away as slaves not all of them it seems to me that there's going to be some kind of a resistance movement going on which we'll see in just a little while and there shall be signs in the Sun and the moon and the stars sound familiar and upon the earth distress of Nations with perplexity the sea and the waves roaring men's hearts failing them for fear looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken again that same idea now we've got the sign and the Sun the Moon the Stars the cosmic events and then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory totally pitch black the glory of the Lord is coming okay now there's a related passage to this in the Old Testament I think I found it find it very interesting as we read this and we can kind of piece together what we're talking in terms of the timing of this the book of Zechariah chapter 14 if you turn there you'll start in verse 1 just take a note and you can read on the on the screen up here as well Zechariah chapter 14 verse 1 it says behold the day of the Lord cometh this is the day of God's wrath this is when the Lord Jesus is coming and he is going to start dealing with unbelieving mankind ok behold the day of the Lord cometh and I spoil talking to Israel here your wealth will be divided in the midst in other words your wealth will be taken from you well isn't that what we just saw people are gonna be taken away they're gonna read slaves the armies are gonna be looting okay they're gonna be taking all the stuff that belongs to Jerusalem in particular and and taking it away this is what it's talking about here for I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle that just exactly confirms what I just said so this is surrounding this nation of Israel in particular though Jerusalem people being led away slaves and this is really really bad the city shall be taken and the houses rifled and the women ravished does that sound bad it definitely sounds bad it's horrible it's terrible but keep in mind God is trying to get the attention of the people of Israel there is a day of atonement coming when God will deal specifically with the unbelieving people of Israel it will not be pretty for those unbelievers just the same as it won't be pretty for any unbelievers in the world but he's dealing specifically with Israel in a very specific way with a very specific purpose and so we continue in verse 2 and it goes on and it says and half of the city shall go forth into captivity so that's a bunch of people going into captivity taken prisoner and the residue of the people that means to let the rest of them shall not be cut off from the city so they're still going to be a group of people that remain in Jerusalem okay that half of them have been taken away to captivity but apparently somehow there's some that still remain there that aren't taken into captivity but does that sound like the Great Tribulation it most certainly does okay this persecution that's going on that's going to be terrible that's gonna be devastating verse 3 goes on and it says then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations as when he fought in the day of battle so here we've got all these armies that have come around Jerusalem and now we have them being taken prisoner and taken captive and led off as slaves if you will and finally at some point in time God says okay I've had it okay I don't want any more of my people to be destroyed or taken I would suggest to you that those people are the ones who have come to faith okay that's what I would suggest to you verse 4 though goes on and says in his feet this is the Lord's feet shall stand in that day upon the mount so here you've got jerusalem the walled in part I'd be curious if all those people that are there are in the walled in part you know that's like the last bastion you know what I'm saying or or if there's some other type of an area that they're in but we know that the Lord literally comes to the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east and the Mount of Olives shall cleave okay now a mountain that Cleaves that's cut into two does that sound like an earthquake to you sure does I don't see that happen very often right so here we've got then this mountain having an earthquake in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west so that's the direction of the crack is toward the east and toward the west toward the east goes down toward the Dead Sea toward the west goes over toward the Mediterranean this crack that's going to be forming and it goes on and it confirms even further and there shall be a very great valley so we now have the Mount of Olives scooting north and scooting south this great valley formed in this crack that's left behind sounds like an earthquake to me half of the mountain shall remove toward the north half of it toward the south and ye shall flee there's that thing about Judah Judea flee okay into the valley of the mountains okay flee to the mountains flee to the valley of the mountains for the valley of the mountains shall reach to azam okay and this is an area that it's believed to be over toward toward the Dead Sea yay you shall flee like as he fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah and the Lord my God shall come and all the saints with thee so all the saints now talking about God's angelic beings his holy ones is what Saints really means his holy ones don't be thinking that that Christians are going to be coming back on white horses and going to be slaying people on the earth that's not gonna happen okay can you imagine the Lord sends you back and says oh by the way I know that your brothers left behind go ahead and kill him no you won't be coming back and doing that fighting the Lord he's using angelic beings for all of these things that he's doing when it comes to his wrath being meted out on the earth okay when you come back if you die now and you end up in heaven when the rapture of the church happens you're glorified body now comes your United with your glorified body you will come back to reign with Christ when the New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven okay and that'll be before the millennial reign begins or right at the beginning of it okay but anyhow this is saying they'll flee go into that valley and run okay and you're probably running toward the Dead Sea area right so flee into that valley and God will come and he will protect the Lord my God shall come verse six and it shall come to pass in that day that the light shall not be clearer nor dark oh wait a minute now we're talking about the Sun has gone away the moon has gone away the stars have gone away it's pitch black so when is it going to be that the light shall not be clearer nor dark there will be light apparently not exceedingly bright like in one area like the Sun is beating down on one area but there will be light well that's when the Lord's glory is present see what I'm saying so we see here in this passage that that's right at the time that the Lord is going to be coming back to defend okay so there will be the glory of the Lord you're not going to be dark it's not going to be light it's going to be generally lit verse seven but it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord not day nor night but it shall come to pass that at evening time it shall be light so even in dark night when you would normally have night there won't be night because the glory of the Lord will be shining on the earth at that point in time he will be the provider of the light at that point in time so there's gonna be a mountain that's formed people in Jerusalem are supposed to get into it and flee God will come and he will defend them okay that's impressive that earthquake is gonna be something sometimes I wish that I was just going to be like right on the edge of that crack you know okay we just gotta think that cracks gonna start right here I'm gonna pull up my chair you know get my diet coke and you know maybe have an orange there and just waiting for this thing okay all right I want to see all these people getting in there you know but I mean can't think about it all the rest of the stuff that's going on is crazy nuts so I don't really maybe I don't want to be there after all but anyway we continue then on verse eight and it says and it shall be in that day that living water shall go out from Jerusalem half of them toward the former sea in half of them toward the indicee in other words for Mercy Hendra see we're talking about Mediterranean we're talking about the Dead Sea now what's just happened the crack is formed you got people running down into will say the area of the Dead Sea what do they need to survive you need water right what else do they need they need food okay so that water is going to be life-giving to those people the Lord is taking care of his own isn't it and it says in summer and in winter shall it be so it's not just a momentary thing it's going to be an ongoing provision that the Lord is going to have there verse 9 it goes on and it says and the Lord shall be king over all the earth some point in time he's going to take full dominion in that day shall there be one Lord and his name one and the land shall be turned as a plane from GABA to Ramon south of Jerusalem the area of Jerusalem has hills and mountains okay up north it's a bit kind of a little bit hilly where Gabba Ramona is that area and it says it's gonna be made flat does that sound like an earthquake to you how do you flatten land if you don't shake it up a little bit right yeah so this is an earthquake and it says and it shall be lifted up talking about Jerusalem Jerusalem will become the highest point on the earth when this happens again does that sound like an earthquake absolutely so we got earthquakes strewn all around this place right very interesting passage that we have there in that in that text ok Zechariah alright so then God uses though earthquakes to make announcements or to tell people some change is about to happen okay so before the trumpets we have an earthquake which you can find in Revelation chapter 8 and I will start in verse 1 and says and when he had opened the Seventh Seal because remember now we've gone through those six seals the sixth seal was the sign in the Sun the moon and the stars a scroll rolling the sky back okay there's where the earthquake is occurring so we're getting ready to then have this next scene oh by the way the rapture in the resurrection has occurred at that point in time when he had opened the Seventh Seal There was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour I would suggest you this is where the gospel angels of Revelation 14 are going across the face of the earth and I saw the seven angels which stood before God and to them were given seven trumpets I'm here to tell you the seven trumpets are not a good thing they may sound beautiful but they're gonna be devastating to unbelieving mankind okay they're gonna be for the purpose of destroying mankind but I would also suggest you that the first four are designed to put pressure on mankind to make them make a choice they're hearing those gospel angels will you choose for me will you choose against me here take this rivers turn to blood here take this oceans turn to blood here take this deals with the certain you know the surface of the earth but it's not directly against mankind in the sense that it's destroying mankind then I can tell that I can tell okay so the seven angels which stood before God and to them were given seven trumpets and another angel came and stood at the altar having a golden censer and there was given unto Him much incense then he should offer it with the prayers of All Saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne so you've got silence in heaven II know that all those saints are praying but also on the earth if people are coming to faith you know that they're starting to pray - oh god what have I done I've rejected you and now I'm left here I've heard those gospel angels all of my loved ones who are believers are gone I believe that it's true I'm accepting what Christ has done on the cross if it's not too late for me listening to what your angelic beings have said if it's not too late for me I want to accept Christ now as my Savior and we know that God is a God of second chances I mean I know that I've had second third fourth chances in my life okay so God is a God of second chances and God sends his gospel angels to get people to come to faith and we know that some will come to faith okay so verse four then it says in the smoke of the incense which came with the prayers of the Saints ascended up before God out of the Angels hand and the angel took the censer and filled it with fire of the altar and cast it into the earth and there were voices remember this phrase voices and thunderings and lightnings and earthquake okay remember that phrase voices and thunderings and lightnings and an earthquake this is announcing then that the trumpets are about to begin to be sounded okay the God's wrath is about to begin we should already know his wrath is about to begin because we saw the sign in the Sun the moon and stars we've seen everybody vanish and now we've got this massive earthquake but we see here voices and thunderings and lightnings it's got to be spooky as can be on this earth to be here at that point in time announcing that the trumpet judgments are about to begin and then verse 6 it says and the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound so this earthquake that we see here worldwide is going to be is going to be to announce that the trumpets are about to begin okay another earthquake that we see in Scripture deals with the two witnesses I call it the two witnesses departure earthquake you know hey I don't have any other better names I'm not that original but in Revelation chapter 11 if you look there you'll see in starting in verse 1 that there was given unto John a reed like unto a rod and the angel stood saying rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and then that worship therein but the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles and the Holy City shall they tread under foot forty and two months so 42 months that's three and a half years that point in time begins at the middle that point in time begins when the Anti Christ then defiles the temple of the Jewish people okay so that is going to remain trampled underfoot that Temple Mount area is going to remain trampled underfoot by the Gentiles for 42 months and I will give power unto my two witnesses so here's where the two witnesses show up you can speculate on who they might be we know that we saw Moses and Elijah show up on the Transfiguration with Jesus a lot of people suggest that it would be them because they are the law and the prophets Moses and Elijah I would suggest that's probably who it is I know that there's a I think Malachi even mentions that Elijah's gonna show up in the end all right so he's certainly one of them as long as I understand scripture correctly so that just as matter of who's the second guy okay I would suggest it's Moses because we've already seen him play that part on the scene of history on that stage earlier on when Jesus was here anyhow give power unto my two witnesses so starting at that three-and-a-half-year point now that the antichrist has to file the Temple of the Jewish people we know then that somebody should speak against them should speak against the Antichrist he's not God and that's what the two witnesses are there to do to try to lead people to the Lord okay some will come some will not and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days so that's 1260 days which again takes you from the midpoint to the end of that 70th week of Daniel they'll be clothed in sackcloth these are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the god of the earth and if any man will hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies and if any man will hurt them he must in this manner be killed man oh man that would be kind of cool to be those guys with just my morbid me maybe but you know to know that that to know that you can't hurt me yeah yeah check this out fire ball goes out of your mouth fire fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies and if any man would hurt them they must in this manner be killed Wow alright verse 6 these have power to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophecy and have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will keep in mind those are some of the very same things that we're seeing in the trumpets okay some of the very same things they were seeing in the trumpets so and since these guys are going to be there from the midpoint to the end of the 70th week and we know that the trumpets are going to occur after the rapture the church which for a simple round number don't quote me might be about two years long they're going to be the ones who might be calling some of this stuff down that the Lord is saying okay angel be ready to do this okay so they might have a a plan between them and the Lord with the plagues as often as they will verse seven then and when they shall have finished their testimony the Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them but not long and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified keep in mind now the people who have remained behind after the rapture of the church those who are not believers those people are undergoing God's wrath and they are thinking that these guys are probably the ones that are causing them so when now the Beast is able to kill these two guys hey celebration we can have a party now we don't have to worry about this stuff that's been going on anymore little do they know that there's still the bulls that are gonna come we're also our Lord was crucified clearly was talking about Jerusalem specifically verse 9 and they of the people and Kindred's and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three and a half or three days and a half and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in Gray's total disrespect of these people certainly and they would that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and make merry and shall send gifts one to another because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth and after three days and a half the spirit of life from God entered into them the world has got to freak out I have no better way to say that I'm going back to my 1970s jargon here right but the world is gonna be going nuts when they see these guys come back to life again and they stood upon their feet and great fear fell upon them which saw them because they thinking all know they're going to start what they've been doing all over again and we don't want that to happen and they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them come up hither so this is now the voice talking to the two witnesses and they ascend up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies beheld them still thinking glad they're gone glad they're gone and the same hour there was a great earthquake oh no we remember another great and here's another one now and the tenth part of the city fell what city is that Jerusalem so a tenth of Jerusalem falls to the ground and the in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand you know I feel bad when you have earthquakes and you have a couple of hundred people died okay this is going to be targeted earthquake if you will you've got seven thousand that are gonna die and the remnant those are the the believers okay those are the believers that now have come to faith they're afraid to they're not sure what's going on and yet they give glory to the God of heaven okay so I would suggest you that there are believers there at that point in time they're giving glory to the God of heaven or the unbelievers realize that this is of God doing and they're gonna say yes this is God what do you know he's the one who's doing it I'd prefer to think that it was the remnant because we know that there's another passage it says that all these men are cursing God they're blaspheming God they don't want anything to do with God okay verse 14 then it says and the second woe is past behold the third woe cometh quickly so that was the two witnesses to park your earthquake right at that same point in time though we have the pre bowls earthquake it's beginning to sounds like a football thing right in Revelation chapter 11 verse 15 it says and seventh angel sounded so now we're talking about the seventh trumpets being blown and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever we believe at Zions hope that this event takes place at the end of the 70th week okay so we've gone now forty-two months we've gone to the end of the rule if you will of Antichrist okay he's been allowed to do whatever he's going to do for those 42 months we've got these two witnesses that now have ascended into heaven that seventh trumpet sounds and that's the same time that the Lord says officially now my feet are on this ground this is now my earth and now I'm going to get rid of the squatters in other words he's not trying to win souls anymore now he's trying to annihilate unbelieving mankind okay that's what the Bulls do Book of Daniel chapter 12 it talks about not 1260 days like we've seen here talks about 1290 days okay so it's an additional 30-day window we believe that's when the the bowl judgments occur okay and then it also talks about an additional 45 days beyond that in row in Daniel chapter 12 and that we believe is when there's a reconstitution of the earth a moving of the planets and God making it perfect for what's going to happen for the Millennium okay but this we believe is the end of the 70th week of Daniel verse 16 goes on and it says in the four and twenty elders which sat before God and their seats fell upon their faces and worshipped God so now these are not human beings these are angelic beings we have God in the center we have four major but they call beasts but these are a major angelic beings that are like the most powerful angelic beings that exist outside of them they're in our 24 seats those 24 seats are filled with 24 angels as well and then beyond that you would have the people that eventually will be there in their glorified bodies once the rapture and the resurrection has occurred their souls are up there now okay they're in the presence of God now okay their spirit is there now and the presence of God now soul and spirit being I would suggest together we're created in the image of God God the Father God the Son God the spirit we are conscience God the Father we are physical body God the Son we stay alive with something that's keeping us pumping inside not our heart but something that keeps it going that's our spirit just the same as there is God the spirit 3 and 1 so when we die our body goes into the grave but our soul and spirit goes into the presence of God that's my 25-cent summary for all of that which is a much deeper study so the 24 elders are sitting before the before God in their seats they fall upon their faces and worshipped God saying we give thee thanks O God Almighty which art and wast and art to come because thou has taken to thee thy great power and hast reign so now Jesus is taking possession of the earth and the nations were angry and thy wrath has come and the time of the Dead that they should be judged and that thou shoulds give reward unto thy servants the prophets and to the Saints and them that fear thy name small and great and should destroy them which destroy the earth and the temple of God was opened in heaven and there was seen in his temple the Ark of his Testament so the real are the covenants K is up there in heaven and there were lightnings Oh sounds familiar lightnings and voices and thunderings and an earthquake okay this now earthquake is there for the purpose of announcing that the bowls are getting ready to begin I want to get your attention pay attention here's an earthquake for you and great hail so this is announcing the bowl judgments okay then we have verse 19 the second well is past and behold the third woe cometh quickly so pre bowls then we have this other one the pre end of the earth earthquake free end of the earth earthquake in Revelation chapter 16 verse 13 we start and it says and I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon that Satan out of the mouth of the Beast that's the Antichrist out of the mouth of the false prophet that's the false prophet verse 14 for they are the spirits of Devil's working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth those are all kings on behalf of Antichrist and of the whole world to gather them to the Battle of that great day of God Almighty now we're talking about the Battle of Armageddon okay so this is how God ends up wiping out the armies that have come against the him in Jerusalem or in Israel for that matter behold I come as a thief is what the Lord is saying but not to believers he's coming as a thief to unbelievers blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame and he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon and the seventh angel poured out his vial so earlier we had the seventh trumpet now we've moved forward through all the bowls and now we're doing or the vials and now we're doing the seventh Bowl the seventh vial pours out his vial into the air and there came a great voice out of the Temple of Heaven from the throne saying it is done and there were voices and thunders and lightnings something there okay and there was a great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth what about all those other ones that we've had they've been bad but not this bad this is the worst one of all time so mighty an earthquake and so great and again the purpose of this is to announce the end of the era and we can also see that in Revelation chapter 19 which will go too briefly in just a moment verse 19 though here in chapter 16 and the great city was divided into three parts great city which one Jerusalem right okay we've already had a tenth of it wiped out and the cities of the nation's fell so this is the worldwide and great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath you need to go and watch the YouTube videos that David Rosenthal has done on neon on what's going on in the Middle East on Saudi Arabia on Mecca Medina you need to go look at the stuff that David Rosenthal has done so go to go to the search put Zions hope in there and then go to videos and find the stuff that David Rosenthal has done it's all excellent related to this in a great way so Kaman remembers before God to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath and every island fled away how many islands is that everyone where in the world are they everywhere every island fled away and the mountains were not found what does that mean the mountains were not found they collapsed right they became flat the islands fled away that might mean that now we have a flattening of the Earth's surface in some way Jerusalem being elevated the rest of the world being flattened so that mankind can make their way to Jerusalem and the end times millennial reign so that they can go and worship the Lord and not be obstructed from being able to get there verse 21 says and there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven every stone about the weight of a talent and Men blasphemed because of the plague of the hail and the plague thereof was exceeding great this is where mankind is being wiped out if you're a believer you're protected but if you're not you are literally wiped out there is no getting away from God at this point in time I mentioned we're gonna go to Revelation 19 so we're gonna go there again this is part of that pre end of the era earthquake and I saw an angel in verse 17 revelation 19 verse 17 and I saw an angel standing in the Sun and he cried with a loud voice saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the Great God by the way you can either be part of the supper of the Lamb or you can be the supper of the birds take your pick all right you'll be out of supper one way or another you're either eating it or you are being eaten it's that simple come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the Great God verse 18 and that ye may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captains and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and them that sit on them and the flesh of all men see that's what I'm saying you might be the dinner and not eating the dinner both free and bond both small and great that's everybody in the world verse 19 and I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army now this is talking about Jesus he's wearing the red the robe that's dipped in blood and he's got his Saints angelic beings okay his holy ones not human beings again they're coming down later on these are the angelic beings that are gathered but the Lord is doing most of the work with his mouth okay he's speaking those words two-edged sword okay in verse 20 and the Beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him which with which with he deceived with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast don't take the mark of the beast whatever you do for people watching on YouTube do not take the mark of the beast it's that simple and them that worshipped His image do not worship the image of the Antichrist in the temple of the Jewish people by the way people will be told to build an image of their own and put it in their house and the Antichrist will and well that image do not do that it's that simple these both were cast alive into the lake of burning with brimstone or fire burning with brimstone and the remnant were slain the rest of them were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse which sword proceeded out of his mouth you see this is what I'm saying angelic beings ready to come but Jesus is doing all the work okay he's going to speak it sword comes out of his mouth and all the fowls were filled with their flesh so there you go the earthquakes of the book of revelation came big purposes for these earthquakes not little earthquakes either worldwide earthquakes to the point of of having Islands vanished to having mountains lowered having cities destroyed all for the purpose of God letting people know I am serious about what's about to happen to you you have a choice though you choose for him you'll be protected especially if you're in Judea just get into that Valley and go for a run and you'll be protected but if you reject him you will be wiped out you will be cast into the lake of fire you will suffer before the Lord for eternity and last time I checked eternity is a long long long you can't use the word time for eternity it's just a long long long long long long I can't use that word I know you want to say time don't you there is no it's just long forever okay all right earthquakes in the end times I hope that you found that interesting and some good stuff in scripture last time I checked alright let's go ahead and close them for you alright finally God we thank you so much for the time that we can study we thank you for your word and and and the things that you say the things that you show if we'll just dive into it consistently we can start to see these images and we can pull these pieces together it's so exciting and yet it's going to be so devastating and it's so sad that people choose to reject you many times Lord I know it brings me to tears but we thank you now for the day pray for safety as we travel and until we meet again father for all those who are in YouTube I pray that you bless them for all those that are seated here I pray for your blessing upon each of us as well I pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and our Savior amen you go deeper in your understanding of God his people and his plan for planet Earth Zions fire magazine is an exceptional resource with powerful insights from Scripture that provide a clear understanding of God's ultimate plan for the last days and the return of Jesus Christ as a first-time subscriber you'll receive a free one-year subscription to Zions fire magazine with no strings attached request your free subscription by visiting our website or by calling our toll free number and we'll send you six free issues one every other month for a full year we depend on the generosity of viewers like you to support the ongoing production of these programs your donation whether large or small is greatly appreciated donations may be given online at you
Channel: Zion's Hope
Views: 2,662
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Keywords: Climate Chage, Global, Warming, Earthquakes, Famine, Jesus, Bible, Return, Revelation, Scripture
Id: _YyqZVgXvwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 27sec (3807 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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