STUCK...TWICE!! Almost Forgot What Mud Feels Like

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foreign back let's get to it while I'm running round number seven has just  always got a couple lit up on here which is the   end right here and I go out there and check and  there's seed coming out everything's connected   there's nothing plugged over there so I think  it's something on the cart and one of the rollers   so what I'm gonna do is take apart the seventh  roller on each tank let's take a look closely   and see maybe there's something obstructing it  and not enough seats getting through and that's   why it's telling me that that whole section there  is just not right first thing we need our tool   right here second thing is you need  to close the gates so that way you   don't get product coming out when you open it up like that all right let's take a peek see if  this is the one we got three of them to try I don't see any blockage  issues well I don't know but   I went through it and I cannot find  anything wrong so maybe it's inside the tank   or maybe the blockage system is not functioning  properly but that's usually not the case whatever   ghost blockage or seed coming out that's all that  matters let's keep going see what I mean look   at that number nine number two and number seven  comes on and off nine just also became solid two   used to be random the rest of them are good and  that's right up there somewhere so I don't know I   gotta do some more looking but whatever let's just  keep seeing boss man just told and said he needs   so I'm taking the truck over with some inoculant  we'll go over and fill his drill and so far the   little bud is running pretty good I think he  missed it too by the way he spent he spent a lot   of his life in that little tractor I mean we've  had that tractor since 1977 . you want so Let's uh   he missed it anyways let's head over to get  him to succeed so much without seed right oh yeah I love this stuff   I love what it does I don't like how powdery  it is in on Windy days but good stuff okay let's run over and put some seed in the  truck get it ready for Nick when he needs it yeah things moving okay appreciate it  should be good I hope so see you next year I missed the little bud this is the 435 see   one 19th 71 one of the first few built of big  bud uh we did a restoration about five years ago   uh upgraded this uh new engine and then I redid  the cab in it so it looks like uh similar to a series or series two bud uh  but actually a little better   um it's a bigger Dash because of the way the cab  is uh as far as height not necessarily width this   is a narrower cap than the series two three four  uh but it's uh deeper so it's got a little bit   more space and the air conditioning on it is  way too awesome it is cool but I mean it's cool   it's really cool it's kind of oversized um but uh  and I built that and the unit is right here down   yeah no but anyway I was just going to uh let me  see here I got a turn I'm gonna let you look here okay where I'm farming is just west of  our bin site it's a low area it's uh   there is no Outlet as far as water when it rains  it's going to be pretty much run down into this   basin and uh about three years ago we had a  tremendous amount of rain uh snow melted and   then filled a lot of it and then next year we  had a three inch rain come in June and it went   it filled it higher than I've ever ever seen it  filled it was uh it was a lake call it Welker Lake   um but actually the boys from their high school  days called it burnt crap like and they uh took   a wave runner uh pulled skiers on swallowing me  on uh with a four-wheeler around the edge there's   a video way back if you're one of the first ones  I think that's on the channel uh Nick posted of   him in his high school early college days and  it was uh was that skiing around on this like   yeah uh what it'll be nice to get down to the  peas peas are you know they're not bad to see   but the problem is is the inoculant a Pete  Pete base regular peat Brown Pete uh with   uh bacteria in it and uh it's very dusty and  kind of sticky a little bit and you pretty much   um have it all over your hands and then for  me I touch my face and probably you know   a couple of the last clips I had a dirty face   I'll tell you it's hard not to to touch your face  just to make sure if it's still there no no that's   not it it's hard to face isn't it some sometimes  in the morning okay so anyway everything's working   well I'm glad to get a little bit of this seed  done and we'll catch you on the next clip hey Kobe how are you doing well just finished eating out the whole tank  I'm almost out of fuel so let's get back here   let's fill up I didn't have quite a full tank when  I started but I've got over 600 acres on what fuel   I have hard to say what kind of gallons per acre  I'm getting but I think it's pretty good honestly not much left to consider how narrow that tank  is because the tank gets bigger as it goes up the   wheel well because it you know flares out around  the wheel well now there is another take on the   other side too so I probably had 30 40 gallons  left but in the grand scheme of a 500 550 gallon   tank that's not a lot of fuel now there is fuel in  these as well I forgot about that but same thing   we need fuel so far I've been pretty happy  with this 3555 Case IH air cart you know it   just always takes a little bit of learning  curve because we just use our old cards but   I've got the conveyor down pretty  solid now so it's that's pretty fast   and the roller system is pretty  awesome but the extra 100 bushels or so   sure makes a difference because I'm getting about  42 acres per hour right now with this thing and   that's just because I'm not stopping to fill up  as much which is nice because I got a road it back it's time it's warm it's been  idling here we're at the farm   let's do the oil let's get this change  get some good fresh oil in that thing I'll show you also what's going on underneath this  thing oil coolant transmission oil hydraulic oil we try we try to keep it from leaking we really do   water pump seals going out who knows when that's  been done a long time ago it's an old tractor guys   engine front means seal and this whole  front housing engine's leaking oil   to change that is not an easy job not an easy  job so that's why we've held off on it and we're   just going to keep putting oil in it and get  it through the season we just got to get the   crop in the ground that's priority right there  oil's cheap in the grand scheme of getting your   crop on the ground you could pay for a thousand  oil changes for being a week late in the field   it's true absolutely true still let's  go get some oil boom that'll work hopefully we got enough in here we might put a little more  oil on this thing we'll see today we'll be dropping in some  Case IH number one 15W40 engine oil   the big bud we've been running this stuff on  the last couple years in the farm here just   across the board and spot everything that's  likes diesel and I've had really good luck   with it so let's pump her in let's get  her filled up let's make this girl run get out oil they drain the old oil out first duh don't tear anything don't tear anything don't tear  anything come on muscles you're good you're good where are we at all right yummy just about there I'd say we're good go I turned the cutoff switch and I'm glad I  turned the cutoff switch battery disconnect   because that way when the oil was out  when I was waiting to change the oil in   between filter changes whatnot no one tried  to start the tractor and ruin it makes sense   I just climb up and down the tractor about  2 000 times every day let's try that again beautiful oil pressure come on girl come on that's taking a lot longer than I like  why is that taking so long there it goes   there's some oil good okay yeah okay all right  I'll be over shortly with the anchor rope but   you gotta say who's your favorite yeah that's  right I am yep and you better say please yeah okay all right I'll bring it over see  you soon buddy buddy yeah yeah I sunk it I honestly thought it's all the straw on the  ground it looked light to me it looked like   the same color as right over there where I  just drove earlier today I'm like okay I'll   get kind of close I'll turn right here pull  up and head up my GPS and I found the mud I'm   also very heavy so leg arms grab series two  Bud since uh it's not being used to run an   air drill right now it's going to be used to be a  pulling tractor get this muddy thing out of here   better bring your income rope see what I  mean there's my tire tracks from this morning   and there's the tractor and it looks the exact  same across this whole area enough excuses   my bad I guess I just missed this so  much it's been two years without mud   on the farm now we got mud I just I guess  I'm a forgetful person I'm pretty sure   he decided to get stuck just so  that you guys could have content thank you thank you foreign good nice easy pull out fortunately there  was a nice dry area right in front of me   but other buds that sit on so when you're  in that kind of situation it's just you're   getting out of it you're getting unstuck  but if there wasn't then things get tricky   and the fact that I just filled the card  up with 30 some thousand pounds of seed   um yeah we could have been a bad deal so I guess I  got to be a little more careful okay guys no more   stuck videos for you I'm sure you don't like those  so we'll stop so something here see this with this   is what I got left on this field there's power  lines right there that's the next field over there   my drill is 70 feet but this last pass I got  a makeup with is definitely less than 70 feet   probably more like 40 feet so if I seed back with  all the sections on I'll be overlapping and double   seating this area right here but with this card  unlike ours this has sexual control so I tap this   Arrow twice turned off the right two manifolds  or the two meters on that side so 20 feet of   that drill is not seating yes it's in the ground  there's no product going in the ground as you can   see on my intelligent AG monitor here all these  from left to right that's right that's left side   so when I come back I'll turn them all on and  then I'll seat the whole width back which will   overlap that part right there with C does that  make sense and that way we're not wasting seed   now for this kind of seating it's  not as big a deal but when you put   an expensive fertilizer or like some canola or  something that's got some really pricey seed   then it really makes sense all right here we  go making up that last pass so you can see   overlapping probably about 30 feet so about 10  feet or so I almost got to turn off one more   section this new seats going down here new seats  going down there but that area did not get seated   the first pass now it is as well so pretty cool  I'm just thinking about that stuck moment since we   just filled the card up with 550 bushels of peas  I just filled the tractor up with 500 gallons of   fuel you figure the cart 15 20 000 pounds dry  maybe that's a little excessive I don't know   the drill 20 000 pounds give or take so let's  just say 40 000 pounds for the drill back there   plus 33 000 pounds of seed that's 550 bushels  at 60 pounds a bushel plus 50 000 pounds with   a tractor fully fueled 50 to 52 000 somewhere  in that area that's like 120 123 000 pounds of   weight that that series two had to pull on and we  used a two inch income rope there is a two and a   half inch inch yankum rope that we do have and  we're stacking tractors together because we got   some really married we pulled that one out but for  something like this that two inch rope was didn't   even hardly stress it and honestly I leg arm's  got a good Yank on it but I didn't really get on   the throttle in time so I could have this thing  powered up sooner too but just kind of a thought   but yeah those Yankee ropes they were pretty good  no complaints there a lot safer than cable okay man and a dog's best friend living a dream  right Kobe right Kobe or we live in a dream   are we yes we are yes we are  yeah oh boy here we go again come on girl I'm inching as you can see Full Throttle go go go come on oh we're going so slow come on throw that mud go ah I mean we're making progress I don't  know I'm not gonna stop until it stops   which might just be right now that's it  oh man there's mud everywhere come on girl I think that's it oh man I was close all right my bad where's leg arms down  this hill it might not look very steep   but it's fairly steep here and  what's that oh no phone call uh oh it's Nick hey what's up seriously I just gotta round two foreign no more no more for at least 15 minutes all right it is day two and Brad slash Wiggles  is back he's back at the shop and he's on call   duty so if they have a problem they can call him  to give rides or whatever they need to be done I   need to get this road fixed so they can get over  here because they're finishing up on acres and   they're gonna be heading over here to start seeing  so go ahead and get that greater running let it   warm up a little bit and then I'll walk down and  kind of show you a little bit of the washouts   and hopefully keyword hopefully I do not get  a call and they can just let me do my job boy that started well okay it is one to work  that's why it's ready so anyways this road here   when we first got this land probably 15 maybe 20  years ago I don't know probably not that long 10   ago 10 years ago it was a scary stretch getting  it past this little Hill over here and so we came   over with our tractors and then finally big front  end loaders and then the grater and this road is   finally starting to get better and better and  better as time goes on but just like any road   with a lot of water running down it starts causing  a lot of uh cracks in the road and uh washouts and   yeah anyways you get the idea down that way it's a  lot worse you just want to make sure that a Caster   wheel doesn't get fallen in there and twists  sideways or bend rim or break something it's   just not worth the hassle so if I can clean it  up for passable that's what I'm gonna try to do foreign for a couple hours the road's passable it's not  very smooth it is really really hard to get this   smooth with that grater because there is so  much slop I mean the blade moves up and down   so much but what I think I'll do is bring  the Magnum tractor over here eventually   and then we can use that box frame going up  and down and that'll really smooth that out   get all the little high edges off but I've got  kind of a crown you probably can't see this on   the camera there's a little bit of crown here  so hopefully the water will run off that side   or this side and not down the center eventually  a run down the center because our semi is drive   down the center and they powder it up and then  the Wind Blows the powder out and then the water   wants to get in the center of it and run it  down make little uh trenches in the road and   that's exactly what happened to this earlier but  anyways it's possible and Nick's on his way over   here that's the last of the peas on this side of  the interstate and then we switch over to wheat
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 300,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: sYGTz_EA_cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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