Using TIME TRAVEL to Help My Friend In Minecraft

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today in Minecraft I use time travel to help my friend ooh diamonds I wonder if I could find more by digging down oh no Lava help watch this ooh diamonds I wonder if I can find more by digging down uh melon stop there's lava right underneath you dummy yeah yeah you're just saying that to troll me oh no Lava help uh like the video If you think Melody is so stupid sometimes and let me know in the comments what I should do with time travel next guys today I'm so excited because I have a date with Melanie I gotta make sure I dress up and look all pretty and perfect the ultimate suit a diamond chest plate she's gonna be so impressed and think I'm rich and guys maybe I'll get really lucky and even get my first kiss sunny sunny I'm going on a date with Melanie whoa bro good luck remember to eat up so you don't get too nervous on an empty stomach you're right Sonny I am pretty hungry some cooked slamming that was delicious see you sonny I'm gonna get a kiss today good luck with that melon I'll be here fishing bro oh Melanie you look so beautiful today let's just admire this view together and watch the sun fall also I like what you did with your hair and the little cute buttons you have on oh I wonder how melon's date is going wait what is that oh guys a spaceship just landed in front of our house and there's pillagers no no I need to get some gear quick I hope melon gets back I need help I need help Melanie your eyes just look so beautiful right and I could just lean in for a little ew melon did you forget to brush your teeth your breath stinks what do you mean what what it stinks like fish and I hate fish I think we should stop seeing each other no no I can't be getting rejected like this this is so embarrassing oh no what am I gonna tell Sonny bro oh this has been awful I need something to eat and then I gotta kill these villagers time to die get away from our house die die yes I think I actually defeated them all yes I actually did it oh wait a second that's a Megalodon industry this is Dr longbottoms wait there's more what is this oh no this isn't good there's so many there's actually so many melon I hope he gets back soon I hope he gets back soon wait a second what happened to the house why are there so many pillagers sunny sunny it looks like Sonny's stuck inside oh no I gotta help him melon melon hell the pillagers they've surrounded me at the front door dude I just made it inside I gotta oh they're in here too I gotta get my weapon give me my bullets give me my bullets I gotta take them out come on melon I need your help up here Sonny in three two one open those doors let's go let's go that's it melon watch out I'll handle this take them out boom yeah yeah thanks bro if you didn't get back I'm not sure what I would have done don't worry Sonny I'm always here for you but I gotta tell you about my date it was terrible what happened bro I thought you were gonna get your first kiss yeah but then you gave me a fish and it gave me stanky fish breath and then she rejected me wait are you kidding me I cooked that salmon with extra spices oh yeah that's the problem Sonny sorry bro I didn't mean to I thought it was gonna taste delicious but I should have realized it was would give you bad breath I'm sorry I'm sorry Sonny I'm mad at you right now but more importantly I gotta check out this spaceship we've got bigger concerns whoa this thing looks insane what is this item a time rewinder wait a second does this really do what I think it does yes I'll be able to get another chance with Melanie I won't eat that stinking fish anymore and then we'll be together forever now we just gotta figure out how to use this thing F no G no h no wait a second what's happening what's happening what the heck hold on a second I think it might have actually worked I might be back to this morning yeah so he's out fishing right now hold on I gotta check to see if he's made a cooked salmon with extra spices hey Sonny do you got any uh salmon on you perhaps oh good morning melon beautiful day to fish huh yeah really beautiful anyway Sunny I've got a date with Melanie today bro make sure you eat this you don't want to go on a date with an empty stomach you might get nervous dude there's no way I'm eating fish before you try and get a kiss bro my breath is gonna smell stanky oh good point anyways good luck with that date it's gonna be so freaking awesome I am a little bit hungry though but it's worth it for the kiss oh hello Melanie your hair looks beautiful today and I love what you did with the buttons it just looks spectacular ah I hope melon's dates going well wait a second what is that I felt like an earthquake yo there's an evil space oh no what's going on and there's Pillager villagers not good I need to get my weapons ASAP oh no melon I hope you get back soon get away from our house hold on a second it's night time how long was I smooching you Melanie oh do you really have to go home now I'm sorry Melanie I'll continue this kiss later my friend's Sony's in danger I need to go help him I can't believe Mel's melon oh no I think they're gonna kidnap me oh no they already captured Sonny I've gotta save him I've gotta devise a plan to get in there and hopefully we can time rewind together just gotta gather some blocks okay I should have enough blocks to make it I've just gotta distract the pillagers sunny I was having the best date of my life and giving the most spectacular smooch ever that is that is cringe don't worry Sonny I'm gonna get up there when I get up there you'll be saved ah oh no sunny sunny melon yeah I made it that's it boys we've got them both in the trap now lift the cage and let's move it melon you idiot now we're both trapped don't worry Sonny I have this device called a time rewinder I can get us both out of here just hold my hand okay get us out of here whoa melon where are we I don't know sunny but this place looks familiar for some reason ah what are those voices who's talking over here I don't know but it sounds like pillagers so where did Dr Longbottom send us this time we're in their past we need to change the past in order to destabilize the whole universe and help Dr longbottoms take over all of Minecraft so what are we supposed to do on this train well a few years ago Sunny had an accident here and we got to stop it from happening if we succeed it'll create an interdimensional portal oh melon I remember this place we were in a train wreck a few years ago I'm trying to remember exactly what happened wait a second Sonny now I remember you pooped your pants and you caused the train to crash no that's not something I would do no bro you literally did you pooped your pants in the middle of the cart it was so stinky that the train conductor crashed the entire train ah I remember remember but now that we're here in the past doesn't that mean I have a chance to change history yes but Sunny if you change history you'll destabilize the timeline giving Dr long bottoms exactly what he wants you're right does that mean I gotta go poop myself yeah I'm sorry Sonny you're gonna have to poop yourself exactly when you did the first time oh melon this is gonna be so embarrassing I know it's embarrassing Sonny but it's for the fate of all Minecraft ah here goes nothing [Music] you actually pooped yourself oh melon there's blue all over this train sunny I don't have time for this shenanigan oh that's disgusting but there's pillagers we gotta get out of here move move oh oh it's so gross it's so gross you touched my poo I didn't have any choice Sonny besides the device is charged let's get out of here whoa Sonny this house looks really familiar for some reason bro you gotta be sneaky anyone could live here oh wait it's gone Dale look at this guy yo what's up quandale hey guys what's up melon do you mind fetching me a wrench from the toolbox melon I remember this it was that time quandale was asking you to help him fix his quad and you accidentally blew it up no I remember this he asked for a wrench but then I gave him a stick of dynamite and accidentally exploded everything yeah unlucky for you you're gonna have to relive that moment I'm out of here dang it bro quando's gonna be so mad at me and guys let me get a good view of the fireworks guys I remember the wrench and the dynamite was in here but I didn't really know which one was which so I just grabbed the TNT by accident okay I'm sure we can all understand we've all had that confusion before hey quandel I got you that wrench you asked for wink wink yeah toss it here yeah don't worry I got you melon what are you doing this is the wrench you were talking about right melon whatever you do do not detonate that I have been working really hard on getting this quad to work uh melon that's a lot more Dynamite than you used the last time no this is about how much I used last time trust me Sonny I'm sorry quandale but I have to one melon you're an absolute Menace thank goodness quandale you're okay melon you idiot you almost had me killed not only is my quad ruined but so is my house you scumbag wait what's that sound it's a Pillager Sonny quick I need you to distract the Pillager for the next two minutes so my time rewinder can charge melon I've got you quickly go find some place to hide while I distract the Pillager okay okay okay this hole should do the trick ah he's right behind me don't worry Melvin I'll make space and time for you where's the pillar villager there's a gun I gotta go I gotta go uh guys I think I lost the Pillager ah no I didn't I gotta go melon how much more time do you need Sonny it's charged hurry up and meet me here okay I'm almost back at quando's house I think I lost the Pillager too Sonny come here rewind time wait a second we're back to where it all started and that means I have my date with Melanie yo sunny sunny I'm going on a date with Melanie uh wait a second haven't I been here before I remember this melon I've got to give you this spicy salmon so you have stinky breath does this mean what I think it means sunny I have to get rejected by Melanie it's the only way to stop Dr longbottoms melon otherwise I'm gonna get kid the whole thing is that it's good right Sonny if it's what I have to do oh you didn't really need to do that you could have totally got the first kiss and I could have just fortified the house and handled the pillagers all by myself no no you don't understand that would have messed up the whole timeline and we would have had to do this all over again Sonny I've gotta do this I've gotta ruin my date with Melanie guys I'm pretty sure he could have gotten his first kiss anyways time to fortify the house now that I know these pillagers are coming hey Melanie your hair looks beautiful and I love what you did with those buttons it's absolutely gorgeous guys I'm fortifying the house adding some sandbags to hold back these pillagers next I need to dig a couple of trenches to slow them down that's perfect I've also got myself a couple of land mines they'll never see this coming and if they do I have a bazooka Justice backup it's perfect all that's left to do is pretend to be nice and busy fishing yes I feel it that must be the spaceship well Melanie your eyes look beautiful like two perfectly shaped watermelons I could just kiss you you melon did you forget to brush your teeth your breath stinks no Melanie it had to be this way stabilize the timeline yes there it is the Pillager ship all I gotta do now is be quick I gotta be quick and get behind trick them in them yeah yes it's working get in my trench there's so many wait my landmines my landmines I gotta put these to use yeah I'm over here I'm over here die that's it RPG yes yes I'm destroying them emergency cake take cover don't worry Sonny I'm back I'll help you thanks melon I actually need the backup there's a lot of pillagers this time I just got to make it into the basement uh sunny sunny there's so many close the door and grab the weapons I'll handle this oh no uh melon it's up to you now dude if we both die here the timeline will be destabled and all our work would have been for nothing I gotta take them all out yeah melon I got bad news I blew up the house that's fine bro look at his spaceship the pillagers are flying out of it I didn't give up my date with Melanie for nothing take them out I'm with you brother I'll handle this we did it son it's on it actually melon there's one more in our house let me handle this Sonny stop destroying our house oh wait melon there's another bad guy I I got him he's holding the gun no I'm so proud of us melon we managed to save up enough resources to buy a new house look at it bro it's beautiful and it only cost us 64 diamond blocks hashtag worth it absolutely bro once we were rich and now we're well poor but at least we have this house exactly bro now Sonny let's show off some of the rooms all right starting with your very own room right here check it out whoa I get my own bathroom this is awesome this is where you can take baths and sleep and then this is where you can poop and sleep and then this is where you can shower and sleep wait what do you mean and sleep bro this is a bathroom this is like my private bathroom I must have a bedroom in this house somewhere too I'm not sleeping in the toilet you're disgusting people fart on this thing Sonny you're right that was very inhumane there you go there's your bed what more like a prison quick complain raining I didn't make the rules now coming here let's check out this next area let's take a view of the kitchen Yahoo melon this is amazing we can cook and clean and make awesome potions this place looks incredible it is pretty sick honey you're gonna be spending most of your time in here making me food all right and now I want to show you my master bedroom wait what is going on melon why is everything just about you uh listen I paid the bills around here I paid 32 diamond blocks and one Diamond so I call the shots what I also paid 32 diamond blocks though yeah but you see this diamond right here yep I paid that extra one so it's pretty much my house out my bedroom it's pretty humble it's not even really that cool bro I got the glistening melons yeah I got chests and I got my very own bed and it's bouncy what the what the bouncy bed that we would share this is so cool nope it's my bad get out of here be gone why are you being so mean but also Mr melon can I make you anything in the kitchen yes I will demand a steak right now how about a knuckle sandwich ow what's your problem press the video on screen to keep watching this story
Channel: Sunny
Views: 359,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Os7gdRGtmD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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