Stuart Greaves — 04 God Our Eternal Dwelling Place (Jn.14)

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well good evening um how many of you need notes if you need any notes please raise your hands and we'll have the ushers uh get the notes to you so keep your hand up and for those of you are ready to go go ahead and turn your bibles to john chapter 14 john 14. let's pray father we thank you for your word father we thank you for your presence lord we ask you that you would open up our eyes to your law or that we would see new things father concerning your heart and your ways in jesus name amen all right john 14 wha what i want to do tonight i just want to um just give a uh somewhat of a overview just really really just kind of like a 50 000 foot perspective on on john 14. you know john 13 to 17 is what we started on a several months ago and now we're focusing on john 14 and we just kind of see where the lord is going to take us but we really believe that john 13-17 is just a real some real key passages that the lord is wanting to unlock uh in this hour for the church that there is so much gold that says in revelation 3 the lord says come and buy from me gold there's a there's much gold to be purchased to be received from the lord in these passages for me personally it's been one if not my favorite passages uh of scripture and when i think about the word of god you know i think of the scripture almost like this vast ocean and uh and as you know when you you know fly over the ocean you see that the ocean has different shades of blue and that uh where the the blue is kind of light the it means it's kind of shallow and then as it gets darker it means it gets deeper and now there's just parts where it's just really this deep dark blue color because of the depths of the ocean and so when i think of john 13-17 i think of this deep dark blue part of the ocean just because there is so much to be found there as it is the really the uh the best teacher that ever lived giving us instruction on how to engage with the father son and the holy spirit i said all that to say this that uh i just want to i'm not even just going to give an ovary of dispatch i'm just going to give like a kind of just a 50 000 foot perspective of this chapter but it is worthy of just kind of coming down a few more thousand feet just to get more insight and and then to get closer into what it is that's being said here uh paragraph a of page one the primary theme that jesus is speaking of to his disciples in john 13 to 17 is the subject of god's love and god's glory and so the main objective there is to lead us into the revelation of god's divine love and i think that that's the main theme there of john 13-17 is to discover just the vastness of god's love the apostle paul in ephesians chapter 3 he talks about the width the length the depth the height the love of christ that surpasses knowledge and i think that john 13-17 gives us some insight into the surpassing greatness of the uh of the love of god we discover the revelation of god's love for god the the love of the father for the son the love of the son for the father the gods the father's love for us and that god the father loves us the exact same way that he loves his son and that the son loves us in the exact same way that he loves his father and then one of the most powerful truths is john 17 26 that as we encounter this realm of love and glory and beauty the result is that we as the people of god will love god in the exact same way that god loves god and so many many themes that are being covered in john 13 to 17 but i believe that the main theme is the revelation of god's love and and god's and god's beauty secondly with that is that we discover that our destiny as human beings as the redeemed that our destiny is to uh is to live and to dwell and interact in what i like to call the divine community the father son and the holy spirit the trinity the divine community and i believe accident one of the things i think the lord is wanting to help us with by his spirit is to begin to understand and appreciate the importance of the trinity all too often the trinity has been relegated to this academic scholar scholarly type heavy theological ways of thinking and as a result many of us have concluded that it's just an academic subject and we've missed the power and the devotion that awaits us when we begin to interact with god in that trinitarian way because the thing that's so amazing about the trinity one scholar says that the trinity is the divine community of single action it it it is this divine family that the father was always interacting with his son the son was always interacting with his father in deep and profound enjoyment the spirit doing the same thing i mean imagine that all throughout eternity eternity passed you know it says in the scripture that from everlasting to everlasting you were god and so in eternity past the father and the son and the spirit were in deep intimate fellowship delight it says in proverbs 8 30 that uh that they were rejoicing before one another they were enjoying one another that they were delighting in in one another and somewhere in that dynamic somewhere in that interaction this uh the councils of the godhead they determined to make human beings and that their destiny is to enter into that exact same relationship to be swallowed up to be caught up into fellowship to be wrapped up in that divine community the uh the apostle john in first john 1 4 he says and he says are truly our fellowship he's talking to the church there in ephesus and he tells him that that which we have seen handled and touched talking about the lord jesus he says we've proclaimed jesus to you that you might have fellowship with us but in here in chapter one verse four he defines the fellowship first john 1 4 as truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ and so he says look we've preached christ to you to bring you into this trinitarian fellowship paragraph be as love in the culture and then the world continues to grow cold understanding the trinity as our model and intimately engaging the divine community becomes absolutely important you know jesus says that um that the love of many will grow cold and i said this before the thing that never ceases to amaze me is that i never thought that cold love would look this passionate i never thought that cold love would look anything but cold but yet the scripture looks at it as what is happening within the culture is called love and and the way to overcome that is by connecting with the revelation of god's divine love as seen in the trinity now before looking into john 14 i i have to touch on john 13. just because john uh 14 really the rest of john you know 13 17 is so anchored in what is happening there in john 13. we don't have time to go through john 13 but i do want to mention a couple of things just to kind of uh uh see how john 13 connects to what is happening in john 14. now john 13 is a prophetic parable that unveils the understanding of god's humble love there's a whole lot more going on in john 13 that meets the eye the lord himself said the students he said it to peter he says peter you don't understand what i'm doing now but you will understand later in other words there's a whole lot more going on than than a foot washing service there's many many things about the character and the personhood of god that is being revealed there in john 30 namely that god himself is a servant that the father is a servant the son the servant the holy spirit is a servant that the father is in fact the servant of the lord the servant of yahweh and that this this humble servanthood actually exists within the trinity and then jesus of course makes the point he says that the same nature of the relationship this humble love that exists among the father and the son and the spirit he says in the same manner we have loved you and therefore in the same manner love one another paragraph d jesus humility is revealed in the cross in fact let's go to paragraph e john 13 deeply connected to john 14 in that john 13 points towards jesus preparation on the cross to provide for us access to the father's house to say let me say it differently in the ancient world and we'll talk about it just a little bit more in just a few moments but just in general in the ancient world it was a matter of hospitality that if you went into someone's house in particular a person of status that person of status would have servants and oftentimes it was the lowest of servants that would wash the feet of the guests who would enter into the master's house and that is precisely what is happening here because jesus is about to talk in john 14 about the father's house and so there is a matter of hospitality where he christ the servant of all who's washing the feet of his guests as they enter into his father's house and they're deeply connected now ultimately john 13 really is talk ultimately it is talking about uh uh the server nerd of christ i would say ultimately because there's many more things but one of the primary things in john 13 is that it is the it is a servanthood of christ plays out in his death and suffering on the cross it says in mark chapter 10 verse 45 for even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many and so the servant of christ there in revelation in revelation 13 and john 13 uh reveals the servant of christ as seen in the cross to prepare a people to enter into the father's house john 14. now the food washing back to paragraph e was a significant part of the culture of the ancient world including the ancient near east and so uh when they would read this passage about jesus washing defeated disciples this really touched the people at that time they they really are feeling the impact of what uh is what is being taught here now foot washing was practiced in three specific ways that relate i believe to a few key themes in john 13 to 17. paragraph f number one foot washing was practiced as a means of hospitality as we just talked about a means of hospitality where the servant of the house would wash the feet of the visitors and so john 14 the father's house john 13 the father assuming that the servant jesus is washing the feet of his father's guest you and me to be able to have access to the father's house it is through and the way that he washed her feet is through his shed blood as he died on the cross he washed our feet that we might have access to uh to the father's house number one number two food washing was also utilized in the context of friendship it's where friends they express love and commitment to one another and isn't it interesting that in john 15 13 jesus looked at the disciple he says i call you friends and so when he's washing the feet of his disciples in john john 13 number one it is him as a humble servant washing the feet of his disciples to enter into the father's house number one but number two it is also the washing of the feet of his disciples because he's making a statement to them i am your friend you are my friend i love you and i'm deeply committed to you in fact i'm so committed to you here it is again john 14 15 13 that no greater love is than this than a man were to lay down his life for his friends lastly the uh foot washing also happened in the context of temple worship which again um when talking about the father's house uh mike covered this in the last several sessions the uh the father's house in in the context of the new jerusalem the new jerusalem is the temple of god where and again in this case in the ancient world they would wash the feet of those before they would enter into that place of worship let's go to page two page two let not your heart be troubled now jesus he uh uh in john 14 verse 27 he says let your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid it's near the end of the chapter but the chapter starts out with the same not just the excitation it actually starts out with the commandment to not be troubled to not be afraid and so that is i would say it's the burden of john 14. it is to equip the heart of the apostles but ultimately to equip the end time church of how to live without a troubled heart to live a heart without fear to live without anxiety in light of the pressures that are coming to the earth in paragraph a the pro jesus prophesied that there is coming a time of great pressure on the earth and in those days many will be gripped with four predominant negative emotions and um these emotions are fear offense lust and deception fear offense lust and deception this acronym fold can go with that fear offense uh lust and deception but the point is is that these negative emotions they happen because they happen with a heart that is disconnected from jesus in the following ways disconnected from jesus in prayer number one and number two disconnected from jesus in regards to his plan or his narrative uh uh his divine agenda what it is that he is up to because the more we understand the prophetic scriptures when things continue to take place that take place around us we begin to have a different interpretive grit because we're able to interpret what is happening based upon what the scripture says therefore giving us confidence in god's leadership and keeping us in that place of of peace and so one of the reasons why there will be many that will be gripped with these four negative emotions fear offense deception and lust is because of being disconnected living disconnected from the lord in that deep vibrant interaction with him through prayer and fellowship as well as not a a a growing inner understanding of god's uh divine plan or the storyline of heaven a paragraph b um jesus in matthew 24 he addressed three distinct emotional dynamics which include a deceived heart instead of deceived we can say confused a heart that is confused that a heart that lacks clarity about what is going on and therefore unable to make uh uh uh wise decisions in the midst of the pressure that is taking place and so jesus addresses these distinct emotions number one he addresses the issue of a troubled heart and that's what we're going to spend most of our time looking at in just a moment in light of john 14 a troubled heart number one a troubled heart i believe leads to a cold heart a troubled heart leads to a cold heart and a cold heart be ends up a confused heart i'll say this again a troubled heart a heart weighed down with anxieties fear worry uh ends up a cold heart um worry and anxiety i really believe that it snuffs out the uh the word of god in our hearts it snuffs out the uh uh the work of god in our hearts and we continue to yield to uh a worry and anxiety there's an unfortunate thing that has happened over time and that is that worry has been treated as a personality trait uh but it's not uh to put it plainly worry is a sin uh jesus said do not worry it it's it's an imperative it is a commandment a lot to be said about about the the nature of worry but the real nature of worry at the end of the day is where we have more confidence for lack of better terms in our leadership than the confidence in the leadership of the lord and um you know jesus the anecdote of jesus one of the anecdotes that jesus gives for worry is matthew 6 33 seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and then all these things shall be added unto you and so the way that i think about worry worry is when we pursue the things that god said he would add say this again worry is when we when we go after the thing that god said he would add he said look seek me first and these things will be added what anxiety does is we seek the thing that he said he would add in other words we're seeking to do what god was seeking to do god's part and so jesus gets a very strong warning he says a seed to it in matthew 24 he says see to it that you're not troubled uh matthew 24 jesus shows this very important progression now paragard c the burden of matthew 24 is deception i believe that the burden uh the the message in matthew 24 is see to it that you are not deceives and this shows up four times in matthew 24 and verse 4 5 11 and verse 24. however worrying and anxiety i believe become a seed bed for deception in other words and i'm not talking about a feeling of anxiety we all deal with feelings of anxieties feelings of uncertainty i'm not talking about that i'm talking about where where that becomes our internal way where inwardly the inward narrative the thing that drives us inwardly the thing that drives the inward conversation is when it's fueled by uh worry and anxiety that's the thing that jesus is warning us about i don't want anyone walking away going i felt anxious today and like oh my gosh i'm getting deceived tomorrow and that's not that is that is not what uh we're talking about we're talking about where our way is the way of anxiety the way of of worry matthew 24 that is the the primary burden is to not be deceived but that worry and anxiety when we are given into fear our hearts actually become vulnerable i believe to all manner of confusion so jesus warns us paragraph see he warns us about deception but he commands us not to be troubled it's upon trying to make he he warns us about deception but he commands us not to be troubled in fact it says in luke 21 26 that anxiety and fear will be so great that the hearts of many would fail because of it the physiological effects of fear or the hearts of many would actually fail them because of fear why am i talking about this because two days before the lord's supper john 13 is the lord's supper is when jesus is speaking to his disciples about this issue of deception and not being troubled it's two days before john 13. he's on the mount of olives matthew 24 and he's talking to them about this now what is the connection with um the issue of being troubled well he prophesies to them two days before john 13 and then john 14. two days before john 13 14 he prophesies to them about a military conflict across the nations military conflict racial conflict pestilences or diseases viruses earthquakes betrayal martyrdom says talking about there is pressure that is coming to the earth matthew chapter 24 of verse six and seven he said this great pressure that is coming and then jesus says one of my favorite verses he says guess what guys there's gonna be wars famines rumors of wars there's gonna be pandemics there's gonna be earthquakes matthew 24 6 but don't worry guys i'm like okay well wow he says no no don't worry because don't be troubled i remember um you know um you know here we are with covet 19 and all the things are happening and afghanistan and bless you and uh um iran and russia and all these different things and you know and i'm sure this thing happens with you you know people would ask you say hey so what is happening in iran what do you think you think we're gonna go to war and i go i i don't know well don't you think this and this and this i go well here's what i i don't know that but here's what i do know jesus said whether it is a war or a rumor of war the response is the same don't worry because that is the thing that we need to be more concerned about about not being concerned right we need to be more concerned about not being concerned he said and they because jesus said for these things must take place he says that in the end it's not yet that's another thing that we gotta watch is that he says you will see these things and the end is not yet in other words there's something way way way way more intense on the horizon other than the birth banks though the birth things would be pretty intense themselves so two days before the lord's supper jesus prophesied these things to them and he calls them to a life of peace john 14 two days later jesus shows them how to walk out matthew 24 6 and 7. so two days before he tells him hey guys here's the pressures that are coming don't worry don't be giving over the fear two days later at the lord's table john 13 john 14 he begins to instruct them lying upon line how to live victoriously in peace and quietness of heart and rest in the lord the remedy for anxiety simply said is fellowship with the lord intimacy with the lord devotion to the lord speaking with the lord whatever term you want to use but it is the cultivating of our relationship with the lord that is the primary remedy to anxiety paragraph e john 14 jesus is equipping the disciples and i believe ultimately the end time church through deep fellowship with the trinitarian fellowship will walk confidently in righteousness peace and joy righteousness peace and joy john 14 actually equips our hearts of how we can have relationship with the father to strengthen our hearts by his power by his presence by his grace that in the greatest of pressures we can still walk confidently in righteousness peace and joy there's a very uh unusual passage that's uh in ezekiel 14 21. ezekiel 14 21-22 for some of you that's where the pages are still stuck together or like one guy says the crispy part of your bible so john 14 20 ezekiel 14 21-22 it talks about the four severe judgments of the lord the sword famine wild beasts and pestilence these these four severe judgments that are being released upon the earth and then ezekiel prophesies about this interesting group of people it says that you will see this remnant and here's what it says it says you will see their life it says you will see the way that they live and it says and that and when you see the way that they live in the midst of these uh severe judgments he says then you will actually be comforted by the way that they live i'll say this again there is something that is coming on the earth that is troublesome in nature and yet jesus is teaching us these disciples and teaching end time church that there is a way in the grace of god to draw near to the lord and have our hearts empowered to walk in righteousness peace and joy in the midst of the crisis so that in the midst of the crisis the the the unbelievable world looks and goes hey wait a minute this thing is not impacting you guys on an emotional level it might be impacting the same way on a physical level and all these different things but it's but inwardly this thing is having a whole different impact on you what is your story i think of first peter where he says always be ready to give an answer for your hope it is one thing to go knocking on someone's door it's a whole nother thing to live in such a way people go what's your deal that is part of where this is going for the end time church as a paragraph f so jesus said that the purpose of his instruction was to equip the disciples to walk in victory under pressure and there i got the verses there in john 15 john 16 and john and john 16 33 again all right let's go to page three page three god our dwelling place so when we're talking about our hearts not being troubled john 14 1 let not charge me trouble you know he goes believe in god belief also me and i love the very next thing he says in my father's house there are many mansions i mean isn't that the thing that we're looking for when we're weighed down with sorrow and concern we want a quiet place to go and just be and rest and be comforted to be taken care of provided for protect it that's the very very thing that jesus speaks of he goes i've made provision for your anxiety and that is i'm giving you access to my father's house what is going on over here i believe is jesus is building on a very important principle that we find in the old testament and it was first introduced by the prophet moses psalm 90 verse 1 he says you lord you have been a you have been our dwelling place in all generations in other words god you have been our home you've been a place where we live you are our refuge you are our fortress you are our rock you are a strong tower all these uh concepts we see in the old testament begins to suggest this idea that we live in god that god becomes our home you know i love i got this in the next space but i'm just in such a mood so i'm just going to bring it over this page so in augustine he says that you made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until we find our rest in you you made us for ourselves and our hearts are restless until we find our rest in you until you become the place where we live and so jesus i believe is building off that principle of god being a dwelling place but here's what but here's why this is important because moses was the first one to teach this principle but he didn't just teach it just to anybody he taught it to a very very specific people and that was he taught it to a people who were nomads who were pilgrims walking throughout the wilderness in other words they did not have a permanent place to live they were living in tents and they were going from one place to another as the cloud would lead and it is to this these pilgrims or more specifically is to these refugees remember they were former slaves they were in egypt for 400 years under the heavy hand of pharaoh the mighty hand of the lord delivers them to the 10 plagues and now these slaves who already did we quite have a place of permanence but they had somewhat s slaves now they are refugees they are migrants there is as it were a immigration crisis if you think about it that was actually happening in the exodus i mean three million people three million former slaves leave egypt in tents and going from place to place in the desert how many of you think that as human beings which they were they were really longing for a place of permanence and it is to that group that moses says i have a revelation for you because i know it's been rough i know it's been tough i have a word for you thus says the lord he is our dwelling place he is the one where we can actually find a place of permanence by interacting with him and jesus i believe is building of that principle and this becomes very important as we're looking at john 14 in light of the context of end time pressures that will emerge paragraph b john 14 it touches on understanding our access to the father john 14 shows us the the privilege the the glory the uh uh the depth of relationship that we can have with the father as seen in his relationship with his son it helps us understand our access to the father in whom we dwell through mystical union by the holy spirit it is a spiritual union by the holy spirit and jesus he equips his disciples for deep union with god and that's what john 15 is about but we're not talking about today now jesus introduces this idea of the father's house this place in which we dwell the place in which we live and i believe that there are three expressions of the father's house the first expression of the father's house is the new jerusalem the father's house that jesus prepared access to the father's house uh through the cross that um you and i can have access to his presence seated in heavenly places in this life and ultimately in the resurrection living in the new jerusalem the writer of hebrews talks about this company of people that were living their lives looking for the city which builder and architect was god the father's house number one number two all right this is it's it this is it's surrogate it's well the whole thing is juicy but it gets a little more you know lo mufasa right is uh the father's house is god himself god himself is the house in him we live in that mystical union you have become a dwelling place for us oh god in every generation because the thing is in john 13 to 17 is jesus is instructing us still about how to enter into that deep communion and union with the father son and with the holy spirit and so yes jesus prepared the way for us to have access to the new jerusalem but he also prepared us that we might enter into that deep the way to say it is that that deep mystical union where we have spirit-to-spirit interaction with god by the holy spirit where we can experience it where we can experience his presence his power his love his delight you know it says in isaiah 57 isaiah 57 verse 15 it's right there in the notes it's this is what it says it says oh you who inhabits eternity talk about the lord you who inhabit eternity now check this out how many of you agree that there's nothing greater than god right let me therefore suggest to you that when it says oh you who inhabit eternity he is saying oh you god who indwells god because god is eternity if eternity is said something other than god then there is something greater than him god is eternity god dwells in god the father the son the holy spirit are indwelled in one another and deep perfect filled with divine delight and joy and peace and commitment and they're saying we want human beings to come and dwell in us in the exact same way that we are dwelling in one another and john 17 touches on this i love it it's like i and them you and me them and us i mean it's like oh this is glorious just to think about this he says father i and them you and me them and us that they may be made perfect in one that the world may know that you have loved them in the exact same way that you have loved me and that you sent me to the world to me what a statement and so the father's house is god himself the father is the house but i believe there's a third component of the father's house and it's us john 14 23 he said if you love me you keep my commandment and we will make our home with you this is glorious not only are we in him as the father's house no the father and the son of the holy spirit they long to come and make their dwelling in us hebrews chapter 3 verse 6 talks about us as being the house of god whose house we are now what's a home a home is a context where we find nurture identity formation affirmation confirmation provision protection belonging community discipline i forgot to put it in there i gotta come on over there these are dynamics that are greatly affected in a nomadic setting when you when when the the children of israel when they were going from place to place in their tent these things were greatly affected the sense of identity a formation affirmation confirmation protection all these become vulnerable when you are a nomadic person the trends that jesus highlights in matthew 24 7 will trigger a migration situation in the earth of historic proportions for believers and unbelievers i'll say this again the events that jesus highlights in matthew 24 7. the events that are prophesied in the book of revelation in particular revelation chapter 6 through revelation chapter 9 these events they will trigger beloved a migration or an immigration crisis of epic historic proportions if we think that there's an immigration crisis in the earth right now wait until the fullness of the end time crisis is unleashed on the earth there is yet coming a greater global eschatological migration crisis millions if not billions will be without a home or a homeland and it's precisely in that context where the revelation of the father is our dwelling place becomes essential so this message of in my father's house it is going to have vast implications for us here in america kansas city got its decent ac going nice little room it we cannot even fathom it we it cannot even enter into our brain but when we actually look at the conditions of the end time scenario it has to happen there will come a epic historic immigration crisis in the earth that the world has never seen and think about it if a third of the earth the water turns into blood you think bubba is going to just hang out by bloody water he's going to go come on sweet let's grab the kids we got to go we've got to go find a place where we can survive a fourth of the earth dead because of wars people are going to be migrating right now in the earth there are uh 26 million refugees or in or internally displaced people 26 million and um what makes these people refugees or uh eternity displaced is often a um a health crisis uh a war or religious persecution where by one of those three elements they are forced out from their place of living their home their homeland they are forced to leave by themselves or to take their families with them and move on to another place where they can find refuge unfortunately many of them find themselves in refugee camps and these refugee camps are what they are they are a holding pattern where because here's a crazy thing these refugees camps they are in countries but even though those refugees camps are in countries the refugees are not citizens of that country at all they are a people with no citizenship at all no identity no sense of stability no sense of belonging no sense of consistent community away from that which is familiar and away from that which is common in a way often times away from their loved ones away from their language but the point i'm making is that this is going to reach epic heights when we're looking at the end time scenario and so the revelation of the father as our dwelling place becomes absolutely essential paragraph e the eschatological immigration crisis will be a great source of emotional trauma and crisis of meaning many will have their hearts filled with fear and anxiety in 2020 2020 there were seven million adults in america seven million adults with general anxiety there was another six million that suffered from um from anxiety or panic uh sorry from from anxiety disorders the age range most affected by this is the ages of 14 to 16 as a 14 to 60. the studies also show this is intense that in 2020 compared to 2019 that 62 of americans had an increase of anxiety levels 62 and so it brings and i don't say this with criticism i say this with care and concern it brings what jesus said in in john 14 it brings it really into view let not your heart be troubled believe in god believe in me in my father's house as many mansions let's go to page four the fathers asked the place of rest the father as the place of rest augustine of hippo you have made us for yourselves oh lord and our heart is restless until it rests in you we are invited to dwell in god's presence by interacting with the trinity by the way all this really just comes down to two things it comes down to talking to god often and obeying his word the way that we live in the father's house and the way we experience uh the power of being in his house is by talking to him often receiving of his love loving and loving him back through our loving obedience paragraph c in john 14 jesus in great detail answers four essential questions what's amazing about john 14 is that the entire teaching of jesus to his disciples was jesus answering four very specific questions question number one was the question of resolve peter said to him lord why can't i follow you now i will lay down my life for you it was the question of resolve in other words i have what it takes and the lord goes no you don't he goes no you don't lesson number one peter no you don't you don't have what it takes i am the one that's gonna prepare a place for you you don't have what it takes question number two is what do we do now that we know that you have made a place for us in the father's house he goes what do we do here's the question thomas said to the lord lord we do not know where you are going how do we know the way and jesus answers that i'll look at just a few moments the third question is the question of satisfaction or the question of rest or the question of fulfillment philip said to him lord show us the father and it will be sufficient for us the question of satisfaction completion belonging fourth question is the question of encounter jude is not as scary said to him lord how is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the world and so the first question jesus answers peter and the disciples um about their future relationship with the father and he assures them that through the cross he has he has secured uh their relationship with the father and they have secured their uh their access and their dwelling in the new jerusalem in the age to come paragraph e the second question the question of what do we do lord we don't know where you're going where are you going why can't we know the way paragraph e jesus teaches that he himself is three things that he's the pattern the quality and the source in other words he is the pattern he's the way in other words in his humanity jesus christ fully god fully man but in his humanity he was the way the model the pattern of how god wants to interact with us as human beings in other words the measure of access that jesus in his humanity on the earth had to the father in relation with the father that is the exact same access and relationship that's available to you and i some of you just about fell over in your chair and i get it which is why jesus says on multiple locations in john 14 he goes believe me when i tell you this he says believe me when i tell you this believe me when i tell you this that's why it starts out in john 14 verse 1 he goes believe in god belief also in me he's not repeating himself he's not saying believe in god believing god he said though he is god he's saying believe in god and believe in me as a man of what i'm about to tell you about the relationship that's available to you with the father because it is the exact same relationship that i have with him in this life he says believe me when i tell you this and so he says i'm the way number one number two i'm the truth i'm the the quality the the quality of relationship that you see me have with the father it is that same quality of relationship that's available to you and thirdly he says i am the life in other words i'm the source that the very life-giving power of god is what i release in your life in your soul we call it the grace of god third question is the question outside the worship didn't come up it's the question of satisfaction in john 14 verses 8 to 21 jesus answers the question of satisfaction by teaching on the union that is available to us that the spirit of the father and the grace for obedient love and the gospel and gospel impact through the power of god he addresses the issue of intimacy with god being empowered by the grace of god and that he wants to give us an anointing to actually have impact in the gospel john 14 12 called greater works than these shall you do for those who believe last question is a question of encounter in john 14 22-31 jesus teaches on the role of the holy spirit who brings us into the experience of knowing god amen all right i just want to invite you to stand lord we love you let's just stand before the lord and andrew just lead us in worship here we are lord lord we love you thank you father that you are our dwelling place you father are the place where we want to live you know jesus in john 14 he says that the holy spirit was going to come and one of his main objectives was to teach us about what jesus instructed us in john 14. [Music] the holy spirit teach us the anointing that abides in us teach us teach us lord teach us how to relate with the father teach us how the father wants to relate with us teach us about his love teach us about his power [Music] spirit of wisdom open my eyes [Music] piece of fire in her heart [Music] [Music] wanna [Music] see you right of wisdom open my eyes again spirit of revelation open my heart [Music] again spirit of revelation open [Music] our eyes [Music] i want to see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] more of your presence and your fire [Music] [Music] upon us right now lord [Music] [Music] let me be secure in your revelations [Music] that i am [Music] if you just feel the lord touching you and you'd like to see prayer trying to invite you to come to the front you just feel like this lord's just touching anyway [Music] more of your presence [Music] we [Music] let me make my homemade [Music] should the ministry team come up [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] he is [Music] is me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] right now lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] deep inside [Music] give me the right thoughts about you [Music] scriptures that is [Music] fear [Music] [Music] [Music] alive in the god let your truth come alive in me let your truth come alive in the god let your love come alive let your [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in mind [Music] don't just let your truth be written on cold stones [Music] not just words on pages [Music] you god is true [Music] my mind with your word breathe on my mind breathe on my mind [Music] [Music] my mind
Channel: Mike Bickle Official
Views: 954
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -y3Fr-kVJh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 37sec (4117 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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