Adam — The Human Spirit Designed for Intimacy with God | Mike Bickle

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thank you hannah lee great job leading worship tonight too i appreciate it well turn to genesis chapter one genesis chapter 1. we're on session 10 bride of christ we have 12 sessions a couple more weeks to go for this class this series father we come before you in the name of the lord jesus and father we thank you for the way you think and the way you love and how you have called us to yourself and holy spirit i ask you that you would mark our hearts in a specific way in a new way tonight by the fire of the holy spirit we thank you in jesus name amen well genesis chapter 1 i want to look at the creation of adam and the message in the creation atom is meant is many different facets to that message it's manifold but the f the point i want to look at tonight is how god created adam specifically designed the human spirit for intimacy with god the very design of adam was a declaration that god says i'm going to have an interaction with this new species of creation called humans that is above and beyond anything the angels or any part of creation has understood so he made adam and eve then in his own image in his own likeness specifically so he could interact with them and participate with him at the deepest levels imaginable so when you read genesis chapter one people uh they focus on the display of power some people focus on the scientific information that's implied in genesis chapter 1. well genesis 1 is a display of power but it's really a display of power for the purpose of manifesting love the real message in genesis 1 isn't that god is powerful although that is a message but it's the reason for which god showed his power he created this entire environment and this new species of creation called humans so he could interact with that new that new race that new group up on this new earth and that he could show his glory to them forever so the real message isn't how much power god has but how far will god go for love that's what i see when i read genesis chapter one paragraph a i share this statement often but i i i love saying it it's that god's ultimate purpose for creation is to provide a bride for a son he wants an eternal companion so that jesus would reign forever with the eternal companion now one of the reasons that jesus has an earthly inheritance because it's if you think about it god doesn't need to give god an earthly inheritance god the father giving god the son but god the father gave god the son an earthly inheritance and an earthly companion because jesus was going to become human that was the logic behind all of this plan the father knew he would become human so he created an environment where he would interact with a human companion forever and forever of course the ultimate purpose of genesis 1 is found in revelation 19 the marriage of the lamb that's where history is going god's plan began in genesis 1 with a bride and a bridegroom in a garden paradise and the biblical storyline ends with a bride in a bridegroom in the new jerusalem in a garden paradise and everything in between actually is best interpreted through that lens if you lose the bride and bridegroom in the garden at the beginning at the end it's easy to misinterpret a lot of the storyline and god's leadership between the two bookends of the divine narrative here paragraph b we find that there's two accounts of creation and and there uh there's real differences between them not contradictions but differences points of truth that are emphasized the first account of creation is genesis 1 and the focus is on the creation of the environment and the creation of adam in the likeness of god being made in a way where he would have capacity to interact with god genesis chapter 2 the highlight's quite different than that it's the relationship between adam and eve and their partnership together and how that partnership would be a prophetic picture of the partnership of jesus the messiah and his people forever and so the biblical storyline or the biblical account of creation it wasn't to give scientific data like scientists will read it or apologists sometimes will go to genesis and they'll want arguments god wasn't proving anything about his existence he wasn't talking most at all really to intellectual arguments was not what he was aiming at he was declaring his heart and his purpose about love he wasn't giving a scientific expose or argument so that atheists could go ah now i get who you are he says i'm not winning an argument i'm declaring my heart in my account of creation and if you lose that perspective of creation you can get lost in all kinds of arguments and details and kind of lose the reason god gave this very abbreviated statement about creation he says it's going to be a paradise and it's going to be people equally yoked to me in love with the capacity to be close to me forever that's the storyline i want you to catch when you read genesis chapter 1 and genesis chapter 2. well paragraph 1 here i'll just say it again in genesis 1 god created adam in his own likeness in other words he designed the human spirit for capacity of intimate partnership with god he designed a whole new race of created beings called humans that would actually participate in the fellowship of the trinity the father son and holy spirit are enjoying this tremendous fellowship delighting in one another from eternity past and they said we want to multiply this experience and so they created human beings with a capacity to enter into this interaction this inner life of the trinity was open to this new race angels did not have access to this most amazing privilege but god created humans with this in mind in genesis chapter 2 which is a quite different emphasis but i'll just say it so briefly it's the idea that adam and eve were joined in marriage and the bible makes it clear that the message was they were they had intimacy with no shame at all was the message then paul the apostle and j in uh ephesians 5 says you know what was really going on when adam and eve were embracing one another in intimacy with no shame it was a picture of jesus and the redeemed the church forever and forever that was a snapshot of our id of our destiny of where we're going forever so when i read that genesis 2 story of adam and eve this thing is personal this is your story you're in that story in god's heart in god's mind paragraph c just uh we'll develop this more in the session uh in in session 11 but i just i i just want to say a real snapshot brief here it said god looked at adam and he declared adam here i am in paragraph c genesis chapter 2 verse 18 goes adam it's not good for you to be alone and he caused a deep sleep to fall upon him he pierced his side and out of his pierced side became his partner eve and when god put adam to when god looked at adam and said it's not good for you to be alone not good for you to rule alone he was looking at his own son saying my beloved son when you take upon humanity it is not good that you would rule alone i will give you a partner and you will sleep the sleep of death and from your pierced side i will bring forth your bride and it was all declared in god's masterful genius forethought here in genesis chapter 2. so when adam was put to sleep and his side was pierced that was a foreshadow of what jesus would do on the cross when he was put to sleep and his side was pierced and out came his eternal companion forever and forever now here's my point paragraph d that i want you to catch tonight is that adam is in the garden and he has all the authority over everything he has full authority over the earth and all the creatures all the plants and animals but with this glorious environment in full authority god's full intention his full glorious intention was still not expressed he looks at adam says you have all the authority you have fellowship with me you have this incredible paradise environment but there's more how could there be more than this there's more and i'm going to show you and he brings forth eve and it's in the interaction of the two together expressing the fullness of god in the human sense and then the human race redeemed joined to jesus so there's two storylines going on god's glory is only fully expressed when his glory in male and female is brought together in the grace of god and then when they are brought together to the messiah in the grace of god to jesus that's the ultimate storyline of god so he looks at adam and he says adam it's not complete there's a bigger storyline than you in paradise full of glory wait and see and it will unfold paragraph e what i want you to see from at this point is that god was designing this he was designing adam with with glorious eternal plans already in his mind when we look at the original actions god took in genesis 1 it's clear he was operating from a very detailed blueprint of history he wasn't just kind of making it up as he went the blueprint of a prepared bride for a worthy son in a paradise on earth called the millennial kingdom and then the new jerusalem all of that was clearly in view before god acted at all in genesis chapter 1. but i want you to catch a few points here when he designed adam originally verse 7 chapter 2 verse 7. adam was formed from the dust he was formed from the earth and and what was the statement being made in this is that even in god's eternal picture god wants his eternal of the the storyline to unfold in the earthly realm god created the earth the earth is good and he's not just adam created in the earthly realm and then given the supernatural life it's not just that god's going to take us to heaven and supernatural life but he wants the redeemed to be fully involved in the physical realm of the natural earth with the supernatural element of the breath of life he wants to bring both realms together forever meaning after the cross when a believer dies they go in a for a temporary period 2 000 plus years they go to heaven but when jesus comes he brings heaven down to the earth and he would say my intention was always to have the fullness of the natural realm and its glory and its beauty together enhanced together with the supernatural realm of the heavenly realm and so some folks they think about well when we die we go to heaven and that's true that's a temporary holding pattern where believers are in heaven without a physical body they're disembodied their spirit man is there but god doesn't want us to live disembodied he wants us to have a physical resurrected body on the earth with all the capacities of the resurrection in the supernatural realm here together forever that was the plan in genesis chapter one when sin came in it just created a parenthesis god did not abandon his plan to have the earthly room because the earthly realm has physical human dimensions that are that are unique the spiritual realm doesn't have and the spiritual realm the heavenly realm has supernatural dimensions the earthly realm doesn't have god says i want them to to come together and that's the environment in which i will live with my people forever now this uh uh passage here genesis chapter 2 you find the the early evidences of these of this master plan in genesis chapter 2 verse 7 he formed humans from the dust he wants us grounded in in in the physical dimension forever meaning we do have that we go to heaven for the 2000 years between the cross and the second coming but he wants us in the earthly realm then he breathes the supernatural breath of life so there's a supernatural dimension to the human experience of the human makeup but look at verse 9 i love it then god created the trees and everything around so that it was pleasant god thought of it he goes i want them to like it i want them to like the food i want them to like the sights the sounds the smells i want them to know i plan this with them in mind and i look at this verse 9 and you could just kind of read it and move past it but stop this is our heavenly father says i'm thinking of everything and i have you in mind and i want you to enjoy it with me forever now revelation chapter 21 verse 3 this is the ultimate we all know the passage well behold the tabernacle of god is with man what the tabernacle of god that means his throne and when it says the tabernacle of god is with men and he'll dwell with them that means on the earth i mean back in genesis 1 god's intention was not just that jesus would become a human and his throne would be on the earth but jesus would prepare the earth and the father's throne will be on the earth and people will interact with the father face to face on the earth with physical yes resurrected supernatural bodies but physical nonetheless humans will be face to face with god in a physical environment i mean this is the ultimate glory the bride and the bridegroom under the care of the father face to face enjoying food fellowship learning relating ruling reigning in this paradise where they love the food and the sights and the sounds and to the praise of the glory of his grace forever and forever is how paul said it in ephesians chapter one well let's look at page number two so when i so when i read genesis one i mean i i like a little bit of the scientific data i'm not that good at it but there's a little bit of that there's a few arguments for you know god is this way in that or or did this or that in creation but beloved don't miss the storyline it's the idea that a father thought through everything in advance and genesis one and two has seeds like little breadcrumbs that are leading us to the grand storyline because when the rest of the bible is written we fill in the gaps of where these little hints are and it's just magnificent that it was all thought through before any of it started i mean before genesis 1 the plan was already clear to the father well let's look at revelation i mean roman numeral 2. i want you to notice the divine pattern in genesis 1. and the divine pattern it's mentioned on purpose for a reason 10 times it's mentioned the phrase or a very similar phrase according to its own kind according to its own kind and what it says is that verse 11 that god says let's bring forth the grass and the grass will have seeds and the fruit trees and the fruit trees will have seeds but according to their own kind and he says the same with cattle and he says it with fish and he says it with the birds and with every living thing so here's the pattern god makes an original he makes the fish then he makes a counterpart to that fish that's just like the original then they would come together and they would propagate life so god makes an original then he makes a counterpart that can connect with that original and they would they would generate and propagate life forever on and on and on and on so he says okay plants apples i'm gonna make a second apple just like the first one so that they can multiply after their own kind seeds will multiply birds cattle that's the general principle that i'm i'm giving giving to you here and he says it ten times he's he's uh making the point explicit i make it original i make a counterpart just like the original after its own kind here's the reason that it would propagate and multiply so he starts again with the grass and then the trees and then the fish and the birds and the cattle and he goes on and on and then look at verse 26. then in verse 26 i mean the pattern is clear it's been laid out 10 times in a row then god makes this gigantic leap forward the fish is made like the original fish the bird like the original bird the cattle like the original bull cattle however that works then he says this very dramatic statement he creates man the angels are watching they've never seen a human and the natural would be he made a human then he makes another human after his own kind and then they multiply well we find that in an eve a little bit later but god says something very very surprising he makes a human after god's own kind and the angel is going i can imagine say what now we've seen the pattern ten times in a row the original and the counterpart and they they generate or they propagate life in their union so you're saying man isn't the original god says no i'm the original that's the counterpart why would they be like you after 10 times in a row you made the point that the original the counterpart joined together and propagate life who are they why so noble why so exalted why so powerful who are they i can just imagine the drama don't miss the drama of what's going on as the angels are gazing into this clear pattern of the original the counterpart propagate light 10 times in a row and then all of a sudden he departs from the pattern and there's a counterpart who's the original who's the counterpart like god says they're like me why would they be like you that doesn't make any sense why would you give them look at genesis 1 26 all the power only you have all the power god over the earth who are the who's this guy who whatever he is paragraph b just to kind of walk through the drama again god is creating in this ascending order of glory i mean he starts with the grass the trees the fish the birds he just keeps getting to more an ascending order of his cr of his created order here and the angels watch it and then they see where god's going paragraph c god's created this new order of beings called humans and god is the original of which they are the counterpart they're the ones like god paragraph d the message is clear the message is clear i the lord will have the deepest union with them forever that's the message that's what's in my heart when i created them i mean how perplexing this must have been to the angels because see the angels i mean i don't i'm not a scientist or a biologist i don't i'm getting a little past my uh my information here but as best as i know the angels and then fallen angels demons are the only part of living creation i know of that doesn't multiply and every other plant and seed and fruit and fish and bird all other forms of life multiply the angels they're the ascending they're the height of the glory of creation you know they got the fish the birds all the way up and then they skip past the angels because you would have thought he would have created somebody for the angels to interact with he skips the angels no you don't multiply he says they're going to be like us father son and holy spirit i mean how how dramatic again why so noble why so powerful who are these new race of beings of course at this point there's only one it's adam to start with well paragraph number one job 38 shows us that the angels were not just detached observers of creation when you read job 28 it's all it's all about creation job 38 the morning stars clearly the angels most all the commentators would agree and the sons of god is another term for angels back at that time they're singing they're shouting i mean when god is genesis one verse by verse day one day two you know the the light this the the the earth the oceans the the created i mean the plants the animals one by one day by day the angels are absolutely enthusiastic i mean they're engaged they're they're like wow joy like where is this going and then i just imagine them completely perplexed at this giant step as the ascending order of creation follows the pattern the original then the counterpart to propagate life the original the counterpart then all of a sudden at the it bypasses angels a new order they're not the original they're the counterpart of an original who's the original my son is the is is the one they're going to be in this kind of union well they're going to be in union with the father i mean with god as their father and with the bridegroom as the and the son is the bridegroom now the angels i believe are perplexed by this ephesians chapter paul tells us that the mystery meaning the big master plan the mystery of god is the master plan of god that is not revealed until jesus became a man and paid the price for sin and rose from the dead so there's a number of facets i've identified uh four very specific facets of god's mystery they're not different mysteries there are facets of one master plan that paul calls the mystery of god and the reason that it's a mystery god says i'm not going to tell even the angels or the demons no one's going to know the prophets won't even know and until my son takes upon humanity and until my son pays the price for sin raises from the dead i'm not going to tell anybody the master plan i'm only going to give him hints along the way and so here he says here the great master plan that's been hidden from the beginning of the ages it was hidden in god's heart genesis 1 and chapter 2 when we read it we see the seeds we see the prophetic hints but we could never have figured it out without the rest of the bible god says all of the plan was there this manifold wisdom manifold means many many facets to it many dimensions to my master plan he says now that my son has become human paid the price for sid rose from the dead the spirit's been poured out now little by little i'm gonna reveal my master plan to the angels and to the demons to the principalities and powers the angels and demons are leaning over the balcony of heaven or whatever that's not really a great analogy but they're leaning over watching what's happening in the church to understand the master plan because god says i'm not going to tell it to them direct i'm going to let them discover it as i unfold it in my body the bride of christ so he's making the master plan no through the 2000 years of church history and then through the millennial kingdom but it's unfolding but my point is not just that it was hidden i that is an important point paul makes but my point that the plan was intact the point is that god thought it all through before anything started the point being that sin wasn't a surprise that derailed god's plan in god's heart he had a contingency he understood it and god's plan is fully intact with what's in his heart it's all going to come to pass and so because he has a plan and a heart and a grace that's greater than sin and wherever sin was magnified grace will be magnified even greater where sin abound paul said in romans 5 20 grace the heart of god will abound more and more whatever the master plan was that seems to be thrown off by sin romans 5 20 where sin abound grace or the passion of god's heart the power of the holy spirit those are all together in the grace of god will super abound over what the devil meant to bring destruction to to our lives so when i look at our lives and even our our failures and our setbacks we're in the in the narrative we're in this larger context of the grace of god and a master plan that's bigger than our sin now we have to acknowledge our sin and repent of it but it doesn't disqualify us it doesn't take us out of the story line it doesn't thrust us to the side because the lord says i had it all in place i built the human spirit so i could interact with you forever and i had the full contingency of grace for it paragraph f what are the implications of such a union of a a race of beings made in god's likeness well god's purpose paragraph f was to have a class of beings that lived in union with him that would have a capacity not just a capacity to relate only but a capacity to share the government of the earth with god forever i mean yes sweet fellowship but meaningful powerful government together as well government and relationship pleasure and meaningful productive work all brought together in the salvation plan the angels must have been utterly overwhelmed by this because they would never ever have this kind of close proximity to the interaction of the father son and holy spirit they're never invited to participate in the family dynamics of the trinity but the body of christ sons of god bride of christ though never god we never confuse god is uncreated god the father son and holy spirit one god in three persons uncreated fully equally god we're the redeemed the lion is never blurred but as the redeemed that are sons before the father and the bride before the son of god he says i want to bring you into the family dynamics of what we've enjoyed from eternity past because love by true definition always multiplies itself and the father son and spirit have enjoyed such sublime fellowship for me ages past the father says we're going to multiply this i'm a father longing for a family and you're my son and i've prepared an eternal companion and beloved this is more than theology or a nice worship song or a class this is your story for real and the devil does not want you to connect with his story because when you connect with this story there's no deception that he can hold you down with if you buy into this if you know who you are before the father where you're going you're not afraid of death you're not afraid of sacrifice you're not afraid of laboring in the midst of obstacles because you know that a happy father and a joyful bridegroom has his their eyes on all that we do and will bring it to full glory in its own time we could stare at obstacles setbacks death discouragement persecution with joy in our heart if we know who we are in this storyline and how powerful the storyline was that it was set in motion with all the contingency for human failure already calculated and answered within the councils of the godhead this is the most magnificent marvelous reality well let's look at roman numeral 3. the lord paragraph 8 the lord called the redeemed not only i i reap i'll repeat again not just a related sweet fellowship that is enough sweet fellowship with god that's enough he goes yeah but i have more i went deepest partnership with my government in power i want to show my power to magnify my love i want to release my power through you to magnify my love for you and it will awaken your love for me and the storyline will be love love love that's what it's all about so he gave full dominion to his people over all the earth he wasn't threatened that if he gave them that dominion you know things would go awry he says no i've got a contingency there will be an interruption but it will be a short-term interruption but forever and forever in a paradise on the earth together forever i will be with my people in pleasure and delight and that is who they are and that's where they're going now david he he understood this a bit he was ahead of his time he david was 300 years before isaiah david's about a thousand bc isaiah's about 700. so david saw this before the prophets did he looks he's commenting on genesis chapter one this that god looked at at human beings and purposed to give them the the dominion of the earth so david he's a thousand years bc adam's about 4 000 years bc ish it's nobody knows exactly but with genealogies and different historical records so david's a couple of about three thousand years after adam and and he's in he's looking at this those are broad strokes numbers but in in psalm 84 david is awestruck psalm 8 verse 4 not psalm 84 psalm 8 verse 4 but until you're awestruck don't be content i want to feel what david felt when he saw this and over the years i feel it more but i'm not content i want i want to get ahold of this more david said in a spirit of adoration a spirit of overwhelmed ah struck adoration he says what is the human race he's talking to god that you're mindful meaning that you have this in-depth plan he goes come on look how broken and rebellious we are why are you thinking such deep wonderful thoughts about verse 4 what is man that you're so mindful that you have such an in-depth thought through plan what is the son of man that's the same thing the human race that you visit him meaning with such a glorious plan with such redemption who are we that you care this much why are you going to such extravagant measures for us then he says verse 5 he goes i get it and of course he's he sees it by revelation you've crowned the human race with glory and honor now he's talking about the redeemed he offered it to the human race anybody can be a part of this but he's talking about the redeem now but he goes you put such dignity and honor on the human race again that can only be realized through the redemption through christ were crowned with glory and honor and then you gave him dominion over everything you put everything under his feet david could say god you're the only one that's over everything on the earth so there's this partnership there's this desire you have for us beloved i have i just want to say it you're crowned with glory and honor the devil is a liar the devil is a liar how many times people say it's not worth it anymore i can't make it i'm not going forward the devil is a liar you are crowned with glory and honor and it may be difficult the next 10 or 20 years in a lot of circumstances but i guarantee you for the next billions of years you're going to see the story line and you will say forever not just you are worthy but a different uh application of that it was worth it to serve you it was worth it yes you are worth it you are worth it and david saw that and he said i'm not backing down i may get setbacks i might get disappointed the money may not work right the situation might not get solved and then i in the short term the way that i want to even the next couple decades it just may not but i know one thing i'm in a divine storyline forever with the lord now look at hebrews chapter 2. hebrews chapter 2 quotes the same thing i just wanted to see it jesus brings it up a couple notches well more than that paragraph c he's talking to his bride he goes dominion over the earth yeah how about sit with me on my throne yeah that's the minion over the earth plus some you're not just over the fish in the cattle and the agriculture you're with me on my throne on the earth forever i look at that and i say lord this could never have been if you had not created us with the capacities for this so the message of the bride of christ is all through the divine hints in genesis one and two again these prophetic crumb drops that that uh that bring us to the ultimate story when we see the book of revelation we go oh my goodness this thing is who could have understood that reading genesis one and two at the very just by themselves well that's why we read the bible with the bible well we're going to do more than reign with him paragraph d we're going to have you can read this on your own all this is one of the highest descriptions of the glory of god in the scripture we're going to reign not just with power but we're going to reign from the most delightful deep personal relationship because we're made in his likeness we're made able with capacity to interact with him we can do it now but in the resurrection our capacity to interact with him will bring such delight such depth of closeness to one another and to him well jesus i guess i have to read a little bit of it i mean i don't know of a passage that goes higher than this one in terms of the delight of where we who we are in the bride of christ jesus is praying his father that they would be one they would enjoy one another and the way we enjoy them and the way they will enjoy us we will enjoy being together not just you and god you and the family god in paradise forever i mean this is fantastic verse 20 the glory father that you gave me i've given to them they're gonna see that glory now we only see it in part in this age glimpse is here and there but those glimpses are important i'm not minimizing the glimpses but i just want you to understand that as dynamic as it is book of acts everything those are glimpses compared to where this thing is going the point being he's worth it that's the point because of who he made you to be well the glory that you've given me father i've given to them that they would be one as we are me moving in power inside of them because they're made in our image that's why i can be in them he's not in angels he's not in cattle he's not in birds he's in the human spirit when we're born again because we're created in his image that they would be perfect in one unity with one another perfect enjoyment and perfect connection with each other and perfect connection with the lord he says what's the what's the end game that all the nations know father that you have loved them in the same intensity that you loved me the end game all the nations will know you were as intense in your love for them with this master plan as you were intense in your love for me and jesus could say someone say well does that bother you that he loves your bride like he loves you he goes oh no love is liberty this is what i love this is the dream of my heart that he would love you like he loves me well you could just spend hours on those couple verses but we're moving on roman numeral four created in god's likeness well one uh facets of god's likeness first thessalonians 5 spirit soul and body now we're thinking body we're thinking of the messiah in his humanity now here's an important thing to understand i wrote here because we're created in god's likeness there's a glory and there's a dilemma being in god's likeness includes being eternal that's glory glorious if you say yes to him if you say no to him that's a that's a really really challenging thing because god created us in his likeness and he doesn't say well since you don't want my leadership now i'm going to unlike you to me no you're created in my likeness you will exist forever you will never humans will never ever not exist and this argument in the body of christ is annihilation that you know they'll die and all disappear they don't understand the power and the dignity of being created in god's image and when god created in his image and gave a free will genuine love was with was there love genuine love was real but there was another cost of deep loss would be real as well so god says i'm going to create in my image they're going to be eternal and they're going to have a free will they're going to have the ability to choose and their choices will matter forever now somebody says well that's that's great if you say yes and it's really bad if you say no and the lord's i believe his answer is i can't have it both ways i either make you in my image and give you a free will where your where your decisions count or i don't but i'm not going to give you a pill where you love me in an automated way i'm not gonna program you i love you jesus i worship you no no i'm not doing it that way i'm gonna have voluntary love and that's the only way we're going forward and the reality of voluntary love is the option of voluntary disobedience and rejection and the lord looked at the cost and he looked at the loss and he said the ability to have love is worth the risk of the people who don't want love and he did it not that he asked the human beings to vote on it he's asking he's not asking for a vote but in his the eternal councils he created in uh humans in his own image in his own likeness with an eternal dimension you will never ever evaporate i don't care what theologian tells you that and tries to comfort the unbelievers that it'll be over you will exist forever and your choices will matter that's the dignity of humanity that your choices matter forever and the grace of god is sufficient to anybody which is all of us who stumble a thousand times a thousand but we want him and his leadership and his love he says i can where grace abounds i mean where sin abounds grace abounds all the more paragraph b so we have a spirit that's like god meaning we have the capacity to receive the zoe zoe is the greek word the the the life of god we have the capacity to receive the holy spirit angels and animals can't receive the holy spirit like humans can we have a special capacity because our spirit is made in the image of god so christ can live in us by the holy spirit well we're not only like god in our spirit we're like god in our soul meaning obviously god has infinitely greater glory in all of these capacities of course but we have similarities we're made like him our soul we have a mind an emotion and a will so in our soul that's our personality we have a personality that can relate to god in a way a fish and a bird cannot relate to god we have a soul we have a capacity a mind for reason we have a capacity to receive revelation we have a capacity to receive creative thinking and the list could go on and on i'm just giving you just kind of a a snapshot just broad strokes to how glorious the father was preparing a bride for the deepest interaction with his son the bridegroom forever we have emotions we have the capacity for intense affections intense joy we can have intense gladness zeal we can have holy anger we can have emotions like god has even emotions that transcend what angels or animals would have there are angels have joy but there's no evidence that angels have deep affection and the way that we know love like loving god with all of our heart we don't know that we know the angels are servants they do have joy but there's no evidence that they have the kind of affections that are that that are uh the reflection of interacting in the family dynamics of the godhead i mean we're a part of the family dynamics i mean the father and the son they share it on a far greater level but what they're sharing we're a part of it some of it's touching us forever even now it is i mean even tonight we're worshiping we're feeling a little bit that's a little bit of a down payment of where this whole thing is going and because i'm created in his image and i'm born again by the grace of god this is my inheritance i'm not waiting for the resurrection to press into this i have to wait till the resurrection to have the fullness of it but beloved this is what i'm living for i'm not living to get more money more honor a bigger following more people applauding that's not what i'm that's not what i'm locked in on i mean i'll take all those if god gives them but that's not what i'm living for in my my dream is i want greater interaction i want to be more fully human in the grace of god in my relationship with him i'm going to feel what he feels sees i want to see what he sees i want to enter into that and if i have a bigger or a lesser impact that's that's cool whatever it is it is that's i'm not locking into that as my life dream my life dream is that i have an inheritance now in this age to interact with him as the bride of christ well paragraph three we have a mind emotion but our soul there's a third dimension we have a will we have a capacity for dignified decisions dignified actions we can make decisions and take actions you came to a meeting and opened your bible or your laptop or your handout you opened your bible you stopped with the things that were bugging you today when they were leading worship and you said i love you i love you i love you a few times you those things really mattered that you did that this is real you those are dignified actions you looked at the person next to you said hey i just want to encourage you man you're such a blessing lord because that matters that's in my book actually then after the meeting you'll pray for a few people you may feel something you may not feel something but you're going to pray go lord just bless them i don't feel anything lord says it matters this stuff matters this is dignified action it's decisions that will matter forever that after the meeting some of you go the prayer room some of you will go to out there some of you will go talk to somebody and you'll say and do godly things or edifying things and the lord says it's all in my book i've given you the ability to make dignified actions and to make important decisions important decisions meaning you give a cup of cold water it's remembered forever that's an important decision these decisions have eternal consequences you see this water somebody lord bless them forever didn't bring it up here somebody did so the lord's gonna remember this forever except for it's not very cold but at my request i said please don't make it cold it makes it rough so thank you waterbringer person paragraph d now this is this this ability for dignified action we call it free will but it's really the capacity for dignified action that has consequences like giving a cup of cold water encouraging people serving people in little out of the way ways not quitting in your assignment persevering when it's tough the lord gave adam this ability to decide the garden of eden was perfect everything was right genesis chapter two god put a tree there now we call it an apple tree there's no it's not an apple but it might have been but nobody knows but he put a tree in the garden and he put a snake in the garden on purpose he says adam i don't want you just to decide for me with no options i want you to have real options because i want the love to be real so we're in a hostile environment real temptation real enemies real temptation to bitterness to lust to greed to all kinds of things and the lord says that's the theater of which you show love to me but remember this every choice will be meant i will remember it forever it matters every choice matters and so though it's a it's a hassle and a war and a race the bible paul calls it a war and a race or in a marathon race or in a war there's a negative endurance dimension but every single decision is an expression of love and he says to adam i want you to actually choose love in the face of the ability not to i don't want you to only have the option to do right and so i don't like the challenges of the war and the race but i like the dignity that my choices matter even when they're weak and they're small they still matter paragraph e just real quick our body so we have a body and a soul and a spirit that is like the lord i'll just do this real kind of just to give you the sense of it so our spirit has a capacity for god our soul mind emotion and will so does our body now god that would god the father gave jesus when he became a man he died on the cross rose from the dead when he rose from the dead the father gave him the greatest physical body to his beloved son that he could create god the father says i'm just making this conversation up but son when i raise you from the dead i've really thought it through i'm gonna have every detail taken care of you know just think of a inept analogy you know a father gives the car to his son and he says i'm not giving you the car i'm giving you the million dollar car that does everything every single feature i don't even know there is such a thing but anyway i'm gonna give you the best model that has ever been created well bad analogy but go back he says jesus i'm gonna think through everything every feature possible will be in that body that i've got for you it will be the best one the best one far superior than the physical than the body that an angel would have it will have all the capacity to express the glory of god i mean jesus has physical capacities but here's the point i want to make jesus says i created you in my image so your spirit would be able to connect with me your mind emotions and will would interact with me but i will give you a body where your body can connect me you will feel you will experience and enjoy things together with me we will enjoy food and sights and sounds and fragrances and we will do things and go places and experience things and you're not just going to see them you're going to feel them in the full orb of physicality of humanity in the new heaven and new earth he says i don't want you just to see them and know them i just i want you to feel them i want you to smell what i smell i want you to feel what i feel in your body i want you to taste what i taste i'm gonna actually i've made you in my likeness we're gonna do this together forever paragraph two paul develops it a little bit he says in first corinthians 14 15 he says talking about the resurrection of the dead in verse 42 it says your body is sown it goes to the grave when it's sewn down you know it's like a seed being sown into the earth your body's buried or it's cremated or turns the dust or obliterated it's going to come to ashes anyway either way it goes the body is sewn back into the earth at your death but it's sown corrupt no matter how much divine health you live in the day of your physical death as the lord doesn't come in your lifetime your body will be corrupt in the ground but it's going to be raised incorruptible whoa your body is sown with dishonor it has weakness has frailties it has inabilities it has certain lusts in it it's like ah there's dishonor working in our bodies he says but it's going to be raised in the full capacity of the glory of god your body has weakness physical frail sick whatever you know there's every one of these you could give 10 or 12 different little sub thoughts to it it's gonna be raised in power it's gonna be a supernatural body beloved you're gonna have five senses paragraph three and these are just one-liners of every one of these you could really develop these ass holy spirit just let us see more about this you will have sight with your resurrected eyes you will see things that he sees like he'll say oh my goodness and you won't say oh man that's like it's 100 miles away i can't see that clear it's only 100 it's only 100 miles come on open your eyes i made up that number i have no idea but the point is you will see like he sees not necessarily the full capacity but we'll enjoy what we see with him you'll hear you'll touch you'll taste you'll love food the food will be fantastic no downside you'll smell i don't mean you'll smell but well yeah you will there will be fragrance you'll smell yeah i meant to say that no you will have we will enjoy the fragrant the fascination i love psalm of solomon chapter 8 verse 14. it talks about the eternal city in the figurative language as the mountain of spices that's the mountain of divine fragrances what poetic language paragraph four you're gonna have supernatural abilities to communicate but with him and with him and others you'll be in it you won't be left out of the conversation you're made in his likeness you're a bride created for the full pleasure of the marriage relationship all of the heart to heart all the activities of ruling and reigning and sharing and all the experiences in the resurrection you'll have number five supernatural abilities of strength and a minute you can put many things to every one of these supernatural abilities of health supernatural abilities of travel i mean the angels travel really fast and it's they travel light i mean they're here boob boom that's how i understand it you'll have supernatural abilities to the material realm jesus ate the fish in his resurrected body and then he walked through the wall then he appeared and disappeared he says you're gonna have a body like me you're gonna experience those with me this isn't something you'll just watch this is part of being with me and your physical countenance you'll have fragrance and light and beauty that reflects his you'll you will adore and just absolutely be ravished by his beauty you will be amazed by your beauty and the beauty of those around you jesus says i'm sharing everything with you beloved at the beginning the father declared let us make him in our own image and our own likeness and the implications are staggering amen and amen let's stand before the lord
Channel: Mike Bickle Official
Views: 20,323
Rating: 4.7378435 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Bickle, IHOPKC, Intimacy, Fancis Chan, John Piper, Prayer Room, End Times, Misty Edwards, Lou Engle, Equip Project
Id: oi0yO0Igqq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 55sec (3655 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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