Strong In Spirit | James Aladiran

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so there are some people God brings into our lives and they become friends they become partners there are people we get coming into the life of the church and they they're great they great ministries they blow in they blow up them and they blow out again but there are other people that God brings into our lives our partner with us and James and Rebecca are those people I don't think we've had it in the four years we've been here I don't think I've had anybody come and preach as many times he's almost please as many times I have here it's gonna be introducing me soon but what a blessing James the ladder on has been to this church and he carries something weighty I think he carries something apostolic and we are blessed we are richer as a church for what this man has deposited in our spirits over the last four years of our journey here and I'm James Rebecca oh we're so grateful that you come and minister this weekend with us and we delighted that you're here and we open up our hearts now to what God's placed upon you so let's give them both a welcome as James come to school well it's great to be here with you guys I'm gonna invite my wife to come up and release a word so welcome Rebecca I just had three things on my heart they're actually completely different the first one actually the Lord's been speaking to me lately saying lean in and and as I lean in lean in okay where's that in the Bible so the only thing I could find was lean not on your own understanding but trust in God with all your heart and from that I really felt since a you know whatever situation you go in in I always have an answer for and you just have to lean in and listen to me and a great example of how he saved me in that is a we we've done lots of interviews this week and people have come at me with questions and I'm not someone who likes talking down the microphone or answering questions or anything but but they'd ask me questions really hard ones like really big ones that you need quite like an hour to even think about and had just have an answer like that it wasn't because they have a sharp mind but actually because I was just like okay God you have something to say here you know you have a heart in this subject I need you to just release what you have to say and he's like that so I feel like the Lord wants to say lean in there's a sharp and prophetic gift in every single person I think it's common for us to be eager for a prophetic word for ourselves and eagerly desire the gift of prophecy which edify the church out sorry about that the second one I don't say this out of I don't say this out of judging or guilt because actually this is something that I learned when I was younger but I just felt to share a very short testimony about myself when I was 7 the age of 4 and 17 years old I constantly had relationships relationships relationships and dating and dating and dating and then on our 17 I just said to God the next person I date will be my husband and I'm just saying that because I really believe that there's an assignment of the enemy to get people in relationships and to get people to give their hearts and their love to someone that God didn't and many people that God didn't intend for you to give and it almost dilutes your heart that when you come into a relationship it's kind of like you have to fix yourself back up because you've learnt have to be with so many different people and date so many people people in some subtle ways some big ways and some are just you know innocent things that we do and I really feel like I really feel like there's some people here that God's just saying you if you ask me the next person you date can be your husband your wife whatever you don't have to go through that lean into me and I will show you and it will be obvious focus on me in this season and I will make it very obvious to you who the person is and bring it to you and lastly sorry I'm a bit long-winded I don't know if it's a woman thing or a monk union thing or both but and the last thing is when and you were sharing about the extra week I'm reminded of a move of God that happened that I went to visit myself and it just started I think just started with a week they decided to do a week of something and then they extended it and extended it an excellent and an outpouring of God actually came an area and I felt like the what God wants to relieve a bigger fishing nets I saw that I saw that you had like small fishing nets they feel big and it's kind of like we have manageable fishing nets right now but I feel like the Lord wants to give you bigger fishing nets because as you pray as you step out in prayers you extend your prayer you extend your community in prayer I feel like the Lord's gonna release a capacity for youth for these bigger nets to be able to spiritually and physically administrate moves of God [Music] that's powerful which means master mark that this place is too small yes so father we just pull down the next building right now that's double this size at least we just declare in the name of Jesus father we ask that you release your angels supernatural connections supernatural favor and finances that the impossible becomes possible yes we declare the father just an acceleration to this in Jesus name Amen I really believe God is preparing used to steward and move of his spirit in this region that you know that the Spirit of God came upon Jesus and remained and that's one of the challenges the spirit comes upon us many times no remaining it's kind of live - no because we grieve the spirit but God is looking for somewhere where he can rest you know and just remain there and I believe these lessons that God's teaching you as a church is preparing the nets like Rebecca said - it almost hosts what he wants to do so we just say yes and amen to that I am believing that the next time I come it would be another wave another level another glory in this place so we praise God for that I want to show you a video if you guys already I'm gonna start with thank you very much [Music] our wrestle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against rulers of darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places and the weapons of our warfare they're not physical weapons they're mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ therefore we put on God's complete armor of light praying in the spirit on all occasions in every season with all manner of prayers [Music] we will not forfeit our inheritance in God by cohabiting with the enemy where cultivate we make the declaration of war and there will be no truce we declare war on complacency addictions and cycles of sin we declare war on compromise no coordinates and prayerlessness we declare war on depression discouragement doubts distressed disappointment and disillusionment in the spirit yes we arise in the spirit [Music] father the name of Jesus we take authority over distractions we expose deceptions with silenced accusations we refuse and resistant manipulations we intercept prohibit nullify all satanic projections by the fire of the Holy Spirit with destroy all diabolical associations by the blood of Jesus we cleanse all contaminations we superimpose the decrees of heaven over the Oracles of darkness we call all things into divine alignment we will not conform to the world and its systems we change the system we are accounts of cultural resistance to the moral decline of this day we are not concerned about being celebrities on the earth we are a voice in the heavens shifting principalities and powers advancing God's kingdom purposes preparing the way of the Lord we are endtime warriors in the name time army gaining ground for the king of god in our generation we take up our positions of law and we sharpen our sword we take about shield of faith as we stand in battle ranks rightly aligned next to one another ready to advance we're fierce we're focused we're on fire we understand the severity of the battle the army of God we will not retreat and we will not surrender amen anybody believe that I believe that all my heart part of my job description from the Lord is to raise up an army that doesn't back out an army that doesn't back out on the pressure with that song got that track by the ways on this album were released in April last year there's another track on there there's also kind of prayers and declarations but it's basically an album which is intimacy with God and just warfare songs and I like to give this as someone today yes so you're gonna have it now we did bring a few CDs there at the back you can get them if you like them at the end of the service I remember again an email from someone about that particular track and they said they saw the video in this type plane every time they went into prison cuz every prison ministry in America in five prisons every time the winning they stopped playing this pray and praying as the winning and they say this guy is saying the most incredible breakthroughs the prison guards that getting saved healing started breaking out people start getting saved in prison so Center sent me a message to say the prayer is just incredible and thank you for releasing so I was just massively encouraged by that I remember someone going through a hard time as well just saying they played the track in the atmosphere just shifting in my home that's the purpose of this what we're doing is wanting to release equipments for warfare that you're able to go into situations and you you're gonna become and you should become a thermostat an oral thermometer so you become one that shifts the atmosphere I suppose the one that conforms to the temperature of the atmosphere are you with me because many of us go into a place and we just conform to the temperature it's calling us to be ones that shift the temperature so that's one of the things that we're passionate about we're based in Manchester the mystery is called prayer stone and we believe in God for prayer revolution across the body of Christ so I'm encouraged when I see that church is like what you're doing here you know where you gathering to pray you're gathering to see God listen is the foundation of everything God does we're not gonna outgrow prayer we're not gonna get to a place where sophisticated and we don't need we don't need prayer anymore in fact it amazed me that's a day in the church we have more technical equipment we have more gifted communicators we have more dances more singers more preachers but somehow with the more we have we're having less impact compared to the early church they had less gifted communicators they had less technical equipment and Internet and all that stuff but with the last day did more with more we're doing less something is wrong somebody they gave more impression they had a more they had a deeper revelation of the impact the importance of prayer than we did when I was in Lebanon last year and it made it makes me because when I was there go to me some pastors and if you understand what's been going on in Syria and all the refugees going over to Lebanon basically the church was just in the States or trying to manage that crisis and a lot of people were becoming Christians a lot of Muslims are becoming Christians and Syria and Lebanon have a history because Syria used to oppress Lebanon in some really horrible ways and now that the Syrians in trouble in the coming into Lebanon the Christians we're struggling to handle the pressure so anyway we speak to these pastors and they were saying you know you know the prayer meetings I'm more responded to than the church services now as amazing that that is it seems to me that in the church it's okay nature that's good I love the come on don't stop as amazing as that is it makes me really that we tend to only respond to prayer more in the time of crisis when the terror attacks took place and when they think they're in Manchester in London there was like pray for London pray for Manchester on we have thoughts and prayers are with you without the crisis you don't hear anyone talking about Perez on the news but when crisis strikes then everyone starts to pray now god forbid if a territory attack struck the UK today next week every church in the nation will be calling for prayer for the nation do you see why we have issues in the church because we're just reacting it's only when problems can we react whereas we're supposed to be praying regardless of crisis so I'm gonna say to you Church show me the man or the woman that knows how to pray fervently without crisis and I'll show you the man or the woman that's rightly positioned to handle the crisis when it arises we're so crisis driven and we pray intensely and that's why many of us don't have strong prayer lives because our prayer lives I just need driven so I'm in desperate in right now lord I need you I need you help it pass my exams heal this person heal my body lord I need you I need you Lord is this a person I'm meant to marry I'm gonna faster pretty show me show me Lord and we'll pray intensely when were in trouble and then when the trouble passes the level of intense prayer drops until the next crisis god I need you I need and then when that crisis passes the intensity drops so our prayer lines go like this and like this and like this and like this so we are not constantly intense by the way it's okay to be intense the only problem is you cannot be intense at 10 things at the same time so if you're gonna be intense for God your life actually becomes narrower and become more focused because you cannot love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength and you not being tense you can't love a lot of good all your heart so many emotions be disconnected impossible love in the world all your hearts means your emotions are engaged your soul your mind is engaged your body's engaged your whole being is engaged and if you're gonna do that you're gonna be intense now the way you manifest your intensity may be different in where I manifest my intensity I am a bit loud now you may not be loud that's okay as long as that's your personality type just be you and I'm gonna be me okay however if you're an intense person when you get angry your voice is raised and when you get emotional what happens but you come into the presence of God you get excited and all of a sudden you're like a cold turkey something is wrong something is wrong if a football game can have more of your emotions then your God who saved you because if you can shout and can be excited when your team scores it tells me you have it in you to shout and be excited for God so why should a football team have more of your passion okay so what that means then is you have to find your authentic identity in your spirituality in other words your identity who God is making your personality needs to express itself through your personality Elijah was a man of Prayer Abraham was a man of Prayer Daniel was a man of Prayer but they operate differently the way lighter parade is different of the way they operate is it went to the ways they cooperate it's different of the way as I prayed because the way they prayed was based on their personalities the way I am is based on my personality so you have to find your personality in your spirituality and be free to express your identity who God has made you and not be ashamed and if you're gonna be loud be loud if you're gonna be quiet and that's the way you actually are because like my brother when he gets excited or when he's angry his tone is the same all the way through if that is you that's great just be you okay but don't be intimidated by me being me and I'm not gonna be intimidated by you being you let me do me and you do you it's okay I didn't plan to do this but I'm gonna do this right now this is a keyboard right now okay okay oh yeah great now this is a keyboard right you see that's the cord right there what makes a cord unique is the fact that they're different notes in the chord right this is the C note and this is the e note and this is the G notes right the C note by itself does not sound as good as when you play with the e note and the G note but they are different now the note is not trying to be like the cenotes the e note is confident in its own identity so the e note is happy to be e the emotions are BG and Audrina or sino so because the e note is happy to be e when you play with a C that's happy to be C they sound good together because they're both confident in their own identity and then you add the G to that and the G's confidence on identity so together they make a good sound welcome to what the church is meant to be like you are meant to be you and I are meant to be me and we're meant to release our sounds before God in worship in prayer we don't we don't all have to look the same but we have to appreciate our diversity okay so we're not trying to come into a place of uniformity we're trying to come into a place of unity which appreciates diversity you look different to me I look different to you I'm a pray slightly different to you you may personally difference to me but we appreciate each other and together we'll make a sound so when we come together we become a sound we're in like the book of Acts we are in one Accord we pray in one Accord just like I play to your chord right there well we have to step into the one Accord record the sound that we're meant to release in our presence meant to come forth form our own identity now I don't have a clue why I went into that but it was pretty cool so so God is calling you as a church in this week of prayer to embrace this lifestyle of prayer that is independent of crisis so that's why it's important you engage you this week of prayer is important you engage or anything prayer because you why find is it's kind of like you learn to pray by praying and you grow in your prayer by being around people of Prayer if you want to be a better musician you hang around better musicians if you want to pray better hang around people that pray okay you need to that the half for prayer is more coats than totes you can listen to other teachings on prayer and read out the books on prayer that you want but until you begin to engage yourself in prayer you're not really gonna learn how to grow it from your own prayer life okay so it's so important I want to share with you this morning I think is it's connected to this whole theme of prep however the video you just watched Dina is saying you know we're the army of God we will not retreat and we will not surrender now one of the concepts that is important we understand is that we as the people of God and army God is God is wanting to raise up an army now the different things that describe our level of relationship with God for example where the Bride of Christ with the body of Christ where soldiers in an army we're servants we're friends I with me they are all explaining and talking about different dimensions of our relationship with God so just like we're the Bride of Christ we're warriors actually we are is like the Bride of Christ is in army boots does that does that make sense to you boys are the Bride of Christ just like women are the sons of God it's a concept that explains level of relationship as the Bride of Christ we have access to his heart as a sons of God we have access to this power I with me as warriors we gain territories in advance and fight so one of the ways God sees us is we are fighters okay God does not see us and expect us to be wimps you supposed to be a fighter just like I am supposed to be a fighter now if we're gonna be an army we cannot be an army if you're not a soldier the strength of this army is based on the strength of the soldiers in the force is not based on the good preaching or teaching or music is based on the strength and the maturity and the stamina of the people right here right now so you know coming to church just to be entertained you're coming to be trained so what that means is Pastor Mark he's not here just a preacher a nice message so now you feel good and then go the rest of your week without no Bible study or no Bible reading operator and I come next week for another nice message and they go back now know that the the fivefold ministry advance we equip you and ask that this week whip us so that we do the work of ministry the work of ministry is not just for the pastor Ephesians says we all are supposed to do the work of ministry is anyone alive today okay so you can't put the pressure on Pastor Mark or any other pastor for that much matter to do all the work of ministry for you just like you can't get someone to do your worship for you you've gotta deal worse you're gonna worship God in the same way you have to find your voice in prayer your spiritual maturity and so you can't put all that pressure on pastor mark so if you're a nurse if you're students if you're a lecturer if you're a bus driver welcome to full time ministry full time ministry is no way again wait wait get a paycheck from a church there's no when you stand on a platform to preach if you're a believer now yeah that's right it's part of full-time ministry but it's no exclusive to those on the platform if I'm most of you are not doing I'm doing right now most of you will not do that so many of you just count yourselves out oh yeah but just preach me good make me feel good you know lead worship and stir me up well you don't take on that responsibility yourself because you don't realize you're in an army when you're in an army this responsibility put on you for your personal fitness you can't be an army and not be fit but many of us in the church are not fit we crumble under every little fly spiritual fly that comes at us we crumble in tears and break down saying God why me soldiers never have it easy we the earliest services are talking about we're talking about the Marines and I got to me a marine for the first time and he looks pretty buff it's like wow it's nice to meet you big hands like they don't have it easy because of the assignment and the calling on their lives they go through unique specific training that prepares them for the pressures they're gonna face on the battlefield so the first thing they learn how to use their weapons is not when they face and it's not when they're on the battlefield they're familiar with their weapons hey Krish there's the first time you learn how to use this sword should not be when you're in crisis you need to learn how to use your zone have you seen those movies when they getting ready for a battle and they're going to some cave and they start to practice all their moves you need to practice your sword techniques [Music] it'll practice your Bible sword moving you need to know this book if you don't know this book you're not equipped for a war if you just come and listen to me preach and listen won't preach but you don't hear what go sim to you myself you're no equipped for war you know it says about milk and meat you know we have to move on from the milk of the world to the meat of the world the difference region too is milk is already pre processed food revelation has been processed by someone else but you have not gone to the source to find it yourself so you just want to hear someone else say it but you don't know how to go and dig for it yourself and God is wanting to raise up an army and army and army and that means we're all gonna be spiritually fit all of us not just a pastor that means I come to your workplace and you are ruling in the atmosphere spiritually I mean you're by the grace of God you're shifting the atmosphere and because of you who may be a cleaner in that place you're carrying the most authority in the spirit realm and because you're in that place God is able to do certain things because you're preparing the way through your prayers on your declarations you're shifting the atmosphere that's what warriors these like you're in agents you are code to be like God's agents everywhere you go but you will not be able to fulfill girl's assignment on your life if you're not strong spiritually and that's why I want to read this scripture to you and Ephesians 6:10 says this it says um finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might now I'm not gonna read the whole thing before and after there's the context here which talks about establishing relationship talk about relationship between parents and children and you know and all these things the relationships between servants and masters and all these kind of things relationships being in order is absolutely crucial for effective warfare effective battery effective fighting after this verse it goes and talk about the the armor of God and then the things that we're up against the principalities and the powers and all that stuff and if we're called to being an army we can be called to being an army and no expect battles so if you're only complaining maybe you're going through battles and instead of complaining you need to learn how to fight as I look across this audience some of you have lost your fight it's like situations have knocked out the fight out of you so you just on the floor like okay you're just you just way down just just like oh god help me and there's nothing wrong with praying or god help me but I feel like God is it's like a trainer that's not saying come on get up get up don't remain down gal it's like goes shouting at you in the spirit get up get up you can do this because I am in you get up don't be way down by that betrayal don't be way down even by the sickness don't be way down by the discouragement please see me on answered prayer do not be discouraged get up now don't wait on my the family break up do not be weighed out don't remain on the floor get up get up you're a warrior up up get up right now I feel like God is saying that to some of you in this place get up get up flame your fight where is your fight get your fight on get your fight on because this is not a battle that you're just gonna crumble under the pressure and expect that you're gonna come out victorious so to be more than a conquerer you have to conquer something so beyond overcomer you have to overcome something and our there's someone here the bat so you're going through it's not about you remember the guy on the other side of the storm when Jesus got to that side and says were you and these demons spoke and I said we're Legion that guy ended up being delivered and when they are not being delivered he turned around they wanted to follow Jesus and then Jesus was like no you go and be a witness you know for me so the Bible says he went and became a witness and this is the words he said it says he became a witness for the Lord in the Decapolis do you know what the couple is means 10 cities so this guy was Brown by demons all along it wasn't about him as it was about the ten cities that were in him so you can be going through a black hole right now and you may be thinking is all about you but have you ever considered the fact that you are called to bring deliverance to other people and for you to bring that deliverance you have to come out on the other side of this battle and if you don't win you Rob the person that's meant to and counter your testimony of their breakthrough basically I owe this world the fire of God in me I owe this world the victory of God in me because if I am not living him if I don't live in a victorious life and I'm living as a wimp as a Christian then when I encounter the person that's meant to be delivered because of my conquering in Brack in battles if I am NOT conquering I rob them of that encounter because I am living a place of spiritual weakness now I know Jesus I know the Bible says you know process you know the Lord said to him in my weakness you'll be strong no yeah in your weakness I am strong the Lord said that if you read the context carefully Paul's talking about a phone in his flesh it is their phone in his spirit so it's okay to be weak in the flesh but these scriptures I've just read to you says be strong in the Lord and it means be strong in spirits you can be weak in your flesh but you cannot afford to be weak in your spirits and many Christians invest more in their flesh than they do their spirits okay many of you feed your bodies three hot meals or cold meals a day and you probably feed your spirit to cold snacks a week one verse here a quick sermon over here a simple worship over here for the whole week you feed your spirit you filled your body every day entertainment food food food entertainment it has its way has its way and then your spirit only has a tiny bit of exposure to spiritual food and you expect your spirit to be strong it's not gonna happen you don't you don't grow muscles by accident acts anyone who goes to the gym here you don't grow muscles by just looking at the machine and wishing that the muscles get on you and by the way you don't grow muscles by lifting the weights once it's the repetition the consistency okay which brings me to this point spiritual maturity is realized in the consistent application of elementary things and not the occasional application of spectacular things so you want to go to the massive conference you want to go to the massive Christian event or the youth camp and like well that's gonna be my spiritual high you have your spiritual high but you don't maintain that high because there's no consistent application of elementary things you're only attracted to the spectacular things the Crewson events the Christian conferences but you have no reality in here if you're gonna grow mature you have to get good at the basics if you want to build muscle you have to get good at the basic weightlifting read your Bible and pray every day there are no shortcuts listen there are no shortcuts to building spiritual strength you have to get into the spiritual gym and learn how to lift the spirit how to live the spiritual weights and you know how it happens you know in the natural you lift the weights and then when that weight gets comfortable you increase the weight and it gets heavier because you try to push your muscle for some of you that is why situations are always just stirring up you feel like you get through that one and then you go through this one now don't get me wrong there's some people here the reason why you're in a mess right now is out of your disobedience so you need to sort that out now it's worth saying that it's not every storm you go through that's from God however there's some storms that you go through that are from God in that the God set is disciples Jesus's disciples go over to the other side they're going over to the other side in obedience to his word and they face a storm so you can be in a storm well again the perfect will of God so not all storms are necessarily meaning you're out of the will of God however there are storms that mean you're out of the will of God because you're in disobedience that also happens so there's a need to discern when you're going through something well it is out of my disobedience or it is out of the fact that I'm doing what God's called me to do when you're doing what God's called you to do and you're confident in that reality you cannot just expect that it's gonna be easy so when it's hard you're like well maybe I miss God oh maybe something's wrong with me Oh what's wrong my family why is all this happening to me I thought God you said I should do this well if you read Paul's letters and you read their lives of the disciples everything God asked them to do to know come easy to them God asked Paul to preach he got put in prison he got beaten it all kinds of craziness he wasn't complaining he realized that was part of the package 21st century Christianity does not understand that part of the package is pain part of the package is pain listen to me people becoming a Christian does not mean your life is going to be easy every day you're gonna go through some difficulties you will not build spiritual muscle by going through nothing the situation that you may be complaining about right now potentially could be the situation that God is trying to use to make you to grow some muscle so why not say God I want to grow through this I want to grow stronger through this I am gonna come out of this better not bitter I am gonna be stronger not weaker I am coming through this I am a warrior warriors don't go into battle to run back home when the battle gets difficult warriors have one mindset they're going to bat into battle and they're gonna die either they die or they come back winners i with me people of God we need to find our warrior spirit now I'm not obviously saying these things because I am finding life easy the contrary is the case because you cannot call an album we declare war and go through nothing you cannot run it you cannot run a prayer ministry that's calling people to arms stick a stand against darkness and go through nothing so I've got my own battle scars standing on this platform and going through things right now understand on this platform why no God is say the same into me come on James you cannot afford to give up don't lock discouragement to get in a rise warrior a rise warrior and fight this battle be strong in the Lord and the power of his mind two things that I want to highlight to you be strong in the Lord talks about be strong and intimacy being strong and intimacy talks about your nearness and your closeness to God your communion with him you don't know where my intimacy is at and I don't know where your intimacy is that in fact we can all fake it out here but we cannot dis we cannot deceive the spirit realm I can look like I'm okay and things aren't okay spiritually and you can act like you're okay and things nor can spiritually in the spirit realm spirit beings angels or demons can read you very easily because in this no pain you can't hide things in the spirit it's there you carry an atmosphere colors and sound and all these things I don't understand it all I'm telling you spilled beans can read you easily in the spirit as a look at you they can see where your fire is that when your heart is a way a compromiser so if you're living in all that compromise and you out here comes a stationary BQ you're kidding yourself okay we have a tangent but it's worth making this point you cannot have authority of an enemy you're sleeping with and you cannot bind what binds you that is why you need to find your place of intimacy because in your place of intimacy is your freedom from every addiction that you feel is binding you I have not found the person that has really got intimate with God and still remained in a place of bondage I mean really intimate with God the people who met Jesus with one encounter they were delivered the lady of the well her problem a problem was men she encountered Jesus one conversation she's delivered you know who she goes to the men it's only Jesus that can deliver you to the point that you go back into the same situation we are bound by but now your voice of deliverance Jesus not take you through 12-step programs now nothing wrong with counseling and all these things but I'm singing when we really encountered Jesus there's freedom so I want to invite you to be strong in intimacy and I'm telling you intimacy is work intimacy does not come because they know Jesus I love you and then obvious learning you're there if I'm many of you you're the reason why you're not intimate with God is because you have been intimate with other lovers all week long and then you come into the presence of God and say God I love you so there is no much depth to that because it's more like this is how spiritual prostitution your heart is not set apart to God you're entangled is so many other lovers yeah you want to be intimate with God he wants you to divorce all the other lovers if you're gonna be intimate with him he's saying we have to have covenant relationship and you can only go deep within a covenant relationship with spouse because you took a vow on your wedding day saying forsaking all others that then qualifies you for deep intimacy but many of you have not forsaken all others yet you want to go deep in intimacy with God it's like you're still married to the Netflix you're still married to the youtubes and all these weird soap operas are out there with all kinds of fields you said marriage to all this junk yeah and you want to go deep in intimacy with me it's not gonna happen because you're you have other idols in your heart and I'm not gonna come closer onto you slay those idols someone say slay the idols that's a word from someone today you need to get before good and say father these idols are coming down now okay I'm gonna go somewhere right now this is an idol for many people thank you sir I've been there it's hard to be intimate with God when you're constantly looking at your tweets and your Facebook posts and I move like this and all the comments you go and you try to pray and there's this convert this is coal and then you can't really go deeply it's not like you're trying to be intimate of your wife and your phone is company ringing you can't really it's like you have to turn off the phone if you're gonna have intimacy right and you marry people here you have to turn off the phone there is no other way to get intimate with God apart from disconnecting from all the other lovers so we have to be strong in the Lord one two we have to be strong in the power of his might that speaks of spiritual authority first thing speaks you've been strong in intimacy the second thing speaks speaks of being strong in spiritual authority you have to know who you are in God and you have to be able to exercise your god-given Authority see there's a reason why Jesus said when you pray he didn't say when you pray think now don't get me wrong I do think prayers however Jesus said when you pray come on somebody when you pray why because words are powerful words do not have geographical limitation and they have prophetic implication words carry presence so it's important that your words are released and guess what the only offensive weapon in life and the armor of God is what the Word of God and how do you activate the sword with your mouth if you keep silent and say nothing you're not releasing the sword the word and you're not slaying the enemies of God it's out if I revelation says out of his mouth came a double-edged sword a sword came out of his mouth it's a picture of the word of God in our mouth when we speak the word is like that double-edged sword that's released and goes out and slays the enemy and sometimes the word is like fire that comes out of our mouth and I'm just thinking of some pastor mark I'm sorry I'm realizing the time is gone now I remember I had a dream some may be a year or two ago I don't know where now I was speaking at a church in London and I was saying pastor mark actually that I've learnt a lesson and you know as you do this it's that's learning lessons I don't go into hotel rooms to sleep without praying over the room praying over the bed praying because you have to just take charge of the atmosphere that's a whole nother lesson for another time I remember going to this hotel room one and I slept and I had a dream it was more than a dream because it was plate the dream was in the hotel room while I was there and this spirit being demonic spirit being came into my room and yeah it was talking it was a perverse spirit was talking to me but was sharing with me the Word of God and I was just like you need to leave my room right now and this thing we didn't leave and I in my dream I took authority over this spirit and I said you I take authority over you you must leave now and this spirit starts to shake violently and it starts to run l ain't know what happened in my dream I ran after this spirit in my dream you know I said and I released the fire of God against you and what happened fire came out of me heat this spirit and it disintegrated and I woke up and I like to say I woke up a happy man I felt like I'd accomplished something and that night in the church we had a bit of a revival I must say because I knew was connected to that why am I saying that sometimes when you learn how to build your life on the Word of God we're just singing I'll build my life on the rock on the love and all that stuff well you learn to build a life on the Word of God sometimes the Word of God is not just a sword it's like fire that comes out of your mouth and you know what happens when you build your spirit I've Raven early morning service I got to go into Luke 180 and I'm not gonna go into that this session however in Luke 180 it says about John being strong in spirit when you learn to be strong in spirit like this verse be strong in the Lord and the power of his mind when your spirit beam is strong when you go to sleep your spirit doesn't sleep your spirit is winning battles while your body is sleeping so I have been in places where my have been receiving attacks in the dreams and anything is been demonic and many times I wake up in the house Godfather wars the open door and why did I have access and many times I've known what it was so I've rectified it and all the times I've slept building my life on this word while my body is sleeping my spirit in this subscribe' subconscious state is winning battles because their spiritual strength so I want to say to you you should not be the one running away from the devil the devil should be running away from you when you become strong in spirits when you become strong in intimacy and in authority understanding who you are in God you become like a warrior that's ready for battle and yes you may get knocked on the left and on the right like my dad always says there's no such thing as a bloodless battle and it's a wrestle it's not a boxing match it's a wrestle right so that times where you feel like you've been pushed back but you're a warrior you never give up so you're gonna keep pushing you're gonna keep fighting until you win in fact there's no such thing as surrender and your mindset to the enemy the only surrender you know is to God so the degree you fear God demons fear you so you surrender only to God but there's no such thing as surrender in your mindset to the enemy right now you may be going for a sickness right now you may be going through a relational challenges even with your kids right now you may be going through challenges at work right now you may be going to trial in your marriage listen there is no such thing as surrender and give up okay yes I prayed I prayed that is a breakthrough well there many times you can see in Scripture that people prayed and it didn't see the breath right there and then but a lot of stuff was given in the spirit realm and because they didn't give up eventually there's a manifestation example Danielle the day he prayed the answer was released but the answer did not manifest that day and only because it didn't give up the answer was eventually manifested okay I think I need to end here and there's some of you praying about situations and you feel like you've prayed you know seeing the breakthrough I want you to begin a change the way you pray because they're different ways we can pray and the fact that we're praying does not mean we're hitting a target you need to pray by revelation the situation you're going through you should be saying father show me how to pray in this situation what is really going on because you may be praying in this direction and God is like no no no you need to be praying in that direction you need to be dealing with that thing over there and you over here dealing with this because you're not discerning and praying from a place of Revelation when you pray from a place of Revelation you walk in great authority to shift situations however the fact that you prayed does not mean the answer manifests right there and then you have to adopt that posture of the warrior that says I will not give until I'm praying until we're content for revival until until there is no such thing as giving up so my mind set I am thinking decades I may not be here when God eventually breaks out however I know girls promise me in some ways about me seeing a movie spirit in my lifetime but even if I don't see the fullness of that manifestation I am confident that I am sowing seeds so what's the outbreak if I don't see it my son will see it so there is no such thing as giving up because I am a warrior and I pray until everyone say I pray until prayer is an act of defiance in the face of what is but in the name of a girl's promised there is no such thing as giving up do you understand with me please if you want to have that kind of stamina you have to invest in your intimacy with God because that becomes the foundation for your authority I don't know if I said this you will not remain in authority if you're not rooted in intimacy and you will not remain in intimacy if you don't exercise Authority both go hand in hand I feel like this morning some of you need to find your fight again oh by the way when I say finding your fight it doesn't necessarily mean you're always coming against the devil getting an intimacy of good by itself is a form of warfare okay so it's not always your fighting and sunny sometimes just worship is your warfare obedience is your warfare but you need to find your place of intimacy and at times where God shows you things and you need to stand against the enemy but whichever way God leads you you have to be strong in spirits you have to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might right now I want you to begin a pray maybe you need to lay hands on yourself some of you you need to repent for disobedience just do that right now turn away from sin turn away from disobedience and for some of you what you need to do is lay hands on yourself and begin to speak to yourself like this and I arise in Jesus name I arise from shame I arise from bitterness arise from unforgiveness I rise from depression I arise from distractions I arrived from discouragement I arise as a warrior I will be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might I will be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might I will be strong in the Lord and in the power of his mind I am strong and will be strong I will not be a spiritual weakling I am a strong warrior I will not be a spiritual weakling I am a strong warrior I will be strong in the Lord I will be strong in the Lord I will be strong Lord and in the power of his might I will find the place of prayer I will find the place of the word I will seek I will find I would know his face I will go from glory to glory I will be strong I will be strong I arise I rise I rise speak to yourself right now come on come on warriors come on warriors shake up discouragement shake up this Karishma now break it up break it up break it off arise arise arise arise arise mighty warrior arise mighty warriors arise mighty warriors arise arise arise arise we will not be afraid we will not be ashamed we would not be pushed back we arise we rise we rise we rise in Jesus Holy Name we arise come on pray with me right now speak to yourself you're a warrior speak to yourself come on [Music] [Music] alla Romana mallanna Malini masala mom I just feel of awards the break-up discouragement so right now just lift your hands with me father in the name of Jesus every weight of discouragements every poison of discouragement every seed of discouragement in the emotions and the mind in the body that launched itself and the people of God right now father right now by divine authority we are fruits in right now we break his hold right now in Jesus name we'll remove every ounce of discouragements in every emotion in every thoughts we say be gone be gone be gone because now in Jesus name we remove discouragement discouraged will be gone repeat this with me say discouragement begone say they get discouraged much because lose your heart in the name of Jesus now say they say I receive courage and receive strength I receive courage I receive strength lift your voice and praise the more right now in the name of Jesus la amenazó con toda raba discouragement be gone be gone because lies of the enemy be gone deception be gone because because I released strength right now right now right now right now in the name of Jesus allamanda Seba rabisu Cthulhu super Abaza Reba solo double on Amanda Reba circuit or double on Amanda wrapper Shikata strength strength strength in Jesus name I released strength strength in the name of Jesus Hanuman desi bakit Elena Mendoza buy-in Amanda there's someone here your stroller with just bombardment of confusion on your mind and I feel like the Lord is just saying so you get intimate with me and you'll find your clarity get intimate with me and you'll find your peace your peace is in your intimacy find that place of intimacy and you're gonna find your peace and there's some people in here your code to be in the market place your calls you almost advance God's kingdom in the marketplace in business in other realms and you know if I'm talking to you right now and I just see some of you just waiting on God with your Bibles open he's been in his presence and I feel I see God dropping Keys like keys from heaven just drop it in your mind and it's gonna be ideas and some of you is gonna be it's gonna drop a name in your mind and all of a sudden you're gonna know you need to call this person you're gonna call them and something's gonna happen and it's gonna shift your whole business is gonna start I just feel like some of you as you just get intimate and get strong and intimacy that you're gonna find God releasing keys to you keys of breakthroughs and keys of deliverance so father we just released that right now in the name of Jesus father I also break off depression right now anyone in this place that's been weighed down by a spirit of depression I command that spirit of depression loose your hold now loose your hold now right now we release the joy of the Lord the joy of the Lord the joy of the Lord let it overcome every spirit of heaviness we declare that you put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness now now now in Jesus name now in Jesus name we rebuke every spirit of depression leave right now in Jesus name arise arise and rejoice in the Lord arise arise arise the joy of the Lord is your strength we release that grace right now over this congregation father and thank you for an unknown instant over the elders and the leaders of this church so still with the move of God in this place father it's not one man is doing is what God is doing so Holy Spirit we say be free to lead this church as you want to lead it father I think about how you want to lead this church may not line up with conventional wisdom but father I thank you for the spiritual wisdom which confounds the wisdom of men even the wisdom of church planters mark I believe the Lord was to release wisdom to you mark that is not conventional wisdom of how the experts say churches should be built fast and you know and even as you listen and hear all these things from all these people who are experts in their field I believe God is saying Lingnan for divine wisdom that even confounds the wisdom that you have heard from other people it may have worked in America but it doesn't mean it's gonna work in this church father I thank you for unique wisdom for exeter unique wisdom for rediscovered church in this hour i thank you for the grace of your spirit being released right now father in the name of Jesus we give you praise Lord just give God some praise right now father we honor your Lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we where we okay to hold off for just a couple more minutes if you're in the room if you're watching online and you don't know what it is to be part of the family of God you don't know what it is to be called into the army of God you don't know what it is to have a relationship with Jesus you can put that right right now you can't do it yourself in fact you're helpless to do so there's nothing you can do to earn it Jesus gave His life on the cross to pay the price for all your shame or your guilt or your sin and when we acknowledge that we've messed up and that Jesus gave His life to take away remove our sin and washers on the inside and we invite his spirit to come into the driving seat of our lives and two drivers that we choose to trust him follow him then Jesus will come and reside in your life and you'll join the family in the army so I'm gonna invite us all to pray a prayer out loud to encourage those who might want to pray this for the first time when the prayer goes like this Jesus I thank you that you love me so much so that you gave your life on the cross for me I'm sorry for my failure for my shame of my sin please forgive me come and wash me on the inside cleanse me of all my rebellion and fill me with your love that I might follow you all the days of my life now fill me with your spirit and set me free from my past and give me a vision for my future in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Rediscover Church
Views: 3,366
Rating: 4.7460318 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, God, Holy, Spirit, Devon, Exeter, Exmouth, Crediton, radio, music, River, Rediscover, Ellim, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Evangelical, Church, Chrisitianity, faith, islam, buddhism, hindu, mental, health, suicide, addiction, depression, anger, anxiety, help, hell, heaven, peace, joy, hope, happiness, family, friendly, love
Id: 1fJ3ij1zxAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 59sec (3719 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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