New Wine - James Aladiran

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I came into this year kind of really feeling frustrated a few things and it kind of our kind of team meetings you know I said to my team I said you know I've never really come into a year feeling so frustrated as I have done this year isn't no that was mad at God but there was just a real on ease and unsettling and it was the sense that God is doing something I couldn't put my finger on it and when I come across these verses in John to kind of really just pour context and a sense of language tools going on inside of me now you got to realize often times and charismatic Pentecostal circles like these where we cry out to God and pray and we say God want to see a move of your spirit many of you have prayed that Lord break out Lord move in this nation Lord move in this city Lord move in my school Lord moving my family we often have a mindset about you but sometimes I do I have had a mindset of my god splits open the heavens and takes a bucket full of Holy Spirit and just pause it out because actually they'll say that in Joel 2:28 I will pour out my spirit or so it's like God isn't open live in a portable actually that's no great preacher of walk really wants to do because in the prayer movement prophetic movement we talk about wells of revival you know you know Isaac Reed of the wells of his father and all that we use that talk about walls arrival and we go into places like oh yeah God moved over here there's a well of revival here and often time to think of the wells of revival something that's there underneath the ground that we need to dig for actually you can think biblically about this the well of Ravana is not down on the navel ground is actually in you one of the Bible say out of your okay does anyone know the Bible in this room out of your belly will flow rivers of living water so the well is naturally under your feet now understand the prophetic connotation and I'm not knocking that and never ever gonna use that I'm just trying to say the reality is the well is in you so it is out of you that God wants to pour out his spirits so when he says I pour my spirit all flesh is not just in just opening the heaven and pouring out pocket of Holy Spirit is actually from within you and me the Holy Spirit wants to be poured out are you hearing me this evening because oftentimes when we think that way we put all the responsibility on God to just do something up there and we don't realize God is putting responsibility on us sometimes our theology concerning the sovereignty of God is actually a direct result of our need to both justify and excuse spiritual impotence it might get intense in a few moments just so you know so we want to put the responsibility on everything else and don't realize Heaven is actually looking at you looking at me that the Holy Spirit is in us to break out and sometimes it's not able to get out because the veil of the flesh is so thick and we in the way of what he wants to do so we are called to prepare the way and get out of the way are you hearing me today so without mind let's go to John to John sees the next day there was a wedding celebration in the village of Cana of Galilee Jesus's mother was there and Jesus and His disciples were also invited to the celebration the wine right now is everyone say the wine right out yeah during the festivities so Jesus's mother told him they have no wine dear woman that's not our problem jesus replied my time has not yet come but his mother told the servants do whatever he tells you sternly nearby we're six stone water jars used for Jewish ceremonial washing each could hold about twenty to thirty gallons Jesus told the servants fill the jars of whatever they feel that jars of water yeah and when the Jews were filled he said now dip some out and take it to the master of ceremonies so the servants followed his instructions when the master ceremonies tasted the water that was now wine not knowing where it had come from though of course the servants knew he called the bridegroom over a horse always serves the best wine for but he said then when everyone has had a lot to drink he brings out the less expensive one but you have kept the best wine until now everyone say best wine until now yeah that's an important point this miracle sign at Cana in Galilee was the first time Jesus revealed his glory and his disciples believed in him because on time I'm going to kind of make a few connections here with just a lot of things going on that has been going on in my life over the years and I feel like it's just building up to this moment where God is preparing me I'm talking about me and prepared me for some extraordinary things so he's actually putting dissatisfaction in me and there is a difference between being ungrateful to being in a place where you're dissatisfied and one time I say is sometimes it's a fine line between being thankful for what God is doing yet longing for more manifestations of God's glory because you know where you're at it is there's got to be more than this anyone with me there so the danger sometimes is to step into that place are you like there is more than this and then you decide you're almost disregard or don't appreciate the current move of God you might be saying around you but sometimes you can also get to a place where you can get satisfied and get complacent and get okay what you're seeing maybe you're seeing some people get saved you see but some you can hear maybe God's blessing your ministry maybe your business is growing and things are looking good around you so you step into a comfortable place and your pursuits settles so now you don't you don't really pursue more but you don't realize going is actually wanting to release more but it's not gonna release more to someone that is not actually hungry for more so the fact that I'm feeling dissatisfied and the fact that I'm feeling hungry and the fact that I am not choosing to settle but I know there's something deep in me that's crying out for more and when I say more I don't mean just materialistic no I don't mean just a bigger ministry more I don't mean just bigger better charismatic maintains with being on TV and more lights and more sounds and everyone knows - I don't know about kind of more I'm talking about something that we talking about move of God something that no man can take credit for there's a crime in the fact that that crime is in me tells me God has the answer for that crime because the crime will not exist in me if it wasn't gonna answer it because the cry is for him and it listen it takes God to love God you cannot muster up some sort of you can't just whip yourself into an emotional frenzy and go yeah yeah yeah God and just try to do all these emotional stuff listen it takes God to actually seek God so when God is stirring my heart to faster my heart to pray the enemy is not gonna be tempting you to fast and pray if there's a stirring even when you're stumbling in the flesh is a sign that God wants the answer was to feed he wants to encounter you that's why there's a stirring so I came into this year feeling very stirred in these areas like God there is more there's more there's more and certain stories and things I'm not gonna go into it that way just making me so dissatisfied with things around and then I came across this passage and I really felt like auras just giving me some insight as to some of the things we're dealing with when it talks about the wine running out the wine really is a picture of a move of God let's think of the wine in this context a picture of the move of God and a picture of the power of God we need to see a greater manifestation of the power of God in our generation and when I say the power of God I don't just mean the power of God because the man of God says everyone lift your hands hallelujah bless your and your fallen the power of God and then there's a man of God over here that carries the anointing and you all come and watch the man of God currently anoint and pray for you now that's not talking about whatever the power of God being manifested through you and me I don't know about you but I want to see more people get saved and healed I know that I was a meeting yesterday day before yesterday this weekend and I'm telling girls moving there were some kids they came forth for prayer to be filled with spirit honestly all the kids are laid hands on kids like they're in there maybe nine eight year olds they were all praying in tongues as we're laying hands on them maybe there's one or two that in brain times where it was like a four year old three year olds that was just watching I'm looking like what's this but the point is how call was made saying if you want to be fill this sprue never print uncle come forward and all the people that are responded not the adults it was all kids that responded I put from two or three teenagers and all kids and they were all impact sir I am saying God move in certain degrees but listen I have not even seen war we read in the book of Acts with my own eyes where all were healed we're in one more in 3,000 people can I know we we have evangelist going down millions of bill gates in but I'm talking about right here in Manchester I'm talking now right here in our neighborhood I mean you walk past your neighbor and your shadow hits them and they fall out and they get healed well so when was the last time that happened to you tell me now if that happened to you the last week you might want to come in lay hands on me after the meeting I am wanting to see more of God moves I know there is more than this there's got to be more than this because Jesus you know Jesus but the scripture says one of the prophets he says the glory of the latter house will be greater than the former and what that means is when you take the book of Acts and the crazy things that happen there and you combine there with Azusa Street revival combine that with Welsh survivor combine that with pepper Ezra's I'll combine that with every other move of God you've been impressed by missionary movement that John Wesley the great way combine that all together and what that scripture is saying is what is ahead of us is greater than all that combined the glory of the latter house in other words the glory of the church in the days before Jesus returns will be greater than the glory of the church in the book of Acts and the glory of the church in the past so that tells me our greatest days are ahead of us I'm gonna say that one more time I said our greatest days are ahead of us as the church the people of God if that is true then there's a demand the heaven is one into place on us now because look at the lives of the people that go to use back then John Wesley's and even the people in the book of Acts you know the way they saw God there was a certain demand that heaven had on their lives now they prayed in the Sun God and then if what's ahead of us is greater than that then what kind of demand is everyone into place on us now heaven is placing that demand and for those who are sensitive I believe it's gonna start with a real dissatisfaction it's like there's gonna be more than this yeah I go to church you have been some service yes the pastor laid hands on me and even ladies legs on me but Lord I've come out the same and I I've had the goosebumps I've fallen out I've I've done all the spin around and I've I've done the row I've done blowed up going everything but something still needs to change because I still feel like I'm the same person but when Peter encountered the Holy Spirit and fire he was a different person after their encounter see in the Pentecostal charismatic church we are settling for tongues Peter and the early church did not settle for tongues they were baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire and power so we get tongues we're satisfied they were like they did with the waiting room promised stones they were just promised Holy Spirit fire so when they got it they knew they had it because well what happened after they got it but we get tongues and we say a few shoppers and do bears and we're done I think the evidence of the true blessing of the Holy Spirit is not just tongues we have two choir for the fire and the power and that means we add different people before the encounter you're one way after the encounter everyone who sees you you have to reintroduce yourself to them because they actually can recognize you anymore because they encounter things you that is my testimony as my reality a vessel encounters that have changed me literally like personality transplants and I know God did something in me some by God if you did that there's much more I wanted to do and I'm believing you want to do so I'm gonna settle it so all that to say there is this celebration we're currently in in the church right now which I can we can like him to the day when they had this wedding or the several days they had this wedding and they're celebrating now they had good wine the wine they had wasn't bad the wine they had was good and it was just part of the celebration which is part of the way they did things and you know they'd been having the wine for probably a few days I don't know how long and all of a sudden the wine runs runs out so Jesus hears his mom says saying okay you know they run out wine the fact that Jesus is mom Neal that the runner of wine tells me Jesus is Jesus's mom must have been close to the organizers of the wedding or at least must have been close to where the wine was being served from are you hearing me today because the wine didn't run out and then a public announcement was made hey everybody we run our wine they did not do that in this wedding I guarantee you that because this like an embarrassing thing they're only a handful of people will know something is gone wrong so for Jesus mother to have this information she must have been close to the source okay so now she passes the information to Jesus and there's a whole other message about his saying it's not my time and the fact that he says it's not my time is actually interesting to me because you know Jesus does what the father does and all these things you know so he actually tells me hunger and expectation has a way of shifting even God's timing Jesus said it's not my time was he lying he wasn't lying Jesus cannot lie he's God so if he said it's not my time then actually it wasn't his time but hunger and expectation shifted a timing of God my goodness so when God says draw near to me and I will draw near to you something about your hunger has a way of affecting something in the heart of God that demands a response from heaven because the hunger in your heart is I'm that he's gonna answer that The Hunger is something that it's for him it's not just a hunger for material is hunger for something that only God can satisfy why would he discern that hunger and just leave you and I want to answer you so I'm telling you hunger and expectation has wheels shifting the timing of God so the Jesus mother then goes to the the the servant says whatever he says do you do it so they go and they get six waterpots I was there six waterpots six waterpots and the Bible says this water pots water pots that are set aside for purification now before I actually come to that I want to touch on one point very vital to this message and preaching Jesus's mother was close to the source the wine runs out but the end of the wedding the one said the the wards has been turned into wine and the master of ceremony tastes the wine ain't no he says this one is better than one that we had before you saved the best for last like this is the best wine so when we talk about the move God the healing of the sick raising of the Dead multitudes getting saved what they had before was good wine but what they ended up with you know the glory they have lots of house be greater than the former right what they ended up with in the end days so to speak was best wine okay so they started with war good wine but they ended up with war best wine how many would like to settle with just good wine I don't know about you but I don't when best wine is available right question is how do you transition from the place of good wine to the place of best wine the first thing is you need to come to the realization that you've ran out somebody somewhere in that wedding was close enough to the source to realize that guys the wine is gone it's amazing to me the fact that the wine was gone did not mean the wedding ended the fact that the wine was finished did not mean the celebration ended welcome to 21st century Church we've got the lights I love the lights by the way we've got the sound we've got nice amazing great communicators we've got some of the best singers we can put on Church in fact even if Holy Spirit doesn't sure we're gonna have a good time we can do church without the Holy Spirit so the celebration carries on but the people that are really close to the source know that it looks good out here but the reality is we ran out it's only people that close to the source that are in a place where they can actually admit back to themselves but the 21st century Church does not want to admit that we have run out of wine now when I say run I don't think we're no longer anointed I'm not saying God is not moving anymore remember I said the one represents like a mood of God we've got so places like yeah yeah we know how to do this we can do the to fast to slow stones three frets or whatever we we know how to almost put God in a box here so to speak even though we want admit that and we know how to preach in a way that moves that simple we know the message is to release that people want to hear we almost know how to do this church stuff without the Holy Spirit and we have to get to a place of realizing we have run out wine yes we're still anoint yes God is using us and these are happening but there's a realization that we run out these people did not end the celebration because the wine that ended because the wine is finished and for me that is just a picture where we're at as a church right now God is needing a few people to go hey lord I think we ran out you know when you go to the shopping mall and you see the map in there and it says you are here God wants us to realize where we are in the spirit realm as far as his move is concerned because some people are replacing faith with optimism so we've run out but we're just gonna talk good yeah good is Macaulay so we kind of talked ourselves into a frenzy of believe in our own reports but not really being a place of faith in reality and going you know yeah yeah yeah three people go say praise God two people go heal praise God we're thankful for that but when you get into your room by yourself and it's just your Bible you and God can you really face the reality of what's going on in your house a lord something is not sitting quite right here when I see the mortise use of Market Street and Piccadilly Gardens and I walk past and I'm talking to my neighbors and I'm praying for certain things Lord something is not quite right something doesn't line up in Scripture and my life something doesn't line up with in my life with Scripture and it's known as really I'm living in sin is just something is not quite fitting right here and it's a realization right now now when they realized they've ran out that that positioned them for the miracle to take place there was no there was gonna be no miracle without them at the meeting remember the woman at the well yeah the woman at the world Jesus saw the woman of the well Jesus had to reveal to her the truth about her and she then accepted the truth about her before he revealed to her the truth about him she first had to accept her situation and where she was before he could now break in and bring a revelation of who is bullets were in first century church does no one else except the reality of where we really are because we've got the great distance we've got the great singers we've got the greatest preachers on the planet listen if great preachers were gonna change the world the world should be changed by now what the world needs is not another great preacher or another great singer what the world needs is a move of God and listen no gifting can do this no one man can do this it is a move God now yes God is gonna use man but man has to get to the pressure realizes he can do nothing he can sing nothing he can preach nothing he can mobilize nothing on heaven breaks in so they had to hit that place and then jesus said to the servants get the six waterpots six waterpots speaks of six speaks of number of man right so he's talking in a language that's actually prophetic he's saying I am gonna use man I'm gonna use mankind for the release of this next new wine okay they had to fill the water jars that were empty with water so first they had to be empty if we're gonna receive more we have to create space for more so the way that the emptiness is a picture of their hunger and they had to fill these waterpots with water to the brim now these water pots were set aside for purification it was a purification this is a very very important point because this purification was what the Jews did as part of their cleansing in preparation in their worship so these water pots where they were almost like a consecrated set of parts for the whole idea of purity and holiness so what the Lord says I am NOT gonna release the next move of my spirit the new wine until the until mankind the people of God the number six we come together in a place of purity the next move is gonna come from the foundation of purity and holiness okay now I'm gonna go to this next part very important remember the in the book of Sam well there's some interesting stories in the Bible if you don't read your Bible read a there's some crazy things in there this is one of them I thinking about 1st or 2nd Samuel 4 somewhere around there you read about the Ark of the Covenant being captured so if you don't know what the Ark of the Covenant is the Ark of the Covenant is the single most important furniture in the whole of the Old Testament so whenever the Ark shows up it's game over for whether is against the ark so if you're in financial hardship and the ark shows up break through and prosperity if you're in a situation where the enemies beating you up like crazy and the Ox shows up guess what the battle reverses whatever the situation in whatever the situation you're in is as soon as the ark shows up you know it's over right so the nation of Israel understood the importance of the ark so they're going to find their enemy and they're fighting the enemy this isn't and let me give the exact reference this is a first timer for their final enemy and their enemy Philistines have beaten them thousands have been killed so like guys we're losing this battle you know what there's only one other thing we need to do right now we haven't done we need to get the ark into this battlefield right now I mean that's a great strategy so the Bible says they went and got the ark but the Bible is very careful to mention the people that brought in the ark two guys called hophni and Phinehas now if you know anything about about the bible you know who those people are now I'm going to come to that in a moment but they brought the ark in to the battlefield and when the ark arrived on the battlefield the Bible says the nation of Israel the army they shouted so much that the ground shook that's some charismatic praise right there I mean that puts our shout and a few moments ago to a shame I mean they shouted the ground shook the enemy fell to the ground shake and went wow what God has come into their camp and the enemy starts to testify of gonna say oh that's the God that slayed the Egyptians when enemies does to testify if your God something is about to go down because the enemy is like oh we are in some big trouble right now because the ark has showed up they know once that shows up everything shifts so the enemy they say to themselves you know what we are already we already done how about we just fight like men and just believe for the best so ok let's just find let's just believe for the best so they kind of summoned up courage and the stats of fights fight and guess what they didn't just fight they won the battle the ark showed up but yet the people who brought the ark in lost the battle so now the nation of Israel and a bit of a confused state Eli the priest is a home the news comes to him that his his two sons have died he didn't react this moment said the Ark of the Covenant has been captured because the enemy did not just win the battle they captured the ark the moment that he has the news that Ark has been captured EUI fell off his chair broke his neck and died one of the so the two sons of Eli that died one of the sons had a wife she was pregnant the moment she hears the news about a husband dying not much happens but when she is that the Ark has been captured she goes into labor she gives birth to a child she doesn't name the child after the husband has just died she named the child after the fact that the Ark of the Covenant has been captured I'm trying to say this way to understand how significant the nation of Israel how how they how they saw the Ark of God I mean how they valued the presence of God that the point the husband dies doesn't really have much of a reaction but the Ark is captured and then boom she's goes into labor and names a child a keyboard glory has departed they had such a high respect and honor value for the prints of you so now we come to this point how is it that they were able to take the Ark of the Covenant into battle but still lose the battle I mean you must ask yourself that question I asked myself that way as well like I said the Bible was very careful to tell us who carried the ark into the battlefield hophni and Phinehas Evans a hopefully Athenians yeah even though your Bible you know I'm about to say to you hopefully I'm Phineas God ready to talk to Eli about his sons often in Phineas these sort immoral things that it provoked God's real anger listen to what they did they slept with women have the entrance of the temple okay and in the sight of people so imagine you going to church on Sunday morning and the pastor's sons as sleeping women at the entrance of the church how many understand that's a bit intense okay so these guys were living in in wickedness these are the guys that were carrying the ark into the battlefield well I guess that explains why the weather lost the battle because it's not about trying to manual Allah is not about trying to man you like the presence of God to do what you wanted to do when you wanted to do it how you want him to move is actually more important the show about the shoulders that the Ark of the Covenant is resting on the shoulder the ark is resting on determines what happens when the out comes in so he's not just about the ark showing up is about the fact that the person carrying the ark their lifestyle is no aligning with the values of the ark but somehow 21st century Church we want the presence of God to show for us in the platform a lot show up for me in the public place I want to seek to be healed but what kind of lifestyle is the Ark resting on easy is it like the six waterpots of purification is the ark being raised ark resting on a shoulder that has the same values of the Ark of holiness holiness in the message of purity and holiness these days will not draw a crowd but that's the message that's gonna build the endtime army of God so what God is saying is what I'm about to do is gonna involve the Ark of my presence but it's not gonna be resting on shoulders that are not living rights okay so they went and they drew water from the place of holiness and purification a lifestyle set apart to God and it was from that place the miraculous took place waters a picture of the ordinary they took the ordinary and God added his extra to their ordinary so by the time they got to the other side you know they had extraordinary miracle because God took what they were and he added his super on their natural so what they now had was supernatural miracles but God wasn't gonna release that kind of a movement without them being set apart in the place of holiness are you hearing me today so they get to the place of the new wine oh my gosh I didn't realize our thoughts are not going I'm gonna round up shortly now [Music] so they Jesus gets them to draw the water and as they serve in the water the water turns into wine the water turns into wine not in Jesus's hands but in their hands God was doing a miracle through them and the miracle did not I don't think I think the passion translation makes it clear when the miracle happens it's almost like the miracle happens as they were serving the water it was like in that moment something happens what got them to the place where they were able to do something that crazy because that's kind of a crazy thing to do what got them to a place are they able to do something crazy was because they'd heard Jesus's mother say to them whatever everyone say whatever whatever he says to you do it when you're in a desperate place for God you're ready to do what ever everyone say whatever say whatever again yeah whatever he says to you Stacey whatever he says to you Rebecca whatever he says to you in your moment of desperation may be different so what he's gonna say to me in my moment of desperation but the most important thing is that our hearts have to be in a position where we're ready to do whatever he says because the problem is we can end up taking formulas from one another and trying to just build this kind of religious system and go okay well this is how we're gonna find God have you noticed in the whole Bible there is no kind of road map to pray in tongues for one hour and then read your Bible for thirty minutes and then wait on God in silence for 15 minutes and then release your request for another five minutes happinesses the Bible does not give you any structure and so how to say God because he wants you to step into that place of whatever because when you get hungry and I get hungry the waiting manifest will probably look very different because all our food is Lord whatever you say so God may say to me wake up by 4:00 in the morning and pray for three hours but God may say to you wake up at 12:00 in the middle of night and pray for two hours and God me says preserve a corner three day fast and call me said the prisoner corner one day past but the fact that God said that to them does not mean saying everybody and you have to be the place where you're ready to hear what he's saying to you but if you're not desperate enough you would know hear his instructions to you you would want to copy its instruction to somebody else because you wanna you want to pay the price to listen to what he has to say to you because what he has to say to you is about your life and as good as sometimes look different voice saying to me because I am in a desperate place and say Lord whatever you're telling me to do I'm gonna do it it's a unique word and listen whatever also gives us a picture of them being led by the spirit because they were being led by his instructions to them which brings me to the next part of this sermon which I'm gonna come around upon now when you look at the story of the Ark of the Covenant when it was captured by the Philistines God struck the Philistines with all kinds of plays so they knew we can't keep this out we have to we have to send it back so they decide to send me out back remember the ark went into the battlefield on shoulders of men when the fully state sense the ark back they didn't send your shoulders they're sending on a cart and sending out couch of all these other random things they sent with it you can read about this again the first time or four five six around that area but I'm gonna just look at verse quickly in first chronicles 13 six to eight I'm gonna run this one I'm aware of the time and I'm not trying to rush this blinded to I need to land this point so please just think for me are you with me okay thank you for staying with me you're gonna be blessed by this because this really for me captures a lot of what we're dealing with in our churches today so David becomes king this is a first chronicles thirteen six to eight David becomes king and he decides look the ark has been returned by the enemy but somehow the ark has been kept somewhere and we've not really inquired of Arc's since the days of Sol so he talks to these people and they're like you know what we need to get the ark back how many know that's a good thing that's a good point to make we need the presence of God back the people who went before us did not value the presence or we want the presence so we're gonna do what it takes to get the presence back that's what David says so they prepare to get the presence back the the ark had been away for twenty years and was a twenty years it's a long time so somehow they'd lost some kind of connection with it and now their hearts were been stirred first chronicles thirteen verse seven and they carried the ark on our kneel count okay now if you read on in this in these verses first chronicles thirteen verse six to eight you see that they carried the Ark of the Covenant they're bringing it back after it's been gone for over twenty years they're bringing it back on a new count and the Bible specifically says there was dancing there was celebration I mean this was a charismatic meeting going on okay so this was not just some random kind of you know choir meeting they they were they were giving everything they could to God now the Bible specifically says that when the Ark was on the cart listen they drove it that is really stirring and convicting to me because what they were basically doing is they were bringing the ark in the same way the enemies sent it out are you hearing me the ark was never supposed to be on account or the enemies sent back the ark on account so now they're copying their enemy's methods to bring in the presence they're copying the way the world does it to bring in the anointing they're watchin Beyonce and watching Alicia Keys and watching everything out there and trying to copy the method to bring in the presence I'm telling you we have here people that gotta realize what God wants to do it cannot be off the world and the systems of the world will never be able to contain what God wants to do so God is saying you cannot just copy the way the enemy did it and try to do it that way and expect that by doing that way I'm just gonna move somehow they brought the ark on the cards in other words they're bringing the presents in in the most convenient way possible for them so let's find the most convenient way to gather our cane well I guess we'll just put it on a couch just like the enemy did oh and because it is on a card guess what it doesn't have to rest on no one's shoulders when the Ark is on a cart and they're drivin the ark they determine the pace of the Ark but when Marc rests on a shoulder that carrying the ark the weight of the Ark determines the pace of the people carrying the ark so now they're drivin the ark and drivin the presence and trying to get the presence of God to do something the way they want the presence of God to move and God is like you can't just drive my presence and get it to do what you want to do and how you want to do my presence is meant to rest on shoulders and what that means is the person carrying the presents take personal responsibility there's some fasting and some prayer that would have to go into the carrying of the presents on my shoulder so now the people that are meant to have the presence on their shoulders are driving the hug they are driving what's supposed to be driving them there the trailer many people like the presence for their benefit as opposed to the presence for lack of a better word controlling and manipulating them for his benefit because their Lord we're gonna we're gonna do this over here Lord comment come and bless this event over here we not we know that this what you want not really so good to find out what he wants they just come up with an idea Lord come and bless this thing we're about to do right here as opposed to get in onto God's agenda they want go to get onto their agenda are you hearing me today this is where the 21st century church is and that's why God did not honor the way they brought the archein and some guy ends up dying because they were applying the wrong order and I believe the whole message of the new wine God wants to bring a complete shift to even the mindset of many leaders in the body of Christ we have to realize we've run out then we have to be in a humble place to be ready to receive whatever he's asking us to do see when the ark is resting on your shoulders is a picture of being led by the spirit you know they were being led by the spirit in the same way with a new wine when we listen to do whatever is asking us to do we're being led by his spirit the end result is we ended a place we end up in a place of supernatural extraordinary and the best wine for the best wine to be released like we heard in one of our prayer times up there God is creating a new wineskin and that new wine skin is gonna look like nothing we've known before in fact it's gonna be challenging for many of us what we're praying for I don't know about you but sometimes I don't have the language to to pull into I don't have to I don't know how to articulate one pray for but I feel like God is shaping me to say no the old system the old order cannot handle this weight so I need to take some personal responsibility that's what he's saying to you personal responsibility don't just wait for Pastor Joe to lay hands on you and all of a sudden all your problems go away and all of a sudden now you're fine now yes that will happen and thank God for anointed ministers but God is saying I want my presence to rest on shoulders holy shoulders fasting and praying shoulders people who take it no they they're feeling the weight of it and it was like that's the context that I'm gonna release the best wine into
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Views: 3,879
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: James Aladiran, Prayer Storm, Bill Johnson, Bethel, The Send, The Call, Lou Engle, Prayer, Fasting, Jesus, Miracles
Id: psSyEskhM3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 11sec (2471 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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