Strip Roll Quilts

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thank you and you just say to me would you repeat that because my brain will go like this okay hey good morning good morning two ladies we're here at the stitching post for a week and we're happy to be here and we're doing some wonderful demos today and I get to do two and a half inch strips oh I'm did I not say who I was oh I'm Becky van burst I'm one of the more crazy people that work here and they put up with me so I'm always very grateful that they let me in the building every day but I love to work with pre-cuts and two and a half inch strips happen to be some of my favorites because there is so much you can create with them and here at the stitching post we make some fantastically beautiful rolls and most of our rules are based on the state of Oregon so they're called those various names and truly when you start to unwrap and work with these strips you feel like you're going to those places I always do and I've worked with most of the strip rolls that we have here so my wonderful assistant miss violet is going to come over and I'm going to show you a few of the strip rolls that we've done and the method that we're showing you today is called strip trace and it's simply sewing strip - strip - strip you end up with 1,600 inches of strip that's fabulous because you can cut it down to any size and move it any way you want to so you're gonna see today some of the different ways ladies have done this that work in the shop I would be happy to the first one I'm going to show you is called blue pool which if you've been to the blue pool in Oregon it is a fabulous hike it is a beautiful stunning thing to see people swim in it I think they're crazy because it's really cold but it's so beautiful you've swam in it brave girl I just looked you know it was great anyways all of our strip rolls you can see them really well this way but if you turn them this way then you get to see the masses of color that are in there so this is our first example that miss violet is gonna hold it up I tell you it you get on this side now get on that side and you can see yeah don't don't did I stick it I got too crazy because I wanted to remember which Oh this is because I'm going to cut this one in a while so this is the blue pool oh did she give me a couple she was so good Jackie is so great at putting together our strip rolls you can see this is really simple what a cute little lap throw here we are in the forest walk in the hike here we are over the cliffs and there's the blue pool but very simple and very pretty okay so that's one example just kind of straight to straight this one I'm going to bring over here Vai because I will be cutting that one down let's grab the next one okay this one again is called walk in the woods I love how Jackie put this together when I show you this I'm going to show you the inside look at all those colors purples and blues and greens look just speaks to the title of the strips alright we're going to go this way so do you see that okay kind of down here in the meadows in the water there we go you got a girl up into the forest I always think purple mountain Majesties into the sky all from just setting out the strips and I'll show you that when I'm done showing you the rolls but I love this I also I'm silly I refer to as run forest run safe because the for I know silly but that's me I'll let you fold that one of that's me the poor people that put up with me another one gorgeous Oregon sunset just loving the colors in that now you're going to see a different way somebody put this strip race together again they're all beautiful beautiful okay all right we got a pin in it wit just we can just set them right wherever works I'm about whatever works now this is really fun because look at the different style of the way she put the strip's together so we have the up and down but then she cuts some small sides so it just depends any way you pick it any way that you decide to cut it you end up with a different looking quilt and I just think this speaks to Oregon sunset I love it also reminds me of the Painted Hills when I'm out at the Painted Hills so see everything that we have you can see in the rolls in the beautiful state of Oregon and I'm a transplant I'm a longtime California girl and moved here 10 years ago and every year I discover new wonderful places in Oregon just discovered Wallowa Lake last week oh my I just was in love in love okay this one is called Sage meadow again same idea but look at the different ways the strips are put together we can isn't that pretty and you can so see this you can so see sage meadow and we have that all over I just think it's gorgeous I love the little bits of purple that come out in that but again a different way to do the strips super simple but what a pretty quilt when it's all done the next one I'm going to show you Jackie did and is quilted which is wonderful and that's called rainbow and who doesn't love a rainbow we get such beautiful rainbows here after thunderstorms but there's the best part that just gorgeous you know you just sometimes you just want to hold it and not take it out of its package it's hard the minute you take it out of the package but rainbow and this one is just gorgeous and this one's quilted very simply with lines you know let's go this way and this is simply the light she cut the length of the strips and trimmed it down and she did very gated thread in it and I just that's just gorge you could do that kids song you know red orange yellow green blue purple that's how I have to do the rainbow every time but very simple very simple beautiful strips the other two roles that we have this one is called Doug Fir so you can see that we have browns and greens beautiful make some trees you can just do the Browns and build and the last one that we have is today is coastal fog that is just terrific so again which we see a lot of fog on the Oregon coast but it is beautiful when it rolls in so these are wonderful strips and on the strip race so what I got to do was pull apart wildflowers so here's the wildflowers roll it so pretty and I don't know if any of you have ever been to the iron mountain hike and comb peak trail Wow this type of most beautiful spread of flowers I just love it every year it's just refreshing and wonderful well Jackie has captured that in these strips right here and this is how the strip race works I simply pull all the strips out and I line them up the way I want them to go so you can play around with it and my idea kind of building on the into the woods theme was to do grass and meadow with the leaves coming you know the leaves and the stems coming up into the goldens into the flowers and up into the sky but that's just me because I love to run colors that way but you could definitely change this up so that you had more purples and pinks mixed up to make your flowers however you want it or maybe you wanted to do something completely different it would be up to you but this is a very simple method Jackie's given me a a play role to show you because if you noticed on some of them some of the sores like to sew and end and some of them like and I like this method 2 is 2 so the 45-degree angle of the strips so I'll just grab two strips I'll just grab these two green ones because I would probably put them together and this to me is a fast way to do it and I never go end-to-end I always lap over I'm sure you you you ladies have done this a lot this is how I do my binding to super simple you can pin this if you're okay if I was if I was lapping it over so I'm doing a 45 degree angle she if I was just doing edge to edge the difference with this is you kind of get a harsh break the difference with this and I'm going to sew end end okay let's get the needle down where there you are okay I'm kind of a go for it person I'm not a big Pinner and pull it out but you can pin it you could mark the angle for yourself I kind of like the graduated look of the angle when you do a 45 see you can't even see it sometimes now in the when you get to the two colors you can but this is I just love this method because I 45 I angle up and I cut across about a quarter of an inch again you could use a rotary cutter to cut this perfectly I am not that worried I have a little press couple of our different kinds of iron's we have this new Alesso small iron boy is this baby hot and wonderful comes with its little pad to protect and using our little wool mats there we go and I just press that and I love that the wool match you get that heat from the bottom if you don't have one great investment it gives you both sides but then there I go I've got my strip and I simply just so so it's gonna look like this big major pile right there and actually that's kind of cool too you know it's just this big pile of strips so then when I've got it all together then I decide how big I want my quilt or do I want a middle of straight and then I want some up and down it's it's any way I want it to go and this is just really simple you could just keep sewing it's simple put on your music put on a good audio book and you're there Jackie left this one for me to trim so I better do it straight let's hope but the way she just simply I think she did on these this is the width of fabric so end to end is all she did and you know that's a pretty nice sized quilt really just for a lap quilt so for the price of strips and a backing you've got a wonderful little quilt and then she's simply just puts it here I mean do you mind if I drape over I just I didn't want okay get out my cutting mat here and very simple I'm not telling you anything you don't know but she looks for the lowest looks for the shortest strip and so on this one it's my blue one so that's what I'm going to square up and base it off of is this blue one okay it's always different when you're cutting not in your room so let's hope so once again I'm looking and you know what I'm going to come in a little bit off of that because I don't want to quite go to that edge but I'm gonna check my ruler I'm gonna check up here I get a line on it oh yeah nice and straight there nice and straight there take my rotary cutter and I'm just gonna stop there finish and go all the way up the quilt and I've got another nice straight edge so isn't that great no pattern necessary you make the pattern and you end up with a beautiful quilt the other thing I wanted to share with you today about strips and what we have here at the stitching post is also some wonderful kits available this is Lori's all tangled up now if you look at the pattern she's done it was done in green but we have the blue one out on the floor today that you can see and it's absolutely gorgeous and this is just a beautiful set of strips that she did with this is by Alison Glass great fabric also you know we have rolls pre-made from different companies we have rolls of vowels fabric which make up into beautiful quilts also but this is a kit that we can do the other thing that's been made with two and a half inch strips Diane made this isn't this wonderful a wool rug out of wool strips okay if you haven't done this method before it's fun but it's a challenge and we use the boss'll two-sided duet fuse so this fuses on both sides of the piece of strip it's two and a quarter so it gives you a little room to work it's not just exactly two and a half it's two and a quarter you use a what is the map that we've put down applique matte applique mat for your ironing board so you don't sick or freezer paper you know that works well too you do the one side and then you're gonna fold in and do the strips this would be a great demo to working with this stuff because we've made bags with this baskets with this and it's terrific stuff and the irons that we're showing you today the little elisa or the little small Dritz these both have acrylic plates so when you're working with something sticky like this have a dryer sheet handy just run your iron over the dryer sheet it takes all the sticky off it's amazing acrylic plates the way to go because it's just a quick a quick way to clean your iron but this is just beautiful and I think we're going to be getting some more of these rolls in from a wood this is May wood flannel remind you of your grandmother's like didn't they used to call them rag rugs yeah rag rugs yeah oh I will oh yeah it's hiding in here well I'll show you I'll show you one other that we have the strips for that's a free pattern this is the hombre quilt that we have oh that's alright thank you this is that we have the ombre it takes two rolls look at how big this is and you simply are using the ombre strips and you need to buy a little white it's a free pattern from Moda Maywood excuse me glad I said glad I got corrected on that because I would have you could have gone away looking for it anyways we have those today and these beautiful ombre strips and that works well this is a quilt that I have done I'm on my third one of these and it's out of a book called pre-cut primer which we're out of right now but we're gonna bring back excellent book she takes you for kindergarten through the 12th grade hence the pre-cut primer and she has quilts made out of all pre cuts several jelly rolls fat quarters fat eight layer cakes and you go from there and the quilts are beautiful and this one is sixth-grade so that's where I've stuck out is sixth grade and I this is all two and a half inch strips and then a background so it goes together so quickly we're going to get the book back in I have done this out of one of our roles I think I did out of sea glass which was greens and blues and then I picked a sand color it was gorgeous because it just makes the strips and you're just that's all those R's two and a half these are one and a half and your zip zip-zip some triangles and some squares goes together like a dream and it can change based on whatever you choose to do oh yes and this was some fabric oh the bottom of the quote oh oh okay is that right there we go there you go yeah this is for a granddaughter and a lot of B these are her colors gray pink purple blue so all the all the fabric from the stitching posts here it was really fun including the back which I just love look at those butterflies and stuff but again pre-cut strips thank you easy to make and put together and just a terrific way to start with a quilt and I love to let somebody else put things together for me I'm that kind of person oh that works I'll just grab that and go but is there any questions I can answer for you today about it no hate then I've explained it well the other thing I wanted to point out is here's just another little simple thing you can do now this is out of a book called handmade style and she has some wonderful bags but you could take this entire bag and use strips and it would be gorgeous and I would just do again the strip race and then I would just cut it down to size I'd sew it all together cut it down to size and you would have a gorgeous bag and you could do even do the bottom because it's very simple but all of her bags and a lot of bag patterns will lend themselves to strips you're just going to create your own fabric so to speak so it gives it a little style well I can't think of anything else I need to say do you oh well thank you thanks girls for hanging out with me in strips all right thanks
Channel: Stitchin' Post
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Id: 5mzEDGTR9gM
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Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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