Stretching and baking a Neapolitan style Margherita pizza in Roccbox

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[Music] I've been back here from peddling pizza so it is a rainy day on my market that started range so I thought I'd do a little video stretching a base because I've been asked about a few times so I'm going to do is I'm going to get one out with it hopefully you can see here got my trailer to show the trade out fresh trade school up at 14 in this one these dough has been fermenting now probably near on 24 hours it's been importance for about six reason up at 14 in them sometimes it's just easier to get the first one out cut down the edge reach here we go over here be down here hopefully you can see what I'm doing pull the flower and turn it upside down this is the OP underside and then flip it back up just make sure it's coated and I get a nice circle so you go I'll move you here so you can see basically starting from the middle so around here I'm gonna just use these stringers I'm wearing gloves my fingers get dry and it sees you want to take your money I can just whip them off and clean my hands anyway so just push like this leaving is this rim here right then what I do so just flip it over so that's now where the bottom was and I push up from the top even to the top and I'm just creating pushing the air out to that crust it's gonna help create your ledge your nacho name any little bubbles like this I just pinch him off now any sort of big ones that I don't like cuz they'll blister up I'm just gonna flip it over do it again again and then I do so this one you can kind of like spin it like that if you surf this is nice and smooth but what I do is I went to this about the size of my hand so I can fit my hand comfortably in it and I put my hand here I get underneath it here flip it over to this one and I slap it down and at the same time I'm twisting the base so I'm going like I'm slapping it down so then what you do you just stretch it out snap stretch snap stretch slap stretch clean the surface down and you've got a nice base that is probably about nine or ten inches I'll top it and then it will get a final little extra stretch when it goes on the pill so what I do I just do your classic margarita I think so at this point I just wanted at the ovens I'm running on love the minute wild herbs I'm just gonna turn this one up to full I'll pull it down full curl that will raise the air temp up to the base template that's probably about 450 so it's back to the margarita so a little bit of piled cheese I use Grana Padano it's a nice fresh basil leaves filled Alette mess with mozzarella I'll do it with olive oil okay now I had to do I'm gonna slide this onto this field hopefully you can see make sure it's nice and clean and dry you're gonna get my fingers underneath and I'm just gonna confidently slide it on keeping it low and then I'm just gonna just you know I'm just gonna try not to pinch it too much look I'm doing it's gonna get underneath and I'm just stretching it out to the limits of the pill read you're getting top things you need so I'm happy with that and it's ready for the oven so I'll bring you with me there we go right got this pill okay and while you do is when I plant it right to the back and I'm just gonna one swift movement I'm gonna go all the way out like that okay I'll spin this one hand it seems to say he was rising after the back she's starting to rise up now the hot air is rising up through the base it's gonna get my peel in there I like to heat up my peel it feels like it slides on the better and I'm just gonna try and get under this edge I'm to have a little peek that's now but I'm going to break the seal and it's ready for his first turn so I just pull it towards me just like one edge so I'm just lifting one edge and I just plant it back down the same tradition see it's nicely cooking on the other side they're always put it back in the same place otherwise it will burn on that little edge it will hit a hot spot puffing up puffing up nicely I give it a full 180 turn so you get a nice even even puff on the rim it's nicely cooked always checking on the side and that's now I've done on the underside and I lift it up I'm just gonna spin it just until I'm happy with that base and there you go we're done it's gonna bring out there you go kill put on a plate and they go let's put this down that is one peddling liter classic margarita look at the underside nicely cooked you look at this you've got nice air nothing but air in that crust beautiful there you go I hope that helped you in stretching and cooking topping and cooking a pizza it's quite simple see you next time
Channel: Peddling Pizza
Views: 50,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RsWKA6wmBKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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