Stretch Marker - Transient Guides in REAPER

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hi I'm Kenny Choi Oh welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I'm going to show you stretch marker transient guides in Reaper now the transient guides are very useful when you want to work with stretch markers manually as they'll show you where the important transients or attacks are then you can choose to readjust them or not to affect the timing of your audio now we'll start off with the review of stretch markers I have a loop in front of me here and it's a little bit at a time with the grid and I want to make it a bit tighter using stretch markers so we play it now let's hear it against the metronome you can hear it's a bit off so let's tighten it up using stretch markers we'll start by zooming in first transient right here and we'll click at the first transient right click and go down here to stretch markers and choose ed stretch marker a cursor that's going to create one right there but zoom out so if we move this around it's going to stretch what time stretch everything on this side and everything on this side now stretch markers are more useful to work with if we create a few more let's go to the next transient and add another one right here this going to right-click instead of choosing here when you use the keystroke shift w Mette also adds one let's add one more right over here in this time instead using that keystroke we can use a modifier on the PC it's alt control and on the Mac it's option command and just hold on the modifier and click it and it also creates a stretch marker and now we have three which makes it a bit easier to see how this works as this stretch marker and this one are going to anchor as you move this around watch grab it right here we can shift the timing as you move it changing with a snare actually lands but the other stretch markers act as anchors keeping everything on the left and on the right intact of starting with three of them so it's quantized or snap our transients to the grid let's turn on snapping over here zoom in and drag this if you'd snaps running barre3 and do the same thing with our snare on bar 3b to right here and this one to bar 3b3 now notice I didn't choose this kick right here this kick kind of swings so really want to quantize that one as you'll see in a bit so let's see what this sounds like you I can go through and do the same thing for each one of these just grab it snap it so there is grid quantizing you you you let's hear that back you a lot tighter but as you can see total time-consuming there is a quicker way of doing this if you want to quantize every transient let's right-click this go to stretch markers let's get rid of these by removing them and then we'll start over this time we're going to create them automatically select the item go to view go to dynamic split and use this dialogue we could split our items by transients so we can set our transient sensitivity right here a threshold we bring it up doesn't grab every hit these dotted lines are the transients that will be chosen we could bring it down and up notice these vertical lines right here bring it down it chooses more transients bring it all the way down to bring those high hats let's bring it up just to get the major hits and we can close this normally we use this dialogue to split our items like this with different items for exchanging but we're going to do it differently let's undo that go back to dynamics play and choose this instead right stretch markers to selected items and if we choose that it's / stretch marker on each transient right stretch markers and that's what it did so now we key to manually move them or do it automatically just choose it right click go to stretch markers stretch markers and selected items and snap to grid now before we actually do this let's check out the snapping settings so the grid we're using over here is eighth notes so it's going to snap our stretch markers to the nearest eighth note let's choose it again right-click stretch markers stretch markers and selected items and snap to grid markers change or stretch so each transient is on the grid so it's here it kind of messed up over here because of that swing kick let's delete it holding alt on the PC or option on the Mac just click it it deletes that stretch marker we can see this extra kick that was no longer quantizing or snapping to the grid same thing over here but notice a beat is now locked a lot tighter with the grid and we did this automatically but there are times what you want to do it manually maybe fixing a vocal or guitar or a drum performance you don't want to quantize every single hit that's where transient guides come in so let's undo all this and now let's do this instead let's choose it right click go to stretch markers go down here to transient guides if we choose this over here calculate transient guides it's going to create these green markers or guides on each of our transients now the transient guides are different from stretching walkers let me show you if we zoom in and create some stretch markers one here here and here now if I move this around notice the one over here and the one over here are still being used as anchors notice our guides an eye they're pretty much being ignored do that the purpose of them is to show us where our train seats are and so it can quickly turn them into stretch markers as we need them so if I grab this right here this is now a stretch marker and the same with this one or this one but until we grab them they're still just transient guides they're not stretch markers so the way to use these is when you manually want to shift things around so let's say for example we want to quantize just on the top of each bar we have snapping turned on we could grab the first one turns it into a stretch marker and snap it to bar three but now we could ignore all these guides over here and just quantize the next downbeat over here so it's not going to be as tight but still tighter than before as the downbeat of each bar is now quantized or snap to the grid let's do the same thing with bar five bar six bar seven so now to that you it's still a bit off but by doing this manually we have more control for instance what snap our snare let's ignore this kick like I said before this kick kind of swings so scrab this one instead put it on bar 3b3 then we can ignore this which quantifies this one as well but we still have this one alone so we kept intact the way the drummer played it which is really useful when you're editing live drums let's say you wanted to preserve a drum fill and the drum fills started like right here we could quantize the start and let's say it ended over here just quantize the end and the fill can stay closer to the performance so we can still preserve the drums original feel or if you want to lose that feel for this we can switch our grid to sixteenth notes we could wreak want eyes this for 16th notes which loses the swing sounds a bit weird but we have that option and if you don't want to quantize it just clear it and it goes back to the way the drummer originally played it so preserving the feel so by using transient guides we don't have to quantize everything but it's a lot easier to as we have these guides to adjust they're already there so we can grab this and move it around by feel well by snapping it right in the grid now we don't have to create the guides in the right-click menu let's clear this get rid of the guides and get rid of the stretch markers we're back to the beginning we could have done it this way select it go to dynamics play and do the same thing with the transient sensitivity find a good threshold and then change this to add transient guide markers to items and we can generate them right from this dialog like this and once again we could manually move them around or snap them to the grid by one we're just choosing the important ones like this one and this one believe in this one the way it was originally played and that's pretty much it that's the stretch marker transient guides in Reaper I hope you learned something hope you can use it and I'll see you next time Thanks you ah you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 27,395
Rating: 4.9862542 out of 5
Id: GRO-ecLZqmw
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Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2016
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