Recording MIDI Notes with your Voice in REAPER

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[Music] hi I'm Kenny Choi welcome to another one about the torian's in this video I'm gonna show you how to record with MIDI notes with your voice in whipping now the purpose of this video is let's say you're in a situation we want to record a melody and you don't know how to play it on a keyboard you just want to sing it and then use it as MIDI data to control your synth or VST instrument well maybe you don't have a MIDI controller we could input data for melodies with this method so let me show you how it works but start with a new track Oh name it MIDI voice let's give it a color something like this what's that the input where a mic is plugged into for me it's right here we'll put in to record make sure we have level over here turn on input monitoring over here so we hear the mic through a track so now we're gonna add a plug-in to this track right here who go to the reaper effects and choose rhea tune now this plugin is normally used to tune vocals but it can also process our voice tell what note we're hitting and send me the output based on that note with this checkbox then I want to turn off my microphone and we could do that with a volume plugin we'll search volume choose this one right here and turn the microphone off so not hearing it anymore but was still outputting MIDI based on the note we're singing right here let's focus over here just so we could see it the whole time now we need a sound to play let's keep it simple with a synth I'm going to choose the RIA synth right here bring down the volume to start let's making a sawtooth wave and bring it up [Music] we should be hearing that synth based on the note were singing [Music] and to make it more complex we can add any instrument we prefer let's remove this one let's add an effects chain I saved called voice effects by serum which looks like this and it sounds like this [Music] so we could sing any melody into the synth it's gonna play that melody with this sound [Music] if we want to mix our voice back in we can always bring it up right here it makes a real voice with the synth but for this I just want to create many notes that's going to trigger our synth or sound module now to record this let's choose a simpler sound like a string I'll delete this one instead an effect chain I saved called octave strings which sounds like this you can see it mist triggers quite a bit we could always fix that later now let's record the string part in order to do that we need to move some of these effects to the input effects so they're gonna record on the way in but before we do that I want to transpose this part up an octave so I'm going to add a transpose plug-in maybe transpose notes we'll bring it up 12 steps which is an octave and put it before a sound module but now we're going to move all three plugins before the sound module to the input effects hold that alt on the PC or option on the Mac and drag it over to the input of X so now these are going to record on the way in and just this one is gonna play back later so now we need to switch what we're recording on the way in if we go over here to the recording modes we could switch it to record output and record output MIDI so anything we record on this track is going to be MIDI which you can trigger later with our sound which is already right here let's record a string part turn on the metronome and give it a shot [Music] we could see it's a bit of a mess but we can clean that up with filter notes let's double click the track which opens up the MIDI editor let's filter out all the little mistake notes right click over here go to view filter events and then we'll choose notes length from zero to eighth notes it's set selection we could do eat most of the bad notes we don't need so do eat them you can clean this up manually let's take a bit of effort but it's worth it in the end ones a bit late sweeties just clean it up [Music] and just like that we have a part which sounds like this [Music] and because it's MIDI we could change the notes after the fact choose different notes or bring them up an octave [Music] [Applause] which change the sound altogether to a flute [Music] but either way it's a great way of recording a MIDI melody with our voice if you're not sure what we want to play or if we don't have a MIDI keyboard so that's recording MIDI notes with your voice in Reaper I hope you learned something hope you can use it and I'll see you next time Thanks [Music] you ah you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 33,177
Rating: 4.9892254 out of 5
Id: _Z81YGws4d0
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Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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