Voron V1.8 Build Livestream - PART 6 - SKR2 Wiring

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so and my contributions from viewers like you thank you hi rob button hello hello hello hello how is everyone doing tonight it's friday night i feel okay i feel okay oh monday was a holiday was a short week i would say all right is a good feeling yes i know i said last week would be the last wiring stream i am the sorry okay i come before you a man begging for forgiveness because we're going to be doing the thing again we're going to be doing the wiring again i know i know i know but but let me turn my music down i come bearing gifts well a gift somebody tonight is going to win a bondtech lgx um i haven't given away anything in a while and to make it up for you for dealing with another wiring stream which hopefully this is the last wiring stream for a while um i'm going to give away an lgx anywhere that bond tech ships the main bond tech website you go there if you can order from there you can win an lgx it is open now i've opened it up for entries go to the description if it's not there just hit refresh it should be there fill it out answer the question you have to get the question right because i'm in canada and there's rules and i don't think i have to follow him for a giveaway but i'm going to you got to answer the question right i'm going to draw around 10 o'clock p.m tonight so in about two hours somebody's going to win an lgx i will ship it to you i will cover shipping as well if you show if it shows up and the delivery guy says you owe them for taxes that's on you though so yes everything's good i got my batteries charged so everything should be so tonight we're going to be wiring up the skr before we get to that you know who i'm going to talk about our sponsor thanks now tonight i don't have a model to show off because you know what i want to feature somebody thanks as many creators right now and the list is ever growing people are uploading stuff all the time so tonight i'm just going to feature the creator that i use the most often chaos cortech you're probably familiar with them if you go to thangs i got a link in the description you should click on that link you can find a lot of these models that i've printed over the past couple months from the stonks guy to because i have a bunch of poly alchemy elixir i've been printing shiny stuff all these are models by chaos cortec chelsea there's a lot of them on twitter so yeah plenty of awesome models most of these can be printed without supports most of them are very good resin models as well uh i don't think i have any on my shelf though right now but yes if you're looking for some fun stuff to print all the way to the moon you should totally check out chaos core tech on thanks and if you want to support them more they do have a patreon and then with their patreon you can get even more models so the reason i've been printing a lot and poly alchemy is awesome by the way i can't believe i've never used it this isn't a chaos cortech model but i printed that focus it's so shiny uh how's the galileo the galileo's working just fine i think i'm gonna do a video this week talking about the galileo the where do i got the afterburner ah losing parts of my afterburner i'm gonna do a video this week talking about all three options for extruders um because i'm getting a lot of people asking which one do i recommend which one is the best and the answer is very simple i don't know they're all good so i'm going to talk about that this week um so i'll do a video this week it's just going to be me talking i think i'll overlay some footage but just kind of going through my thoughts now that i've used all three of them i printed a bunch of stuff with all of them and well i can't do a full review on it printing using an extruder for a week isn't enough time to do a full review i can at least give you some of my opinions so there's that what else um i'm going to touch on something before we get to the wiring because a lot of people are asking me about this it's come up a lot on the voron discord and while this channel is my own thing this isn't the voron show this is my show um i am on the voron development team but when i'm we're in the apron i'm my own entity whatever i'm going to be talking about how do i wear this something that is coming up because a prominent youtuber in the 3d printing community is going to be building a vora 2.4 um tom salander he is building a voron 2.4 he says he's going to stream it um if you're a patreon member he does a patreon stream he mentioned he's going to do it over um i think five four to five two to three hour streams that'll be interesting if he can make it within that time frame but anyways um i'm going to talk about the elephant in the room he's going to be using his slice magnum plus as the hot end that's what he says he's going to use this is the hot end now it mounts the same as a standard slice mosquito um it's a little bit longer so there is no official amount for it and there never will be and i'll touch on that so here's the magnum plus now the magnet plus isn't out yet as of right now i've only seen three videos from youtubers well two um ivan miranda has one um vez3d v3d he's doing some speed printing stuff he has one and now tom's gonna be building but you can't buy one they're pre-order so when you go to buy one you have to go through like all these different options okay you know well if i'm going to get the magnum plus i'm going to go with dual heaters and everyone that every video that i've seen with it so far is dual heaters go with dual thermistors this is new i've never seen when trying to buy a hotend that there's a disclaimer that you have to read okay general machining fabrication read all safety warning instructions failure to follow the warnings and instructions may result in electric shock fire serious injuries save all warnings and instructions for future reference you should print this off if you have a magnum apparently okay oh yeah and there's no socks somebody just mentioned that no sock slice can't do socks apparently so you got to buy them on aliexpress or make your own i have a video on how to make your own sock uh keep work area clean yeah electrical safety yada yada yada this is all generic stuff you know don't leave your printer on alone or alone and all that service magnum plus safety warnings adherence to instructions this product comes with high power electronics yes this is all you know standard uh when installing the magnum plus 50 watt configuration uh all plastic structural components between the hotend the nearest linear guide rail must be made blah blah blah this is pretty standard however there's a whole section here on dual 50 watts installation of dual 50 watt heaters into the mosquito magnum plus should be performed by professional 3d printer manufacturer or professional automation engineer i'm not even one of those so according to the recommendation i shouldn't be installing one electrical current limitations of the 3d printer and components must not be exceeded um most people don't know how many amps their controller board can take 100 watts at 24 volts is 5.7 amps roughly if i'm not mistaking my duet 2 for example can take 6 amps so it's cutting pretty close on a duet 2. i don't know what an ender 3 board can take but you're going to have to look that up temperatures exceed 600 can ignite plastic well yes don't run your hot at 600. uh use of attachments between the hot end and guide rail must be composed of metal structures to a metal recirculating ball bearing carriage riding on a metal guide rail that is not metal according to slice you can not mount a magnum plus with the dual 50 watt heaters in a [ __ ] recirculating ball bearings you can't mount it on an ender you can't mount it with anything with v wheels you can't mount it with any plastic mounts metal attachments must be configured such that excess heat generated in a failure scenario involving runaway uh heating combined with the malfunction of the heatsink fan temperature sensors or liquid cooling system can dissipate heat through the metal structure attachment by let me bring it back up here attachments by plastic structure is prohibited if dual 50 watt heaters are installed since plastic restricts the dissipation of heat may soften and structurally fail increasing the risk of injury fire and damage to the 3d printer implementation of redundant temperature sensors is recommended that's why it has two acceptance of liability 3d printers are useful tools when installed with slice engineering hotends in accordance with proper safety protocols magnum hotend configured with dual 50 watt heaters it's powerful industrial tool designed for installation configuration by 3d printer manufacturers and professional automation engineers and is inherently dangerous by installing and or operating the magnum plus hot on you agreed to take responsibility for any and all risks associated with the installation and operation of the magnum plus hot end so if you buy this thing and install it like the people we are giving it to right now to demo it and it burns your house down it's your own fault so because of that reason the voron team does not officially condone recommend or endorse installing one of these on your 3d printer and we will never have official mounts for this on the borough so yes it's a 3d printer it's a hobby 3d printer you could build a voron or any 3d printer however you want i can't stop you from buying one of these and put it on your printer but according to them that's not how you're supposed to do it and since the boron cannot officially support it because of what their wording is it will never support it so yes that's what i wanted to say on that um yeah i want to bring that up because a lot of people are asking me because i did a speed benchy back when the whole thing started and people keep asking me about the magnum plus and what do i think about it i think it's great if you run 1.2 1.4 millimeter nozzles and a big fabrication thing where you're making two meter tall prints it does have a purpose i'm not saying it shouldn't exist there is a purpose for this it should not be an unknown three it should not be on a boron so yes that's the first time i've ever done like a a rant i don't like doing that and i have spoken with members on the war on team uh the admin team and we're all in consensus with this that this pr this hot end should not be on a boron because of the way it mounts if you want to mount it with the 50 watt a single 50 watt heater that is perfectly fine that is within their um their stipulations here their their own rules say you can mount it with a 50 watt heater okay but at that point you might as well just buy a volcano or slice a regular slice magnum or any other standard high flow hot in so yeah and then also after all that it's uh 410 u.s and you still have to buy the nozzle so yeah i won't be reviewing one i won't be buying one and i don't think slice is going gonna send me one so i'm not too concerned anymore i don't really care so i love her ranting i i don't like rants uh this i think that's the first time i've ever done one and that's because it's a safety thing so as soon as we saw that like i looked that up a week ago i tried to buy like pull it up on the site to try and like look at it because i'm starting to see more and more of it and as soon as there's a disclaimer when you try to buy something and it says do not mount it in plastic mounts but i i don't wanna i don't want nothing against ivan miranda i love his videos and if you're not subscribed to ivan miranda he makes awesome videos okay um they're entertaining as all hell but he mounted his magnum plus with dual heaters to a bondtek uh lg or he didn't use an lgx using a different bond tech but he mounted it to a bond tech which is mjf which is plastic and a pla housing on v wheels which is against what slice just told you that you're you're not supposed to do that to mount it but he did it in a video to show it off and slice gave it to him to do that so they know he did that so i don't know i i personally think it's kind of not it's not good juju to have the uh have a company tell you not to do something but then give it to people to do what they tell you not to do to advertise it but whatever let's get to wiring i i don't want to spend too much time on that what is that doc fifty dollars thank you appreciate that so yes doc knows about this too uh the whole upper echelon of the war on team which by the way the warren team like the voron team is like what 50 people now so yeah but we're all pretty much in a in accordance in agreement with that so let's get wiring so where we left off last week i still have a messy desk we've got our skr in our raspberry pi came in got a whole bunch of wires i've got the uh the electronics the power supplies the ssr underneath um yeah we're going to continue on the wiring now one thing that i actually forgot to do and we're going to have to do it right now is i don't have my end stop installed my why end stop um i need to solder up so where is my soldering iron so we are going to wire up the ssr and get that going uh david's here hi david everyone say hi david a lot of it's got to be so it goes from there to there yeah actually i'm going to use a different color wire for this oh background music sorry background music there we go oh i did not have background music on during my little ramp there so and yes don't forget to enter the contest i'm going to draw around uh 10 o'clock tonight for the lgx and then i will email you and then uh i will ask you for like i'm going to need your like address and all that stuff so uh 22 or 24 i use uh so this is ptfe from china so it's alex press ptp i'm liking it so far um all my non uh high voltage stuff so like my fans end stops all that that's 22 gauge spec is 20 gauge this stuff i couldn't get in 20 gauge so i'm using 22 but it's still pretty small diameter so it works and then the heat or correction sorry 24 gauge fans and end stops and probes that's all 24 gauge but i'm using 22 um and then your heater is 20 gauge and then for remains i run 16 gauge remains uh is the fan on the back of the v2 supposed to be sucking air out or pushing it it's supposed to suck air out through it sucks the air out and then pushes it through the filter i don't run the exhaust fan on any of my printers and i'm not gonna be installing one on one of these uh i've watched a few of those streams i don't recall ever hearing the name of the v2 the v2 is tallboy oh wait seva i literally just put the question there just to make it so somebody had to actually you know know what the heck's going on to answer the question or answer the contest frankly i really don't care i was tempted to put like a super complicated question and then just not care what the answer was just to see what people wrote just to have fun but let's finish sourcing parts good luck why aren't using the back fan um i don't need my printer room here is in my basement i have all my the doors closed when the printers are running and my my actual um my duck like my fan or not fan the uh the ac the vent is plugged off in this room so pretty much everything in this room stays in this room including all smells and vapors and everything so i don't run the exhaust for uh any of that and uh by plugging it up i can get higher chamber temps which that's what we're going for with this guy uh okay okay so i'm gonna announce that uh mike connor just said there is a pre-purchase of 2.4 ldo frames going on in australia right now uh with unique prints if anyone is interested so for all the aussies if you're looking to get a ldl frame which this is an ldo frame uh they did send it to me uh jason sent it to me for this build it is an awesome frame great colors you can also get it from printed solid hi david and if you're in canada sparta3d who also helped out with a portion of this build so right now i got a wire solder on some wires for this end stop install that and then we're going to move on to crimping but you guys all love crimping so what i'm thinking is we'll do the bottom compartment stuff first and then we'll do the backpack stuff because the bottom compartment there isn't really much reid i said the answer like two minutes ago i'm sure somebody in chat helped read yeah australia's i back when i did pip i did print it forward back in uh 2.1 days and somebody from australia reached out to me asking if i could ship them the parts and i looked up the shipping and it was ridiculous i was like oh man i'm sorry essential tremors suck not good uh mounted the lgx on v0 loving it so far it's a really good extruder um so i'm gonna do i said it at the beginning of the screen but i'm gonna try and put out a video this week just talking about the uh the three extruders because honestly whenever you watch like a review video and it's just somebody showing prints comparing things it's very hard to judge something off of a print um there are so many different factors that go into affecting print quality um changing one thing doesn't really as long as it's good okay yes there's a difference between you know the bone stock lg or the bone stock ender 3 extruder and um like a bontec lgx or a bmg um or what is it the the c c me c cnc um thing like there's it's like headphones right a 10 pair of headphones is pretty crappy a 50 pair of headphones is pretty good 100 is pretty good but beyond that you're talking incremental improvements right so i think extruders are one of those things if it's geared in dual drive it's pretty much good what printer is silverback that's tallboy we kind of went with that name for a little bit because it has the one rear silver extruder but it never really stuck how is the physics spider going really good i was printing uh some mounts before stream and it's the printer it's actually it's a little bit quieter now because it's 2209s before i had the duet and had 2660s so you know it is a bit quieter but in terms of like prince the prints are the same i haven't really not much is going to change there like actually i don't think i could put this in here yeah that could work i don't need that uh spool 3d i ordered from them way back in the day and i i haven't used them since i i don't have any bad experience with them i've heard some people have had experience with them that wasn't great but i i can't say because i reuse them structure h colorado first time here loving your points thank you hope you enjoy the stream every saturday night so uh make sure you're subscribed don't want to miss out subscribe like that smash button ring that bell all youtuber words trying to get this to fit in here that's tight there we go oh i broke it but it's in we're good okay this end stop goes here that will hit off there no it will not because i have a zip tie in the way i got to change i will fix that after uh what torque wrench do i use it's uh this guy here if you just go on thingiverse and just search torque wrench it's like one of the first ones that show up uh rui i just got the 2.4 up and running i want to say thanks and great informative content hard work putting your videos thank you man appreciate it happy to hear it's up and running glad they helped i hope i grabbed it right thoughts on uh three honestly don't use three millimeter filament it's pretty much going extinct now uh for good reason the reason is on three millimeter filament you can't really uh that as it moves through the heater cartridge and the nozzle and all that it doesn't really have time to heat up properly and basically cook to the center so that's why you see everyone's switching to 1.7 well not switching it's the future uh it's 20 21 everyone has switched to 1.75 now if you're plan on printing with like a two millimeter nozzle or something super fat like that yeah probably stick with the uh the three mil but uh for home gamer you probably want 1.75 plus there's a much more variety of filaments with 1.75 okay so now i gotta fix these uh uh justin speed 20 thank you appreciate it uh dad jokes are strong with this quiz i was going more for the monty python joke where do i complain about vendors from the recommended vendor list my m3 team nuts don't go on the rail um if it's a major issue with something on the list on the website i would open a okay let ticket take off the noise cancelling headphones so i can hear this there we go it goes click we're good well that's ultimaker well ultimaker is more a um they're not really a consumer level product anymore they they've they've put their hat into the uh prosumer and prosumer uh group pretty much okay so we will leave those there that can go there let me get some more of this cable twisty stuff slip it face down and we'll start wiring stuff up guys so unfortunately i actually don't have my inlet um i was gonna use i thought i had one um and this does look like an inlet but this is the wrong one this is like the uh the the generic one off aliexpress and they don't the mount isn't designed for these the mount is designed for the uh i think it's adam's tech um which i have ordered it's on its way just not in yet so if we get to the point where i got to power it up i do have one that i can use but i won't be able to install the uh planned one at this time i need my bag of 238 and hammerhead is there a good comparison between the flow it really depends what you want to print um i've always said and i've never had an issue if you only ever plan on printing with a 0.4 millimeter nozzle at 0.2 millimeter layer height go with a standard flow hot end okay um high flow hot ends while the newer ones are pretty good when it comes to like issues like stringing and oozing compared to like the older styles like the volcano they usually do require more tweaking to get a to get a final quality of print out of them i'm not saying it's impossible it's actually quite easy um but they just have the possibility of causing more issues so my go-to has always been if you don't need high flow don't get high flow but that's just me now when it comes to recommendations um depends on your budget um a v6 is a good hot end v6 with a titanium heat break and a good nozzle it's a good hot end um but it's not rigid now i like my rigid mount mouth you have the dragon can't really get the dragon right now because of uh issues which tom did a video on today should go watch that video go watch that video by tom you need a high flow wallet to use a slice engineering hot end hey i've got two mosquitoes man i've got two slice engineering mosquitoes that i bought from a group buy that they shipped using the wrong method so all the canadians got burned by customs and we ended up losing money well not losing but spending more than it would have been to just buy them here still keep the lollipop on my desk remind me of that also i bought two i bought two okay i bought two mosquitoes for two printers they only gave me one sticker i only got the one slice sticker oh yeah i bought him way before the dragon was around personally like in terms of you know using the hot end i like the dragon more than my mosquitoes um i don't have to deal with the the thermal paste the the i think it's they charge ten dollars for the thermal paste i remember somebody shared me a picture of a bucket of the stuff for like twenty or something like that so i don't have to use the 5 000 markup thermal paste that gets everywhere and it's an absolute mess if you got to replace anything um it's a pain in the butt to work with um and i i like the v6 um block style where it's longer front to back because everything is designed that way so yeah so we're gonna have some wires how's the shipping in fact import costs uh during the buy we requested that they shipped it with one carrier who we know up here in canada doesn't usually uh screw us over when it comes to like shipping fees and whatnot and they shipped it with a different carrier and then when we mentioned that they're like oh that sucks and that's it i heard the jingle give me a second did i lose my okay what i miss mark 100 thank you appreciate it man uh been listening to this for a while huge help for uh everything 3dp i'm glad you're streaming and sharing your experience from our tim hortons reading great white north thanks for all the shared knowledge keep on streaming and long live doggo jesus build something great awesome thank you man appreciate i'm glad you're enjoying the stream thank you uh the uc no i think they use fedex we requested usps um i like usps i know it's gone to crap lately i guess but in the past i've always used usps because when it shows up um we usually don't get screwed over when it comes to uh like brokerage fees and whatnot but with uh dick and i don't know where i put it all oh that'll work yeah 14 gauge will work um but what ended up happening was they shipped it with fedex so we had to pay fedex's fee the tax on top the brokerage fee i think they didn't put the discounted price on it either so we paid tax on the full price and yeah we weren't too happy so so how i'm going to run my wires by the way so i'm going to have high voltage coming in here and what's going to be here i'm going to run high voltage to the main power supply the two uh the 200 watt uh power supply and then the 24 volt and then i'm also going to piggyback it off there to the raspberry pi power supply and then also got to run one to here all the power so just these chains so that's the ground i always hook ground up first that's just how i do it uh the magnum plus they claim some absurd number like 80 millimeters a second but that's also printing at um 300 celsius with abs in terms of the novus capacity it would be the same as a copper block volcano um yeah and from what i've heard from some people who have it that's pretty much to be expected because it's still just a copper block volcano when i was doing speed benches um with a let me pull it up here okay so you can see right there my heater is heating up okay this is uh my slice mosquito with a 50 watt heater so watch this let me let me move it up a bit hear the resonance off don't ever use a metal bed a metal uh bottom plate by the way kids okay so i'm going to pump it up to 240 celsius and then i'm going to feed 100 millimeters of plastic through it at um five millimeters a second just to kind of show you what would be expected in terms of heater cartridges so this is a this is a standard flow mosquito with a 50 watt heater cartridge okay so i'm gonna extrude 100 millimeters at five millimeter second watch the power percentage right here okay it's true you can see the plastic coming out you can see it's working but it's not even hitting it's spiked at 60 percent okay so if i can push 100 millimeters of plastic at five millimeters a second and not even use the full 50 watt cartridge what is 100 watts going to get you out of a nova because i think that's what they sell the nova with they sell it with 100. and this with a point four millimeter nozzle granted so if you're printing with like a point eight obviously it's gonna be higher but that just goes to show you uh how much you really need so yeah so it's not a case of big number more better it's big number is waste of money slice sells the stiffeners and this is using a sock that i had to buy from triangle labs because slice doesn't make socks yeah just jeremy jeremy clarkson guys just more power diego 1281 greetings from double tt 448 thank you appreciate it where's my crown oh man i'm gonna take that off that's gonna be annoying oh the wind chimes i thought the whole thing is about by the way the whole patent thing is literally the uh the wind chimes it has nothing to do with bimetallic actually have that go the other way let's have that go the other way um swap from mainsail to fluid on my voron initial impression scene fluid has more features which one do i prefer um i run both okay um at this time i i can't say which one i like the most because i run different i don't i haven't i don't think i run up the up to date variant on any of my print actually no b226 has the most up-to-date version of fluid um because i had to update it when i uh i installed uh thingamajig when i installed the spyder so yes i don't know i don't have anything running the most up-to-date variant of mainsail so i can't really say in terms of the aesthetics i do like mains fluid more yeah we're gonna use 14 gauge silicone because that's what i have i don't know where my 16 gauge went do laughs uh yeah most watering if it works pretty much that's how i roll like tall boy is still running uh octoprint simply for the fact that um i haven't gotten around to updating it and it's running a taco raven and i know it works so i ain't gonna mess with it that was about having a reinforced hot end yeah and if you read the patent they like through everything including the kitchen sink at it when it comes to reinforcing your hot end so it's like almost impossible to figure out a way to get around that but honestly i really don't care about slicing the patent thing anymore johnny one dollar thank you appreciate it johnny one dollar thank you appreciate it i've issues with the new reprap firmware installer i don't use reprap firmware the only printer i have with reprap is um is my ender 3 which is running uh reprap on a mellow fly reprap firmware board and i like it or the ender 3. and actually i'm gonna be playing with the under three this week um i'm gonna do a video series probably i'll try and record it this week on um i'm gonna do a bunch of upgrades to the ender because i think i finally decided on the upgrades i'm gonna do to it that would probably be not quite the most bang for the buck but i'm gonna be doing some very common ones and not so common stuff to it to kind of get it to what i would consider to be a good ender 3. basically if i had to run the ender 3 as my one printer this is what i would do to it what psu is that that is a uh a uhp 224 so it is still a 200 watt 24 volt power supply however it is a smaller form factor and about twice the price it is not required i just went with it because uh it's kind of cool and i want to try it out because doc likes it i figured hey i'll give it a shot romero on the end of three yes the hamera is going on the ender three um and i know uh the issue with the gantry sag is a thing um because the ender three only has one lead screw so the second end it would just flap it in the wind so yes the hammer is a little bit heavier than uh a bq h2 which i have on it right now but i actually have my i brought my inner wrap at home um dial indicator though i'm actually gonna measure how much if any the gantry sags uh completely empty with uh the bqh2 on it and then how much it will sag within eight uh mirror on it so i already got the mounts all printed up for it and everything and uh metal dirt and skin five dollars thank you appreciate it uh put direct drive orbiter on ender three or go whole hog and build a core y um i'm not the ender three is going to stay in under three it's gonna get the hamirah the orbiter that i have um i i'm saving it for a project that i want to do but i'm still trying to get my hands on one um if anyone knows anyone with a first generation ultimaker hit me up well he's in his diaper okay we got doggone you want to say good night calvin okay good night good night good night yes no okay back to mama all right yes no okay good night say goodnight say goodnight bye bye bye bye okay well it still says stripper cam on the screen go go okay don't don't grab this stuff here you want something you want something what can i give him here okay take the muscular mushroom man the mask you want the mask okay good night visitors little guy's bedtime he should be in bed right now okay what was i talking about muscular mushroom man yeah muscular mushroom man go watch my video on uh the resin printer i know he has a habit of just coming in here and just grabbing some random model that i have that i like printed for a video or something and just taking it and it's gone so okay so there we go so backwards gonna stop doing that and i'm probably sure i i think i forgot to say it but i don't even need to look uh duff 699 doggo thank you appreciate it all right i am right so don't forget in the description one go click the link to thangs and download and print one of those chaos cortech models they're awesome you know what after you print it go back on things and upload a picture of the one you printed because they have pictures on the site now you can upload pictures of things you've printed so go do that and then also while you're in the description enter the contest win yourself a bond tech lgx i'm buying it's not sponsored i'm just doing it because why not i haven't given away something in a while i want to do that both mine are fully grown yeah he's uh he just turned three but it's end of may two months ago they get big quick when will i view the switchboard i'm not going to get one of those and it's not a clone it's a literally they have the plans that that honestly we don't care that a company in china for those that don't know um follow me on twitter at 3dp hero i posted pictures of it um and then also those pictures are from the war on discord in the magic studios channel um there's a company there's a trade show going on in china right now um a lot of 3d printing stuff there and there is a company that is uh selling or planning to sell or whatever it's a direct uh clone of a switch wire all they did was make a switch wire and uh put their own logo on it so they they took the the voron logo off the stls and put their own logo on it so the thing is we don't care you you are allowed to make and sell borons that is part of gpl v3 you you are allowed commercialization i could start up a store tomorrow selling borons you could start up a store selling borons you just have to say it's a voron and give attribute a attribute attribution attribution you have to say it's a voron and linked to the boron dis or uh github or something like you're allowed to you can do that there's nothing wrong with that and we really don't care if you do that but the fact that they there it's the fact they're trying to pass it off as their own and if you read like somebody translated a bunch of the stuff it's like years of development and it's like yeah do [ __ ] the most you did was you know change out the logo like it's legit exactly what one for one of aurora so so why would i review it i have a voron right here it's not cloning if it's open source it's alternative production exactly mr aki like warren is not a company because none of us want to deal with running a company it started as a company mzbot which that's what the logo is it's mz it's mzbot um started as a company he sold one printer and a bunch of warren kits and then realized ah no correct john they have modified the original files without attribution which is a violation of the gpl um v3 so technically they violated the rule which is why we're kind of like what the heck guys you can do this just fine you just have to say it's a vorod so don't try to pass it off as your own say it's a boron and then sell it which honestly they'd probably do better doing that because uh then they get access to like the whole voron ecosystem they could say it's a [ __ ] and there's like the word is out there and people go i'm just going to buy this instead of building my own and fetus has yeah they they have the video of my um dragonfly review playing at their booth which they never asked me to do that i i don't care the video is on youtube you can do whatever with it people have been making gifs and memes of my streams lately so i don't care what you do with my videos but they never asked me to do that they just did that case you don't notice i don't use those um i know a lot of people like those blocks where you can plug all the wires and i don't use those i just wire stuff directly that's just kind of how i do it they have spent years researching logo switching technology at the forefront who's making gif means i don't know but if you go like on discord or tenor i think it works on on uh i think they use the same twitter use the same site but if you if you go like you know on discord you can search gifs if you type nero 3dp there's a whole bunch of me now i'm like okay so that is that i'm gonna have to have another live go to there then a neutral yeah we're in canada all right i'm in the southern part of canada deep fake don't deep fake me that's that shit's creepy i can't stop you it's the internet but that's creepy a little cover back on go so those three wires will come out there that's there i need to run one more live because you you switch the live are there any files to put rip firmware on the skr2 anywhere i have no idea um i i pretty sure you can run install reprap on the skr2 um it has a a hookup for a drop-in board or wi-fi because you're going to need wi-fi um but i have zero clue um sorry i don't do the rip raps that often do i think server or bldc uh no what oh you giving me the mushroom man back okay i'm gonna say hi say hi kelvin look it's you hi hi thank you say hi hi say don't forget to subscribe hi hi can you say like the smash button like the smash button hi okay you gotta go sleep i gotta go to sleep okay say bye bye gonna say bye bye no good night good night okay too bad no no i gotta leave the light on i need the lights guys oh what do i think about the strasis does abs etc dual nozzle no fan uh stress is an industrial machine and there's a whole different ecosystem with that what works with industrial machines and large scale commercial machines doesn't really scale to home scale that well and in terms of like so um just go back to the other question in terms of servos and bldc's and like all that fancy stuff uh frankly no i don't think it is for the average person yeah like the the speed benchy guys will probably get more use out of them okay but you got to understand the vast majority of people it it's like overclocking your computer okay you have the guys that do overclocking their computers with uh you have guys overclocking their computers and they're using you know liquid nitrogen and all that but your your guy at home is still you know cooling his pc with the stock intel fan right so using servos o drives stuff like that on a 3d printer is honestly not probably worth it for the the absolute vast majority of people oh wow it would help if i crimped the connector on um because you have to understand um on a on a good printer like any printer with a good motion system you could outrun most hot ends already with just nema 17s and a4988s on a ramps running clipper look at uh nitram the current guy who has the uh i don't know if he still has it anymore but sub five minute benchy on a delta which is a a kinematic that you need a lot of brain power to run he's running a try gorilla it's an 8-bit board with ramps so so no i plus they're expensive they are really expensive oh drives they're like what 200 each i think if i'm not mistaken last i checked so yeah so maybe industrial and commercial machines maybe but you're not seeing ultimaker use them you're not seeing stresses use them they're still you know using stepper motors because it's the most cost effective most efficient you know well not efficient but best bang for your buck way of doing it there we go okay that's that that's that you're gonna go to there and i don't have any but i'm gonna have uh proper zip ties for these uh 30 so 30 to 20 so 50 per motor plus 140 encoder when i can go buy the cheapest skr a 10 nema 17 and a pi zero for ten dollars for micro center and still outrun my hot end like that's that's the problem you gotta remember um when i asked you guys to send me your pictures of printers uh it's not just for a video i want to do it's because i want to see what you guys have and of the 100 something pictures i got 80 of them are v wheel i've three of some sort that's what the average person has the average person has an ender three or an enter three clone or an under three derivative that's what people are using so yeah so that goes there back on for now i put it just use this stuff does anyone apply captain tape um there is i would get the reflective stuff there is some reflective material that you can get and uh that's what i would recommend for your uh the probe and you only need to put it on the front where like it faces the uh the heater the hotend um the ender five is a core xy i think uh corey oh xz i'm actually waiting um when now the switch wire is out we we fully expect some company to clone it at some point well not clone it we fully expect it to be for sale at some point we honestly thought like i thought um if anyone's gonna you know sell voron somebody was going to have a switch wire because that's probably the easiest one to replicate in terms of design and be able to make it mass producible is a switch wire so i was fully expecting to actually see uh switch wires by now on the market and the fact that i have it is actually kind of surprising to me i think oh yeah i dropped that oh uh glute man yes i know about that we were already talking about that earlier like i expected that sooner put it that way yeah see i don't like that uh maybe i can pitch that an ender 4 i don't know maybe i don't know uh corex said with v wheels i don't know because you gotta remember v corex said isn't common like there's literally there's the switch wire um some random video from like 2013 i think on youtube and then that's about it for core xe stuff you can find um it is not a super common by any means motion system hooking up the low voltage side of the ssr right now i hate wiring sideways ah oh well corex said has advantage it's correct said it's a lot cheaper than corex one because you can already use pretty much all the existing hardware that you have on an ender 3 right so in terms of pitching that to like hey creality build a corex ed um they already have everything all they need to change is the xz motion so you just need an a b motor mount and xy joints everything else is commercial off the shelf right it's stuff already in inventory so yeah that makes it a heck of a lot easier to sell put it that way go i'll hook the other one up later that goes there so now we're going to need some wire powering the skr and i'm going to use some 20 gauge is my 20 gauge is this my 20 gauge 20 gauge love the music um so for those that don't know i stream uh stream beats by harris heller he's a dj type guy he makes youtube videos on setting up streams and whatnot um i watched a bunch of when i started although his his videos are mostly for um like sit down streamers honestly um so not really a lot of applies to like my setup still good videos but anyways he has a uh whole library music that is royalty free specifically for live streaming so i don't get copyright striked so we're listening to his uh synthwave playlist right now so good stuff i like it because honestly it helps a lot when i'm just staring at something crimping wires it helps a lot with background gotta get that ambiance how are we doing with entries for the lgx if you haven't entered yet make sure you've entered 225 people have entered so far however however wow i i've given 226 people the opportunity to win an lgx but only 80 have liked the smash button i got gotta do something about that you guys come on come on disappointed come on guys people be slacking right there got the right one yes i did smooshed it there we go i like to see that too much flex and v wheels for core x said um i think you could pull it off make a viking hello did that two hours before the screen what were you doing here two hours before the stream don't you guys have families okay so that should be enough for under the hood for now um put this back on so now we'll move over to wiring up uh the top stuff there put stripper cam somewhere else there got my handy dandy notepad because we wrote down what goes where so what are we going to need we are going to need jst connectors stripper or jst connectors my crimper and we're gonna need barrels and my farrell what do i think of the annex new printer tycho um i like the name other than that this is the very first time i'm hearing of it i don't know i've never seen it no stripper cam you can sit up here with all the electronics that i need to use on something at some point raspberry pi is everywhere okay so let's pull up uh skr2 the actual wiring of this thing so here's one of my criticisms for the skr um the skr2 at least is when you look at it from the front not a lot is visible um you do have some silk screening here for you know your motors and whatnot um but okay uh okay are these the fans i think these are the fans but like they're they're they're silk screening on the front ain't the greatest honestly i wish they did a better job with that um i know they crammed a lot on there so it's probably not enough room obviously but i like being able to look at and go oh this is a positive this is negative so let me see if i can find a pin out i got that oh they do have plus and minus for the fans so cnc fans like that no i don't have any questions but normally they have just a straight pin out diagram that's what i want i gotta go looking i'm expressing usually honestly aliexpress is where i find most of it i looked at doing anything crazy with your motion system such extremely hard nitrodox linear rails or mp3 no i run cheap china rails and i've had zero issues with them so i don't really think i should need to drop more on rails or some crazy coating on them i don't have a pin out okay well i'm gonna use this overhead so hey look it's everything's there chat's down here i believe yeah chat's here hi chat hello okay wires so there is no pin out for this right now just so you guys are aware there is a correction there is no configuration for this so i'm going to be making a configuration from scratch that will probably be hopefully next week's stream um so i will be creating a clipper config from scratch um here now grant it won't be completely from scratch because i'll be using a like a an already existing config for a v um a v 1.8 as a space but i'll be clear creating a config for the skr2 from scratch uh does the skr 2.0 have room for the pt100 stick it does not it only has uh five jumpers which i need to figure out where to put them or five uh end stops or the english yeah it only has five uh step six but i don't have the pt 100 in it right now so uh it's not a big issue i can honestly it uses the same plugs so i can literally swap the boards in probably like half an hour if i need to go to the skr pro um but i've got uh longer term plans for this so i'm not too concerned with pt 100 right now dust boot oh no we're not going to get to printing tonight if we're lucky i might get the raspberry pi uh have something installed in it okay so jumpers i need actually this is backwards shoot right no i don't move that dang it i move the wrong one goes there and this skr2 by the way is the updated one this is the one that they fixed the uh blowing up pmc's issue so yeah what time are we at anyways you guys got half an hour to enter the contest he sent me a pin out lincoln discord yeah if you guys ever try to uh reach me on discord you have to uh at me in the chat cuz i discord doesn't pop up when i'm uh streaming there we go this is what you need because this tells you all your pins and everything so you're going to need this when you go to make it config so you just add that there so who's it uh using fan zero on the skr for part cooling uh make sure you might have to uh flip it i think i don't know you might have to put like a little exclamation mark not 100 sure try uh a different hookup and see if it changes okay so got that there that's there that's there let's put our tnts in so these are 2209s and simply just comparing them to the fisak ones don't go in as easily get in your home sure 2209s which honestly for 99 of people this is the driver you want and uh these are the v 1.2 version whatever that is put our little heat sinks on eventually i will have a fan blowing in here and the fan will be right about here and it'll just blow air in so it'll be like a cross flow so zakal thank you for becoming a member oh and for the uh member stream um i know i was planning to do one this month uh next month june i have the week of the 24th off work so because i will have time during the day when i don't have to work um i'm gonna do the daytime stream then because i know it's pretty late my normal stream time for a lot of the europeans so uh the week of the 21st um maybe the tuesday or the wednesday um uh i'll know closer i'm going to be doing a members only stream uh so for members of youtube members and or patreons as well so if you're a patreon supporter a youtube member i will be doing a daytime stream members only the week of the 21st early afternoon my time so like 2 or 3 p.m hopefully um that should be enough for all most of the time zones to be in agreeance so that's when i will be doing the members stream but i do want to do one because you guys are awesome and i kind of want to do a little something something for you guys what will we be doing i don't know yet but we'll be doing something let's give this guy some power so our is that one let's boot uh sincere recently official business owner what type of business will you practice oh yeah i'm officially a business owner um because i have you know i am making money off this there is income um i have a sponsor i have a patreon yada yada there's money coming in so to make my life easier come tax time i'm neuro 3d is now a business registered in ontario canada um it is super awkward going into a bank and being like yo i'm setting up a business they're like oh great what kind of business i make videos on the internet it is surprisingly not that weird um because apparently the uh the lady nice lady at the bank who helped me out um like oh okay like i expected a little bit more weird because it sounds super weird yes i make videos on the internet saying your youtube account name out loud is still weird though like it's like yeah hello i i i run nero 3d it sounds weird yes exactly educational that's what they actually put me down as i make educational videos only fans only benchies go to onlybenches.com make sure you're subscribed but uh i am actually gonna be uh one of the term rebranding in the near future hopefully i need to get some art made up but it's just gonna be nero 3d i'm gonna drop the the p okay so that's bed out so power is the upper one which one is the positive okay power is 2.4 volts is the bottom one three nero dp yeah that's one of the reasons i got to kind of change the logo people still keep thinking it's three neuro tv you know most people who say that are obviously joking wiring and stripping and crimping wiring and stripping and crimping i think i'm going to just do some streams where we just print stuff at some point just hangout streams where we just look at videos and different stuff and whatnot what's that thing the other you the the twitch streamer media share let's do a media share stream pay me to watch videos guys uh does voron call for delrin rails no boron calls for like just china rails cna uh if ldo is a good option if you're okay with spending a bit more on rails because ldo makes great rails um well they're they're very good for their price with that way that's what i'm actually using in here i'm using leo rails uh hot tub stream my mom has a hot tub she lives five minutes from here i could bring a printer one day although i stream on youtube not twitch so the meta is a little bit different there is no youtube stream better ldo better than highway no but high winds are an absolute waste of money in a 3d printer what do you do i strip on youtube you have the stripper cam where did i put yeah din rails are spec which they're awesome like uh it was about a year ago when we started using them in the designs i can't remember who brought them up first but they are awesome to use because uh oh hey i need to take the raspberry pi off okay there a little clippy mount everything's clippy there that scares off scares on i love din rails and it's funny it says i have uh one two three four five vorons and this is the first one to have a din rail all my other ones just have printed plastic mounts for all the electronics okay so right now uh the sk run power to the skr okay so this is the 20 gauge wire is feeding at 24 volts right now this is the 20 gauge wire that is for the uh the ssr so with the ssr it it's controlling your bed but it's low voltage right so i'm looking for my screwdriver so it's low voltage however i'm still going to use the bed out as the control for it now i could use a fan i could use any switch that is controllable any pin that's controllable to control the ssr that's on this one anywhere from five to 24 volts will work um but i'm just going to use the uh the bed just because it's easier it's still good to try and keep things as they're labeled so you know you don't need the full beefy bed mosfet to run an ssr it's still the bed so it just makes it easier to like wrap your head around and prevent issues and errors and whatnot when it comes to wiring and remember where things are hooked up to so so we have that now what i'm going to do at this point is actually power this guy up um so i am going to figure out where this guy needs to go rip some connectors on plug it in and uh hopefully no sparky sparks do they slide on the din rails no um the electronics um most of the the electronics uh these are the printed brackets for boron like when you download all the files for boron these are in there this is the raspberry pi mount it has this little uh spring uh portion so it clips right on so you just kind of there it's on and then to pull it off you just pull it up and then unhook it but they hook on so you don't need to slide them on or slime off now they're not super rigid so you can you know slide them around but if you're not touching it it'll stay where it's at so i use hammer heads for my um skirts and stuff so hello from australia waiting on the spider in the last few things from a 2.4 but you're in australia you already have spiders i use 14 for the mains but you can actually get away with 20 but put 20 more dc currents are essentially higher why it's about amperage um i i use 16 gauge for mains as a habit because of home wiring um it all comes down to amperage but i just like using 16 gauge for mains voltage because you know when i was in college and i did home electrical classes i use 16 gauge for home electrical so i like using 6k the only reason i'm using 14 is because i don't know where my 16 is right now so i just i like using 16 gauge for my home wire for light or remains voltage and honestly the wires going from the power supply the 24 volt to the skr um i probably will swap to uh 16 gauge at some point just because they're the heaviest load wires um in the system other than the main wires going in it's honestly when in doubt go with a bigger wire because there's really no harm to going with a bigger one that's hot okay that's off turn it over that way if we get some sparks you guys get some footage because come on at least you know if i blow something up at least gotta get the clip that circuit breaker here overhead fan maybe an overhead cam so we should see let me unplug this so this is how i like to do my testing i wire up the power supply normally i test the power supply by itself however i'm think i'm okay yeah so that's live it's live that's live neutral ground ground neutral okay we got positive negative positive are in the middle yeah so how i do it is basically i test it in stages okay so right now normally i would just test the power supply feed the power supply make sure the light comes on check the voltage okay make sure it's whatever voltage you want most power supplies have a little potentiometer somewhere where you can adjust the output voltage this one doesn't i don't think but for twice the price of an lrs it better be good so there's that and then i'll hook up the controller board make sure the controller board lights up and then i go and hook everything else up so right now we're gonna skip all that just check everything all at once and uh hopefully we don't get a spark so uh three two one okay i got lights let me get my multimeter is my multimeter fans of the channel will know what happened last time i used one of these guys to check uh my voltages should see 24 24.2 i can live with that actually nope let me turn it back on and check the output on the raspberry pi to make sure we got 5 volts negative 5 volts five volts yep yeah no sparks so it does have a pot you got to go through the grill oh there it is yeah there's a pod in there but we got what we want so we're good i can live with 24.2 volts like that like that good set the meter to voltage ac is not dc yes and the stream goes blank you guys have no faith in me no faith in me come on come on uh do i always have to check the powersupply i upgraded my printer for meanwhile and i told got to do that it 48 um when it comes to the power supply voltage there's a little potentiometer on it and usually you're good like if it's a 24 volt power supply it might come from the factory 23.9 volts um it's it's a good habit to check just to make sure that it is what you want because i think most of them have a one volt variance on this power supply it's not too big of an issue but on the raspberry pi power supply if it's like reading like 4 volts you really want to make sure it's around 5 for a raspberry pi um also cover your ass in case they mislabeled the power supply and you got a 48 volt power supply or 12 volt power supply so um yeah you you kind of want to uh to make sure it is correct because you never know hopefully i'm not scuffing up the front of my uh that's just dragging around here let's put a little piece of foam under there there we go okay back to wiring stuff up so overhead frame there we go let's go ahead and get this guy all hooked up for as much hooked up as we can get in the next uh hour and ten minutes so if you haven't entered yet you got 10 minutes um kill the draw for the uh lgx so enter if you have not what did you buy i got a bunch of this where did i put it uh the table saving stuff that i had i got more but i could just want to grab a whole bunch okay so uh av motors so when you're looking at a printer from the front turn it off and check a motor's on the right so a motor is on the right this is my a motor and this is my b motor you will never see that but it makes it easier in the long run so let's have this come in nicely with a little bit of extra it look pretty there we go do that come down right there for now uh clipper or marlin clipper clipper gang pretty much nobody runs marlin on borons we're pretty we're pretty heavily invested in clipper at this point which hey if you're using clipper and you're not uh subscribed to kevin's patreon kevin's creator clipper you should correct that because kevin is awesome who started war on russian cat food on the boron discord max zolan okay so i'm gonna go the uh the somewhat lazy route and just use the existing wires for the motors and just zip tie all the extra so i'm not going to uh have to crimp them across here so we have got put some jumpers in so let's see what we got here for stepper so we got oh it's hard to read x y z e zero e one so z has two so that's x y z what i got over here oh that's an always on fan okay so x y two 2z you gotta jump for one and then another fan why the heck do they got fans up here okay whatever okay so yeah so how they work is if you look you got x y z a said b okay so you gotta understand a lot of printers your your two z motors like a prusa or an ender they are independent or they're they're tied together this one has two z motors however we're gonna run them independent of each other so we're actually going to plug both of these into their own stepper driver that way clipper can do the fun thing where it'll tram out the bed so they'll just move independently to tram out zero so you actually only have to level front to back the v2 does kind of the same thing only with four corners so it does the uh the super funky qgl thing which i will demonstrate in a minute this will just do side to side a v2 does the whole gantry at once uh wire management fail i'll make it work so how i'm going to do this and this is how i do it um a lot of configs and i'm creating this config from scratch i'm doing it how i want i'm not plugging a z motor into z i'm plugging them into e0 and e1 because you can plug them in however you want honestly um so i'm going to use looking at it from the front this will be e0 and this will be e1 because they're numbered okay and then my b motor will be y and my x or a motor will be a there we go cable managed um so for example on v2 uh 26 here on my v2 here i'm running the spider board the spider has eight steppers on it okay so how they are labeled you have x y z and then e0 to e3 okay um or e4 yeah so you have xyz e0 e1 e2 e3 e4 okay so your seven steppers how i have it set up and everything plugged up i have x y is my a b motor z is my extruder and then e0 to e3 are my four z motors because having zed the z0 e0 being e0 and e1 being z2 a little funky in the brain so this way the numbers match up at least so e0 is z0 e1 is z1 and then z is just extruded because in the pin out it's just pins right when you look at it this isn't uh zed you know this isn't y motor this is pin uh pd4 uart is pd3 like they're just pin numbers you can make them whatever right pins or whatever this is the labeling is just a silk screen and whatever the config is so you're making the config make it how you want so uh what does voron use vorn uses an inductive pro we don't use the bl touch i think there's mods for it but it's not um yeah it's not an official thing oh yeah 10 o'clock giveaway let's break so how this is gonna work is you have uh one minute from right now it just turned 10. 1001 i'm closing it okay we are going to draw feel of names for a bondtek lgx a lucky winner is going to get a bondtek lgx okay um how it's gonna work is i'm gonna do a draw and then you will get an email from me um with all the information that i'm gonna need and then i'm gonna send you a bondtech lgx i'll probably set it up tomorrow um or i'll email you tonight hopefully after stream if i remember um and then you're gonna get an lgx i'm gonna pay for shipping i'm gonna pay for the lgx um when it shows up at your door if the uh whoever i ship it with decides hey you owe us money for customs or whatever that's on you though so i'm waiting for it to be 1001 if you have not smash that like button i know i said it the right way this time that's how important it is it also shows our sponsor thanks you should also check them out okay closing it how do i close it close it accepting responses no longer accepting responses so yes while i'm getting everything ready here take your time go uh go check out our sponsor thanks go print something from chaos cortec in the description there and uh take a picture of it and share it on the thang's website because they allow picture uploading now and more people need to upload the things they printed or the thangs they've printed so we have 315 entries oh god one i'm not showing you this because i i can't i don't want to dox anyone two three four of the 315 people four think tall boy is called frank nobody picked the other ones nobody put picked like biggest princess or something like that so four people picked frank hopefully you're not one of those four people uh the winner so you know how i normally do these i need a number between three and eight a full number david um yeah somebody pick one between three and eight a full number come on six one two three four five six there we go david better not be putting decimals okay everyone who didn't put a number that falls between three and eight you're all getting permabanned um so let's roll three two one go down zenbender congratulations congratulations now let me make sure you entered it correctly it is tall boy congratulations man you have won yourself a bondtech lgx i'm going to send you an email right now if you're if you're in chat um just saying congratulations you win so i don't lose your email address in case my computer turns off between now and then information for shipping after stream congratulations there we go zen bender congratulations are you in chat right now i don't know if you're in chat at sendpen he is in chat congrats so there we go that was fun i will collect all your information after stream um if you are here um i'm i need your okay just if you're here go to the bontak website to put something in your cart and see what they need for shipping information and then send me that information and i will ship you the lgx but if you want to wait till after stream i'll send you all the info i need to ship it so congratulations man you want yourself an lgx and now everyone stop watching the stream okay awesome that was fun i like giving stuff out i wish i could do it more often so we got all that put all that down there i'm going to cable manage all this off screen i'm just trying to get it all kind of hooked up right now and then i will manage it all off stream for these uh these wires so this will come over here oh beers yes it is 10 o'clock tasty beverage break guys tasty beverage break so i know uh joel likes his milkshakes but i don't have milkshakes here i don't have a sonic so for me we are still got the gibson's finest canadian whiskey i don't know if i have noise canceling on if you could hear that there we go tada because honestly if you're wiring you kind of need a little lubrication spin it again for the real fans to send another extruder um well i was gonna if i had if i hit 300 uh likes of the smash button i was going to but we didn't quite make it and i felt that advertising that would be uh would be uh you know bribing so unfortunately condemns the them's the brakes all right there's my extrusion so how are we going to do this i need heater heater is zero random floor sweepings who wants all the little nubbins of plastic that i've stripped off uh wires tonight people pay for celebrities hair uh spin for a ding ding which pay shipping i live in canada so shipping would probably actually suck for uh something like that honestly do these guys have vertical connectors the the connectors for the uh heaters are vertical like they come in from the top oh okay sure down here that's over there these two for heater uh i need to get a po box i know i keep i'm waiting for the lockdown to end so i can actually go into a post office to get one set up right now we still are in lockdown here in ontario i think i can go in the post office but there's always a lineup when i drive by um and i gotta check to see because a lot of time if i'm like buying stuff from the states i gotta put in a phone number and i don't want to give up my phone number sadness lgx is needed here i'm sorry man everyone had an equal shot i'm just happy somebody was actually in chat with me one i like that i i was going to do the you have to be here for the draw but i i didn't want to do that because i know a lot of people especially in the u can't watch the stream so i made a compromise of the contest was only open during the stream that's kind of i i think that's a good middle ground because uh you know it gets p because let's be honest most of the time when you see a giveaway it's to get people to watch the stream i did it because i i honestly feel bad about subjecting you guys to another wiring stream so i wanted to do something for you guys um so that that's a good trade-off i think is you have to be here to enter but you don't have to be here to win and the skill testing question was honestly just for fun so i got to put it that's one and that would be the top not that it matters because there is no positive or negative with a heater just a resistance honestly in terms of performance though um i'm like prints are the same between the lgx and the uh the afterburner um i don't print a lot of flexibles so running an lg x doesn't really you know i printed like five flexible things my entire um so far and uh speaking of flexibles actually let me find it i printed this little guy there this is a sealy dan you can find him on thanks and guess what squish this squishy this is a sparta 3d tpu this stuff i printed him hollow so he's got a little bit of hole in the top of his head but squishy beds are always ac in solid state except for the switch wire and the v0 the v0 is moving actually with the 0.1 revision it's going to a 24 volt pad but it's so small it doesn't matter and the switch wire is a bed flinger but again it's diy you can build it however you like if i would like to build a legacy in the future with a 24 volt uh twisted mini bed to make a small one but you can build them however you want remember that that is zero so let me put the label back on uh the clicky probes i might do clicky probe in the future on one of my printers however i am a fan like personally i am a fan of solid state i don't like moving like i like hall effect end stocks i like i like solid state stuff um so i uh joe i can speak to one thing um apparently and this just happened to me um there is a batch of lgx motors now that you've got to remember they're uh they're mjf right they're the nylon centered whatever um apparently um some of them were made out not in-house by lgx and the finish on them is a little rough functionally they work however if the finish is rough what can happen is little specks of the nylon can break off and jam your nozzle up i had my first nozzle jam in probably about two years yesterday on the lgx so it's been running fine since then i've printed a bunch of stuff um and it's been fine since then i swapped the nozzle um but i they know about it i think they it's like it's a known issue so they fixed it going forward however that has affected a few people i know um now it's an easy fix you can kind of just use like a wire wheel and just clean up the feed path just to make sure there's no loose nylon but it's basically the texture of it's a little rough and there's a chance a little particle of nylon can break off and jam your nozzle in the feed path um other than the jam though it's been flawless so yeah first revision stuff guys but functionally other than the one jam except for the one jam it's been flawless i've had zero issues so yeah uh does warren have a three mo zed motor leveling system on any of the versions well this is a 1.8 which is two um there is a mod and it's the cat's out of the bag the the next version of the v1 will most likely have it where the heck are my thermistors down at the bottom here there we go this is so mr zero one don't ask me when it's coming out because uh for two reasons one i can't say that and two i'm not actually fully involved with development of it so i don't know the nylon is coming from the motor it's not from the motor it's from the actual housing so if you look at an lgx um it's like all bond text it's got that mgf finish right it's mjf plastic the body which the feed path is mjf um and there is the potential of uh a little chunk of the nylon coming off because the texture has like a rough finish to it so well the next version of the i don't know when the next version of the one there there's five borons in existence they're they're all different printers like i've got four from here i got a v1 a v2 a switch wire and down there is a v0 um they're all different printers and they all have their own version so like the v2s bit has the most revere no the v1 has the most revisions it's v 1.8 the next one will be a 1.9 uh v2 is on v2.4 switch wires still switch wires just zero um the v2 or the v0 just had its point one revision and legacy is still the original so so a voron v2 isn't version two it's the name of the printer is v2 this is a v1 the v1 uh once 1.9 comes out will actually be the newest voron printer because right now the newest 4 on printer is the v0 it's v zero then legacy then switch wire and then um v2 and v1 are actually the oldest technically the v2 is the oldest revision of warren right now because it was announced before the v1 did i run the cf nylon no i did not my my lgx um i printed all my cf nylon stuff on v226 before converting it to the uh uh putting the lgx on it so it the lgx has only printed uh flexibles and abs and some pla so far griffin uh emmanuel uh 599 a australian thank you appreciate it uh just a little thank you for all your content thank you thank you for enjoying the content okay so this is the thermistor with the semester there is no positive negative because it's just the thermistor that doesn't want to walk in so once you lock in there you go okay that label back on the skr2 uh a good board i don't know i haven't used it yet uh happy memorial day weekend happy memorial day weekend it's not actually a holiday for me right now um let me put over there um yeah it's not actually a weekend a holiday for me um i live in canada so we had last weekend was victoria day so that was my holiday thank you appreciate it thank you for the five dollars okay so number two is end stop so that would be my xn stuff so where's two so what i did was all my wires have numbers on them i got one of these little handy-dandy notepads that have all the stickers for numbers so what i did was i wired up you know positive negative uh this is that and put a label on it so now i know which ones which and of course i cut them long so i can go through and fire them up properly where are my end stops they are this big black here or block here so x stop if i'm not mistaking on the end stops it is those two okay because you don't connect the five volt i don't believe uh the sansa yes he's going to be building his [ __ ] um i'm gonna try and watch as much of as i can but uh he's european so i got a feeling his stream will be i'll be at work for most of it so unless it's on a weekend i will be missing most of it um i am going to try i know a lot of the voron team guys are going to be watching it um he has um he's got a set of printed ford parts and he's got a uh the same type of build plate i have um i think i'm pretty sure he's got the fermio labs build plate um however he's using a formula a formbot kit which i've done a video on it looking back i might have been a little too harsh on it but i still stand by the fact that unless you really need to buy the kit because you live in a country where sourcing it components individually would just be too expensive or you really know what you're doing i really don't recommend a newbie jump into the kit because you have to be able to know what's good and what's bad in the kit when you get it because there's no guarantee of what parts come in the kit still um but he's going to be using the formlabs kit so so i need to use the far once right yeah you're on pc that is my x and stop oh wait no i'm bringing it backwards yeah no that's backwards i'm looking at the pin out and my pin out's upside down yeah because 5 volt will be closest to the motor and i don't want that let's see x end stop so let's do the y and stop while we're at it x end stop is two okay so this is the y and stop uh sensorless homing poses some firmware issues uh sensorless kind of works with clipper on corexy um not a lot of people like it um simply for the fact it's honestly not that accurate it's only accurate within a full step which not for most people that's fine but um with core xy and two motors it does play a little funky with false positives and whatnot personally i'd rather rely on a 10 cent micro switch so hello one how are you doing how did i cut that that wrong and even if for some reason i don't finish wiring tonight which uh it's 10 30 i probably won't um this will be the last wiring stream i will finish but i don't finish off stream because i feel real sorry for you guys i am not putting you guys through another wiring stream oh if you guys want more wiring streams the view counts don't support that again i don't really care about view counts i don't even look at them okay okay why stop well the reason i honestly i was going to finish this off stream but because i was wiring up mains and whatnot a lot of people use these streams as guides to help them build their printers so i try to avoid when i'm when i'm doing a full printer build like this i try to do as much as i can on stream so that people who use these as a guide um caught it oh hot and fan three is hot in fan um those that use these as a guide can actually just follow along or can reference it at least so i try to avoid doing a lot of stuff off stream specifically for that reason as much as i i know subjecting you guys to multiple wiring streams because hey let's take a break and from wiring up one printer and wire up another printer um it it does serve a purpose these are first and foremost um educational some people find them entertaining too yeah wiring it's one of the i always plan on honestly when it comes to wiring i might i'm waiting on an octopus to come in for uh toasty boy or correction tall boy um when that shows up i'll probably do that off stream and i'll try and do some proper editing the thing is there a lot of this stuff has been covered by other youtubers like soldering people have asked me to do soldering guides one i i have essential tremors like shake like hell so um doing soldering on stream would be uh not the greatest or watching uh me do a song not the great lots of other people have done it there's plenty of videos and guides on youtube on how to crimp and strip wires and solder and whatnot um i try to avoid doing derivative works as much as i can um yeah obviously you know i did a review on an ender 3. that that is you know totally not an original thing but that was because i've never done a review on a off-the-shelf printer and i wanted to get some practice okay so fan voltage towards the is shoot now when it comes to wiring up fans usually i go by priority so fan zero is usually my hot end fan fan two is usually my part cooling fan and then fan three is my electronics fan uh we just hang out here it's all good pretty much a lot of people tell me they use this stream as like a podcast which is pretty cool i would like to do like i did the one stream where i had russian cat food on here i did the interview and i'm thinking of maybe getting some more people and try doing like hawks more often um because a lot of people like that and it did pretty well so i might try i know doc wants to come on or i said he's okay with coming on a stream at some point so i might bring doc on a stream at one point get him talking about it we'll see but usually i try to save those for when i'm not doing a build i don't like interrupting a build because i started this build at the beginning of in march or may yeah beginning of march or something what's the version of the warons uh it depends on which model bassam this is a v 1.8 build my v2s are v 2.4s my v 0 is a v 0.0 but the current revision of v 0 is 0.1 i haven't upgraded yet and then the uh the war on switch wire and the voron legacy are still on their initial release oh yeah i know he made the the post that everyone had ping socked everyone uh dustin i spoke about it right at the beginning of the stream along with my uh some of my concerns with his build so tldr don't put a magnum in your war on or a magnum plus in your war on what does it mean the version that's a revision so if you go on like the boron github you can look up previous revisions so pull up like the v 2.0 the v 2.1 the 2.2 and the 2.3 because it the the printer has been updated so the v 2.4 is the current revision of the v2 it's the fourth revision uh there never actually was a v 2.3 though so it's kind of like you know prusa has the mark iii it's the third revision of the i3 or the mark iii is the third division of the i3 and then they have the s or whatever but boron is just a number so v2 is the name of the printer 0.4 is its revision so it's a 0.4 revision of the v2 do yes the v so the v2 it does not mean version two it is a voron v2 v2 is the name of the printer technically the v stands for voron so it's kind of like an atm machine because it's an automated teller machine machine it's a boron voron 2. yes i know that makes perfect sense but that's how it is because it originally was just the voron and then there was the voron 2. and then the zero came out because it's small let's call it the zero and then uh after that it went wait this naming convention scheme we're using is an absolute pain in the butt um let's just start calling it things so now we have switch wire and legacy thoughts on rig i don't have one i don't know anyone who has one so i can't make any comments on it it's like it's a it's a it's a core xy it's a moving bed core xy printer so is it better than a v1 i don't know but it's the same type of printer moving bed core xy probe pull up the manual i'm gonna have to solder in a bat 85 diode oh there's no electronic stuff in the uh the v1 manual that's right bed probe well we're not going to go through and like we've talked about it but they're not we're not going to rename the v0 v1 and v2 that's the names are two kind of ingrained so they will continue to be the v0v1 v2 um like that's kind of they've been that one way for that long going forward they're going to have proper names though that's why it's now switch wire and legacy so so we got to plug in the bed probes so which one is i just want to wrote it down so i've got three wires here i've got a black red and uh shoot red black bear that right i write it down i forget to write it down it's red is brown red is the voltage so that i will just know for sure so red is voltage and we're going to get the voltage from right here where we have a always on fan up here so on here we have 24 volt we're gonna pull 24 volt from here for the probe if you're looking for colored extrusion um misumi comes in silver black and yellow nobody ever gets the yellow though and then if you want fancy ones ldo makes colored extrusions so if you want like a red one like this um printed solid in the us sparta 3d in canada if you go on their section of the war on discord they have links to regional vendors which if you're looking to buy an a galileo kit from printed solid by the way use code nero gal dis so nero gal pis for five dollars on valid until june 5th i believe i know it's in the galloway overview so shoot i have a feeling i'm going to put this up take a look i got two wires here um a red one yes i'm assuming black is that so blue is the bare one so blue goes to ground looks little time is it 10 45 yeah we'll get the skr fully wired up it looks like gotta do some soldering in a minute here so here's the fun thing with these bed probes i really like inductive bed probes why because they cheap and they work so when you look at wiring them up here you don't need to go drop 70 on the easy abl or 50 on a uh on a bl touch if you're running a a bed that's magnetic so what does that mean it's a thicker aluminum bed like a four or five or six millimeter thick aluminum bed or you're running a spring steel flex sheet right now my ender three for example has a glass bed however during the pimp my ender video i'm going to be putting a spring steel flex plate on it that is steel spring steel pi coating once it has that spring steel flex plate on it i could slap this guy on this is a plo8 probe or pl05 i can't remember but either way this is an inductive probe it works off of metal really good so once i have that on there i will be able i'm trying to find my bad 85 diodes right now um i will be able to use that as a bed probe why is that awesome because a pl08 or o5 is three dollars so for three dollars you can have a inductive probe and then you need to spend five cents on a bat 85 diode i'm trying to find right now um and you have a bed probe system and it plugs right into any existing board you just need to have an end stop a regular end stop so on an ender 3 you could drop this right into an ender 3 using the existing ender 3 board because all it does is it just plugs into your existing end stop and then you just tell your firmware hey this pin is now a probe and you're done bad 85 diode now when you look at something like the easy abl um he sells it with some fancy add-on board you don't need that um all you need for an inductive probe like this is because the inductive probe the higher the voltage the better it runs so we're gonna feed this guy 24 volts the problem is when you feed this guy 24 volts in 24 volts are going to come out and it's going to go to the sense pin here the problem is if you feed this guy 24 volts you're going to fry your board so you put a bad 85 diode in between and that bleeds off the excess and you're good simple as that easy peasy lemon squeezy so we have our ground here we're going to take our wire here that we're going to put the bad 85 diode on i'm going to strip it crimp it plug it in and then i'm going to cut it and solder in a bat 85 diode amazing how cheap those probes are taking three to get it right here's the thing we've we've noticed that um the cheap probes um aren't as good as they used to be um they used to be i i ran a a three dollar a zong or john or whatever the heck it's called uh tl08 in v2 26 from the day i built it up until i rebuilt the tool head um like two weeks ago okay and that probe worked beautifully i had zero issues okay it just worked it it it just worked i had zero issues with it um on the rebuild i put a fotec one good thing that one was covered i put a fotec one in um because uh why did i do that i put a fotek one in um it died in eight days it just died it died on me so i was actually down here uh saturday night after work replacing it so unfortunately um they're not as good now what i recommend is i believe they're still linked in the uh sourcing guide they we people are calling them b stock omrons they're they're really knock off omrons or alternatively manufactured omrons or just probes that are in an omrom shell i don't know the whole all the deets but they work really good for their price they're like 10 or 15 each that's what a lot of us are running now and um going forward that's what i'm gonna use on most of my printers going forward i need to get some real magic hands at some point i know i was going to and i forgot so soldering stuff out i heard the jingle give me a sec one second one second uh bernard 20 thank you appreciate it i just finished my second [ __ ] 2.4 and point one nice i love all your work in the community third printer incoming awesome that's great to hear man hope the builds went well more vorons is always good to see uh 0.003 millimeters honestly if your first layer height is like 0.24 millimeters and within like 0.01 millimeters you're fine and we're i've seen people complain about 0.005 and i'm like can you print everything just fine well yeah well what's the issue okay so when you solder this guy in um there's a little black stripe on the bad 85 make sure that is going in the right direction otherwise you're gonna have a bad time so you want to solder it in with the black wire going towards the probe and the bare side going towards the bed uh greg yes the lgx giveaway was at um 10 o'clock 10 p.m est if you entered before that i like you you were able to enter before obviously but uh okay i don't know if clicky probes will ever become spec um but they may become a valid alternative some people do like them and there there is merits to them especially if you're not running a uh if you want to run something other than a glass area oh heat shrink i remember this time there we go should i install my cable chains before wiring what i do is i i wire up my tool head and then run all the wires through the chains to the back and then wire up the back okay so if you go back to the last stream i ran the the i built the cable chain for this the the wire loom and i ran it through the drag chain so if you want to watch last week's stream and just do what i did that works really good how many times have i forgotten heat shrink um yes heat gun nope okay so that is zed and stop which is probe is five the difference between an 8-bit and a 32-bit is with clipper not as much as it used to be um but it's still better to run an 8-bit board all modern boards are 8-bit nobody really makes uh or correction run it run a 32-bit board uh there's really no modern 8-bit boards they're all like legacy boards that aren't really made anymore or just out of date so if you're going to build a printer right now run it get a 32-bit board there's really no reason to go with an 8-bit board nowadays uh the indie rambo is a modern i wouldn't call it modern the inc rambo is like three years old now four years old now like it's it's not really a modern board like the the buddy board the prusa buddy board's a 32-bit board but that thing is so uh bare bones that there's no point in buying it unless you have a prusa mini uh mcu yes mcu is the controller on the board okay so right now this is the mcu and this is your raspberry pi okay so with clipper how it works is all the actual processing for the movements and everything is done on the raspberry pi okay so the raspberry pi does all the thinking and then all it does is tell this what to tell the stepper drivers to do so um let me think of a good analogy okay so because they don't read straight g code somebody needs to interpret the g code so hey i live in canada okay in canada we have a whole province of french people okay so say you just landed in quebec okay you don't speak french right you're a normal person you speak english so you land in quebec and you need to drive a car to your friend's house to where you're meeting your friend a diner right you're going to get some poutine and a baguette okay now you don't speak french okay so an 8-bit board is like taking the instructions so right when you landed your friend gave you instructions but they're in french on how to directions on how to get to this diner okay for your boutique and pega so you don't speak french so to figure out these instructions you're driving the car so while you're driving the car you have to sit there with a um a translate a translation book right you have to translate the instructions and then drive the route okay so you have to read the instructions you have to translate the instructions and you have to drive the route that's an 8-bit board running a printer okay and you also have to deal with traffic and everything right now a 32-bit board is the same thing but you already speak french so you still need to read the directions so you're still constantly looking at the map and driving and dealing with everything else but at least you already know the language because it's 32-bit it's more powerful clipper is like a rally car where you have a guy who knows where he's going he's telling you everything to do and you just need to sit in the driver's seat and just turn when he tells you to turn and hit the gas when he needs to hit the gas okay so clipper is doing all the thinking clipper is the guy in the passenger seat taking care of everything and your controller board now just needs to do what it's told okay so that's why we like clipper now with clipper it's a really good rally driver so the the driver of the car doesn't really need to be that good right it could be an 8-bit board it could be a 32-bit board the 32-bit board will have more overhead more capabilities but at the end of the day the guy sitting in the passenger seat is really good at reading and interpreting the directions he knows all the shortcuts that's clipper so i don't know if that analogy worked what were we doing oh yeah builder blow wiring hey extruder motor yeah me at poutine hey man i love me some good poutine they're putty up and we'll go with tripper cam make sure yeah you guys can't see anything nba in the background you guys never know what i'm working on all the secret boron stuff need a better analogy after a couple more classes good point drink everyone drink it's 11 o'clock secret voron filament that's that's what's loaded in the uh sparta red sparkle samir you're breaking the car samir not a perfect analogy ah we're on the fly i think it's pretty good yeah basically at the end of the day with clipper you're offloading all the processing to the raspberry pi which is able to do things much quicker and then all it's doing is simply sending direct commands to the mcu to turn on heater at this time turn on this at this time turn off this at this time rotate motor this blah blah blah the sparkle 3 uh sparta 3d sparkle is pretty good like um i did the elon musk in it okay yeah yeah this was uh the blue so that's sparkle 3d blue which is it's a nice blue and it sparkles and then uh the black isn't really black it's like a really dark charcoal gray and it's got the sparkle that's the good old internet meme man what else am i printed um uh i did the this hot end mount here red thanos and purple i know the lighting's horrible here because the light for here is actually up there because it's at light for my place of work i cannot stream from work one um it's not my company i work for a company um it'd be like asking somebody to start streaming from there where they work so i can't do that and two we build uh injection molds for automotive companies and there is stuff that is not public so i don't feel like getting fired so every now and then i record a little video of working on a machine but that's about it uh yeah that like i started printing uh hot amounts of red because it stands out so much i like it okay i need a four pin because we're gonna plug a motor in um i think it's just black red black red red black i haven't done a qa um not 5 am it's only 1109 at night and i'm plugging the last thing from the floorboard extruder is plugged in yep so extruder is plugged in so let me oh i need to run power for the raspberry pi that's right pie needs power so it's 5 volt 3 amp so we're going to go with uh yeah 22 gauge how many amps is 22 gauge good for pretty sure 1.5 yeah we'll go with 20 gauge i think i still got some 20 gauge let me go with 20 gauge just played safe it's raspberry pi it ain't much but still actually it's a pi 4. sometimes it'd be like this but it do it dude if i use trader no i do not i build i work in a tool shop that builds and manufactures and maintains plastic injection molds so we actually build the tools uh we don't really do production or anything um and we don't really make the parts like we'll do try outs in-house but that's about it but we build the injection molds so i have a bit of hands-on experience with like plastics and manufacturing whatnot but for the most part i'm a wrench monkey i i don't run a cnc machine i run the manual machines occasionally and i do stuff like spotting timing lifters and other assembly and maintenance tasks can't really go into all the details but it's on the manufacturing side so right now i'm just plugging the uh uh power for the raspberry pi off the power supply and then the supply 4 and we're going to put the power in through the uh pins so so if i'm not mistaken let me pull it up here just to make sure rp i yeah so when it comes to powering a raspberry pi if you want to power it you can plug it in usb but we're going to plug in the 5 volt and the ground right here so it's the outer row of pins and it's the second and third from the side of the board where the display is uh would it be straightforward to revert from clipper to marlin you're using well cure is a slicer not firmware but if you install clipper on a machine and you want to revert back to marlin you have to re-flash the board because when you install clipper you have to flash it then splurge on a heat sink for the raspberry pi there you go some random one that i had sitting on top of it i need fins pins pins pins pins i'm sure these work there's gonna be a fan literally right above it uh but some i do have some videos on my channel for like setting up and installing clipper um i recommend using something like um mainsail or one of the other fluid or some of the clipper specific interfaces they make it a little bit simpler because they're designed specifically horse clipper versus running clipper on top of octoprint personally that's what i like okay i swear i hate dupont connectors i can never get them to to crimp uh the cursed do okay so how i do it it's just straight up dupont connectors nothing fancy but what i do is since you need to plug in the second and third not the first two you don't want to send you know five volt and five volts um what i do is i use a uh i use a three pin connector and i leave the first one empty so empty 5 volt and ground find my dang pliers now that way when i plug it in it's good so that way i don't accidentally shift it up on accident bye oh wait i got a mobile kill hey so this way i don't accidentally because if you only have two pins you can actually you know just plug in the first two and then you have five volt and five volt right you need five volt ground so by leaving the first one blank you have five volt where there's nothing hooked up to it and then five volt and then ground that's that so at this point um i should be able to power it on and at least make sure we got no sparks so so everyone overhead cam got a drink grab another drink here we go got no sparks um i can't see if the probe is working so let me that is live so let me turn it off okay that's off unplug it flip it up see what i'm going to do here in a second side again now obviously we're not going to get fan spin or anything because nothing's working but i don't know if there's an led in there i don't know but it's on i know it might be blocked actually i think it's blocked but yeah so it's on there we go hey power no drinking during wiring that was the old days so we still got to wire the bed up but it's like 11 30 and i'll do that off stream it's literally just plugging it in and it's nothing nothing fancy so what i am going to do though is do a bit of cable management back here and then we shall call it there over here let's do some cable management so this is probably easier to do no i gotta finish so let's see zip ties i need all the zip ties i'm going to need to acquire more zip ties you're going to come across here i need ah dang it i don't have any of those sticky things that's oh wait no no no i don't shoot that's what i thought i need that's what i need more yeah i don't think i have any uh dang it yeah i don't i used to have these little stick on um sticky pads i don't think i have any i don't think i have any oh well no biggie no biggie no biggie so let's see how much of this wire do i need to do try that full mains power i i i know i shouldn't but it i was holding around the plastic bits and i wasn't moving it or anything so i've done electrician electrician courses and whatnot and skill trades so you're not supposed to but i'm aware of the implications a little bit extra so that's there and what i'm going to do is just wrap that up to hide it uh would you ever consider leaving windows for linux no anyone who calls it wind blows um automatically like loses any interest in me considering linux like at least have a proper argument instead of who win blows it's like grade school stuff why would i leave windows it's a operating system that's used by pretty much universally worked on by around the world and all my software works with it so not that gonna work that ain't gonna work trying to uh hide some wire here more zip ties well i know the raspberry pi is linux but i'm not going to like run a raspberry pi running whatever variant of linux with clipper on top as my main computer okay we'll leave that there for now i'm actually really happy how this wiring turned out i'll once i get those little zip uh or stick on zip tie holders i'll go through and redo some of this at the moment there we go i'll use the raspberry pi to hide it that ain't bad that ain't bad yeah so i think we're gonna call it there guys we've got the uh back compartment all wired up a little bit people harp on this like cable wrap stuff but it is great for just quickly managing wires after everything's been put together so just like you know take it put a put a few wraps around some wires just to bundle them up quickly it's great for cable management it's cheap and you can do it after everything's kind of together so you don't have to worry about uh having to undo stuff to wire it up there we go i will actually do is put a zip tie through there lever leather clever there we go i can live with that there we go it's wired up well mostly so i still got to do the bottom compartment stuff i still got a cable manage a bit more once i get the proper ties in um i just need to borrow some more from work and yeah there we go so that is the last wiring stream i'm gonna finish wiring up the bed um the bed's easy to wire up you just basically hook up to the ssr and the power supply so we are good there it's all wired up next week we will be doing a clipper stream so i'll get a clipper installed on the raspberry pi i'll do the installation before stream um do you guys want me to do the installing fluid during a stream like do you guys need me to do that on stream or can i just go right to the config stuff the bottom the bottom's not managed i still need to do the managing i'll show off the final wiring at the start of the stream next week yes do it yes install stream okay i'll install on stream i'll get it installed on the sd card first obviously get it all set up um just like the bl touch um they're just not reliable um i have a legit one i had reliability issues with it i ditched it so yeah so we'll install clipper next stream we'll go through we'll get the config going and hopefully get some movement out of this guy so everyone who enjoyed the stream tonight who watched the stream you guys are awesome if you have not yet because you are subscribed to the channel ring the bell like the smash button other youtuber stuff just watch any other you watch a pewdiepie outro and just whatever he says do um yeah anyone who donated you guys are all awesome anyone who just watches stream you're awesome as well thank you for supporting the content i create the things i do i want to help support those things i have a patreon instead of becoming a youtube member thank you buy me a um i don't know just be here it's awesome have a good time uh to zenbender congratulations on winning that lgx i hope to do more giveaways in the future those are always fun and i do want to give a big shout out to thangs our sponsor for the stream for the show tonight uh they are always awesome take the time create an account on things upload some things download some things share some things pull on things they are awesome check out chaos cortex awesome models print them share them post some pictures of some you've printed on thanks and yeah so ketchup don't forget i'm not making french toast tomorrow tomorrow is pancakes i'm doing pancakes tomorrow so i don't need to take bread out of the freezer um i'm doing chocolate chip pancakes and bacon yeah and hash browns so it's saturday night enjoy the rest of your weekend guys be safe out there wash your hands have a nice day peace and my contributions from viewers like you thank you so you
Channel: Nero3D the Canuck Creator
Views: 16,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voron, voron design, v2, v2.4, v2.1, v24, v2.2, v2.0, vzero, v0, v1, serial, request, cereal, overview, intro, 3d, printer, 3d printer, corexy, core, xy, abs, enclosed, V1.8, voron 1.8, toasty boi, toasty, boi, build, livestream, 1.8, 3d printing, printing, hot, high temp, higher temp, enclosure, skr2, skr, skr 2, bigtreetech, btt, wiring, electrical, ssr, rpi, uhp, lr, lrs, wiring up, electronics wiring, klipper, magnum+, slice, slice magnum+, magnum plus, plus, magnum, slice engineering, fault, problem
Id: dlPeVqhKLNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 0sec (13320 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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