Strangers Rank Themselves By Attractiveness | Personality vs Looks

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- How would we rate ourselves? - I'm gonna give myself a solid six. - [Announcer] If you had to rank yourself against others based on a specific trait, what would it say about how you see them and how they see you? We brought together six people, blindfolded them and had them rank each other based on how attractive they thought they were. Then they took the blindfolds off to rearrange each other. This is Ranking. - I am like 5'10", 5'11". I'm blonde. I'm white. I have freckles. - I'm 5'6". I have, like, shoulder length hair, like, like dark brown, black. - I am brown. I have curly hair. It's black. It's short. It's kind of in a Mohawk. I have a lot of tattoos. I have a sleeve. I have a neck tattoo. I have tattoos on my face. I have tattoos on the side of my head of two scorpions. I have brown eyes, 5'6" - I'm like 5'10", something like that. Brown hair, it's, it's pretty short right now but when it grows out a bit, it gets all curly and and nuts. Got a little bit of facial hair. Got a nice little stash going. I got just about everything. Everybody else got, got some ears, eyes, nose. I, I, I don't really know. - I am brown skin. I have black hair, 5'3" and a half. The half is important. Um. I'm like 115 pounds. - I'm 5'7". I have naturally blonde hair, but I dye my hair, like kind of platinum like silver, gray. My question for everyone is do you feel attractive? Are you confident in yourself? - I feel like my, the way that I express myself isn't conventional. So it took a lot of hard work, so I'm pretty proud of what I have going. - Me as well. I think I'm, I think I'm pretty cute. So. - I've gotten a lot confident definitely in the last, like, three years. And I feel like because of that I just feel more attractive. - I guess I feel pretty cute. You know, it took me a while to get to this place, but, hey, I feel good now. - I would like to know what everyone would want to change about themselves? - I mentioned earlier that I wanted to get top surgery. That would just be because I get gender dysphoria and identifying as nonbinary it would just help me feel more in alignment with myself. - I guess for me, my goal this year is to just kind of like, I guess, put on more muscle. - I think for me it'd be my nose. Just, 'cause it's pretty flat. And every time I wanna have, like, new glasses on it's always a struggle because I have to like push it up. - I would also probably say get a nose job but my twin would be so upset if I did. So I won't. - Oh, you have a twin? - Yeah, we're identical. She would be devastated if I did, but I've thought about it many times. - For me. I kind of want to put on a couple pounds. - My hair when it grows out, I just can't manage it. I can't do anything about it. And tried so many products, all kinds of haircuts doesn't really do anything. So I always gotta cut it super short every now and then. - How we rate ourselves. - I mean, I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so I don't, I don't know. I can't really say. - I'll be safe. I'll say eight. - I give myself a solid nine, just because there are more improvements to come. - I'm gonna give myself a solid six. I'll take a six. That's good. - I sure it'll be higher than that. (audience aw www) - Yeah. I hope so. (upbeat music) - You all wanna just like say a number that you think you'd wanna place yourself. I know it's a really hard question. - Well, you sound very confident. So I would place you higher. The most attractive quality a person can hold for me is confidence. - Mm. - Yeah. I agree with that. So, Zyi, do you wanna move like this way maybe? - Then? - Where are you? Are you right? - I'm all the way on the end. - I agree with that. Yeah. - Yeah. - Whoever's on like, my right. I feel like that person seems to be the most attractive to me. Just because that person seems, like, really confident and, like, positive and I'm really, like, I like being friends with people like that. So. - This one, over here? - Yes. - Oh, I mean, you can't. - My right. Wait, I can't see. - You can't see. - I don't know. - I was pointing at the person to my right. - Oh. Yeah, your right. - Okay. - The twin. Yes. - Oh my God. Thank you. Okay. Is someone gonna move me or do I walk myself? - Where would you like to move to guys? - Two. - I agree with that. Does everyone else agree? (upbeat music) - Is anyone, think that they shouldn't be where they are at the moment? - I feel pretty solid where I'm standing. - Kyra, do you feel like, you comfortable in, in your spot? - Yeah. You should be higher also. - Yeah. You said that earlier. You didn't wanna sign a number to yourself. I feel like because you're so confident. So you should move up a little. - Okay. Um, where would you guys put me? - Three or four. I kind of think Zyi should be one. If you wanna switch with Kelly. - Okay. All right. - Okay. So now it's Zyi one, Ali two, Kelly three. - Lauren four. - Conrad five. - Kyra six. - We were talking about Kyra. I don't know why. - Yeah. So where, like three or four? - Three? I feel like? - Oh, sorry. - How does everyone feel now? - Yeah, I feel pretty happy about this. - All right. - It's so bright in here. - Oh, it's bright. - I took my mask off and my makeup was running down my face from the mask. And that was horrible because now everyone's gonna see it. - Hi, Nice to meet you. - You too. - Nice to see you all. - I was surprised about how everyone looked not a single person matched what I thought in my head. - Kelly, you sounded like you were way taller for some reason. Like. - You sounded taller. - Yeah, I, I. - I thought your voice was like bearing down on me. - Yeah, I thought your voice was like way up here. I was like, Jesus Christ. - Honestly, Conrad. That's how I pictured you. - That makes sense. - Does anyone feel like they should be higher? We could start with that. Should anyone be lower? - I feel like everyone doesn't wanna hurt each other's feelings. - I feel like we're all a team now. - But we're here for this. We signed up for it. I won't be offended. - I guess like I'm attracted to men. So I guess if my line was going this way, it'd be right. - Do you wanna move Conrad up? Voice your opinion. - I mean, yeah. I'd move Conrad up. - Just move. - He's a good looking guy. - Thank you. - You're welcome. - Do you wanna switch? - Yeah, sure. Okay. I, I'll, I'll move up. I'll move up for now. But we're all this, this the discussion is still on the table. - Yeah. I dunno. It's just a really uncomfortable feeling to say. I think I should be higher in this line than you because I think I'm more attractive than you. - Move Kyra up. - Would you wanna move up? - Yeah. I mean I can move up. - Do you wanna switch? Okay. Cool. - Back to like the original. I do feel like Conrad and Lauren should switch But I know we've switched you back. So, that was just my opinion. I'm not saying we should switch you back. - Whatever works for anybody here. - I don't mind that. - Yeah. - Yeah. No. - Why not switch on back. - For the game! - [Announcer] Do you guys feel good about where everyone is? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Anyone have any qualms? - No. - No. Okay. - Look, y'all, I, being nonbinary. I am beyond my body. So to be perceived as a woman in like those conventional forms of like femininity and stuff like that is like, already a thing. So, like, to assess who's the most attractive or what, it's so uncomfortable because I, I don't know. Everybody has unique elements to themselves. People can be beautiful, gorgeous on the outside and be so ugly on the inside. So I'm like, nah, I need the whole picture, y'all. - I think that's why she's number one. I mean, they're number one. Sorry. I'm sorry. - No, it's good. It's good. - [Announcer] Anyone else felt uncomfortable or. - I think we all felt pretty uncomfortable. It's not every day you get blindfolded and put into a room with other people in blindfolds. - I know, I was like, are we actually filming a video? Are we like being Punk'd? That was the most uncomfortable part for me. - I also feel like we all like kind of conjured our own images of each other in our head. So then having to like completely rethink that when we like took off our blindfolds, it was a little disorienting for me, I guess. Beauty is from within. And definitely confidence is the best accessory that you can have to any outfit that you're wearing or feeling good in who you are. And attractiveness comes as a result of that. - Just how many versions of myself I've had, I've had to shed to like get to this version. I'm pretty proud of it. And it was super reaffirming that they even put me there. - [Announcer] And Ali could we get you back in the line with everyone? - I, I'm so confused. I feel like I'm not moving. Okay. Thanks. This is good. 'Cause I have a question that I'll ask next, so. How did I. What? Oh my God, guys.
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 747,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, ranking, jubilee ranking, attractiveness, ranking by attractiveness
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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