'Stranger Things' Cast Tells All | LIVE with SiriusXM's EW Radio

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and Sadie and I were out trick-or-treating and I saw and I was in a mask right yeah and I was at a house and this is where not a we're neighborhood in this neighborhood I'd never been in and then I saw an 11:00 outfit now I'm like little do they know [Laughter] so yeah it was kind of cool yeah well man though yeah it was a grown man I know your legs there are lots of grown men 11s have you noticed that have you seen that million they're a lot of yes yeah Elijah Wood was 11 did you see a grown man yeah he's a wee man he's small but yeah we'd fit how about other did you see a lot of penny wises yeah yeah and I saw what she's like if I go on the instagram tagged it's mostly like girls as Richie or mica yeah different genders going as different characters I love it yeah it's the best so so how does this feel now that the show is out and you could talk about it are you guys like so relieved this is feel just like a huge weight off your chest we've gotten so many questions before the show came out oh my goodness we can't answer any of them yeah we just couldn't answer them yeah now that we can they don't actually have to ask us those questions anymore if they no no yeah was it I still do yeah anything about season 2 and we're like it's yeah yeah Sadie this is your first experience with this what's this bin like this sort of this you know per mean this has been like the roll up for this has been huge what's this experience been like so far it's crazy I mean just filming was so much fun and then like of course no it's out yes a whole different kind of fun yeah it's yeah it's crazy I'm not really used to this kind of stuff but it's fun I like it you're not used to like Wednesday so going back to season 2 how much of the duffer's tell you guys in advance like did you know things like did you know that about the Polliwog did you know about your sister - versus everyone's bubble yeah well I mean we didn't we didn't really we were like is there gonna be a season - and near the end we're just like yeah there's gonna be happily probably and then it got you know the episode I I don't know if you guys remember there was like a teaser with like the episode name yeah that actually ended up changing that instead of changing and I also I mean I think season 2 is definitely like everything we wanted it to be are you okay Chihuahua I think yeah I think everything you know fulfilled our expectations for sure and I think though I think the good thing about the show is that we completely trust that our four brothers on with our characters and the plots you know story and I feel like they handled it and when we read the scripts we were all really pleased and with where our characters were going I definitely was not expecting eleven to go and find her sister yeah I knew that she was when we was finishing season one there was like we definitely want to pay you with David yeah that was kind of already established and then Shawn Levy like midsummer was like I hope we want you to go find your mama and then like Episode seven of script sounds like a sister like what does a sister come in yeah but it was definitely really really it was it was also mostly like small things that they kind of kept secret like oh yeah I know I got all her but there was there is one thing that I remember that was like the only like secret that we couldn't tell Gaytan but he was like super small thing everyone it's it's so spoilers it's it's not like a big spoiler but like there's that dance again it hasn't even seen in season two Dustin dances with Nancy yes and from the beginning we were all like this is amazing this is the best thing ever I know it's like when they're like we have a secret we're not going to tell you it's not that big but everyone knows that's gotta be huge yeah to my character everyone knows except you and I figured out of my already knew that I already know who's gonna happen there homie like in the very beginning of shooting like something's gonna happen I was highly disappointed listen I love I love Lucas and and max for sure but Dustin a Max and with Dustin Nancy was like the cutest thing and I loved watching that so I like I like everybody storyline and the relationship I'm a mucus man I'm not saying cuz that sounds weird me saying that I just like the name mucus is this yeah yeah or lacs wait so do we think does Dustin worse unappealing I know yeah does Dustin have the hots for Nancy do you think though like he's looking at her at the end she's always kind of had a crush on it sometimes like I mean like you kind of see in the very beginning we've given this slice of pizza I don't think you can kind of see that yeah I think it was less about him like always wanted to dance with Nancy and just like rather than kind of like being accepted you know and I feel like her saying like you've always been like my favorite yeah it's gonna be okay I think that really meant a lot to Dustin cuz he needed a break like really yeah like yeah the worse here [Laughter] [Laughter] we talked about joining this group so how did you get this role did you is this I mean this must be everyone must at this point want to be on stranger things I'm sure I went through once again straight didn't like we all you know it's like everyone went to father's show I got the breakdown I think I was that like a Giants game and I got the breakdown for the role and it was just after I had finished Benji and season 1 oh nice so yeah the the breakdown was very like it was just like skateboarder tomboy yeah so I just kind of didn't know much and I still don't didn't know anything I'm like when we were filming into like the six episode I didn't really know what exactly was going on with her family yeah so did you two learn how to skateboard or can use skateboard yeah I had to learn how to skateboard so it's not like a skateboard trainer like who yes there were two I had one that was training me while I was in New Jersey before I left to Atlanta to start filming and then I had one I would do like five hours or three hours of school and then like three hours of skateboarding Wow yeah seven hours of skateboard skateboard yeah Wow long because I'd be like come on let's go for a sleepover no I'm just getting funky moment let me just do one more trick they have me in like helmet yeah I know did you ever get any injuries did you like because I am the worst guy cannot skateboard to save my life I am I fall I'll follow this chair pretty soon so did you get hurt doing that yeah I think like the first lesson I was skating up a hill and then I just I completely wiped out no yeah it wasn't it was like a slight and then I just was like I went back to my house and I just like it's so frustrating yeah this is gonna be a long process yeah but then like come like two or three lessons later it was fine I mean you fall it's part of it yeah that's why I've got helmets Millie do you train do you practice 11 hand movement in the mirror like you have to practice like you practice the leg does it go I guess are you're just like her just like I just like cuz I always wonder that I like if like Michael Fassbender's like you know looking in the mirror like going like this do you do that I didn't know if there was like an 11 choreographer that was like I need you to like this more mordrem or drama with that like you know okay almost like talk to the hand talk to the hand hopper it's exactly what I know I mean I think 11 is a teenager she's Sophie she's just a brat to be with you and I feel like she's that good no sort of like anger or like frankly no Bradish okay I like it to be no I think you stop it yes she's nice trophy yeah and and I think that you know those hand move it's kind of showed that she's just like growing up if she's a teenager at all you know she's just like really doesn't carry yeah and it was she shows that towards hopper yeah did it feel almost like you're in a different show because you were separated from these guys for so long did it feel it was a weird to sort of be you like five hours of school them a day start filming oh we have a film but it feels like we yeah I mean we all do school together in one big trailer I mean we don't all because that was my right now but you school together and and we drive each other nuts yeah that's already like factual information right so like you know we we we don't work together and the only scene I had with Sadie was when we uh when I slept her off to her skateboard and when I was like hi I'm max yeah dead eyes I want to do with Bowser Marge's Howcast yeah or something but the death was like no no exactly season 2 season 3 yeah exactly exactly who would win wait so did you I was like you can't use your powers in a fight with him right did you guys know those video games that you had to play in the arcade like have you ever played Dragon's Lair you know any of the games and there most of them are actually functional yeah wow that's incredible I might the Galaga score though where did the growl come from me okay okay but that's just something that I would do I'm sad you're like five times a day and it last year last year like gain always has a thing he does yeah so like last year game was always like he always used to sing oh my god like oh my god right and then this season he just [Music] filming it and then he's like my pearls that he didn't really he no this is actually what happened he done it he's done it so much you want to use it so much do it he's like okay I was like and he's like musically inclined have you mentioned I would do the musical like arrangements and like do that and know of you like in the Triangle be a good season three you have a band there could be like a Hawkins band no no no one would be sitting here yeah yeah I loved your sister on the show she is so funny who is that girl is she is she like a personal actress sort of she how they find her local actors yes she's from Milano okay she was funny very funny yeah yeah she's she's like yeah is so funny you know who is also funny we at the premiere I gotta I gotta I gotta expose whoever is watching Danny if you're watching this there's a part in episode 2 where hopper gets scared by this like cap gun going off and this is a little cute kid for your answer name Danny and he got the biggest laugh he got he got the biggest laugh in the whole theater the whole episode is necessary to drop the fake Wow I think it's so funny because it was delivery because he turns around he's like you dead and he goes back and he's like hey you got any candy and he's like no way do not listen to what you're saying like we will get to target after and get you bobbies apparently that was like him like the u.s. stuff like that was just like yeah he just played it himself so Danny is like the best new actor of his generation excellent excellent you're listening to eat up use Town Hall with the cast of stranger things I'm Tim stack Finn I this is kind of off topic but I recently learned to be a Twitter that you drank from of the day can you please defend yourself I'm actually I'm not even joking as a French news article actually said that I drank from a bidet let me alright let's go make news what's this big news so I started with it with a tweet that said your France why is your water fountains located in the toilet and why does it taste so weird and then said hashtag the wonders of Europe I said update someone said it's called a bidet I'll update you guys in the next hour and then I posted a screenshot of a Wikipedia social media do not never believe okay to get a bidet go for it social media I grew yeah because he just takes you down speaking of things that you might find in your in a bidet or your toilet dart let's about dogs what was that like so what were you I guess you were looking at nothing like was that weird to have a scene partner or silver marbles so we all work with start and the hardest part some of the hardest scenes that I had to do was when I worked with a little sushi dirt and what was that his first little form right I got him when he's in the trash can yeah and the mold that they use for our eye line looks like sushi yeah it's a cropper but the hardest part was me talking to him through the terrarium through yeah yeah there because I'm by myself there and I'm talking to a silver ball it's a mirror in a ball shape and I could not have done though it scenes without shawn levy yeah cuz he's the one who actually impersonated d'Artagnan no they actually made a noise for him and like he would tell me where he was going it's like okay it's going in the cave he's coming out okay turn off the light give him the candy bar and then I would say my lines and stuff that's you see what happens but no Shawn Levy goes he would make the noises he'd be like cave up or dark if he does no cage in the cave I'm like oh gosh cave yeah there's no emotion there so it was really good for sick Oh little puppy whimpering sounds nougat as the demo dogs get bigger is someone playing the demo or is it nothing there it's like like you're an actor okay the only the closest we got to anyone playing the demo dog was a guy standing there with a stick and the dart head on the end of it and he would rotate the head so it look like he's interacting with me to see one of the righteous yes yeah yeah I was just gonna say I'm one of the writers ended up playing so so didn't have anyone to sort of because because spoiler or everyone cover yours if you haven't seen episode 9 hours so Bob when Bob dies there's a that scene where [Applause] so when it's when the Democrat can sort of reach it alert is on to him and sort of does the whole thing didn't have anyone to like for him to play I don't know one and so weren't there writer one of the writers I think her name is Katie she who wrote episodes you know and she's great but they're just like hey do you want to like want to kill Sean Astin so she did all the movements she did she was covered in blood by the end of it Wow and she did all like all the moments where the demagogue ins doing this with the hand like that's all her they just matched it up with her um which is amazing that's awesome but their mother thank you for the information X is one strand of had please yeah go good let's talk about Sean asked him what was it like working with him yes he's obviously I mean he you know he he was in the goodies which is obviously inspiration for so much of strangers what was that talk about working with him you know when you're filming it's like oh wow he's here but then like now is like oh my gosh I was working with yeah so yeah it's you know it's it's a great experience um and then that he was a part of it that's how you know the show is huge because someone like him joins the show and is very happy to do it yeah I think in my opinion if there's anyone as a child actor if there's anyone to look up to you in a song because yeah keep his career up he's been a good person he is a good person he's such a great guy he's he's been successful he's he's never really had a no never really had a locally everyone he's been had a consistent career and he's just a great guy in general and he's he's so humble oh my gosh and boy his whole family when he died he would always give us advice and like biggest thing was just to stay in school yeah his and his daughter really really small kiss his daughter goes to Harvard and oh wow yeah Wow so are you sure yet it sounds like you're sure about yes like your daughter dad you see those two hard let's look to about Andrew Stanton who directed Wally he's a great Pixar director he directed five and six what was it like working with him yeah I mean oh yes sorry I was like is the best Pixar yeah himself so much yeah one of the hardest things for me was in Episode five and six when I'm with well six I'm not ends at five for sure yeah I was with my mama right right those were really hard scenes to play because not only has a lovin this is like we'll have fast fam this is a mother like this is not a joke and she's brain dead which makes it everything else really more depressing but working with Amy she was so amazing and he would just be like he wouldn't he would kind of look at us and like she would never directly tell me what to do he would like look at me and be like and I'd be like okay good like he was always just really like he's just animated you know because it was because that's what he does so but he was so sweet and I feel like it was definitely hard I'm not gonna lie to transition from each director for me anyway because I mean you wanted you want to sustain a leather you know you want to sustain your character so because each director Warner not change it but definitely do what they want to do and you're like eleven one do that or I could do that so I'm starting off with the Duff brothers who just know eleven and surely we you know and then I go from Andrew Stanton to Rebecca Thomas and I'm like wait guys like this is like and then they're just so new to it yeah so I think it's very exciting and but definitely difficult to do that yeah we're gonna go to audience question yeah [Music] nothing to go to Phil Phil you hear Phil Oh Phil Phil give a question for the cast filming stops for the season I go home that's like the worst way to wind down filming like for a day like Don filming the season Netflix you never know with our schedule like we could plan something with our friends like in a week and then you never know we might have to go travel somewhere to like comic-con or just like press so I never know what I'm gonna do wait don't judge me I don't know no reactions okay oh I love giving with a garnish oh yes please well talk about Adwords Eddie what do you do what do you how do you relax take finals all right I think we have another question critics team massages oh my god just a girl trip yeah oh my gosh your body just like like just it was like unlimited amazing massages and then Christina you have a question do any of you get in trouble at home because of the language you use during filming no like before like before we even audition like it was like announced like you're gonna have to curse if I got grounded for cursing on the show you are probably the most prefer using language but yes from the show no they're totally cool yeah because it's our job because apparently that's not how I talk and Millie you got your first sort sort of I don't know it's a curse word I think it's like yeah I think it's like a it's it's a term express that stuff like that I know they just emphasize on things so I love it just had to say certain and she's learnt it from from dotty yeah I think it's really funny I think that and then like in the car with hopper when she says yeah man maybe season three will do the f-word oh well there was originally going to be an f-bomb but we didn't because there's there's I don't think that's a boiler yeah no it's not allowed we have no sir what's her rating is it tv-ma tv-14 it's for TV shows it's like you know for movies it's PG pg-13 are and for our it's like the equivalent of pg-13 so yeah so ours is a TV 14 and I know my 40 so so we can be the number 13 thing that bumps it up to a TV MA which is TV mature is either an f-bomb or the use of drugs interest um and one Nona was originally gonna say what she said we're get get the hell out of my son but he was originally get the know you have to bump up your rating then to TV MA and Wow let me don't want to do them yeah so yeah but there was originally I don't know maybe in the future it'll be TV MA yes let me get older yeah maybe and then we have a question from Robert in the audience so yes which character on the show which cast member most closely resembles their character on the show before we like go into this first season it was gained by like second season games he's older he's matured Dustin's dumb like smart but street smart yeah yeah gain straight face books games book smart street smart and take out his what was what do you both my yeah to fight against yeah fight against something in the trash yeah say that now no but there's that part where it is that was kind of improv where were like is that a bird nesting in there and he goes he goes no it's not a bird nests yeah everyone's really hard in this ass for sure like that was like that's totally get in laughs or like Dustin has matured through the season because of what he went through with dart and already the most similar I would say they see all of us like some real-life like just really like and then max is really like you can't lift you can't let fans either right no well you can't do this I mean that okay reveal and then Olivia we have a question for Olivia who's hi yeah take that microphone did you see where um Polliwog eats your cat at you I have a cat and so I had a little bit of the feels but that was a very hard scene to film and I remember that because so hard the hardest thing to do as an actor is to act scared for your life and that's what Dustin was at that moment his cat's dead first of all that's not good also this creature he knows now it's a demagogue so many things he's realizing all at once and that's so hard to emot-- on-screen so his cat just died he realizes what this thing is it got bigger he's gonna die me most likely and those four things altogether if trying to express that is so hard so I just thought I'm just gonna picture my cat there and hopefully it'll get me a little more worked up yeah I don't know when you read that scene for the first time we're freaking I mean I can make my feet yeah we know we all we were all like high-fiving they're all like laughing so hard like Joe is freaking like everyone was freaking out I was in Charlie Charlie was he was really goes he goes this thing is a baby to me working everyone's like oh that was not a sad scene is the best thing ever I was kind of sad because I'm like wow the cat is dead are you kidding me and then the door when you can I love that we don't choose the kitten gating we to Twitter question though about where's her turtle do you think the turtle and they saw him on huh he probably got eaten - oh my god when you find remains like no shell in all just girls dead so I don't know if that's confirmed or not but I don't think they're gonna go into like a whole subplot about my turtle you're like oh we're happen to your ttle yeah more than my cat cuz I'm just like okay you're like how does like by your little sorry buddy and we've a question from Madeline Oh Madeline isn't for Madeline oh boy yeah Madeline are you guys team Steve or team Jonathan's Steve brutal okay uh I have like mixed feelings about the whole thing because I really I do think that Jonathan and Nancy really deserve each other because they're yeah and Jonathan's so self-aware and um they explain that yeah thanks women yeah I know and and I think like they really do deserve each other just because of how much they've gone through together and I think Joe yeah sure yeah share trauma yeah I don't think Steve really gets Nancy yeah he loves her though we just said yeah it's said that he doesn't get the girl but he also he ends the season sort of like more positive they add a positive note because he knows like he's slowly figuring out what he wants to do this he's happy which is always good yeah and there's no hard feelings I don't think yeah he's like older brother Steve now yeah poppy he's like he's like an older brother slash hairdresser for like a stylist can they hear us yeah I think so oh it looks fun to be an understand body language really well your W town hall of the castle stranger things I'm Tim stack what was the hardest sequence to film for you guys was it like in the tunnels was it the junkyard scene tunnels because it was super high okay and then at first yeah yeah it was crazy and then what happened was that we had dandelion like sub C's flying around oh is that so to be like horrible yeah so what happened was them so for the ever since the first season and then they stopped using them because they both had allergic reactions but basically what happened was it was this really hot set environment by the way the tunnels are hardly siege like you know obviously the CG like makes it yes CG makes it better but like that was a full set we got bone chamber like all of that well we're like intricately built like we could travel screen no no Boyd practical and like the hole that we get in like that's all real and but these Daniel and seeds were like flying around and getting in our nose and literally we'd like come out and blow our nose and like buzz would come out yeah damn beam that I have when it puffs a bunch of stuff may use the dandelion seeds and so then that that steam is a lot different than what it was intended to be like when it comes to like how I did it but I remember if you see me run towards them and I fell that was a natural fall yeah oh no my you can see my leg you don't seem all you see my leg oh yeah under me on the bone yeah until then I just go down it was perfect and hurt but what happened what happened so Caleb got like was totally plugged up I couldn't really talk but like I was like stuffy the hope you see I have season I like every day like so what happened what happened I was like I said I was like um oh my back super itchy yeah then I took a CD and CD and Caleb and gate and went oh no what's wrong and I said can you guys check if I have a rash and I take off my shirt his whole back his right back is just like oh yeah with bright red - I completely fire I'm like is it bad and they're like is pretty bad they stop using the spores has nothing it was us wasn't yes was it fun no to do this is much more I'd say not like stunts but you're you are running and stuff more there's more kind of actions that more fun this yeah so so yes definitely love the scene where Steve pulls us up and I'm like climbing up she was the first one to go up there so she did pretty good she has she was pretty strong I have no idea strength he was just like thank God I didn't I got terrible CDs beat me an arm wrestle many times oh really yes Wow Thank You Lane and now you're like an action hero so the duffer's were told me to they call the scene in the in the buyers house right before 11:00 shows up in episode 8 there's that shot where you go there everyone is sort of preparing for the Democrats there Avenger they told me they like your shot and they were saying that you I think I talked to you about this friend that you had no weapon and so I think like Ross gave you a candlestick but you guys like you got dragged on Twitter because I think I heard something up so oh yeah yeah so what happened was you know everyone had a weapon except for like Max and gating and sort of Matt Matt and up Matt and Dustin Max and Dustin and so I was sitting there like this and I was just like Ross like what am I gonna do if demagogues come to think I'm just gonna be like I mean I probably should have something right and you just like sure like pick something like whatever and like all I could see was just like this candlestick in this gold Mike why do I always get like this short end of the stick especially you had the dumbest um weapon when you were in it when you play griff at yeah what we hold up you gotta know not that not down there yeah the bottle yeah yeah you cracked it yeah it was funny because someone get the worst like the original plan was all of us in the lab we're gonna make our own weapons and that was like the original plan but yeah I'm doing it but we all kind of had those weapons at the end Elevens your weapon yeah she's the human weapon yeah yeah wait so Millie what do you let's talk about episode 7 because that's sort of the most different episode of this whole season what did you think about that for a into you know a different world going to Chicago that whole thing did you enjoy doing that yeah I thought it was brilliant yeah I think that 11 definitely did her in episode yeah because well I think I mean did you guys like it yes I was it was great I think episode 7 was you know 11 centric it was definitely you know really important for her to find her sister but 11 centric and I think that you know Linnea was amazing and and the gang members were great and I feel like it was just really important for 11:00 to find her sister and kind of okay so I feel always felt like 11:00 was just to you know I don't know troubled right so she's never actually happy and it really annoyed me because like I feel like the fans are just like oh my god here she is upside down again you know cooling Mike like did you call Mike Mike when you first see Levin it's the flashback yeah it's like 12 times you know she definitely does separate herself from you know Mike Mike focus on her family and so her sister was a great episode made her stronger and she could channel her anger I still feel like without episode 7-eleven wouldn't have levitated yeah yeah no character development I think you would have flu if you thought of Lucas yeah did you and did you like the makeover the makeover is pretty easy it was pretty cool yeah curly Shirley Temple house yeah I think it was a cool episode to have cuz we got to see my name is Carrie Carrie we got to see eight which is really cool and cuz I would have people coming from other other people like yeah Evan I'm like her name is 11a Brenner dr. Brenner what do you want to name these guys just like what sorry 11 go back to 8 so the final shot seems to imply that the the shadow monster the you know the mind flayer is still around yes they're down still there watch so what do you know what can you guys say have you talked to the duffer's about season 3 like they don't know much about like okay literally like they just opened up the writers room so just open up and we don't we haven't even gotten to go ahead from Netflix like officially like I'm like it's not even confirmed like they can start writing but that's just a just in case something goes wrong right I break my knife right here yeah don't say that oh gosh yeah life is great yeah what what would you like to see though would you guys like to say now that we you know it's obviously you guys were a couple you two are a couple you maybe are some Nancy's kisses are you know they're calm this is like what's this mean don't like delicious mucus making out what would you guys like to see what would you like to do for season I think doesn't she get a new hairdo I think 11 yes I think 11 needs to have a good relationship with max that's my ultimate goal to be honest with you I won't like that sub to be something yeah or like them to be really angry and mean to each other or like best friends late like Serena and Blair huh you can be like Serena and Blair on Gossip Girl with 11 and max I feel like they should like get along but like max should be like her mentor in a way of just like living living a girl oh you see that guy he's cute maybe like that she's like cute yeah also like protein like you should some protein maybe somebody do you want to talk yeah say do you what do you want to see what you want to see in season three okay you like that you got to see how like crazy I am like I'm just like you know always really like deep in thought and so like working together for the first time it's like really yeah I think it'd be cool because we all work so well with the guys who play the teenagers I think you're interesting to to sort of expand on that and maybe have us you know again with like Jo or again with Jonathan or with POIs you mean you mean hoist [Laughter] that will be my step-brother oh that's weird teenagers would be cool and sort of having that subplot maybe a little it'd be cool to have like yeah we're gonna be in high school oh my god that means fresh so that means Natalia and Nancy's character is gonna be in 12th grade they're gonna be seniors and Jonathan so that'd be cool they interact interact at the high school I think I love him would be like in third grade [Laughter] she's great she's great compromise means you guys thanks so much thank you thanks so much for being here everyone wants stranger things it's on is streaming right now on Netflix and yeah thanks again to the casting [Applause] you
Channel: SiriusXM
Views: 3,068,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stranger things, live, q&a, interview, ew radio, entertainment weekly, siriusxm, gaten matarazzo, stranger things cast, caleb mclaughlin, noah schnapp, finn wolfhard, stranger things season 2, millie bobby brown, joe keery, sadie sink, stranger things 2, joe keery stranger things, gaten matarazzo interview, stranger things cast interview, stranger things cast interview 2019, stranger things interview, stranger things live, stranger things interviews
Id: ujoztckSo0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 24sec (2784 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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