Finn Wolfhard Replies to More Fans on the Internet | Actually Me | GQ

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include this at the beginning of the video this is me doing like the classic YouTube like you know hey GQ I'm Finn wolfhard and today I'm gonna go undercover on the internet again it's actually me so Twitter is first Finn wolfhard which character would you like Mike to interact more in season five I really miss doing scenes with gate and Matarazzo plays Dustin like we had a lot of students together in season one he's like a old character actor he's like Alan older or something like that I feel like he's been 60 since he was like 12 years old so he's always really fun and funny to act with and I love him so I'd love to do more scenes with him the next season next I wonder if Finn wolfhard hates Mike wheeler as much as the rest of us for hurting will he's just such an idiot I don't understand he's very very Clueless yeah it was pretty heartbreaking actually to do that scene of just like how do you not understand that your friend is struggling through something yeah I don't know I don't use the word hate I always try to forgive the characters that I play so far so good I haven't been like publicly attacked yet for any of the roles that I've played which is good only you know only on the internet where you know it's it's very easy to get um called out I wonder which of the characters in The Finn wolfhard Cinematic Universe Finn wolfhard relates to most would that be called an FCU the FCU it sounds like a Wrestling Federation or something like that I try to at least relate to every character that I'm playing as much as I can the character that I've I feel like that I've been felt the most like was maybe like Richie from it because I just got to joke around with my friends for a whole summer and that's kind of what I like to do and just be really obnoxious generally so that was pretty that comes comes easy to me I guess if I had a nickel for every Time Finn wolfhard starred in music videos playing a younger version of a different band's lead singer I'd have three nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened to Thrice I like the use of Thrice so I thank you for that first yeah no it is really weird I the first role that I ever had was for a Vancouver local band called they're called facts and I played the young version of uh of the lead singer and then I was in two videos for this punk band from Toronto Club where I played the lead singer again twice so I guess I just like look like lead singers from bands or something like that I guess I was Typecast I'm surprised that I wasn't in more posted Instagram I can't believe season five will be the final season crying crying crying what's your favorite BTS stranger things memory I hope you all stay friends crossfingers Emoji two hearts spinning around and then pray hands yeah I hope we all stay friends too I don't think there's any way for us not uh to stay friends because we're kind of bonded forever I would say I can't really believe that it's the fifth season either by the time it comes out I will be 22 I think and I started working on the show at 12. that is insane and uh I'll be able to drink with Gayton and Caleb and Noah and the whole cast at the premiere of stranger things 5 which couldn't have said the same thing she's at the season one Premiere which blows my mind I mean Netflix is gonna want us to come back in 10 years anyways and do like stranger things the adult years or whatever so they want they want to milk it they wanna you know people wanna see it and I do too I want to milk it as well yo what Jesse Eisenberg movie I'm intrigued I was also intrigued as well and I was really happy to be a part of the film and I'm a big fan of Jessie's as a person and as a writer and so to be able to work with them and you know become friends with him has been incredible he's one of the best people I know yeah you know it was really fun to be able to also play music in the movie because I could kind of hide behind the guitar and feel a little more at home while I was playing the uh playing the role all right Reddit do you think Mike will die in season five I hope not or you know what I don't know depends when if it's like one of those things where it's like in the first episode cold open no last episode Mike saves everyone's life and it's like oh yeah Mike you know everyone's like cheering and shouting yes and you know I'd do that maybe no I don't think he will I mean maybe I should ask The Duffer brothers because I want to know if like I have a job next year Finn wolfhard as young Severus Snape thoughts this has 302 upvotes so I'll let the fans decide there's an interesting parallel though with my hair that's about it I think I'm probably the least Snape like person I'm not as deadpan but maybe I could I don't know we'll have to see you again we'll consult the fans replied career predictions for the stranger things cast I think gayton's gonna be like an unbelievable character actor I think that like he's gonna keep going and being on stage on Broadway I think Caleb will be incredible uh dramatic actor as he gets older and also a great businessman he'll probably open a bunch of I don't know restaurants raise a restaurant he'll be like a restaurateur or something like that David Harbor's gonna move to the woods and no one's gonna see him again he's gonna live in this like weird little Shack and there's a stranger things reunion we're all gonna say where's David and someone will say I haven't seen him in 40 years I think everyone will sort of have a nice next few years of their of their career yeah oh Cora we're getting deeper into the internet what are some stranger things fun facts there's a few another thing about getting Gayton was the first person to get the part he found out that he got the part of Dustin on the bus ride home from the audition I didn't find out till five months later so I was the last one cast Duffer Brothers there's that it was originally supposed to be set in Long Island and it got changed to the town of Hawkins which is a fictional Town not a lot of people like wanted the show like they pitched it to like so many people and no one said yes and Netflix was the only people that said yes there was a scene in season two where everyone is together again at the buyer's house Dustin's talking about something and Joe keery just says his line is just the Germans he was playing it so straight and Charlie Heaton it was like a one had to be a one take and every time he would say that like Charlie would crack up and it got to the point where like everyone got so like the Denver brothers and like David Harbor got so like mad at him that they just were like you know what Charlie's just not in the scene and we were like what they're like yeah Charlie I don't know like Charlie you gotta go outside you're laughing too hard like he's in the bathroom or something like that like Jonathan just throw it away so I think if you notice there's parts of the scene where like they're very obviously cutting around Charlie and he breaks easily the most out of anyone that I know I think on the show so that was really really funny how would you describe Finn wolfhard's personal style oh man I'd like to see the comments on this one simple vintage stuff I don't know if it's comfortable then I'll wear it but yeah I like wearing like movie t-shirts and band T-shirts and stuff like that but sometimes I'll wear the same pair of pants like for you know a month or whatever which is actually kind of disgusting nowadays I I respect people that just go for Simplicity Jesse Eisenberg he what I noticed yesterday is that he's worn the same jacket and the same Indiana University hat since 2020 I think before that as well he wears the same shirt every single day and the same jacket every in the same hat which I find uh great I respect him for it how do I get Finn wolfhard to notice me post something about him on the internet and he might do one of those going undercover on the internet they do on GQ that is unbelievably meta you know because it's an anonymous question I hope you're watching and you finally got your notice yeah that's sweet YouTube Market we should be the one that starts the blooper reel why is nobody talking about Finn's British accent and how good it was he's been hanging out with Charlie too much yeah I feel like I unfairly made fun of his accent a lot around him that's me making fun of Charlie but not like in a totally malicious way I try not to uh to do that but we go into a lot of bits on set to sort of keep us from not going insane specifically that day we were just in the desert in like 100 degree heat driving around with no air conditioning and so I mean you can see Noah with the handheld fan that like doesn't do anything yeah that's me trying to make a joke and if you can notice in the clip no one laughs that's just day to day on set hey GQ I'm Noah schnapp and I'm going undercover on the internet do you think Noah schnapp will be taller than Finn wolfhard by the end of season 4. Finn's tall I mean I hope so I I won I want to be tall I just want to be six feet tall so far I think he hasn't he's not there yet if he surpasses me then there's gonna be a fight I think on set whoever wins gets more screen time I mean even in season one I think they're like people are changing pretty rapidly another shout out to Gayton his voice changed halfway through filming I think it's episode probably four his voice is completely different if you go back you can really really tell that his this voice changed which is really funny I guess that's just the nature of like working with kids for uh extended period of time I may be the first to see him of everybody oh my God Finn wolfhard in Wednesday oh I saw this no that's not me I did not travel to Eastern Europe during covid to be in the background of a shot of Wednesday I feel like that would be kind of weird but it does kind of look like me I weirdly I feel like I have a lot of doppelgangers anyone with like dark hair and bigger eyes I feel like I could easily look like but no I was not in Wednesday I don't know why I said yet I probably won't be in Wednesday but you know cool oh Wikipedia let's see if they got anything right or wrong wolfhard also joined girono Toro stop motion animated musical film Pinocchio TV that was crazy um and I'm really proud to be a part of a film like that I auditioned for that and I just for that a long time ago and then I recorded in London once and then through the pandemic and yeah it took a long time I think they shot for a thousand days it was really cool to see it all come together and I was honored to work with guiller notoro and be a part of a film that has like that good of a cast was really amazing as well one of my favorite mediums for filmmaking in general is stop motion I grew up like watching you know all the Leica films obviously but also night before Christmas and my godmother is a an animator and she started her career in stop motion as well and so I grew up sort of watching those sort of movies um so I've always been a fan of them wolfhard made his directorial debut with the comedy short film night shifts yeah I wrote this short for my friends billion our tune and sort of wanted to write something for them because I thought they're really funny together it's about a convenience store robbery while we're shooting the sort of scene where our tune the character of our tune comes in and Rob's a convenience store right behind our tune a real guy came in to rob the convenience store and was pointing a fake gun at the register and everyone thought at the time that it was real and I didn't see anything I was just looking at my monitor but everyone was sort of Frozen and my friend artoon who had a fake gun as well like a prop gun turned around and panicked and then pointed his fake gun at the guy so they were just at a fake gun standoff and then the guy ended up just like walking away and everyone was like what just happened and and then we all just we looked at our tune and we were like why did you do that what if you had a real gun he's like I don't know I panicked I have no idea what I did so they had an imaginary standoff while we were filming a short film about a robbery okay that's it I'm signing off the internet forever [Music]
Channel: GQ
Views: 1,171,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: actually me, finn wolfhard, finn wolfhard 2023, finn wolfhard actually me, finn wolfhard fans, finn wolfhard funny, finn wolfhard gq, finn wolfhard instagram, finn wolfhard interview, finn wolfhard reddit, finn wolfhard replies, finn wolfhard stranger things, finn wolfhard twitter, gq, gq actually me, gq finn wolfhard, gq magazine, mike wheeler, stranger things, stranger things interview, stranger things season 5, undercover on the internet, wolfhard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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